name: Setup Rust Toolchain for GitHub CI description: | Setup specific Rust versions with caching pre-configured. It provides problem matchers for cargo and rustfmt issues. branding: icon: "play" color: "gray-dark" # Add option to install directly from rust-toolchain file # Blocked on rustup support: # # The action is heavily inspired by inputs: toolchain: description: "Rust toolchain specification -- see" required: false default: "stable" target: description: "Target triple to install for this toolchain" required: false components: description: "Comma-separated list of components to be additionally installed" required: false outputs: rustc-version: description: "Version as reported by `rustc --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.rustc-version}} cargo-version: description: "Version as reported by `cargo --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.cargo-version}} rustup-version: description: "Version as reported by `rustup --version`" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.rustup-version}} cachekey: description: A short hash of the rustc version, appropriate for use as a cache key. "20220627a831" value: ${{steps.versions.outputs.cachekey}} runs: using: composite steps: - id: flags run: | : construct rustup command line echo "::set-output name=targets::$(for t in ${targets//,/ }; do echo -n ' --target' $t; done)" echo "::set-output name=components::$(for c in ${components//,/ }; do echo -n ' --component' $c; done)" echo "::set-output name=downgrade::${{inputs.toolchain == 'nightly' && inputs.components && ' --allow-downgrade' || ''}}" env: targets: ${{}} components: ${{inputs.components}} shell: bash - name: Install rustup, if needed run: | if ! command -v rustup &> /dev/null ; then curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --retry 10 --retry-connrefused -fsSL "" | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none -y echo "${CARGO_HOME:-~/.cargo}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH fi if: runner.os != 'Windows' shell: bash - name: rustup toolchain install ${{inputs.toolchain}} run: | rustup toolchain install ${{inputs.toolchain}}${{steps.flags.outputs.targets}}${{steps.flags.outputs.components}} --profile minimal${{steps.flags.outputs.downgrade}} --no-self-update rustup default ${{inputs.toolchain}} shell: bash - name: Print installed versions id: versions run: | echo "::set-output name=rustc-version::$(rustc +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version)" rustc +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version --verbose echo "::set-output name=cargo-version::$(cargo +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version)" cargo +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version --verbose echo "::set-output name=rustup-version::$(rustup +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version)" rustup +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version DATE=$(rustc +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version --verbose | sed -ne 's/^commit-date: \(20[0-9][0-9]\)-\([01][0-9]\)-\([0-3][0-9]\)$/\1\2\3/p') HASH=$(rustc +${{inputs.toolchain}} --version --verbose | sed -ne 's/^commit-hash: //p') echo "::set-output name=cachekey::$(echo $DATE$HASH | head -c12)" shell: bash - name: "Setup Rust Caching" uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 - name: "Install Rust Problem Matcher" run: echo "::add-matcher::${{ github.action_path }}/rust.json" shell: bash - name: "Setting Environment Variables" run: | echo "CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_DEBUG=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUST_BACKTRACE=short" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSTFLAGS=-D warnings" >> $GITHUB_ENV shell: bash