name: Setup Rust Toolchain for GitHub CI description: | Setup specific Rust versions and integrate nicely into the ecosystem. The action enabled caching of Rust tools and build artifacts and sets environment variables for faster and more efficient caching. It also sets up problem matchers showing compilation and formatting issues. branding: icon: "play" color: "gray-dark" # Add option to install directly from rust-toolchain file # Blocked on rustup support: # # The action is heavily inspired by inputs: toolchain: description: "Rust toolchain specification -- see" required: false default: "stable" target: description: "Target triple to install for this toolchain" required: false components: description: "Comma-separated list of components to be additionally installed" required: false outputs: rustc-version: description: "Version as reported by `rustc --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.rustc-version}} cargo-version: description: "Version as reported by `cargo --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.cargo-version}} rustup-version: description: "Version as reported by `rustup --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.rustup-version}} runs: using: composite steps: - id: flags run: | : construct rustup command line echo "::set-output name=targets::$(for t in ${targets//,/ }; do echo -n ' --target' $t; done)" echo "::set-output name=components::$(for c in ${components//,/ }; do echo -n ' --component' $c; done)" echo "::set-output name=downgrade::${{inputs.toolchain == 'nightly' && inputs.components && ' --allow-downgrade' || ''}}" env: targets: ${{}} components: ${{inputs.components}} shell: bash - name: rustup toolchain install ${{inputs.toolchain}} run: | rustup toolchain install ${{inputs.toolchain}}${{steps.flags.outputs.targets}}${{steps.flags.outputs.components}} --profile minimal${{steps.flags.outputs.downgrade}} --no-self-update rustup default ${{inputs.toolchain}} shell: bash - name: Print installed versions id: versions run: | echo "::set-output name=rustc-version::$(rustc --version)" rustc --version echo "::set-output name=cargo-version::$(cargo --version)" cargo --version echo "::set-output name=rustup-version::$(rustup --version)" rustup --version shell: bash - name: "Setup Rust Caching" uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: "Install Rust Problem Matcher" run: echo "::add-matcher::${{ github.action_path }}/rust.json" shell: bash - name: "Setting Environment Variables" run: | echo "CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_DEBUG=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSTFLAGS=-D warnings" >> $GITHUB_ENV shell: bash