2011-12-21 21:34:05 -08:00

707 lines
43 KiB

package scale.backend.x86;
* The Intel X86 opcodes.
* <p>
* $Id$
* <p>
* Copyright 2008 by James H. Burrill<br>
* All Rights Reserved.<br>
public final class Opcodes
// The opcode value has several fields:
// +------------------+----+----+----------+
// | F | M | S | O |
// +------------------+----+----+----------+
// F: form flags indicating legal forms
// M: Scaling factor used in some addressing forms
// S: Operand size
// O: instruction opcode
* Mask for the instruction opcode.
public static final int O_MASK = 0x000003ff;
* Mask for the instruction opcode.
public static final int O_SHIFT = 0;
* Mask for the operand size.
public static final int S_MASK = 0x00000c00;
* Shift for the operand size.
public static final int S_SHIFT = 10;
* Operand size - byte.
public static final int S_BYTE = 0x00000000;
* Operand size - short.
public static final int S_SHORT = 0x00000400;
* Operand size - int.
public static final int S_INT = 0x00000800;
* Operand size - LONG.
public static final int S_LONG = 0x00000c00;
* Mask for the scaling factor used in some addressing modes..
public static final int M_MASK = 0x00003000;
* Shift for the scaling factor used in some addressing modes..
public static final int M_SHIFT = 12;
* Scaling factor - 1.
public static final int M_ONE = 0x00000000;
* Scaling factor - 2.
public static final int M_TWO = 0x00001000;
* Scaling factor - 4.
public static final int M_FOUR = 0x00002000;
* Scaling factor - 8.
public static final int M_EIGHT = 0x00003000;
* Valid form has no operands.
public static final int F_NONE = 0x00004000;
* Valid form has one register operand.
public static final int F_R = 0x00008000;
* Valid form has two register operands.
public static final int F_RR = 0x00010000;
* Valid form has three register operands.
public static final int F_RRR = 0x00020000;
* Valid form has a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_D = 0x00040000;
* Valid form has a register operand and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RD = 0x00080000;
* Valid form has two register operands and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RRD = 0x00100000;
* Valid form has three register operands and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RRRD = 0x00200000;
* Branch instruction flag.
public static final int F_BRANCH = 0x00400000;
* Operands are reversed flag.
public static final int F_REV = 0x00800000;
public static final int F_SHFT = F_RD + F_RR;
public static final int F_ARTH = F_RR + F_RD + F_RRR + F_RRD + F_RRRD; // ADD, ADC, AND, XOR, OR, SBB, SUB, CMP
public static final int F_CALL = F_D + F_R + F_RD + F_RR + F_RRD;
// Integer Instructions
public static final int MOV = 0X000 + F_NONE; // Move
public static final int CMOVE = 0X001 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if equal
public static final int CMOVZ = 0X002 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if zero
public static final int CMOVNE = 0X003 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not equal
public static final int CMOVNZ = 0X004 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not zero
public static final int CMOVA = 0X005 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if above
public static final int CMOVNBE = 0X006 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not below or equal
public static final int CMOVAE = 0X007 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if above or equal
public static final int CMOVNB = 0X008 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not below
public static final int CMOVB = 0X009 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if below
public static final int CMOVNAE = 0X00A + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not above or equal
public static final int CMOVBE = 0X00B + F_NONE; // Conditional move if below or equal
public static final int CMOVNA = 0X00C + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not above
public static final int CMOVG = 0X00D + F_NONE; // Conditional move if greater
public static final int CMOVNLE = 0X00E + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not less or equal
public static final int CMOVGE = 0X00F + F_NONE; // Conditional move if greater or equal
public static final int CMOVNL = 0X010 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not less
public static final int CMOVL = 0X011 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if less
public static final int CMOVNGE = 0X012 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not greater or equal
public static final int CMOVLE = 0X013 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if less or equal
public static final int CMOVNG = 0X014 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not greater
public static final int CMOVC = 0X015 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if carry
public static final int CMOVNC = 0X016 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not carry
