322 lines
14 KiB
322 lines
14 KiB
## PEinjector/loader ##
import utils
import os
import shutil
import log
import json
import traceback
import config
import action
loaded_package = [] # 加载过包
loaderr_pkgs = [] # 加载错误的包
disk = "" # PEinjector 安装盘
lists = [] # 软件包列表
def __version_parse(version: str) -> list:
return [int(i) for i in version.split(".")]
def __version_compare(ver1: str, ver2: str) -> int:
version1 = __version_parse(ver1)
version2 = __version_parse(ver2)
for (i, j) in zip(version1, version2):
if i != j:
return 1 if i > j else -1
return 0
def version_check(configuration: dict, pkg_name: str) -> int:
# 消息格式
ERROR_MESSAGE = "load moudle [{}] failed: PEinjector version too {}, need [{}]"
if not "compatibility" in configuration or not "injector" in configuration["compatibility"]:
return 0
with open(f"{disk}/PEinjector/VERSION", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
version = f.readlines()[0].rstrip("\n\r")
if "min" in configuration["compatibility"]["injector"]:
plugver = configuration["compatibility"]["injector"]["min"]
if __version_compare(version, plugver) == -1: # 版本过低
log.warn(ERROR_MESSAGE.format(pkg_name, "low", plugver))
return 5
if "max" in configuration["compatibility"]["injector"]:
plugver = configuration["compatibility"]["injector"]["max"]
if __version_compare(version, plugver) == 1: # 版本或高
log.warn(ERROR_MESSAGE.format(pkg_name, "high", plugver))
return 6
except Exception as e: # 未知错误
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: {e}")
return 7
return 0
def file_check(file_json: dict, pkg_name: str) -> int:
for i in file_json.get("compatibility", {}).get("file", {}).get("must", []):
if not os.path.exists(i): # 找不到文件
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"Cannot find file: [{i}]")
return 8
for i in file_json.get("compatibility", {}).get("file", {}).get("mustnot", []):
if os.path.exists(i): # 找到不兼容文件
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"Find incompatible file: [{i}]")
return 9
for i in file_json.get("compatibility", {}).get("file", {}).get("loaded", []):
if os.path.exists(i): # 已经无需加载
log.info(f"jump moudle [{pkg_name}]: " +
f"Find compatible file: [{i}]")
return -1
except: # 未知错误
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
"Unknown error in file check")
return 10
return 0
actions = {"onboot": [], "onload": []}
def load_package(pkg_name: str) -> int:
pkg_path = f"{disk}/PEinjector/package/{pkg_name}"
if "manifest.json" not in os.listdir(pkg_path): # 连manifest都没有
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
"Cannot find manifest.json")
return 1
with open(pkg_path+"/"+"manifest.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
file_json = json.load(file)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # json格式错误
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
"Json syntax error")
return 3
except Exception as exp:
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
"Unknown error in read file ("+repr(exp)+")")
return 2
for i in ("version", "name", "author", "introduce"): # 检查必须字段
if i not in file_json:
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"\"{i}\" key not in manifest.json")
return 4
retvar = version_check(file_json, pkg_name) # 检查版本号
if retvar != 0:
return retvar
retvar = file_check(file_json, pkg_name) # 检查所需文件
if retvar == -1:
return 0
if retvar != 0:
return retvar
if "dependence" in file_json: # 依赖加载
for i in file_json["dependence"]:
if i not in lists: # 找不到依赖
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"Cannot find dependence [{i}]")
return 11
if i in loaderr_pkgs: # 软件包已经加载过但出错
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"dependence [{i}] loaded failed")
return 12
if i not in loaded_package: # 软件包未加载
log.info(f"load moudle [{i}] from [{pkg_name}]")
retvar = load_package(i) # (递归)加载软件包
if retvar != 0: # 加载出错
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"dependence [{i}] loaded failed")
return 12
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"Cannot find dependence [{i}]")
data_list = []
if "data" in file_json: # 对于数据的预处理,实际在load处理链接
j = -1 # 计数
prep_flag = False # 判断 data 是否初始化
if pkg_name not in os.listdir(config.DATAPATH.format(DISK=utils.find_disk())):
log.info(f"prep moudle [{pkg_name}] data")
prep_flag = True
for i in file_json["data"]:
j += 1
# 语法检查缺少成分
flag = False
for event in ("from", "to"):
if event not in i or i[event] == "":
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load data syntax error on {event}[{j}] (lost \"{event}\"), igrone")
