autoannotated the opcodes
This commit is contained in:
@ -5662,7 +5662,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
OPbyte |= (CS_flags = init_CS_flags) & 0x0100;
Fd: for (; ; ) {
switch (OPbyte) {
case 0x66://Operand-size override prefix
case 0x66:// Operand-size override prefix
if (CS_flags == init_CS_flags)
Cd(Nb, OPbyte);
if (init_CS_flags & 0x0100)
@ -5672,7 +5672,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
OPbyte = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
OPbyte |= (CS_flags & 0x0100);
case 0x67://Address-size override prefix
case 0x67:// Address-size override prefix
if (CS_flags == init_CS_flags)
Cd(Nb, OPbyte);
if (init_CS_flags & 0x0080)
@ -5703,9 +5703,9 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
OPbyte = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
OPbyte |= (CS_flags & 0x0100);
case 0x26://ES ES segment override prefix
case 0x26://ES ES ES segment override prefix
case 0x2e://CS CS segment override prefix
case 0x36://SS SS segment override prefix
case 0x36://SS SS SS segment override prefix
case 0x3e://DS DS segment override prefix
if (CS_flags == init_CS_flags)
Cd(Nb, OPbyte);
@ -5713,8 +5713,8 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
OPbyte = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
OPbyte |= (CS_flags & 0x0100);
case 0x64://FS FS segment override prefix
case 0x65://GS GS segment override prefix
case 0x64://FS FS FS segment override prefix
case 0x65://GS GS GS segment override prefix
if (CS_flags == init_CS_flags)
Cd(Nb, OPbyte);
CS_flags = (CS_flags & ~0x000f) | ((OPbyte & 7) + 1);
@ -5748,7 +5748,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[OPbyte & 7] = x;
break Fd;
case 0x88://MOV r/m8 r8
case 0x88://MOV Gb Eb Move
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
x = (regs[register_1 & 3] >> ((register_1 & 4) << 1));
@ -5768,7 +5768,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x89://MOV r/m16/32 r16/32
case 0x89://MOV Gvqp Evqp Move
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
x = regs[(mem8 >> 3) & 7];
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -5879,7 +5879,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[0] = regs[register_1];
regs[register_1] = x;
break Fd;
case 0x86://XCHG r8 r/m8 Exchange Register/Memory with Register
case 0x86://XCHG Gb Exchange Register/Memory with Register
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -5893,7 +5893,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
set_either_two_bytes_of_reg_ABCD(register_1, x);
break Fd;
case 0x87://XCHG r16/32 r/m16/32 Exchange Register/Memory with Register
case 0x87://XCHG Gvqp Exchange Register/Memory with Register
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -5943,14 +5943,14 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
case 0xc5://LDS DS r16/32 m16:16/32 Load Far Pointer
break Fd;
case 0x00://ADD r/m8 r8 Add
case 0x08://OR r/m8 r8 Logical Inclusive OR
case 0x10://ADC r/m8 r8 Add with Carry
case 0x18://SBB r/m8 r8 Integer Subtraction with Borrow
case 0x20://AND r/m8 r8 Logical AND
case 0x28://SUB r/m8 r8 Subtract
case 0x30://XOR r/m8 r8 Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x38://CMP r/m8 r8 Compare Two Operands
case 0x00://ADD Gb Eb Add
case 0x08://OR Gb Eb Logical Inclusive OR
case 0x10://ADC Gb Eb Add with Carry
case 0x18://SBB Gb Eb Integer Subtraction with Borrow
case 0x20://AND Gb Eb Logical AND
case 0x28://SUB Gb Eb Subtract
case 0x30://XOR Gb Eb Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x38://CMP Eb Compare Two Operands
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
@ -5970,7 +5970,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x01://ADD r/m16/32 r16/32 Add
case 0x01://ADD Gvqp Evqp Add
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
y = regs[(mem8 >> 3) & 7];
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -5991,12 +5991,12 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x09://OR r/m16/32 r16/32 Logical Inclusive OR
case 0x11://ADC r/m16/32 r16/32 Add with Carry
