2015-08-07 05:04:19 +08:00
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, Component};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::{self, metadata, File};
2015-08-13 16:00:44 +08:00
/// This is copied from the rust source code until Path_ Ext stabilizes.
/// You can use it, but be aware that it will be removed when those features go to rust stable
pub trait PathExt {
fn exists(&self) -> bool;
fn is_file(&self) -> bool;
fn is_dir(&self) -> bool;
impl PathExt for Path {
fn exists(&self) -> bool {
fn is_file(&self) -> bool {
metadata(self).map(|s| s.is_file()).unwrap_or(false)
fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
metadata(self).map(|s| s.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false)
2015-08-07 05:04:19 +08:00
/// Takes a path and returns a path containing just enough `../` to point to the root of the given path.
/// This is mostly interesting for a relative path to point back to the directory from where the
/// path starts.
/// ```ignore
/// let mut path = Path::new("some/relative/path");
/// println!("{}", path_to_root(&path));
/// ```
/// **Outputs**
/// ```text
/// "../../"
/// ```
/// **note:** it's not very fool-proof, if you find a situation where it doesn't return the correct
/// path. Consider [submitting a new issue](https://github.com/azerupi/mdBook/issues) or a
/// [pull-request](https://github.com/azerupi/mdBook/pulls) to improve it.
pub fn path_to_root(path: &Path) -> String {
debug!("[fn]: path_to_root");
// Remove filename and add "../" for every directory
.components().fold(String::new(), |mut s, c| {
match c {
Component::Normal(_) => s.push_str("../"),
_ => {
debug!("[*]: Other path component... {:?}", c);
/// This function checks for every component in a path if the directory exists,
/// if it does not it is created.
pub fn create_path(path: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: create_path");
// Create directories if they do not exist
let mut constructed_path = PathBuf::new();
for component in path.components() {
let mut dir;
match component {
Component::Normal(_) => { dir = PathBuf::from(component.as_os_str()); },
Component::RootDir => {
debug!("[*]: Root directory");
// This doesn't look very compatible with Windows...
_ => continue,
debug!("[*]: {:?}", constructed_path);
2015-08-13 16:46:56 +08:00
if !constructed_path.exists() || !constructed_path.is_dir() {
debug!("[*]: Directory created {:?}", constructed_path);
} else {
debug!("[*]: Directory exists {:?}", constructed_path);
2015-08-07 05:04:19 +08:00
2015-08-13 16:46:56 +08:00
2015-08-07 05:04:19 +08:00
debug!("[*]: Constructed path: {:?}", constructed_path);
/// This function creates a file and returns it. But before creating the file it checks every
/// directory in the path to see if it exists, and if it does not it will be created.
pub fn create_file(path: &Path) -> Result<File, Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: create_file");
// Construct path
if let Some(p) = path.parent() {
2015-08-13 16:46:56 +08:00
debug!("[*]: Create file: {:?}", path);
2015-08-07 05:04:19 +08:00
let f = try!(File::create(path));
2015-08-16 19:20:10 +08:00
/// Removes all the content of a directory but not the directory itself
pub fn remove_dir_content(dir: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
for item in try!(fs::read_dir(dir)) {
if let Ok(item) = item {
let item = item.path();
if item.is_dir() { try!(fs::remove_dir_all(item)); } else { try!(fs::remove_file(item)); }
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
/// **Untested!**
/// Copies all files of a directory to another one except the files with the extensions given in the
/// `ext_blacklist` array
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
pub fn copy_files_except_ext(from: &Path, to: &Path, recursive: bool, ext_blacklist: &[&str]) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
// Check that from and to are different
if from == to { return Ok(()) }
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
println!("[*] Loop");
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
for entry in try!(fs::read_dir(from)) {
let entry = try!(entry);
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
println!("[*] {:?}", entry.path());
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
let metadata = try!(entry.metadata());
// If the entry is a dir and the recursive option is enabled, call itself
if metadata.is_dir() && recursive {
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
if entry.path() == to.to_path_buf() { continue }
println!("[*] is dir");
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
} else if metadata.is_file() {
// Check if it is in the blacklist
if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() {
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
if ext_blacklist.contains(&ext.to_str().unwrap()) { continue }
println!("[*] creating path for file: {:?}", &to.join(entry.path().file_name().expect("a file should have a file name...")));
println!("[*] creating file: {:?}", &to.join(entry.path().file_name().expect("a file should have a file name...")));
2015-09-17 01:01:53 +08:00
try!(fs::copy(entry.path(), &to.join(entry.path().file_name().expect("a file should have a file name..."))));
2015-09-17 05:35:16 +08:00
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// tests
mod tests {
extern crate tempdir;
use super::copy_files_except_ext;
use super::PathExt;
use std::fs;
fn copy_files_except_ext_test() {
let tmp = match tempdir::TempDir::new("") {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => panic!("Could not create a temp dir"),
// Create a couple of files
if let Err(_) = fs::File::create(&tmp.path().join("file.txt")) { panic!("Could not create file.txt") }
if let Err(_) = fs::File::create(&tmp.path().join("file.md")) { panic!("Could not create file.md") }
if let Err(_) = fs::File::create(&tmp.path().join("file.png")) { panic!("Could not create file.png") }
if let Err(_) = fs::create_dir(&tmp.path().join("sub_dir")) { panic!("Could not create sub_dir") }
if let Err(_) = fs::File::create(&tmp.path().join("sub_dir/file.png")) { panic!("Could not create sub_dir/file.png") }
// Create output dir
if let Err(_) = fs::create_dir(&tmp.path().join("output")) { panic!("Could not create output") }
match copy_files_except_ext(&tmp.path(), &tmp.path().join("output"), true, &["md"]) {
Err(e) => panic!("Error while executing the function:\n{:?}", e),
Ok(_) => {},
// Check if the correct files where created
for entry in fs::read_dir(&tmp.path().join("output")).unwrap() {
println!("{:?}", entry.ok().unwrap().path())
if !(&tmp.path().join("output/file.txt")).exists() { panic!("output/file.txt should exist") }
if (&tmp.path().join("output/file.md")).exists() { panic!("output/file.md should not exist") }
if !(&tmp.path().join("output/file.png")).exists() { panic!("output/file.png should exist") }
if !(&tmp.path().join("output/sub_dir/file.png")).exists() { panic!("output/sub_dir/file.png should exist") }