public static final int CMOVO = 0X017 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if overflow
public static final int CMOVNO = 0X018 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not overflow
public static final int CMOVS = 0X019 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if sign (negative)
public static final int CMOVNS = 0X01A + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int CMOVP = 0X01B + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity
public static final int CMOVPE = 0X01C + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity even
public static final int CMOVNP = 0X01D + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not parity
public static final int CMOVPO = 0X01E + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity odd
public static final int XCHG = 0X01F + F_NONE; // Exchange
public static final int BSWAP = 0X020 + F_NONE; // Byte swap
public static final int XADD = 0X021 + F_NONE; // Exchange and add
public static final int CMPXCHG = 0X022 + F_NONE; // Compare and exchange
public static final int CMPXCHG8B = 0X023 + F_NONE; // Compare and exchange 8 bytes
public static final int PUSH = 0X024 + F_NONE; // Push onto stack
public static final int POP = 0X025 + F_NONE; // Pop off of stack
public static final int PUSHA = 0X026 + F_NONE; // Push general-purpose registers onto stack
public static final int PUSHAD = 0X027 + F_NONE; // Push general-purpose registers onto stack
public static final int POPA = 0X028 + F_NONE; // Pop general-purpose registers from stack
public static final int POPAD = 0X029 + F_NONE; // Pop general-purpose registers from stack
public static final int IN = 0X02A + F_NONE; // Read from a port
public static final int OUT = 0X02B + F_NONE; // Write to a port
public static final int CWD = 0X02C + F_NONE; // Convert word to doubleword
public static final int CDQ = 0X02D + F_NONE; // Convert doubleword to quadword
public static final int CBW = 0X02E + F_NONE; // Convert byte to word
public static final int CWDE = 0X02F + F_NONE; // Convert word to doubleword in EAX register
public static final int MOVSX = 0X030 + F_NONE; // Move and sign extend
public static final int MOVZX = 0X031 + F_NONE; // Move and zero extend
public static final int ADD = 0X032 + F_ARTH; // Integer add
public static final int ADC = 0X033 + F_ARTH; // Add with carry
public static final int SUB = 0X034 + F_ARTH; // Subtract
public static final int SBB = 0X035 + F_ARTH; // Subtract with borrow
public static final int IMUL = 0X036 + F_NONE; // Signed multiply
public static final int MUL = 0X037 + F_NONE; // Unsigned multiply
public static final int IDIV = 0X038 + F_NONE; // Signed divide
public static final int DIV = 0X039 + F_NONE; // Unsigned divide
public static final int INC = 0X03A + F_NONE; // Increment
public static final int DEC = 0X03B + F_NONE; // Decrement
public static final int NEG = 0X03C + F_NONE; // Negate
public static final int CMP = 0X03D + F_ARTH; // Compare
public static final int DAA = 0X03E + F_NONE; // Decimal adjust after addition
public static final int DAS = 0X03F + F_NONE; // Decimal adjust after subtraction
public static final int AAA = 0X040 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after addition
public static final int AAS = 0X041 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after subtraction
public static final int AAM = 0X042 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after multiplication
public static final int AAD = 0X043 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust before division
public static final int AND = 0X044 + F_ARTH; // And
public static final int OR = 0X045 + F_ARTH; // Or
public static final int XOR = 0X046 + F_ARTH; // Exclusive or
public static final int NOT = 0X047 + F_NONE; // Not
public static final int SAR = 0X048 + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic right
public static final int SHR = 0X049 + F_SHFT; // Shift logical right
public static final int SAL = 0X04A + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic left
public static final int SHL = 0X04B + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic left
public static final int SHRD = 0X04C + F_SHFT; // Shift right double
public static final int SHLD = 0X04D + F_SHFT; // Shift left double
public static final int ROR = 0X04E + F_SHFT; // Rotate right
public static final int ROL = 0X04F + F_SHFT; // Rotate left
public static final int RCR = 0X050 + F_SHFT; // Rotate through carry right
public static final int RCL = 0X051 + F_SHFT; // Rotate through carry left
public static final int BT = 0X052 + F_ARTH; // Bit test
public static final int BTS = 0X053 + F_NONE; // Bit test and set
public static final int BTR = 0X054 + F_NONE; // Bit test and reset
public static final int BTC = 0X055 + F_ARTH; // Bit test and complement
public static final int BSF = 0X056 + F_NONE; // Bit scan forward
public static final int BSR = 0X057 + F_NONE; // Bit scan reverse
public static final int SETE = 0X058 + F_NONE; // Set byte if equal
