added readme and added the transformation scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
package scale.backend.x86;
* The Intel X86 opcodes.
* <p>
* $Id$
* <p>
* Copyright 2008 by James H. Burrill<br>
* All Rights Reserved.<br>
public final class Opcodes
// The opcode value has several fields:
// +------------------+----+----+----------+
// | F | M | S | O |
// +------------------+----+----+----------+
// F: form flags indicating legal forms
// M: Scaling factor used in some addressing forms
// S: Operand size
// O: instruction opcode
* Mask for the instruction opcode.
public static final int O_MASK = 0x000003ff;
* Mask for the instruction opcode.
public static final int O_SHIFT = 0;
* Mask for the operand size.
public static final int S_MASK = 0x00000c00;
* Shift for the operand size.
public static final int S_SHIFT = 10;
* Operand size - byte.
public static final int S_BYTE = 0x00000000;
* Operand size - short.
public static final int S_SHORT = 0x00000400;
* Operand size - int.
public static final int S_INT = 0x00000800;
* Operand size - LONG.
public static final int S_LONG = 0x00000c00;
* Mask for the scaling factor used in some addressing modes..
public static final int M_MASK = 0x00003000;
* Shift for the scaling factor used in some addressing modes..
public static final int M_SHIFT = 12;
* Scaling factor - 1.
public static final int M_ONE = 0x00000000;
* Scaling factor - 2.
public static final int M_TWO = 0x00001000;
* Scaling factor - 4.
public static final int M_FOUR = 0x00002000;
* Scaling factor - 8.
public static final int M_EIGHT = 0x00003000;
* Valid form has no operands.
public static final int F_NONE = 0x00004000;
* Valid form has one register operand.
public static final int F_R = 0x00008000;
* Valid form has two register operands.
public static final int F_RR = 0x00010000;
* Valid form has three register operands.
public static final int F_RRR = 0x00020000;
* Valid form has a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_D = 0x00040000;
* Valid form has a register operand and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RD = 0x00080000;
* Valid form has two register operands and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RRD = 0x00100000;
* Valid form has three register operands and a descriptor operand.
public static final int F_RRRD = 0x00200000;
* Branch instruction flag.
public static final int F_BRANCH = 0x00400000;
* Operands are reversed flag.
public static final int F_REV = 0x00800000;
public static final int F_SHFT = F_RD + F_RR;
public static final int F_ARTH = F_RR + F_RD + F_RRR + F_RRD + F_RRRD; // ADD, ADC, AND, XOR, OR, SBB, SUB, CMP
public static final int F_CALL = F_D + F_R + F_RD + F_RR + F_RRD;
// Integer Instructions
public static final int MOV = 0X000 + F_NONE; // Move
public static final int CMOVE = 0X001 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if equal
public static final int CMOVZ = 0X002 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if zero
public static final int CMOVNE = 0X003 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not equal
public static final int CMOVNZ = 0X004 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not zero
public static final int CMOVA = 0X005 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if above
public static final int CMOVNBE = 0X006 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not below or equal
public static final int CMOVAE = 0X007 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if above or equal
public static final int CMOVNB = 0X008 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not below
public static final int CMOVB = 0X009 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if below
public static final int CMOVNAE = 0X00A + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not above or equal
public static final int CMOVBE = 0X00B + F_NONE; // Conditional move if below or equal
public static final int CMOVNA = 0X00C + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not above
public static final int CMOVG = 0X00D + F_NONE; // Conditional move if greater
public static final int CMOVNLE = 0X00E + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not less or equal
public static final int CMOVGE = 0X00F + F_NONE; // Conditional move if greater or equal
public static final int CMOVNL = 0X010 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not less
public static final int CMOVL = 0X011 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if less
public static final int CMOVNGE = 0X012 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not greater or equal
public static final int CMOVLE = 0X013 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if less or equal
public static final int CMOVNG = 0X014 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not greater
public static final int CMOVC = 0X015 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if carry
public static final int CMOVNC = 0X016 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not carry
public static final int CMOVO = 0X017 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if overflow
public static final int CMOVNO = 0X018 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not overflow
public static final int CMOVS = 0X019 + F_NONE; // Conditional move if sign (negative)
public static final int CMOVNS = 0X01A + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int CMOVP = 0X01B + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity
public static final int CMOVPE = 0X01C + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity even
public static final int CMOVNP = 0X01D + F_NONE; // Conditional move if not parity
public static final int CMOVPO = 0X01E + F_NONE; // Conditional move if parity odd
public static final int XCHG = 0X01F + F_NONE; // Exchange
public static final int BSWAP = 0X020 + F_NONE; // Byte swap
public static final int XADD = 0X021 + F_NONE; // Exchange and add
public static final int CMPXCHG = 0X022 + F_NONE; // Compare and exchange
public static final int CMPXCHG8B = 0X023 + F_NONE; // Compare and exchange 8 bytes
public static final int PUSH = 0X024 + F_NONE; // Push onto stack
public static final int POP = 0X025 + F_NONE; // Pop off of stack
public static final int PUSHA = 0X026 + F_NONE; // Push general-purpose registers onto stack
public static final int PUSHAD = 0X027 + F_NONE; // Push general-purpose registers onto stack