case 0x19://SBB r/m16/32 r16/32 Integer Subtraction with Borrow
case 0x21://AND r/m16/32 r16/32 Logical AND
case 0x29://SUB r/m16/32 r16/32 Subtract
case 0x31://XOR r/m16/32 r16/32 Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x09://OR Gvqp Evqp Logical Inclusive OR
case 0x11://ADC Gvqp Evqp Add with Carry
case 0x19://SBB Gvqp Evqp Integer Subtraction with Borrow
case 0x21://AND Gvqp Evqp Logical AND
case 0x29://SUB Gvqp Evqp Subtract
case 0x31://XOR Gvqp Evqp Logical Exclusive OR
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
y = regs[(mem8 >> 3) & 7];
@ -6010,7 +6010,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x39://CMP r/m16/32 r16/32 Compare Two Operands
case 0x39://CMP Evqp Compare Two Operands
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
y = regs[(mem8 >> 3) & 7];
@ -6031,13 +6031,13 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x02://ADD r8 r/m8 Add
case 0x02://ADD Eb Gb Add
case 0x0a://OR r8 r/m8 Logical Inclusive OR
case 0x12://ADC r8 r/m8 Add with Carry
case 0x12://ADC Eb Gb Add with Carry
case 0x1a://SBB r8 r/m8 Integer Subtraction with Borrow
case 0x22://AND r8 r/m8 Logical AND
case 0x22://AND Eb Gb Logical AND
case 0x2a://SUB r8 r/m8 Subtract
case 0x32://XOR r8 r/m8 Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x32://XOR Eb Gb Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x3a://CMP r8 r/m8 Compare Two Operands
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
@ -6051,7 +6051,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
set_either_two_bytes_of_reg_ABCD(register_1, do_8bit_math(conditional_var, (regs[register_1 & 3] >> ((register_1 & 4) << 1)), y));
break Fd;
case 0x03:
case 0x03://ADD Evqp Gvqp Add
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -6067,11 +6067,11 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x0b:
case 0x13:
case 0x13://ADC Evqp Gvqp Add with Carry
case 0x1b:
case 0x23:
case 0x23://AND Evqp Gvqp Logical AND
case 0x2b:
case 0x33:
case 0x33://XOR Evqp Gvqp Logical Exclusive OR
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
@ -6099,19 +6099,19 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
_op = 8;
break Fd;
case 0x04:
case 0x04://ADD Ib AL Add
case 0x0c:
case 0x14:
case 0x14://ADC Ib AL Add with Carry
case 0x1c:
case 0x24:
case 0x24://AND Ib AL Logical AND
case 0x2c:
case 0x34:
case 0x34://XOR Ib AL Logical Exclusive OR
case 0x3c:
y = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
set_either_two_bytes_of_reg_ABCD(0, do_8bit_math(conditional_var, regs[0] & 0xff, y));
break Fd;
case 0x05:
case 0x05://ADD Ivds rAX Add
y = phys_mem8[mem_ptr] | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 1] << 8) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 2] << 16) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 3] << 24);
mem_ptr += 4;
@ -6123,9 +6123,9 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x0d:
case 0x15:
case 0x15://ADC Ivds rAX Add with Carry
case 0x1d:
case 0x25:
case 0x25://AND Ivds rAX Logical AND
case 0x2d:
y = phys_mem8[mem_ptr] | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 1] << 8) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 2] << 16) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 3] << 24);
@ -6134,7 +6134,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
conditional_var = OPbyte >> 3;
regs[0] = do_32bit_math(conditional_var, regs[0], y);
break Fd;
case 0x35:
case 0x35://XOR Ivds rAX Logical Exclusive OR
y = phys_mem8[mem_ptr] | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 1] << 8) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 2] << 16) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 3] << 24);
mem_ptr += 4;
@ -6155,8 +6155,8 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
_op = 8;
break Fd;
case 0x80:
case 0x82:
case 0x80://ADD Ib Eb Add
case 0x82://ADD Ib Eb Add
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -6176,7 +6176,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x81:
case 0x81://ADD Ivds Evqp Add