public static final int SETZ = 0X059 + F_NONE; // Set byte if zero
public static final int SETNE = 0X05A + F_NONE; // Set byte if not equal
public static final int SETNZ = 0X05B + F_NONE; // Set byte if not zero
public static final int SETA = 0X05C + F_NONE; // Set byte if above
public static final int SETNBE = 0X05D + F_NONE; // Set byte if not below or equal
public static final int SETAE = 0X05E + F_NONE; // Set byte if above or equal
public static final int SETNB = 0X05F + F_NONE; // Set byte if not below
public static final int SETNC = 0X060 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not carry
public static final int SETB = 0X061 + F_NONE; // Set byte if below
public static final int SETNAE = 0X062 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not above or equal
public static final int SETC = 0X063 + F_NONE; // Set byte if carry
public static final int SETBE = 0X064 + F_NONE; // Set byte if below or equal
public static final int SETNA = 0X065 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not above
public static final int SETG = 0X066 + F_NONE; // Set byte if greater
public static final int SETNLE = 0X067 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not less or equal
public static final int SETGE = 0X068 + F_NONE; // Set byte if greater or equal
public static final int SETNL = 0X069 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not less
public static final int SETL = 0X06A + F_NONE; // Set byte if less
public static final int SETNGE = 0X06B + F_NONE; // Set byte if not greater or equal
public static final int SETLE = 0X06C + F_NONE; // Set byte if less or equal
public static final int SETNG = 0X06D + F_NONE; // Set byte if not greater
public static final int SETS = 0X06E + F_NONE; // Set byte if sign (negative)
public static final int SETNS = 0X06F + F_NONE; // Set byte if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int SETO = 0X070 + F_NONE; // Set byte if overflow
public static final int SETNO = 0X071 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not overflow
public static final int SETPE = 0X072 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity even
public static final int SETP = 0X073 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity
public static final int SETPO = 0X074 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity odd
public static final int SETNP = 0X075 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not parity
public static final int TEST = 0X076 + F_NONE; // Logical compare
public static final int JMP = 0X077 + F_NONE; // Jump
public static final int JE = 0X078 + F_NONE; // Jump if equal
public static final int JZ = 0X079 + F_NONE; // Jump if zero
public static final int JNE = 0X07A + F_NONE; // Jump if not equal
public static final int JNZ = 0X07B + F_NONE; // Jump if not zero
public static final int JA = 0X07C + F_NONE; // Jump if above
public static final int JNBE = 0X07D + F_NONE; // Jump if not below or equal
public static final int JAE = 0X07E + F_NONE; // Jump if above or equal
public static final int JNB = 0X07F + F_NONE; // Jump if not below
public static final int JB = 0X080 + F_NONE; // Jump if below
public static final int JNAE = 0X081 + F_NONE; // Jump if not above or equal
public static final int JBE = 0X082 + F_NONE; // Jump if below or equal
public static final int JNA = 0X083 + F_NONE; // Jump if not above
public static final int JG = 0X084 + F_NONE; // Jump if greater
public static final int JNLE = 0X085 + F_NONE; // Jump if not less or equal
public static final int JGE = 0X086 + F_NONE; // Jump if greater or equal
public static final int JNL = 0X087 + F_NONE; // Jump if not less
public static final int JL = 0X088 + F_NONE; // Jump if less
public static final int JNGE = 0X089 + F_NONE; // Jump if not greater or equal
public static final int JLE = 0X08A + F_NONE; // Jump if less or equal
public static final int JNG = 0X08B + F_NONE; // Jump if not greater
public static final int JC = 0X08C + F_NONE; // Jump if carry
public static final int JNC = 0X08D + F_NONE; // Jump if not carry
public static final int JO = 0X08E + F_NONE; // Jump if overflow
public static final int JNO = 0X08F + F_NONE; // Jump if not overflow
public static final int JS = 0X090 + F_NONE; // Jump if sign (negative)
public static final int JNS = 0X091 + F_NONE; // Jump if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int JPO = 0X092 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity odd
public static final int JNP = 0X093 + F_NONE; // Jump if not parity
public static final int JPE = 0X094 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity even
public static final int JP = 0X095 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity
public static final int JCXZ = 0X096 + F_NONE; // Jump register CX zero
public static final int JECXZ = 0X097 + F_NONE; // Jump register ECX zero
public static final int LOOP = 0X098 + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX counter