public static final int POPA = 0X028 + F_NONE; // Pop general-purpose registers from stack
public static final int POPAD = 0X029 + F_NONE; // Pop general-purpose registers from stack
public static final int IN = 0X02A + F_NONE; // Read from a port
public static final int OUT = 0X02B + F_NONE; // Write to a port
public static final int CWD = 0X02C + F_NONE; // Convert word to doubleword
public static final int CDQ = 0X02D + F_NONE; // Convert doubleword to quadword
public static final int CBW = 0X02E + F_NONE; // Convert byte to word
public static final int CWDE = 0X02F + F_NONE; // Convert word to doubleword in EAX register
public static final int MOVSX = 0X030 + F_NONE; // Move and sign extend
public static final int MOVZX = 0X031 + F_NONE; // Move and zero extend
public static final int ADD = 0X032 + F_ARTH; // Integer add
public static final int ADC = 0X033 + F_ARTH; // Add with carry
public static final int SUB = 0X034 + F_ARTH; // Subtract
public static final int SBB = 0X035 + F_ARTH; // Subtract with borrow
public static final int IMUL = 0X036 + F_NONE; // Signed multiply
public static final int MUL = 0X037 + F_NONE; // Unsigned multiply
public static final int IDIV = 0X038 + F_NONE; // Signed divide
public static final int DIV = 0X039 + F_NONE; // Unsigned divide
public static final int INC = 0X03A + F_NONE; // Increment
public static final int DEC = 0X03B + F_NONE; // Decrement
public static final int NEG = 0X03C + F_NONE; // Negate
public static final int CMP = 0X03D + F_ARTH; // Compare
public static final int DAA = 0X03E + F_NONE; // Decimal adjust after addition
public static final int DAS = 0X03F + F_NONE; // Decimal adjust after subtraction
public static final int AAA = 0X040 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after addition
public static final int AAS = 0X041 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after subtraction
public static final int AAM = 0X042 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust after multiplication
public static final int AAD = 0X043 + F_NONE; // ASCII adjust before division
public static final int AND = 0X044 + F_ARTH; // And
public static final int OR = 0X045 + F_ARTH; // Or
public static final int XOR = 0X046 + F_ARTH; // Exclusive or
public static final int NOT = 0X047 + F_NONE; // Not
public static final int SAR = 0X048 + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic right
public static final int SHR = 0X049 + F_SHFT; // Shift logical right
public static final int SAL = 0X04A + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic left
public static final int SHL = 0X04B + F_SHFT; // Shift arithmetic left
public static final int SHRD = 0X04C + F_SHFT; // Shift right double
public static final int SHLD = 0X04D + F_SHFT; // Shift left double
public static final int ROR = 0X04E + F_SHFT; // Rotate right
public static final int ROL = 0X04F + F_SHFT; // Rotate left
public static final int RCR = 0X050 + F_SHFT; // Rotate through carry right
public static final int RCL = 0X051 + F_SHFT; // Rotate through carry left
public static final int BT = 0X052 + F_ARTH; // Bit test
public static final int BTS = 0X053 + F_NONE; // Bit test and set
public static final int BTR = 0X054 + F_NONE; // Bit test and reset
public static final int BTC = 0X055 + F_ARTH; // Bit test and complement
public static final int BSF = 0X056 + F_NONE; // Bit scan forward
public static final int BSR = 0X057 + F_NONE; // Bit scan reverse
public static final int SETE = 0X058 + F_NONE; // Set byte if equal
public static final int SETZ = 0X059 + F_NONE; // Set byte if zero
public static final int SETNE = 0X05A + F_NONE; // Set byte if not equal
public static final int SETNZ = 0X05B + F_NONE; // Set byte if not zero
public static final int SETA = 0X05C + F_NONE; // Set byte if above
public static final int SETNBE = 0X05D + F_NONE; // Set byte if not below or equal
public static final int SETAE = 0X05E + F_NONE; // Set byte if above or equal
public static final int SETNB = 0X05F + F_NONE; // Set byte if not below
public static final int SETNC = 0X060 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not carry
public static final int SETB = 0X061 + F_NONE; // Set byte if below
public static final int SETNAE = 0X062 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not above or equal
public static final int SETC = 0X063 + F_NONE; // Set byte if carry
public static final int SETBE = 0X064 + F_NONE; // Set byte if below or equal
public static final int SETNA = 0X065 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not above
public static final int SETG = 0X066 + F_NONE; // Set byte if greater
public static final int SETNLE = 0X067 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not less or equal
public static final int SETGE = 0X068 + F_NONE; // Set byte if greater or equal
public static final int SETNL = 0X069 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not less
public static final int SETL = 0X06A + F_NONE; // Set byte if less
public static final int SETNGE = 0X06B + F_NONE; // Set byte if not greater or equal
public static final int SETLE = 0X06C + F_NONE; // Set byte if less or equal
public static final int SETNG = 0X06D + F_NONE; // Set byte if not greater
public static final int SETS = 0X06E + F_NONE; // Set byte if sign (negative)
public static final int SETNS = 0X06F + F_NONE; // Set byte if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int SETO = 0X070 + F_NONE; // Set byte if overflow
public static final int SETNO = 0X071 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not overflow
public static final int SETPE = 0X072 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity even
public static final int SETP = 0X073 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity
public static final int SETPO = 0X074 + F_NONE; // Set byte if parity odd
public static final int SETNP = 0X075 + F_NONE; // Set byte if not parity
public static final int TEST = 0X076 + F_NONE; // Logical compare
public static final int JMP = 0X077 + F_NONE; // Jump
public static final int JE = 0X078 + F_NONE; // Jump if equal
public static final int JZ = 0X079 + F_NONE; // Jump if zero
public static final int JNE = 0X07A + F_NONE; // Jump if not equal
public static final int JNZ = 0X07B + F_NONE; // Jump if not zero
public static final int JA = 0X07C + F_NONE; // Jump if above
