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# PyInstaller-Action-Windows
Github Action for building executables with PyInstaller
To build your application, you need to specify where your source code is via the `path` argument, this defaults to `src`.
The source code directory should have your `.spec` file that PyInstaller generates. If you don't have one, you'll need to run PyInstaller once locally to generate it.
Also if you have another program `.spec` file you can set specific pyinstaller `.spec` file by `spec: <YOUR_SPEC_FILE_NAME>`
If the `src` folder has a `requirements.txt` file, the packages will be installed into the environment before PyInstaller runs. This can also be specified via the `requirements` argument.
If you wish to specify a package mirror, this is possibly via the `pypi_url` and/or the `pypi_index_url`, these defaults are:
- `pypi_url` = ``
- `pypi_index_url` = ``
> If you are using the default Python `gitignore` file, ensure to remove `.spec`.
> This action uses [Wine]( to emulate windows inside Docker for packaging POSIX executables.
## Example usage
There's an example repository where you can see this action in action: <>. Where you can find the packaged executable at: <>.
Include this in your `.github/workflows/main.yaml`:
- name: PyInstaller Windows
uses: JackMcKew/pyinstaller-action-windows@main
path: src
## Full Example
Here is an entire workflow for:
- Packaging an application with PyInstaller
- Uploading the packaged executable as an artifact
``` yaml
name: Package Application with Pyinstaller
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Package Application
uses: JackMcKew/pyinstaller-action-windows@main
path: src
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: name-of-artifact
path: src/dist/windows
## FAQ
If you get this error: `OSError: [WinError 123] Invalid name: '/tmp\\*'`, ensure your path is correctly configured, the default is `src`.
## Sources
A big thank you to all the contributors over at <>, this action is just a modified version of their docker container, thank you!