public static final int LOOPZ = 0X099 + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and zero
public static final int LOOPE = 0X09A + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and equal
public static final int LOOPNZ = 0X09B + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and not zero
public static final int LOOPNE = 0X09C + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and not equal
public static final int CALL = 0X09D + F_NONE; // Call procedure
public static final int RET = 0X09E + F_NONE; // Return
public static final int IRET = 0X09F + F_NONE; // Return from interrupt
public static final int INT = 0X0A0 + F_NONE; // Software interrupt
public static final int INTO = 0X0A1 + F_NONE; // Interrupt on overflow
public static final int BOUND = 0X0A2 + F_NONE; // Detect value out of range
public static final int ENTER = 0X0A3 + F_NONE; // High-level procedure entry
public static final int LEAVE = 0X0A4 + F_NONE; // High-level procedure exit
public static final int UN00 = 0X0A5 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSB = 0X0A6 + F_NONE; // Move byte string
public static final int UN01 = 0X0A7 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSW = 0X0A8 + F_NONE; // Move word string
public static final int UN02 = 0X0A9 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSD = 0X0AA + F_NONE; // Move doubleword string
public static final int UN03 = 0X0AB + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSB = 0X0AC + F_NONE; // Compare byte string
public static final int UN04 = 0X0AD + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSW = 0X0AE + F_NONE; // Compare word string
public static final int UN05 = 0X0AF + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSD = 0X0B0 + F_NONE; // Compare doubleword string
public static final int UN06 = 0X0B1 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASB = 0X0B2 + F_NONE; // Scan byte string
public static final int UN07 = 0X0B3 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASW = 0X0B4 + F_NONE; // Scan word string
public static final int UN08 = 0X0B5 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASD = 0X0B6 + F_NONE; // Scan doubleword string
public static final int UN09 = 0X0B7 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSB = 0X0B8 + F_NONE; // Load byte string
public static final int UN10 = 0X0B9 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSW = 0X0BA + F_NONE; // Load word string
public static final int UN11 = 0X0BB + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSD = 0X0BC + F_NONE; // Load doubleword string
public static final int UN12 = 0X0BD + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int STOSB = 0X0BE + F_NONE; // Store byte string
public static final int UN13 = 0X0BF + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int STOSW = 0X0C0 + F_NONE; // Store word string
public static final int UN14 = 0X0C1 + F_NONE; // KUnusedStore string
public static final int STOSD = 0X0C2 + F_NONE; // Store doubleword string
public static final int REP = 0X0C3 + F_NONE; // Repeat while ECX not zero
public static final int REPE = 0X0C4 + F_NONE; // Repeat while equal
public static final int REPZ = 0X0C5 + F_NONE; // Repeat while zero
public static final int REPNE = 0X0C6 + F_NONE; // Repeat while not equal
public static final int REPNZ = 0X0C7 + F_NONE; // Repeat while not zero
public static final int UN15 = 0X0C8 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSB = 0X0C9 + F_NONE; // Input byte string from port
public static final int UN16 = 0X0CA + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSW = 0X0CB + F_NONE; // Input word string from port
public static final int UN17 = 0X0CC + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSD = 0X0CD + F_NONE; // Input doubleword string from port
public static final int UN18 = 0X0CE + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSB = 0X0CF + F_NONE; // Output byte string to port
public static final int UN19 = 0X0D0 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSW = 0X0D1 + F_NONE; // Output word string to port
public static final int UN20 = 0X0D2 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSD = 0X0D3 + F_NONE; // Output doubleword string to port
public static final int STC = 0X0D4 + F_NONE; // Set carry flag
public static final int CLC = 0X0D5 + F_NONE; // Clear the carry flag
public static final int CMC = 0X0D6 + F_NONE; // Complement the carry flag
public static final int CLD = 0X0D7 + F_NONE; // Clear the direction flag
public static final int STD = 0X0D8 + F_NONE; // Set direction flag
public static final int LAHF = 0X0D9 + F_NONE; // Load flags into AH register
public static final int SAHF = 0X0DA + F_NONE; // Store AH register into flags
public static final int PUSHF = 0X0DB + F_NONE; // Push EFLAGS onto stack
public static final int PUSHFD = 0X0DC + F_NONE; // Push EFLAGS onto stack
public static final int POPF = 0X0DD + F_NONE; // Pop EFLAGS from stack
public static final int POPFD = 0X0DE + F_NONE; // Pop EFLAGS from stack