public static final int JNBE = 0X07D + F_NONE; // Jump if not below or equal
public static final int JAE = 0X07E + F_NONE; // Jump if above or equal
public static final int JNB = 0X07F + F_NONE; // Jump if not below
public static final int JB = 0X080 + F_NONE; // Jump if below
public static final int JNAE = 0X081 + F_NONE; // Jump if not above or equal
public static final int JBE = 0X082 + F_NONE; // Jump if below or equal
public static final int JNA = 0X083 + F_NONE; // Jump if not above
public static final int JG = 0X084 + F_NONE; // Jump if greater
public static final int JNLE = 0X085 + F_NONE; // Jump if not less or equal
public static final int JGE = 0X086 + F_NONE; // Jump if greater or equal
public static final int JNL = 0X087 + F_NONE; // Jump if not less
public static final int JL = 0X088 + F_NONE; // Jump if less
public static final int JNGE = 0X089 + F_NONE; // Jump if not greater or equal
public static final int JLE = 0X08A + F_NONE; // Jump if less or equal
public static final int JNG = 0X08B + F_NONE; // Jump if not greater
public static final int JC = 0X08C + F_NONE; // Jump if carry
public static final int JNC = 0X08D + F_NONE; // Jump if not carry
public static final int JO = 0X08E + F_NONE; // Jump if overflow
public static final int JNO = 0X08F + F_NONE; // Jump if not overflow
public static final int JS = 0X090 + F_NONE; // Jump if sign (negative)
public static final int JNS = 0X091 + F_NONE; // Jump if not sign (non-negative)
public static final int JPO = 0X092 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity odd
public static final int JNP = 0X093 + F_NONE; // Jump if not parity
public static final int JPE = 0X094 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity even
public static final int JP = 0X095 + F_NONE; // Jump if parity
public static final int JCXZ = 0X096 + F_NONE; // Jump register CX zero
public static final int JECXZ = 0X097 + F_NONE; // Jump register ECX zero
public static final int LOOP = 0X098 + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX counter
public static final int LOOPZ = 0X099 + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and zero
public static final int LOOPE = 0X09A + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and equal
public static final int LOOPNZ = 0X09B + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and not zero
public static final int LOOPNE = 0X09C + F_NONE; // Loop with ECX and not equal
public static final int CALL = 0X09D + F_NONE; // Call procedure
public static final int RET = 0X09E + F_NONE; // Return
public static final int IRET = 0X09F + F_NONE; // Return from interrupt
public static final int INT = 0X0A0 + F_NONE; // Software interrupt
public static final int INTO = 0X0A1 + F_NONE; // Interrupt on overflow
public static final int BOUND = 0X0A2 + F_NONE; // Detect value out of range
public static final int ENTER = 0X0A3 + F_NONE; // High-level procedure entry
public static final int LEAVE = 0X0A4 + F_NONE; // High-level procedure exit
public static final int UN00 = 0X0A5 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSB = 0X0A6 + F_NONE; // Move byte string
public static final int UN01 = 0X0A7 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSW = 0X0A8 + F_NONE; // Move word string
public static final int UN02 = 0X0A9 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int MOVSD = 0X0AA + F_NONE; // Move doubleword string
public static final int UN03 = 0X0AB + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSB = 0X0AC + F_NONE; // Compare byte string
public static final int UN04 = 0X0AD + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSW = 0X0AE + F_NONE; // Compare word string
public static final int UN05 = 0X0AF + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int CMPSD = 0X0B0 + F_NONE; // Compare doubleword string
public static final int UN06 = 0X0B1 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASB = 0X0B2 + F_NONE; // Scan byte string
public static final int UN07 = 0X0B3 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASW = 0X0B4 + F_NONE; // Scan word string
public static final int UN08 = 0X0B5 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int SCASD = 0X0B6 + F_NONE; // Scan doubleword string
public static final int UN09 = 0X0B7 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSB = 0X0B8 + F_NONE; // Load byte string
public static final int UN10 = 0X0B9 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSW = 0X0BA + F_NONE; // Load word string
public static final int UN11 = 0X0BB + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int LODSD = 0X0BC + F_NONE; // Load doubleword string
public static final int UN12 = 0X0BD + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int STOSB = 0X0BE + F_NONE; // Store byte string
public static final int UN13 = 0X0BF + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int STOSW = 0X0C0 + F_NONE; // Store word string
public static final int UN14 = 0X0C1 + F_NONE; // KUnusedStore string
public static final int STOSD = 0X0C2 + F_NONE; // Store doubleword string
public static final int REP = 0X0C3 + F_NONE; // Repeat while ECX not zero
public static final int REPE = 0X0C4 + F_NONE; // Repeat while equal
public static final int REPZ = 0X0C5 + F_NONE; // Repeat while zero
public static final int REPNE = 0X0C6 + F_NONE; // Repeat while not equal
public static final int REPNZ = 0X0C7 + F_NONE; // Repeat while not zero
public static final int UN15 = 0X0C8 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSB = 0X0C9 + F_NONE; // Input byte string from port
public static final int UN16 = 0X0CA + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSW = 0X0CB + F_NONE; // Input word string from port
public static final int UN17 = 0X0CC + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int INSD = 0X0CD + F_NONE; // Input doubleword string from port
public static final int UN18 = 0X0CE + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSB = 0X0CF + F_NONE; // Output byte string to port
public static final int UN19 = 0X0D0 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSW = 0X0D1 + F_NONE; // Output word string to port
public static final int UN20 = 0X0D2 + F_NONE; // Unused
public static final int OUTSD = 0X0D3 + F_NONE; // Output doubleword string to port
public static final int STC = 0X0D4 + F_NONE; // Set carry flag
