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{ useCpythonVersion } from \"setup-python/src/find-python\"\nimport { findPyPyVersion } from \"setup-python/src/find-pypy\"\n\nimport { info, warning } from \"ci-log\"\nimport { debug } from \"@actions/core\"\nimport { join } from \"patha\"\nimport ciDetect from \"@npmcli/ci-detect\"\nimport { isCacheFeatureAvailable, IS_MAC } from \"setup-python/src/utils\"\nimport { getCacheDistributor } from \"setup-python/src/cache-distributions/cache-factory\"\nimport pathExists from \"path-exists\"\n\nfunction isPyPyVersion(versionSpec: string) {\n return versionSpec.startsWith(\"pypy\")\n}\n\nexport async function cacheDependencies(cache: string, pythonVersion: string) {\n const cacheDependencyPath = undefined\n const cacheDistributor = getCacheDistributor(cache, pythonVersion, cacheDependencyPath)\n await cacheDistributor.restoreCache()\n}\n\nconst checkLatest = false\n\nexport async function setupActionsPython(version: string, _setupDir: string, arch: string) {\n if (IS_MAC) {\n process.env.AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY = \"/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache\"\n }\n\n const agent_toolsdirectory = process.env.AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY?.trim()\n if (typeof agent_toolsdirectory === \"string\" && agent_toolsdirectory !== \"\") {\n process.env.RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE = process.env.AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY\n }\n\n debug(`Python is expected to be installed into ${process.env.RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE}`)\n\n if (version) {\n let pythonVersion: string\n if (isPyPyVersion(version)) {\n const installed = await findPyPyVersion(version, arch, true, checkLatest, false)\n pythonVersion = `${installed.resolvedPyPyVersion}-${installed.resolvedPythonVersion}`\n info(`Successfully set up PyPy ${installed.resolvedPyPyVersion} with Python (${installed.resolvedPythonVersion})`)\n } else {\n const installed = await useCpythonVersion(version, arch, true, checkLatest, false)\n pythonVersion = installed.version\n info(`Successfully set up ${installed.impl} (${pythonVersion})`)\n }\n\n if (isCacheFeatureAvailable()) {\n const cache = \"pip\" // package manager used for caching\n await cacheDependencies(cache, pythonVersion)\n }\n }\n\n if (ciDetect() === \"github-actions\") {\n await addPythonLoggingMatcher()\n }\n\n return undefined\n}\n\nasync function addPythonLoggingMatcher() {\n const matcherPath = join(__dirname, \"python_matcher.json\")\n if (!(await pathExists(matcherPath))) {\n return warning(\"the python_matcher.json file does not exist in the same folder as setup-cpp.js\")\n }\n info(`::add-matcher::${matcherPath}`)\n}\n","import * as os from 'os';\nimport * as path from 'path';\nimport {IS_WINDOWS, IS_LINUX, getOSInfo} from './utils';\n\nimport * as semver from 'semver';\n\nimport * as installer from './install-python';\n\nimport * as core from '@actions/core';\nimport * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache';\n\n// Python has \"scripts\" or \"bin\" directories where command-line tools that come with packages are installed.\n// This is where pip is, along with anything that pip installs.\n// There is a seperate directory for `pip install --user`.\n//\n// For reference, these directories are as follows:\n// macOS / Linux:\n// /bin (by default /usr/local/bin, but not on hosted agents -- see the `else`)\n// (--user) ~/.local/bin\n// Windows:\n// \\Scripts\n// (--user) %APPDATA%\\Python\\PythonXY\\Scripts\n// See https://docs.python.org/3/library/sysconfig.html\n\nfunction binDir(installDir: string): string {\n if (IS_WINDOWS) {\n return path.join(installDir, 'Scripts');\n } else {\n return path.join(installDir, 'bin');\n }\n}\n\nexport async function useCpythonVersion(\n version: string,\n architecture: string,\n updateEnvironment: boolean,\n checkLatest: boolean,\n allowPreReleases: boolean\n): Promise {\n let manifest: tc.IToolRelease[] | null = null;\n const desugaredVersionSpec = desugarDevVersion(version);\n let semanticVersionSpec = pythonVersionToSemantic(\n desugaredVersionSpec,\n allowPreReleases\n );\n core.debug(`Semantic version spec of ${version} is ${semanticVersionSpec}`);\n\n if (checkLatest) {\n manifest = await installer.getManifest();\n const resolvedVersion = (\n await installer.findReleaseFromManifest(\n semanticVersionSpec,\n architecture,\n manifest\n )\n )?.version;\n\n if (resolvedVersion) {\n semanticVersionSpec = resolvedVersion;\n core.info(`Resolved as '${semanticVersionSpec}'`);\n } else {\n core.info(\n `Failed to resolve version ${semanticVersionSpec} from manifest`\n );\n }\n }\n\n let installDir: string | null = tc.find(\n 'Python',\n semanticVersionSpec,\n architecture\n );\n if (!installDir) {\n core.info(\n `Version ${semanticVersionSpec} was not found in the local cache`\n );\n const foundRelease = await installer.findReleaseFromManifest(\n semanticVersionSpec,\n architecture,\n manifest\n );\n\n if (foundRelease && foundRelease.files && foundRelease.files.length > 0) {\n core.info(`Version ${semanticVersionSpec} is available for downloading`);\n await installer.installCpythonFromRelease(foundRelease);\n\n installDir = tc.find('Python', semanticVersionSpec, architecture);\n }\n }\n\n if (!installDir) {\n const osInfo = await getOSInfo();\n throw new Error(\n [\n `The version '${version}' with architecture '${architecture}' was not found for ${\n osInfo\n ? `${osInfo.osName} ${osInfo.osVersion}`\n : 'this operating system'\n }.`,\n `The list of all available versions can be found here: ${installer.MANIFEST_URL}`\n ].join(os.EOL)\n );\n }\n\n const _binDir = binDir(installDir);\n const binaryExtension = IS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' : '';\n const pythonPath = path.join(\n IS_WINDOWS ? installDir : _binDir,\n `python${binaryExtension}`\n );\n if (updateEnvironment) {\n core.exportVariable('pythonLocation', installDir);\n core.exportVariable('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', installDir + '/lib/pkgconfig');\n core.exportVariable('pythonLocation', installDir);\n // https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython.html#module:FindPython\n core.exportVariable('Python_ROOT_DIR', installDir);\n // https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython2.html#module:FindPython2\n core.exportVariable('Python2_ROOT_DIR', installDir);\n // https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython3.html#module:FindPython3\n core.exportVariable('Python3_ROOT_DIR', installDir);\n core.exportVariable('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', installDir + '/lib/pkgconfig');\n\n if (IS_LINUX) {\n const libPath = process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n ? `:${process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH}`\n : '';\n const pyLibPath = path.join(installDir, 'lib');\n\n if (!libPath.split(':').includes(pyLibPath)) {\n core.exportVariable('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', pyLibPath + libPath);\n }\n }\n core.addPath(installDir);\n core.addPath(_binDir);\n\n if (IS_WINDOWS) {\n // Add --user directory\n // `installDir` from tool cache should look like $RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/Python//x64/\n // So if `findLocalTool` succeeded above, we must have a conformant `installDir`\n const version = path.basename(path.dirname(installDir));\n const major = semver.major(version);\n const minor = semver.minor(version);\n\n const userScriptsDir = path.join(\n process.env['APPDATA'] || '',\n 'Python',\n `Python${major}${minor}`,\n 'Scripts'\n );\n core.addPath(userScriptsDir);\n }\n // On Linux and macOS, pip will create the --user directory and add it to PATH as needed.\n }\n\n const installed = versionFromPath(installDir);\n core.setOutput('python-version', installed);\n core.setOutput('python-path', pythonPath);\n\n return {impl: 'CPython', version: installed};\n}\n\n/** Convert versions like `3.8-dev` to a version like `~3.8.0-0`. */\nfunction desugarDevVersion(versionSpec: string) {\n const devVersion = /^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)-dev$/;\n return versionSpec.replace(devVersion, '~$1.$2.0-0');\n}\n\n/** Extracts python version from install path from hosted tool cache as described in README.md */\nfunction versionFromPath(installDir: string) {\n const parts = installDir.split(path.sep);\n const idx = parts.findIndex(part => part === 'PyPy' || part === 'Python');\n\n return parts[idx + 1] || '';\n}\n\ninterface InstalledVersion {\n impl: string;\n version: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Python's prelease versions look like `3.7.0b2`.\n * This is the one part of Python versioning that does not look like semantic versioning, which specifies `3.7.0-b2`.\n * If the version spec contains prerelease versions, we need to convert them to the semantic version equivalent.\n *\n * For easier use of the action, we also map 'x.y' to allow pre-release before 'x.y.0' release if allowPreReleases is true\n */\nexport function pythonVersionToSemantic(\n versionSpec: string,\n allowPreReleases: boolean\n) {\n const prereleaseVersion = /(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)((?:a|b|rc)\\d*)/g;\n const majorMinor = /^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$/;\n let result = versionSpec.replace(prereleaseVersion, '$1-$2');\n if (allowPreReleases) {\n result = result.replace(majorMinor, '~$1.$2.0-0');\n }\n return result;\n}\n","/* eslint no-unsafe-finally: \"off\" */\nimport * as cache from '@actions/cache';\nimport * as core from '@actions/core';\nimport fs from 'fs';\nimport * as path from 'path';\nimport * as semver from 'semver';\nimport * as exec from '@actions/exec';\n\nexport const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';\nexport const IS_LINUX = process.platform === 'linux';\nexport const IS_MAC = process.platform === 'darwin';\nexport const WINDOWS_ARCHS = ['x86', 'x64'];\nexport const WINDOWS_PLATFORMS = ['win32', 'win64'];\nconst PYPY_VERSION_FILE = 'PYPY_VERSION';\n\nexport interface IPyPyManifestAsset {\n filename: string;\n arch: string;\n platform: string;\n download_url: string;\n}\n\nexport interface IPyPyManifestRelease {\n pypy_version: string;\n python_version: string;\n stable: boolean;\n latest_pypy: boolean;\n files: IPyPyManifestAsset[];\n}\n\n/** create Symlinks for downloaded PyPy\n * It should be executed only for downloaded versions in runtime, because\n * toolcache versions have this setup.\n */\nexport function createSymlinkInFolder(\n folderPath: string,\n sourceName: string,\n targetName: string,\n setExecutable = false\n) {\n const sourcePath = path.join(folderPath, sourceName);\n const targetPath = path.join(folderPath, targetName);\n if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) {\n return;\n }\n\n fs.symlinkSync(sourcePath, targetPath);\n if (!IS_WINDOWS && setExecutable) {\n fs.chmodSync(targetPath, '755');\n }\n}\n\nexport function validateVersion(version: string) {\n return isNightlyKeyword(version) || Boolean(semver.validRange(version));\n}\n\nexport function isNightlyKeyword(pypyVersion: string) {\n return pypyVersion === 'nightly';\n}\n\nexport function getPyPyVersionFromPath(installDir: string) {\n return path.basename(path.dirname(installDir));\n}\n\n/**\n * In tool-cache, we put PyPy to '/PyPy//x64'\n * There is no easy way to determine what PyPy version is located in specific folder\n * 'pypy --version' is not reliable enough since it is not set properly for preview versions\n * \"7.3.3rc1\" is marked as '7.3.3' in 'pypy --version'\n * so we put PYPY_VERSION file to PyPy directory when install it to VM and read it when we need to know version\n * PYPY_VERSION contains exact version from 'versions.json'\n */\nexport function readExactPyPyVersionFile(installDir: string) {\n let pypyVersion = '';\n const fileVersion = path.join(installDir, PYPY_VERSION_FILE);\n if (fs.existsSync(fileVersion)) {\n pypyVersion = fs.readFileSync(fileVersion).toString().trim();\n }\n\n return pypyVersion;\n}\n\nexport function writeExactPyPyVersionFile(\n installDir: string,\n resolvedPyPyVersion: string\n) {\n const pypyFilePath = path.join(installDir, PYPY_VERSION_FILE);\n fs.writeFileSync(pypyFilePath, resolvedPyPyVersion);\n}\n\n/**\n * Python version should be specified explicitly like \"x.y\" (2.7, 3.6, 3.7)\n * \"3.x\" or \"3\" are not supported\n * because it could cause ambiguity when both PyPy version and Python version are not precise\n */\nexport function validatePythonVersionFormatForPyPy(version: string) {\n const re = /^\\d+\\.\\d+$/;\n return re.test(version);\n}\n\nexport function isGhes(): boolean {\n const ghUrl = new URL(\n process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || 'https://github.com'\n );\n return ghUrl.hostname.toUpperCase() !== 'GITHUB.COM';\n}\n\nexport function isCacheFeatureAvailable(): boolean {\n if (cache.isFeatureAvailable()) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (isGhes()) {\n core.warning(\n 'Caching is only supported on GHES version >= 3.5. If you are on a version >= 3.5, please check with your GHES admin if the Actions cache service is enabled or not.'\n );\n return false;\n }\n\n core.warning(\n 'The runner was not able to contact the cache service. Caching will be skipped'\n );\n return false;\n}\n\nexport function logWarning(message: string): void {\n const warningPrefix = '[warning]';\n core.info(`${warningPrefix}${message}`);\n}\n\nasync function getWindowsInfo() {\n const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput(\n 'powershell -command \"(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption\"',\n undefined,\n {\n silent: true\n }\n );\n\n const windowsVersion = stdout.trim().split(' ')[3];\n\n return {osName: 'Windows', osVersion: windowsVersion};\n}\n\nasync function getMacOSInfo() {\n const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput('sw_vers', ['-productVersion'], {\n silent: true\n });\n\n const macOSVersion = stdout.trim();\n\n return {osName: 'macOS', osVersion: macOSVersion};\n}\n\nexport async function getLinuxInfo() {\n const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput('lsb_release', ['-i', '-r', '-s'], {\n silent: true\n });\n\n const [osName, osVersion] = stdout.trim().split('\\n');\n\n core.debug(`OS Name: ${osName}, Version: ${osVersion}`);\n\n return {osName: osName, osVersion: osVersion};\n}\n\nexport async function getOSInfo() {\n let osInfo;\n try {\n if (IS_WINDOWS) {\n osInfo = await getWindowsInfo();\n } else if (IS_LINUX) {\n osInfo = await getLinuxInfo();\n } else if (IS_MAC) {\n osInfo = await getMacOSInfo();\n }\n } catch (err) {\n const error = err as Error;\n core.debug(error.message);\n } finally {\n return osInfo;\n }\n}\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"module.exports = minimatch\nminimatch.Minimatch = Minimatch\n\nvar path = (function () { try { return require('path') } catch (e) {}}()) || {\n sep: '/'\n}\nminimatch.sep = path.sep\n\nvar GLOBSTAR = minimatch.GLOBSTAR = Minimatch.GLOBSTAR = {}\nvar expand = require('brace-expansion')\n\nvar plTypes = {\n '!': { open: '(?:(?!(?:', close: '))[^/]*?)'},\n '?': { open: '(?:', close: ')?' },\n '+': { open: '(?:', close: ')+' },\n '*': { open: '(?:', close: ')*' },\n '@': { open: '(?:', close: ')' }\n}\n\n// any single thing other than /\n// don't need to escape / when using new RegExp()\nvar qmark = '[^/]'\n\n// * => any number of characters\nvar star = qmark + '*?'\n\n// ** when dots are allowed. Anything goes, except .. and .\n// not (^ or / followed by one or two dots followed by $ or /),\n// followed by anything, any number of times.\nvar twoStarDot = '(?:(?!(?:\\\\\\/|^)(?:\\\\.{1,2})($|\\\\\\/)).)*?'\n\n// not a ^ or / followed by a dot,\n// followed by anything, any number of times.\nvar twoStarNoDot = '(?:(?!(?:\\\\\\/|^)\\\\.).)*?'\n\n// characters that need to be escaped in RegExp.\nvar reSpecials = charSet('().*{}+?[]^$\\\\!')\n\n// \"abc\" -> { a:true, b:true, c:true }\nfunction charSet (s) {\n return s.split('').reduce(function (set, c) {\n set[c] = true\n return set\n }, {})\n}\n\n// normalizes slashes.\nvar slashSplit = /\\/+/\n\nminimatch.filter = filter\nfunction filter (pattern, options) {\n options = options || {}\n return function (p, i, list) {\n return minimatch(p, pattern, options)\n }\n}\n\nfunction ext (a, b) {\n b = b || {}\n var t = {}\n Object.keys(a).forEach(function (k) {\n t[k] = a[k]\n })\n Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) {\n t[k] = b[k]\n })\n return t\n}\n\nminimatch.defaults = function (def) {\n if (!def || typeof def !== 'object' || !Object.keys(def).length) {\n return minimatch\n }\n\n var orig = minimatch\n\n var m = function minimatch (p, pattern, options) {\n return orig(p, pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n\n m.Minimatch = function Minimatch (pattern, options) {\n return new orig.Minimatch(pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n m.Minimatch.defaults = function defaults (options) {\n return orig.defaults(ext(def, options)).Minimatch\n }\n\n m.filter = function filter (pattern, options) {\n return orig.filter(pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n\n m.defaults = function defaults (options) {\n return orig.defaults(ext(def, options))\n }\n\n m.makeRe = function makeRe (pattern, options) {\n return orig.makeRe(pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n\n m.braceExpand = function braceExpand (pattern, options) {\n return orig.braceExpand(pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n\n m.match = function (list, pattern, options) {\n return orig.match(list, pattern, ext(def, options))\n }\n\n return m\n}\n\nMinimatch.defaults = function (def) {\n return minimatch.defaults(def).Minimatch\n}\n\nfunction minimatch (p, pattern, options) {\n assertValidPattern(pattern)\n\n if (!options) options = {}\n\n // shortcut: comments match nothing.\n if (!options.nocomment && pattern.charAt(0) === '#') {\n return false\n }\n\n return new Minimatch(pattern, options).match(p)\n}\n\nfunction Minimatch (pattern, options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Minimatch)) {\n return new Minimatch(pattern, options)\n }\n\n assertValidPattern(pattern)\n\n if (!options) options = {}\n\n pattern = pattern.trim()\n\n // windows support: need to use /, not \\\n if (!options.allowWindowsEscape && path.sep !== '/') {\n pattern = pattern.split(path.sep).join('/')\n }\n\n this.options = options\n this.set = []\n this.pattern = pattern\n this.regexp = null\n this.negate = false\n this.comment = false\n this.empty = false\n this.partial = !!options.partial\n\n // make the set of regexps etc.\n this.make()\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.debug = function () {}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.make = make\nfunction make () {\n var pattern = this.pattern\n var options = this.options\n\n // empty patterns and comments match nothing.\n if (!options.nocomment && pattern.charAt(0) === '#') {\n this.comment = true\n return\n }\n if (!pattern) {\n this.empty = true\n return\n }\n\n // step 1: figure out negation, etc.\n this.parseNegate()\n\n // step 2: expand braces\n var set = this.globSet = this.braceExpand()\n\n if (options.debug) this.debug = function debug() { console.error.apply(console, arguments) }\n\n this.debug(this.pattern, set)\n\n // step 3: now we have a set, so turn each one into a series of path-portion\n // matching patterns.\n // These will be regexps, except in the case of \"**\", which is\n // set to the GLOBSTAR object for globstar behavior,\n // and will not contain any / characters\n set = this.globParts = set.map(function (s) {\n return s.split(slashSplit)\n })\n\n this.debug(this.pattern, set)\n\n // glob --> regexps\n set = set.map(function (s, si, set) {\n return s.map(this.parse, this)\n }, this)\n\n this.debug(this.pattern, set)\n\n // filter out everything that didn't compile properly.\n set = set.filter(function (s) {\n return s.indexOf(false) === -1\n })\n\n this.debug(this.pattern, set)\n\n this.set = set\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.parseNegate = parseNegate\nfunction parseNegate () {\n var pattern = this.pattern\n var negate = false\n var options = this.options\n var negateOffset = 0\n\n if (options.nonegate) return\n\n for (var i = 0, l = pattern.length\n ; i < l && pattern.charAt(i) === '!'\n ; i++) {\n negate = !negate\n negateOffset++\n }\n\n if (negateOffset) this.pattern = pattern.substr(negateOffset)\n this.negate = negate\n}\n\n// Brace expansion:\n// a{b,c}d -> abd acd\n// a{b,}c -> abc ac\n// a{0..3}d -> a0d a1d a2d a3d\n// a{b,c{d,e}f}g -> abg acdfg acefg\n// a{b,c}d{e,f}g -> abdeg acdeg abdeg abdfg\n//\n// Invalid sets are not expanded.\n// a{2..}b -> a{2..}b\n// a{b}c -> a{b}c\nminimatch.braceExpand = function (pattern, options) {\n return braceExpand(pattern, options)\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.braceExpand = braceExpand\n\nfunction braceExpand (pattern, options) {\n if (!options) {\n if (this instanceof Minimatch) {\n options = this.options\n } else {\n options = {}\n }\n }\n\n pattern = typeof pattern === 'undefined'\n ? this.pattern : pattern\n\n assertValidPattern(pattern)\n\n // Thanks to Yeting Li for\n // improving this regexp to avoid a ReDOS vulnerability.\n if (options.nobrace || !/\\{(?:(?!\\{).)*\\}/.test(pattern)) {\n // shortcut. no need to expand.\n return [pattern]\n }\n\n return expand(pattern)\n}\n\nvar MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH = 1024 * 64\nvar assertValidPattern = function (pattern) {\n if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('invalid pattern')\n }\n\n if (pattern.length > MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH) {\n throw new TypeError('pattern is too long')\n }\n}\n\n// parse a component of the expanded set.\n// At this point, no pattern may contain \"/\" in it\n// so we're going to return a 2d array, where each entry is the full\n// pattern, split on '/', and then turned into a regular expression.\n// A regexp is made at the end which joins each array with an\n// escaped /, and another full one which joins each regexp with |.\n//\n// Following the lead of Bash 4.1, note that \"**\" only has special meaning\n// when it is the *only* thing in a path portion. Otherwise, any series\n// of * is equivalent to a single *. Globstar behavior is enabled by\n// default, and can be disabled by setting options.noglobstar.\nMinimatch.prototype.parse = parse\nvar SUBPARSE = {}\nfunction parse (pattern, isSub) {\n assertValidPattern(pattern)\n\n var options = this.options\n\n // shortcuts\n if (pattern === '**') {\n if (!options.noglobstar)\n return GLOBSTAR\n else\n pattern = '*'\n }\n if (pattern === '') return ''\n\n var re = ''\n var hasMagic = !!options.nocase\n var escaping = false\n // ? => one single character\n var patternListStack = []\n var negativeLists = []\n var stateChar\n var inClass = false\n var reClassStart = -1\n var classStart = -1\n // . and .. never match anything that doesn't start with .,\n // even when options.dot is set.\n var patternStart = pattern.charAt(0) === '.' ? '' // anything\n // not (start or / followed by . or .. followed by / or end)\n : options.dot ? '(?!(?:^|\\\\\\/)\\\\.{1,2}(?:$|\\\\\\/))'\n : '(?!\\\\.)'\n var self = this\n\n function clearStateChar () {\n if (stateChar) {\n // we had some state-tracking character\n // that wasn't consumed by this pass.\n switch (stateChar) {\n case '*':\n re += star\n hasMagic = true\n break\n case '?':\n re += qmark\n hasMagic = true\n break\n default:\n re += '\\\\' + stateChar\n break\n }\n self.debug('clearStateChar %j %j', stateChar, re)\n stateChar = false\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0, len = pattern.length, c\n ; (i < len) && (c = pattern.charAt(i))\n ; i++) {\n this.debug('%s\\t%s %s %j', pattern, i, re, c)\n\n // skip over any that are escaped.\n if (escaping && reSpecials[c]) {\n re += '\\\\' + c\n escaping = false\n continue\n }\n\n switch (c) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n case '/': {\n // completely not allowed, even escaped.\n // Should already be path-split by now.\n return false\n }\n\n case '\\\\':\n clearStateChar()\n escaping = true\n continue\n\n // the various stateChar values\n // for the \"extglob\" stuff.\n case '?':\n case '*':\n case '+':\n case '@':\n case '!':\n this.debug('%s\\t%s %s %j <-- stateChar', pattern, i, re, c)\n\n // all of those are literals inside a class, except that\n // the glob [!a] means [^a] in regexp\n if (inClass) {\n this.debug(' in class')\n if (c === '!' && i === classStart + 1) c = '^'\n re += c\n continue\n }\n\n // if we already have a stateChar, then it means\n // that there was something like ** or +? in there.\n // Handle the stateChar, then proceed with this one.\n self.debug('call clearStateChar %j', stateChar)\n clearStateChar()\n stateChar = c\n // if extglob is disabled, then +(asdf|foo) isn't a thing.\n // just clear the statechar *now*, rather than even diving into\n // the patternList stuff.\n if (options.noext) clearStateChar()\n continue\n\n case '(':\n if (inClass) {\n re += '('\n continue\n }\n\n if (!stateChar) {\n re += '\\\\('\n continue\n }\n\n patternListStack.push({\n type: stateChar,\n start: i - 1,\n reStart: re.length,\n open: plTypes[stateChar].open,\n close: plTypes[stateChar].close\n })\n // negation is (?:(?!js)[^/]*)\n re += stateChar === '!' ? '(?:(?!(?:' : '(?:'\n this.debug('plType %j %j', stateChar, re)\n stateChar = false\n continue\n\n case ')':\n if (inClass || !patternListStack.length) {\n re += '\\\\)'\n continue\n }\n\n clearStateChar()\n hasMagic = true\n var pl = patternListStack.pop()\n // negation is (?:(?!js)[^/]*)\n // The others are (?:)\n re += pl.close\n if (pl.type === '!') {\n negativeLists.push(pl)\n }\n pl.reEnd = re.length\n continue\n\n case '|':\n if (inClass || !patternListStack.length || escaping) {\n re += '\\\\|'\n escaping = false\n continue\n }\n\n clearStateChar()\n re += '|'\n continue\n\n // these are mostly the same in regexp and glob\n case '[':\n // swallow any state-tracking char before the [\n clearStateChar()\n\n if (inClass) {\n re += '\\\\' + c\n continue\n }\n\n inClass = true\n classStart = i\n reClassStart = re.length\n re += c\n continue\n\n case ']':\n // a right bracket shall lose its special\n // meaning and represent itself in\n // a bracket expression if it occurs\n // first in the list. -- POSIX.2\n if (i === classStart + 1 || !inClass) {\n re += '\\\\' + c\n escaping = false\n continue\n }\n\n // handle the case where we left a class open.\n // \"[z-a]\" is valid, equivalent to \"\\[z-a\\]\"\n // split where the last [ was, make sure we don't have\n // an invalid re. if so, re-walk the contents of the\n // would-be class to re-translate any characters that\n // were passed through as-is\n // TODO: It would probably be faster to determine this\n // without a try/catch and a new RegExp, but it's tricky\n // to do safely. For now, this is safe and works.\n var cs = pattern.substring(classStart + 1, i)\n try {\n RegExp('[' + cs + ']')\n } catch (er) {\n // not a valid class!\n var sp = this.parse(cs, SUBPARSE)\n re = re.substr(0, reClassStart) + '\\\\[' + sp[0] + '\\\\]'\n hasMagic = hasMagic || sp[1]\n inClass = false\n continue\n }\n\n // finish up the class.\n hasMagic = true\n inClass = false\n re += c\n continue\n\n default:\n // swallow any state char that wasn't consumed\n clearStateChar()\n\n if (escaping) {\n // no need\n escaping = false\n } else if (reSpecials[c]\n && !(c === '^' && inClass)) {\n re += '\\\\'\n }\n\n re += c\n\n } // switch\n } // for\n\n // handle the case where we left a class open.\n // \"[abc\" is valid, equivalent to \"\\[abc\"\n if (inClass) {\n // split where the last [ was, and escape it\n // this is a huge pita. We now have to re-walk\n // the contents of the would-be class to re-translate\n // any characters that were passed through as-is\n cs = pattern.substr(classStart + 1)\n sp = this.parse(cs, SUBPARSE)\n re = re.substr(0, reClassStart) + '\\\\[' + sp[0]\n hasMagic = hasMagic || sp[1]\n }\n\n // handle the case where we had a +( thing at the *end*\n // of the pattern.\n // each pattern list stack adds 3 chars, and we need to go through\n // and escape any | chars that were passed through as-is for the regexp.\n // Go through and escape them, taking care not to double-escape any\n // | chars that were already escaped.\n for (pl = patternListStack.pop(); pl; pl = patternListStack.pop()) {\n var tail = re.slice(pl.reStart + pl.open.length)\n this.debug('setting tail', re, pl)\n // maybe some even number of \\, then maybe 1 \\, followed by a |\n tail = tail.replace(/((?:\\\\{2}){0,64})(\\\\?)\\|/g, function (_, $1, $2) {\n if (!$2) {\n // the | isn't already escaped, so escape it.\n $2 = '\\\\'\n }\n\n // need to escape all those slashes *again*, without escaping the\n // one that we need for escaping the | character. As it works out,\n // escaping an even number of slashes can be done by simply repeating\n // it exactly after itself. That's why this trick works.\n //\n // I am sorry that you have to see this.\n return $1 + $1 + $2 + '|'\n })\n\n this.debug('tail=%j\\n %s', tail, tail, pl, re)\n var t = pl.type === '*' ? star\n : pl.type === '?' ? qmark\n : '\\\\' + pl.type\n\n hasMagic = true\n re = re.slice(0, pl.reStart) + t + '\\\\(' + tail\n }\n\n // handle trailing things that only matter at the very end.\n clearStateChar()\n if (escaping) {\n // trailing \\\\\n re += '\\\\\\\\'\n }\n\n // only need to apply the nodot start if the re starts with\n // something that could conceivably capture a dot\n var addPatternStart = false\n switch (re.charAt(0)) {\n case '[': case '.': case '(': addPatternStart = true\n }\n\n // Hack to work around lack of negative lookbehind in JS\n // A pattern like: *.!(x).!(y|z) needs to ensure that a name\n // like 'a.xyz.yz' doesn't match. So, the first negative\n // lookahead, has to look ALL the way ahead, to the end of\n // the pattern.\n for (var n = negativeLists.length - 1; n > -1; n--) {\n var nl = negativeLists[n]\n\n var nlBefore = re.slice(0, nl.reStart)\n var nlFirst = re.slice(nl.reStart, nl.reEnd - 8)\n var nlLast = re.slice(nl.reEnd - 8, nl.reEnd)\n var nlAfter = re.slice(nl.reEnd)\n\n nlLast += nlAfter\n\n // Handle nested stuff like *(*.js|!(*.json)), where open parens\n // mean that we should *not* include the ) in the bit that is considered\n // \"after\" the negated section.\n var openParensBefore = nlBefore.split('(').length - 1\n var cleanAfter = nlAfter\n for (i = 0; i < openParensBefore; i++) {\n cleanAfter = cleanAfter.replace(/\\)[+*?]?/, '')\n }\n nlAfter = cleanAfter\n\n var dollar = ''\n if (nlAfter === '' && isSub !== SUBPARSE) {\n dollar = '$'\n }\n var newRe = nlBefore + nlFirst + nlAfter + dollar + nlLast\n re = newRe\n }\n\n // if the re is not \"\" at this point, then we need to make sure\n // it doesn't match against an empty path part.\n // Otherwise a/* will match a/, which it should not.\n if (re !== '' && hasMagic) {\n re = '(?=.)' + re\n }\n\n if (addPatternStart) {\n re = patternStart + re\n }\n\n // parsing just a piece of a larger pattern.\n if (isSub === SUBPARSE) {\n return [re, hasMagic]\n }\n\n // skip the regexp for non-magical patterns\n // unescape anything in it, though, so that it'll be\n // an exact match against a file etc.\n if (!hasMagic) {\n return globUnescape(pattern)\n }\n\n var flags = options.nocase ? 'i' : ''\n try {\n var regExp = new RegExp('^' + re + '$', flags)\n } catch (er) /* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible */ {\n // If it was an invalid regular expression, then it can't match\n // anything. This trick looks for a character after the end of\n // the string, which is of course impossible, except in multi-line\n // mode, but it's not a /m regex.\n return new RegExp('$.')\n }\n\n regExp._glob = pattern\n regExp._src = re\n\n return regExp\n}\n\nminimatch.makeRe = function (pattern, options) {\n return new Minimatch(pattern, options || {}).makeRe()\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.makeRe = makeRe\nfunction makeRe () {\n if (this.regexp || this.regexp === false) return this.regexp\n\n // at this point, this.set is a 2d array of partial\n // pattern strings, or \"**\".\n //\n // It's better to use .match(). This function shouldn't\n // be used, really, but it's pretty convenient sometimes,\n // when you just want to work with a regex.\n var set = this.set\n\n if (!set.length) {\n this.regexp = false\n return this.regexp\n }\n var options = this.options\n\n var twoStar = options.noglobstar ? star\n : options.dot ? twoStarDot\n : twoStarNoDot\n var flags = options.nocase ? 'i' : ''\n\n var re = set.map(function (pattern) {\n return pattern.map(function (p) {\n return (p === GLOBSTAR) ? twoStar\n : (typeof p === 'string') ? regExpEscape(p)\n : p._src\n }).join('\\\\\\/')\n }).join('|')\n\n // must match entire pattern\n // ending in a * or ** will make it less strict.\n re = '^(?:' + re + ')$'\n\n // can match anything, as long as it's not this.\n if (this.negate) re = '^(?!' + re + ').*$'\n\n try {\n this.regexp = new RegExp(re, flags)\n } catch (ex) /* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible */ {\n this.regexp = false\n }\n return this.regexp\n}\n\nminimatch.match = function (list, pattern, options) {\n options = options || {}\n var mm = new Minimatch(pattern, options)\n list = list.filter(function (f) {\n return mm.match(f)\n })\n if (mm.options.nonull && !list.length) {\n list.push(pattern)\n }\n return list\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.match = function match (f, partial) {\n if (typeof partial === 'undefined') partial = this.partial\n this.debug('match', f, this.pattern)\n // short-circuit in the case of busted things.\n // comments, etc.\n if (this.comment) return false\n if (this.empty) return f === ''\n\n if (f === '/' && partial) return true\n\n var options = this.options\n\n // windows: need to use /, not \\\n if (path.sep !== '/') {\n f = f.split(path.sep).join('/')\n }\n\n // treat the test path as a set of pathparts.\n f = f.split(slashSplit)\n this.debug(this.pattern, 'split', f)\n\n // just ONE of the pattern sets in this.set needs to match\n // in order for it to be valid. If negating, then just one\n // match means that we have failed.\n // Either way, return on the first hit.\n\n var set = this.set\n this.debug(this.pattern, 'set', set)\n\n // Find the basename of the path by looking for the last non-empty segment\n var filename\n var i\n for (i = f.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n filename = f[i]\n if (filename) break\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {\n var pattern = set[i]\n var file = f\n if (options.matchBase && pattern.length === 1) {\n file = [filename]\n }\n var hit = this.matchOne(file, pattern, partial)\n if (hit) {\n if (options.flipNegate) return true\n return !this.negate\n }\n }\n\n // didn't get any hits. this is success if it's a negative\n // pattern, failure otherwise.\n if (options.flipNegate) return false\n return this.negate\n}\n\n// set partial to true to test if, for example,\n// \"/a/b\" matches the start of \"/*/b/*/d\"\n// Partial means, if you run out of file before you run\n// out of pattern, then that's fine, as long as all\n// the parts match.\nMinimatch.prototype.matchOne = function (file, pattern, partial) {\n var options = this.options\n\n this.debug('matchOne',\n { 'this': this, file: file, pattern: pattern })\n\n this.debug('matchOne', file.length, pattern.length)\n\n for (var fi = 0,\n pi = 0,\n fl = file.length,\n pl = pattern.length\n ; (fi < fl) && (pi < pl)\n ; fi++, pi++) {\n this.debug('matchOne loop')\n var p = pattern[pi]\n var f = file[fi]\n\n this.debug(pattern, p, f)\n\n // should be impossible.\n // some invalid regexp stuff in the set.\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (p === false) return false\n\n if (p === GLOBSTAR) {\n this.debug('GLOBSTAR', [pattern, p, f])\n\n // \"**\"\n // a/**/b/**/c would match the following:\n // a/b/x/y/z/c\n // a/x/y/z/b/c\n // a/b/x/b/x/c\n // a/b/c\n // To do this, take the rest of the pattern after\n // the **, and see if it would match the file remainder.\n // If so, return success.\n // If not, the ** \"swallows\" a segment, and try again.\n // This is recursively awful.\n //\n // a/**/b/**/c matching a/b/x/y/z/c\n // - a matches a\n // - doublestar\n // - matchOne(b/x/y/z/c, b/**/c)\n // - b matches b\n // - doublestar\n // - matchOne(x/y/z/c, c) -> no\n // - matchOne(y/z/c, c) -> no\n // - matchOne(z/c, c) -> no\n // - matchOne(c, c) yes, hit\n var fr = fi\n var pr = pi + 1\n if (pr === pl) {\n this.debug('** at the end')\n // a ** at the end will just swallow the rest.\n // We have found a match.\n // however, it will not swallow /.x, unless\n // options.dot is set.\n // . and .. are *never* matched by **, for explosively\n // exponential reasons.\n for (; fi < fl; fi++) {\n if (file[fi] === '.' || file[fi] === '..' ||\n (!options.dot && file[fi].charAt(0) === '.')) return false\n }\n return true\n }\n\n // ok, let's see if we can swallow whatever we can.\n while (fr < fl) {\n var swallowee = file[fr]\n\n this.debug('\\nglobstar while', file, fr, pattern, pr, swallowee)\n\n // XXX remove this slice. Just pass the start index.\n if (this.matchOne(file.slice(fr), pattern.slice(pr), partial)) {\n this.debug('globstar found match!', fr, fl, swallowee)\n // found a match.\n return true\n } else {\n // can't swallow \".\" or \"..\" ever.\n // can only swallow \".foo\" when explicitly asked.\n if (swallowee === '.' || swallowee === '..' ||\n (!options.dot && swallowee.charAt(0) === '.')) {\n this.debug('dot detected!', file, fr, pattern, pr)\n break\n }\n\n // ** swallows a segment, and continue.\n this.debug('globstar swallow a segment, and continue')\n fr++\n }\n }\n\n // no match was found.\n // However, in partial mode, we can't say this is necessarily over.\n // If there's more *pattern* left, then\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (partial) {\n // ran out of file\n this.debug('\\n>>> no match, partial?', file, fr, pattern, pr)\n if (fr === fl) return true\n }\n return false\n }\n\n // something other than **\n // non-magic patterns just have to match exactly\n // patterns with magic have been turned into regexps.\n var hit\n if (typeof p === 'string') {\n hit = f === p\n this.debug('string match', p, f, hit)\n } else {\n hit = f.match(p)\n this.debug('pattern match', p, f, hit)\n }\n\n if (!hit) return false\n }\n\n // Note: ending in / means that we'll get a final \"\"\n // at the end of the pattern. This can only match a\n // corresponding \"\" at the end of the file.\n // If the file ends in /, then it can only match a\n // a pattern that ends in /, unless the pattern just\n // doesn't have any more for it. But, a/b/ should *not*\n // match \"a/b/*\", even though \"\" matches against the\n // [^/]*? pattern, except in partial mode, where it might\n // simply not be reached yet.\n // However, a/b/ should still satisfy a/*\n\n // now either we fell off the end of the pattern, or we're done.\n if (fi === fl && pi === pl) {\n // ran out of pattern and filename at the same time.\n // an exact hit!\n return true\n } else if (fi === fl) {\n // ran out of file, but still had pattern left.\n // this is ok if we're doing the match as part of\n // a glob fs traversal.\n return partial\n } else /* istanbul ignore else */ if (pi === pl) {\n // ran out of pattern, still have file left.\n // this is only acceptable if we're on the very last\n // empty segment of a file with a trailing slash.\n // a/* should match a/b/\n return (fi === fl - 1) && (file[fi] === '')\n }\n\n // should be unreachable.\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n throw new Error('wtf?')\n}\n\n// replace stuff like \\* with *\nfunction globUnescape (s) {\n return s.replace(/\\\\(.)/g, '$1')\n}\n\nfunction regExpEscape (s) {\n return s.replace(/[-[\\]{}()*+?.,\\\\^$|#\\s]/g, '\\\\$&')\n}\n","var concatMap = require('concat-map');\nvar balanced = require('balanced-match');\n\nmodule.exports = expandTop;\n\nvar escSlash = '\\0SLASH'+Math.random()+'\\0';\nvar escOpen = '\\0OPEN'+Math.random()+'\\0';\nvar escClose = '\\0CLOSE'+Math.random()+'\\0';\nvar escComma = '\\0COMMA'+Math.random()+'\\0';\nvar escPeriod = '\\0PERIOD'+Math.random()+'\\0';\n\nfunction numeric(str) {\n return parseInt(str, 10) == str\n ? parseInt(str, 10)\n : str.charCodeAt(0);\n}\n\nfunction escapeBraces(str) {\n return str.split('\\\\\\\\').join(escSlash)\n .split('\\\\{').join(escOpen)\n .split('\\\\}').join(escClose)\n .split('\\\\,').join(escComma)\n .split('\\\\.').join(escPeriod);\n}\n\nfunction unescapeBraces(str) {\n return str.split(escSlash).join('\\\\')\n .split(escOpen).join('{')\n .split(escClose).join('}')\n .split(escComma).join(',')\n .split(escPeriod).join('.');\n}\n\n\n// Basically just str.split(\",\"), but handling cases\n// where we have nested braced sections, which should be\n// treated as individual members, like {a,{b,c},d}\nfunction parseCommaParts(str) {\n if (!str)\n return [''];\n\n var parts = [];\n var m = balanced('{', '}', str);\n\n if (!m)\n return str.split(',');\n\n var pre = m.pre;\n var body = m.body;\n var post = m.post;\n var p = pre.split(',');\n\n p[p.length-1] += '{' + body + '}';\n var postParts = parseCommaParts(post);\n if (post.length) {\n p[p.length-1] += postParts.shift();\n p.push.apply(p, postParts);\n }\n\n parts.push.apply(parts, p);\n\n return parts;\n}\n\nfunction expandTop(str) {\n if (!str)\n return [];\n\n // I don't know why Bash 4.3 does this, but it does.\n // Anything starting with {} will have the first two bytes preserved\n // but *only* at the top level, so {},a}b will not expand to anything,\n // but a{},b}c will be expanded to [a}c,abc].\n // One could argue that this is a bug in Bash, but since the goal of\n // this module is to match Bash's rules, we escape a leading {}\n if (str.substr(0, 2) === '{}') {\n str = '\\\\{\\\\}' + str.substr(2);\n }\n\n return expand(escapeBraces(str), true).map(unescapeBraces);\n}\n\nfunction identity(e) {\n return e;\n}\n\nfunction embrace(str) {\n return '{' + str + '}';\n}\nfunction isPadded(el) {\n return /^-?0\\d/.test(el);\n}\n\nfunction lte(i, y) {\n return i <= y;\n}\nfunction gte(i, y) {\n return i >= y;\n}\n\nfunction expand(str, isTop) {\n var expansions = [];\n\n var m = balanced('{', '}', str);\n if (!m || /\\$$/.test(m.pre)) return [str];\n\n var isNumericSequence = /^-?\\d+\\.\\.-?\\d+(?:\\.\\.-?\\d+)?$/.test(m.body);\n var isAlphaSequence = /^[a-zA-Z]\\.\\.[a-zA-Z](?:\\.\\.-?\\d+)?$/.test(m.body);\n var isSequence = isNumericSequence || isAlphaSequence;\n var isOptions = m.body.indexOf(',') >= 0;\n if (!isSequence && !isOptions) {\n // {a},b}\n if (m.post.match(/,.*\\}/)) {\n str = m.pre + '{' + m.body + escClose + m.post;\n return expand(str);\n }\n return [str];\n }\n\n var n;\n if (isSequence) {\n n = m.body.split(/\\.\\./);\n } else {\n n = parseCommaParts(m.body);\n if (n.length === 1) {\n // x{{a,b}}y ==> x{a}y x{b}y\n n = expand(n[0], false).map(embrace);\n if (n.length === 1) {\n var post = m.post.length\n ? expand(m.post, false)\n : [''];\n return post.map(function(p) {\n return m.pre + n[0] + p;\n });\n }\n }\n }\n\n // at this point, n is the parts, and we know it's not a comma set\n // with a single entry.\n\n // no need to expand pre, since it is guaranteed to be free of brace-sets\n var pre = m.pre;\n var post = m.post.length\n ? expand(m.post, false)\n : [''];\n\n var N;\n\n if (isSequence) {\n var x = numeric(n[0]);\n var y = numeric(n[1]);\n var width = Math.max(n[0].length, n[1].length)\n var incr = n.length == 3\n ? Math.abs(numeric(n[2]))\n : 1;\n var test = lte;\n var reverse = y < x;\n if (reverse) {\n incr *= -1;\n test = gte;\n }\n var pad = n.some(isPadded);\n\n N = [];\n\n for (var i = x; test(i, y); i += incr) {\n var c;\n if (isAlphaSequence) {\n c = String.fromCharCode(i);\n if (c === '\\\\')\n c = '';\n } else {\n c = String(i);\n if (pad) {\n var need = width - c.length;\n if (need > 0) {\n var z = new Array(need + 1).join('0');\n if (i < 0)\n c = '-' + z + c.slice(1);\n else\n c = z + c;\n }\n }\n }\n N.push(c);\n }\n } else {\n N = concatMap(n, function(el) { return expand(el, false) });\n }\n\n for (var j = 0; j < N.length; j++) {\n for (var k = 0; k < post.length; k++) {\n var expansion = pre + N[j] + post[k];\n if (!isTop || isSequence || expansion)\n expansions.push(expansion);\n }\n }\n\n return expansions;\n}\n\n","module.exports = function (xs, fn) {\n var res = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n var x = fn(xs[i], i);\n if (isArray(x)) res.push.apply(res, x);\n else res.push(x);\n }\n return res;\n};\n\nvar isArray = Array.isArray || function (xs) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]';\n};\n","'use strict';\nmodule.exports = balanced;\nfunction balanced(a, b, str) {\n if (a instanceof RegExp) a = maybeMatch(a, str);\n if (b instanceof RegExp) b = maybeMatch(b, str);\n\n var r = range(a, b, str);\n\n return r && {\n start: r[0],\n end: r[1],\n pre: str.slice(0, r[0]),\n body: str.slice(r[0] + a.length, r[1]),\n post: str.slice(r[1] + b.length)\n };\n}\n\nfunction maybeMatch(reg, str) {\n var m = str.match(reg);\n return m ? m[0] : null;\n}\n\nbalanced.range = range;\nfunction range(a, b, str) {\n var begs, beg, left, right, result;\n var ai = str.indexOf(a);\n var bi = str.indexOf(b, ai + 1);\n var i = ai;\n\n if (ai >= 0 && bi > 0) {\n if(a===b) {\n return [ai, bi];\n }\n begs = [];\n left = str.length;\n\n while (i >= 0 && !result) {\n if (i == ai) {\n begs.push(i);\n ai = str.indexOf(a, i + 1);\n } else if (begs.length == 1) {\n result = [ begs.pop(), bi ];\n } else {\n beg = begs.pop();\n if (beg < left) {\n left = beg;\n right = bi;\n }\n\n bi = str.indexOf(b, i + 1);\n }\n\n i = ai < bi && ai >= 0 ? ai : bi;\n }\n\n if (begs.length) {\n result = [ left, right ];\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n",null,null,"var v1 = require('./v1');\nvar v4 = require('./v4');\n\nvar uuid = v4;\nuuid.v1 = v1;\nuuid.v4 = v4;\n\nmodule.exports = uuid;\n","var rng = require('./lib/rng');\nvar bytesToUuid = require('./lib/bytesToUuid');\n\n// **`v1()` - Generate time-based UUID**\n//\n// Inspired by https://github.com/LiosK/UUID.js\n// and http://docs.python.org/library/uuid.html\n\nvar _nodeId;\nvar _clockseq;\n\n// Previous uuid creation time\nvar _lastMSecs = 0;\nvar _lastNSecs = 0;\n\n// See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid for API details\nfunction v1(options, buf, offset) {\n var i = buf && offset || 0;\n var b = buf || [];\n\n options = options || {};\n var node = options.node || _nodeId;\n var clockseq = options.clockseq !== undefined ? options.clockseq : _clockseq;\n\n // node and clockseq need to be initialized to random values if they're not\n // specified. We do this lazily to minimize issues related to insufficient\n // system entropy. See #189\n if (node == null || clockseq == null) {\n var seedBytes = rng();\n if (node == null) {\n // Per 4.5, create and 48-bit node id, (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1)\n node = _nodeId = [\n seedBytes[0] | 0x01,\n seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]\n ];\n }\n if (clockseq == null) {\n // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq\n clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 0x3fff;\n }\n }\n\n // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch,\n // (1582-10-15 00:00). JSNumbers aren't precise enough for this, so\n // time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer milliseconds) and 'nsecs'\n // (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00.\n var msecs = options.msecs !== undefined ? options.msecs : new Date().getTime();\n\n // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock\n // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock\n var nsecs = options.nsecs !