public static final int STI = 0X0DF + F_NONE; // Set interrupt flag
public static final int CLI = 0X0E0 + F_NONE; // Clear the interrupt flag
public static final int LDS = 0X0E1 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using DS
public static final int LES = 0X0E2 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using ES
public static final int LFS = 0X0E3 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using FS
public static final int LGS = 0X0E4 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using GS
public static final int LSS = 0X0E5 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using SS
public static final int LEA = 0X0E6 + F_NONE; // Load effective address
public static final int NOP = 0X0E7 + F_NONE; // No operation
public static final int UB2 = 0X0E8 + F_NONE; // Undefined instruction
public static final int XLAT = 0X0E9 + F_NONE; // Table lookup translation
public static final int XLATB = 0X0EA + F_NONE; // Table lookup translation
public static final int CPUID = 0X0EB + F_NONE; // Processor Identification
// MMXTM Technology Instructions
public static final int MOVD = 0X0EC + F_NONE; // Move doubleword
public static final int MOVQ = 0X0ED + F_NONE; // Move quadword
public static final int PACKSSWB = 0X0EE + F_NONE; // Pack words into bytes with signed saturation
public static final int PACKSSDW = 0X0EF + F_NONE; // Pack doublewords into words with signed saturation
public static final int PACKUSWB = 0X0F0 + F_NONE; // Pack words into bytes with unsigned saturation
public static final int PUNPCKHBW = 0X0F1 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order bytes from words
public static final int PUNPCKHWD = 0X0F2 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order words from doublewords
public static final int PUNPCKHDQ = 0X0F3 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order doublewords from quadword
public static final int PUNPCKLBW = 0X0F4 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order bytes from words
public static final int PUNPCKLWD = 0X0F5 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order words from doublewords
public static final int PUNPCKLDQ = 0X0F6 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order doublewords from quadword
public static final int PADDB = 0X0F7 + F_NONE; // Add packed bytes
public static final int PADDW = 0X0F8 + F_NONE; // Add packed words
public static final int PADDD = 0X0F9 + F_NONE; // Add packed doublewords
public static final int PADDSB = 0X0FA + F_NONE; // Add packed bytes with saturation
public static final int PADDSW = 0X0FB + F_NONE; // Add packed words with saturation
public static final int PADDUSB = 0X0FC + F_NONE; // Add packed unsigned bytes with saturation
public static final int PADDUSW = 0X0FD + F_NONE; // Add packed unsigned words with saturation
public static final int PSUBB = 0X0FE + F_NONE; // Subtract packed bytes
public static final int PSUBW = 0X0FF + F_NONE; // Subtract packed words
public static final int PSUBD = 0X100 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed doublewords
public static final int PSUBSB = 0X101 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed bytes with saturation
public static final int PSUBSW = 0X102 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed words with saturation
public static final int PSUBUSB = 0X103 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed unsigned bytes with saturation
public static final int PSUBUSW = 0X104 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed unsigned words with saturation
public static final int PMULHW = 0X105 + F_NONE; // Multiply packed words and store high result
public static final int PMULLW = 0X106 + F_NONE; // Multiply packed words and store low result
public static final int PMADDWD = 0X107 + F_NONE; // Multiply and add packed words
public static final int PCMPEQB = 0X108 + F_NONE; // Compare packed bytes for equal
public static final int PCMPEQW = 0X109 + F_NONE; // Compare packed words for equal
public static final int PCMPEQD = 0X10A + F_NONE; // Compare packed doublewords for equal
public static final int PCMPGTB = 0X10B + F_NONE; // Compare packed bytes for greater than
public static final int PCMPGTW = 0X10C + F_NONE; // Compare packed words for greater than
public static final int PCMPGTD = 0X10D + F_NONE; // Compare packed doublewords for greater than
public static final int PAND = 0X10E + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical and
public static final int PANDN = 0X10F + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical and not
public static final int POR = 0X110 + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical or
public static final int PXOR = 0X111 + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical exclusive or
public static final int PSLLW = 0X112 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words left logical
public static final int PSLLD = 0X113 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords left logical