public static final int CLC = 0X0D5 + F_NONE; // Clear the carry flag
public static final int CMC = 0X0D6 + F_NONE; // Complement the carry flag
public static final int CLD = 0X0D7 + F_NONE; // Clear the direction flag
public static final int STD = 0X0D8 + F_NONE; // Set direction flag
public static final int LAHF = 0X0D9 + F_NONE; // Load flags into AH register
public static final int SAHF = 0X0DA + F_NONE; // Store AH register into flags
public static final int PUSHF = 0X0DB + F_NONE; // Push EFLAGS onto stack
public static final int PUSHFD = 0X0DC + F_NONE; // Push EFLAGS onto stack
public static final int POPF = 0X0DD + F_NONE; // Pop EFLAGS from stack
public static final int POPFD = 0X0DE + F_NONE; // Pop EFLAGS from stack
public static final int STI = 0X0DF + F_NONE; // Set interrupt flag
public static final int CLI = 0X0E0 + F_NONE; // Clear the interrupt flag
public static final int LDS = 0X0E1 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using DS
public static final int LES = 0X0E2 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using ES
public static final int LFS = 0X0E3 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using FS
public static final int LGS = 0X0E4 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using GS
public static final int LSS = 0X0E5 + F_NONE; // Load far pointer using SS
public static final int LEA = 0X0E6 + F_NONE; // Load effective address
public static final int NOP = 0X0E7 + F_NONE; // No operation
public static final int UB2 = 0X0E8 + F_NONE; // Undefined instruction
public static final int XLAT = 0X0E9 + F_NONE; // Table lookup translation
public static final int XLATB = 0X0EA + F_NONE; // Table lookup translation
public static final int CPUID = 0X0EB + F_NONE; // Processor Identification
// MMXTM Technology Instructions
public static final int MOVD = 0X0EC + F_NONE; // Move doubleword
public static final int MOVQ = 0X0ED + F_NONE; // Move quadword
public static final int PACKSSWB = 0X0EE + F_NONE; // Pack words into bytes with signed saturation
public static final int PACKSSDW = 0X0EF + F_NONE; // Pack doublewords into words with signed saturation
public static final int PACKUSWB = 0X0F0 + F_NONE; // Pack words into bytes with unsigned saturation
public static final int PUNPCKHBW = 0X0F1 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order bytes from words
public static final int PUNPCKHWD = 0X0F2 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order words from doublewords
public static final int PUNPCKHDQ = 0X0F3 + F_NONE; // Unpack high-order doublewords from quadword
public static final int PUNPCKLBW = 0X0F4 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order bytes from words
public static final int PUNPCKLWD = 0X0F5 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order words from doublewords
public static final int PUNPCKLDQ = 0X0F6 + F_NONE; // Unpack low-order doublewords from quadword
public static final int PADDB = 0X0F7 + F_NONE; // Add packed bytes
public static final int PADDW = 0X0F8 + F_NONE; // Add packed words
public static final int PADDD = 0X0F9 + F_NONE; // Add packed doublewords
public static final int PADDSB = 0X0FA + F_NONE; // Add packed bytes with saturation
public static final int PADDSW = 0X0FB + F_NONE; // Add packed words with saturation
public static final int PADDUSB = 0X0FC + F_NONE; // Add packed unsigned bytes with saturation
public static final int PADDUSW = 0X0FD + F_NONE; // Add packed unsigned words with saturation
public static final int PSUBB = 0X0FE + F_NONE; // Subtract packed bytes
public static final int PSUBW = 0X0FF + F_NONE; // Subtract packed words
public static final int PSUBD = 0X100 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed doublewords
public static final int PSUBSB = 0X101 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed bytes with saturation
public static final int PSUBSW = 0X102 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed words with saturation
public static final int PSUBUSB = 0X103 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed unsigned bytes with saturation
public static final int PSUBUSW = 0X104 + F_NONE; // Subtract packed unsigned words with saturation
public static final int PMULHW = 0X105 + F_NONE; // Multiply packed words and store high result
public static final int PMULLW = 0X106 + F_NONE; // Multiply packed words and store low result
public static final int PMADDWD = 0X107 + F_NONE; // Multiply and add packed words
public static final int PCMPEQB = 0X108 + F_NONE; // Compare packed bytes for equal
public static final int PCMPEQW = 0X109 + F_NONE; // Compare packed words for equal
public static final int PCMPEQD = 0X10A + F_NONE; // Compare packed doublewords for equal
public static final int PCMPGTB = 0X10B + F_NONE; // Compare packed bytes for greater than
public static final int PCMPGTW = 0X10C + F_NONE; // Compare packed words for greater than
public static final int PCMPGTD = 0X10D + F_NONE; // Compare packed doublewords for greater than
public static final int PAND = 0X10E + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical and
public static final int PANDN = 0X10F + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical and not
public static final int POR = 0X110 + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical or
public static final int PXOR = 0X111 + F_NONE; // Bitwise logical exclusive or
public static final int PSLLW = 0X112 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words left logical
public static final int PSLLD = 0X113 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords left logical
public static final int PSLLQ = 0X114 + F_NONE; // Shift packed quadword left logical
public static final int PSRLW = 0X115 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words right logical
public static final int PSRLD = 0X116 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords right logical
public static final int PSRLQ = 0X117 + F_NONE; // Shift packed quadword right logical
public static final int PSRAW = 0X118 + F_NONE; // Shift packed words right arithmetic
public static final int PSRAD = 0X119 + F_NONE; // Shift packed doublewords right arithmetic
public static final int EMMS = 0X11A + F_NONE; // Empty MMX state
// Floating-Point Instructions
public static final int FLD = 0X11B + F_NONE; // Load real
public static final int FST = 0X11C + F_NONE; // Store real