== undefined ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1;\n\n // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs)\n var dt = (msecs - _lastMSecs) + (nsecs - _lastNSecs)/10000;\n\n // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression\n if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === undefined) {\n clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 0x3fff;\n }\n\n // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new\n // time interval\n if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === undefined) {\n nsecs = 0;\n }\n\n // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested\n if (nsecs >= 10000) {\n throw new Error('uuid.v1(): Can\\'t create more than 10M uuids/sec');\n }\n\n _lastMSecs = msecs;\n _lastNSecs = nsecs;\n _clockseq = clockseq;\n\n // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch\n msecs += 12219292800000;\n\n // `time_low`\n var tl = ((msecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nsecs) % 0x100000000;\n b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 0xff;\n b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 0xff;\n b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 0xff;\n b[i++] = tl & 0xff;\n\n // `time_mid`\n var tmh = (msecs / 0x100000000 * 10000) & 0xfffffff;\n b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 0xff;\n b[i++] = tmh & 0xff;\n\n // `time_high_and_version`\n b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version\n b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 0xff;\n\n // `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (Per 4.2.2 - include variant)\n b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 0x80;\n\n // `clock_seq_low`\n b[i++] = clockseq & 0xff;\n\n // `node`\n for (var n = 0; n < 6; ++n) {\n b[i + n] = node[n];\n }\n\n return buf ? buf : bytesToUuid(b);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = v1;\n",null,null,null,"// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport {\n generateUuid,\n getDefaultProxySettings,\n HttpRequestBody,\n HttpResponse,\n isNode,\n isTokenCredential,\n TokenCredential,\n TransferProgressEvent,\n URLBuilder,\n} from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport { PollOperationState } from \"@azure/core-lro\";\nimport { SpanStatusCode } from \"@azure/core-tracing\";\nimport { Readable } from \"stream\";\n\nimport { BlobDownloadResponse } from \"./BlobDownloadResponse\";\nimport { BlobQueryResponse } from \"./BlobQueryResponse\";\nimport { AnonymousCredential } from \"./credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nimport { StorageSharedKeyCredential } from \"./credentials/StorageSharedKeyCredential\";\nimport { AppendBlob, Blob as StorageBlob, BlockBlob, PageBlob } from \"./generated/src/operations\";\nimport {\n AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlResponse,\n AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse,\n AppendBlobCreateResponse,\n BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse,\n BlobCopyFromURLResponse,\n BlobCreateSnapshotResponse,\n BlobDeleteResponse,\n BlobDownloadOptionalParams,\n BlobDownloadResponseModel,\n BlobGetPropertiesResponseModel,\n BlobGetTagsHeaders,\n BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse,\n BlobSetMetadataResponse,\n BlobSetTagsResponse,\n BlobSetTierResponse,\n BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse,\n BlobTags,\n BlobUndeleteResponse,\n BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse,\n BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse,\n BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse,\n BlockBlobStageBlockResponse,\n BlockBlobUploadHeaders,\n BlockBlobUploadResponse,\n BlockListType,\n CpkInfo,\n DeleteSnapshotsOptionType,\n LeaseAccessConditions,\n PageBlobClearPagesResponse,\n PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse,\n PageBlobCreateResponse,\n PageBlobResizeResponse,\n PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse,\n PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse,\n PageBlobUploadPagesResponse,\n RehydratePriority,\n SequenceNumberActionType,\n BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlResponse,\n BlobHTTPHeaders,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesResponseModel,\n PageRangeInfo,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel,\n BlobCopySourceTags,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport {\n AppendBlobRequestConditions,\n BlobDownloadResponseParsed,\n BlobRequestConditions,\n BlockBlobTier,\n ensureCpkIfSpecified,\n Metadata,\n ObjectReplicationPolicy,\n PageBlobRequestConditions,\n PremiumPageBlobTier,\n Tags,\n toAccessTier,\n TagConditions,\n MatchConditions,\n ModificationConditions,\n ModifiedAccessConditions,\n BlobQueryArrowField,\n BlobImmutabilityPolicy,\n HttpAuthorization,\n PollerLikeWithCancellation,\n} from \"./models\";\nimport {\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse,\n rangeResponseFromModel,\n} from \"./PageBlobRangeResponse\";\nimport { newPipeline, PipelineLike, isPipelineLike, StoragePipelineOptions } from \"./Pipeline\";\nimport {\n BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPoller,\n BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPollState,\n CopyPollerBlobClient,\n} from \"./pollers/BlobStartCopyFromUrlPoller\";\nimport { Range, rangeToString } from \"./Range\";\nimport { CommonOptions, StorageClient } from \"./StorageClient\";\nimport { Batch } from \"./utils/Batch\";\nimport { BufferScheduler } from \"../../storage-common/src\";\nimport {\n BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption,\n BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryptionMsg,\n BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS,\n BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES,\n BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES,\n DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES,\n DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,\n DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS,\n ETagAny,\n URLConstants,\n} from \"./utils/constants\";\nimport { createSpan, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase } from \"./utils/tracing\";\nimport {\n appendToURLPath,\n appendToURLQuery,\n extractConnectionStringParts,\n ExtractPageRangeInfoItems,\n generateBlockID,\n getURLParameter,\n httpAuthorizationToString,\n isIpEndpointStyle,\n parseObjectReplicationRecord,\n setURLParameter,\n toBlobTags,\n toBlobTagsString,\n toQuerySerialization,\n toTags,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nimport {\n fsCreateReadStream,\n fsStat,\n readStreamToLocalFile,\n streamToBuffer,\n} from \"./utils/utils.node\";\nimport { SASProtocol } from \"./sas/SASQueryParameters\";\nimport { SasIPRange } from \"./sas/SasIPRange\";\nimport { generateBlobSASQueryParameters } from \"./sas/BlobSASSignatureValues\";\nimport { BlobSASPermissions } from \"./sas/BlobSASPermissions\";\nimport { BlobLeaseClient } from \"./BlobLeaseClient\";\nimport {\n BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse,\n BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyResponse,\n BlobSetLegalHoldResponse,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport { PagedAsyncIterableIterator, PageSettings } from \"@azure/core-paging\";\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.beginCopyFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobBeginCopyFromURLOptions extends BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions {\n /**\n * The amount of time in milliseconds the poller should wait between\n * calls to the service to determine the status of the Blob copy.\n * Defaults to 15 seconds.\n */\n intervalInMs?: number;\n /**\n * Callback to receive the state of the copy progress.\n */\n onProgress?: (state: BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPollState) => void;\n /**\n * Serialized poller state that can be used to resume polling from.\n * This may be useful when starting a copy on one process or thread\n * and you wish to continue polling on another process or thread.\n *\n * To get serialized poller state, call `poller.toString()` on an existing\n * poller.\n */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.beginCopyFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobBeginCopyFromURLResponse extends BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse {}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.download} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDownloadOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * An opaque DateTime string value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve.\n */\n snapshot?: string;\n /**\n * When this is set to true and download range of blob, the service returns the MD5 hash for the range,\n * as long as the range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size.\n *\n * rangeGetContentCrc64 and rangeGetContentMD5 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n rangeGetContentMD5?: boolean;\n /**\n * When this is set to true and download range of blob, the service returns the CRC64 hash for the range,\n * as long as the range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size.\n *\n * rangeGetContentCrc64 and rangeGetContentMD5 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n rangeGetContentCrc64?: boolean;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when downloading blobs.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Call back to receive events on the progress of download operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Optional. ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS.\n *\n * How many retries will perform when original body download stream unexpected ends.\n * Above kind of ends will not trigger retry policy defined in a pipeline,\n * because they doesn't emit network errors.\n *\n * With this option, every additional retry means an additional `FileClient.download()` request will be made\n * from the broken point, until the requested range has been successfully downloaded or maxRetryRequests is reached.\n *\n * Default value is 5, please set a larger value when loading large files in poor network.\n */\n maxRetryRequests?: number;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.exists} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobExistsOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.getProperties} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobGetPropertiesOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting blob properties.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.delete} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDeleteOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when deleting blobs.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Specifies options to delete blobs that have associated snapshots.\n * - `include`: Delete the base blob and all of its snapshots.\n * - `only`: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself.\n */\n deleteSnapshots?: DeleteSnapshotsOptionType;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.undelete} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobUndeleteOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.setHTTPHeaders} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when setting blob HTTP headers.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.setMetadata} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetMetadataOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when setting blob metadata.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.setTags} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetTagsOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the blob to perform this operation.\n */\n conditions?: TagConditions & LeaseAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.getTags} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobGetTagsOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the blob to perform this operation.\n */\n conditions?: TagConditions & LeaseAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.getTags} operation.\n */\nexport type BlobGetTagsResponse = { tags: Tags } & BlobGetTagsHeaders & {\n /**\n * The underlying HTTP response.\n */\n _response: HttpResponse & {\n /**\n * The parsed HTTP response headers.\n */\n parsedHeaders: BlobGetTagsHeaders;\n\n /**\n * The response body as text (string format)\n */\n bodyAsText: string;\n\n /**\n * The response body as parsed JSON or XML\n */\n parsedBody: BlobTags;\n };\n };\n\n/**\n * Options to configure Blob - Acquire Lease operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobAcquireLeaseOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when acquiring the lease of a blob.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure Blob - Release Lease operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobReleaseLeaseOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when releasing the lease of a blob.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure Blob - Renew Lease operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobRenewLeaseOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when renewing the lease of a blob.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure Blob - Change Lease operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobChangeLeaseOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when changing the lease of a blob.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure Blob - Break Lease operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobBreakLeaseOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when breaking the lease of a blob.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.createSnapshot} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobCreateSnapshotOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the snapshot.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when creating blob snapshots.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.beginCopyFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob that are being copied.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the destination blob when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n sourceConditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | PremiumPageBlobTier | string;\n /**\n * Rehydrate Priority - possible values include 'High', 'Standard'.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-rehydration#rehydrate-an-archived-blob-to-an-online-tier\n */\n rehydratePriority?: RehydratePriority;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n /**\n * Overrides the sealed state of the destination blob. Default true.\n */\n sealBlob?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.abortCopyFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id\n * must be active in order for the operation to succeed.\n */\n conditions?: LeaseAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.syncCopyFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSyncCopyFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the snapshot.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the destination blob when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n sourceConditions?: MatchConditions & ModificationConditions;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | PremiumPageBlobTier | string;\n /**\n * Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source.\n */\n sourceContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n /**\n * Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.\n */\n sourceAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Default 'REPLACE'. Indicates if source tags should be copied or replaced with the tags specified by {@link tags}.\n */\n copySourceTags?: BlobCopySourceTags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link BlobClient.setAccessTier} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetTierOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id\n * must be active in order for the operation to succeed.\n */\n conditions?: LeaseAccessConditions & TagConditions;\n /**\n * Rehydrate Priority - possible values include 'High', 'Standard'.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-rehydration#rehydrate-an-archived-blob-to-an-online-tier\n */\n rehydratePriority?: RehydratePriority;\n}\n\n/**\n * Option interface for the {@link BlobClient.downloadToBuffer} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDownloadToBufferOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n\n /**\n * blockSize is the data every request trying to download.\n * Must be greater than or equal to 0.\n * If set to 0 or undefined, blockSize will automatically calculated according to the blob size.\n */\n blockSize?: number;\n\n /**\n * Optional. ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS.\n *\n * How many retries will perform when original block download stream unexpected ends.\n * Above kind of ends will not trigger retry policy defined in a pipeline,\n * because they doesn't emit network errors.\n *\n * With this option, every additional retry means an additional FileClient.download() request will be made\n * from the broken point, until the requested block has been successfully downloaded or\n * maxRetryRequestsPerBlock is reached.\n *\n * Default value is 5, please set a larger value when in poor network.\n */\n maxRetryRequestsPerBlock?: number;\n\n /**\n * Progress updater.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Access conditions headers.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n\n /**\n * Concurrency of parallel download.\n */\n concurrency?: number;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.deleteIfExists} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDeleteIfExistsResponse extends BlobDeleteResponse {\n /**\n * Indicate whether the blob is successfully deleted. Is false if the blob does not exist in the first place.\n */\n succeeded: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.getProperties} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobGetPropertiesResponse extends BlobGetPropertiesResponseModel {\n /**\n * Parsed Object Replication Policy Id, Rule Id(s) and status of the source blob.\n */\n objectReplicationSourceProperties?: ObjectReplicationPolicy[];\n\n /**\n * Object Replication Policy Id of the destination blob.\n */\n objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Common options of {@link BlobGenerateSasUrlOptions} and {@link ContainerGenerateSasUrlOptions}.\n */\nexport interface CommonGenerateSasUrlOptions {\n /**\n * The version of the service this SAS will target. If not specified, it will default to the version targeted by the\n * library.\n */\n version?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. SAS protocols, HTTPS only or HTTPSandHTTP\n */\n protocol?: SASProtocol;\n\n /**\n * Optional. When the SAS will take effect.\n */\n startsOn?: Date;\n\n /**\n * Optional only when identifier is provided. The time after which the SAS will no longer work.\n */\n expiresOn?: Date;\n\n /**\n * Optional. IP ranges allowed in this SAS.\n */\n ipRange?: SasIPRange;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The name of the access policy on the container this SAS references if any.\n *\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/establishing-a-stored-access-policy\n */\n identifier?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Encryption scope to use when sending requests authorized with this SAS URI.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The cache-control header for the SAS.\n */\n cacheControl?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The content-disposition header for the SAS.\n */\n contentDisposition?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The content-encoding header for the SAS.\n */\n contentEncoding?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The content-language header for the SAS.\n */\n contentLanguage?: string;\n\n /**\n * Optional. The content-type header for the SAS.\n */\n contentType?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlobClient.generateSasUrl} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobGenerateSasUrlOptions extends CommonGenerateSasUrlOptions {\n /**\n * Optional only when identifier is provided. Specifies the list of permissions to be associated with the SAS.\n */\n permissions?: BlobSASPermissions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options for deleting immutability policy {@link BlobClient.deleteImmutabilityPolicy} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options for setting immutability policy {@link BlobClient.setImmutabilityPolicy} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n modifiedAccessCondition?: ModificationConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options for setting legal hold {@link BlobClient.setLegalHold} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobSetLegalHoldOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n}\n\n/**\n * A BlobClient represents a URL to an Azure Storage blob; the blob may be a block blob,\n * append blob, or page blob.\n */\nexport class BlobClient extends StorageClient {\n /**\n * blobContext provided by protocol layer.\n */\n private blobContext: StorageBlob;\n\n private _name: string;\n private _containerName: string;\n\n private _versionId?: string;\n private _snapshot?: string;\n\n /**\n * The name of the blob.\n */\n public get name(): string {\n return this._name;\n }\n\n /**\n * The name of the storage container the blob is associated with.\n */\n public get containerName(): string {\n return this._containerName;\n }\n\n /**\n *\n * Creates an instance of BlobClient from connection string.\n *\n * @param connectionString - Account connection string or a SAS connection string of an Azure storage account.\n * [ Note - Account connection string can only be used in NODE.JS runtime. ]\n * Account connection string example -\n * `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net`\n * SAS connection string example -\n * `BlobEndpoint=https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://myaccount.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sasString`\n * @param containerName - Container name.\n * @param blobName - Blob name.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n connectionString: string,\n containerName: string,\n blobName: string,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A Client string pointing to Azure Storage blob service, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net\". You can append a SAS\n * if using AnonymousCredential, such as \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net?sasString\".\n * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n url: string,\n credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob\".\n * You can append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param pipeline - Call newPipeline() to create a default\n * pipeline, or provide a customized pipeline.\n */\n constructor(url: string, pipeline: PipelineLike);\n constructor(\n urlOrConnectionString: string,\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName?:\n | string\n | StorageSharedKeyCredential\n | AnonymousCredential\n | TokenCredential\n | PipelineLike,\n blobNameOrOptions?: string | StoragePipelineOptions,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n ) {\n options = options || {};\n let pipeline: PipelineLike;\n let url: string;\n if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) {\n // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n } else if (\n (isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) ||\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential ||\n isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options);\n } else if (\n !credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== \"string\"\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential.\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n if (blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions !== \"string\") {\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n }\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else if (\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === \"string\" &&\n blobNameOrOptions &&\n typeof blobNameOrOptions === \"string\"\n ) {\n // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n const blobName = blobNameOrOptions;\n\n const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString);\n if (extractedCreds.kind === \"AccountConnString\") {\n if (isNode) {\n const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(\n extractedCreds.accountName!,\n extractedCreds.accountKey\n );\n url = appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n );\n\n if (!options.proxyOptions) {\n options.proxyOptions = getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri);\n }\n\n pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment\");\n }\n } else if (extractedCreds.kind === \"SASConnString\") {\n url =\n appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n ) +\n \"?\" +\n extractedCreds.accountSas;\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n \"Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string\"\n );\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters\");\n }\n\n super(url, pipeline);\n ({ blobName: this._name, containerName: this._containerName } =\n this.getBlobAndContainerNamesFromUrl());\n this.blobContext = new StorageBlob(this.storageClientContext);\n\n this._snapshot = getURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT) as string;\n this._versionId = getURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.VERSIONID) as string;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new BlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp.\n * Provide \"\" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob.\n *\n * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp.\n * @returns A new BlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp\n */\n public withSnapshot(snapshot: string): BlobClient {\n return new BlobClient(\n setURLParameter(\n this.url,\n URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT,\n snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot\n ),\n this.pipeline\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new BlobClient object pointing to a version of this blob.\n * Provide \"\" will remove the versionId and return a Client to the base blob.\n *\n * @param versionId - The versionId.\n * @returns A new BlobClient object pointing to the version of this blob.\n */\n public withVersion(versionId: string): BlobClient {\n return new BlobClient(\n setURLParameter(\n this.url,\n URLConstants.Parameters.VERSIONID,\n versionId.length === 0 ? undefined : versionId\n ),\n this.pipeline\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a AppendBlobClient object.\n *\n */\n public getAppendBlobClient(): AppendBlobClient {\n return new AppendBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a BlockBlobClient object.\n *\n */\n public getBlockBlobClient(): BlockBlobClient {\n return new BlockBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a PageBlobClient object.\n *\n */\n public getPageBlobClient(): PageBlobClient {\n return new PageBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline);\n }\n\n /**\n * Reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties.\n * You can also call Get Blob to read a snapshot.\n *\n * * In Node.js, data returns in a Readable stream readableStreamBody\n * * In browsers, data returns in a promise blobBody\n *\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob\n *\n * @param offset - From which position of the blob to download, greater than or equal to 0\n * @param count - How much data to be downloaded, greater than 0. Will download to the end when undefined\n * @param options - Optional options to Blob Download operation.\n *\n *\n * Example usage (Node.js):\n *\n * ```js\n * // Download and convert a blob to a string\n * const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download();\n * const downloaded = await streamToBuffer(downloadBlockBlobResponse.readableStreamBody);\n * console.log(\"Downloaded blob content:\", downloaded.toString());\n *\n * async function streamToBuffer(readableStream) {\n * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n * const chunks = [];\n * readableStream.on(\"data\", (data) => {\n * chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data));\n * });\n * readableStream.on(\"end\", () => {\n * resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks));\n * });\n * readableStream.on(\"error\", reject);\n * });\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example usage (browser):\n *\n * ```js\n * // Download and convert a blob to a string\n * const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download();\n * const downloaded = await blobToString(await downloadBlockBlobResponse.blobBody);\n * console.log(\n * \"Downloaded blob content\",\n * downloaded\n * );\n *\n * async function blobToString(blob: Blob): Promise {\n * const fileReader = new FileReader();\n * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n * fileReader.onloadend = (ev: any) => {\n * resolve(ev.target!.result);\n * };\n * fileReader.onerror = reject;\n * fileReader.readAsText(blob);\n * });\n * }\n * ```\n */\n public async download(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: BlobDownloadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-download\", options);\n\n try {\n const res = await this.blobContext.download({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n requestOptions: {\n onDownloadProgress: isNode ? undefined : options.onProgress, // for Node.js, progress is reported by RetriableReadableStream\n },\n range: offset === 0 && !count ? undefined : rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n rangeGetContentMD5: options.rangeGetContentMD5,\n rangeGetContentCRC64: options.rangeGetContentCrc64,\n snapshot: options.snapshot,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n\n const wrappedRes = {\n ...res,\n _response: res._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId: res.objectReplicationPolicyId,\n objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(res.objectReplicationRules),\n };\n // Return browser response immediately\n if (!isNode) {\n return wrappedRes;\n }\n\n // We support retrying when download stream unexpected ends in Node.js runtime\n // Following code shouldn't be bundled into browser build, however some\n // bundlers may try to bundle following code and \"FileReadResponse.ts\".\n // In this case, \"FileDownloadResponse.browser.ts\" will be used as a shim of \"FileDownloadResponse.ts\"\n // The config is in package.json \"browser\" field\n if (options.maxRetryRequests === undefined || options.maxRetryRequests < 0) {\n // TODO: Default value or make it a required parameter?\n options.maxRetryRequests = DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS;\n }\n\n if (res.contentLength === undefined) {\n throw new RangeError(`File download response doesn't contain valid content length header`);\n }\n\n if (!res.etag) {\n throw new RangeError(`File download response doesn't contain valid etag header`);\n }\n\n return new BlobDownloadResponse(\n wrappedRes,\n async (start: number): Promise => {\n const updatedDownloadOptions: BlobDownloadOptionalParams = {\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ifMatch: options.conditions!.ifMatch || res.etag,\n ifModifiedSince: options.conditions!.ifModifiedSince,\n ifNoneMatch: options.conditions!.ifNoneMatch,\n ifUnmodifiedSince: options.conditions!.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n range: rangeToString({\n count: offset + res.contentLength! - start,\n offset: start,\n }),\n rangeGetContentMD5: options.rangeGetContentMD5,\n rangeGetContentCRC64: options.rangeGetContentCrc64,\n snapshot: options.snapshot,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n };\n\n // Debug purpose only\n // console.log(\n // `Read from internal stream, range: ${\n // updatedOptions.range\n // }, options: ${JSON.stringify(updatedOptions)}`\n // );\n\n return (\n await this.blobContext.download({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n ...updatedDownloadOptions,\n })\n ).readableStreamBody!;\n },\n offset,\n res.contentLength!,\n {\n maxRetryRequests: options.maxRetryRequests,\n onProgress: options.onProgress,\n }\n );\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns true if the Azure blob resource represented by this client exists; false otherwise.\n *\n * NOTE: use this function with care since an existing blob might be deleted by other clients or\n * applications. Vice versa new blobs might be added by other clients or applications after this\n * function completes.\n *\n * @param options - options to Exists operation.\n */\n public async exists(options: BlobExistsOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-exists\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n await this.getProperties({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n customerProvidedKey: options.customerProvidedKey,\n conditions: options.conditions,\n tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions,\n });\n return true;\n } catch (e: any) {\n if (e.statusCode === 404) {\n // Expected exception when checking blob existence\n return false;\n } else if (\n e.statusCode === 409 &&\n (e.details.errorCode === BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryptionMsg ||\n e.details.errorCode === BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption)\n ) {\n // Expected exception when checking blob existence\n return true;\n }\n\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties\n * for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-properties\n *\n * WARNING: The `metadata` object returned in the response will have its keys in lowercase, even if\n * they originally contained uppercase characters. This differs from the metadata keys returned by\n * the methods of {@link ContainerClient} that list blobs using the `includeMetadata` option, which\n * will retain their original casing.\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to Get Properties operation.\n */\n public async getProperties(\n options: BlobGetPropertiesOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-getProperties\", options);\n try {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n const res = await this.blobContext.getProperties({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n\n return {\n ...res,\n _response: res._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId: res.objectReplicationPolicyId,\n objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(res.objectReplicationRules),\n };\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted\n * during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete\n * all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete\n * Blob operation.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to Blob Delete operation.\n */\n public async delete(options: BlobDeleteOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-delete\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.delete({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n deleteSnapshots: options.deleteSnapshots,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion if it exists. The blob is later deleted\n * during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete\n * all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete\n * Blob operation.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to Blob Delete operation.\n */\n public async deleteIfExists(\n options: BlobDeleteOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-deleteIfExists\", options);\n try {\n const res = await this.delete(updatedOptions);\n return {\n succeeded: true,\n ...res,\n _response: res._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n };\n } catch (e: any) {\n if (e.details?.errorCode === \"BlobNotFound\") {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: \"Expected exception when deleting a blob or snapshot only if it exists.\",\n });\n return {\n succeeded: false,\n ...e.response?.parsedHeaders,\n _response: e.response,\n };\n }\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Restores the contents and metadata of soft deleted blob and any associated\n * soft deleted snapshots. Undelete Blob is supported only on version 2017-07-29\n * or later.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/undelete-blob\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to Blob Undelete operation.\n */\n public async undelete(options: BlobUndeleteOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-undelete\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.undelete({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets system properties on the blob.\n *\n * If no value provided, or no value provided for the specified blob HTTP headers,\n * these blob HTTP headers without a value will be cleared.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties\n *\n * @param blobHTTPHeaders - If no value provided, or no value provided for\n * the specified blob HTTP headers, these blob HTTP\n * headers without a value will be cleared.\n * A common header to set is `blobContentType`\n * enabling the browser to provide functionality\n * based on file type.\n * @param options - Optional options to Blob Set HTTP Headers operation.\n */\n public async setHTTPHeaders(\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders,\n options: BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setHTTPHeaders\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blobContext.setHttpHeaders({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobHttpHeaders: blobHTTPHeaders,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n // cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, // CPK is not included in Swagger, should change this back when this issue is fixed in Swagger.\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value pairs.\n *\n * If no option provided, or no metadata defined in the parameter, the blob\n * metadata will be removed.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata\n *\n * @param metadata - Replace existing metadata with this value.\n * If no value provided the existing metadata will be removed.\n * @param options - Optional options to Set Metadata operation.\n */\n public async setMetadata(\n metadata?: Metadata,\n options: BlobSetMetadataOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setMetadata\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blobContext.setMetadata({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets tags on the underlying blob.\n * A blob can have up to 10 tags. Tag keys must be between 1 and 128 characters. Tag values must be between 0 and 256 characters.\n * Valid tag key and value characters include lower and upper case letters, digits (0-9),\n * space (' '), plus ('+'), minus ('-'), period ('.'), foward slash ('/'), colon (':'), equals ('='), and underscore ('_').\n *\n * @param tags -\n * @param options -\n */\n public async setTags(tags: Tags, options: BlobSetTagsOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setTags\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.setTags({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n tags: toBlobTags(tags),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the tags associated with the underlying blob.\n *\n * @param options -\n */\n public async getTags(options: BlobGetTagsOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-getTags\", options);\n try {\n const response = await this.blobContext.getTags({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n const wrappedResponse: BlobGetTagsResponse = {\n ...response,\n _response: response._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n tags: toTags({ blobTagSet: response.blobTagSet }) || {},\n };\n return wrappedResponse;\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get a {@link BlobLeaseClient} that manages leases on the blob.\n *\n * @param proposeLeaseId - Initial proposed lease Id.\n * @returns A new BlobLeaseClient object for managing leases on the blob.\n */\n public getBlobLeaseClient(proposeLeaseId?: string): BlobLeaseClient {\n return new BlobLeaseClient(this, proposeLeaseId);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a read-only snapshot of a blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/snapshot-blob\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Create Snapshot operation.\n */\n public async createSnapshot(\n options: BlobCreateSnapshotOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-createSnapshot\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blobContext.createSnapshot({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Asynchronously copies a blob to a destination within the storage account.\n * This method returns a long running operation poller that allows you to wait\n * indefinitely until the copy is completed.\n * You can also cancel a copy before it is completed by calling `cancelOperation` on the poller.\n * Note that the onProgress callback will not be invoked if the operation completes in the first\n * request, and attempting to cancel a completed copy will result in an error being thrown.\n *\n * In version 2012-02-12 and later, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be\n * a committed blob in any Azure storage account.\n * Beginning with version 2015-02-21, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be\n * an Azure file in any Azure storage account.\n * Only storage accounts created on or after June 7th, 2012 allow the Copy Blob\n * operation to copy from another storage account.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob\n *\n * Example using automatic polling:\n *\n * ```js\n * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url');\n * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone();\n * ```\n *\n * Example using manual polling:\n *\n * ```js\n * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url');\n * while (!poller.isDone()) {\n * await poller.poll();\n * }\n * const result = copyPoller.getResult();\n * ```\n *\n * Example using progress updates:\n *\n * ```js\n * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url', {\n * onProgress(state) {\n * console.log(`Progress: ${state.copyProgress}`);\n * }\n * });\n * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone();\n * ```\n *\n * Example using a changing polling interval (default 15 seconds):\n *\n * ```js\n * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url', {\n * intervalInMs: 1000 // poll blob every 1 second for copy progress\n * });\n * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone();\n * ```\n *\n * Example using copy cancellation:\n *\n * ```js\n * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url');\n * // cancel operation after starting it.\n * try {\n * await copyPoller.cancelOperation();\n * // calls to get the result now throw PollerCancelledError\n * await copyPoller.getResult();\n * } catch (err) {\n * if (err.name === 'PollerCancelledError') {\n * console.log('The copy was cancelled.');\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @param copySource - url to the source Azure Blob/File.\n * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Start Copy From URL operation.\n */\n public async beginCopyFromURL(\n copySource: string,\n options: BlobBeginCopyFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise<\n PollerLikeWithCancellation<\n PollOperationState,\n BlobBeginCopyFromURLResponse\n >\n > {\n const client: CopyPollerBlobClient = {\n abortCopyFromURL: (...args) => this.abortCopyFromURL(...args),\n getProperties: (...args) => this.getProperties(...args),\n startCopyFromURL: (...args) => this.startCopyFromURL(...args),\n };\n const poller = new BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPoller({\n blobClient: client,\n copySource,\n intervalInMs: options.intervalInMs,\n onProgress: options.onProgress,\n resumeFrom: options.resumeFrom,\n startCopyFromURLOptions: options,\n });\n\n // Trigger the startCopyFromURL call by calling poll.\n // Any errors from this method should be surfaced to the user.\n await poller.poll();\n\n return poller;\n }\n\n /**\n * Aborts a pending asynchronous Copy Blob operation, and leaves a destination blob with zero\n * length and full metadata. Version 2012-02-12 and newer.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/abort-copy-blob\n *\n * @param copyId - Id of the Copy From URL operation.\n * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Abort Copy From URL operation.\n */\n public async abortCopyFromURL(\n copyId: string,\n options: BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-abortCopyFromURL\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.abortCopyFromURL(copyId, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The synchronous Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not\n * return a response until the copy is complete.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob-from-url\n *\n * @param copySource - The source URL to copy from, Shared Access Signature(SAS) maybe needed for authentication\n * @param options -\n */\n public async syncCopyFromURL(\n copySource: string,\n options: BlobSyncCopyFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-syncCopyFromURL\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {};\n\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.copyFromURL(copySource, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n sourceModifiedAccessConditions: {\n sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch,\n sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince,\n sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch,\n sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n },\n sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5,\n copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization),\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n copySourceTags: options.copySourceTags,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page blob in a premium\n * storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally redundant\n * storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS,\n * and bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive\n * storage type. This operation does not update the blob's ETag.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-tier\n *\n * @param tier - The tier to be set on the blob. Valid values are Hot, Cool, or Archive.\n * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Set Tier operation.\n */\n public async setAccessTier(\n tier: BlockBlobTier | PremiumPageBlobTier | string,\n options: BlobSetTierOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setAccessTier\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.setTier(toAccessTier(tier)!, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n rehydratePriority: options.rehydratePriority,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n // High level function\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Downloads an Azure Blob in parallel to a buffer.\n * Offset and count are optional, downloads the entire blob if they are not provided.\n *\n * Warning: Buffers can only support files up to about one gigabyte on 32-bit systems or about two\n * gigabytes on 64-bit systems due to limitations of Node.js/V8. For blobs larger than this size,\n * consider {@link downloadToFile}.\n *\n * @param offset - From which position of the block blob to download(in bytes)\n * @param count - How much data(in bytes) to be downloaded. Will download to the end when passing undefined\n * @param options - BlobDownloadToBufferOptions\n */\n public async downloadToBuffer(\n offset?: number,\n count?: number,\n options?: BlobDownloadToBufferOptions\n ): Promise;\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Downloads an Azure Blob in parallel to a buffer.\n * Offset and count are optional, downloads the entire blob if they are not provided.\n *\n * Warning: Buffers can only support files up to about one gigabyte on 32-bit systems or about two\n * gigabytes on 64-bit systems due to limitations of Node.js/V8. For blobs larger than this size,\n * consider {@link downloadToFile}.