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if (conditional_var == 7) {
@ -6215,7 +6215,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x83:
case 0x83://ADD Ibs Evqp Add
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if (conditional_var == 7) {
@ -6245,14 +6245,14 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x40:
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
case 0x43:
case 0x44:
case 0x45:
case 0x46:
case 0x47:
case 0x40://INC Zv Increment by 1
case 0x41://REX.B Extension of r/m field, base field, or opcode reg field
case 0x42://REX.X Extension of SIB index field
case 0x43://REX.XB REX.X and REX.B combination
case 0x44://REX.R Extension of ModR/M reg field
case 0x45://REX.RB REX.R and REX.B combination
case 0x46://REX.RX REX.R and REX.X combination
case 0x47://REX.RXB REX.R, REX.X and REX.B combination
register_1 = OPbyte & 7;
if (_op < 25) {
@ -6263,8 +6263,8 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
_op = 27;
break Fd;
case 0x48:
case 0x49:
case 0x48://DEC Zv Decrement by 1
case 0x49://REX.WB REX.W and REX.B combination
case 0x4a:
case 0x4b:
case 0x4c:
@ -6293,7 +6293,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
z = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
regs[register_1] = Wc(y, z);
break Fd;
case 0x69:
case 0x69://IMUL Evqp Gvqp Signed Multiply
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
register_1 = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
@ -6308,7 +6308,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[register_1] = Wc(y, z);
break Fd;
case 0x84:
case 0x84://TEST Eb Logical Compare
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
register_0 = mem8 & 7;
@ -6324,7 +6324,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
_op = 12;
break Fd;
case 0x85:
case 0x85://TEST Evqp Logical Compare
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
if ((mem8 >> 6) == 3) {
x = regs[mem8 & 7];
@ -6683,15 +6683,15 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
//98 CBW AX AL Convert Byte to Word
case 0x98:
case 0x98://CBW AL AX Convert Byte to Word
regs[0] = (regs[0] << 16) >> 16;
break Fd;
//99 CWD DX AX Convert Word to Doubleword
case 0x99:
case 0x99://CWD AX DX Convert Word to Doubleword
regs[2] = regs[0] >> 31;
break Fd;
//50+r PUSH r16/32 Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
case 0x50:
case 0x50://PUSH Zv SS:[rSP] Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
case 0x51:
case 0x52:
case 0x53:
@ -6716,7 +6716,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
//58+r POP r16/32 Pop a Value from the Stack
case 0x58:
case 0x58://POP SS:[rSP] Zv Pop a Value from the Stack
case 0x59:
case 0x5a:
case 0x5b:
@ -6735,11 +6735,11 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[OPbyte & 7] = x;
break Fd;
//60 01+ PUSHA AX CX DX ... Push All General-Purpose Registers
case 0x60:
case 0x60://PUSHA AX SS:[rSP] Push All General-Purpose Registers
break Fd;
//61 01+ POPA DI SI BP ... Pop All General-Purpose Registers
case 0x61:
case 0x61://POPA SS:[rSP] DI Pop All General-Purpose Registers
break Fd;
//8F 0 POP r/m16/32 Pop a Value from the Stack
@ -6761,7 +6761,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
//68 01+ PUSH imm16/32 Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
case 0x68:
case 0x68://PUSH Ivs SS:[rSP] Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
x = phys_mem8[mem_ptr] | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 1] << 8) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 2] << 16) | (phys_mem8[mem_ptr + 3] << 24);
mem_ptr += 4;
@ -6845,14 +6845,14 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Bg;
break Fd;
case 0x06:
case 0x06://PUSH ES SS:[rSP] Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
case 0x0e:
case 0x16:
case 0x16://PUSH SS SS:[rSP] Push Word, Doubleword or Quadword Onto the Stack
case 0x1e:
xd(cpu.segs[OPbyte >> 3].selector);
break Fd;
case 0x07:
case 0x17:
case 0x07://POP SS:[rSP] ES Pop a Value from the Stack
case 0x17://POP SS:[rSP] SS Pop a Value from the Stack