public static final int FSTP = 0X11D + F_NONE; // Store real and pop
public static final int FILD = 0X11E + F_NONE; // Load integer
public static final int FIST = 0X11F + F_NONE; // Store integer
public static final int FISTP = 0X120 + F_NONE; // Store integer and pop
public static final int FBLD = 0X121 + F_NONE; // Load BCD
public static final int FBSTP = 0X122 + F_NONE; // Store BCD and pop
public static final int FXCH = 0X123 + F_NONE; // Exchange registers
public static final int FCMOVE = 0X124 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if equal
public static final int FCMOVNE = 0X125 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not equal
public static final int FCMOVB = 0X126 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if below
public static final int FCMOVBE = 0X127 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if below or equal
public static final int FCMOVNB = 0X128 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not below
public static final int FCMOVNBE = 0X129 + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not below or equal
public static final int FCMOVU = 0X12A + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if unordered
public static final int FCMOVNU = 0X12B + F_NONE; // Floating-point conditional move if not unordered
public static final int FADD = 0X12C + F_NONE; // Add real
public static final int FADDP = 0X12D + F_NONE; // Add real and pop
public static final int FIADD = 0X12E + F_NONE; // Add integer
public static final int FSUB = 0X12F + F_NONE; // Subtract real
public static final int FSUBP = 0X130 + F_NONE; // Subtract real and pop
public static final int FISUB = 0X131 + F_NONE; // Subtract integer
public static final int FSUBR = 0X132 + F_NONE; // Subtract real reverse
public static final int FSUBRP = 0X133 + F_NONE; // Subtract real reverse and pop
public static final int FISUBR = 0X134 + F_NONE; // Subtract integer reverse
public static final int FMUL = 0X135 + F_NONE; // Multiply real
public static final int FMULP = 0X136 + F_NONE; // Multiply real and pop
public static final int FIMUL = 0X137 + F_NONE; // Multiply integer
public static final int FDIV = 0X138 + F_NONE; // Divide real
public static final int FDIVP = 0X139 + F_NONE; // Divide real and pop
public static final int FIDIV = 0X13A + F_NONE; // Divide integer
public static final int FDIVR = 0X13B + F_NONE; // Divide real reverse
public static final int FDIVRP = 0X13C + F_NONE; // Divide real reverse and pop
public static final int FIDIVR = 0X13D + F_NONE; // Divide integer reverse
public static final int FPREM = 0X13E + F_NONE; // Partial remainder
public static final int FPREMI = 0X13F + F_NONE; // IEEE Partial remainder
public static final int FABS = 0X140 + F_NONE; // Absolute value
public static final int FCHS = 0X141 + F_NONE; // Change sign
public static final int FRNDINT = 0X142 + F_NONE; // Round to integer
public static final int FSCALE = 0X143 + F_NONE; // Scale by power of two
public static final int FSQRT = 0X144 + F_NONE; // Square root
public static final int FXTRACT = 0X145 + F_NONE; // Extract exponent and significand
public static final int FCOM = 0X146 + F_NONE; // Compare real
public static final int FCOMP = 0X147 + F_NONE; // Compare real and pop
public static final int FCOMPP = 0X148 + F_NONE; // Compare real and pop twice
public static final int FUCOM = 0X149 + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real
public static final int FUCOMP = 0X14A + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and pop
public static final int FUCOMPP = 0X14B + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and pop twice
public static final int FICOM = 0X14C + F_NONE; // Compare integer
public static final int FICOMP = 0X14D + F_NONE; // Compare integer and pop
public static final int FCOMI = 0X14E + F_NONE; // Compare real and set EFLAGS
public static final int FUCOMI = 0X14F + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real and set EFLAGS
public static final int FCOMIP = 0X150 + F_NONE; // Compare real, set EFLAGS, and pop
public static final int FUCOMIP = 0X151 + F_NONE; // Unordered compare real, set EFLAGS, and pop
public static final int FTST = 0X152 + F_NONE; // Test real
public static final int FXAM = 0X153 + F_NONE; // Examine real
public static final int FSIN = 0X154 + F_NONE; // Sine
public static final int FCOS = 0X155 + F_NONE; // Cosine
public static final int FSINCOS = 0X156 + F_NONE; // Sine and cosine
public static final int FPTAN = 0X157 + F_NONE; // Partial tangent
public static final int FPATAN = 0X158 + F_NONE; // Partial arctangent
public static final int F2XM1 = 0X159 + F_NONE; // 2x - 1
public static final int FYL2X = 0X15A + F_NONE; // y*log2x
public static final int FYL2XP1 = 0X15B + F_NONE; // y*log 2(x+1)
public static final int FLD1 = 0X15C + F_NONE; // Load +1.0
public static final int FLDZ = 0X15D + F_NONE; // Load +0.0
public static final int FLDPI = 0X15E + F_NONE; // Load Pi
public static final int FLDL2E = 0X15F + F_NONE; // Load log2e
public static final int FLDLN2 = 0X160 + F_NONE; // Load loge2
public static final int FLDL2T = 0X161 + F_NONE; // Load log210
public static final int FLDLG2 = 0X162 + F_NONE; // Load log102
public static final int FINCSTP = 0X163 + F_NONE; // Increment FPU register stack pointer
public static final int FDECSTP = 0X164 + F_NONE; // Decrement FPU register stack pointer
public static final int FFREE = 0X165 + F_NONE; // Free floating-point register
public static final int FINIT = 0X166 + F_NONE; // Initialize FPU after checking error conditions
public static final int FNINIT = 0X167 + F_NONE; // Initialize FPU without checking error conditions
public static final int FCLEX = 0X168 + F_NONE; // Clear floating-point exception flags after checking for error conditions
public static final int FNCLEX = 0X169 + F_NONE; // Clear floating-point exception flags without checking for error conditions
public static final int FSTCW = 0X16A + F_NONE; // Store FPU control word after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTCW = 0X16B + F_NONE; // Store FPU control word without checking error conditions
public static final int FLDCW = 0X16C + F_NONE; // Load FPU control word
public static final int FSTENV = 0X16D + F_NONE; // Store FPU environment after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTENV = 0X16E + F_NONE; // Store FPU environment without checking error conditions