\n *\n * @param buffer - Buffer to be fill, must have length larger than count\n * @param offset - From which position of the block blob to download(in bytes)\n * @param count - How much data(in bytes) to be downloaded. Will download to the end when passing undefined\n * @param options - BlobDownloadToBufferOptions\n */\n public async downloadToBuffer(\n buffer: Buffer,\n offset?: number,\n count?: number,\n options?: BlobDownloadToBufferOptions\n ): Promise;\n\n public async downloadToBuffer(\n param1?: Buffer | number,\n param2?: number,\n param3?: BlobDownloadToBufferOptions | number,\n param4: BlobDownloadToBufferOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n let buffer: Buffer | undefined;\n let offset = 0;\n let count = 0;\n let options = param4;\n if (param1 instanceof Buffer) {\n buffer = param1;\n offset = param2 || 0;\n count = typeof param3 === \"number\" ? param3 : 0;\n } else {\n offset = typeof param1 === \"number\" ? param1 : 0;\n count = typeof param2 === \"number\" ? param2 : 0;\n options = (param3 as BlobDownloadToBufferOptions) || {};\n }\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-downloadToBuffer\", options);\n\n try {\n if (!options.blockSize) {\n options.blockSize = 0;\n }\n if (options.blockSize < 0) {\n throw new RangeError(\"blockSize option must be >= 0\");\n }\n if (options.blockSize === 0) {\n options.blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES;\n }\n\n if (offset < 0) {\n throw new RangeError(\"offset option must be >= 0\");\n }\n\n if (count && count <= 0) {\n throw new RangeError(\"count option must be greater than 0\");\n }\n\n if (!options.conditions) {\n options.conditions = {};\n }\n\n // Customer doesn't specify length, get it\n if (!count) {\n const response = await this.getProperties({\n ...options,\n tracingOptions: {\n ...options.tracingOptions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n },\n });\n count = response.contentLength! - offset;\n if (count < 0) {\n throw new RangeError(\n `offset ${offset} shouldn't be larger than blob size ${response.contentLength!}`\n );\n }\n }\n\n // Allocate the buffer of size = count if the buffer is not provided\n if (!buffer) {\n try {\n buffer = Buffer.alloc(count);\n } catch (error: any) {\n throw new Error(\n `Unable to allocate the buffer of size: ${count}(in bytes). Please try passing your own buffer to the \"downloadToBuffer\" method or try using other methods like \"download\" or \"downloadToFile\".\\t ${error.message}`\n );\n }\n }\n\n if (buffer.length < count) {\n throw new RangeError(\n `The buffer's size should be equal to or larger than the request count of bytes: ${count}`\n );\n }\n\n let transferProgress: number = 0;\n const batch = new Batch(options.concurrency);\n for (let off = offset; off < offset + count; off = off + options.blockSize) {\n batch.addOperation(async () => {\n // Exclusive chunk end position\n let chunkEnd = offset + count!;\n if (off + options.blockSize! < chunkEnd) {\n chunkEnd = off + options.blockSize!;\n }\n const response = await this.download(off, chunkEnd - off, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n conditions: options.conditions,\n maxRetryRequests: options.maxRetryRequestsPerBlock,\n customerProvidedKey: options.customerProvidedKey,\n tracingOptions: {\n ...options.tracingOptions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n },\n });\n const stream = response.readableStreamBody!;\n await streamToBuffer(stream, buffer!, off - offset, chunkEnd - offset);\n // Update progress after block is downloaded, in case of block trying\n // Could provide finer grained progress updating inside HTTP requests,\n // only if convenience layer download try is enabled\n transferProgress += chunkEnd - off;\n if (options.onProgress) {\n options.onProgress({ loadedBytes: transferProgress });\n }\n });\n }\n await batch.do();\n return buffer;\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Downloads an Azure Blob to a local file.\n * Fails if the the given file path already exits.\n * Offset and count are optional, pass 0 and undefined respectively to download the entire blob.\n *\n * @param filePath -\n * @param offset - From which position of the block blob to download.\n * @param count - How much data to be downloaded. Will download to the end when passing undefined.\n * @param options - Options to Blob download options.\n * @returns The response data for blob download operation,\n * but with readableStreamBody set to undefined since its\n * content is already read and written into a local file\n * at the specified path.\n */\n public async downloadToFile(\n filePath: string,\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: BlobDownloadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-downloadToFile\", options);\n try {\n const response = await this.download(offset, count, {\n ...options,\n tracingOptions: {\n ...options.tracingOptions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n },\n });\n if (response.readableStreamBody) {\n await readStreamToLocalFile(response.readableStreamBody, filePath);\n }\n\n // The stream is no longer accessible so setting it to undefined.\n (response as any).blobDownloadStream = undefined;\n return response;\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n private getBlobAndContainerNamesFromUrl(): { blobName: string; containerName: string } {\n let containerName;\n let blobName;\n try {\n // URL may look like the following\n // \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob?sasString\";\n // \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob\";\n // \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob/a.txt?sasString\";\n // \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob/a.txt\";\n // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts, Endpoints - ``\n // http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername/blob\n\n const parsedUrl = URLBuilder.parse(this.url);\n\n if (parsedUrl.getHost()!.split(\".\")[1] === \"blob\") {\n // \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/containername/blob\".\n // .getPath() -> /containername/blob\n const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath()!.match(\"/([^/]*)(/(.*))?\");\n containerName = pathComponents![1];\n blobName = pathComponents![3];\n } else if (isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl)) {\n // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts... Example -\n // Single word domain without a [dot] in the endpoint... Example - http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername/blob\n // .getPath() -> /devstoreaccount1/containername/blob\n const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath()!.match(\"/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/(.*))?\");\n containerName = pathComponents![2];\n blobName = pathComponents![4];\n } else {\n // \"https://customdomain.com/containername/blob\".\n // .getPath() -> /containername/blob\n const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath()!.match(\"/([^/]*)(/(.*))?\");\n containerName = pathComponents![1];\n blobName = pathComponents![3];\n }\n\n // decode the encoded blobName, containerName - to get all the special characters that might be present in them\n containerName = decodeURIComponent(containerName);\n blobName = decodeURIComponent(blobName);\n\n // Azure Storage Server will replace \"\\\" with \"/\" in the blob names\n // doing the same in the SDK side so that the user doesn't have to replace \"\\\" instances in the blobName\n blobName = blobName.replace(/\\\\/g, \"/\");\n\n if (!containerName) {\n throw new Error(\"Provided containerName is invalid.\");\n }\n\n return { blobName, containerName };\n } catch (error: any) {\n throw new Error(\"Unable to extract blobName and containerName with provided information.\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Asynchronously copies a blob to a destination within the storage account.\n * In version 2012-02-12 and later, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be\n * a committed blob in any Azure storage account.\n * Beginning with version 2015-02-21, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be\n * an Azure file in any Azure storage account.\n * Only storage accounts created on or after June 7th, 2012 allow the Copy Blob\n * operation to copy from another storage account.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob\n *\n * @param copySource - url to the source Azure Blob/File.\n * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Start Copy From URL operation.\n */\n private async startCopyFromURL(\n copySource: string,\n options: BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-startCopyFromURL\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {};\n\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.startCopyFromURL(copySource, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n sourceModifiedAccessConditions: {\n sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch,\n sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince,\n sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch,\n sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n sourceIfTags: options.sourceConditions.tagConditions,\n },\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n rehydratePriority: options.rehydratePriority,\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n sealBlob: options.sealBlob,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Only available for BlobClient constructed with a shared key credential.\n *\n * Generates a Blob Service Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI based on the client properties\n * and parameters passed in. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential of the client.\n *\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas\n *\n * @param options - Optional parameters.\n * @returns The SAS URI consisting of the URI to the resource represented by this client, followed by the generated SAS token.\n */\n public generateSasUrl(options: BlobGenerateSasUrlOptions): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve) => {\n if (!(this.credential instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential)) {\n throw new RangeError(\n \"Can only generate the SAS when the client is initialized with a shared key credential\"\n );\n }\n\n const sas = generateBlobSASQueryParameters(\n {\n containerName: this._containerName,\n blobName: this._name,\n snapshotTime: this._snapshot,\n versionId: this._versionId,\n ...options,\n },\n this.credential\n ).toString();\n\n resolve(appendToURLQuery(this.url, sas));\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete the immutablility policy on the blob.\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to delete immutability policy on the blob.\n */\n public async deleteImmutabilityPolicy(\n options?: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-deleteImmutabilityPolicy\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.deleteImmutabilityPolicy({\n abortSignal: options?.abortSignal,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set immutablility policy on the blob.\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to set immutability policy on the blob.\n */\n public async setImmutabilityPolicy(\n immutabilityPolicy: BlobImmutabilityPolicy,\n options?: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyOptions\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setImmutabilityPolicy\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.setImmutabilityPolicy({\n abortSignal: options?.abortSignal,\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: immutabilityPolicy.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: immutabilityPolicy.policyMode,\n modifiedAccessConditions: options?.modifiedAccessCondition,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set legal hold on the blob.\n *\n * @param options - Optional options to set legal hold on the blob.\n */\n public async setLegalHold(\n legalHoldEnabled: boolean,\n options?: BlobSetLegalHoldOptions\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlobClient-setLegalHold\", options);\n try {\n return await this.blobContext.setLegalHold(legalHoldEnabled, {\n abortSignal: options?.abortSignal,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link AppendBlobClient.create} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobCreateOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when creating append blobs.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when creating append blobs. A common header\n * to set is `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide functionality\n * based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when creating append blobs.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link AppendBlobClient.createIfNotExists} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobCreateIfNotExistsOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when creating append blobs. A common header to set is\n * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide functionality\n * based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when creating append blobs.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link AppendBlobClient.seal} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobSealOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet.\n */\n conditions?: AppendBlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link AppendBlobClient.appendBlock} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when appending append blob blocks.\n */\n conditions?: AppendBlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Callback to receive events on the progress of append block operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the append block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the append block during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link AppendBlobClient.appendBlockFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when appending append blob blocks.\n */\n conditions?: AppendBlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n sourceConditions?: MatchConditions & ModificationConditions;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the append block content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the append block during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the append block content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the append block during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.\n */\n sourceAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link appendBlobClient.createIfNotExists} operation.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobCreateIfNotExistsResponse extends AppendBlobCreateResponse {\n /**\n * Indicate whether the blob is successfully created. Is false when the blob is not changed as it already exists.\n */\n succeeded: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * AppendBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to append blobs.\n */\nexport class AppendBlobClient extends BlobClient {\n /**\n * appendBlobsContext provided by protocol layer.\n */\n private appendBlobContext: AppendBlob;\n\n /**\n *\n * Creates an instance of AppendBlobClient.\n *\n * @param connectionString - Account connection string or a SAS connection string of an Azure storage account.\n * [ Note - Account connection string can only be used in NODE.JS runtime. ]\n * Account connection string example -\n * `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net`\n * SAS connection string example -\n * `BlobEndpoint=https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://myaccount.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sasString`\n * @param containerName - Container name.\n * @param blobName - Blob name.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n connectionString: string,\n containerName: string,\n blobName: string,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of AppendBlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to an append blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage append blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/appendblob\". You can\n * append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/appendblob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n url: string,\n credential: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of AppendBlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to an append blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage append blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/appendblob\". You can\n * append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/appendblob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param pipeline - Call newPipeline() to create a default\n * pipeline, or provide a customized pipeline.\n */\n constructor(url: string, pipeline: PipelineLike);\n constructor(\n urlOrConnectionString: string,\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName:\n | string\n | StorageSharedKeyCredential\n | AnonymousCredential\n | TokenCredential\n | PipelineLike,\n blobNameOrOptions?: string | StoragePipelineOptions,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n ) {\n // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead.\n // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options);\n let pipeline: PipelineLike;\n let url: string;\n options = options || {};\n if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) {\n // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n } else if (\n (isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) ||\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential ||\n isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString;\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options);\n } else if (\n !credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== \"string\"\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential.\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else if (\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === \"string\" &&\n blobNameOrOptions &&\n typeof blobNameOrOptions === \"string\"\n ) {\n // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n const blobName = blobNameOrOptions;\n\n const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString);\n if (extractedCreds.kind === \"AccountConnString\") {\n if (isNode) {\n const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(\n extractedCreds.accountName!,\n extractedCreds.accountKey\n );\n url = appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n );\n\n if (!options.proxyOptions) {\n options.proxyOptions = getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri);\n }\n\n pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment\");\n }\n } else if (extractedCreds.kind === \"SASConnString\") {\n url =\n appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n ) +\n \"?\" +\n extractedCreds.accountSas;\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n \"Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string\"\n );\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters\");\n }\n super(url, pipeline);\n this.appendBlobContext = new AppendBlob(this.storageClientContext);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new AppendBlobClient object identical to the source but with the\n * specified snapshot timestamp.\n * Provide \"\" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob.\n *\n * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp.\n * @returns A new AppendBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp.\n */\n public withSnapshot(snapshot: string): AppendBlobClient {\n return new AppendBlobClient(\n setURLParameter(\n this.url,\n URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT,\n snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot\n ),\n this.pipeline\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a 0-length append blob. Call AppendBlock to append data to an append blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob\n *\n * @param options - Options to the Append Block Create operation.\n *\n *\n * Example usage:\n *\n * ```js\n * const appendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(\"\");\n * await appendBlobClient.create();\n * ```\n */\n public async create(options: AppendBlobCreateOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"AppendBlobClient-create\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n\n return await this.appendBlobContext.create(0, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a 0-length append blob. Call AppendBlock to append data to an append blob.\n * If the blob with the same name already exists, the content of the existing blob will remain unchanged.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob\n *\n * @param options -\n */\n public async createIfNotExists(\n options: AppendBlobCreateIfNotExistsOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"AppendBlobClient-createIfNotExists\", options);\n const conditions = { ifNoneMatch: ETagAny };\n try {\n const res = await this.create({\n ...updatedOptions,\n conditions,\n });\n return {\n succeeded: true,\n ...res,\n _response: res._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n };\n } catch (e: any) {\n if (e.details?.errorCode === \"BlobAlreadyExists\") {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: \"Expected exception when creating a blob only if it does not already exist.\",\n });\n return {\n succeeded: false,\n ...e.response?.parsedHeaders,\n _response: e.response,\n };\n }\n\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Seals the append blob, making it read only.\n *\n * @param options -\n */\n public async seal(options: AppendBlobSealOptions = {}): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"AppendBlobClient-seal\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n return await this.appendBlobContext.seal({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Commits a new block of data to the end of the existing append blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/append-block\n *\n * @param body - Data to be appended.\n * @param contentLength - Length of the body in bytes.\n * @param options - Options to the Append Block operation.\n *\n *\n * Example usage:\n *\n * ```js\n * const content = \"Hello World!\";\n *\n * // Create a new append blob and append data to the blob.\n * const newAppendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(\"\");\n * await newAppendBlobClient.create();\n * await newAppendBlobClient.appendBlock(content, content.length);\n *\n * // Append data to an existing append blob.\n * const existingAppendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(\"\");\n * await existingAppendBlobClient.appendBlock(content, content.length);\n * ```\n */\n public async appendBlock(\n body: HttpRequestBody,\n contentLength: number,\n options: AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"AppendBlobClient-appendBlock\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n\n return await this.appendBlobContext.appendBlock(contentLength, body, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n requestOptions: {\n onUploadProgress: options.onProgress,\n },\n transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5,\n transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob\n * where the contents are read from a source url.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/append-block-from-url\n *\n * @param sourceURL -\n * The url to the blob that will be the source of the copy. A source blob in the same storage account can\n * be authenticated via Shared Key. However, if the source is a blob in another account, the source blob\n * must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature. If the source blob is\n * public, no authentication is required to perform the operation.\n * @param sourceOffset - Offset in source to be appended\n * @param count - Number of bytes to be appended as a block\n * @param options -\n */\n public async appendBlockFromURL(\n sourceURL: string,\n sourceOffset: number,\n count: number,\n options: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"AppendBlobClient-appendBlockFromURL\", options);\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {};\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n\n return await this.appendBlobContext.appendBlockFromUrl(sourceURL, 0, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n sourceRange: rangeToString({ offset: sourceOffset, count }),\n sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5,\n sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n sourceModifiedAccessConditions: {\n sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch,\n sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince,\n sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch,\n sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n },\n copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization),\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.upload} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobUploadOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when uploading to the block blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when uploading to a block blob. A common header to set is\n * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide functionality\n * based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when uploading to a block blob.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Callback to receive events on the progress of upload operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.syncUploadFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobSyncUploadFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * Server timeout in seconds.\n * For more information, @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/setting-timeouts-for-blob-service-operations\n */\n timeoutInSeconds?: number;\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value\n * pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata from the source blob or file to the\n * destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is\n * created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file.\n * Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules\n * for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more\n * information.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | string;\n /**\n * Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source.\n */\n sourceContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n /**\n * Optional, default is true. Indicates if properties from the source blob should be copied.\n */\n copySourceBlobProperties?: boolean;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when uploading to a block blob.\n *\n * A common header to set is `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide functionality\n * based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the destination Azure Blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob.\n */\n sourceConditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n /**\n * Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.\n */\n sourceAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization;\n /**\n * Optional, default 'replace'. Indicates if source tags should be copied or replaced with the tags specified by {@link tags}.\n */\n copySourceTags?: BlobCopySourceTags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Blob query error type.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryError {\n /**\n * Whether error is fatal. Fatal error will stop query.\n */\n isFatal: boolean;\n /**\n * Error name.\n */\n name: string;\n /**\n * Position in bytes of the query.\n */\n position: number;\n /**\n * Error description.\n */\n description: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to query blob with JSON format.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryJsonTextConfiguration {\n /**\n * Record separator.\n */\n recordSeparator: string;\n /**\n * Query for a JSON format blob.\n */\n kind: \"json\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to query blob with CSV format.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryCsvTextConfiguration {\n /**\n * Record separator.\n */\n recordSeparator: string;\n /**\n * Query for a CSV format blob.\n */\n kind: \"csv\";\n /**\n * Column separator. Default is \",\".\n */\n columnSeparator?: string;\n /**\n * Field quote.\n */\n fieldQuote?: string;\n /**\n * Escape character.\n */\n escapeCharacter?: string;\n /**\n * Has headers. Default is false.\n */\n hasHeaders?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to query blob with Apache Arrow format. Only valid for {@link BlockBlobQueryOptions.outputTextConfiguration}.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryArrowConfiguration {\n /**\n * Kind.\n */\n kind: \"arrow\";\n\n /**\n * List of {@link BlobQueryArrowField} describing the schema of the data.\n */\n schema: BlobQueryArrowField[];\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to query blob with Parquet format. Only valid for {@link BlockBlobQueryOptions.inputTextConfiguration}.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryParquetConfiguration {\n /**\n * Kind.\n */\n kind: \"parquet\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.query} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobQueryOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Configurations for the query input.\n */\n inputTextConfiguration?:\n | BlobQueryJsonTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryCsvTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryParquetConfiguration;\n /**\n * Configurations for the query output.\n */\n outputTextConfiguration?:\n | BlobQueryJsonTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryCsvTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryArrowConfiguration;\n /**\n * Callback to receive events on the progress of query operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * Callback to receive error events during the query operaiton.\n */\n onError?: (error: BlobQueryError) => void;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when uploading to the block blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.stageBlock} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobStageBlockOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id\n * must be active in order for the operation to succeed.\n */\n conditions?: LeaseAccessConditions;\n /**\n * Callback to receive events on the progress of stage block operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.stageBlockFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Specifies the bytes of the source Blob/File to upload.\n * If not specified, the entire content is uploaded as a single block.\n */\n range?: Range;\n /**\n * If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id\n * must be active in order for the operation to succeed.\n */\n conditions?: LeaseAccessConditions;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.\n */\n sourceAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.commitBlockList} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when committing the block list.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when committing block list.\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when committing block list.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | string;\n\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link BlockBlobClient.getBlockList} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id\n * must be active in order for the operation to succeed.\n */\n conditions?: LeaseAccessConditions & TagConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Option interface for the {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadStream} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobUploadStreamOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n\n /**\n * Blob HTTP Headers.\n *\n * A common header to set is `blobContentType`, enabling the\n * browser to provide functionality based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n\n /**\n * Metadata of block blob.\n */\n metadata?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n\n /**\n * Access conditions headers.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n\n /**\n * Progress updater.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | string;\n}\n/**\n * Option interface for {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadFile} and {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadSeekableStream}.\n */\nexport interface BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n\n /**\n * Destination block blob size in bytes.\n */\n blockSize?: number;\n\n /**\n * Blob size threshold in bytes to start concurrency uploading.\n * Default value is 256MB, blob size less than this option will\n * be uploaded via one I/O operation without concurrency.\n * You can customize a value less equal than the default value.\n */\n maxSingleShotSize?: number;\n\n /**\n * Progress updater.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Blob HTTP Headers. A common header to set is\n * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide\n * functionality based on file type.\n *\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n\n /**\n * Metadata of block blob.\n */\n metadata?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n\n /**\n * Access conditions headers.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n\n /**\n * Concurrency of parallel uploading. Must be greater than or equal to 0.\n */\n concurrency?: number;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: BlockBlobTier | string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Response type for {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadFile}, {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadStream}, and\n * {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadBrowserDate}.\n */\nexport type BlobUploadCommonResponse = BlockBlobUploadHeaders & {\n /**\n * The underlying HTTP response.\n */\n _response: HttpResponse;\n};\n\n/**\n * BlockBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to block blobs.\n */\nexport class BlockBlobClient extends BlobClient {\n /**\n * blobContext provided by protocol layer.\n *\n * Note. Ideally BlobClient should set BlobClient.blobContext to protected. However, API\n * extractor has issue blocking that. Here we redecelare _blobContext in BlockBlobClient.\n */\n private _blobContext: StorageBlob;\n\n /**\n * blockBlobContext provided by protocol layer.\n */\n private blockBlobContext: BlockBlob;\n\n /**\n *\n * Creates an instance of BlockBlobClient.\n *\n * @param connectionString - Account connection string or a SAS connection string of an Azure storage account.\n * [ Note - Account connection string can only be used in NODE.JS runtime. ]\n * Account connection string example -\n * `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net`\n * SAS connection string example -\n * `BlobEndpoint=https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://myaccount.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sasString`\n * @param containerName - Container name.\n * @param blobName - Blob name.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n connectionString: string,\n containerName: string,\n blobName: string,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlockBlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a block blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage block blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blockblob\". You can\n * append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blockblob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n url: string,\n credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlockBlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a block blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage block blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blockblob\". You can\n * append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blockblob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param pipeline - Call newPipeline() to create a default\n * pipeline, or provide a customized pipeline.\n */\n constructor(url: string, pipeline: PipelineLike);\n constructor(\n urlOrConnectionString: string,\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName?:\n | string\n | StorageSharedKeyCredential\n | AnonymousCredential\n | TokenCredential\n | PipelineLike,\n blobNameOrOptions?: string | StoragePipelineOptions,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n ) {\n // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead.\n // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options);\n let pipeline: PipelineLike;\n let url: string;\n options = options || {};\n if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) {\n // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n } else if (\n (isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) ||\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential ||\n isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options);\n } else if (\n !credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== \"string\"\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential.\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n if (blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions !== \"string\") {\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n }\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else if (\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === \"string\" &&\n blobNameOrOptions &&\n typeof blobNameOrOptions === \"string\"\n ) {\n // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n const blobName = blobNameOrOptions;\n\n const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString);\n if (extractedCreds.kind === \"AccountConnString\") {\n if (isNode) {\n const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(\n extractedCreds.accountName!,\n extractedCreds.accountKey\n );\n url = appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n );\n\n if (!options.proxyOptions) {\n options.proxyOptions = getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri);\n }\n\n pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment\");\n }\n } else if (extractedCreds.kind === \"SASConnString\") {\n url =\n appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n ) +\n \"?\" +\n extractedCreds.accountSas;\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n \"Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string\"\n );\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters\");\n }\n super(url, pipeline);\n this.blockBlobContext = new BlockBlob(this.storageClientContext);\n this._blobContext = new StorageBlob(this.storageClientContext);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new BlockBlobClient object identical to the source but with the\n * specified snapshot timestamp.\n * Provide \"\" will remove the snapshot and return a URL to the base blob.\n *\n * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp.\n * @returns A new BlockBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp.\n */\n public withSnapshot(snapshot: string): BlockBlobClient {\n return new BlockBlobClient(\n setURLParameter(\n this.url,\n URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT,\n snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot\n ),\n this.pipeline\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Quick query for a JSON or CSV formatted blob.\n *\n * Example usage (Node.js):\n *\n * ```js\n * // Query and convert a blob to a string\n * const queryBlockBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.query(\"select * from BlobStorage\");\n * const downloaded = (await streamToBuffer(queryBlockBlobResponse.readableStreamBody)).toString();\n * console.log(\"Query blob content:\", downloaded);\n *\n * async function streamToBuffer(readableStream) {\n * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n * const chunks = [];\n * readableStream.on(\"data\", (data) => {\n * chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data));\n * });\n * readableStream.on(\"end\", () => {\n * resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks));\n * });\n * readableStream.on(\"error\", reject);\n * });\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @param query -\n * @param options -\n */\n public async query(\n query: string,\n options: BlockBlobQueryOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-query\", options);\n\n try {\n if (!isNode) {\n throw new Error(\"This operation currently is only supported in Node.js.\");\n }\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n const response = await this._blobContext.query({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n queryRequest: {\n queryType: \"SQL\",\n expression: query,\n inputSerialization: toQuerySerialization(options.inputTextConfiguration),\n outputSerialization: toQuerySerialization(options.outputTextConfiguration),\n },\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n return new BlobQueryResponse(response, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n onProgress: options.onProgress,\n onError: options.onError,\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new block blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob.\n * Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob.\n * Partial updates are not supported; the content of the existing blob is\n * overwritten with the new content. To perform a partial update of a block blob's,\n * use {@link stageBlock} and {@link commitBlockList}.\n *\n * This is a non-parallel uploading method, please use {@link uploadFile},\n * {@link uploadStream} or {@link uploadBrowserData} for better performance\n * with concurrency uploading.\n *\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob\n *\n * @param body - Blob, string, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView or a function\n * which returns a new Readable stream whose offset is from data source beginning.\n * @param contentLength - Length of body in bytes. Use Buffer.byteLength() to calculate body length for a\n * string including non non-Base64/Hex-encoded characters.\n * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Upload operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Upload operation.\n *\n * Example usage:\n *\n * ```js\n * const content = \"Hello world!\";\n * const uploadBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.upload(content, content.length);\n * ```\n */\n public async upload(\n body: HttpRequestBody,\n contentLength: number,\n options: BlockBlobUploadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-upload\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blockBlobContext.upload(contentLength, body, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n requestOptions: {\n onUploadProgress: options.onProgress,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read from a given URL.\n * This API is supported beginning with the 2020-04-08 version. Partial updates\n * are not supported with Put Blob from URL; the content of an existing blob is overwritten with\n * the content of the new blob. To perform partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a\n * source URL, use {@link stageBlockFromURL} and {@link commitBlockList}.\n *\n * @param sourceURL - Specifies the URL of the blob. The value\n * may be a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies a blob.\n * The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear\n * in a request URI. The source blob must either be public\n * or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.\n * If the source blob is public, no authentication is required\n * to perform the operation. Here are some examples of source object URLs:\n * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob\n * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot=\n * @param options - Optional parameters.\n */\n\n public async syncUploadFromURL(\n sourceURL: string,\n options: BlockBlobSyncUploadFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-syncUploadFromURL\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blockBlobContext.putBlobFromUrl(0, sourceURL, {\n ...options,\n blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions.tagConditions,\n },\n sourceModifiedAccessConditions: {\n sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions?.ifMatch,\n sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions?.ifModifiedSince,\n sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions?.ifNoneMatch,\n sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions?.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n sourceIfTags: options.sourceConditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization),\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n copySourceTags: options.copySourceTags,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Uploads the specified block to the block blob's \"staging area\" to be later\n * committed by a call to commitBlockList.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block\n *\n * @param blockId - A 64-byte value that is base64-encoded\n * @param body - Data to upload to the staging area.\n * @param contentLength - Number of bytes to upload.\n * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Stage Block operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Stage Block operation.\n */\n public async stageBlock(\n blockId: string,\n body: HttpRequestBody,\n contentLength: number,\n options: BlockBlobStageBlockOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-stageBlock\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blockBlobContext.stageBlock(blockId, contentLength, body, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n requestOptions: {\n onUploadProgress: options.onProgress,\n },\n transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5,\n transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The Stage Block From URL operation creates a new block to be committed as part\n * of a blob where the contents are read from a URL.\n * This API is available starting in version 2018-03-28.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-from-url\n *\n * @param blockId - A 64-byte value that is base64-encoded\n * @param sourceURL - Specifies the URL of the blob. The value\n * may be a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies a blob.\n * The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear\n * in a request URI. The source blob must either be public\n * or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.\n * If the source blob is public, no authentication is required\n * to perform the operation. Here are some examples of source object URLs:\n * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob\n * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot=\n * @param offset - From which position of the blob to download, greater than or equal to 0\n * @param count - How much data to be downloaded, greater than 0. Will download to the end when undefined\n * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Stage Block From URL operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Stage Block From URL operation.\n */\n public async stageBlockFromURL(\n blockId: string,\n sourceURL: string,\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-stageBlockFromURL\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blockBlobContext.stageBlockFromURL(blockId, 0, sourceURL, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5,\n sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64,\n sourceRange: offset === 0 && !count ? undefined : rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob.\n * In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written\n * to the server in a prior {@link stageBlock} operation. You can call {@link commitBlockList} to\n * update a blob by uploading only those blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing\n * blocks together. Any blocks not specified in the block list and permanently deleted.