case 0x1f:
Ie(OPbyte >> 3, Ad() & 0xffff);
@ -7029,7 +7029,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
y = Ob();
Oe(y, x);
break Fd;
case 0x70:
case 0x70://JO Jbs Jump short if overflow (OF=1)
if (check_overflow()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7037,7 +7037,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x71:
case 0x71://JNO Jbs Jump short if not overflow (OF=0)
if (!check_overflow()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7045,7 +7045,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x72:
case 0x72://JB Jbs Jump short if below/not above or equal/carry (CF=1)
if (check_carry()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7053,7 +7053,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x73:
case 0x73://JNB Jbs Jump short if not below/above or equal/not carry (CF=0)
if (!check_carry()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7061,7 +7061,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x74:
case 0x74://JZ Jbs Jump short if zero/equal (ZF=0)
if ((_dst == 0)) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7069,7 +7069,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x75:
case 0x75://JNZ Jbs Jump short if not zero/not equal (ZF=1)
if (!(_dst == 0)) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7077,7 +7077,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x76:
case 0x76://JBE Jbs Jump short if below or equal/not above (CF=1 AND ZF=1)
if (ad()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7085,7 +7085,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x77:
case 0x77://JNBE Jbs Jump short if not below or equal/above (CF=0 AND ZF=0)
if (!ad()) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7093,7 +7093,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x78:
case 0x78://JS Jbs Jump short if sign (SF=1)
if ((_op == 24 ? ((_src >> 7) & 1) : (_dst < 0))) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7101,7 +7101,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + 1) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x79:
case 0x79://JNS Jbs Jump short if not sign (SF=0)
if (!(_op == 24 ? ((_src >> 7) & 1) : (_dst < 0))) {
x = ((phys_mem8[mem_ptr++] << 24) >> 24);
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
@ -7267,7 +7267,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Bg;
break Fd;
case 0x90:
case 0x90://XCHG Zvqp Exchange Register/Memory with Register
break Fd;
case 0xcc:
y = (eip + mem_ptr - initial_mem_ptr);
@ -7287,7 +7287,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
//62 r 01+ f BOUND r16/32 m16/32&16/32 eFlags ..i..... ..i..... ..i..... Check Array Index Against Bounds
case 0x62:
case 0x62://BOUND Gv SS:[rSP] Check Array Index Against Bounds
break Fd;
// F5 CMC .......c .......c .......c Complement Carry Flag
@ -7518,13 +7518,13 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Bg;
break Fd;
case 0x27:
case 0x27://DAA AL Decimal Adjust AL after Addition
break Fd;
case 0x2f:
break Fd;
case 0x37:
case 0x37://AAA AL ASCII Adjust After Addition
break Fd;
case 0x3f:
@ -7538,7 +7538,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
x = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
break Fd;
case 0x63:
case 0x63://ARPL Ew Adjust RPL Field of Segment Selector
break Fd;
case 0xd6:
@ -7584,16 +7584,16 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
JNG rel16/32
0F 8F 03+ JNLE rel16/32 Jump short if not less nor equal/greater ((ZF=0) AND (SF=OF))
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
case 0x82:
case 0x83:
case 0x84:
case 0x85:
case 0x86:
case 0x87:
case 0x88:
case 0x89:
case 0x80://JO Jvds Jump short if overflow (OF=1)
case 0x81://JNO Jvds Jump short if not overflow (OF=0)
case 0x82://JB Jvds Jump short if below/not above or equal/carry (CF=1)
case 0x83://JNB Jvds Jump short if not below/above or equal/not carry (CF=0)
case 0x84://JZ Jvds Jump short if zero/equal (ZF=0)
case 0x85://JNZ Jvds Jump short if not zero/not equal (ZF=1)
