#include "../include/shell.h" #include "../include/queue.h" #include "../include/graphics.h" #include "../include/common.h" #include "../include/task.h" #include "../include/cmos.h" #include "../include/fat16.h" #include "../include/timer.h" #include "../include/io.h" extern Queue *key_char_queue; char getc() { while (key_char_queue->size == 0x00) { printf(""); } return queue_pop(key_char_queue); } int gets(char *buf, int buf_size) { int index = 0; char c; while ((c = getc()) != '\n') { if (c == '\b') { if (index > 0) { index--; vga_writestring("\b \b"); } } else { buf[index++] = c; vga_putchar(c); } } buf[index] = '\0'; vga_putchar(c); return index; } int cmd_parse(char *cmd_str, char **argv, char token) { int arg_idx = 0; while (arg_idx < MAX_ARG_NR) { argv[arg_idx] = NULL; arg_idx++; } char *next = cmd_str; int argc = 0; while (*next) { while (*next == token) *next++; if (*next == 0) break; argv[argc] = next; while (*next && *next != token) *next++; if (*next) *next++ = 0; if (argc > MAX_ARG_NR) return -1; argc++; } return argc; } void cmd_echo(int argc, char **argv) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (i == 1) vga_writestring(""); else vga_writestring(" "); vga_writestring(argv[i]); } vga_putchar('\n'); } void cmd_proc(){ print_proc(); } void cmd_date(){ printf("System Time: %s\n",get_date_time()); printf("Memory Usage: %dKB | All Size: %dMB\n",memory_usage()/1024,(KHEAP_START+KHEAP_INITIAL_SIZE)/1024/1024); print_cpu_id(); vga_writestring("\n"); } void cmd_ls() { struct File *root = (struct File *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct File) * MAX_FILE_NUM); int files = read_root_dir(root); int index = 0, size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files; ++i) { struct File file = root[i]; if (!strcmp(file.name, "\0")) continue; printf("%s %s %d\n", file.name, file.type == 0x20 ? "" : " ", file.size); index++; size += file.size; } printf(" All File: %d | All Size: %dByte\n", index, size); kfree(root); } void cmd_cat(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc <= 2) { printf("\033[Shell-CAT]: If there are too few parameters, please specify the filename and util.\036\n"); return; } struct File *file = open_file(argv[1]); if (file == NULL) { printf("\033[Shell-CAT]: Not found [%s]\036 \n", argv[1]); return; } char *buffer[1024] = {0}; for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (i == 2) strcat(buffer, ""); else strcat(buffer, " "); strcat(buffer, argv[i]); } save_file(file, buffer); kfree(file); } void cmd_read(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { printf("\033[Shell-READ]: If there are too few parameters, please specify the filename.\036\n"); return; } struct File *file = open_file(argv[1]); char *buffer = (char *) kmalloc(sizeof(char) * 4096); if (file == NULL) { printf("\033[Shell-READ]: Not found [%s]\036 \n", argv[1]); return; } read_file(file, buffer); printf("%s\n", buffer); kfree(buffer); kfree(file); } void cmd_mkdir(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { printf("\033[Shell-MKDIR]: If there are too few parameters, please specify the directory name.\036\n"); return; } printf("Create directory: %s\n",argv[1]); struct File *dir = create_dir(argv[1]); if (dir == NULL) { printf("\033[Shell-MKDIR]: Cannot create directory '%s'.\036\n", argv[1]); return; } kfree(dir); } void cmd_del(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { vga_writestring("\033[Shell-DEL]: If there are too few parameters, please specify the folder name.\036\n"); return; } struct File *info = open_file(argv[1]); if (info == NULL) { printf("\033[Shell-DEL]: Not found [%s]\036 \n", argv[1]); return; } delete_file(info); kfree(info); } void cmd_reset(){ printf("Restart %s for x86...",OS_NAME); clock_sleep(10); outb(0x64,0xfe); } void setup_shell(){ vga_clear(); printf("%s for x86 [Version %s] \n",OS_NAME, OS_VERSION); printf("\032Copyright 2024 XIAOYI12 (Build by GCC i686-elf-tools)\036\n"); char com[MAX_COMMAND_LEN]; char *argv[MAX_ARG_NR]; int argc = -1; while (1) { printf("\035CPOS/>\036 "); if (gets(com, MAX_COMMAND_LEN) <= 0) continue; argc = cmd_parse(com, argv, ' '); if (argc == -1) { vga_writestring("[Shell]: Error: out of arguments buffer\n"); continue; } if (!strcmp("version", argv[0])) printf("%s for x86 [%s]\n",OS_NAME, OS_VERSION); else if (!strcmp("echo", argv[0])) cmd_echo(argc, argv); else if (!strcmp("clear", argv[0])) vga_clear(); else if (!strcmp("proc", argv[0])) cmd_proc(); else if (!strcmp("sysinfo", argv[0])) cmd_date(); else if (!strcmp("ls", argv[0])) cmd_ls(); else if (!strcmp("cat", argv[0])) cmd_cat(argc, argv); else if (!strcmp("read", argv[0])) cmd_read(argc, argv); else if (!strcmp("mkdir", argv[0])) cmd_mkdir(argc, argv); else if (!strcmp("del", argv[0]) || !strcmp("rm", argv[0])) cmd_del(argc, argv); else if (!strcmp("reset", argv[0])) cmd_reset(); else if (!strcmp("help", argv[0]) || !strcmp("?", argv[0]) || !strcmp("h", argv[0])) { vga_writestring("-=[\037CrashPowerShell Helper\036]=-\n"); vga_writestring("help ? h \032Print shell help info.\036\n"); vga_writestring("version \032Print os version.\036\n"); vga_writestring("echo \032Print message.\036\n"); vga_writestring("ls \032List all files.\036\n"); vga_writestring("cat \032Edit a file.\036\n"); vga_writestring("read \032Read a file.\036\n"); vga_writestring("mkdir \032Make a directory.\036\n"); vga_writestring("del rm \032Delete a file.\036\n"); vga_writestring("sysinfo \032Print system info.\036\n"); vga_writestring("proc \032Lists all running processes.\036\n"); vga_writestring("reset \032Reset OS.\036\n"); } else printf("\033[Shell]: Unknown command '%s'.\036\n", argv[0]); } }