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-list\n *\n * @param blocks - Array of 64-byte value that is base64-encoded\n * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Commit Block List operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Commit Block List operation.\n */\n public async commitBlockList(\n blocks: string[],\n options: BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-commitBlockList\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.blockBlobContext.commitBlockList(\n { latest: blocks },\n {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n }\n );\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob\n * using the specified block list filter.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-block-list\n *\n * @param listType - Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks,\n * the list of uncommitted blocks, or both lists together.\n * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Get Block List operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Get Block List operation.\n */\n public async getBlockList(\n listType: BlockListType,\n options: BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-getBlockList\", options);\n try {\n const res = await this.blockBlobContext.getBlockList(listType, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n\n if (!res.committedBlocks) {\n res.committedBlocks = [];\n }\n\n if (!res.uncommittedBlocks) {\n res.uncommittedBlocks = [];\n }\n\n return res;\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n // High level functions\n\n /**\n * Uploads a Buffer(Node.js)/Blob(browsers)/ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView object to a BlockBlob.\n *\n * When data length is no more than the specifiled {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.maxSingleShotSize} (default is\n * {@link BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}), this method will use 1 {@link upload} call to finish the upload.\n * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call {@link commitBlockList}\n * to commit the block list.\n *\n * A common {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.blobHTTPHeaders} option to set is\n * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide\n * functionality based on file type.\n *\n * @param data - Buffer(Node.js), Blob, ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView\n * @param options -\n */\n public async uploadData(\n data: Buffer | Blob | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView,\n options: BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-uploadData\", options);\n try {\n if (isNode) {\n let buffer: Buffer;\n if (data instanceof Buffer) {\n buffer = data;\n } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n buffer = Buffer.from(data);\n } else {\n data = data as ArrayBufferView;\n buffer = Buffer.from(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);\n }\n\n return this.uploadSeekableInternal(\n (offset: number, size: number): Buffer => buffer.slice(offset, offset + size),\n buffer.byteLength,\n updatedOptions\n );\n } else {\n const browserBlob = new Blob([data]);\n return this.uploadSeekableInternal(\n (offset: number, size: number): Blob => browserBlob.slice(offset, offset + size),\n browserBlob.size,\n updatedOptions\n );\n }\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN BROWSERS.\n *\n * Uploads a browser Blob/File/ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView object to block blob.\n *\n * When buffer length lesser than or equal to 256MB, this method will use 1 upload call to finish the upload.\n * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call\n * {@link commitBlockList} to commit the block list.\n *\n * A common {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.blobHTTPHeaders} option to set is\n * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide\n * functionality based on file type.\n *\n * @deprecated Use {@link uploadData} instead.\n *\n * @param browserData - Blob, File, ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView\n * @param options - Options to upload browser data.\n * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation.\n */\n public async uploadBrowserData(\n browserData: Blob | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView,\n options: BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-uploadBrowserData\", options);\n try {\n const browserBlob = new Blob([browserData]);\n return await this.uploadSeekableInternal(\n (offset: number, size: number): Blob => browserBlob.slice(offset, offset + size),\n browserBlob.size,\n updatedOptions\n );\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n *\n * Uploads data to block blob. Requires a bodyFactory as the data source,\n * which need to return a {@link HttpRequestBody} object with the offset and size provided.\n *\n * When data length is no more than the specified {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.maxSingleShotSize} (default is\n * {@link BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}), this method will use 1 {@link upload} call to finish the upload.\n * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call {@link commitBlockList}\n * to commit the block list.\n *\n * @param bodyFactory -\n * @param size - size of the data to upload.\n * @param options - Options to Upload to Block Blob operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation.\n */\n private async uploadSeekableInternal(\n bodyFactory: (offset: number, size: number) => HttpRequestBody,\n size: number,\n options: BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n if (!options.blockSize) {\n options.blockSize = 0;\n }\n if (options.blockSize < 0 || options.blockSize > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES) {\n throw new RangeError(\n `blockSize option must be >= 0 and <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES}`\n );\n }\n\n if (options.maxSingleShotSize !== 0 && !options.maxSingleShotSize) {\n options.maxSingleShotSize = BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES;\n }\n if (\n options.maxSingleShotSize < 0 ||\n options.maxSingleShotSize > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES\n ) {\n throw new RangeError(\n `maxSingleShotSize option must be >= 0 and <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}`\n );\n }\n\n if (options.blockSize === 0) {\n if (size > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES * BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS) {\n throw new RangeError(`${size} is too larger to upload to a block blob.`);\n }\n if (size > options.maxSingleShotSize) {\n options.blockSize = Math.ceil(size / BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS);\n if (options.blockSize < DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES) {\n options.blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!options.blobHTTPHeaders) {\n options.blobHTTPHeaders = {};\n }\n if (!options.conditions) {\n options.conditions = {};\n }\n\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-uploadSeekableInternal\", options);\n\n try {\n if (size <= options.maxSingleShotSize) {\n return await this.upload(bodyFactory(0, size), size, updatedOptions);\n }\n\n const numBlocks: number = Math.floor((size - 1) / options.blockSize) + 1;\n if (numBlocks > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS) {\n throw new RangeError(\n `The buffer's size is too big or the BlockSize is too small;` +\n `the number of blocks must be <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS}`\n );\n }\n\n const blockList: string[] = [];\n const blockIDPrefix = generateUuid();\n let transferProgress: number = 0;\n\n const batch = new Batch(options.concurrency);\n for (let i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {\n batch.addOperation(async (): Promise => {\n const blockID = generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix, i);\n const start = options.blockSize! * i;\n const end = i === numBlocks - 1 ? size : start + options.blockSize!;\n const contentLength = end - start;\n blockList.push(blockID);\n await this.stageBlock(blockID, bodyFactory(start, contentLength), contentLength, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n conditions: options.conditions,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions,\n });\n // Update progress after block is successfully uploaded to server, in case of block trying\n // TODO: Hook with convenience layer progress event in finer level\n transferProgress += contentLength;\n if (options.onProgress) {\n options.onProgress!({\n loadedBytes: transferProgress,\n });\n }\n });\n }\n await batch.do();\n\n return this.commitBlockList(blockList, updatedOptions);\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Uploads a local file in blocks to a block blob.\n *\n * When file size lesser than or equal to 256MB, this method will use 1 upload call to finish the upload.\n * Otherwise, this method will call stageBlock to upload blocks, and finally call commitBlockList\n * to commit the block list.\n *\n * @param filePath - Full path of local file\n * @param options - Options to Upload to Block Blob operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation.\n */\n public async uploadFile(\n filePath: string,\n options: BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-uploadFile\", options);\n try {\n const size = (await fsStat(filePath)).size;\n return await this.uploadSeekableInternal(\n (offset, count) => {\n return () =>\n fsCreateReadStream(filePath, {\n autoClose: true,\n end: count ? offset + count - 1 : Infinity,\n start: offset,\n });\n },\n size,\n {\n ...options,\n tracingOptions: {\n ...options!.tracingOptions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n },\n }\n );\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * Uploads a Node.js Readable stream into block blob.\n *\n * PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT TIPS:\n * * Input stream highWaterMark is better to set a same value with bufferSize\n * parameter, which will avoid Buffer.concat() operations.\n *\n * @param stream - Node.js Readable stream\n * @param bufferSize - Size of every buffer allocated, also the block size in the uploaded block blob. Default value is 8MB\n * @param maxConcurrency - Max concurrency indicates the max number of buffers that can be allocated,\n * positive correlation with max uploading concurrency. Default value is 5\n * @param options - Options to Upload Stream to Block Blob operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation.\n */\n public async uploadStream(\n stream: Readable,\n bufferSize: number = DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,\n maxConcurrency: number = 5,\n options: BlockBlobUploadStreamOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n if (!options.blobHTTPHeaders) {\n options.blobHTTPHeaders = {};\n }\n if (!options.conditions) {\n options.conditions = {};\n }\n\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"BlockBlobClient-uploadStream\", options);\n\n try {\n let blockNum = 0;\n const blockIDPrefix = generateUuid();\n let transferProgress: number = 0;\n const blockList: string[] = [];\n\n const scheduler = new BufferScheduler(\n stream,\n bufferSize,\n maxConcurrency,\n async (body, length) => {\n const blockID = generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix, blockNum);\n blockList.push(blockID);\n blockNum++;\n\n await this.stageBlock(blockID, body, length, {\n conditions: options.conditions,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions,\n });\n\n // Update progress after block is successfully uploaded to server, in case of block trying\n transferProgress += length;\n if (options.onProgress) {\n options.onProgress({ loadedBytes: transferProgress });\n }\n },\n // concurrency should set a smaller value than maxConcurrency, which is helpful to\n // reduce the possibility when a outgoing handler waits for stream data, in\n // this situation, outgoing handlers are blocked.\n // Outgoing queue shouldn't be empty.\n Math.ceil((maxConcurrency / 4) * 3)\n );\n await scheduler.do();\n\n return await this.commitBlockList(blockList, {\n ...options,\n tracingOptions: {\n ...options!.tracingOptions,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n },\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.create} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobCreateOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when creating a page blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * A user-controlled value that can be used to track requests.\n * The value must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1. The default value is 0.\n */\n blobSequenceNumber?: number;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when creating a page blob.\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when creating append blobs.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: PremiumPageBlobTier | string;\n /**\n * Blob tags.\n */\n tags?: Tags;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.createIfNotExists} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobCreateIfNotExistsOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * A user-controlled value that can be used to track requests.\n * The value must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1. The default value is 0.\n */\n blobSequenceNumber?: number;\n /**\n * HTTP headers to set when creating a page blob.\n */\n blobHTTPHeaders?: BlobHTTPHeaders;\n /**\n * A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob when creating append blobs.\n */\n metadata?: Metadata;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n immutabilityPolicy?: BlobImmutabilityPolicy;\n /**\n * Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob.\n * Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that\n * has version level worm enabled.\n */\n legalHold?: boolean;\n /**\n * Access tier.\n * More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers\n */\n tier?: PremiumPageBlobTier | string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.uploadPages} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobUploadPagesOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when uploading pages.\n */\n conditions?: PageBlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Callback to receive events on the progress of upload pages operation.\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.\n *\n * transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n transactionalContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.clearPages} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobClearPagesOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when clearing pages.\n */\n conditions?: PageBlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.getPageRanges} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure page blob - get page ranges segment operations.\n *\n * See:\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangesSegment}\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangeItemSegments}\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangeItems}\n */\ninterface PageBlobListPageRangesSegmentOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Specifies the maximum number of containers\n * to return. If the request does not specify maxPageSize, or specifies a\n * value greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note\n * that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the\n * service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder of\n * the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return\n * fewer results than specified by maxPageSize, or than the default of 5000.\n */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRanges} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobListPageRangesOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.getRangesDiff} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges diff.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * (unused)\n */\n range?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure page blob - get page ranges diff segment operations.\n *\n * See:\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiffSegment}\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangeDiffItemSegments}\n * - {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangeDiffItems}\n */\ninterface PageBlobListPageRangesDiffSegmentOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Specifies the maximum number of containers\n * to return. If the request does not specify maxPageSize, or specifies a\n * value greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note\n * that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the\n * service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder of\n * the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return\n * fewer results than specified by maxPageSize, or than the default of 5000.\n */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link PageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobListPageRangesDiffOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when getting page ranges diff.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link PageBlobClient.resize} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobResizeOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when resizing a page blob.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link PageBlobClient.updateSequenceNumber} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when updating sequence number.\n */\n conditions?: BlobRequestConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link PageBlobClient.startCopyIncremental} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobStartCopyIncrementalOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when starting a copy incremental operation.\n */\n conditions?: ModifiedAccessConditions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options to configure {@link PageBlobClient.uploadPagesFromURL} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions extends CommonOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet when updating sequence number.\n */\n conditions?: PageBlobRequestConditions;\n /**\n * Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.\n */\n sourceConditions?: MatchConditions & ModificationConditions;\n /**\n * An MD5 hash of the content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * A CRC64 hash of the content from the URI.\n * This hash is used to verify the integrity of the content during transport of the data from the URI.\n * When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived from the copy-source with this value.\n *\n * sourceContentMD5 and sourceContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.\n */\n sourceContentCrc64?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Customer Provided Key Info.\n */\n customerProvidedKey?: CpkInfo;\n /**\n * Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to\n * encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the\n * default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure\n * Storage Services.\n */\n encryptionScope?: string;\n /**\n * Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.\n */\n sourceAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link PageBlobClient.createIfNotExists} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobCreateIfNotExistsResponse extends PageBlobCreateResponse {\n /**\n * Indicate whether the blob is successfully created. Is false when the blob is not changed as it already exists.\n */\n succeeded: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * PageBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to page blobs.\n */\nexport class PageBlobClient extends BlobClient {\n /**\n * pageBlobsContext provided by protocol layer.\n */\n private pageBlobContext: PageBlob;\n\n /**\n *\n * Creates an instance of PageBlobClient.\n *\n * @param connectionString - Account connection string or a SAS connection string of an Azure storage account.\n * [ Note - Account connection string can only be used in NODE.JS runtime. ]\n * Account connection string example -\n * `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net`\n * SAS connection string example -\n * `BlobEndpoint=https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://myaccount.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sasString`\n * @param containerName - Container name.\n * @param blobName - Blob name.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n connectionString: string,\n containerName: string,\n blobName: string,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of PageBlobClient.\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * If a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n *\n * @param url - A Client string pointing to Azure Storage page blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/pageblob\". You can append a SAS\n * if using AnonymousCredential, such as \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/pageblob?sasString\".\n * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.\n * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline.\n */\n constructor(\n url: string,\n credential: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n );\n /**\n * Creates an instance of PageBlobClient.\n *\n * @param url - A URL string pointing to Azure Storage page blob, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/pageblob\".\n * You can append a SAS if using AnonymousCredential, such as\n * \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/pageblob?sasString\".\n * This method accepts an encoded URL or non-encoded URL pointing to a blob.\n * Encoded URL string will NOT be escaped twice, only special characters in URL path will be escaped.\n * However, if a blob name includes ? or %, blob name must be encoded in the URL.\n * Such as a blob named \"my?blob%\", the URL should be \"https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/my%3Fblob%25\".\n * @param pipeline - Call newPipeline() to create a default\n * pipeline, or provide a customized pipeline.\n */\n constructor(url: string, pipeline: PipelineLike);\n constructor(\n urlOrConnectionString: string,\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName:\n | string\n | StorageSharedKeyCredential\n | AnonymousCredential\n | TokenCredential\n | PipelineLike,\n blobNameOrOptions?: string | StoragePipelineOptions,\n // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/\n options?: StoragePipelineOptions\n ) {\n // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead.\n // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options);\n let pipeline: PipelineLike;\n let url: string;\n options = options || {};\n if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) {\n // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n } else if (\n (isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) ||\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential ||\n isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n options = blobNameOrOptions as StoragePipelineOptions;\n pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options);\n } else if (\n !credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== \"string\"\n ) {\n // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential.\n url = urlOrConnectionString;\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else if (\n credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName &&\n typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === \"string\" &&\n blobNameOrOptions &&\n typeof blobNameOrOptions === \"string\"\n ) {\n // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions)\n const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName;\n const blobName = blobNameOrOptions;\n\n const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString);\n if (extractedCreds.kind === \"AccountConnString\") {\n if (isNode) {\n const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(\n extractedCreds.accountName!,\n extractedCreds.accountKey\n );\n url = appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n );\n\n if (!options.proxyOptions) {\n options.proxyOptions = getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri);\n }\n\n pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment\");\n }\n } else if (extractedCreds.kind === \"SASConnString\") {\n url =\n appendToURLPath(\n appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)),\n encodeURIComponent(blobName)\n ) +\n \"?\" +\n extractedCreds.accountSas;\n pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options);\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n \"Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string\"\n );\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters\");\n }\n super(url, pipeline);\n this.pageBlobContext = new PageBlob(this.storageClientContext);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new PageBlobClient object identical to the source but with the\n * specified snapshot timestamp.\n * Provide \"\" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob.\n *\n * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp.\n * @returns A new PageBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp.\n */\n public withSnapshot(snapshot: string): PageBlobClient {\n return new PageBlobClient(\n setURLParameter(\n this.url,\n URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT,\n snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot\n ),\n this.pipeline\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a page blob of the specified length. Call uploadPages to upload data\n * data to a page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob\n *\n * @param size - size of the page blob.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Create operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Create operation.\n */\n public async create(\n size: number,\n options: PageBlobCreateOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-create\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.pageBlobContext.create(0, size, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders,\n blobSequenceNumber: options.blobSequenceNumber,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n metadata: options.metadata,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: options.immutabilityPolicy?.expiriesOn,\n immutabilityPolicyMode: options.immutabilityPolicy?.policyMode,\n legalHold: options.legalHold,\n tier: toAccessTier(options.tier),\n blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a page blob of the specified length. Call uploadPages to upload data\n * data to a page blob. If the blob with the same name already exists, the content\n * of the existing blob will remain unchanged.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob\n *\n * @param size - size of the page blob.\n * @param options -\n */\n public async createIfNotExists(\n size: number,\n options: PageBlobCreateIfNotExistsOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-createIfNotExists\", options);\n try {\n const conditions = { ifNoneMatch: ETagAny };\n const res = await this.create(size, {\n ...options,\n conditions,\n tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions,\n });\n return {\n succeeded: true,\n ...res,\n _response: res._response, // _response is made non-enumerable\n };\n } catch (e: any) {\n if (e.details?.errorCode === \"BlobAlreadyExists\") {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: \"Expected exception when creating a blob only if it does not already exist.\",\n });\n return {\n succeeded: false,\n ...e.response?.parsedHeaders,\n _response: e.response,\n };\n }\n\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Writes 1 or more pages to the page blob. The start and end offsets must be a multiple of 512.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page\n *\n * @param body - Data to upload\n * @param offset - Offset of destination page blob\n * @param count - Content length of the body, also number of bytes to be uploaded\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Upload Pages operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Upload Pages operation.\n */\n public async uploadPages(\n body: HttpRequestBody,\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n options: PageBlobUploadPagesOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-uploadPages\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.pageBlobContext.uploadPages(count, body, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n requestOptions: {\n onUploadProgress: options.onProgress,\n },\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5,\n transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the\n * contents are read from a URL.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-page-from-url\n *\n * @param sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source, Shared Access Signature(SAS) maybe needed for authentication\n * @param sourceOffset - The source offset to copy from. Pass 0 to copy from the beginning of source page blob\n * @param destOffset - Offset of destination page blob\n * @param count - Number of bytes to be uploaded from source page blob\n * @param options -\n */\n public async uploadPagesFromURL(\n sourceURL: string,\n sourceOffset: number,\n destOffset: number,\n count: number,\n options: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-uploadPagesFromURL\", options);\n try {\n ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps);\n return await this.pageBlobContext.uploadPagesFromURL(\n sourceURL,\n rangeToString({ offset: sourceOffset, count }),\n 0,\n rangeToString({ offset: destOffset, count }),\n {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5,\n sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n sourceModifiedAccessConditions: {\n sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch,\n sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince,\n sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch,\n sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n },\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n }\n );\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Frees the specified pages from the page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the pages to clear.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to clear.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Clear Pages operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Clear Pages operation.\n */\n public async clearPages(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: PageBlobClearPagesOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-clearPages\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.clearPages(0, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey,\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Ranges operation.\n */\n public async getPageRanges(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-getPageRanges\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext\n .getPageRanges({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n })\n .then(rangeResponseFromModel);\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * getPageRangesSegment returns a single segment of page ranges starting from the\n * specified Marker. Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning.\n * After getting a segment, process it, and then call getPageRangesSegment again\n * (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation.\n * @param options - Options to PageBlob Get Page Ranges Segment operation.\n */\n private async listPageRangesSegment(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n marker?: string,\n options: PageBlobListPageRangesSegmentOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-getPageRangesSegment\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.getPageRanges({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n marker: marker,\n maxPageSize: options.maxPageSize,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for {@link PageBlobGetPageRangesResponseModel}\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of\n * the get of page ranges to be returned with the next getting operation. The\n * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the\n * getting operation did not return all page ranges remaining within the current page.\n * The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for\n * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of get\n * items. The marker value is opaque to the client.\n * @param options - Options to List Page Ranges operation.\n */\n private async *listPageRangeItemSegments(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n marker?: string,\n options: PageBlobListPageRangesSegmentOptions = {}\n ): AsyncIterableIterator {\n let getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse;\n if (!!marker || marker === undefined) {\n do {\n getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse = await this.listPageRangesSegment(\n offset,\n count,\n marker,\n options\n );\n marker = getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse.continuationToken;\n yield await getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse;\n } while (marker);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator of {@link PageRangeInfo} objects\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param options - Options to List Page Ranges operation.\n */\n private async *listPageRangeItems(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: PageBlobListPageRangesSegmentOptions = {}\n ): AsyncIterableIterator {\n let marker: string | undefined;\n for await (const getPageRangesSegment of this.listPageRangeItemSegments(\n offset,\n count,\n marker,\n options\n )) {\n yield* ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(getPageRangesSegment);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges for a page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges for a page blob.\n *\n * Example using `for await` syntax:\n *\n * ```js\n * // Get the pageBlobClient before you run these snippets,\n * // Can be obtained from `blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(\"\").getPageBlobClient(\"\");`\n * let i = 1;\n * for await (const pageRange of pageBlobClient.listPageRanges()) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using `iter.next()`:\n *\n * ```js\n * let i = 1;\n * let iter = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges();\n * let pageRangeItem = await iter.next();\n * while (!pageRangeItem.done) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRangeItem.value.start} - ${pageRangeItem.value.end}, IsClear: ${pageRangeItem.value.isClear}`);\n * pageRangeItem = await iter.next();\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using `byPage()`:\n *\n * ```js\n * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings\n * let i = 1;\n * for await (const response of pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) {\n * for (const pageRange of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using paging with a marker:\n *\n * ```js\n * let i = 1;\n * let iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 });\n * let response = (await iterator.next()).value;\n *\n * // Prints 2 page ranges\n * for (const pageRange of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n *\n * // Gets next marker\n * let marker = response.continuationToken;\n *\n * // Passing next marker as continuationToken\n *\n * iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 });\n * response = (await iterator.next()).value;\n *\n * // Prints 10 page ranges\n * for (const blob of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * ```\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation.\n * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging.\n */\n public listPageRanges(\n offset: number = 0,\n count?: number,\n options: PageBlobListPageRangesOptions = {}\n ): PagedAsyncIterableIterator {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs\n const iter = this.listPageRangeItems(offset, count, options);\n return {\n /**\n * The next method, part of the iteration protocol\n */\n next() {\n return iter.next();\n },\n /**\n * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol\n */\n [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {\n return this;\n },\n /**\n * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time\n */\n byPage: (settings: PageSettings = {}) => {\n return this.listPageRangeItemSegments(offset, count, settings.continuationToken, {\n maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize,\n ...options,\n });\n },\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page blob\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get ranges diff.\n * @param prevSnapshot - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Page Range Diff operation.\n */\n public async getPageRangesDiff(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshot: string,\n options: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-getPageRangesDiff\", options);\n\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext\n .getPageRangesDiff({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n prevsnapshot: prevSnapshot,\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n })\n .then(rangeResponseFromModel);\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * getPageRangesDiffSegment returns a single segment of page ranges starting from the\n * specified Marker for difference between previous snapshot and the target page blob.\n * Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning.\n * After getting a segment, process it, and then call getPageRangesDiffSegment again\n * (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the get to be returned with the next get operation.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation.\n */\n private async listPageRangesDiffSegment(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshotOrUrl: string,\n marker?: string,\n options?: PageBlobListPageRangesDiffSegmentOptions\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-getPageRangesDiffSegment\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.getPageRangesDiff({\n abortSignal: options?.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options?.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options?.conditions,\n ifTags: options?.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n prevsnapshot: prevSnapshotOrUrl,\n range: rangeToString({\n offset: offset,\n count: count,\n }),\n marker: marker,\n maxPageSize: options?.maxPageSize,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for {@link PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel}\n *\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of\n * the get of page ranges to be returned with the next getting operation. The\n * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the\n * getting operation did not return all page ranges remaining within the current page.\n * The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for\n * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of get\n * items. The marker value is opaque to the client.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation.\n */\n private async *listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshotOrUrl: string,\n marker?: string,\n options?: PageBlobListPageRangesDiffSegmentOptions\n ): AsyncIterableIterator {\n let getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse;\n if (!!marker || marker === undefined) {\n do {\n getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse = await this.listPageRangesDiffSegment(\n offset,\n count,\n prevSnapshotOrUrl,\n marker,\n options\n );\n marker = getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse.continuationToken;\n yield await getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse;\n } while (marker);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator of {@link PageRangeInfo} objects\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation.\n */\n private async *listPageRangeDiffItems(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshotOrUrl: string,\n options?: PageBlobListPageRangesDiffSegmentOptions\n ): AsyncIterableIterator {\n let marker: string | undefined;\n for await (const getPageRangesSegment of this.listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(\n offset,\n count,\n prevSnapshotOrUrl,\n marker,\n options\n )) {\n yield* ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(getPageRangesSegment);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob.\n *\n * Example using `for await` syntax:\n *\n * ```js\n * // Get the pageBlobClient before you run these snippets,\n * // Can be obtained from `blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(\"\").getPageBlobClient(\"\");`\n * let i = 1;\n * for await (const pageRange of pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff()) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using `iter.next()`:\n *\n * ```js\n * let i = 1;\n * let iter = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff();\n * let pageRangeItem = await iter.next();\n * while (!pageRangeItem.done) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRangeItem.value.start} - ${pageRangeItem.value.end}, IsClear: ${pageRangeItem.value.isClear}`);\n * pageRangeItem = await iter.next();\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using `byPage()`:\n *\n * ```js\n * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings\n * let i = 1;\n * for await (const response of pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) {\n * for (const pageRange of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Example using paging with a marker:\n *\n * ```js\n * let i = 1;\n * let iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 });\n * let response = (await iterator.next()).value;\n *\n * // Prints 2 page ranges\n * for (const pageRange of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n *\n * // Gets next marker\n * let marker = response.continuationToken;\n *\n * // Passing next marker as continuationToken\n *\n * iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 });\n * response = (await iterator.next()).value;\n *\n * // Prints 10 page ranges\n * for (const blob of response) {\n * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`);\n * }\n * ```\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges.\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get.\n * @param prevSnapshot - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation.\n * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging.\n */\n public listPageRangesDiff(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshot: string,\n options: PageBlobListPageRangesDiffOptions = {}\n ): PagedAsyncIterableIterator {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n\n // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs\n const iter = this.listPageRangeDiffItems(offset, count, prevSnapshot, {\n ...options,\n });\n return {\n /**\n * The next method, part of the iteration protocol\n */\n next() {\n return iter.next();\n },\n /**\n * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol\n */\n [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {\n return this;\n },\n /**\n * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time\n */\n byPage: (settings: PageSettings = {}) => {\n return this.listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(\n offset,\n count,\n prevSnapshot,\n settings.continuationToken,\n {\n maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize,\n ...options,\n }\n );\n },\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob for managed disks.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges\n *\n * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page blob\n * @param count - Number of bytes to get ranges diff.\n * @param prevSnapshotUrl - URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference.\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Page Range Diff operation.\n */\n public async getPageRangesDiffForManagedDisks(\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n prevSnapshotUrl: string,\n options: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\n \"PageBlobClient-GetPageRangesDiffForManagedDisks\",\n options\n );\n\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext\n .getPageRangesDiff({\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n prevSnapshotUrl,\n range: rangeToString({ offset, count }),\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n })\n .then(rangeResponseFromModel);\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Resizes the page blob to the specified size (which must be a multiple of 512).\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties\n *\n * @param size - Target size\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Resize operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Resize operation.\n */\n public async resize(\n size: number,\n options: PageBlobResizeOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-resize\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.resize(size, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope,\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets a page blob's sequence number.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties\n *\n * @param sequenceNumberAction - Indicates how the service should modify the blob's sequence number.\n * @param sequenceNumber - Required if sequenceNumberAction is max or update\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Update Sequence Number operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Update Sequence Number operation.\n */\n public async updateSequenceNumber(\n sequenceNumberAction: SequenceNumberActionType,\n sequenceNumber?: number,\n options: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n options.conditions = options.conditions || {};\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-updateSequenceNumber\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.updateSequenceNumber(sequenceNumberAction, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n blobSequenceNumber: sequenceNumber,\n leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Begins an operation to start an incremental copy from one page blob's snapshot to this page blob.\n * The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously\n * copied snapshot are transferred to the destination.\n * The copied snapshots are complete copies of the original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/incremental-copy-blob\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/incremental-snapshots\n *\n * @param copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. For example,\n * https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot=\n * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Copy Incremental operation.\n * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Copy Incremental operation.