case 0x86://JBE Jvds Jump short if below or equal/not above (CF=1 AND ZF=1)
case 0x87://JNBE Jvds Jump short if not below or equal/above (CF=0 AND ZF=0)
case 0x88://JS Jvds Jump short if sign (SF=1)
case 0x89://JNS Jvds Jump short if not sign (SF=0)
case 0x8a:
case 0x8b:
case 0x8c:
@ -7607,16 +7607,16 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
if (check_status_bits_for_jump(OPbyte & 0xf))
mem_ptr = (mem_ptr + x) >> 0;
break Fd;
case 0x90:
case 0x91:
case 0x92:
case 0x93:
case 0x94:
case 0x95:
case 0x96:
case 0x97:
case 0x98:
case 0x99:
case 0x90://SETO Eb Set Byte on Condition - overflow (OF=1)
case 0x91://SETNO Eb Set Byte on Condition - not overflow (OF=0)
case 0x92://SETB Eb Set Byte on Condition - below/not above or equal/carry (CF=1)
case 0x93://SETNB Eb Set Byte on Condition - not below/above or equal/not carry (CF=0)
case 0x94://SETZ Eb Set Byte on Condition - zero/equal (ZF=0)
case 0x95://SETNZ Eb Set Byte on Condition - not zero/not equal (ZF=1)
case 0x96://SETBE Eb Set Byte on Condition - below or equal/not above (CF=1 AND ZF=1)
case 0x97://SETNBE Eb Set Byte on Condition - not below or equal/above (CF=0 AND ZF=0)
case 0x98://SETS Eb Set Byte on Condition - sign (SF=1)
case 0x99://SETNS Eb Set Byte on Condition - not sign (SF=0)
case 0x9a:
case 0x9b:
case 0x9c:
@ -7632,16 +7632,16 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x40:
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
case 0x43:
case 0x44:
case 0x45:
case 0x46:
case 0x47:
case 0x48:
case 0x49:
case 0x40://CMOVO Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - overflow (OF=1)
case 0x41://CMOVNO Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - not overflow (OF=0)
case 0x42://CMOVB Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - below/not above or equal/carry (CF=1)
case 0x43://CMOVNB Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - not below/above or equal/not carry (CF=0)
case 0x44://CMOVZ Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - zero/equal (ZF=0)
case 0x45://CMOVNZ Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - not zero/not equal (ZF=1)
case 0x46://CMOVBE Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - below or equal/not above (CF=1 AND ZF=1)
case 0x47://CMOVNBE Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - not below or equal/above (CF=0 AND ZF=0)
case 0x48://CMOVS Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - sign (SF=1)
case 0x49://CMOVNS Evqp Gvqp Conditional Move - not sign (SF=0)
case 0x4a:
case 0x4b:
case 0x4c:
@ -7704,7 +7704,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[register_1] = (((x) << 16) >> 16);
break Fd;
case 0x00:
case 0x00://SLDT LDTR Mw Store Local Descriptor Table Register
if (!(cpu.cr0 & (1 << 0)) || (cpu.eflags & 0x00020000))
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
@ -7752,7 +7752,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x01:
case 0x01://SGDT GDTR Ms Store Global Descriptor Table Register
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
conditional_var = (mem8 >> 3) & 7;
switch (conditional_var) {
@ -7786,11 +7786,11 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x02://LAR Mw Gvqp Load Access Rights Byte
case 0x03://LSL Mw Gvqp Load Segment Limit
qf((((CS_flags >> 8) & 1) ^ 1), OPbyte & 1);
break Fd;
case 0x20:
case 0x20://MOV Cd Rd Move to/from Control Registers
if (cpu.cpl != 0)
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
@ -7816,7 +7816,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[mem8 & 7] = x;
break Fd;
// 0F 22 r 03+ 0 MOV CRn r32 o..szapc o..szapc Move to/from Control Registers
case 0x22:
case 0x22://MOV Rd Cd Move to/from Control Registers
if (cpu.cpl != 0)
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
@ -7842,12 +7842,12 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
break Fd;
// 0F 06 02+ 0 CLTS CR0 Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
case 0x06:
case 0x06://CLTS CR0 Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
if (cpu.cpl != 0)
set_CR0(cpu.cr0 & ~(1 << 3)); //Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
