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2011-12-17 12:16:10 +08:00
Linux launcher
Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard
Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without the author's
"use strict";
var term, pc, boot_start_time;
function term_start()
term = new Term(80, 30, term_handler);
/* send chars to the serial port */
function term_handler(str)
function clipboard_set(val)
var el;
el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard");
el.value = val;
function clipboard_get()
var el;
el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard");
return el.value;
function clear_clipboard()
var el;
el = document.getElementById("text_clipboard");
el.value = "";
/* just used to display the boot time in the VM */
function get_boot_time()
return (+new Date()) - boot_start_time;
/* global to hold binary data from async XHR requests */
var binaries = [false,false,false];
function loadbinary(url,slot) {
var req, binary_array, len, typed_arrays_exist;
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', url, true);
typed_arrays_exist = ('ArrayBuffer' in window && 'Uint8Array' in window);
if (typed_arrays_exist && 'mozResponseType' in req) {
req.mozResponseType = 'arraybuffer';
} else if (typed_arrays_exist && 'responseType' in req) {
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
} else {
req.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
typed_arrays_exist = false;
req.onerror = function(e) {
throw "Error while loading " + req.statusText;
req.onload = function (e) {
console.log('onload triggered');
if (req.readyState === 4) {
if (req.status === 200) {
if (typed_arrays_exist && 'mozResponse' in req) {
binaries[slot] = req.mozResponse;
} else if (typed_arrays_exist && req.mozResponseArrayBuffer) {
binaries[slot] = req.mozResponseArrayBuffer;
} else if ('responseType' in req) {
binaries[slot] = req.response;
} else {
binaries[slot] = req.responseText;
} else {
throw "Error while loading " + url;
function checkbinaries() {
//console.log("checkbinaries: ",(binaries[0]!=false),(binaries[1]!=false),(binaries[2]!=false));
if((binaries[0] != false) && (binaries[1] != false) && (binaries[2] != false)){
console.log("...binaries done loading, calling start()")
} else {
setTimeout(checkbinaries, 500);
function load_binaries() {
console.log("requesting binaries");
loadbinary("vmlinux-2.6.20.bin", 0);
loadbinary("root.bin", 1);
loadbinary("linuxstart.bin", 2);
console.log("waiting for binaries to finish loading...");
2011-12-17 12:16:10 +08:00
function start()
var start_addr, initrd_size, params, cmdline_addr;
params = new Object();
/* serial output chars */
params.serial_write = term.write.bind(term);
/* memory size (in bytes) */
params.mem_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
/* clipboard I/O */
params.clipboard_get = clipboard_get;
params.clipboard_set = clipboard_set;
params.get_boot_time = get_boot_time;
pc = new PCEmulator(params);
pc.load_binary(binaries[0], 0x00100000);
2011-12-17 12:16:10 +08:00
initrd_size = pc.load_binary(binaries[1], 0x00400000);
2011-12-17 12:16:10 +08:00
start_addr = 0x10000;
pc.load_binary(binaries[2], start_addr);
2011-12-17 12:16:10 +08:00
/* set the Linux kernel command line */
/* Note: we don't use initramfs because it is not possible to
disable gzip decompression in this case, which would be too
slow. */
cmdline_addr = 0xf800;
pc.cpu.write_string(cmdline_addr, "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram0 rw init=/sbin/init notsc=1");
pc.cpu.eip = start_addr;
pc.cpu.regs[0] = params.mem_size; /* eax */
pc.cpu.regs[3] = initrd_size; /* ebx */
pc.cpu.regs[1] = cmdline_addr; /* ecx */
boot_start_time = (+new Date());