\n */\n public async startCopyIncremental(\n copySource: string,\n options: PageBlobStartCopyIncrementalOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan(\"PageBlobClient-startCopyIncremental\", options);\n try {\n return await this.pageBlobContext.copyIncremental(copySource, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n modifiedAccessConditions: {\n ...options.conditions,\n ifTags: options.conditions?.tagConditions,\n },\n ...convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions),\n });\n } catch (e: any) {\n span.setStatus({\n code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR,\n message: e.message,\n });\n throw e;\n } finally {\n span.end();\n }\n }\n}\n","/******************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\r\n\r\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\r\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\r\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\r\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global Reflect, Promise */\r\n\r\nvar extendStatics = function(d, b) {\r\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n return extendStatics(d, b);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __extends(d, b) {\r\n if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\r\n throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n extendStatics(d, b);\r\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __assign = function() {\r\n __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {\r\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n s = arguments[i];\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n }\r\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __rest(s, e) {\r\n var t = {};\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n t[p] = s[p];\r\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) {\r\n function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== \"function\") throw new TypeError(\"Function expected\"); return f; }\r\n var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === \"getter\" ? \"get\" : kind === \"setter\" ? \"set\" : \"value\";\r\n var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn[\"static\"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null;\r\n var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, contextIn.name) : {});\r\n var _, done = false;\r\n for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\r\n var context = {};\r\n for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === \"access\" ? {} : contextIn[p];\r\n for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p];\r\n context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed\"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); };\r\n var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === \"accessor\" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context);\r\n if (kind === \"accessor\") {\r\n if (result === void 0) continue;\r\n if (result === null || typeof result !== \"object\") throw new TypeError(\"Object expected\");\r\n if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _;\r\n if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _;\r\n if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.push(_);\r\n }\r\n else if (_ = accept(result)) {\r\n if (kind === \"field\") initializers.push(_);\r\n else descriptor[key] = _;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (target) Object.defineProperty(target, contextIn.name, descriptor);\r\n done = true;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) {\r\n var useValue = arguments.length > 2;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {\r\n value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg);\r\n }\r\n return useValue ? value : void 0;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __propKey(x) {\r\n return typeof x === \"symbol\" ? x : \"\".concat(x);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) {\r\n if (typeof name === \"symbol\") name = name.description ? \"[\".concat(name.description, \"]\") : \"\";\r\n return Object.defineProperty(f, \"name\", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? \"\".concat(prefix, \" \", name) : name });\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __generator(thisArg, body) {\r\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n function step(op) {\r\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {\r\n if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n switch (op[0]) {\r\n case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n default:\r\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n }\r\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);\r\n if (!desc || (\"get\" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {\r\n desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport function __exportStar(m, o) {\r\n for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __values(o) {\r\n var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n next: function () {\r\n if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n }\r\n };\r\n throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __read(o, n) {\r\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n if (!m) return o;\r\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n try {\r\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n finally {\r\n try {\r\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n }\r\n finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n }\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spread() {\r\n for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spreadArrays() {\r\n for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n r[k] = a[j];\r\n return r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {\r\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\r\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\r\n if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\r\n ar[i] = from[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __await(v) {\r\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }\r\n function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncDelegator(o) {\r\n var i, p;\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncValues(o) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {\r\n if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n return cooked;\r\n};\r\n\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __importStar(mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== \"default\" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importDefault(mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) {\r\n if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== \"object\" && typeof receiver !== \"function\")) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object\");\r\n return typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver);\r\n}\r\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { Constants } from \"./constants\";\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"../httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { RestError } from \"../restError\";\nimport { WebResourceLike } from \"../webResource\";\nimport { XML_ATTRKEY } from \"./serializer.common\";\nimport { v4 as uuidv4 } from \"uuid\";\n\nconst validUuidRegex =\n /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/i;\n\n/**\n * A constant that indicates whether the environment is node.js or browser based.\n */\nexport const isNode =\n typeof process !== \"undefined\" &&\n !!process.version &&\n !!process.versions &&\n !!process.versions.node;\n\n/**\n * Checks if a parsed URL is HTTPS\n *\n * @param urlToCheck - The url to check\n * @returns True if the URL is HTTPS; false otherwise.\n */\nexport function urlIsHTTPS(urlToCheck: { protocol: string }): boolean {\n return urlToCheck.protocol.toLowerCase() === Constants.HTTPS;\n}\n\n/**\n * Encodes an URI.\n *\n * @param uri - The URI to be encoded.\n * @returns The encoded URI.\n */\nexport function encodeUri(uri: string): string {\n return encodeURIComponent(uri)\n .replace(/!/g, \"%21\")\n .replace(/\"/g, \"%27\")\n .replace(/\\(/g, \"%28\")\n .replace(/\\)/g, \"%29\")\n .replace(/\\*/g, \"%2A\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a stripped version of the Http Response which only contains body,\n * headers and the status.\n *\n * @param response - The Http Response\n * @returns The stripped version of Http Response.\n */\nexport function stripResponse(response: HttpOperationResponse): any {\n const strippedResponse: any = {};\n strippedResponse.body = response.bodyAsText;\n strippedResponse.headers = response.headers;\n strippedResponse.status = response.status;\n return strippedResponse;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a stripped version of the Http Request that does not contain the\n * Authorization header.\n *\n * @param request - The Http Request object\n * @returns The stripped version of Http Request.\n */\nexport function stripRequest(request: WebResourceLike): WebResourceLike {\n const strippedRequest = request.clone();\n if (strippedRequest.headers) {\n strippedRequest.headers.remove(\"authorization\");\n }\n return strippedRequest;\n}\n\n/**\n * Validates the given uuid as a string\n *\n * @param uuid - The uuid as a string that needs to be validated\n * @returns True if the uuid is valid; false otherwise.\n */\nexport function isValidUuid(uuid: string): boolean {\n return validUuidRegex.test(uuid);\n}\n\n/**\n * Generated UUID\n *\n * @returns RFC4122 v4 UUID.\n */\nexport function generateUuid(): string {\n return uuidv4();\n}\n\n/**\n * Executes an array of promises sequentially. Inspiration of this method is here:\n * https://pouchdb.com/2015/05/18/we-have-a-problem-with-promises.html. An awesome blog on promises!\n *\n * @param promiseFactories - An array of promise factories(A function that return a promise)\n * @param kickstart - Input to the first promise that is used to kickstart the promise chain.\n * If not provided then the promise chain starts with undefined.\n * @returns A chain of resolved or rejected promises\n */\nexport function executePromisesSequentially(\n promiseFactories: Array,\n kickstart: unknown\n): Promise {\n let result = Promise.resolve(kickstart);\n promiseFactories.forEach((promiseFactory) => {\n result = result.then(promiseFactory);\n });\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Service callback that is returned for REST requests initiated by the service client.\n */\nexport interface ServiceCallback {\n /**\n * A method that will be invoked as a callback to a service function.\n * @param err - The error occurred if any, while executing the request; otherwise null.\n * @param result - The deserialized response body if an error did not occur.\n * @param request - The raw/actual request sent to the server if an error did not occur.\n * @param response - The raw/actual response from the server if an error did not occur.\n */\n (\n err: Error | RestError | null,\n result?: TResult,\n request?: WebResourceLike,\n response?: HttpOperationResponse\n ): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a Promise to a callback.\n * @param promise - The Promise to be converted to a callback\n * @returns A function that takes the callback `(cb: Function) => void`\n * @deprecated generated code should instead depend on responseToBody\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types\nexport function promiseToCallback(promise: Promise): (cb: Function) => void {\n if (typeof promise.then !== \"function\") {\n throw new Error(\"The provided input is not a Promise.\");\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types\n return (cb: Function): void => {\n promise\n .then((data: any) => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line promise/no-callback-in-promise\n return cb(undefined, data);\n })\n .catch((err: Error) => {\n // eslint-disable-next-line promise/no-callback-in-promise\n cb(err);\n });\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a Promise to a service callback.\n * @param promise - The Promise of HttpOperationResponse to be converted to a service callback\n * @returns A function that takes the service callback (cb: ServiceCallback): void\n */\nexport function promiseToServiceCallback(\n promise: Promise\n): (cb: ServiceCallback) => void {\n if (typeof promise.then !== \"function\") {\n throw new Error(\"The provided input is not a Promise.\");\n }\n return (cb: ServiceCallback): void => {\n promise\n .then((data: HttpOperationResponse) => {\n return process.nextTick(cb, undefined, data.parsedBody as T, data.request, data);\n })\n .catch((err: Error) => {\n process.nextTick(cb, err);\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function prepareXMLRootList(\n obj: unknown,\n elementName: string,\n xmlNamespaceKey?: string,\n xmlNamespace?: string\n): { [s: string]: any } {\n if (!Array.isArray(obj)) {\n obj = [obj];\n }\n\n if (!xmlNamespaceKey || !xmlNamespace) {\n return { [elementName]: obj };\n }\n\n const result = { [elementName]: obj };\n result[XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlNamespaceKey]: xmlNamespace };\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the properties on the prototype of sourceCtors to the prototype of targetCtor\n * @param targetCtor - The target object on which the properties need to be applied.\n * @param sourceCtors - An array of source objects from which the properties need to be taken.\n */\nexport function applyMixins(targetCtorParam: unknown, sourceCtors: any[]): void {\n const castTargetCtorParam = targetCtorParam as {\n prototype: Record;\n };\n sourceCtors.forEach((sourceCtor) => {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sourceCtor.prototype).forEach((name) => {\n castTargetCtorParam.prototype[name] = sourceCtor.prototype[name];\n });\n });\n}\n\nconst validateISODuration =\n /^(-|\\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;\n\n/**\n * Indicates whether the given string is in ISO 8601 format.\n * @param value - The value to be validated for ISO 8601 duration format.\n * @returns `true` if valid, `false` otherwise.\n */\nexport function isDuration(value: string): boolean {\n return validateISODuration.test(value);\n}\n\n/**\n * Replace all of the instances of searchValue in value with the provided replaceValue.\n * @param value - The value to search and replace in.\n * @param searchValue - The value to search for in the value argument.\n * @param replaceValue - The value to replace searchValue with in the value argument.\n * @returns The value where each instance of searchValue was replaced with replacedValue.\n */\nexport function replaceAll(\n value: string | undefined,\n searchValue: string,\n replaceValue: string\n): string | undefined {\n return !value || !searchValue ? value : value.split(searchValue).join(replaceValue || \"\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines whether the given entity is a basic/primitive type\n * (string, number, boolean, null, undefined).\n * @param value - Any entity\n * @returns true is it is primitive type, false otherwise.\n */\nexport function isPrimitiveType(value: unknown): boolean {\n return (typeof value !== \"object\" && typeof value !== \"function\") || value === null;\n}\n\nexport function getEnvironmentValue(name: string): string | undefined {\n if (process.env[name]) {\n return process.env[name];\n } else if (process.env[name.toLowerCase()]) {\n return process.env[name.toLowerCase()];\n }\n return undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport type UnknownObject = { [s: string]: unknown };\n\n/**\n * @internal\n * @returns true when input is an object type that is not null, Array, RegExp, or Date.\n */\nexport function isObject(input: unknown): input is UnknownObject {\n return (\n typeof input === \"object\" &&\n input !== null &&\n !Array.isArray(input) &&\n !(input instanceof RegExp) &&\n !(input instanceof Date)\n );\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n/**\n * A set of constants used internally when processing requests.\n */\nexport const Constants = {\n /**\n * The core-http version\n */\n coreHttpVersion: \"3.0.1\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies HTTP.\n */\n HTTP: \"http:\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies HTTPS.\n */\n HTTPS: \"https:\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies HTTP Proxy.\n */\n HTTP_PROXY: \"HTTP_PROXY\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies HTTPS Proxy.\n */\n HTTPS_PROXY: \"HTTPS_PROXY\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies NO Proxy.\n */\n NO_PROXY: \"NO_PROXY\",\n\n /**\n * Specifies ALL Proxy.\n */\n ALL_PROXY: \"ALL_PROXY\",\n\n HttpConstants: {\n /**\n * Http Verbs\n */\n HttpVerbs: {\n PUT: \"PUT\",\n GET: \"GET\",\n DELETE: \"DELETE\",\n POST: \"POST\",\n MERGE: \"MERGE\",\n HEAD: \"HEAD\",\n PATCH: \"PATCH\",\n },\n\n StatusCodes: {\n TooManyRequests: 429,\n ServiceUnavailable: 503,\n },\n },\n\n /**\n * Defines constants for use with HTTP headers.\n */\n HeaderConstants: {\n /**\n * The Authorization header.\n */\n AUTHORIZATION: \"authorization\",\n\n AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: \"Bearer\",\n\n /**\n * The Retry-After response-header field can be used with a 503 (Service\n * Unavailable) or 349 (Too Many Requests) responses to indicate how long\n * the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.\n */\n RETRY_AFTER: \"Retry-After\",\n\n /**\n * The UserAgent header.\n */\n USER_AGENT: \"User-Agent\",\n },\n};\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * Default key used to access the XML attributes.\n */\nexport const XML_ATTRKEY = \"$\";\n/**\n * Default key used to access the XML value content.\n */\nexport const XML_CHARKEY = \"_\";\n\n/**\n * Options to govern behavior of xml parser and builder.\n */\nexport interface SerializerOptions {\n /**\n * indicates the name of the root element in the resulting XML when building XML.\n */\n rootName?: string;\n /**\n * indicates whether the root element is to be included or not in the output when parsing XML.\n */\n includeRoot?: boolean;\n /**\n * key used to access the XML value content when parsing XML.\n */\n xmlCharKey?: string;\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport {\n BaseRequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n} from \"./requestPolicy\";\nimport { Constants } from \"../util/constants\";\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"../httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { ProxySettings } from \"../serviceClient\";\nimport { URLBuilder } from \"../url\";\nimport { WebResourceLike } from \"../webResource\";\nimport { getEnvironmentValue } from \"../util/utils\";\n\n/**\n * Stores the patterns specified in NO_PROXY environment variable.\n * @internal\n */\nexport const globalNoProxyList: string[] = [];\nlet noProxyListLoaded: boolean = false;\n\n/** A cache of whether a host should bypass the proxy. */\nconst globalBypassedMap: Map = new Map();\n\nfunction loadEnvironmentProxyValue(): string | undefined {\n if (!process) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const httpsProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.HTTPS_PROXY);\n const allProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.ALL_PROXY);\n const httpProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.HTTP_PROXY);\n\n return httpsProxy || allProxy || httpProxy;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check whether the host of a given `uri` matches any pattern in the no proxy list.\n * If there's a match, any request sent to the same host shouldn't have the proxy settings set.\n * This implementation is a port of https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/8cca811371159e527159c7eb65602477898683e2/sdk/core/Azure.Core/src/Pipeline/Internal/HttpEnvironmentProxy.cs#L210\n */\nfunction isBypassed(\n uri: string,\n noProxyList: string[],\n bypassedMap?: Map\n): boolean | undefined {\n if (noProxyList.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n const host = URLBuilder.parse(uri).getHost()!;\n if (bypassedMap?.has(host)) {\n return bypassedMap.get(host);\n }\n let isBypassedFlag = false;\n for (const pattern of noProxyList) {\n if (pattern[0] === \".\") {\n // This should match either domain it self or any subdomain or host\n // .foo.com will match foo.com it self or *.foo.com\n if (host.endsWith(pattern)) {\n isBypassedFlag = true;\n } else {\n if (host.length === pattern.length - 1 && host === pattern.slice(1)) {\n isBypassedFlag = true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (host === pattern) {\n isBypassedFlag = true;\n }\n }\n }\n bypassedMap?.set(host, isBypassedFlag);\n return isBypassedFlag;\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport function loadNoProxy(): string[] {\n const noProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.NO_PROXY);\n noProxyListLoaded = true;\n if (noProxy) {\n return noProxy\n .split(\",\")\n .map((item) => item.trim())\n .filter((item) => item.length);\n }\n\n return [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a given URL of a proxy server into `ProxySettings` or attempts to retrieve `ProxySettings` from the current environment if one is not passed.\n * @param proxyUrl - URL of the proxy\n * @returns The default proxy settings, or undefined.\n */\nexport function getDefaultProxySettings(proxyUrl?: string): ProxySettings | undefined {\n if (!proxyUrl) {\n proxyUrl = loadEnvironmentProxyValue();\n if (!proxyUrl) {\n return undefined;\n }\n }\n\n const { username, password, urlWithoutAuth } = extractAuthFromUrl(proxyUrl);\n const parsedUrl = URLBuilder.parse(urlWithoutAuth);\n const schema = parsedUrl.getScheme() ? parsedUrl.getScheme() + \"://\" : \"\";\n return {\n host: schema + parsedUrl.getHost(),\n port: Number.parseInt(parsedUrl.getPort() || \"80\"),\n username,\n password,\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * A policy that allows one to apply proxy settings to all requests.\n * If not passed static settings, they will be retrieved from the HTTPS_PROXY\n * or HTTP_PROXY environment variables.\n * @param proxySettings - ProxySettings to use on each request.\n * @param options - additional settings, for example, custom NO_PROXY patterns\n */\nexport function proxyPolicy(\n proxySettings?: ProxySettings,\n options?: {\n /** a list of patterns to override those loaded from NO_PROXY environment variable. */\n customNoProxyList?: string[];\n }\n): RequestPolicyFactory {\n if (!proxySettings) {\n proxySettings = getDefaultProxySettings();\n }\n if (!noProxyListLoaded) {\n globalNoProxyList.push(...loadNoProxy());\n }\n return {\n create: (nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, requestPolicyOptions: RequestPolicyOptions) => {\n return new ProxyPolicy(\n nextPolicy,\n requestPolicyOptions,\n proxySettings!,\n options?.customNoProxyList\n );\n },\n };\n}\n\nfunction extractAuthFromUrl(url: string): {\n username?: string;\n password?: string;\n urlWithoutAuth: string;\n} {\n const atIndex = url.indexOf(\"@\");\n if (atIndex === -1) {\n return { urlWithoutAuth: url };\n }\n\n const schemeIndex = url.indexOf(\"://\");\n const authStart = schemeIndex !== -1 ? schemeIndex + 3 : 0;\n const auth = url.substring(authStart, atIndex);\n const colonIndex = auth.indexOf(\":\");\n const hasPassword = colonIndex !== -1;\n const username = hasPassword ? auth.substring(0, colonIndex) : auth;\n const password = hasPassword ? auth.substring(colonIndex + 1) : undefined;\n const urlWithoutAuth = url.substring(0, authStart) + url.substring(atIndex + 1);\n return {\n username,\n password,\n urlWithoutAuth,\n };\n}\n\nexport class ProxyPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {\n constructor(\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n options: RequestPolicyOptions,\n public proxySettings: ProxySettings,\n private customNoProxyList?: string[]\n ) {\n super(nextPolicy, options);\n }\n\n public sendRequest(request: WebResourceLike): Promise {\n if (\n !request.proxySettings &&\n !isBypassed(\n request.url,\n this.customNoProxyList ?? globalNoProxyList,\n this.customNoProxyList ? undefined : globalBypassedMap\n )\n ) {\n request.proxySettings = this.proxySettings;\n }\n return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request);\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"../httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { HttpPipelineLogLevel } from \"../httpPipelineLogLevel\";\nimport { HttpPipelineLogger } from \"../httpPipelineLogger\";\nimport { WebResourceLike } from \"../webResource\";\n\n/**\n * Creates a new RequestPolicy per-request that uses the provided nextPolicy.\n */\nexport type RequestPolicyFactory = {\n create(nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike): RequestPolicy;\n};\n\n/**\n * The underlying structure of a request policy.\n */\nexport interface RequestPolicy {\n /**\n * A method that retrieves an {@link HttpOperationResponse} given a {@link WebResourceLike} describing the request to be made.\n * @param httpRequest - {@link WebResourceLike} describing the request to be made.\n */\n sendRequest(httpRequest: WebResourceLike): Promise;\n}\n\n/**\n * The base class from which all request policies derive.\n */\nexport abstract class BaseRequestPolicy implements RequestPolicy {\n /**\n * The main method to implement that manipulates a request/response.\n */\n protected constructor(\n /**\n * The next policy in the pipeline. Each policy is responsible for executing the next one if the request is to continue through the pipeline.\n */\n readonly _nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n /**\n * The options that can be passed to a given request policy.\n */\n readonly _options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike\n ) {}\n\n /**\n * Sends a network request based on the given web resource.\n * @param webResource - A {@link WebResourceLike} that describes a HTTP request to be made.\n */\n public abstract sendRequest(webResource: WebResourceLike): Promise;\n\n /**\n * Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of the log that will be logged.\n * @returns Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n */\n public shouldLog(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel): boolean {\n return this._options.shouldLog(logLevel);\n }\n\n /**\n * Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if\n * the log level does not meat the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of this log.\n * @param message - The message of this log.\n */\n public log(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string): void {\n this._options.log(logLevel, message);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Optional properties that can be used when creating a RequestPolicy.\n */\nexport interface RequestPolicyOptionsLike {\n /**\n * Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of the log that will be logged.\n * @returns Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n */\n shouldLog(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if\n * the log level does not meet the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of this log.\n * @param message - The message of this log.\n */\n log(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * Optional properties that can be used when creating a RequestPolicy.\n */\nexport class RequestPolicyOptions {\n constructor(private _logger?: HttpPipelineLogger) {}\n\n /**\n * Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of the log that will be logged.\n * @returns Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.\n */\n public shouldLog(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel): boolean {\n return (\n !!this._logger &&\n logLevel !== HttpPipelineLogLevel.OFF &&\n logLevel <= this._logger.minimumLogLevel\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if\n * the log level does not meet the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.\n * @param logLevel - The log level of this log.\n * @param message - The message of this log.\n */\n public log(logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string): void {\n if (this._logger && this.shouldLog(logLevel)) {\n this._logger.log(logLevel, message);\n }\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * The different levels of logs that can be used with the HttpPipelineLogger.\n */\nexport enum HttpPipelineLogLevel {\n /**\n * A log level that indicates that no logs will be logged.\n */\n OFF,\n\n /**\n * An error log.\n */\n ERROR,\n\n /**\n * A warning log.\n */\n WARNING,\n\n /**\n * An information log.\n */\n INFO,\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { replaceAll } from \"./util/utils\";\n\ntype URLQueryParseState = \"ParameterName\" | \"ParameterValue\";\n\n/**\n * A class that handles the query portion of a URLBuilder.\n */\nexport class URLQuery {\n private readonly _rawQuery: { [queryParameterName: string]: string | string[] } = {};\n\n /**\n * Get whether or not there any query parameters in this URLQuery.\n */\n public any(): boolean {\n return Object.keys(this._rawQuery).length > 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the keys of the query string.\n */\n public keys(): string[] {\n return Object.keys(this._rawQuery);\n }\n\n /**\n * Set a query parameter with the provided name and value. If the parameterValue is undefined or\n * empty, then this will attempt to remove an existing query parameter with the provided\n * parameterName.\n */\n public set(parameterName: string, parameterValue: unknown): void {\n const caseParameterValue = parameterValue as {\n toString: () => string;\n };\n if (parameterName) {\n if (caseParameterValue !== undefined && caseParameterValue !== null) {\n const newValue = Array.isArray(caseParameterValue)\n ? caseParameterValue\n : caseParameterValue.toString();\n this._rawQuery[parameterName] = newValue;\n } else {\n delete this._rawQuery[parameterName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the value of the query parameter with the provided name. If no parameter exists with the\n * provided parameter name, then undefined will be returned.\n */\n public get(parameterName: string): string | string[] | undefined {\n return parameterName ? this._rawQuery[parameterName] : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the string representation of this query. The return value will not start with a \"?\".\n */\n public toString(): string {\n let result = \"\";\n for (const parameterName in this._rawQuery) {\n if (result) {\n result += \"&\";\n }\n const parameterValue = this._rawQuery[parameterName];\n if (Array.isArray(parameterValue)) {\n const parameterStrings = [];\n for (const parameterValueElement of parameterValue) {\n parameterStrings.push(`${parameterName}=${parameterValueElement}`);\n }\n result += parameterStrings.join(\"&\");\n } else {\n result += `${parameterName}=${parameterValue}`;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Parse a URLQuery from the provided text.\n */\n public static parse(text: string): URLQuery {\n const result = new URLQuery();\n\n if (text) {\n if (text.startsWith(\"?\")) {\n text = text.substring(1);\n }\n\n let currentState: URLQueryParseState = \"ParameterName\";\n\n let parameterName = \"\";\n let parameterValue = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {\n const currentCharacter: string = text[i];\n switch (currentState) {\n case \"ParameterName\":\n switch (currentCharacter) {\n case \"=\":\n currentState = \"ParameterValue\";\n break;\n\n case \"&\":\n parameterName = \"\";\n parameterValue = \"\";\n break;\n\n default:\n parameterName += currentCharacter;\n break;\n }\n break;\n\n case \"ParameterValue\":\n switch (currentCharacter) {\n case \"&\":\n result.set(parameterName, parameterValue);\n parameterName = \"\";\n parameterValue = \"\";\n currentState = \"ParameterName\";\n break;\n\n default:\n parameterValue += currentCharacter;\n break;\n }\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error(\"Unrecognized URLQuery parse state: \" + currentState);\n }\n }\n if (currentState === \"ParameterValue\") {\n result.set(parameterName, parameterValue);\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * A class that handles creating, modifying, and parsing URLs.\n */\nexport class URLBuilder {\n private _scheme: string | undefined;\n private _host: string | undefined;\n private _port: string | undefined;\n private _path: string | undefined;\n private _query: URLQuery | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Set the scheme/protocol for this URL. If the provided scheme contains other parts of a URL\n * (such as a host, port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.\n */\n public setScheme(scheme: string | undefined): void {\n if (!scheme) {\n this._scheme = undefined;\n } else {\n this.set(scheme, \"SCHEME\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the scheme that has been set in this URL.\n */\n public getScheme(): string | undefined {\n return this._scheme;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the host for this URL. If the provided host contains other parts of a URL (such as a\n * port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.\n */\n public setHost(host: string | undefined): void {\n if (!host) {\n this._host = undefined;\n } else {\n this.set(host, \"SCHEME_OR_HOST\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the host that has been set in this URL.\n */\n public getHost(): string | undefined {\n return this._host;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the port for this URL. If the provided port contains other parts of a URL (such as a\n * path or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.\n */\n public setPort(port: number | string | undefined): void {\n if (port === undefined || port === null || port === \"\") {\n this._port = undefined;\n } else {\n this.set(port.toString(), \"PORT\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the port that has been set in this URL.\n */\n public getPort(): string | undefined {\n return this._port;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the path for this URL. If the provided path contains a query, then it will be added to\n * this URL as well.\n */\n public setPath(path: string | undefined): void {\n if (!path) {\n this._path = undefined;\n } else {\n const schemeIndex = path.indexOf(\"://\");\n if (schemeIndex !== -1) {\n const schemeStart = path.lastIndexOf(\"/\", schemeIndex);\n // Make sure to only grab the URL part of the path before setting the state back to SCHEME\n // this will handle cases such as \"/a/b/c/https://microsoft.com\" => \"https://microsoft.com\"\n this.set(schemeStart === -1 ? path : path.substr(schemeStart + 1), \"SCHEME\");\n } else {\n this.set(path, \"PATH\");\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Append the provided path to this URL's existing path. If the provided path contains a query,\n * then it will be added to this URL as well.\n */\n public appendPath(path: string | undefined): void {\n if (path) {\n let currentPath: string | undefined = this.getPath();\n if (currentPath) {\n if (!currentPath.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n currentPath += \"/\";\n }\n\n if (path.startsWith(\"/\")) {\n path = path.substring(1);\n }\n\n path = currentPath + path;\n }\n this.set(path, \"PATH\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the path that has been set in this URL.\n */\n public getPath(): string | undefined {\n return this._path;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the query in this URL.\n */\n public setQuery(query: string | undefined): void {\n if (!query) {\n this._query = undefined;\n } else {\n this._query = URLQuery.parse(query);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set a query parameter with the provided name and value in this URL's query. If the provided\n * query parameter value is undefined or empty, then the query parameter will be removed if it\n * existed.\n */\n public setQueryParameter(queryParameterName: string, queryParameterValue: unknown): void {\n if (queryParameterName) {\n if (!this._query) {\n this._query = new URLQuery();\n }\n this._query.set(queryParameterName, queryParameterValue);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the value of the query parameter with the provided query parameter name. If no query\n * parameter exists with the provided name, then undefined will be returned.\n */\n public getQueryParameterValue(queryParameterName: string): string | string[] | undefined {\n return this._query ? this._query.get(queryParameterName) : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the query in this URL.\n */\n public getQuery(): string | undefined {\n return this._query ? this._query.toString() : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the parts of this URL by parsing the provided text using the provided startState.\n */\n private set(text: string, startState: URLTokenizerState): void {\n const tokenizer = new URLTokenizer(text, startState);\n\n while (tokenizer.next()) {\n const token: URLToken | undefined = tokenizer.current();\n let tokenPath: string | undefined;\n if (token) {\n switch (token.type) {\n case \"SCHEME\":\n this._scheme = token.text || undefined;\n break;\n\n case \"HOST\":\n this._host = token.text || undefined;\n break;\n\n case \"PORT\":\n this._port = token.text || undefined;\n break;\n\n case \"PATH\":\n tokenPath = token.text || undefined;\n if (!this._path || this._path === \"/\" || tokenPath !== \"/\") {\n this._path = tokenPath;\n }\n break;\n\n case \"QUERY\":\n this._query = URLQuery.parse(token.text);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unrecognized URLTokenType: ${token.type}`);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Serializes the URL as a string.\n * @returns the URL as a string.\n */\n public toString(): string {\n let result = \"\";\n\n if (this._scheme) {\n result += `${this._scheme}://`;\n }\n\n if (this._host) {\n result += this._host;\n }\n\n if (this._port) {\n result += `:${this._port}`;\n }\n\n if (this._path) {\n if (!this._path.startsWith(\"/\")) {\n result += \"/\";\n }\n result += this._path;\n }\n\n if (this._query && this._query.any()) {\n result += `?${this._query.toString()}`;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the provided searchValue is found in this URLBuilder, then replace it with the provided\n * replaceValue.\n */\n public replaceAll(searchValue: string, replaceValue: string): void {\n if (searchValue) {\n this.setScheme(replaceAll(this.getScheme(), searchValue, replaceValue));\n this.setHost(replaceAll(this.getHost(), searchValue, replaceValue));\n this.setPort(replaceAll(this.getPort(), searchValue, replaceValue));\n this.setPath(replaceAll(this.getPath(), searchValue, replaceValue));\n this.setQuery(replaceAll(this.getQuery(), searchValue, replaceValue));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Parses a given string URL into a new {@link URLBuilder}.\n */\n public static parse(text: string): URLBuilder {\n const result = new URLBuilder();\n result.set(text, \"SCHEME_OR_HOST\");\n return result;\n }\n}\n\ntype URLTokenizerState = \"SCHEME\" | \"SCHEME_OR_HOST\" | \"HOST\" | \"PORT\" | \"PATH\" | \"QUERY\" | \"DONE\";\n\ntype URLTokenType = \"SCHEME\" | \"HOST\" | \"PORT\" | \"PATH\" | \"QUERY\";\n\nexport class URLToken {\n public constructor(public readonly text: string, public readonly type: URLTokenType) {}\n\n public static scheme(text: string): URLToken {\n return new URLToken(text, \"SCHEME\");\n }\n\n public static host(text: string): URLToken {\n return new URLToken(text, \"HOST\");\n }\n\n public static port(text: string): URLToken {\n return new URLToken(text, \"PORT\");\n }\n\n public static path(text: string): URLToken {\n return new URLToken(text, \"PATH\");\n }\n\n public static query(text: string): URLToken {\n return new URLToken(text, \"QUERY\");\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Get whether or not the provided character (single character string) is an alphanumeric (letter or\n * digit) character.\n */\nexport function isAlphaNumericCharacter(character: string): boolean {\n const characterCode: number = character.charCodeAt(0);\n return (\n (48 /* '0' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 57) /* '9' */ ||\n (65 /* 'A' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 90) /* 'Z' */ ||\n (97 /* 'a' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 122) /* 'z' */\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * A class that tokenizes URL strings.\n */\nexport class URLTokenizer {\n readonly _textLength: number;\n _currentState: URLTokenizerState;\n _currentIndex: number;\n _currentToken: URLToken | undefined;\n\n public constructor(readonly _text: string, state?: URLTokenizerState) {\n this._textLength = _text ? _text.length : 0;\n this._currentState = state !== undefined && state !== null ? state : \"SCHEME_OR_HOST\";\n this._currentIndex = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the current URLToken this URLTokenizer is pointing at, or undefined if the URLTokenizer\n * hasn't started or has finished tokenizing.\n */\n public current(): URLToken | undefined {\n return this._currentToken;\n }\n\n /**\n * Advance to the next URLToken and return whether or not a URLToken was found.\n */\n public next(): boolean {\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(this)) {\n this._currentToken = undefined;\n } else {\n switch (this._currentState) {\n case \"SCHEME\":\n nextScheme(this);\n break;\n\n case \"SCHEME_OR_HOST\":\n nextSchemeOrHost(this);\n break;\n\n case \"HOST\":\n nextHost(this);\n break;\n\n case \"PORT\":\n nextPort(this);\n break;\n\n case \"PATH\":\n nextPath(this);\n break;\n\n case \"QUERY\":\n nextQuery(this);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unrecognized URLTokenizerState: ${this._currentState}`);\n }\n }\n return !!this._currentToken;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Read the remaining characters from this Tokenizer's character stream.\n */\nfunction readRemaining(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): string {\n let result = \"\";\n if (tokenizer._currentIndex < tokenizer._textLength) {\n result = tokenizer._text.substring(tokenizer._currentIndex);\n tokenizer._currentIndex = tokenizer._textLength;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Whether or not this URLTokenizer has a current character.\n */\nfunction hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): boolean {\n return tokenizer._currentIndex < tokenizer._textLength;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the character in the text string at the current index.\n */\nfunction getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): string {\n return tokenizer._text[tokenizer._currentIndex];\n}\n\n/**\n * Advance to the character in text that is \"step\" characters ahead. If no step value is provided,\n * then step will default to 1.\n */\nfunction nextCharacter(tokenizer: URLTokenizer, step?: number): void {\n if (hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n if (!step) {\n step = 1;\n }\n tokenizer._currentIndex += step;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Starting with the current character, peek \"charactersToPeek\" number of characters ahead in this\n * Tokenizer's stream of characters.\n */\nfunction peekCharacters(tokenizer: URLTokenizer, charactersToPeek: number): string {\n let endIndex: number = tokenizer._currentIndex + charactersToPeek;\n if (tokenizer._textLength < endIndex) {\n endIndex = tokenizer._textLength;\n }\n return tokenizer._text.substring(tokenizer._currentIndex, endIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Read characters from this Tokenizer until the end of the stream or until the provided condition\n * is false when provided the current character.\n */\nfunction readWhile(tokenizer: URLTokenizer, condition: (character: string) => boolean): string {\n let result = \"\";\n\n while (hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n const currentCharacter: string = getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer);\n if (!condition(currentCharacter)) {\n break;\n } else {\n result += currentCharacter;\n nextCharacter(tokenizer);\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Read characters from this Tokenizer until a non-alphanumeric character or the end of the\n * character stream is reached.\n */\nfunction readWhileLetterOrDigit(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): string {\n return readWhile(tokenizer, (character: string) => isAlphaNumericCharacter(character));\n}\n\n/**\n * Read characters from this Tokenizer until one of the provided terminating characters is read or\n * the end of the character stream is reached.\n */\nfunction readUntilCharacter(tokenizer: URLTokenizer, ...terminatingCharacters: string[]): string {\n return readWhile(\n tokenizer,\n (character: string) => terminatingCharacters.indexOf(character) === -1\n );\n}\n\nfunction nextScheme(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n const scheme: string = readWhileLetterOrDigit(tokenizer);\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.scheme(scheme);\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"HOST\";\n }\n}\n\nfunction nextSchemeOrHost(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n const schemeOrHost: string = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, \":\", \"/\", \"?\");\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.host(schemeOrHost);\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n } else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \":\") {\n if (peekCharacters(tokenizer, 3) === \"://\") {\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.scheme(schemeOrHost);\n tokenizer._currentState = \"HOST\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.host(schemeOrHost);\n tokenizer._currentState = \"PORT\";\n }\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.host(schemeOrHost);\n if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \"/\") {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"PATH\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"QUERY\";\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction nextHost(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n if (peekCharacters(tokenizer, 3) === \"://\") {\n nextCharacter(tokenizer, 3);\n }\n\n const host: string = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, \":\", \"/\", \"?\");\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.host(host);\n\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n } else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \":\") {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"PORT\";\n } else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \"/\") {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"PATH\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"QUERY\";\n }\n}\n\nfunction nextPort(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \":\") {\n nextCharacter(tokenizer);\n }\n\n const port: string = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, \"/\", \"?\");\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.port(port);\n\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n } else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \"/\") {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"PATH\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"QUERY\";\n }\n}\n\nfunction nextPath(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n const path: string = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, \"?\");\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.path(path);\n\n if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n } else {\n tokenizer._currentState = \"QUERY\";\n }\n}\n\nfunction nextQuery(tokenizer: URLTokenizer): void {\n if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === \"?\") {\n nextCharacter(tokenizer);\n }\n\n const query: string = readRemaining(tokenizer);\n tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.query(query);\n tokenizer._currentState = \"DONE\";\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { TracingContext } from \"./tracing\";\n\n/**\n * Represents a credential capable of providing an authentication token.\n */\nexport interface TokenCredential {\n /**\n * Gets the token provided by this credential.\n *\n * This method is called automatically by Azure SDK client libraries. You may call this method\n * directly, but you must also handle token caching and token refreshing.\n *\n * @param scopes - The list of scopes for which the token will have access.\n * @param options - The options used to configure any requests this\n * TokenCredential implementation might make.\n */\n getToken(scopes: string | string[], options?: GetTokenOptions): Promise;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines options for TokenCredential.getToken.\n */\nexport interface GetTokenOptions {\n /**\n * The signal which can be used to abort requests.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Options used when creating and sending HTTP requests for this operation.\n */\n requestOptions?: {\n /**\n * The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.