public static final int PSLLQ = 0X114 + F_NONE; // Shift packed quadword left logical
public static final int PSRLW = 0X115 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words right logical
public static final int PSRLD = 0X116 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords right logical
public static final int PSRLQ = 0X117 + F_NONE; // Shift packed quadword right logical
public static final int PSRAW = 0X118 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words right arithmetic
public static final int PSRAD = 0X119 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords right arithmetic
public static final int EMMS = 0X11A + F_NONE; // Empty MMX state
// Floating-Point Instructions
public static final int FLD = 0X11B + F_NONE; // Load real
public static final int FST = 0X11C + F_NONE; // Store real
public static final int FSTP = 0X11D + F_NONE; // Store real and pop
public static final int FILD = 0X11E + F_NONE; // Load integer
public static final int FIST = 0X11F + F_NONE; // Store integer
public static final int FISTP = 0X120 + F_NONE; // Store integer and pop
public static final int FBLD = 0X121 + F_NONE; // Load BCD
public static final int FBSTP = 0X122 + F_NONE; // Store BCD and pop
public static final int FXCH = 0X123 + F_NONE; // Exchange registers
public static final int FCMOVE = 0X124 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if equal
public static final int FCMOVNE = 0X125 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not equal
public static final int FCMOVB = 0X126 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if below
public static final int FCMOVBE = 0X127 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if below or equal
public static final int FCMOVNB = 0X128 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not below
public static final int FCMOVNBE = 0X129 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not below or equal
public static final int FCMOVU = 0X12A + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if unordered
public static final int FCMOVNU = 0X12B + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not unordered
public static final int FADD = 0X12C + F_NONE; // Add real
public static final int FADDP = 0X12D + F_NONE; // Add real and pop
public static final int FIADD = 0X12E + F_NONE; // Add integer
public static final int FSUB = 0X12F + F_NONE; // Subtract real
public static final int FSUBP = 0X130 + F_NONE; // Subtract real and pop
public static final int FISUB = 0X131 + F_NONE; // Subtract integer
public static final int FSUBR = 0X132 + F_NONE; // Subtract real reverse
public static final int FSUBRP = 0X133 + F_NONE; // Subtract real reverse and pop
public static final int FISUBR = 0X134 + F_NONE; // Subtract integer reverse
public static final int FMUL = 0X135 + F_NONE; // Multiply real
public static final int FMULP = 0X136 + F_NONE; // Multiply real and pop
public static final int FIMUL = 0X137 + F_NONE; // Multiply integer
public static final int FDIV = 0X138 + F_NONE; // Divide real
public static final int FDIVP = 0X139 + F_NONE; // Divide real and pop
public static final int FIDIV = 0X13A + F_NONE; // Divide integer
public static final int FDIVR = 0X13B + F_NONE; // Divide real reverse
public static final int FDIVRP = 0X13C + F_NONE; // Divide real reverse and pop
public static final int FIDIVR = 0X13D + F_NONE; // Divide integer reverse
public static final int FPREM = 0X13E + F_NONE; // Partial remainder
public static final int FPREMI = 0X13F + F_NONE; // IEEE Partial remainder
public static final int FABS = 0X140 + F_NONE; // Absolute value
public static final int FCHS = 0X141 + F_NONE; // Change sign
public static final int FRNDINT = 0X142 + F_NONE; // Round to integer
public static final int FSCALE = 0X143 + F_NONE; // Scale by power of two
public static final int FSQRT = 0X144 + F_NONE; // Square root
public static final int FXTRACT = 0X145 + F_NONE; // Extract exponent and significand
public static final int FCOM = 0X146 + F_NONE; // Compare real
public static final int FCOMP = 0X147 + F_NONE; // Compare real and pop
public static final int FCOMPP = 0X148 + F_NONE; // Compare real and pop twice
public static final int FUCOM = 0X149 + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real
public static final int FUCOMP = 0X14A + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and pop
public static final int FUCOMPP = 0X14B + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and pop twice
public static final int FICOM = 0X14C + F_NONE; // Compare integer
public static final int FICOMP = 0X14D + F_NONE; // Compare integer and pop
public static final int FCOMI = 0X14E + F_NONE; // Compare real and set EFLAGS
public static final int FUCOMI = 0X14F + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and set EFLAGS
public static final int FCOMIP = 0X150 + F_NONE; // Compare real, set EFLAGS, and pop
