2011-12-21 21:17:44 -08:00

16 lines
616 B

;; Simple hack to use JSShaper script reify.js to change symbolnames on the fly in an emacs buffer.
;; assumes existence of /var/tmp and unix tools
(defun js-change-symbol (name1 name2)
(interactive "sOld Symbol Name:
sNew Symbol Name: ")
(let (commandstr (curline (current-line)) (reifypath "/path/to/reify.js"))
(setq commandstr (concat "cat >/var/tmp/refactoring_tmp; node " reifypath " /var/tmp/refactoring_tmp " name1 " " name2))
(message "Command: %s" commandstr)
;;this does most of the work:
(shell-command-on-region 1 (point-max) commandstr t t )
(goto-line curline)