\n */\n timeout?: number;\n };\n /**\n * Options used when tracing is enabled.\n */\n tracingOptions?: {\n /**\n * Tracing Context for the current request.\n */\n tracingContext?: TracingContext;\n };\n\n /**\n * Allows specifying a tenantId. Useful to handle challenges that provide tenant Id hints.\n */\n tenantId?: string;\n\n /**\n * Claim details to perform the Continuous Access Evaluation authentication flow\n */\n claims?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents an access token with an expiration time.\n */\nexport interface AccessToken {\n /**\n * The access token returned by the authentication service.\n */\n token: string;\n\n /**\n * The access token's expiration timestamp in milliseconds, UNIX epoch time.\n */\n expiresOnTimestamp: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Tests an object to determine whether it implements TokenCredential.\n *\n * @param credential - The assumed TokenCredential to be tested.\n */\nexport function isTokenCredential(credential: unknown): credential is TokenCredential {\n // Check for an object with a 'getToken' function and possibly with\n // a 'signRequest' function. We do this check to make sure that\n // a ServiceClientCredentials implementor (like TokenClientCredentials\n // in ms-rest-nodeauth) doesn't get mistaken for a TokenCredential if\n // it doesn't actually implement TokenCredential also.\n const castCredential = credential as {\n getToken: unknown;\n signRequest: unknown;\n };\n return (\n castCredential &&\n typeof castCredential.getToken === \"function\" &&\n (castCredential.signRequest === undefined || castCredential.getToken.length > 0)\n );\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { context as otContext, trace as otTrace } from \"@opentelemetry/api\";\n\n/**\n * A Tracer.\n */\nexport interface Tracer {\n /**\n * Starts a new {@link Span}. Start the span without setting it on context.\n *\n * This method does NOT modify the current Context.\n *\n * @param name - The name of the span\n * @param options - SpanOptions used for span creation\n * @param context - Context to use to extract parent\n * @returns The newly created span\n * @example\n * const span = tracer.startSpan('op');\n * span.setAttribute('key', 'value');\n * span.end();\n */\n startSpan(name: string, options?: SpanOptions, context?: Context): Span;\n}\n\n/**\n * TraceState.\n */\nexport interface TraceState {\n /**\n * Create a new TraceState which inherits from this TraceState and has the\n * given key set.\n * The new entry will always be added in the front of the list of states.\n *\n * @param key - key of the TraceState entry.\n * @param value - value of the TraceState entry.\n */\n set(key: string, value: string): TraceState;\n /**\n * Return a new TraceState which inherits from this TraceState but does not\n * contain the given key.\n *\n * @param key - the key for the TraceState entry to be removed.\n */\n unset(key: string): TraceState;\n /**\n * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `undefined` if\n * this map contains no mapping for the key.\n *\n * @param key - with which the specified value is to be associated.\n * @returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `undefined` if\n * this map contains no mapping for the key.\n */\n get(key: string): string | undefined;\n /**\n * Serializes the TraceState to a `list` as defined below. The `list` is a\n * series of `list-members` separated by commas `,`, and a list-member is a\n * key/value pair separated by an equals sign `=`. Spaces and horizontal tabs\n * surrounding `list-members` are ignored. There can be a maximum of 32\n * `list-members` in a `list`.\n *\n * @returns the serialized string.\n */\n serialize(): string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents high resolution time.\n */\nexport declare type HrTime = [number, number];\n\n/**\n * Used to represent a Time.\n */\nexport type TimeInput = HrTime | number | Date;\n\n/**\n * The status for a span.\n */\nexport interface SpanStatus {\n /** The status code of this message. */\n code: SpanStatusCode;\n /** A developer-facing error message. */\n message?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * The kind of span.\n */\nexport enum SpanKind {\n /** Default value. Indicates that the span is used internally. */\n INTERNAL = 0,\n /**\n * Indicates that the span covers server-side handling of an RPC or other\n * remote request.\n */\n SERVER = 1,\n /**\n * Indicates that the span covers the client-side wrapper around an RPC or\n * other remote request.\n */\n CLIENT = 2,\n /**\n * Indicates that the span describes producer sending a message to a\n * broker. Unlike client and server, there is no direct critical path latency\n * relationship between producer and consumer spans.\n */\n PRODUCER = 3,\n /**\n * Indicates that the span describes consumer receiving a message from a\n * broker. Unlike client and server, there is no direct critical path latency\n * relationship between producer and consumer spans.\n */\n CONSUMER = 4\n}\n\n/**\n * An Exception for a Span.\n */\nexport declare type Exception =\n | ExceptionWithCode\n | ExceptionWithMessage\n | ExceptionWithName\n | string;\n\n/**\n * An Exception with a code.\n */\nexport interface ExceptionWithCode {\n /** The code. */\n code: string | number;\n /** The name. */\n name?: string;\n /** The message. */\n message?: string;\n /** The stack. */\n stack?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Exception with a message.\n */\nexport interface ExceptionWithMessage {\n /** The code. */\n code?: string | number;\n /** The message. */\n message: string;\n /** The name. */\n name?: string;\n /** The stack. */\n stack?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Exception with a name.\n */\nexport interface ExceptionWithName {\n /** The code. */\n code?: string | number;\n /** The message. */\n message?: string;\n /** The name. */\n name: string;\n /** The stack. */\n stack?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the span if one exists\n *\n * @param context - context to get span from\n */\nexport function getSpan(context: Context): Span | undefined {\n return otTrace.getSpan(context);\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the span on a context\n *\n * @param context - context to use as parent\n * @param span - span to set active\n */\nexport function setSpan(context: Context, span: Span): Context {\n return otTrace.setSpan(context, span);\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap span context in a NoopSpan and set as span in a new\n * context\n *\n * @param context - context to set active span on\n * @param spanContext - span context to be wrapped\n */\nexport function setSpanContext(context: Context, spanContext: SpanContext): Context {\n return otTrace.setSpanContext(context, spanContext);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the span context of the span if it exists.\n *\n * @param context - context to get values from\n */\nexport function getSpanContext(context: Context): SpanContext | undefined {\n return otTrace.getSpanContext(context);\n}\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry Context API\n */\nexport interface ContextAPI {\n /**\n * Get the currently active context\n */\n active(): Context;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns true of the given {@link SpanContext} is valid.\n * A valid {@link SpanContext} is one which has a valid trace ID and span ID as per the spec.\n *\n * @param context - the {@link SpanContext} to validate.\n *\n * @returns true if the {@link SpanContext} is valid, false otherwise.\n */\nexport function isSpanContextValid(context: SpanContext): boolean {\n return otTrace.isSpanContextValid(context);\n}\n\n/**\n * Retrieves a tracer from the global tracer provider.\n */\nexport function getTracer(): Tracer;\n/**\n * Retrieves a tracer from the global tracer provider.\n */\nexport function getTracer(name: string, version?: string): Tracer;\nexport function getTracer(name?: string, version?: string): Tracer {\n return otTrace.getTracer(name || \"azure/core-tracing\", version);\n}\n\n/** Entrypoint for context API */\nexport const context: ContextAPI = otContext;\n\n/** SpanStatusCode */\nexport enum SpanStatusCode {\n /**\n * The default status.\n */\n UNSET = 0,\n /**\n * The operation has been validated by an Application developer or\n * Operator to have completed successfully.\n */\n OK = 1,\n /**\n * The operation contains an error.\n */\n ERROR = 2\n}\n\n/**\n * An interface that represents a span. A span represents a single operation\n * within a trace. Examples of span might include remote procedure calls or a\n * in-process function calls to sub-components. A Trace has a single, top-level\n * \"root\" Span that in turn may have zero or more child Spans, which in turn\n * may have children.\n *\n * Spans are created by the {@link Tracer.startSpan} method.\n */\nexport interface Span {\n /**\n * Returns the {@link SpanContext} object associated with this Span.\n *\n * Get an immutable, serializable identifier for this span that can be used\n * to create new child spans. Returned SpanContext is usable even after the\n * span ends.\n *\n * @returns the SpanContext object associated with this Span.\n */\n spanContext(): SpanContext;\n /**\n * Sets an attribute to the span.\n *\n * Sets a single Attribute with the key and value passed as arguments.\n *\n * @param key - the key for this attribute.\n * @param value - the value for this attribute. Setting a value null or\n * undefined is invalid and will result in undefined behavior.\n */\n setAttribute(key: string, value: SpanAttributeValue): this;\n /**\n * Sets attributes to the span.\n *\n * @param attributes - the attributes that will be added.\n * null or undefined attribute values\n * are invalid and will result in undefined behavior.\n */\n setAttributes(attributes: SpanAttributes): this;\n /**\n * Adds an event to the Span.\n *\n * @param name - the name of the event.\n * @param attributesOrStartTime - the attributes that will be added; these are\n * associated with this event. Can be also a start time\n * if type is TimeInput and 3rd param is undefined\n * @param startTime - start time of the event.\n */\n addEvent(\n name: string,\n attributesOrStartTime?: SpanAttributes | TimeInput,\n startTime?: TimeInput\n ): this;\n /**\n * Sets a status to the span. If used, this will override the default Span\n * status. Default is {@link SpanStatusCode.UNSET}. SetStatus overrides the value\n * of previous calls to SetStatus on the Span.\n *\n * @param status - the SpanStatus to set.\n */\n setStatus(status: SpanStatus): this;\n /**\n * Marks the end of Span execution.\n *\n * Call to End of a Span MUST not have any effects on child spans. Those may\n * still be running and can be ended later.\n *\n * Do not return `this`. The Span generally should not be used after it\n * is ended so chaining is not desired in this context.\n *\n * @param endTime - the time to set as Span's end time. If not provided,\n * use the current time as the span's end time.\n */\n end(endTime?: TimeInput): void;\n /**\n * Returns the flag whether this span will be recorded.\n *\n * @returns true if this Span is active and recording information like events\n * with the `AddEvent` operation and attributes using `setAttributes`.\n */\n isRecording(): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Sets exception as a span event\n * @param exception - the exception the only accepted values are string or Error\n * @param time - the time to set as Span's event time. If not provided,\n * use the current time.\n */\n recordException(exception: Exception, time?: TimeInput): void;\n\n /**\n * Updates the Span name.\n *\n * This will override the name provided via {@link Tracer.startSpan}.\n *\n * Upon this update, any sampling behavior based on Span name will depend on\n * the implementation.\n *\n * @param name - the Span name.\n */\n updateName(name: string): this;\n}\n\n/**\n * Shorthand enum for common traceFlags values inside SpanContext\n */\nexport const enum TraceFlags {\n /** No flag set. */\n NONE = 0x0,\n /** Caller is collecting trace information. */\n SAMPLED = 0x1\n}\n\n/**\n * A light interface that tries to be structurally compatible with OpenTelemetry\n */\nexport interface SpanContext {\n /**\n * UUID of a trace.\n */\n traceId: string;\n /**\n * UUID of a Span.\n */\n spanId: string;\n /**\n * https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#trace-flags\n */\n traceFlags: number;\n /**\n * Tracing-system-specific info to propagate.\n *\n * The tracestate field value is a `list` as defined below. The `list` is a\n * series of `list-members` separated by commas `,`, and a list-member is a\n * key/value pair separated by an equals sign `=`. Spaces and horizontal tabs\n * surrounding `list-members` are ignored. There can be a maximum of 32\n * `list-members` in a `list`.\n * More Info: https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#tracestate-field\n *\n * Examples:\n * Single tracing system (generic format):\n * tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7\n * Multiple tracing systems (with different formatting):\n * tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7,congo=t61rcWkgMzE\n */\n traceState?: TraceState;\n}\n\n/**\n * Used to specify a span that is linked to another.\n */\nexport interface Link {\n /** The {@link SpanContext} of a linked span. */\n context: SpanContext;\n\n /** A set of {@link SpanAttributes} on the link. */\n attributes?: SpanAttributes;\n}\n\n/**\n * Attributes for a Span.\n */\nexport interface SpanAttributes {\n /**\n * Attributes for a Span.\n */\n [attributeKey: string]: SpanAttributeValue | undefined;\n}\n/**\n * Attribute values may be any non-nullish primitive value except an object.\n *\n * null or undefined attribute values are invalid and will result in undefined behavior.\n */\nexport declare type SpanAttributeValue =\n | string\n | number\n | boolean\n | Array\n | Array\n | Array;\n\n/**\n * An interface that enables manual propagation of Spans\n */\nexport interface SpanOptions {\n /**\n * Attributes to set on the Span\n */\n attributes?: SpanAttributes;\n\n /** {@link Link}s span to other spans */\n links?: Link[];\n\n /**\n * The type of Span. Default to SpanKind.INTERNAL\n */\n kind?: SpanKind;\n\n /**\n * A manually specified start time for the created `Span` object.\n */\n startTime?: TimeInput;\n}\n\n/**\n * Tracing options to set on an operation.\n */\nexport interface OperationTracingOptions {\n /**\n * OpenTelemetry SpanOptions used to create a span when tracing is enabled.\n */\n spanOptions?: SpanOptions;\n\n /**\n * OpenTelemetry context to use for created Spans.\n */\n tracingContext?: Context;\n}\n\n/**\n * OpenTelemetry compatible interface for Context\n */\nexport interface Context {\n /**\n * Get a value from the context.\n *\n * @param key - key which identifies a context value\n */\n getValue(key: symbol): unknown;\n /**\n * Create a new context which inherits from this context and has\n * the given key set to the given value.\n *\n * @param key - context key for which to set the value\n * @param value - value to set for the given key\n */\n setValue(key: symbol, value: unknown): Context;\n /**\n * Return a new context which inherits from this context but does\n * not contain a value for the given key.\n *\n * @param key - context key for which to clear a value\n */\n deleteValue(key: symbol): Context;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { SpanContext } from './span_context';\nimport { TraceFlags } from './trace_flags';\n\nexport const INVALID_SPANID = '0000000000000000';\nexport const INVALID_TRACEID = '00000000000000000000000000000000';\nexport const INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT: SpanContext = {\n traceId: INVALID_TRACEID,\n spanId: INVALID_SPANID,\n traceFlags: TraceFlags.NONE,\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\nexport enum TraceFlags {\n /** Represents no flag set. */\n NONE = 0x0,\n /** Bit to represent whether trace is sampled in trace flags. */\n SAMPLED = 0x1 << 0,\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// Split module-level variable definition into separate files to allow\n// tree-shaking on each api instance.\nimport { ContextAPI } from './api/context';\n/** Entrypoint for context API */\nexport const context = ContextAPI.getInstance();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { NoopContextManager } from '../context/NoopContextManager';\nimport { Context, ContextManager } from '../context/types';\nimport {\n getGlobal,\n registerGlobal,\n unregisterGlobal,\n} from '../internal/global-utils';\nimport { DiagAPI } from './diag';\n\nconst API_NAME = 'context';\nconst NOOP_CONTEXT_MANAGER = new NoopContextManager();\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry Context API\n */\nexport class ContextAPI {\n private static _instance?: ContextAPI;\n\n /** Empty private constructor prevents end users from constructing a new instance of the API */\n private constructor() {}\n\n /** Get the singleton instance of the Context API */\n public static getInstance(): ContextAPI {\n if (!this._instance) {\n this._instance = new ContextAPI();\n }\n\n return this._instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the current context manager.\n *\n * @returns true if the context manager was successfully registered, else false\n */\n public setGlobalContextManager(contextManager: ContextManager): boolean {\n return registerGlobal(API_NAME, contextManager, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the currently active context\n */\n public active(): Context {\n return this._getContextManager().active();\n }\n\n /**\n * Execute a function with an active context\n *\n * @param context context to be active during function execution\n * @param fn function to execute in a context\n * @param thisArg optional receiver to be used for calling fn\n * @param args optional arguments forwarded to fn\n */\n public with ReturnType>(\n context: Context,\n fn: F,\n thisArg?: ThisParameterType,\n ...args: A\n ): ReturnType {\n return this._getContextManager().with(context, fn, thisArg, ...args);\n }\n\n /**\n * Bind a context to a target function or event emitter\n *\n * @param context context to bind to the event emitter or function. Defaults to the currently active context\n * @param target function or event emitter to bind\n */\n public bind(context: Context, target: T): T {\n return this._getContextManager().bind(context, target);\n }\n\n private _getContextManager(): ContextManager {\n return getGlobal(API_NAME) || NOOP_CONTEXT_MANAGER;\n }\n\n /** Disable and remove the global context manager */\n public disable() {\n this._getContextManager().disable();\n unregisterGlobal(API_NAME, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { ROOT_CONTEXT } from './context';\nimport * as types from './types';\n\nexport class NoopContextManager implements types.ContextManager {\n active(): types.Context {\n return ROOT_CONTEXT;\n }\n\n with ReturnType>(\n _context: types.Context,\n fn: F,\n thisArg?: ThisParameterType,\n ...args: A\n ): ReturnType {\n return fn.call(thisArg, ...args);\n }\n\n bind(_context: types.Context, target: T): T {\n return target;\n }\n\n enable(): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n disable(): this {\n return this;\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Context } from './types';\n\n/** Get a key to uniquely identify a context value */\nexport function createContextKey(description: string) {\n // The specification states that for the same input, multiple calls should\n // return different keys. Due to the nature of the JS dependency management\n // system, this creates problems where multiple versions of some package\n // could hold different keys for the same property.\n //\n // Therefore, we use Symbol.for which returns the same key for the same input.\n return Symbol.for(description);\n}\n\nclass BaseContext implements Context {\n private _currentContext!: Map;\n\n /**\n * Construct a new context which inherits values from an optional parent context.\n *\n * @param parentContext a context from which to inherit values\n */\n constructor(parentContext?: Map) {\n // for minification\n const self = this;\n\n self._currentContext = parentContext ? new Map(parentContext) : new Map();\n\n self.getValue = (key: symbol) => self._currentContext.get(key);\n\n self.setValue = (key: symbol, value: unknown): Context => {\n const context = new BaseContext(self._currentContext);\n context._currentContext.set(key, value);\n return context;\n };\n\n self.deleteValue = (key: symbol): Context => {\n const context = new BaseContext(self._currentContext);\n context._currentContext.delete(key);\n return context;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Get a value from the context.\n *\n * @param key key which identifies a context value\n */\n public getValue!: (key: symbol) => unknown;\n\n /**\n * Create a new context which inherits from this context and has\n * the given key set to the given value.\n *\n * @param key context key for which to set the value\n * @param value value to set for the given key\n */\n public setValue!: (key: symbol, value: unknown) => Context;\n\n /**\n * Return a new context which inherits from this context but does\n * not contain a value for the given key.\n *\n * @param key context key for which to clear a value\n */\n public deleteValue!: (key: symbol) => Context;\n}\n\n/** The root context is used as the default parent context when there is no active context */\nexport const ROOT_CONTEXT: Context = new BaseContext();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { MeterProvider } from '../metrics/MeterProvider';\nimport { ContextManager } from '../context/types';\nimport { DiagLogger } from '../diag/types';\nimport { _globalThis } from '../platform';\nimport { TextMapPropagator } from '../propagation/TextMapPropagator';\nimport type { TracerProvider } from '../trace/tracer_provider';\nimport { VERSION } from '../version';\nimport { isCompatible } from './semver';\n\nconst major = VERSION.split('.')[0];\nconst GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY = Symbol.for(\n `opentelemetry.js.api.${major}`\n);\n\nconst _global = _globalThis as OTelGlobal;\n\nexport function registerGlobal(\n type: Type,\n instance: OTelGlobalAPI[Type],\n diag: DiagLogger,\n allowOverride = false\n): boolean {\n const api = (_global[GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY] = _global[\n GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY\n ] ?? {\n version: VERSION,\n });\n\n if (!allowOverride && api[type]) {\n // already registered an API of this type\n const err = new Error(\n `@opentelemetry/api: Attempted duplicate registration of API: ${type}`\n );\n diag.error(err.stack || err.message);\n return false;\n }\n\n if (api.version !== VERSION) {\n // All registered APIs must be of the same version exactly\n const err = new Error(\n `@opentelemetry/api: Registration of version v${api.version} for ${type} does not match previously registered API v${VERSION}`\n );\n diag.error(err.stack || err.message);\n return false;\n }\n\n api[type] = instance;\n diag.debug(\n `@opentelemetry/api: Registered a global for ${type} v${VERSION}.`\n );\n\n return true;\n}\n\nexport function getGlobal(\n type: Type\n): OTelGlobalAPI[Type] | undefined {\n const globalVersion = _global[GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY]?.version;\n if (!globalVersion || !isCompatible(globalVersion)) {\n return;\n }\n return _global[GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY]?.[type];\n}\n\nexport function unregisterGlobal(type: keyof OTelGlobalAPI, diag: DiagLogger) {\n diag.debug(\n `@opentelemetry/api: Unregistering a global for ${type} v${VERSION}.`\n );\n const api = _global[GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY];\n\n if (api) {\n delete api[type];\n }\n}\n\ntype OTelGlobal = {\n [GLOBAL_OPENTELEMETRY_API_KEY]?: OTelGlobalAPI;\n};\n\ntype OTelGlobalAPI = {\n version: string;\n\n diag?: DiagLogger;\n trace?: TracerProvider;\n context?: ContextManager;\n metrics?: MeterProvider;\n propagation?: TextMapPropagator;\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/** only globals that common to node and browsers are allowed */\n// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins\nexport const _globalThis = typeof globalThis === 'object' ? globalThis : global;\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// this is autogenerated file, see scripts/version-update.js\nexport const VERSION = '1.4.1';\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { VERSION } from '../version';\n\nconst re = /^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(-(.+))?$/;\n\n/**\n * Create a function to test an API version to see if it is compatible with the provided ownVersion.\n *\n * The returned function has the following semantics:\n * - Exact match is always compatible\n * - Major versions must match exactly\n * - 1.x package cannot use global 2.x package\n * - 2.x package cannot use global 1.x package\n * - The minor version of the API module requesting access to the global API must be less than or equal to the minor version of this API\n * - 1.3 package may use 1.4 global because the later global contains all functions 1.3 expects\n * - 1.4 package may NOT use 1.3 global because it may try to call functions which don't exist on 1.3\n * - If the major version is 0, the minor version is treated as the major and the patch is treated as the minor\n * - Patch and build tag differences are not considered at this time\n *\n * @param ownVersion version which should be checked against\n */\nexport function _makeCompatibilityCheck(\n ownVersion: string\n): (globalVersion: string) => boolean {\n const acceptedVersions = new Set([ownVersion]);\n const rejectedVersions = new Set();\n\n const myVersionMatch = ownVersion.match(re);\n if (!myVersionMatch) {\n // we cannot guarantee compatibility so we always return noop\n return () => false;\n }\n\n const ownVersionParsed = {\n major: +myVersionMatch[1],\n minor: +myVersionMatch[2],\n patch: +myVersionMatch[3],\n prerelease: myVersionMatch[4],\n };\n\n // if ownVersion has a prerelease tag, versions must match exactly\n if (ownVersionParsed.prerelease != null) {\n return function isExactmatch(globalVersion: string): boolean {\n return globalVersion === ownVersion;\n };\n }\n\n function _reject(v: string) {\n rejectedVersions.add(v);\n return false;\n }\n\n function _accept(v: string) {\n acceptedVersions.add(v);\n return true;\n }\n\n return function isCompatible(globalVersion: string): boolean {\n if (acceptedVersions.has(globalVersion)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (rejectedVersions.has(globalVersion)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const globalVersionMatch = globalVersion.match(re);\n if (!globalVersionMatch) {\n // cannot parse other version\n // we cannot guarantee compatibility so we always noop\n return _reject(globalVersion);\n }\n\n const globalVersionParsed = {\n major: +globalVersionMatch[1],\n minor: +globalVersionMatch[2],\n patch: +globalVersionMatch[3],\n prerelease: globalVersionMatch[4],\n };\n\n // if globalVersion has a prerelease tag, versions must match exactly\n if (globalVersionParsed.prerelease != null) {\n return _reject(globalVersion);\n }\n\n // major versions must match\n if (ownVersionParsed.major !== globalVersionParsed.major) {\n return _reject(globalVersion);\n }\n\n if (ownVersionParsed.major === 0) {\n if (\n ownVersionParsed.minor === globalVersionParsed.minor &&\n ownVersionParsed.patch <= globalVersionParsed.patch\n ) {\n return _accept(globalVersion);\n }\n\n return _reject(globalVersion);\n }\n\n if (ownVersionParsed.minor <= globalVersionParsed.minor) {\n return _accept(globalVersion);\n }\n\n return _reject(globalVersion);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Test an API version to see if it is compatible with this API.\n *\n * - Exact match is always compatible\n * - Major versions must match exactly\n * - 1.x package cannot use global 2.x package\n * - 2.x package cannot use global 1.x package\n * - The minor version of the API module requesting access to the global API must be less than or equal to the minor version of this API\n * - 1.3 package may use 1.4 global because the later global contains all functions 1.3 expects\n * - 1.4 package may NOT use 1.3 global because it may try to call functions which don't exist on 1.3\n * - If the major version is 0, the minor version is treated as the major and the patch is treated as the minor\n * - Patch and build tag differences are not considered at this time\n *\n * @param version version of the API requesting an instance of the global API\n */\nexport const isCompatible = _makeCompatibilityCheck(VERSION);\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { DiagComponentLogger } from '../diag/ComponentLogger';\nimport { createLogLevelDiagLogger } from '../diag/internal/logLevelLogger';\nimport {\n ComponentLoggerOptions,\n DiagLogFunction,\n DiagLogger,\n DiagLoggerApi,\n DiagLogLevel,\n} from '../diag/types';\nimport {\n getGlobal,\n registerGlobal,\n unregisterGlobal,\n} from '../internal/global-utils';\n\nconst API_NAME = 'diag';\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry internal\n * diagnostic API\n */\nexport class DiagAPI implements DiagLogger, DiagLoggerApi {\n private static _instance?: DiagAPI;\n\n /** Get the singleton instance of the DiagAPI API */\n public static instance(): DiagAPI {\n if (!this._instance) {\n this._instance = new DiagAPI();\n }\n\n return this._instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Private internal constructor\n * @private\n */\n private constructor() {\n function _logProxy(funcName: keyof DiagLogger): DiagLogFunction {\n return function (...args) {\n const logger = getGlobal('diag');\n // shortcut if logger not set\n if (!logger) return;\n return logger[funcName](...args);\n };\n }\n\n // Using self local variable for minification purposes as 'this' cannot be minified\n const self = this;\n\n // DiagAPI specific functions\n\n const setLogger: DiagLoggerApi['setLogger'] = (\n logger,\n optionsOrLogLevel = { logLevel: DiagLogLevel.INFO }\n ) => {\n if (logger === self) {\n // There isn't much we can do here.\n // Logging to the console might break the user application.\n // Try to log to self. If a logger was previously registered it will receive the log.\n const err = new Error(\n 'Cannot use diag as the logger for itself. Please use a DiagLogger implementation like ConsoleDiagLogger or a custom implementation'\n );\n self.error(err.stack ?? err.message);\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof optionsOrLogLevel === 'number') {\n optionsOrLogLevel = {\n logLevel: optionsOrLogLevel,\n };\n }\n\n const oldLogger = getGlobal('diag');\n const newLogger = createLogLevelDiagLogger(\n optionsOrLogLevel.logLevel ?? DiagLogLevel.INFO,\n logger\n );\n // There already is an logger registered. We'll let it know before overwriting it.\n if (oldLogger && !optionsOrLogLevel.suppressOverrideMessage) {\n const stack = new Error().stack ?? '';\n oldLogger.warn(`Current logger will be overwritten from ${stack}`);\n newLogger.warn(\n `Current logger will overwrite one already registered from ${stack}`\n );\n }\n\n return registerGlobal('diag', newLogger, self, true);\n };\n\n self.setLogger = setLogger;\n\n self.disable = () => {\n unregisterGlobal(API_NAME, self);\n };\n\n self.createComponentLogger = (options: ComponentLoggerOptions) => {\n return new DiagComponentLogger(options);\n };\n\n self.verbose = _logProxy('verbose');\n self.debug = _logProxy('debug');\n self.info = _logProxy('info');\n self.warn = _logProxy('warn');\n self.error = _logProxy('error');\n }\n\n public setLogger!: DiagLoggerApi['setLogger'];\n /**\n *\n */\n public createComponentLogger!: (\n options: ComponentLoggerOptions\n ) => DiagLogger;\n\n // DiagLogger implementation\n public verbose!: DiagLogFunction;\n public debug!: DiagLogFunction;\n public info!: DiagLogFunction;\n public warn!: DiagLogFunction;\n public error!: DiagLogFunction;\n\n /**\n * Unregister the global logger and return to Noop\n */\n public disable!: () => void;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { getGlobal } from '../internal/global-utils';\nimport { ComponentLoggerOptions, DiagLogger, DiagLogFunction } from './types';\n\n/**\n * Component Logger which is meant to be used as part of any component which\n * will add automatically additional namespace in front of the log message.\n * It will then forward all message to global diag logger\n * @example\n * const cLogger = diag.createComponentLogger({ namespace: '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http' });\n * cLogger.debug('test');\n * // @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http test\n */\nexport class DiagComponentLogger implements DiagLogger {\n private _namespace: string;\n\n constructor(props: ComponentLoggerOptions) {\n this._namespace = props.namespace || 'DiagComponentLogger';\n }\n\n public debug(...args: any[]): void {\n return logProxy('debug', this._namespace, args);\n }\n\n public error(...args: any[]): void {\n return logProxy('error', this._namespace, args);\n }\n\n public info(...args: any[]): void {\n return logProxy('info', this._namespace, args);\n }\n\n public warn(...args: any[]): void {\n return logProxy('warn', this._namespace, args);\n }\n\n public verbose(...args: any[]): void {\n return logProxy('verbose', this._namespace, args);\n }\n}\n\nfunction logProxy(\n funcName: keyof DiagLogger,\n namespace: string,\n args: any\n): void {\n const logger = getGlobal('diag');\n // shortcut if logger not set\n if (!logger) {\n return;\n }\n\n args.unshift(namespace);\n return logger[funcName](...(args as Parameters));\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { DiagLogFunction, DiagLogger, DiagLogLevel } from '../types';\n\nexport function createLogLevelDiagLogger(\n maxLevel: DiagLogLevel,\n logger: DiagLogger\n): DiagLogger {\n if (maxLevel < DiagLogLevel.NONE) {\n maxLevel = DiagLogLevel.NONE;\n } else if (maxLevel > DiagLogLevel.ALL) {\n maxLevel = DiagLogLevel.ALL;\n }\n\n // In case the logger is null or undefined\n logger = logger || {};\n\n function _filterFunc(\n funcName: keyof DiagLogger,\n theLevel: DiagLogLevel\n ): DiagLogFunction {\n const theFunc = logger[funcName];\n\n if (typeof theFunc === 'function' && maxLevel >= theLevel) {\n return theFunc.bind(logger);\n }\n return function () {};\n }\n\n return {\n error: _filterFunc('error', DiagLogLevel.ERROR),\n warn: _filterFunc('warn', DiagLogLevel.WARN),\n info: _filterFunc('info', DiagLogLevel.INFO),\n debug: _filterFunc('debug', DiagLogLevel.DEBUG),\n verbose: _filterFunc('verbose', DiagLogLevel.VERBOSE),\n };\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nexport type DiagLogFunction = (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void;\n\n/**\n * Defines an internal diagnostic logger interface which is used to log internal diagnostic\n * messages, you can set the default diagnostic logger via the {@link DiagAPI} setLogger function.\n * API provided implementations include :-\n * - a No-Op {@link createNoopDiagLogger}\n * - a {@link DiagLogLevel} filtering wrapper {@link createLogLevelDiagLogger}\n * - a general Console {@link DiagConsoleLogger} version.\n */\nexport interface DiagLogger {\n /** Log an error scenario that was not expected and caused the requested operation to fail. */\n error: DiagLogFunction;\n\n /**\n * Log a warning scenario to inform the developer of an issues that should be investigated.\n * The requested operation may or may not have succeeded or completed.\n */\n warn: DiagLogFunction;\n\n /**\n * Log a general informational message, this should not affect functionality.\n * This is also the default logging level so this should NOT be used for logging\n * debugging level information.\n */\n info: DiagLogFunction;\n\n /**\n * Log a general debug message that can be useful for identifying a failure.\n * Information logged at this level may include diagnostic details that would\n * help identify a failure scenario.\n * For example: Logging the order of execution of async operations.\n */\n debug: DiagLogFunction;\n\n /**\n * Log a detailed (verbose) trace level logging that can be used to identify failures\n * where debug level logging would be insufficient, this level of tracing can include\n * input and output parameters and as such may include PII information passing through\n * the API. As such it is recommended that this level of tracing should not be enabled\n * in a production environment.\n */\n verbose: DiagLogFunction;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines the available internal logging levels for the diagnostic logger, the numeric values\n * of the levels are defined to match the original values from the initial LogLevel to avoid\n * compatibility/migration issues for any implementation that assume the numeric ordering.\n */\nexport enum DiagLogLevel {\n /** Diagnostic Logging level setting to disable all logging (except and forced logs) */\n NONE = 0,\n\n /** Identifies an error scenario */\n ERROR = 30,\n\n /** Identifies a warning scenario */\n WARN = 50,\n\n /** General informational log message */\n INFO = 60,\n\n /** General debug log message */\n DEBUG = 70,\n\n /**\n * Detailed trace level logging should only be used for development, should only be set\n * in a development environment.\n */\n VERBOSE = 80,\n\n /** Used to set the logging level to include all logging */\n ALL = 9999,\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines options for ComponentLogger\n */\nexport interface ComponentLoggerOptions {\n namespace: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DiagLoggerOptions {\n /**\n * The {@link DiagLogLevel} used to filter logs sent to the logger.\n *\n * @defaultValue DiagLogLevel.INFO\n */\n logLevel?: DiagLogLevel;\n\n /**\n * Setting this value to `true` will suppress the warning message normally emitted when registering a logger when another logger is already registered.\n */\n suppressOverrideMessage?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface DiagLoggerApi {\n /**\n * Set the global DiagLogger and DiagLogLevel.\n * If a global diag logger is already set, this will override it.\n *\n * @param logger - The {@link DiagLogger} instance to set as the default logger.\n * @param options - A {@link DiagLoggerOptions} object. If not provided, default values will be set.\n * @returns `true` if the logger was successfully registered, else `false`\n */\n setLogger(logger: DiagLogger, options?: DiagLoggerOptions): boolean;\n\n /**\n *\n * @param logger - The {@link DiagLogger} instance to set as the default logger.\n * @param logLevel - The {@link DiagLogLevel} used to filter logs sent to the logger. If not provided it will default to {@link DiagLogLevel.INFO}.\n * @returns `true` if the logger was successfully registered, else `false`\n */\n setLogger(logger: DiagLogger, logLevel?: DiagLogLevel): boolean;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// Split module-level variable definition into separate files to allow\n// tree-shaking on each api instance.\nimport { DiagAPI } from './api/diag';\n/**\n * Entrypoint for Diag API.\n * Defines Diagnostic handler used for internal diagnostic logging operations.\n * The default provides a Noop DiagLogger implementation which may be changed via the\n * diag.setLogger(logger: DiagLogger) function.\n */\nexport const diag = DiagAPI.instance();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// Split module-level variable definition into separate files to allow\n// tree-shaking on each api instance.\nimport { MetricsAPI } from './api/metrics';\n/** Entrypoint for metrics API */\nexport const metrics = MetricsAPI.getInstance();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Meter, MeterOptions } from '../metrics/Meter';\nimport { MeterProvider } from '../metrics/MeterProvider';\nimport { NOOP_METER_PROVIDER } from '../metrics/NoopMeterProvider';\nimport {\n getGlobal,\n registerGlobal,\n unregisterGlobal,\n} from '../internal/global-utils';\nimport { DiagAPI } from './diag';\n\nconst API_NAME = 'metrics';\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry Metrics API\n */\nexport class MetricsAPI {\n private static _instance?: MetricsAPI;\n\n /** Empty private constructor prevents end users from constructing a new instance of the API */\n private constructor() {}\n\n /** Get the singleton instance of the Metrics API */\n public static getInstance(): MetricsAPI {\n if (!this._instance) {\n this._instance = new MetricsAPI();\n }\n\n return this._instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the current global meter provider.\n * Returns true if the meter provider was successfully registered, else false.\n */\n public setGlobalMeterProvider(provider: MeterProvider): boolean {\n return registerGlobal(API_NAME, provider, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the global meter provider.\n */\n public getMeterProvider(): MeterProvider {\n return getGlobal(API_NAME) || NOOP_METER_PROVIDER;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a meter from the global meter provider.\n */\n public getMeter(\n name: string,\n version?: string,\n options?: MeterOptions\n ): Meter {\n return this.getMeterProvider().getMeter(name, version, options);\n }\n\n /** Remove the global meter provider */\n public disable(): void {\n unregisterGlobal(API_NAME, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Meter, MeterOptions } from './Meter';\nimport { MeterProvider } from './MeterProvider';\nimport { NOOP_METER } from './NoopMeter';\n\n/**\n * An implementation of the {@link MeterProvider} which returns an impotent Meter\n * for all calls to `getMeter`\n */\nexport class NoopMeterProvider implements MeterProvider {\n getMeter(_name: string, _version?: string, _options?: MeterOptions): Meter {\n return NOOP_METER;\n }\n}\n\nexport const NOOP_METER_PROVIDER = new NoopMeterProvider();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Meter } from './Meter';\nimport {\n BatchObservableCallback,\n Counter,\n Histogram,\n MetricOptions,\n ObservableCallback,\n ObservableCounter,\n ObservableGauge,\n ObservableUpDownCounter,\n UpDownCounter,\n MetricAttributes,\n Observable,\n} from './Metric';\n\n/**\n * NoopMeter is a noop implementation of the {@link Meter} interface. It reuses\n * constant NoopMetrics for all of its methods.\n */\nexport class NoopMeter implements Meter {\n constructor() {}\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createHistogram}\n */\n createHistogram(_name: string, _options?: MetricOptions): Histogram {\n return NOOP_HISTOGRAM_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createCounter}\n */\n createCounter(_name: string, _options?: MetricOptions): Counter {\n return NOOP_COUNTER_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createUpDownCounter}\n */\n createUpDownCounter(_name: string, _options?: MetricOptions): UpDownCounter {\n return NOOP_UP_DOWN_COUNTER_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createObservableGauge}\n */\n createObservableGauge(\n _name: string,\n _options?: MetricOptions\n ): ObservableGauge {\n return NOOP_OBSERVABLE_GAUGE_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createObservableCounter}\n */\n createObservableCounter(\n _name: string,\n _options?: MetricOptions\n ): ObservableCounter {\n return NOOP_OBSERVABLE_COUNTER_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.createObservableUpDownCounter}\n */\n createObservableUpDownCounter(\n _name: string,\n _options?: MetricOptions\n ): ObservableUpDownCounter {\n return NOOP_OBSERVABLE_UP_DOWN_COUNTER_METRIC;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.addBatchObservableCallback}\n */\n addBatchObservableCallback(\n _callback: BatchObservableCallback,\n _observables: Observable[]\n ): void {}\n\n /**\n * @see {@link Meter.removeBatchObservableCallback}\n */\n removeBatchObservableCallback(_callback: BatchObservableCallback): void {}\n}\n\nexport class NoopMetric {}\n\nexport class NoopCounterMetric extends NoopMetric implements Counter {\n add(_value: number, _attributes: MetricAttributes): void {}\n}\n\nexport class NoopUpDownCounterMetric\n extends NoopMetric\n implements UpDownCounter\n{\n add(_value: number, _attributes: MetricAttributes): void {}\n}\n\nexport class NoopHistogramMetric extends NoopMetric implements Histogram {\n record(_value: number, _attributes: MetricAttributes): void {}\n}\n\nexport class NoopObservableMetric {\n addCallback(_callback: ObservableCallback) {}\n\n removeCallback(_callback: ObservableCallback) {}\n}\n\nexport class NoopObservableCounterMetric\n extends NoopObservableMetric\n implements ObservableCounter {}\n\nexport class NoopObservableGaugeMetric\n extends NoopObservableMetric\n implements ObservableGauge {}\n\nexport class NoopObservableUpDownCounterMetric\n extends NoopObservableMetric\n implements ObservableUpDownCounter {}\n\nexport const NOOP_METER = new NoopMeter();\n\n// Synchronous instruments\nexport const NOOP_COUNTER_METRIC = new NoopCounterMetric();\nexport const NOOP_HISTOGRAM_METRIC = new NoopHistogramMetric();\nexport const NOOP_UP_DOWN_COUNTER_METRIC = new NoopUpDownCounterMetric();\n\n// Asynchronous instruments\nexport const NOOP_OBSERVABLE_COUNTER_METRIC = new NoopObservableCounterMetric();\nexport const NOOP_OBSERVABLE_GAUGE_METRIC = new NoopObservableGaugeMetric();\nexport const NOOP_OBSERVABLE_UP_DOWN_COUNTER_METRIC =\n new NoopObservableUpDownCounterMetric();\n\n/**\n * Create a no-op Meter\n */\nexport function createNoopMeter(): Meter {\n return NOOP_METER;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// Split module-level variable definition into separate files to allow\n// tree-shaking on each api instance.\nimport { PropagationAPI } from './api/propagation';\n/** Entrypoint for propagation API */\nexport const propagation = PropagationAPI.getInstance();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport {\n getGlobal,\n registerGlobal,\n unregisterGlobal,\n} from '../internal/global-utils';\nimport { NoopTextMapPropagator } from '../propagation/NoopTextMapPropagator';\nimport {\n defaultTextMapGetter,\n defaultTextMapSetter,\n TextMapGetter,\n TextMapPropagator,\n TextMapSetter,\n} from '../propagation/TextMapPropagator';\nimport {\n getBaggage,\n getActiveBaggage,\n setBaggage,\n deleteBaggage,\n} from '../baggage/context-helpers';\nimport { createBaggage } from '../baggage/utils';\nimport { DiagAPI } from './diag';\n\nconst API_NAME = 'propagation';\nconst NOOP_TEXT_MAP_PROPAGATOR = new NoopTextMapPropagator();\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry Propagation API\n */\nexport class PropagationAPI {\n private static _instance?: PropagationAPI;\n\n /** Empty private constructor prevents end users from constructing a new instance of the API */\n private constructor() {}\n\n /** Get the singleton instance of the Propagator API */\n public static getInstance(): PropagationAPI {\n if (!this._instance) {\n this._instance = new PropagationAPI();\n }\n\n return this._instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the current propagator.\n *\n * @returns true if the propagator was successfully registered, else false\n */\n public setGlobalPropagator(propagator: TextMapPropagator): boolean {\n return registerGlobal(API_NAME, propagator, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n\n /**\n * Inject context into a carrier to be propagated inter-process\n *\n * @param context Context carrying tracing data to inject\n * @param carrier carrier to inject context into\n * @param setter Function used to set values on the carrier\n */\n public inject(\n context: Context,\n carrier: Carrier,\n setter: TextMapSetter = defaultTextMapSetter\n ): void {\n return this._getGlobalPropagator().inject(context, carrier, setter);\n }\n\n /**\n * Extract context from a carrier\n *\n * @param context Context which the newly created context will inherit from\n * @param carrier Carrier to extract context from\n * @param getter Function used to extract keys from a carrier\n */\n public extract(\n context: Context,\n carrier: Carrier,\n getter: TextMapGetter = defaultTextMapGetter\n ): Context {\n return this._getGlobalPropagator().extract(context, carrier, getter);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return a list of all fields which may be used by the propagator.