public static final int FUCOMIP = 0X151 + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real, set EFLAGS, and pop
public static final int FTST = 0X152 + F_NONE; // Test real
public static final int FXAM = 0X153 + F_NONE; // Examine real
public static final int FSIN = 0X154 + F_NONE; // Sine
public static final int FCOS = 0X155 + F_NONE; // Cosine
public static final int FSINCOS = 0X156 + F_NONE; // Sine and cosine
public static final int FPTAN = 0X157 + F_NONE; // Partial tangent
public static final int FPATAN = 0X158 + F_NONE; // Partial arctangent
public static final int F2XM1 = 0X159 + F_NONE; // 2x - 1
public static final int FYL2X = 0X15A + F_NONE; // y*log2x
public static final int FYL2XP1 = 0X15B + F_NONE; // y*log 2(x+1)
public static final int FLD1 = 0X15C + F_NONE; // Load +1.0
public static final int FLDZ = 0X15D + F_NONE; // Load +0.0
public static final int FLDPI = 0X15E + F_NONE; // Load Pi
public static final int FLDL2E = 0X15F + F_NONE; // Load log2e
public static final int FLDLN2 = 0X160 + F_NONE; // Load loge2
public static final int FLDL2T = 0X161 + F_NONE; // Load log210
public static final int FLDLG2 = 0X162 + F_NONE; // Load log102
public static final int FINCSTP = 0X163 + F_NONE; // Increment FPU register stack pointer
public static final int FDECSTP = 0X164 + F_NONE; // Decrement FPU register stack pointer
public static final int FFREE = 0X165 + F_NONE; // Free floating-point register
public static final int FINIT = 0X166 + F_NONE; // Initialize FPU after checking error conditions
public static final int FNINIT = 0X167 + F_NONE; // Initialize FPU without checking error conditions
public static final int FCLEX = 0X168 + F_NONE; // Clear floating-point exception flags after checking for error conditions
public static final int FNCLEX = 0X169 + F_NONE; // Clear floating-point exception flags without checking for error conditions
public static final int FSTCW = 0X16A + F_NONE; // Store FPU control word after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTCW = 0X16B + F_NONE; // Store FPU control word without checking error conditions
public static final int FLDCW = 0X16C + F_NONE; // Load FPU control word
public static final int FSTENV = 0X16D + F_NONE; // Store FPU environment after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTENV = 0X16E + F_NONE; // Store FPU environment without checking error conditions
public static final int FLDENV = 0X16F + F_NONE; // Load FPU environment
public static final int FSAVE = 0X170 + F_NONE; // Save FPU state after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSAVE = 0X171 + F_NONE; // Save FPU state without checking error conditions
public static final int FRSTOR = 0X172 + F_NONE; // Restore FPU state
public static final int FSTSW = 0X173 + F_NONE; // Store FPU status word after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTSW = 0X174 + F_NONE; // Store FPU status word without checking error conditions
public static final int WAIT = 0X175 + F_NONE; // Wait for FPU
public static final int FWAIT = 0X176 + F_NONE; // Wait for FPU
public static final int FNOP = 0X177 + F_NONE; // FPU no operation
// System Instructions
public static final int LGDT = 0X178 + F_NONE; // Load global descriptor table (GDT) register
public static final int SGDT = 0X179 + F_NONE; // Store global descriptor table (GDT) register
public static final int LLDT = 0X17A + F_NONE; // Load local descriptor table (LDT) register
public static final int SLDT = 0X17B + F_NONE; // Store local descriptor table (LDT) register
public static final int LTR = 0X17C + F_NONE; // Load task register
public static final int STR = 0X17D + F_NONE; // Store task register
public static final int LIDT = 0X17E + F_NONE; // Load interrupt descriptor table (IDT) register
public static final int SIDT = 0X17F + F_NONE; // Store interrupt descriptor table (IDT) register
public static final int LMSW = 0X180 + F_NONE; // Load machine status word
public static final int SMSW = 0X181 + F_NONE; // Store machine status word
public static final int CLTS = 0X182 + F_NONE; // Clear the task-switched flag
public static final int ARPL = 0X183 + F_NONE; // Adjust requested privilege level
public static final int LAR = 0X184 + F_NONE; // Load access rights
public static final int LSL = 0X185 + F_NONE; // Load segment limit
public static final int VERR = 0X186 + F_NONE; // Verify segment for reading
public static final int VERW = 0X187 + F_NONE; // Verify segment for writing
public static final int INVD = 0X188 + F_NONE; // Invalidate cache, no writeback
public static final int WBINVD = 0X189 + F_NONE; // Invalidate cache, with writeback
public static final int INVLPG = 0X18A + F_NONE; // Invalidate TLB Entry
public static final int LOCK = 0X18B + F_NONE; // (prefix) Lock Bus
public static final int HLT = 0X18C + F_NONE; // Halt processor
public static final int RSM = 0X18D + F_NONE; // Return from system management mode (SSM)
public static final int RDMSR = 0X18E + F_NONE; // Read model-specific register