break Fd;
case 0x23:
case 0x23://MOV Rd Dd Move to/from Debug Registers
if (cpu.cpl != 0)
mem8 = phys_mem8[mem_ptr++];
@ -8013,7 +8013,7 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[register_1] = Wc(regs[register_1], y);
break Fd;
case 0x31:
case 0x31://RDTSC IA32_TIME_STAMP_COUNTER EAX Read Time-Stamp Counter
if ((cpu.cr4 & (1 << 2)) && cpu.cpl != 0)
x = current_cycle_count();
@ -8123,53 +8123,53 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
regs[register_1] = x;
break Fd;
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
case 0x07:
case 0x08:
case 0x09:
case 0x05://LOADALL AX Load All of the CPU Registers
case 0x07://LOADALL EAX Load All of the CPU Registers
case 0x08://INVD Invalidate Internal Caches
case 0x09://WBINVD Write Back and Invalidate Cache
case 0x0a:
case 0x0b:
case 0x0c:
case 0x0d:
case 0x0e:
case 0x0f:
case 0x10:
case 0x11:
case 0x12:
case 0x13:
case 0x14:
case 0x15:
case 0x16:
case 0x17:
case 0x18:
case 0x19:
case 0x10://MOVUPS Wps Vps Move Unaligned Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x11://MOVUPS Vps Wps Move Unaligned Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x12://MOVHLPS Uq Vq Move Packed Single-FP Values High to Low
case 0x13://MOVLPS Vq Mq Move Low Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x14://UNPCKLPS Wq Vps Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x15://UNPCKHPS Wq Vps Unpack and Interleave High Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x16://MOVLHPS Uq Vq Move Packed Single-FP Values Low to High
case 0x17://MOVHPS Vq Mq Move High Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x18://HINT_NOP Ev Hintable NOP
case 0x19://HINT_NOP Ev Hintable NOP
case 0x1a:
case 0x1b:
case 0x1c:
case 0x1d:
case 0x1e:
case 0x1f:
case 0x21:
case 0x24:
case 0x21://MOV Dd Rd Move to/from Debug Registers
case 0x24://MOV Td Rd Move to/from Test Registers
case 0x25:
case 0x26:
case 0x26://MOV Rd Td Move to/from Test Registers
case 0x27:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x28://MOVAPS Wps Vps Move Aligned Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x29://MOVAPS Vps Wps Move Aligned Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x2a:
case 0x2b:
case 0x2c:
case 0x2d:
case 0x2e:
case 0x2f:
case 0x30:
case 0x32:
case 0x33:
case 0x34:
case 0x35:
case 0x30://WRMSR rCX MSR Write to Model Specific Register
case 0x32://RDMSR rCX rAX Read from Model Specific Register
case 0x33://RDPMC PMC EAX Read Performance-Monitoring Counters
case 0x34://SYSENTER IA32_SYSENTER_CS SS Fast System Call
case 0x35://SYSEXIT IA32_SYSENTER_CS SS Fast Return from Fast System Call
case 0x36:
case 0x37:
case 0x38:
case 0x37://GETSEC EAX GETSEC Leaf Functions
case 0x38://PSHUFB Qq Pq Packed Shuffle Bytes
case 0x39:
case 0x3a:
case 0x3b:
@ -8177,48 +8177,48 @@ CPU_X86.prototype.exec_internal = function(N_cycles, va) {
case 0x3d:
case 0x3e:
case 0x3f:
case 0x50:
case 0x51:
case 0x52:
case 0x53:
case 0x54:
case 0x55:
case 0x56:
case 0x57:
case 0x58:
case 0x59:
case 0x50://MOVMSKPS Ups Gdqp Extract Packed Single-FP Sign Mask
case 0x51://SQRTPS Wps Vps Compute Square Roots of Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x52://RSQRTPS Wps Vps Compute Recipr. of Square Roots of Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x53://RCPPS Wps Vps Compute Reciprocals of Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x54://ANDPS Wps Vps Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x55://ANDNPS Wps Vps Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x56://ORPS Wps Vps Bitwise Logical OR of Single-FP Values
case 0x57://XORPS Wps Vps Bitwise Logical XOR for Single-FP Values
case 0x58://ADDPS Wps Vps Add Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x59://MULPS Wps Vps Multiply Packed Single-FP Values
case 0x5a:
case 0x5b:
case 0x5c:
case 0x5d:
case 0x5e:
case 0x5f:
case 0x60:
case 0x61:
case 0x62:
case 0x63:
case 0x64:
case 0x65:
case 0x66:
case 0x67:
case 0x68:
case 0x69:
case 0x60://PUNPCKLBW Qd Pq Unpack Low Data
