/* Linux launcher Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without the author's permission. */ "use strict"; var term, pc, boot_start_time; function term_start() { term = new Term(80, 30, term_handler); term.open(); } /* send chars to the serial port */ function term_handler(str) { pc.serial.send_chars(str); } function clipboard_set(val) { var el; el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard"); el.value = val; } function clipboard_get() { var el; el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard"); return el.value; } function clear_clipboard() { var el; el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard"); el.value = ""; } /* just used to display the boot time in the VM */ function get_boot_time() { return (+new Date()) - boot_start_time; } function start() { var start_addr, initrd_size, params, cmdline_addr; params = new Object(); /* serial output chars */ params.serial_write = term.write.bind(term); /* memory size (in bytes) */ params.mem_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024; /* clipboard I/O */ params.clipboard_get = clipboard_get; params.clipboard_set = clipboard_set; params.get_boot_time = get_boot_time; pc = new PCEmulator(params); pc.load_binary("vmlinux-2.6.20.bin", 0x00100000); initrd_size = pc.load_binary("root.bin", 0x00400000); start_addr = 0x10000; pc.load_binary("linuxstart.bin", start_addr); /* set the Linux kernel command line */ /* Note: we don't use initramfs because it is not possible to disable gzip decompression in this case, which would be too slow. */ cmdline_addr = 0xf800; pc.cpu.write_string(cmdline_addr, "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram0 rw init=/sbin/init notsc=1"); pc.cpu.eip = start_addr; pc.cpu.regs[0] = params.mem_size; /* eax */ pc.cpu.regs[3] = initrd_size; /* ebx */ pc.cpu.regs[1] = cmdline_addr; /* ecx */ boot_start_time = (+new Date()); pc.start(); } term_start();