import jinja2 import os import shutil import json import sys import time import tomllib import math print("Load config") with open("config.toml", 'rb') as file: cfg = tomllib.load(file)["render"] show_st = cfg["show_st"] clean = cfg["clean"] page_split = cfg["page_split"] print("Init build") if (clean): if os.path.exists("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") os.mkdir("build") if not os.path.exists("theme"): print("Connot find any themes") sys.exit(1) def render_func(filepath, extpath, **kwargs): if (show_st): print(f' render "{extpath}"') with open(filepath, 'r') as file: result = jinja2.Template(**kwargs) with open(extpath, 'w') as file: file.write(result) if not (os.path.exists("build/home.html")): print("Render home page") with open("dump/forums.json", 'r') as file: json_res = json.load(file) render_args = { "forums": [ { "url": "/topics/"+str(i["id"])+"/1.html", "name": i["name"], "description": i["description"] } for i in json_res ] } render_func("theme/home.html", "build/index.html", **render_args) if not (os.path.exists("build/users")): print("Render users") os.mkdir("build/users") with open("dump/users.json", 'r') as file: user_json_res = json.load(file) count = 0 print(f"Users count: {len(user_json_res)}") for ids, context in user_json_res.items(): count += 1 render_func("theme/user.html", "build/users/"+str(ids)+".html", user={ "name": context["name"], "description": context["description"], "reg_time": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(context["time"])) }) if not (show_st): if (count % 50 == 0): print(f" render {count}", end='\r') print(f" render {count}") if not (os.path.exists("build/topics")): print("Render topics") os.mkdir("build/topics") with open("dump/forums.json", 'r') as file: json_res = json.load(file) count = 0 for r in os.listdir("dump/forums"): count += 1 u_cfg = [] with open("dump/forums/"+r, 'r') as file: strs = file.readlines() n_count = 0 for i in strs: n_count += 1 line_st = i.rstrip("\r\n").lstrip("\r\n") if (line_st == ""): continue line_json = json.loads(line_st) u_cfg.append( { "id": n_count, "name": line_json["name"], "time": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(line_json["time"])), "url": "/posts/"+str(line_json["id"])+"/1.html" } ) ids = int(r.split(".")[0]) os.mkdir("build/topics/" + str(ids)) for page_counts in range(1, math.ceil(len(strs)/page_split)+1): render_func("theme/topics.html", "build/topics/" + str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts)+".html", topics={ "topics": u_cfg[page_split*(page_counts-1):page_split*page_counts], "from_forum": list(filter(lambda d: d.get('id') == ids, json_res))[0]["name"], "from_url": "/home.html" }, page={ "now": page_counts, "count": math.ceil(len(strs)/page_split), "first_url": "/topics/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(1)+".html", "prev_url": ("/topics/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts-1)+".html") if (page_counts > 1) else "", "next_url": ("/topics/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts+1)+".html") if ((page_counts) < math.ceil(len(strs)/page_split)) else "", "end_url": "/topics/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(math.ceil(len(strs)/page_split))+".html" }) if not (show_st): print(f" render {count}", end='\r') print(f" render {count}") if not (os.path.exists("build/posts")): print("Render posts") os.mkdir("build/posts") n_count = 0 for r in os.listdir("dump/forums"): with open("dump/forums/"+r, 'r') as file: strs = file.readlines() page_ncount = 0 for i in strs: page_ncount += 1 line_st = i.rstrip("\r\n").lstrip("\r\n") if (line_st == ""): continue n_json = json.loads(line_st) n_id = n_json["id"] if not (os.path.exists("dump/topics/"+str(n_id)+".manifest")): continue with open("dump/topics/"+str(n_id)+".manifest", 'r') as file: strs_m = file.readlines() u_cfg = [] t_count = 0 for j in strs_m: n_count += 1 t_count += 1 m_st = j.rstrip("\r\n").lstrip("\r\n") if (m_st == ""): continue m_json = json.loads(m_st) ids = n_id u_cfg.append({ "id": t_count, "text": m_json["text"], "postername": m_json["poster_name"], "posterurl": "/users/"+str(m_json["poster_id"])+".html" }) if (n_count % 10 == 0): print(f" render {n_count}", end='\r') os.mkdir("build/posts/" + str(ids)) for page_counts in range(1, math.ceil(len(u_cfg)/page_split)+1): render_func("theme/posts.html", "build/posts/" + str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts)+".html", posts={ "posts": u_cfg[page_split*(page_counts-1):page_split*page_counts], "from_topic": n_json["name"], "from_url": "/topics/"+str(r.split(".")[0])+"/"+str((page_ncount-1)//page_split+1)+".html" }, page={ "now": page_counts, "count": math.ceil(len(u_cfg)/page_split), "first_url": "/posts/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(1)+".html", "prev_url": ("/posts/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts-1)+".html") if (page_counts > 1) else "", "next_url": ("/posts/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(page_counts+1)+".html") if ((page_counts) < math.ceil(len(u_cfg)/page_split)) else "", "end_url": "/posts/"+str(ids)+"/"+str(math.ceil(len(u_cfg)/page_split))+".html" }) print(f" render {n_count}")