case 0x61://PUNPCKLWD Qd Pq Unpack Low Data
case 0x62://PUNPCKLDQ Qd Pq Unpack Low Data
case 0x63://PACKSSWB Qd Pq Pack with Signed Saturation
case 0x64://PCMPGTB Qd Pq Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than
case 0x65://PCMPGTW Qd Pq Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than
case 0x66://PCMPGTD Qd Pq Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than
case 0x67://PACKUSWB Qq Pq Pack with Unsigned Saturation
case 0x68://PUNPCKHBW Qq Pq Unpack High Data
case 0x69://PUNPCKHWD Qq Pq Unpack High Data
case 0x6a:
case 0x6b:
case 0x6c:
case 0x6d:
case 0x6e:
case 0x6f:
case 0x70:
case 0x71:
case 0x72:
case 0x73:
case 0x74:
case 0x75:
case 0x76:
case 0x77:
case 0x78:
case 0x79:
case 0x70://PSHUFW Qq Pq Shuffle Packed Words
case 0x71://PSRLW Ib Nq Shift Packed Data Right Logical
case 0x72://PSRLD Ib Nq Shift Double Quadword Right Logical
case 0x73://PSRLQ Ib Nq Shift Packed Data Right Logical
case 0x74://PCMPEQB Qq Pq Compare Packed Data for Equal
case 0x75://PCMPEQW Qq Pq Compare Packed Data for Equal
case 0x76://PCMPEQD Qq Pq Compare Packed Data for Equal
case 0x77://EMMS Empty MMX Technology State
case 0x78://VMREAD Gd Ed Read Field from Virtual-Machine Control Structure
case 0x79://VMWRITE Gd Write Field to Virtual-Machine Control Structure
case 0x7a:
case 0x7b:
case 0x7c:
@ -10,12 +10,25 @@ In the tiny off-chance someone else might be interested I'm posting this "cheat
### Status
It's still absolutely ungainly, but not nearly so ungainly as the original. About a third to a half of the variables/function names have been redescribed. The names are basically long comments and will ultimately need to be redone once the whole is understood.
The core opcode execution loop has been autocommented to indicate what instruction operation the opcode refers to.
I highly recommend, by the way, the excellent [JSShaper][2] library for transforming large javascript code bases. The hacks I made from it are in this repo: a little symbol-name-transformer node.js script and an emacs function for doing this in live buffers.
### Caveat Coder
This is a pedagogical reinterpretation of the original JSLinux code Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard.
There's no alteration in the acutal algorithmic content. I do check that that it still runs, but I can't guarantee anything else.
There's no alteration in the algorithmic content. I do check that that it still runs, but I won't guarantee anything else.
### References
Some other helpful references for understanding what's going on:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# quick hack:
# grabs data from XML file describing opcodes from
# then autocomments the cpux86 emulator code
# (super brittle hack)
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup #thank you soup, fuck XML parsers
import json, re
# Let me reiterate how much I despise scraping data from XML
infile = open("x86opcodes.xml","r").read()
def hexRepOfOp(op):
if i < 16:
return "0x0"+hex(i)[2:]
return "0x" +hex(i)[2:]
def mnem(op):
res = op.find('mnem')
if res:
return res.string
return ""
def src(op):
res = op.find('syntax').find('src')
if res:
return res.getText()
return ""
def dst(op):
res = op.find('syntax').find('dst')
if res:
return res.getText()
return ""
def note(op):
res = op.find('note').find('brief')
if res:
return res.getText()
return ""
def opstr(op):
return mnem(op)+" "+src(op)+" "+dst(op)+" "+note(op)
onedict = {}
for op in onesies:
onedict[hexRepOfOp(op)] = opstr(op)
twodict = {}
for op in twosies:
twodict[hexRepOfOp(op)] = opstr(op)
# barf some temporaries just for reference later
# now transform source file
caseline = re.compile("(\s+case )(0x[0-9]+):.*")
emulatorlines = open("cpux86-ta.js","r").readlines()
for i,line in enumerate(emulatorlines):
if i< 5662:
if 5662<=i<7551: #one-byte instructions
if linematch:
except KeyError:
if 7551<=i<8291: #two-byte instructions
if linematch:
except KeyError:
if 8291<=i:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user