public static final int FLDENV = 0X16F + F_NONE; // Load FPU environment
public static final int FSAVE = 0X170 + F_NONE; // Save FPU state after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSAVE = 0X171 + F_NONE; // Save FPU state without checking error conditions
public static final int FRSTOR = 0X172 + F_NONE; // Restore FPU state
public static final int FSTSW = 0X173 + F_NONE; // Store FPU status word after checking error conditions
public static final int FNSTSW = 0X174 + F_NONE; // Store FPU status word without checking error conditions
public static final int WAIT = 0X175 + F_NONE; // Wait for FPU
public static final int FWAIT = 0X176 + F_NONE; // Wait for FPU
public static final int FNOP = 0X177 + F_NONE; // FPU no operation
// System Instructions
public static final int LGDT = 0X178 + F_NONE; // Load global descriptor table (GDT) register
public static final int SGDT = 0X179 + F_NONE; // Store global descriptor table (GDT) register
public static final int LLDT = 0X17A + F_NONE; // Load local descriptor table (LDT) register
public static final int SLDT = 0X17B + F_NONE; // Store local descriptor table (LDT) register
public static final int LTR = 0X17C + F_NONE; // Load task register
public static final int STR = 0X17D + F_NONE; // Store task register
public static final int LIDT = 0X17E + F_NONE; // Load interrupt descriptor table (IDT) register
public static final int SIDT = 0X17F + F_NONE; // Store interrupt descriptor table (IDT) register
public static final int LMSW = 0X180 + F_NONE; // Load machine status word
public static final int SMSW = 0X181 + F_NONE; // Store machine status word
public static final int CLTS = 0X182 + F_NONE; // Clear the task-switched flag
public static final int ARPL = 0X183 + F_NONE; // Adjust requested privilege level
public static final int LAR = 0X184 + F_NONE; // Load access rights
public static final int LSL = 0X185 + F_NONE; // Load segment limit
public static final int VERR = 0X186 + F_NONE; // Verify segment for reading
public static final int VERW = 0X187 + F_NONE; // Verify segment for writing
public static final int INVD = 0X188 + F_NONE; // Invalidate cache, no writeback
public static final int WBINVD = 0X189 + F_NONE; // Invalidate cache, with writeback
public static final int INVLPG = 0X18A + F_NONE; // Invalidate TLB Entry
public static final int LOCK = 0X18B + F_NONE; // (prefix) Lock Bus
public static final int HLT = 0X18C + F_NONE; // Halt processor
public static final int RSM = 0X18D + F_NONE; // Return from system management mode (SSM)
public static final int RDMSR = 0X18E + F_NONE; // Read model-specific register
public static final int WRMSR = 0X18F + F_NONE; // Write model-specific register
public static final int RDPMC = 0X190 + F_NONE; // Read performance monitoring counters
public static final int RDTSC = 0X191 + F_NONE; // Read time stamp counter
public static final int LDDR = 0X192 + F_NONE; // Load debug register
public static final int STDR = 0X193 + F_NONE; // Store debug register
public static final int LDCR = 0X194 + F_NONE; // Load Control Register
public static final int STCR = 0X195 + F_NONE; // Store Control Register
public static final String[] opnames = {
/* 020 */ "BSWAP", "XADD", "CMPXCHG", "CMPXCHG8B", "PUSH", "POP", "PUSHA", "PUSHAD",
/* 028 */ "POPA", "POPAD", "IN", "OUT", "CWD", "CDQ", "CBW", "CWDE",
/* 030 */ "MOVSX", "MOVZX", "ADD", "ADC", "SUB", "SBB", "IMUL", "MUL",
/* 038 */ "IDIV", "DIV", "INC", "DEC", "NEG", "CMP", "DAA", "DAS",
/* 040 */ "AAA", "AAS", "AAM", "AAD", "AND", "OR", "XOR", "NOT",
/* 048 */ "SAR", "SHR", "SAL", "SHL", "SHRD", "SHLD", "ROR", "ROL",
/* 050 */ "RCR", "RCL", "BT", "BTS", "BTR", "BTC", "BSF", "BSR",
/* 058 */ "SETE", "SETZ", "SETNE", "SETNZ", "SETA", "SETNBE", "SETAE", "SETNB",
/* 060 */ "SETNC", "SETB", "SETNAE", "SETC", "SETBE", "SETNA", "SETG", "SETNLE",
/* 068 */ "SETGE", "SETNL", "SETL", "SETNGE", "SETLE", "SETNG", "SETS", "SETNS",
/* 070 */ "SETO", "SETNO", "SETPE", "SETP", "SETPO", "SETNP", "TEST", "JMP",
/* 078 */ "JE", "JZ", "JNE", "JNZ", "JA", "JNBE", "JAE", "JNB",
/* 080 */ "JB", "JNAE", "JBE", "JNA", "JG", "JNLE", "JGE", "JNL",
/* 088 */ "JL", "JNGE", "JLE", "JNG", "JC", "JNC", "JO", "JNO",
/* 090 */ "JS", "JNS", "JPO", "JNP", "JPE", "JP", "JCXZ", "JECXZ",
/* 098 */ "LOOP", "LOOPZ", "LOOPE", "LOOPNZ", "LOOPNE", "CALL", "RET", "IRET",
/* 0A0 */ "INT", "INTO", "BOUND", "ENTER", "LEAVE", "UN00", "MOVSB", "UN01",
/* 0A8 */ "MOVSW", "UN02", "MOVSD", "UN03", "CMPSB", "UN04", "CMPSW", "UN05",
/* 0B0 */ "CMPSD", "UN06", "SCASB", "UN07", "SCASW", "UN08", "SCASD", "UN09",
/* 0B8 */ "LODSB", "UN10", "LODSW", "UN11", "LODSD", "UN12", "STOSB", "UN13",
/* 0C0 */ "STOSW", "UN14", "STOSD", "REP", "REPE", "REPZ", "REPNE", "REPNZ",
/* 0C8 */ "UN15", "INSB", "UN16", "INSW", "UN17", "INSD", "UN18", "OUTSB",
/* 0D0 */ "UN19", "OUTSW", "UN20", "OUTSD", "STC", "CLC", "CMC", "CLD",
/* 0D8 */ "STD", "LAHF", "SAHF", "PUSHF", "PUSHFD", "POPF", "POPFD", "STI",
/* 0E0 */ "CLI", "LDS", "LES", "LFS", "LGS", "LSS", "LEA", "NOP",
/* 0E8 */ "UB2", "XLAT", "XLATB", "CPUID", "MOVD", "MOVQ", "PACKSSWB", "PACKSSDW",
/* 110 */ "POR", "PXOR", "PSLLW", "PSLLD", "PSLLQ", "PSRLW", "PSRLD", "PSRLQ",
/* 118 */ "PSRAW", "PSRAD", "EMMS", "FLD", "FST", "FSTP", "FILD", "FIST",
/* 130 */ "FSUBP", "FISUB", "FSUBR", "FSUBRP", "FISUBR", "FMUL", "FMULP", "FIMUL",
/* 150 */ "FCOMIP", "FUCOMIP", "FTST", "FXAM", "FSIN", "FCOS", "FSINCOS", "FPTAN",
/* 158 */ "FPATAN", "F2XM1", "FYL2X", "FYL2XP1", "FLD1", "FLDZ", "FLDPI", "FLDL2E",
/* 170 */ "FSAVE", "FNSAVE", "FRSTOR", "FSTSW", "FNSTSW", "WAIT", "FWAIT", "FNOP",
/* 178 */ "LGDT", "SGDT", "LLDT", "SLDT", "LTR", "STR", "LIDT", "SIDT",
/* 180 */ "LMSW", "SMSW", "CLTS", "ARPL", "LAR", "LSL", "VERR", "VERW",
/* 188 */ "INVD", "WBINVD", "INVLPG", "LOCK", "HLT", "RSM", "RDMSR", "WRMSR",
/* 190 */ "RDPMC", "RDTSC", "LDDR", "STDR", "LDCR", "STCR",
private static final char[] sizeLabels = {'b', 'w', 'l', 'x'};
assert opnames.length == 0x193;
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(X86Instruction inst)
return opnames[inst.getOpcode() & O_MASK];
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(X86Branch inst)
assert ((inst.getOpcode() & F_BRANCH) != 0);
return opnames[inst.getOpcode() & O_MASK];
* Return the symbolic string for the instruction.
