/* JSLinux-deobfuscated - An annotated version of the original JSLinux. Original is Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Fabrice Bellard Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without the author's permission. Serial Controller Emulator */ function Serial(Ng, mem8_loc, kh, lh) { this.divider = 0; this.rbr = 0; this.ier = 0; this.iir = 0x01; this.lcr = 0; this.mcr; this.lsr = 0x40 | 0x20; this.msr = 0; this.scr = 0; this.set_irq_func = kh; this.write_func = lh; this.receive_fifo = ""; Ng.register_ioport_write(0x3f8, 8, 1, this.ioport_write.bind(this)); Ng.register_ioport_read(0x3f8, 8, 1, this.ioport_read.bind(this)); } Serial.prototype.update_irq = function() { if ((this.lsr & 0x01) && (this.ier & 0x01)) { this.iir = 0x04; } else if ((this.lsr & 0x20) && (this.ier & 0x02)) { this.iir = 0x02; } else { this.iir = 0x01; } if (this.iir != 0x01) { this.set_irq_func(1); } else { this.set_irq_func(0); } }; Serial.prototype.ioport_write = function(mem8_loc, x) { mem8_loc &= 7; switch (mem8_loc) { default: case 0: if (this.lcr & 0x80) { this.divider = (this.divider & 0xff00) | x; } else { this.lsr &= ~0x20; this.update_irq(); this.write_func(String.fromCharCode(x)); this.lsr |= 0x20; this.lsr |= 0x40; this.update_irq(); } break; case 1: if (this.lcr & 0x80) { this.divider = (this.divider & 0x00ff) | (x << 8); } else { this.ier = x; this.update_irq(); } break; case 2: break; case 3: this.lcr = x; break; case 4: this.mcr = x; break; case 5: break; case 6: this.msr = x; break; case 7: this.scr = x; break; } }; Serial.prototype.ioport_read = function(mem8_loc) { var Pg; mem8_loc &= 7; switch (mem8_loc) { default: case 0: if (this.lcr & 0x80) { Pg = this.divider & 0xff; } else { Pg = this.rbr; this.lsr &= ~(0x01 | 0x10); this.update_irq(); this.send_char_from_fifo(); } break; case 1: if (this.lcr & 0x80) { Pg = (this.divider >> 8) & 0xff; } else { Pg = this.ier; } break; case 2: Pg = this.iir; break; case 3: Pg = this.lcr; break; case 4: Pg = this.mcr; break; case 5: Pg = this.lsr; break; case 6: Pg = this.msr; break; case 7: Pg = this.scr; break; } return Pg; }; Serial.prototype.send_break = function() { this.rbr = 0; this.lsr |= 0x10 | 0x01; this.update_irq(); }; Serial.prototype.send_char = function(mh) { this.rbr = mh; this.lsr |= 0x01; this.update_irq(); }; Serial.prototype.send_char_from_fifo = function() { var nh; nh = this.receive_fifo; if (nh != "" && !(this.lsr & 0x01)) { this.send_char(nh.charCodeAt(0)); this.receive_fifo = nh.substr(1, nh.length - 1); } }; Serial.prototype.send_chars = function(na) { this.receive_fifo += na; this.send_char_from_fifo(); };