public static final int WRMSR = 0X18F + F_NONE; // Write model-specific register
public static final int RDPMC = 0X190 + F_NONE; // Read performance monitoring counters
public static final int RDTSC = 0X191 + F_NONE; // Read time stamp counter
public static final int LDDR = 0X192 + F_NONE; // Load debug register
public static final int STDR = 0X193 + F_NONE; // Store debug register
public static final int LDCR = 0X194 + F_NONE; // Load Control Register
public static final int STCR = 0X195 + F_NONE; // Store Control Register
public static final String[] opnames = {
/* 020 */ "BSWAP", "XADD", "CMPXCHG", "CMPXCHG8B", "PUSH", "POP", "PUSHA", "PUSHAD",
/* 028 */ "POPA", "POPAD", "IN", "OUT", "CWD", "CDQ", "CBW", "CWDE",
/* 030 */ "MOVSX", "MOVZX", "ADD", "ADC", "SUB", "SBB", "IMUL", "MUL",
/* 038 */ "IDIV", "DIV", "INC", "DEC", "NEG", "CMP", "DAA", "DAS",
/* 040 */ "AAA", "AAS", "AAM", "AAD", "AND", "OR", "XOR", "NOT",
/* 048 */ "SAR", "SHR", "SAL", "SHL", "SHRD", "SHLD", "ROR", "ROL",
/* 050 */ "RCR", "RCL", "BT", "BTS", "BTR", "BTC", "BSF", "BSR",
/* 058 */ "SETE", "SETZ", "SETNE", "SETNZ", "SETA", "SETNBE", "SETAE", "SETNB",
/* 060 */ "SETNC", "SETB", "SETNAE", "SETC", "SETBE", "SETNA", "SETG", "SETNLE",
/* 068 */ "SETGE", "SETNL", "SETL", "SETNGE", "SETLE", "SETNG", "SETS", "SETNS",
/* 070 */ "SETO", "SETNO", "SETPE", "SETP", "SETPO", "SETNP", "TEST", "JMP",
/* 078 */ "JE", "JZ", "JNE", "JNZ", "JA", "JNBE", "JAE", "JNB",
/* 080 */ "JB", "JNAE", "JBE", "JNA", "JG", "JNLE", "JGE", "JNL",
/* 088 */ "JL", "JNGE", "JLE", "JNG", "JC", "JNC", "JO", "JNO",
/* 090 */ "JS", "JNS", "JPO", "JNP", "JPE", "JP", "JCXZ", "JECXZ",
/* 098 */ "LOOP", "LOOPZ", "LOOPE", "LOOPNZ", "LOOPNE", "CALL", "RET", "IRET",
/* 0A0 */ "INT", "INTO", "BOUND", "ENTER", "LEAVE", "UN00", "MOVSB", "UN01",
/* 0A8 */ "MOVSW", "UN02", "MOVSD", "UN03", "CMPSB", "UN04", "CMPSW", "UN05",
/* 0B0 */ "CMPSD", "UN06", "SCASB", "UN07", "SCASW", "UN08", "SCASD", "UN09",
/* 0B8 */ "LODSB", "UN10", "LODSW", "UN11", "LODSD", "UN12", "STOSB", "UN13",
/* 0C0 */ "STOSW", "UN14", "STOSD", "REP", "REPE", "REPZ", "REPNE", "REPNZ",
/* 0C8 */ "UN15", "INSB", "UN16", "INSW", "UN17", "INSD", "UN18", "OUTSB",
/* 0D0 */ "UN19", "OUTSW", "UN20", "OUTSD", "STC", "CLC", "CMC", "CLD",
/* 0D8 */ "STD", "LAHF", "SAHF", "PUSHF", "PUSHFD", "POPF", "POPFD", "STI",
/* 0E0 */ "CLI", "LDS", "LES", "LFS", "LGS", "LSS", "LEA", "NOP",
/* 0E8 */ "UB2", "XLAT", "XLATB", "CPUID", "MOVD", "MOVQ", "PACKSSWB", "PACKSSDW",
/* 110 */ "POR", "PXOR", "PSLLW", "PSLLD", "PSLLQ", "PSRLW", "PSRLD", "PSRLQ",
/* 118 */ "PSRAW", "PSRAD", "EMMS", "FLD", "FST", "FSTP", "FILD", "FIST",
/* 130 */ "FSUBP", "FISUB", "FSUBR", "FSUBRP", "FISUBR", "FMUL", "FMULP", "FIMUL",
/* 150 */ "FCOMIP", "FUCOMIP", "FTST", "FXAM", "FSIN", "FCOS", "FSINCOS", "FPTAN",
/* 158 */ "FPATAN", "F2XM1", "FYL2X", "FYL2XP1", "FLD1", "FLDZ", "FLDPI", "FLDL2E",
/* 170 */ "FSAVE", "FNSAVE", "FRSTOR", "FSTSW", "FNSTSW", "WAIT", "FWAIT", "FNOP",
/* 178 */ "LGDT", "SGDT", "LLDT", "SLDT", "LTR", "STR", "LIDT", "SIDT",
/* 180 */ "LMSW", "SMSW", "CLTS", "ARPL", "LAR", "LSL", "VERR", "VERW",
/* 188 */ "INVD", "WBINVD", "INVLPG", "LOCK", "HLT", "RSM", "RDMSR", "WRMSR",
/* 190 */ "RDPMC", "RDTSC", "LDDR", "STDR", "LDCR", "STCR",
private static final char[] sizeLabels = {'b', 'w', 'l', 'x'};
assert opnames.length == 0x193;
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(X86Instruction inst)
return opnames[inst.getOpcode() & O_MASK];
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(X86Branch inst)
assert ((inst.getOpcode() & F_BRANCH) != 0);
return opnames[inst.getOpcode() & O_MASK];
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(int opcode)
return opnames[opcode & O_MASK];
* Return 1, 2, 4, or 8 depending on the scale factor specified for
* the instruction.
public static int getScale(int opcode)
return 1 << ((opcode & M_MASK) >> M_SHIFT);
* Set the scale factor specified for the instruction. The value
* must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.
* @return the new opcode
public static int setScale(int opcode, int scale)
int sf = 0;
switch (scale) {
case 1: sf = M_ONE; break;
case 2: sf = M_TWO; break;
case 4: sf = M_FOUR; break;
case 8: sf = M_EIGHT; break;
return ((opcode & M_MASK) | sf);
* Return 1, 2, 4, or 8 depending on the size of the operand, in
* bytes, specified for the instruction.
public static int getOperandSize(int opcode)
return 1 << ((opcode & S_MASK) >> S_SHIFT);
* Return 'b', 'w', 'l', or 'x' depending on the size of the
* operand specified for the instruction.
public static char getOperandSizeLabel(int opcode)
return sizeLabels[(opcode & S_MASK) >> S_SHIFT];
* Set the operand size specified for the instruction. The value
* must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.
* @return the new opcode
public static int setOperandSize(int opcode, int size)
int sf = 0;
switch (size) {
case 1: sf = S_BYTE; break;
case 2: sf = S_SHORT; break;
case 4: sf = S_INT; break;
case 8: sf = S_LONG; break;
return ((opcode & S_MASK) | sf);