public static String getOp(int opcode)
return opnames[opcode & O_MASK];
* Return 1, 2, 4, or 8 depending on the scale factor specified for
* the instruction.
public static int getScale(int opcode)
return 1 << ((opcode & M_MASK) >> M_SHIFT);
* Set the scale factor specified for the instruction. The value
* must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.
* @return the new opcode
public static int setScale(int opcode, int scale)
int sf = 0;
switch (scale) {
case 1: sf = M_ONE; break;
case 2: sf = M_TWO; break;
case 4: sf = M_FOUR; break;
case 8: sf = M_EIGHT; break;
return ((opcode & M_MASK) | sf);
* Return 1, 2, 4, or 8 depending on the size of the operand, in
* bytes, specified for the instruction.
public static int getOperandSize(int opcode)
return 1 << ((opcode & S_MASK) >> S_SHIFT);
* Return 'b', 'w', 'l', or 'x' depending on the size of the
* operand specified for the instruction.
public static char getOperandSizeLabel(int opcode)
return sizeLabels[(opcode & S_MASK) >> S_SHIFT];
* Set the operand size specified for the instruction. The value
* must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.
* @return the new opcode
public static int setOperandSize(int opcode, int size)
int sf = 0;
switch (size) {
case 1: sf = S_BYTE; break;
case 2: sf = S_SHORT; break;
case 4: sf = S_INT; break;
case 8: sf = S_LONG; break;
return ((opcode & S_MASK) | sf);
@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
CPU Emulation
Some of the code is inspired from my x86 dynamic translator present in QEMU, but there are important differences because here it is an interpreter. The CPU is close to a 486 compatible x86 without FPU. The lack of FPU is not a problem when running Linux as Operating System because it contains a FPU emulator. In order to be able to run Linux, a complete MMU is implemented. The exact restrictions of the emulated CPU are:
@ -22,9 +23,9 @@ No segment limit and right checks when accessing memory (Linux does not rely on
No single-stepping
I added some tricks which are not present in QEMU to be more precise when emulating unaligned load/stores at page boundaries. The condition code emulation is also more efficient than the one in QEMU.
Currently there is no synchronization between the PIT frequency and the real time, so there is a variable drift between the time returned by Linux (try the "date" command) and the real time.
The UART (serial port) does not support FIFO mode. Perhaps it could help to improve the display speed.
@ -36,16 +37,22 @@ A clipboard device (seen as /dev/clipboard in the emulator) was added to allow e
Javascript terminal
Although I could have reused the excellent termlib, I decided to write my own because I was curious to see how it could be done. The main problem is the key handling which is different among browsers and OSes, as described here.
Linux distribution
Build Details
I compiled a 2.6.20 Linux kernel (I guess any other version would work provided there is still an FPU emulator). The Linux kernel configuration, patch and the source code of the Linux starter (kind of BIOS) are available: linuxstart-20110820.tar.gz.
The disk image is just a ram disk image loaded at boot time. It contains a filesystem generated with Buildroot containing BusyBox. I added my toy C compiler TinyCC and my unfinished but usable emacs clone QEmacs. There is also a small MS-DOS .COM launcher I use to test the 16 bit emulation with a tiny .COM program to compute pi and a small self-assembling assembler for MS-DOS.
Hints for Bit Twiddling
X & -65281 = mask for lower 8 bits for 32bit X
X & 3 = mask for lower 2 bits for single byte X
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Javascript PC Emulator</title>
.term {
font-family: courier,fixed,swiss,monospace,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #f0f0f0;
background: #000000;
.termReverse {
color: #000000;
background: #00ff00;
#note {
font-size: 12px;
#copyright {
font-size: 10px;
#clipboard {
font-size: 12px;
<body onload="start()">
<table border="0">
<tr valign="top"><td>
<script type="text/javascript" src="term.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function include(filename)
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + filename +
'"><' + '/script>');
function test_typed_arrays()
return (window.Uint8Array &&
window.Uint16Array &&
window.Int32Array &&
if (test_typed_arrays()) {
} else {
document.write('<canvas id="dummy_canvas" width="1" height="1"></canvas>');
<script type="text/javascript" src="jslinux.js"></script>
<div id="copyright">© 2011 Fabrice Bellard - <a href="news.html">News</a> - <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a> - <a href="tech.html">Technical notes</a></div>
<td><input type="button" value="Clear clipboard" onclick="clear_clipboard();"><br><textarea row="4" cols="16" id="text_clipboard"></textarea>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
;; Simple hack to use JSShaper script reify.js to change symbolnames on the fly in an emacs buffer.