flag = True
if flag:
# 添加
# 初始化 data
if prep_flag:
data_dir = config.DATAPATH.format(
if os.path.isfile(pkg_path+"/"+i["from"]):
pkg_path+"/"+i["from"]).replace("/", "\\"), (data_dir+"/"+i["to"]))
pkg_path+"/"+i["from"], data_dir+"/"+i["to"])
# 添加过头部标记
onload_add_action_head = False
onboot_add_action_head = False
if "load" in file_json:
open_symlink = config.USE_SYMLINK # 启用链接加载
if "symlink" in file_json["load"] and file_json["load"] == False: # 软件包明确禁用
open_symlink = False
if "mode" in file_json["load"]:
for event in ("onboot", "onload"):
if event not in file_json["load"]["mode"]:
# 添加软件头
actions[event].append((0, pkg_name))
if event == "onload":
onload_add_action_head = True
if event == "onboot":
onboot_add_action_head = True
# 语法类型检查
if type(file_json["load"]["mode"][event]) != list:
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] failed: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event} (must be a list)")
return 13
j = -1 # 软件包action计数,从 0 开始,用于log
for i in file_json["load"]["mode"][event]:
j += 1
if "type" not in i: # 未知类型
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event}[{j+1}] (lost \"type\"), igrone")
# 强制复制(复制)
if i["type"] == "force_copy" or (i["type"] == "copy" and open_symlink == False):
# 语法检查缺少成分
for check in ("from", "to"):
if check not in i:
flag = True
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event}[{j+1}] (lost \"{check}\"), igrone")
if flag:
# 检查路径有效性
if not os.path.exists(pkg_path+"/"+i["from"]):
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands file error on {event}[{j+1}] (cannot find \"{i['from']}\"), igrone")
# 添加
actions[event] += action.force_copy(pkg_path,
pkg_name, data_list, i["from"], i["to"])
# 复制(链接)
elif i["type"] == "copy":
# 语法检查缺少成分
flag = False
for check in ("from", "to"):
if check not in i:
flag = True
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event}[{j+1}] (lost \"{check}\"), igrone")
if flag:
# 检查路径有效性
if not os.path.exists(pkg_path+"/"+i["from"]):
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands file error on {event}[{j+1}] (cannot find \"{i['from']}\"), igrone")
# 添加
actions[event] += action.copy(pkg_path, pkg_name, data_list,
i["from"], i["to"])
elif i["type"] == "start": # 非阻塞启动程序
# 语法检查缺少成分
flag = False
for check in ("command", ):
if check not in i:
flag = True
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event}[{j+1}] (lost \"{check}\"), igrone")
if flag:
# 添加
actions[event] += action.start(
pkg_name, data_list, i["command"])
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load commands syntax error on {event}[{j+1}] (unknown type), igrone")
if "start" in file_json:
if "icon" in file_json["start"]:
# 补充包开始加载声明
if not onload_add_action_head:
actions["onload"].append((0, pkg_name))
# 语法检查缺少成分
for i in ("command", "name", "icon"):
if i not in file_json["start"]["icon"]:
log.warn(f"load moudle [{pkg_name}] warning: " +
f"Load icon syntax error (lost \"{i}\"), igrone")
# 相对路径转绝对路径
if len(file_json["start"]["icon"]["icon"]) < 2 or file_json["start"]["icon"]["icon"][1] != ':':
file_json["start"]["icon"]["icon"] = pkg_path + \
if len(file_json["start"]["icon"]["command"]) < 2 or file_json["start"]["icon"]["command"][1] != ':':
file_json["start"]["icon"]["command"] = pkg_path + \
# 添加
(6, file_json["start"]["icon"]["command"], file_json["start"]["icon"]["icon"], file_json["start"]["icon"]["name"]))
if "path" in file_json["start"]:
# 补充包开始加载声明
if not onload_add_action_head:
actions["onload"].append((0, pkg_name))
for i in file_json["start"]["path"]: # 加载多个path
# 相对路径转绝对路径
if len(i) < 2 or i[1] != ':':
i = pkg_path + \
# 添加
actions["onload"].append((7, i))
if "reg" in file_json: # 添加注册表
for i in file_json["reg"]: # 多个注册表文件
# 相对路径转绝对路径
if len(i) < 2 or i[1] != ':':
i = pkg_path + \
# 添加
actions["onload"].append((8, i))
def load():
global disk, lists
log.info("start load")
disk = utils.find_disk()
lists = os.listdir(f"{disk}/PEinjector/package")
# 读取禁用包列表
with open(config.DISABLEPATH.format(DISK=disk), "r") as file:
disable_packages = [i.rstrip("\n\r") for i in file.readlines()]
for packs in lists: # 加载包
if packs not in loaded_package and packs not in disable_packages:
log.info(f"load moudle [{packs}]")
retvar = load_package(packs)
if retvar == 0:
# 保存并执行action
alog = action.do_action(actions["onboot"])[0]
# 写action日志
with open(config.ACTIONLOGPATH.format(DISK=utils.find_disk()), "w") as file:
except Exception as exp: # 未知错误
log.break_err("Exception \n"+str(traceback.format_exc(exp)))
raise exp