##################################### ## PEinjector/installer ## #################################### # This moudle is a part of PEinjector. # Please comply with the LICENSE. import os import shutil import json import platform import getpass ############ Config ############ KEYWORD = "winpe" PYTHON = "python" DISK = "{disk}" ################################ is_linux:bool = False def find_disk(): if platform.system() == 'Linux': if getpass.getuser() != 'root': raise OSError("Permission denied") is_linux = True mount_point = "/mnt/prinjector_mount_point" if not os.path.exists(mount_point): os.mkdir(mount_point) elif len(os.listdir(mount_point)): raise OSError("Mount point {} not empty!".format(mount_point)) i: int = 97 while os.path.exists(f"/dev/sd{chr(i)}"): j: int = 1 while os.path.exists(f"/dev/sd{chr(i)}{str(j)}"): os.system( f"mount /dev/sd{chr(i)}{str(j)} {mount_point}") if os.path.exists(mount_point+"/ventoy/ventoy.json"): return mount_point j += 1 os.system(f"umount {mount_point}") i += 1 i: int = 0 while os.path.exists(f"/dev/nvme{str(i)}"): j: int = 1 while os.path.exists(f"/dev/nvme{str(i)}n{str(j)}"): k: int = 1 while os.path.exists(f"/dev/nvme{str(i)}n{str(j)}p{str(k)}"): os.system( f"mount /dev/nvme{str(i)}n{str(j)}p{str(k)} {mount_point} --mkdir") if os.path.exists(mount_point+"/ventoy/ventoy.json"): return mount_point k += 1 os.system(f"umount {mount_point}") j += 1 i += 1 elif platform.system() == 'Windows': for i in "CDEFGHIJKABLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ": this_disk = i+":" if os.path.exists(this_disk + "/ventoy/ventoy.json"): return this_disk else: raise OSError(f"Unsupported operating system:{platform.system()}") raise OSError( "Cannot find the Ventoy disk!(try to run ventoyPlugson once)") print("Update packages") os.system("git submodule update --init --recursive") DISK = DISK.replace("{disk}", find_disk()) print("Use disk: "+DISK) with open(DISK+"/ventoy/ventoy.json", "r") as file: ventoy_cfg = json.load(file) searchroot = "" search_level = 3 if "control" in ventoy_cfg: for i in ventoy_cfg["control"]: if "VTOY_DEFAULT_SEARCH_ROOT" in i: searchroot = i["VTOY_DEFAULT_SEARCH_ROOT"] if "VTOY_MAX_SEARCH_LEVEL" in i: if i["VTOY_MAX_SEARCH_LEVEL"] != "max": search_level = int(i["VTOY_MAX_SEARCH_LEVEL"]) filelist = [] def dfs(deep, dir, search_level): if deep > search_level: return lists = os.listdir(DISK+dir) for i in lists: if os.path.isfile(DISK+dir+"/"+i): if ".iso" in i.lower() and KEYWORD in i.lower(): filelist.append(dir+"/"+i) else: dfs(deep+1, dir+"/"+i, search_level) dfs(0, searchroot, search_level) if "injection" in ventoy_cfg: for i in ventoy_cfg["injection"]: if "image" in i: if i["image"] in filelist: filelist.remove(i["image"]) else: ventoy_cfg["injection"] = [] print("Found iso:", filelist) for i in filelist: ventoy_cfg["injection"].append({ "image": i, "archive": "/PEinjector/PEinjector.7z" }) print("Writing config") with open(DISK+"/ventoy/ventoy.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(ventoy_cfg)) print("Copying files") if not os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector"): os.mkdir(DISK+"/PEinjector") if os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector/PEinjector.7z"): os.remove(DISK+"/PEinjector/PEinjector.7z") shutil.copyfile("dist/PEinjector.7z", DISK+"/PEinjector/PEinjector.7z") if not os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector/disable.txt"): with open(DISK+"/PEinjector/disable.txt", "w") as file: pass print("Writing version info") shutil.copyfile("version", DISK+"/PEinjector/VERSION") print("Creating dir") if not os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector/install"): os.mkdir(DISK+"/PEinjector/install") print("Installing basic package") if not os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector/package"): os.mkdir(DISK+"/PEinjector/package") for i in os.listdir("package"): if os.path.exists(DISK+"/PEinjector/package/"+i): shutil.rmtree(DISK+"/PEinjector/package/"+i) shutil.copytree("package/"+i, DISK+"/PEinjector/package/"+i) if is_linux: os.system(f"umount {mount_point}") print("All done.")