;; assumes existence of /var/tmp and unix tools
(defun js-change-symbol (name1 name2)
(interactive "sOld Symbol Name:
sNew Symbol Name: ")
(let (commandstr (curline (current-line)) (reifypath "/path/to/reify.js"))
(setq commandstr (concat "cat >/var/tmp/refactoring_tmp; node " reifypath " /var/tmp/refactoring_tmp " name1 " " name2))
(message "Command: %s" commandstr)
;;this does most of the work:
(shell-command-on-region 1 (point-max) commandstr t t )
(goto-line curline)
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0027) -->
<html><script>(function main() {
// Create enabled event
function fireEnabledEvent() {
// If gli exists, then we are already present and shouldn't do anything
if (!window.gli) {
setTimeout(function () {
var enabledEvent = document.createEvent("Event");
enabledEvent.initEvent("WebGLEnabledEvent", true, true);
}, 0);
} else {
//console.log("WebGL Inspector already embedded on the page - disabling extension");
// Grab the path root from the extension
document.addEventListener("WebGLInspectorReadyEvent", function (e) {
var pathElement = document.getElementById("__webglpathroot");
if (window["gliloader"]) {
gliloader.pathRoot = pathElement.innerText;
} else {
// TODO: more?
window.gliCssUrl = pathElement.innerText + "gli.all.css";
}, false);
// Rewrite getContext to snoop for webgl
var originalGetContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
if (!HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContextRaw) {
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContextRaw = originalGetContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function () {
var ignoreCanvas = this.internalInspectorSurface;
if (ignoreCanvas) {
return originalGetContext.apply(this, arguments);
var result = originalGetContext.apply(this, arguments);
if (result == null) {
return null;
var contextNames = ["moz-webgl", "webkit-3d", "experimental-webgl", "webgl", "3d"];
var requestingWebGL = contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) != -1;
if (requestingWebGL) {
// Page is requesting a WebGL context!
// If we are injected, inspect this context
if (window.gli) {
if ( {
// TODO: pull options from extension
result =, result);
var hostUI = new;
result.hostUI = hostUI; // just so we can access it later for debugging
return result;
})();</script><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Javascript PC Emulator</title>
.term {
font-family: courier,fixed,swiss,monospace,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #f0f0f0;
background: #000000;
.termReverse {
color: #000000;
background: #00ff00;
#note {
font-size: 12px;
#copyright {
font-size: 10px;
#clipboard {
font-size: 12px;
<body onload="start()">
<table border="0">
<tbody><tr valign="top"><td>
<script type="text/javascript" src="term.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function include(filename)
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + filename +
'"><' + '/script>');
function test_typed_arrays()
return (window.Uint8Array &&
window.Uint16Array &&
window.Int32Array &&
if (test_typed_arrays()) {
} else {
document.write('<canvas id="dummy_canvas" width="1" height="1"></canvas>');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="cpux86-ta.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jslinux.js"></script><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tbody><tr><td class="term" id="tline0">TCP bind hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes) </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline1">TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 512) </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline2">TCP reno registered </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline3">checking if image is isn't (bad gzip magic numbers); looks like a</td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline4">n initrd </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline5">Freeing initrd memory: 2048k freed </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline6">Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline7">io scheduler noop registered </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline8">io scheduler anticipatory registered </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline9">io scheduler deadline registered </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline10">io scheduler cfq registered (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline11">Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline12">JS clipboard: I/O at 0x03c0 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline13">Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline14">serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline15">RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline16">loop: loaded (max 8 devices) </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline17">TCP cubic registered </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline18">NET: Registered protocol family 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline19">NET: Registered protocol family 17 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline20">Using IPI Shortcut mode </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline21">Time: pit clocksource has been installed. </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline22">RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline23">RAMDISK: Loading 2048KiB [1 disk] into ram disk... done. </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline24">EXT2-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline25">VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem). </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline26">Freeing unused kernel memory: 124k freed </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline27">Booted in 7.363 s </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline28">Welcome to JS/Linux </td></tr>
<tr><td class="term" id="tline29">~ # <span class="termReverse"> </span> </td></tr>
<div id="copyright">© 2011 Fabrice Bellard - <a href="">News</a> - <a href="">FAQ</a> - <a href="">Technical notes</a></div>
</td><td><input type="button" value="Clear clipboard" onclick="clear_clipboard();"><br><textarea row="4" cols="16" id="text_clipboard"></textarea>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
De-obfuscated JSLinux
I wanted to understand how the amazing [JsLinux][1] worked. However, Mr Bellard seems to have applied a decidedly french proclivity towards obfuscatory algorithmic prose, replete with two-letter variable names and the like...
So in order to better understand the code, I started transforming all the symbols, which isn't all that hard a thing to do given that it's been built to imitate a very well-specified piece of hardware.
### Stats
It's still absolutely ungainly, but not nearly so ungainly as the original. About a third to a half of the variables/function names have been redescribed.
I highly recommend, by the way, the excellent [JSShaper][2] library for transforming large javascript code bases.
### Caveat Coder
This is an artistic reinterpretation of Fabrice Bellard's original code. There's no alteration in the acutal algorithmic content. I do make sure that it still runs. I can't guarantee anything else.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
JS Reify
Uses JSShaper to parse javascript files and replace symbol names
>node reify.js [filename] old_symbolname new_symbolname
- it barfs output to stdout
- doesn't work w. stdin, node.js can't do sync stdin,
so write to tmpfile for external feeding of this animal)
"use strict"; "use restrict";
var require = require || function(f) { load(f); };
require.paths && typeof __dirname !== "undefined" && require.paths.unshift(__dirname);
var args = (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.argv !== undefined) ?
process.argv.slice(2) : arguments;
var log = (typeof console !== "undefined") && console.log || print;
//if (args.length > 0 && args[0] === "--") {
// args.shift();
if (args.length <= 0) {
log("run-shaper: filename OLDNAME NEWNAME");
(typeof quit === "undefined" ? process.exit : quit)(0);
var Shaper = Shaper || require("shaper.js") || Shaper;
var filename = args.shift();
var ORIGNAME = args.shift();
var NEWNAME = args.shift();
//define reify transformer
Shaper("reify", function(root) {
return Shaper.traverse(root, {pre: function(node, ref) {
if (node.type === tkn.IDENTIFIER) { // or: if (Shaper.match("$", node)) {
if(node.value === ORIGNAME ){
Shaper.renameIdentifier(node, NEWNAME);
//specify the transform pipeline
var pipeline = ["reify","source"];
// read: js/d8/v8 || rhino || node
var read = read || typeof readFile !== "undefined" && readFile || require("fs").readFileSync;
var src = read(filename);
var root = Shaper.parseScript(src, filename);
root =, pipeline);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user