\n */\n public fields(): string[] {\n return this._getGlobalPropagator().fields();\n }\n\n /** Remove the global propagator */\n public disable() {\n unregisterGlobal(API_NAME, DiagAPI.instance());\n }\n\n public createBaggage = createBaggage;\n\n public getBaggage = getBaggage;\n\n public getActiveBaggage = getActiveBaggage;\n\n public setBaggage = setBaggage;\n\n public deleteBaggage = deleteBaggage;\n\n private _getGlobalPropagator(): TextMapPropagator {\n return getGlobal(API_NAME) || NOOP_TEXT_MAP_PROPAGATOR;\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport { TextMapPropagator } from './TextMapPropagator';\n\n/**\n * No-op implementations of {@link TextMapPropagator}.\n */\nexport class NoopTextMapPropagator implements TextMapPropagator {\n /** Noop inject function does nothing */\n inject(_context: Context, _carrier: unknown): void {}\n /** Noop extract function does nothing and returns the input context */\n extract(context: Context, _carrier: unknown): Context {\n return context;\n }\n fields(): string[] {\n return [];\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\n\n/**\n * Injects `Context` into and extracts it from carriers that travel\n * in-band across process boundaries. Encoding is expected to conform to the\n * HTTP Header Field semantics. Values are often encoded as RPC/HTTP request\n * headers.\n *\n * The carrier of propagated data on both the client (injector) and server\n * (extractor) side is usually an object such as http headers. Propagation is\n * usually implemented via library-specific request interceptors, where the\n * client-side injects values and the server-side extracts them.\n */\nexport interface TextMapPropagator {\n /**\n * Injects values from a given `Context` into a carrier.\n *\n * OpenTelemetry defines a common set of format values (TextMapPropagator),\n * and each has an expected `carrier` type.\n *\n * @param context the Context from which to extract values to transmit over\n * the wire.\n * @param carrier the carrier of propagation fields, such as http request\n * headers.\n * @param setter an optional {@link TextMapSetter}. If undefined, values will be\n * set by direct object assignment.\n */\n inject(\n context: Context,\n carrier: Carrier,\n setter: TextMapSetter\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Given a `Context` and a carrier, extract context values from a\n * carrier and return a new context, created from the old context, with the\n * extracted values.\n *\n * @param context the Context from which to extract values to transmit over\n * the wire.\n * @param carrier the carrier of propagation fields, such as http request\n * headers.\n * @param getter an optional {@link TextMapGetter}. If undefined, keys will be all\n * own properties, and keys will be accessed by direct object access.\n */\n extract(\n context: Context,\n carrier: Carrier,\n getter: TextMapGetter\n ): Context;\n\n /**\n * Return a list of all fields which may be used by the propagator.\n */\n fields(): string[];\n}\n\n/**\n * A setter is specified by the caller to define a specific method\n * to set key/value pairs on the carrier within a propagator.\n */\nexport interface TextMapSetter {\n /**\n * Callback used to set a key/value pair on an object.\n *\n * Should be called by the propagator each time a key/value pair\n * should be set, and should set that key/value pair on the propagator.\n *\n * @param carrier object or class which carries key/value pairs\n * @param key string key to modify\n * @param value value to be set to the key on the carrier\n */\n set(carrier: Carrier, key: string, value: string): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * A getter is specified by the caller to define a specific method\n * to get the value of a key from a carrier.\n */\nexport interface TextMapGetter {\n /**\n * Get a list of all keys available on the carrier.\n *\n * @param carrier\n */\n keys(carrier: Carrier): string[];\n\n /**\n * Get the value of a specific key from the carrier.\n *\n * @param carrier\n * @param key\n */\n get(carrier: Carrier, key: string): undefined | string | string[];\n}\n\nexport const defaultTextMapGetter: TextMapGetter = {\n get(carrier, key) {\n if (carrier == null) {\n return undefined;\n }\n return carrier[key];\n },\n\n keys(carrier) {\n if (carrier == null) {\n return [];\n }\n return Object.keys(carrier);\n },\n};\n\nexport const defaultTextMapSetter: TextMapSetter = {\n set(carrier, key, value) {\n if (carrier == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n carrier[key] = value;\n },\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { ContextAPI } from '../api/context';\nimport { createContextKey } from '../context/context';\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport { Baggage } from './types';\n\n/**\n * Baggage key\n */\nconst BAGGAGE_KEY = createContextKey('OpenTelemetry Baggage Key');\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the current baggage from the given context\n *\n * @param {Context} Context that manage all context values\n * @returns {Baggage} Extracted baggage from the context\n */\nexport function getBaggage(context: Context): Baggage | undefined {\n return (context.getValue(BAGGAGE_KEY) as Baggage) || undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the current baggage from the active/current context\n *\n * @returns {Baggage} Extracted baggage from the context\n */\nexport function getActiveBaggage(): Baggage | undefined {\n return getBaggage(ContextAPI.getInstance().active());\n}\n\n/**\n * Store a baggage in the given context\n *\n * @param {Context} Context that manage all context values\n * @param {Baggage} baggage that will be set in the actual context\n */\nexport function setBaggage(context: Context, baggage: Baggage): Context {\n return context.setValue(BAGGAGE_KEY, baggage);\n}\n\n/**\n * Delete the baggage stored in the given context\n *\n * @param {Context} Context that manage all context values\n */\nexport function deleteBaggage(context: Context): Context {\n return context.deleteValue(BAGGAGE_KEY);\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { DiagAPI } from '../api/diag';\nimport { BaggageImpl } from './internal/baggage-impl';\nimport { baggageEntryMetadataSymbol } from './internal/symbol';\nimport { Baggage, BaggageEntry, BaggageEntryMetadata } from './types';\n\nconst diag = DiagAPI.instance();\n\n/**\n * Create a new Baggage with optional entries\n *\n * @param entries An array of baggage entries the new baggage should contain\n */\nexport function createBaggage(\n entries: Record = {}\n): Baggage {\n return new BaggageImpl(new Map(Object.entries(entries)));\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a serializable BaggageEntryMetadata object from a string.\n *\n * @param str string metadata. Format is currently not defined by the spec and has no special meaning.\n *\n */\nexport function baggageEntryMetadataFromString(\n str: string\n): BaggageEntryMetadata {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n diag.error(\n `Cannot create baggage metadata from unknown type: ${typeof str}`\n );\n str = '';\n }\n\n return {\n __TYPE__: baggageEntryMetadataSymbol,\n toString() {\n return str;\n },\n };\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport type { Baggage, BaggageEntry } from '../types';\n\nexport class BaggageImpl implements Baggage {\n private _entries: Map;\n\n constructor(entries?: Map) {\n this._entries = entries ? new Map(entries) : new Map();\n }\n\n getEntry(key: string): BaggageEntry | undefined {\n const entry = this._entries.get(key);\n if (!entry) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n return Object.assign({}, entry);\n }\n\n getAllEntries(): [string, BaggageEntry][] {\n return Array.from(this._entries.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, v]);\n }\n\n setEntry(key: string, entry: BaggageEntry): BaggageImpl {\n const newBaggage = new BaggageImpl(this._entries);\n newBaggage._entries.set(key, entry);\n return newBaggage;\n }\n\n removeEntry(key: string): BaggageImpl {\n const newBaggage = new BaggageImpl(this._entries);\n newBaggage._entries.delete(key);\n return newBaggage;\n }\n\n removeEntries(...keys: string[]): BaggageImpl {\n const newBaggage = new BaggageImpl(this._entries);\n for (const key of keys) {\n newBaggage._entries.delete(key);\n }\n return newBaggage;\n }\n\n clear(): BaggageImpl {\n return new BaggageImpl();\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/**\n * Symbol used to make BaggageEntryMetadata an opaque type\n */\nexport const baggageEntryMetadataSymbol = Symbol('BaggageEntryMetadata');\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n// Split module-level variable definition into separate files to allow\n// tree-shaking on each api instance.\nimport { TraceAPI } from './api/trace';\n/** Entrypoint for trace API */\nexport const trace = TraceAPI.getInstance();\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport {\n getGlobal,\n registerGlobal,\n unregisterGlobal,\n} from '../internal/global-utils';\nimport { ProxyTracerProvider } from '../trace/ProxyTracerProvider';\nimport {\n isSpanContextValid,\n wrapSpanContext,\n} from '../trace/spancontext-utils';\nimport { Tracer } from '../trace/tracer';\nimport { TracerProvider } from '../trace/tracer_provider';\nimport {\n deleteSpan,\n getActiveSpan,\n getSpan,\n getSpanContext,\n setSpan,\n setSpanContext,\n} from '../trace/context-utils';\nimport { DiagAPI } from './diag';\n\nconst API_NAME = 'trace';\n\n/**\n * Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry Tracing API\n */\nexport class TraceAPI {\n private static _instance?: TraceAPI;\n\n private _proxyTracerProvider = new ProxyTracerProvider();\n\n /** Empty private constructor prevents end users from constructing a new instance of the API */\n private constructor() {}\n\n /** Get the singleton instance of the Trace API */\n public static getInstance(): TraceAPI {\n if (!this._instance) {\n this._instance = new TraceAPI();\n }\n\n return this._instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the current global tracer.\n *\n * @returns true if the tracer provider was successfully registered, else false\n */\n public setGlobalTracerProvider(provider: TracerProvider): boolean {\n const success = registerGlobal(\n API_NAME,\n this._proxyTracerProvider,\n DiagAPI.instance()\n );\n if (success) {\n this._proxyTracerProvider.setDelegate(provider);\n }\n return success;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the global tracer provider.\n */\n public getTracerProvider(): TracerProvider {\n return getGlobal(API_NAME) || this._proxyTracerProvider;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a tracer from the global tracer provider.\n */\n public getTracer(name: string, version?: string): Tracer {\n return this.getTracerProvider().getTracer(name, version);\n }\n\n /** Remove the global tracer provider */\n public disable() {\n unregisterGlobal(API_NAME, DiagAPI.instance());\n this._proxyTracerProvider = new ProxyTracerProvider();\n }\n\n public wrapSpanContext = wrapSpanContext;\n\n public isSpanContextValid = isSpanContextValid;\n\n public deleteSpan = deleteSpan;\n\n public getSpan = getSpan;\n\n public getActiveSpan = getActiveSpan;\n\n public getSpanContext = getSpanContext;\n\n public setSpan = setSpan;\n\n public setSpanContext = setSpanContext;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Tracer } from './tracer';\nimport { TracerProvider } from './tracer_provider';\nimport { ProxyTracer } from './ProxyTracer';\nimport { NoopTracerProvider } from './NoopTracerProvider';\nimport { TracerOptions } from './tracer_options';\n\nconst NOOP_TRACER_PROVIDER = new NoopTracerProvider();\n\n/**\n * Tracer provider which provides {@link ProxyTracer}s.\n *\n * Before a delegate is set, tracers provided are NoOp.\n * When a delegate is set, traces are provided from the delegate.\n * When a delegate is set after tracers have already been provided,\n * all tracers already provided will use the provided delegate implementation.\n */\nexport class ProxyTracerProvider implements TracerProvider {\n private _delegate?: TracerProvider;\n\n /**\n * Get a {@link ProxyTracer}\n */\n getTracer(name: string, version?: string, options?: TracerOptions): Tracer {\n return (\n this.getDelegateTracer(name, version, options) ??\n new ProxyTracer(this, name, version, options)\n );\n }\n\n getDelegate(): TracerProvider {\n return this._delegate ?? NOOP_TRACER_PROVIDER;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the delegate tracer provider\n */\n setDelegate(delegate: TracerProvider) {\n this._delegate = delegate;\n }\n\n getDelegateTracer(\n name: string,\n version?: string,\n options?: TracerOptions\n ): Tracer | undefined {\n return this._delegate?.getTracer(name, version, options);\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport { NoopTracer } from './NoopTracer';\nimport { Span } from './span';\nimport { SpanOptions } from './SpanOptions';\nimport { Tracer } from './tracer';\nimport { TracerOptions } from './tracer_options';\n\nconst NOOP_TRACER = new NoopTracer();\n\n/**\n * Proxy tracer provided by the proxy tracer provider\n */\nexport class ProxyTracer implements Tracer {\n // When a real implementation is provided, this will be it\n private _delegate?: Tracer;\n\n constructor(\n private _provider: TracerDelegator,\n public readonly name: string,\n public readonly version?: string,\n public readonly options?: TracerOptions\n ) {}\n\n startSpan(name: string, options?: SpanOptions, context?: Context): Span {\n return this._getTracer().startSpan(name, options, context);\n }\n\n startActiveSpan unknown>(\n _name: string,\n _options: F | SpanOptions,\n _context?: F | Context,\n _fn?: F\n ): ReturnType {\n const tracer = this._getTracer();\n return Reflect.apply(tracer.startActiveSpan, tracer, arguments);\n }\n\n /**\n * Try to get a tracer from the proxy tracer provider.\n * If the proxy tracer provider has no delegate, return a noop tracer.\n */\n private _getTracer() {\n if (this._delegate) {\n return this._delegate;\n }\n\n const tracer = this._provider.getDelegateTracer(\n this.name,\n this.version,\n this.options\n );\n\n if (!tracer) {\n return NOOP_TRACER;\n }\n\n this._delegate = tracer;\n return this._delegate;\n }\n}\n\nexport interface TracerDelegator {\n getDelegateTracer(\n name: string,\n version?: string,\n options?: TracerOptions\n ): Tracer | undefined;\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { ContextAPI } from '../api/context';\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport { getSpanContext, setSpan } from '../trace/context-utils';\nimport { NonRecordingSpan } from './NonRecordingSpan';\nimport { Span } from './span';\nimport { isSpanContextValid } from './spancontext-utils';\nimport { SpanOptions } from './SpanOptions';\nimport { SpanContext } from './span_context';\nimport { Tracer } from './tracer';\n\nconst contextApi = ContextAPI.getInstance();\n\n/**\n * No-op implementations of {@link Tracer}.\n */\nexport class NoopTracer implements Tracer {\n // startSpan starts a noop span.\n startSpan(\n name: string,\n options?: SpanOptions,\n context = contextApi.active()\n ): Span {\n const root = Boolean(options?.root);\n if (root) {\n return new NonRecordingSpan();\n }\n\n const parentFromContext = context && getSpanContext(context);\n\n if (\n isSpanContext(parentFromContext) &&\n isSpanContextValid(parentFromContext)\n ) {\n return new NonRecordingSpan(parentFromContext);\n } else {\n return new NonRecordingSpan();\n }\n }\n\n startActiveSpan ReturnType>(\n name: string,\n fn: F\n ): ReturnType;\n startActiveSpan ReturnType>(\n name: string,\n opts: SpanOptions | undefined,\n fn: F\n ): ReturnType;\n startActiveSpan ReturnType>(\n name: string,\n opts: SpanOptions | undefined,\n ctx: Context | undefined,\n fn: F\n ): ReturnType;\n startActiveSpan ReturnType>(\n name: string,\n arg2?: F | SpanOptions,\n arg3?: F | Context,\n arg4?: F\n ): ReturnType | undefined {\n let opts: SpanOptions | undefined;\n let ctx: Context | undefined;\n let fn: F;\n\n if (arguments.length < 2) {\n return;\n } else if (arguments.length === 2) {\n fn = arg2 as F;\n } else if (arguments.length === 3) {\n opts = arg2 as SpanOptions | undefined;\n fn = arg3 as F;\n } else {\n opts = arg2 as SpanOptions | undefined;\n ctx = arg3 as Context | undefined;\n fn = arg4 as F;\n }\n\n const parentContext = ctx ?? contextApi.active();\n const span = this.startSpan(name, opts, parentContext);\n const contextWithSpanSet = setSpan(parentContext, span);\n\n return contextApi.with(contextWithSpanSet, fn, undefined, span);\n }\n}\n\nfunction isSpanContext(spanContext: any): spanContext is SpanContext {\n return (\n typeof spanContext === 'object' &&\n typeof spanContext['spanId'] === 'string' &&\n typeof spanContext['traceId'] === 'string' &&\n typeof spanContext['traceFlags'] === 'number'\n );\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { createContextKey } from '../context/context';\nimport { Context } from '../context/types';\nimport { Span } from './span';\nimport { SpanContext } from './span_context';\nimport { NonRecordingSpan } from './NonRecordingSpan';\nimport { ContextAPI } from '../api/context';\n\n/**\n * span key\n */\nconst SPAN_KEY = createContextKey('OpenTelemetry Context Key SPAN');\n\n/**\n * Return the span if one exists\n *\n * @param context context to get span from\n */\nexport function getSpan(context: Context): Span | undefined {\n return (context.getValue(SPAN_KEY) as Span) || undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the span from the current context, if one exists.\n */\nexport function getActiveSpan(): Span | undefined {\n return getSpan(ContextAPI.getInstance().active());\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the span on a context\n *\n * @param context context to use as parent\n * @param span span to set active\n */\nexport function setSpan(context: Context, span: Span): Context {\n return context.setValue(SPAN_KEY, span);\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove current span stored in the context\n *\n * @param context context to delete span from\n */\nexport function deleteSpan(context: Context): Context {\n return context.deleteValue(SPAN_KEY);\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap span context in a NoopSpan and set as span in a new\n * context\n *\n * @param context context to set active span on\n * @param spanContext span context to be wrapped\n */\nexport function setSpanContext(\n context: Context,\n spanContext: SpanContext\n): Context {\n return setSpan(context, new NonRecordingSpan(spanContext));\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the span context of the span if it exists.\n *\n * @param context context to get values from\n */\nexport function getSpanContext(context: Context): SpanContext | undefined {\n return getSpan(context)?.spanContext();\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Exception } from '../common/Exception';\nimport { TimeInput } from '../common/Time';\nimport { SpanAttributes } from './attributes';\nimport { INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT } from './invalid-span-constants';\nimport { Span } from './span';\nimport { SpanContext } from './span_context';\nimport { SpanStatus } from './status';\n\n/**\n * The NonRecordingSpan is the default {@link Span} that is used when no Span\n * implementation is available. All operations are no-op including context\n * propagation.\n */\nexport class NonRecordingSpan implements Span {\n constructor(\n private readonly _spanContext: SpanContext = INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT\n ) {}\n\n // Returns a SpanContext.\n spanContext(): SpanContext {\n return this._spanContext;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n setAttribute(_key: string, _value: unknown): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n setAttributes(_attributes: SpanAttributes): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n addEvent(_name: string, _attributes?: SpanAttributes): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n setStatus(_status: SpanStatus): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n updateName(_name: string): this {\n return this;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n end(_endTime?: TimeInput): void {}\n\n // isRecording always returns false for NonRecordingSpan.\n isRecording(): boolean {\n return false;\n }\n\n // By default does nothing\n recordException(_exception: Exception, _time?: TimeInput): void {}\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\nimport { INVALID_SPANID, INVALID_TRACEID } from './invalid-span-constants';\nimport { NonRecordingSpan } from './NonRecordingSpan';\nimport { Span } from './span';\nimport { SpanContext } from './span_context';\n\nconst VALID_TRACEID_REGEX = /^([0-9a-f]{32})$/i;\nconst VALID_SPANID_REGEX = /^[0-9a-f]{16}$/i;\n\nexport function isValidTraceId(traceId: string): boolean {\n return VALID_TRACEID_REGEX.test(traceId) && traceId !== INVALID_TRACEID;\n}\n\nexport function isValidSpanId(spanId: string): boolean {\n return VALID_SPANID_REGEX.test(spanId) && spanId !== INVALID_SPANID;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns true if this {@link SpanContext} is valid.\n * @return true if this {@link SpanContext} is valid.\n */\nexport function isSpanContextValid(spanContext: SpanContext): boolean {\n return (\n isValidTraceId(spanContext.traceId) && isValidSpanId(spanContext.spanId)\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap the given {@link SpanContext} in a new non-recording {@link Span}\n *\n * @param spanContext span context to be wrapped\n * @returns a new non-recording {@link Span} with the provided context\n */\nexport function wrapSpanContext(spanContext: SpanContext): Span {\n return new NonRecordingSpan(spanContext);\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { NoopTracer } from './NoopTracer';\nimport { Tracer } from './tracer';\nimport { TracerOptions } from './tracer_options';\nimport { TracerProvider } from './tracer_provider';\n\n/**\n * An implementation of the {@link TracerProvider} which returns an impotent\n * Tracer for all calls to `getTracer`.\n *\n * All operations are no-op.\n */\nexport class NoopTracerProvider implements TracerProvider {\n getTracer(\n _name?: string,\n _version?: string,\n _options?: TracerOptions\n ): Tracer {\n return new NoopTracer();\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\nimport { HttpResponse, isNode } from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport { BlobImmutabilityPolicyMode } from \"./generatedModels\";\n\nimport {\n BlobDownloadHeaders,\n BlobType,\n CopyStatusType,\n LeaseDurationType,\n LeaseStateType,\n LeaseStatusType,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport { BlobDownloadResponseParsed, Metadata, ObjectReplicationPolicy } from \"./models\";\nimport {\n ReadableStreamGetter,\n RetriableReadableStream,\n RetriableReadableStreamOptions,\n} from \"./utils/RetriableReadableStream\";\n\n/**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * BlobDownloadResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseParsed interface, and in Node.js runtime it will\n * automatically retry when internal read stream unexpected ends. (This kind of unexpected ends cannot\n * trigger retries defined in pipeline retry policy.)\n *\n * The {@link readableStreamBody} stream will retry underlayer, you can just use it as a normal Node.js\n * Readable stream.\n */\nexport class BlobDownloadResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseParsed {\n /**\n * Indicates that the service supports\n * requests for partial file content.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get acceptRanges(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.acceptRanges;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns if it was previously specified\n * for the file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get cacheControl(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.cacheControl;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the\n * response.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentDisposition(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentDisposition;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the Content-Encoding request header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentEncoding(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentEncoding;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the Content-Language request header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentLanguage(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentLanguage;\n }\n\n /**\n * The current sequence number for a\n * page blob. This header is not returned for block blobs or append blobs.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobSequenceNumber(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobSequenceNumber;\n }\n\n /**\n * The blob's type. Possible values include:\n * 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobType(): BlobType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobType;\n }\n\n /**\n * The number of bytes present in the\n * response body.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentLength(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentLength;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the file has an MD5 hash and the\n * request is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that\n * the client can check for message content integrity. If the request is to\n * read a specified range and the 'x-ms-range-get-content-md5' is set to\n * true, then the request returns an MD5 hash for the range, as long as the\n * range size is less than or equal to 4 MB. If neither of these sets of\n * conditions is true, then no value is returned for the 'Content-MD5'\n * header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentMD5(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentMD5;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates the range of bytes returned if\n * the client requested a subset of the file by setting the Range request\n * header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentRange(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentRange;\n }\n\n /**\n * The content type specified for the file.\n * The default content type is 'application/octet-stream'\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentType(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentType;\n }\n\n /**\n * Conclusion time of the last attempted\n * Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value\n * can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyCompletedOn(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyCompletedOn;\n }\n\n /**\n * String identifier for the last attempted Copy\n * File operation where this file was the destination file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Contains the number of bytes copied and\n * the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation\n * where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and\n * Content-Length bytes copied.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyProgress(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyProgress;\n }\n\n /**\n * URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the\n * source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file\n * was the destination file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copySource(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copySource;\n }\n\n /**\n * State of the copy operation\n * identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. Possible values include: 'pending',\n * 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyStatus(): CopyStatusType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyStatus;\n }\n\n /**\n * Only appears when\n * x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or\n * non-fatal copy operation failure.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyStatusDescription(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyStatusDescription;\n }\n\n /**\n * When a blob is leased,\n * specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. Possible\n * values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseDuration(): LeaseDurationType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseDuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * Lease state of the blob. Possible\n * values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseState(): LeaseStateType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseState;\n }\n\n /**\n * The current lease status of the\n * blob. Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseStatus(): LeaseStatusType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseStatus;\n }\n\n /**\n * A UTC date/time value generated by the service that\n * indicates the time at which the response was initiated.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get date(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.date;\n }\n\n /**\n * The number of committed blocks\n * present in the blob. This header is returned only for append blobs.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobCommittedBlockCount(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobCommittedBlockCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * The ETag contains a value that you can use to\n * perform operations conditionally, in quotes.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get etag(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.etag;\n }\n\n /**\n * The number of tags associated with the blob\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get tagCount(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.tagCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * The error code.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get errorCode(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.errorCode;\n }\n\n /**\n * The value of this header is set to\n * true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted\n * using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when\n * the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata\n * are encrypted).\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get isServerEncrypted(): boolean | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.isServerEncrypted;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the blob has a MD5 hash, and if\n * request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header\n * is returned with the value of the whole blob's MD5 value. This value may\n * or may not be equal to the value returned in Content-MD5 header, with the\n * latter calculated from the requested range.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobContentMD5(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobContentMD5;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the date and time the file was last\n * modified. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates\n * the last modified time.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get lastModified(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.lastModified;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the UTC date and time generated by the service that indicates the time at which the blob was\n * last read or written to.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get lastAccessed(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.lastAccessed;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the date and time the blob was created.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get createdOn(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.createdOn;\n }\n\n /**\n * A name-value pair\n * to associate with a file storage object.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get metadata(): Metadata | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.metadata;\n }\n\n /**\n * This header uniquely identifies the request\n * that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get requestId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.requestId;\n }\n\n /**\n * If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the\n * response with the same value.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get clientRequestId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.clientRequestId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates the version of the Blob service used\n * to execute the request.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get version(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.version;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates the versionId of the downloaded blob version.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get versionId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.versionId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates whether version of this blob is a current version.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get isCurrentVersion(): boolean | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.isCurrentVersion;\n }\n\n /**\n * The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the blob. This value is only returned\n * when the blob was encrypted with a customer-provided key.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get encryptionKeySha256(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.encryptionKeySha256;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to\n * true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than\n * or equal to 4 MB. If both x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 & x-ms-range-get-content-md5 is\n * specified in the same request, it will fail with 400(Bad Request)\n */\n public get contentCrc64(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentCrc64;\n }\n\n /**\n * Object Replication Policy Id of the destination blob.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Parsed Object Replication Policy Id, Rule Id(s) and status of the source blob.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get objectReplicationSourceProperties(): ObjectReplicationPolicy[] | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.objectReplicationSourceProperties;\n }\n\n /**\n * If this blob has been sealed.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get isSealed(): boolean | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.isSealed;\n }\n\n /**\n * UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the blob immutability policy will expire.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates immutability policy mode.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get immutabilityPolicyMode(): BlobImmutabilityPolicyMode | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.immutabilityPolicyMode;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates if a legal hold is present on the blob.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get legalHold(): boolean | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.legalHold;\n }\n\n /**\n * The response body as a browser Blob.\n * Always undefined in node.js.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentAsBlob(): Promise | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobBody;\n }\n\n /**\n * The response body as a node.js Readable stream.\n * Always undefined in the browser.\n *\n * It will automatically retry when internal read stream unexpected ends.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get readableStreamBody(): NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined {\n return isNode ? this.blobDownloadStream : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * The HTTP response.\n */\n public get _response(): HttpResponse & {\n parsedHeaders: BlobDownloadHeaders;\n } {\n return this.originalResponse._response;\n }\n\n private originalResponse: BlobDownloadResponseParsed;\n private blobDownloadStream?: RetriableReadableStream;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlobDownloadResponse.\n *\n * @param originalResponse -\n * @param getter -\n * @param offset -\n * @param count -\n * @param options -\n */\n public constructor(\n originalResponse: BlobDownloadResponseParsed,\n getter: ReadableStreamGetter,\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n options: RetriableReadableStreamOptions = {}\n ) {\n this.originalResponse = originalResponse;\n this.blobDownloadStream = new RetriableReadableStream(\n this.originalResponse.readableStreamBody!,\n getter,\n offset,\n count,\n options\n );\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { TransferProgressEvent } from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport { Readable } from \"stream\";\n\nexport type ReadableStreamGetter = (offset: number) => Promise;\n\nexport interface RetriableReadableStreamOptions {\n /**\n * Max retry count (greater than or equal to 0), undefined or invalid value means no retry\n */\n maxRetryRequests?: number;\n\n /**\n * Read progress event handler\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Debug purpose only. Used to inject an unexpected end to existing internal stream,\n * to test stream retry works well or not.\n *\n * When assign it to true, for next incoming \"data\" event of internal stream,\n * RetriableReadableStream will try to emit an \"end\" event to existing internal\n * stream to force it end and start retry from the breaking point.\n * The value will then update to \"undefined\", once the injection works.\n */\n doInjectErrorOnce?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A threshold, not a limit. Dictates the amount of data that a stream buffers before it stops asking for more data.\n */\n highWaterMark?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * A Node.js ReadableStream will internally retry when internal ReadableStream unexpected ends.\n */\nexport class RetriableReadableStream extends Readable {\n private start: number;\n private offset: number;\n private end: number;\n private getter: ReadableStreamGetter;\n private source: NodeJS.ReadableStream;\n private retries: number = 0;\n private maxRetryRequests: number;\n private onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n private options: RetriableReadableStreamOptions;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of RetriableReadableStream.\n *\n * @param source - The current ReadableStream returned from getter\n * @param getter - A method calling downloading request returning\n * a new ReadableStream from specified offset\n * @param offset - Offset position in original data source to read\n * @param count - How much data in original data source to read\n * @param options -\n */\n public constructor(\n source: NodeJS.ReadableStream,\n getter: ReadableStreamGetter,\n offset: number,\n count: number,\n options: RetriableReadableStreamOptions = {}\n ) {\n super({ highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark });\n this.getter = getter;\n this.source = source;\n this.start = offset;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.end = offset + count - 1;\n this.maxRetryRequests =\n options.maxRetryRequests && options.maxRetryRequests >= 0 ? options.maxRetryRequests : 0;\n this.onProgress = options.onProgress;\n this.options = options;\n\n this.setSourceEventHandlers();\n }\n\n public _read(): void {\n this.source.resume();\n }\n\n private setSourceEventHandlers() {\n this.source.on(\"data\", this.sourceDataHandler);\n this.source.on(\"end\", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler);\n this.source.on(\"error\", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler);\n }\n\n private removeSourceEventHandlers() {\n this.source.removeListener(\"data\", this.sourceDataHandler);\n this.source.removeListener(\"end\", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler);\n this.source.removeListener(\"error\", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler);\n }\n\n private sourceDataHandler = (data: Buffer) => {\n if (this.options.doInjectErrorOnce) {\n this.options.doInjectErrorOnce = undefined;\n this.source.pause();\n this.source.removeAllListeners(\"data\");\n this.source.emit(\"end\");\n return;\n }\n\n // console.log(\n // `Offset: ${this.offset}, Received ${data.length} from internal stream`\n // );\n this.offset += data.length;\n if (this.onProgress) {\n this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: this.offset - this.start });\n }\n if (!this.push(data)) {\n this.source.pause();\n }\n };\n\n private sourceErrorOrEndHandler = (err?: Error) => {\n if (err && err.name === \"AbortError\") {\n this.destroy(err);\n return;\n }\n\n // console.log(\n // `Source stream emits end or error, offset: ${\n // this.offset\n // }, dest end : ${this.end}`\n // );\n this.removeSourceEventHandlers();\n if (this.offset - 1 === this.end) {\n this.push(null);\n } else if (this.offset <= this.end) {\n // console.log(\n // `retries: ${this.retries}, max retries: ${this.maxRetries}`\n // );\n if (this.retries < this.maxRetryRequests) {\n this.retries += 1;\n this.getter(this.offset)\n .then((newSource) => {\n this.source = newSource;\n this.setSourceEventHandlers();\n return;\n })\n .catch((error) => {\n this.destroy(error);\n });\n } else {\n this.destroy(\n new Error(\n `Data corruption failure: received less data than required and reached maxRetires limitation. Received data offset: ${\n this.offset - 1\n }, data needed offset: ${this.end}, retries: ${this.retries}, max retries: ${\n this.maxRetryRequests\n }`\n )\n );\n }\n } else {\n this.destroy(\n new Error(\n `Data corruption failure: Received more data than original request, data needed offset is ${\n this.end\n }, received offset: ${this.offset - 1}`\n )\n );\n }\n };\n\n _destroy(error: Error | null, callback: (error?: Error) => void): void {\n // remove listener from source and release source\n this.removeSourceEventHandlers();\n (this.source as Readable).destroy();\n\n callback(error === null ? undefined : error);\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { HttpResponse, isNode } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport {\n BlobDownloadResponseModel,\n BlobType,\n CopyStatusType,\n LeaseDurationType,\n LeaseStateType,\n LeaseStatusType,\n BlobDownloadHeaders,\n BlobQueryResponseModel,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport { Metadata } from \"./models\";\nimport { BlobQuickQueryStream, BlobQuickQueryStreamOptions } from \"./utils/BlobQuickQueryStream\";\n\n/**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * BlobQueryResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseModel interface, and in Node.js runtime it will\n * parse avor data returned by blob query.\n */\nexport class BlobQueryResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseModel {\n /**\n * Indicates that the service supports\n * requests for partial file content.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get acceptRanges(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.acceptRanges;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns if it was previously specified\n * for the file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get cacheControl(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.cacheControl;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the\n * response.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentDisposition(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentDisposition;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the Content-Encoding request header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentEncoding(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentEncoding;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value that was specified\n * for the Content-Language request header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentLanguage(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentLanguage;\n }\n\n /**\n * The current sequence number for a\n * page blob. This header is not returned for block blobs or append blobs.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobSequenceNumber(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobSequenceNumber;\n }\n\n /**\n * The blob's type. Possible values include:\n * 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobType(): BlobType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobType;\n }\n\n /**\n * The number of bytes present in the\n * response body.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentLength(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentLength;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the file has an MD5 hash and the\n * request is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that\n * the client can check for message content integrity. If the request is to\n * read a specified range and the 'x-ms-range-get-content-md5' is set to\n * true, then the request returns an MD5 hash for the range, as long as the\n * range size is less than or equal to 4 MB. If neither of these sets of\n * conditions is true, then no value is returned for the 'Content-MD5'\n * header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentMD5(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentMD5;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates the range of bytes returned if\n * the client requested a subset of the file by setting the Range request\n * header.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentRange(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentRange;\n }\n\n /**\n * The content type specified for the file.\n * The default content type is 'application/octet-stream'\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get contentType(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentType;\n }\n\n /**\n * Conclusion time of the last attempted\n * Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value\n * can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyCompletedOn(): Date | undefined {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * String identifier for the last attempted Copy\n * File operation where this file was the destination file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Contains the number of bytes copied and\n * the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation\n * where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and\n * Content-Length bytes copied.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyProgress(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyProgress;\n }\n\n /**\n * URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the\n * source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file\n * was the destination file.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copySource(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copySource;\n }\n\n /**\n * State of the copy operation\n * identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. Possible values include: 'pending',\n * 'success', 'aborted', 'failed'\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyStatus(): CopyStatusType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyStatus;\n }\n\n /**\n * Only appears when\n * x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or\n * non-fatal copy operation failure.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get copyStatusDescription(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.copyStatusDescription;\n }\n\n /**\n * When a blob is leased,\n * specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. Possible\n * values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseDuration(): LeaseDurationType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseDuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * Lease state of the blob. Possible\n * values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseState(): LeaseStateType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseState;\n }\n\n /**\n * The current lease status of the\n * blob. Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get leaseStatus(): LeaseStatusType | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.leaseStatus;\n }\n\n /**\n * A UTC date/time value generated by the service that\n * indicates the time at which the response was initiated.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get date(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.date;\n }\n\n /**\n * The number of committed blocks\n * present in the blob. This header is returned only for append blobs.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobCommittedBlockCount(): number | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobCommittedBlockCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * The ETag contains a value that you can use to\n * perform operations conditionally, in quotes.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get etag(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.etag;\n }\n\n /**\n * The error code.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get errorCode(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.errorCode;\n }\n\n /**\n * The value of this header is set to\n * true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted\n * using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when\n * the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata\n * are encrypted).\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get isServerEncrypted(): boolean | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.isServerEncrypted;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the blob has a MD5 hash, and if\n * request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header\n * is returned with the value of the whole blob's MD5 value. This value may\n * or may not be equal to the value returned in Content-MD5 header, with the\n * latter calculated from the requested range.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobContentMD5(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.blobContentMD5;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the date and time the file was last\n * modified. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates\n * the last modified time.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get lastModified(): Date | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.lastModified;\n }\n\n /**\n * A name-value pair\n * to associate with a file storage object.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get metadata(): Metadata | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.metadata;\n }\n\n /**\n * This header uniquely identifies the request\n * that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get requestId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.requestId;\n }\n\n /**\n * If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the\n * response with the same value.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get clientRequestId(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.clientRequestId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates the version of the File service used\n * to execute the request.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get version(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.version;\n }\n\n /**\n * The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the blob. This value is only returned\n * when the blob was encrypted with a customer-provided key.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get encryptionKeySha256(): string | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.encryptionKeySha256;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to\n * true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than\n * or equal to 4 MB. If both x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 & x-ms-range-get-content-md5 is\n * specified in the same request, it will fail with 400(Bad Request)\n */\n public get contentCrc64(): Uint8Array | undefined {\n return this.originalResponse.contentCrc64;\n }\n\n /**\n * The response body as a browser Blob.\n * Always undefined in node.js.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get blobBody(): Promise | undefined {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * The response body as a node.js Readable stream.\n * Always undefined in the browser.\n *\n * It will parse avor data returned by blob query.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get readableStreamBody(): NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined {\n return isNode ? this.blobDownloadStream : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * The HTTP response.\n */\n public get _response(): HttpResponse & {\n parsedHeaders: BlobDownloadHeaders;\n } {\n return this.originalResponse._response;\n }\n\n private originalResponse: BlobQueryResponseModel;\n private blobDownloadStream?: BlobQuickQueryStream;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlobQueryResponse.\n *\n * @param originalResponse -\n * @param options -\n */\n public constructor(\n originalResponse: BlobQueryResponseModel,\n options: BlobQuickQueryStreamOptions = {}\n ) {\n this.originalResponse = originalResponse;\n this.blobDownloadStream = new BlobQuickQueryStream(\n this.originalResponse.readableStreamBody!,\n options\n );\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { Readable } from \"stream\";\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { TransferProgressEvent } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport { AvroReadableFromStream, AvroReader } from \"../../../storage-internal-avro/src\";\nimport { BlobQueryError } from \"../Clients\";\n\nexport interface BlobQuickQueryStreamOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n\n /**\n * Read progress event handler\n */\n onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Callback to receive error events during the query operaiton.\n */\n onError?: (error: BlobQueryError) => void;\n}\n\n/**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * A Node.js BlobQuickQueryStream will internally parse avro data stream for blob query.\n */\nexport class BlobQuickQueryStream extends Readable {\n private source: NodeJS.ReadableStream;\n private avroReader: AvroReader;\n private avroIter: AsyncIterableIterator;\n private avroPaused: boolean = true;\n private onProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n private onError?: (error: BlobQueryError) => void;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of BlobQuickQueryStream.\n *\n * @param source - The current ReadableStream returned from getter\n * @param options -\n */\n public constructor(source: NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: BlobQuickQueryStreamOptions = {}) {\n super();\n this.source = source;\n this.onProgress = options.onProgress;\n this.onError = options.onError;\n this.avroReader = new AvroReader(new AvroReadableFromStream(this.source));\n this.avroIter = this.avroReader.parseObjects({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n }\n\n public _read(): void {\n if (this.avroPaused) {\n this.readInternal().catch((err) => {\n this.emit(\"error\", err);\n });\n }\n }\n\n private async readInternal() {\n this.avroPaused = false;\n let avroNext;\n do {\n avroNext = await this.avroIter.next();\n if (avroNext.done) {\n break;\n }\n const obj = avroNext.value;\n const schema = (obj as any).$schema;\n if (typeof schema !== \"string\") {\n throw Error(\"Missing schema in avro record.\");\n }\n\n switch (schema) {\n case \"com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.resultData\":\n {\n const data = (obj as any).data;\n if (data instanceof Uint8Array === false) {\n throw Error(\"Invalid data in avro result record.\");\n }\n if (!this.push(Buffer.from(data))) {\n this.avroPaused = true;\n }\n }\n break;\n case \"com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.progress\":\n {\n const bytesScanned = (obj as any).bytesScanned;\n if (typeof bytesScanned !== \"number\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid bytesScanned in avro progress record.\");\n }\n if (this.onProgress) {\n this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: bytesScanned });\n }\n }\n break;\n case \"com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.end\":\n if (this.onProgress) {\n const totalBytes = (obj as any).totalBytes;\n if (typeof totalBytes !== \"number\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid totalBytes in avro end record.\");\n }\n this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: totalBytes });\n }\n this.push(null);\n break;\n case \"com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.error\":\n if (this.onError) {\n const fatal = (obj as any).fatal;\n if (typeof fatal !== \"boolean\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid fatal in avro error record.\");\n }\n const name = (obj as any).name;\n if (typeof name !== \"string\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid name in avro error record.\");\n }\n const description = (obj as any).description;\n if (typeof description !== \"string\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid description in avro error record.\");\n }\n const position = (obj as any).position;\n if (typeof position !== \"number\") {\n throw Error(\"Invalid position in avro error record.\");\n }\n this.onError({\n position,\n name,\n isFatal: fatal,\n description,\n });\n }\n break;\n default:\n throw Error(`Unknown schema ${schema} in avro progress record.`);\n }\n } while (!avroNext.done && !this.avroPaused);\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AvroReadable, AvroReadableReadOptions } from \"./AvroReadable\";\nimport { AbortError } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\n\nconst ABORT_ERROR = new AbortError(\"Reading from the avro stream was aborted.\");\n\nexport class AvroReadableFromStream extends AvroReadable {\n private _position: number;\n private _readable: NodeJS.ReadableStream;\n\n private toUint8Array(data: string | Buffer): Uint8Array {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n return Buffer.from(data);\n }\n return data;\n }\n\n constructor(readable: NodeJS.ReadableStream) {\n super();\n this._readable = readable;\n this._position = 0;\n }\n public get position(): number {\n return this._position;\n }\n public async read(size: number, options: AvroReadableReadOptions = {}): Promise {\n if (options.abortSignal?.aborted) {\n throw ABORT_ERROR;\n }\n\n if (size < 0) {\n throw new Error(`size parameter should be positive: ${size}`);\n }\n\n if (size === 0) {\n return new Uint8Array();\n }\n\n if (!this._readable.readable) {\n throw new Error(\"Stream no longer readable.\");\n }\n // See if there is already enough data.\n const chunk = this._readable.read(size);\n if (chunk) {\n this._position += chunk.length;\n // chunk.length maybe less than desired size if the stream ends.\n return this.toUint8Array(chunk);\n } else {\n // register callback to wait for enough data to read\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */\n const cleanUp: () => void = () => {\n this._readable.removeListener(\"readable\", readableCallback);\n this._readable.removeListener(\"error\", rejectCallback);\n this._readable.removeListener(\"end\", rejectCallback);\n this._readable.removeListener(\"close\", rejectCallback);\n\n if (options.abortSignal) {\n options.abortSignal!.removeEventListener(\"abort\", abortHandler);\n }\n };\n\n const readableCallback: () => void = () => {\n const callbackChunk = this._readable.read(size);\n if (callbackChunk) {\n this._position += callbackChunk.length;\n cleanUp();\n // callbackChunk.length maybe less than desired size if the stream ends.\n resolve(this.toUint8Array(callbackChunk));\n }\n };\n\n const rejectCallback: () => void = () => {\n cleanUp();\n reject();\n };\n\n const abortHandler: () => void = () => {\n cleanUp();\n reject(ABORT_ERROR);\n };\n\n this._readable.on(\"readable\", readableCallback);\n this._readable.once(\"error\", rejectCallback);\n this._readable.once(\"end\", rejectCallback);\n this._readable.once(\"close\", rejectCallback);\n if (options.abortSignal) {\n options.abortSignal!.addEventListener(\"abort\", abortHandler);\n }\n /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */\n });\n }\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link AvroReadable.read} operation.\n */\nexport interface AvroReadableReadOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n}\n\nexport abstract class AvroReadable {\n public abstract get position(): number;\n public abstract read(size: number, options?: AvroReadableReadOptions): Promise;\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignal, AbortSignalLike, abortSignal } from \"./AbortSignal\";\n\n/**\n * This error is thrown when an asynchronous operation has been aborted.\n * Check for this error by testing the `name` that the name property of the\n * error matches `\"AbortError\"`.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const controller = new AbortController();\n * controller.abort();\n * try {\n * doAsyncWork(controller.signal)\n * } catch (e) {\n * if (e.name === 'AbortError') {\n * // handle abort error here.\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n */\nexport class AbortError extends Error {\n constructor(message?: string) {\n super(message);\n this.name = \"AbortError\";\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * An AbortController provides an AbortSignal and the associated controls to signal\n * that an asynchronous operation should be aborted.\n *\n * @example\n * Abort an operation when another event fires\n * ```ts\n * const controller = new AbortController();\n * const signal = controller.signal;\n * doAsyncWork(signal);\n * button.addEventListener('click', () => controller.abort());\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Share aborter cross multiple operations in 30s\n * ```ts\n * // Upload the same data to 2 different data centers at the same time,\n * // abort another when any of them is finished\n * const controller = AbortController.withTimeout(30 * 1000);\n * doAsyncWork(controller.signal).then(controller.abort);\n * doAsyncWork(controller.signal).then(controller.abort);\n *```\n *\n * @example\n * Cascaded aborting\n * ```ts\n * // All operations can't take more than 30 seconds\n * const aborter = Aborter.timeout(30 * 1000);\n *\n * // Following 2 operations can't take more than 25 seconds\n * await doAsyncWork(aborter.withTimeout(25 * 1000));\n * await doAsyncWork(aborter.withTimeout(25 * 1000));\n * ```\n */\nexport class AbortController {\n private _signal: AbortSignal;\n\n /**\n * @param parentSignals - The AbortSignals that will signal aborted on the AbortSignal associated with this controller.\n */\n constructor(parentSignals?: AbortSignalLike[]);\n /**\n * @param parentSignals - The AbortSignals that will signal aborted on the AbortSignal associated with this controller.\n */\n constructor(...parentSignals: AbortSignalLike[]);\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types\n constructor(parentSignals?: any) {\n this._signal = new AbortSignal();\n\n if (!parentSignals) {\n return;\n }\n // coerce parentSignals into an array\n if (!Array.isArray(parentSignals)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params\n parentSignals = arguments;\n }\n for (const parentSignal of parentSignals) {\n // if the parent signal has already had abort() called,\n // then call abort on this signal as well.\n if (parentSignal.aborted) {\n this.abort();\n } else {\n // when the parent signal aborts, this signal should as well.\n parentSignal.addEventListener(\"abort\", () => {\n this.abort();\n });\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The AbortSignal associated with this controller that will signal aborted\n * when the abort method is called on this controller.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get signal(): AbortSignal {\n return this._signal;\n }\n\n /**\n * Signal that any operations passed this controller's associated abort signal\n * to cancel any remaining work and throw an `AbortError`.\n */\n abort(): void {\n abortSignal(this._signal);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new AbortSignal instance that will abort after the provided ms.\n * @param ms - Elapsed time in milliseconds to trigger an abort.\n */\n public static timeout(ms: number): AbortSignal {\n const signal = new AbortSignal();\n const timer = setTimeout(abortSignal, ms, signal);\n // Prevent the active Timer from keeping the Node.js event loop active.\n if (typeof timer.unref === \"function\") {\n timer.unref();\n }\n return signal;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference\n/// \n\ntype AbortEventListener = (this: AbortSignalLike, ev?: any) => any;\n\nconst listenersMap = new WeakMap();\nconst abortedMap = new WeakMap();\n\n/**\n * Allows the request to be aborted upon firing of the \"abort\" event.\n * Compatible with the browser built-in AbortSignal and common polyfills.\n */\nexport interface AbortSignalLike {\n /**\n * Indicates if the signal has already been aborted.\n */\n readonly aborted: boolean;\n /**\n * Add new \"abort\" event listener, only support \"abort\" event.\n */\n addEventListener(\n type: \"abort\",\n listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: any) => any,\n options?: any\n ): void;\n /**\n * Remove \"abort\" event listener, only support \"abort\" event.\n */\n removeEventListener(\n type: \"abort\",\n listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: any) => any,\n options?: any\n ): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * An aborter instance implements AbortSignal interface, can abort HTTP requests.\n *\n * - Call AbortSignal.none to create a new AbortSignal instance that cannot be cancelled.\n * Use `AbortSignal.none` when you are required to pass a cancellation token but the operation\n * cannot or will not ever be cancelled.\n *\n * @example\n * Abort without timeout\n * ```ts\n * await doAsyncWork(AbortSignal.none);\n * ```\n */\nexport class AbortSignal implements AbortSignalLike {\n constructor() {\n listenersMap.set(this, []);\n abortedMap.set(this, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * Status of whether aborted or not.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public get aborted(): boolean {\n if (!abortedMap.has(this)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Expected `this` to be an instance of AbortSignal.\");\n }\n\n return abortedMap.get(this)!;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new AbortSignal instance that will never be aborted.\n *\n * @readonly\n */\n public static get none(): AbortSignal {\n return new AbortSignal();\n }\n\n /**\n * onabort event listener.\n */\n public onabort: ((ev?: Event) => any) | null = null;\n\n /**\n * Added new \"abort\" event listener, only support \"abort\" event.\n *\n * @param _type - Only support \"abort\" event\n * @param listener - The listener to be added\n */\n public addEventListener(\n // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name\n _type: \"abort\",\n listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: any) => any\n ): void {\n if (!listenersMap.has(this)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Expected `this` to be an instance of AbortSignal.\");\n }\n\n const listeners = listenersMap.get(this)!;\n listeners.push(listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove \"abort\" event listener, only support \"abort\" event.\n *\n * @param _type - Only support \"abort\" event\n * @param listener - The listener to be removed\n */\n public removeEventListener(\n // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name\n _type: \"abort\",\n listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: any) => any\n ): void {\n if (!listenersMap.has(this)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Expected `this` to be an instance of AbortSignal.\");\n }\n\n const listeners = listenersMap.get(this)!;\n\n const index = listeners.indexOf(listener);\n if (index > -1) {\n listeners.splice(index, 1);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Dispatches a synthetic event to the AbortSignal.\n */\n dispatchEvent(_event: Event): boolean {\n throw new Error(\n \"This is a stub dispatchEvent implementation that should not be used. It only exists for type-checking purposes.\"\n );\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper to trigger an abort event immediately, the onabort and all abort event listeners will be triggered.\n * Will try to trigger abort event for all linked AbortSignal nodes.\n *\n * - If there is a timeout, the timer will be cancelled.\n * - If aborted is true, nothing will happen.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-use-interface-parameters\nexport function abortSignal(signal: AbortSignal): void {\n if (signal.aborted) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (signal.onabort) {\n signal.onabort.call(signal);\n }\n\n const listeners = listenersMap.get(signal)!;\n if (listeners) {\n // Create a copy of listeners so mutations to the array\n // (e.g. via removeListener calls) don't affect the listeners\n // we invoke.\n listeners.slice().forEach((listener) => {\n listener.call(signal, { type: \"abort\" });\n });\n }\n\n abortedMap.set(signal, true);\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n// TODO: Do a review of non-interfaces\n/* eslint-disable @azure/azure-sdk/ts-use-interface-parameters */\n\nimport \"@azure/core-paging\";\nimport {\n AVRO_CODEC_KEY,\n AVRO_INIT_BYTES,\n AVRO_SCHEMA_KEY,\n AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE,\n} from \"./AvroConstants\";\nimport { AvroParser, AvroType } from \"./AvroParser\";\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { AvroReadable } from \"./AvroReadable\";\nimport { arraysEqual } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the {@link AvroReader.parseObjects} operation.\n */\nexport interface AvroParseOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n}\n\nexport class AvroReader {\n private readonly _dataStream: AvroReadable;\n\n private readonly _headerStream: AvroReadable;\n\n private _syncMarker?: Uint8Array;\n\n private _metadata?: Record;\n\n private _itemType?: AvroType;\n\n private _itemsRemainingInBlock?: number;\n\n // Remembers where we started if partial data stream was provided.\n private readonly _initialBlockOffset: number;\n\n /// The byte offset within the Avro file (both header and data)\n /// of the start of the current block.\n private _blockOffset: number;\n public get blockOffset(): number {\n return this._blockOffset;\n }\n\n private _objectIndex: number;\n public get objectIndex(): number {\n return this._objectIndex;\n }\n\n private _initialized: boolean;\n\n constructor(dataStream: AvroReadable);\n\n constructor(\n dataStream: AvroReadable,\n headerStream: AvroReadable,\n currentBlockOffset: number,\n indexWithinCurrentBlock: number\n );\n\n constructor(\n dataStream: AvroReadable,\n headerStream?: AvroReadable,\n currentBlockOffset?: number,\n indexWithinCurrentBlock?: number\n ) {\n this._dataStream = dataStream;\n this._headerStream = headerStream || dataStream;\n this._initialized = false;\n this._blockOffset = currentBlockOffset || 0;\n this._objectIndex = indexWithinCurrentBlock || 0;\n this._initialBlockOffset = currentBlockOffset || 0;\n }\n\n private async initialize(options: AvroParseOptions = {}): Promise {\n const header = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._headerStream, AVRO_INIT_BYTES.length, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n if (!arraysEqual(header, AVRO_INIT_BYTES)) {\n throw new Error(\"Stream is not an Avro file.\");\n }\n\n // File metadata is written as if defined by the following map schema:\n // { \"type\": \"map\", \"values\": \"bytes\"}\n this._metadata = await AvroParser.readMap(this._headerStream, AvroParser.readString, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n\n // Validate codec\n const codec = this._metadata![AVRO_CODEC_KEY];\n if (!(codec === undefined || codec === null || codec === \"null\")) {\n throw new Error(\"Codecs are not supported\");\n }\n\n // The 16-byte, randomly-generated sync marker for this file.\n this._syncMarker = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._headerStream, AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n\n // Parse the schema\n const schema = JSON.parse(this._metadata![AVRO_SCHEMA_KEY]);\n this._itemType = AvroType.fromSchema(schema);\n\n if (this._blockOffset === 0) {\n this._blockOffset = this._initialBlockOffset + this._dataStream.position;\n }\n\n this._itemsRemainingInBlock = await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n // skip block length\n await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n\n this._initialized = true;\n if (this._objectIndex && this._objectIndex > 0) {\n for (let i = 0; i < this._objectIndex; i++) {\n await this._itemType.read(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n this._itemsRemainingInBlock!--;\n }\n }\n }\n\n public hasNext(): boolean {\n return !this._initialized || this._itemsRemainingInBlock! > 0;\n }\n\n public async *parseObjects(\n options: AvroParseOptions = {}\n ): AsyncIterableIterator | null> {\n if (!this._initialized) {\n await this.initialize(options);\n }\n\n while (this.hasNext()) {\n const result = await this._itemType!.read(this._dataStream, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n\n this._itemsRemainingInBlock!--;\n this._objectIndex!++;\n\n if (this._itemsRemainingInBlock === 0) {\n const marker = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._dataStream, AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n\n this._blockOffset = this._initialBlockOffset + this._dataStream.position;\n this._objectIndex = 0;\n\n if (!arraysEqual(this._syncMarker!, marker)) {\n throw new Error(\"Stream is not a valid Avro file.\");\n }\n\n try {\n this._itemsRemainingInBlock = await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, {\n abortSignal: options.abortSignal,\n });\n } catch (err: any) {\n // We hit the end of the stream.\n this._itemsRemainingInBlock = 0;\n }\n\n if (this._itemsRemainingInBlock! > 0) {\n // Ignore block size\n await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n }\n }\n yield result;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nexport * from \"./models\";\nexport * from \"./getPagedAsyncIterator\";\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nexport const AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE: number = 16;\nexport const AVRO_INIT_BYTES: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([79, 98, 106, 1]);\nexport const AVRO_CODEC_KEY: string = \"avro.codec\";\nexport const AVRO_SCHEMA_KEY: string = \"avro.schema\";\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n// TODO: Do a review of the Object usage and non-interfaces\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @azure/azure-sdk/ts-use-interface-parameters */\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { AvroReadable } from \"./AvroReadable\";\nimport { KeyValuePair } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\n\n/**\n * Options to configure the AvroParser read methods.\n * See {@link AvroParser.readFixedBytes}, {@link AvroParser.readMap} and etc.\n */\ninterface AvroParserReadOptions {\n /**\n * An implementation of the `AbortSignalLike` interface to signal the request to cancel the operation.\n * For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an `AbortSignal`.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n}\n\nexport class AvroParser {\n /**\n * Reads a fixed number of bytes from the stream.\n *\n * @param stream -\n * @param length -\n * @param options -\n */\n public static async readFixedBytes(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n length: number,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const bytes = await stream.read(length, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n if (bytes.length !== length) {\n throw new Error(\"Hit stream end.\");\n }\n return bytes;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reads a single byte from the stream.\n *\n * @param stream -\n * @param options -\n */\n private static async readByte(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const buf = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 1, options);\n return buf[0];\n }\n\n // int and long are stored in variable-length zig-zag coding.\n // variable-length: https://lucene.apache.org/core/3_5_0/fileformats.html#VInt\n // zig-zag: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding?csw=1#types\n private static async readZigZagLong(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n let zigZagEncoded = 0;\n let significanceInBit = 0;\n let byte, haveMoreByte, significanceInFloat;\n\n do {\n byte = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options);\n haveMoreByte = byte & 0x80;\n zigZagEncoded |= (byte & 0x7f) << significanceInBit;\n significanceInBit += 7;\n } while (haveMoreByte && significanceInBit < 28); // bitwise operation only works for 32-bit integers\n\n if (haveMoreByte) {\n // Switch to float arithmetic\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign\n zigZagEncoded = zigZagEncoded;\n significanceInFloat = 268435456; // 2 ** 28.\n do {\n byte = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options);\n zigZagEncoded += (byte & 0x7f) * significanceInFloat;\n significanceInFloat *= 128; // 2 ** 7\n } while (byte & 0x80);\n\n const res = (zigZagEncoded % 2 ? -(zigZagEncoded + 1) : zigZagEncoded) / 2;\n if (res < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || res > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer overflow.\");\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n return (zigZagEncoded >> 1) ^ -(zigZagEncoded & 1);\n }\n\n public static async readLong(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n return AvroParser.readZigZagLong(stream, options);\n }\n\n public static async readInt(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n return AvroParser.readZigZagLong(stream, options);\n }\n\n public static async readNull(): Promise {\n return null;\n }\n\n public static async readBoolean(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const b = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options);\n if (b === 1) {\n return true;\n } else if (b === 0) {\n return false;\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Byte was not a boolean.\");\n }\n }\n\n public static async readFloat(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const u8arr = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 4, options);\n const view = new DataView(u8arr.buffer, u8arr.byteOffset, u8arr.byteLength);\n return view.getFloat32(0, true); // littleEndian = true\n }\n\n public static async readDouble(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const u8arr = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 8, options);\n const view = new DataView(u8arr.buffer, u8arr.byteOffset, u8arr.byteLength);\n return view.getFloat64(0, true); // littleEndian = true\n }\n\n public static async readBytes(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const size = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options);\n if (size < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Bytes size was negative.\");\n }\n\n return stream.read(size, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal });\n }\n\n public static async readString(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const u8arr = await AvroParser.readBytes(stream, options);\n const utf8decoder = new TextDecoder();\n return utf8decoder.decode(u8arr);\n }\n\n private static async readMapPair(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n readItemMethod: (s: AvroReadable, options?: AvroParserReadOptions) => Promise,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise> {\n const key = await AvroParser.readString(stream, options);\n // FUTURE: this won't work with readFixed (currently not supported) which needs a length as the parameter.\n const value = await readItemMethod(stream, options);\n return { key, value };\n }\n\n public static async readMap(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n readItemMethod: (s: AvroReadable, options?: AvroParserReadOptions) => Promise,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise> {\n const readPairMethod = (\n s: AvroReadable,\n opts: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise> => {\n return AvroParser.readMapPair(s, readItemMethod, opts);\n };\n\n const pairs: KeyValuePair[] = await AvroParser.readArray(stream, readPairMethod, options);\n\n const dict: Record = {};\n for (const pair of pairs) {\n dict[pair.key] = pair.value;\n }\n return dict;\n }\n\n private static async readArray(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n readItemMethod: (s: AvroReadable, options?: AvroParserReadOptions) => Promise,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const items: T[] = [];\n for (\n let count = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options);\n count !== 0;\n count = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options)\n ) {\n if (count < 0) {\n // Ignore block sizes\n await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options);\n count = -count;\n }\n\n while (count--) {\n const item: T = await readItemMethod(stream, options);\n items.push(item);\n }\n }\n return items;\n }\n}\n\ninterface RecordField {\n name: string;\n type: string | ObjectSchema | (string | ObjectSchema)[]; // Unions may not immediately contain other unions.\n}\n\nenum AvroComplex {\n RECORD = \"record\",\n ENUM = \"enum\",\n ARRAY = \"array\",\n MAP = \"map\",\n UNION = \"union\",\n FIXED = \"fixed\",\n}\n\ninterface ObjectSchema {\n type: Exclude;\n name?: string;\n aliases?: string;\n fields?: RecordField[];\n symbols?: string[];\n values?: string;\n size?: number;\n}\n\nenum AvroPrimitive {\n NULL = \"null\",\n BOOLEAN = \"boolean\",\n INT = \"int\",\n LONG = \"long\",\n FLOAT = \"float\",\n DOUBLE = \"double\",\n BYTES = \"bytes\",\n STRING = \"string\",\n}\n\nexport abstract class AvroType {\n /**\n * Reads an object from the stream.\n */\n public abstract read(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options?: AvroParserReadOptions\n ): Promise; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types\n\n /**\n * Determines the AvroType from the Avro Schema.\n */\n public static fromSchema(schema: string | Object): AvroType {\n if (typeof schema === \"string\") {\n return AvroType.fromStringSchema(schema);\n } else if (Array.isArray(schema)) {\n return AvroType.fromArraySchema(schema);\n } else {\n return AvroType.fromObjectSchema(schema as ObjectSchema);\n }\n }\n\n private static fromStringSchema(schema: string): AvroType {\n switch (schema) {\n case AvroPrimitive.NULL:\n case AvroPrimitive.BOOLEAN:\n case AvroPrimitive.INT:\n case AvroPrimitive.LONG:\n case AvroPrimitive.FLOAT:\n case AvroPrimitive.DOUBLE:\n case AvroPrimitive.BYTES:\n case AvroPrimitive.STRING:\n return new AvroPrimitiveType(schema as AvroPrimitive);\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unexpected Avro type ${schema}`);\n }\n }\n\n private static fromArraySchema(schema: any[]): AvroType {\n return new AvroUnionType(schema.map(AvroType.fromSchema));\n }\n\n private static fromObjectSchema(schema: ObjectSchema): AvroType {\n const type = schema.type;\n // Primitives can be defined as strings or objects\n try {\n return AvroType.fromStringSchema(type);\n } catch (err: any) {\n // eslint-disable-line no-empty\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case AvroComplex.RECORD:\n if (schema.aliases) {\n throw new Error(`aliases currently is not supported, schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n if (!schema.name) {\n throw new Error(`Required attribute 'name' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations\n const fields: Record = {};\n if (!schema.fields) {\n throw new Error(`Required attribute 'fields' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n for (const field of schema.fields) {\n fields[field.name] = AvroType.fromSchema(field.type);\n }\n return new AvroRecordType(fields, schema.name);\n case AvroComplex.ENUM:\n if (schema.aliases) {\n throw new Error(`aliases currently is not supported, schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n if (!schema.symbols) {\n throw new Error(`Required attribute 'symbols' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n return new AvroEnumType(schema.symbols);\n case AvroComplex.MAP:\n if (!schema.values) {\n throw new Error(`Required attribute 'values' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`);\n }\n return new AvroMapType(AvroType.fromSchema(schema.values));\n case AvroComplex.ARRAY: // Unused today\n case AvroComplex.FIXED: // Unused today\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unexpected Avro type ${type} in ${schema}`);\n }\n }\n}\n\nclass AvroPrimitiveType extends AvroType {\n private _primitive: AvroPrimitive;\n\n constructor(primitive: AvroPrimitive) {\n super();\n this._primitive = primitive;\n }\n\n public read(stream: AvroReadable, options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}): Promise {\n switch (this._primitive) {\n case AvroPrimitive.NULL:\n return AvroParser.readNull();\n case AvroPrimitive.BOOLEAN:\n return AvroParser.readBoolean(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.INT:\n return AvroParser.readInt(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.LONG:\n return AvroParser.readLong(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.FLOAT:\n return AvroParser.readFloat(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.DOUBLE:\n return AvroParser.readDouble(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.BYTES:\n return AvroParser.readBytes(stream, options);\n case AvroPrimitive.STRING:\n return AvroParser.readString(stream, options);\n default:\n throw new Error(\"Unknown Avro Primitive\");\n }\n }\n}\n\nclass AvroEnumType extends AvroType {\n private readonly _symbols: string[];\n\n constructor(symbols: string[]) {\n super();\n this._symbols = symbols;\n }\n\n public async read(stream: AvroReadable, options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}): Promise {\n const value = await AvroParser.readInt(stream, options);\n return this._symbols[value];\n }\n}\n\nclass AvroUnionType extends AvroType {\n private readonly _types: AvroType[];\n\n constructor(types: AvroType[]) {\n super();\n this._types = types;\n }\n\n public async read(\n stream: AvroReadable,\n options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types\n const typeIndex = await AvroParser.readInt(stream, options);\n return this._types[typeIndex].read(stream, options);\n }\n}\n\nclass AvroMapType extends AvroType {\n private readonly _itemType: AvroType;\n\n constructor(itemType: AvroType) {\n super();\n this._itemType = itemType;\n }\n\n public read(stream: AvroReadable, options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}): Promise {\n const readItemMethod = (\n s: AvroReadable,\n opts?: AvroParserReadOptions\n ): Promise => {\n return this._itemType.read(s, opts);\n };\n return AvroParser.readMap(stream, readItemMethod, options);\n }\n}\n\nclass AvroRecordType extends AvroType {\n private readonly _name: string;\n private readonly _fields: Record;\n\n constructor(fields: Record, name: string) {\n super();\n this._fields = fields;\n this._name = name;\n }\n\n public async read(stream: AvroReadable, options: AvroParserReadOptions = {}): Promise {\n const record: Record = {};\n record[\"$schema\"] = this._name;\n for (const key in this._fields) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._fields, key)) {\n record[key] = await this._fields[key].read(stream, options);\n }\n }\n return record;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nexport interface KeyValuePair {\n key: string;\n value: T;\n}\n\nexport function arraysEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean {\n if (a === b) return true;\n // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq\n if (a == null || b == null) return false;\n if (a.length !== b.length) return false;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {\n if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyOptions } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport { AnonymousCredentialPolicy } from \"../policies/AnonymousCredentialPolicy\";\nimport { Credential } from \"./Credential\";\n\n/**\n * AnonymousCredential provides a credentialPolicyCreator member used to create\n * AnonymousCredentialPolicy objects. AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with\n * HTTP(S) requests that read public resources or for use with Shared Access\n * Signatures (SAS).\n */\nexport class AnonymousCredential extends Credential {\n /**\n * Creates an {@link AnonymousCredentialPolicy} object.\n *\n * @param nextPolicy -\n * @param options -\n */\n public create(\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n options: RequestPolicyOptions\n ): AnonymousCredentialPolicy {\n return new AnonymousCredentialPolicy(nextPolicy, options);\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyOptions } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport { CredentialPolicy } from \"./CredentialPolicy\";\n\n/**\n * AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with HTTP(S) requests that read public resources\n * or for use with Shared Access Signatures (SAS).\n */\nexport class AnonymousCredentialPolicy extends CredentialPolicy {\n /**\n * Creates an instance of AnonymousCredentialPolicy.\n * @param nextPolicy -\n * @param options -\n */\n // The base class has a protected constructor. Adding a public one to enable constructing of this class.\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor*/\n constructor(nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptions) {\n super(nextPolicy, options);\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { BaseRequestPolicy, HttpOperationResponse, WebResource } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\n/**\n * Credential policy used to sign HTTP(S) requests before sending. This is an\n * abstract class.\n */\nexport abstract class CredentialPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {\n /**\n * Sends out request.\n *\n * @param request -\n */\n public sendRequest(request: WebResource): Promise {\n return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(this.signRequest(request));\n }\n\n /**\n * Child classes must implement this method with request signing. This method\n * will be executed in {@link sendRequest}.\n *\n * @param request -\n */\n protected signRequest(request: WebResource): WebResource {\n // Child classes must override this method with request signing. This method\n // will be executed in sendRequest().\n return request;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyFactory, RequestPolicyOptions } from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport { CredentialPolicy } from \"../policies/CredentialPolicy\";\n\n/**\n * Credential is an abstract class for Azure Storage HTTP requests signing. This\n * class will host an credentialPolicyCreator factory which generates CredentialPolicy.\n */\nexport abstract class Credential implements RequestPolicyFactory {\n /**\n * Creates a RequestPolicy object.\n *\n * @param _nextPolicy -\n * @param _options -\n */\n public create(_nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, _options: RequestPolicyOptions): RequestPolicy {\n throw new Error(\"Method should be implemented in children classes.\");\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * A factory function that creates a new CredentialPolicy that uses the provided nextPolicy.\n */\nexport type CredentialPolicyCreator = (\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n options: RequestPolicyOptions\n) => CredentialPolicy;\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { createHmac } from \"crypto\";\nimport { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyOptions } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport { StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy } from \"../policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy\";\nimport { Credential } from \"./Credential\";\n\n/**\n * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME.\n *\n * StorageSharedKeyCredential for account key authorization of Azure Storage service.\n */\nexport class StorageSharedKeyCredential extends Credential {\n /**\n * Azure Storage account name; readonly.\n */\n public readonly accountName: string;\n\n /**\n * Azure Storage account key; readonly.\n */\n private readonly accountKey: Buffer;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of StorageSharedKeyCredential.\n * @param accountName -\n * @param accountKey -\n */\n constructor(accountName: string, accountKey: string) {\n super();\n this.accountName = accountName;\n this.accountKey = Buffer.from(accountKey, \"base64\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy object.\n *\n * @param nextPolicy -\n * @param options -\n */\n public create(\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n options: RequestPolicyOptions\n ): StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy {\n return new StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy(nextPolicy, options, this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS.\n *\n * @param stringToSign -\n */\n public computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign: string): string {\n return createHmac(\"sha256\", this.accountKey).update(stringToSign, \"utf8\").digest(\"base64\");\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyOptions, WebResource } from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport { StorageSharedKeyCredential } from \"../credentials/StorageSharedKeyCredential\";\nimport { HeaderConstants } from \"../utils/constants\";\nimport { getURLPath, getURLQueries } from \"../utils/utils.common\";\nimport { CredentialPolicy } from \"./CredentialPolicy\";\n\n/**\n * StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy is a policy used to sign HTTP request with a shared key.\n */\nexport class StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy extends CredentialPolicy {\n /**\n * Reference to StorageSharedKeyCredential which generates StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy\n */\n private readonly factory: StorageSharedKeyCredential;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy.\n * @param nextPolicy -\n * @param options -\n * @param factory -\n */\n constructor(\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n options: RequestPolicyOptions,\n factory: StorageSharedKeyCredential\n ) {\n super(nextPolicy, options);\n this.factory = factory;\n }\n\n /**\n * Signs request.\n *\n * @param request -\n */\n protected signRequest(request: WebResource): WebResource {\n request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.X_MS_DATE, new Date().toUTCString());\n\n if (\n request.body &&\n (typeof request.body === \"string\" || (request.body as Buffer) !== undefined) &&\n request.body.length > 0\n ) {\n request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH, Buffer.byteLength(request.body));\n }\n\n const stringToSign: string =\n [\n request.method.toUpperCase(),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGE),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_MD5),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_TYPE),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.DATE),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_NONE_MATCH),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE),\n this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.RANGE),\n ].join(\"\\n\") +\n \"\\n\" +\n this.getCanonicalizedHeadersString(request) +\n this.getCanonicalizedResourceString(request);\n\n const signature: string = this.factory.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign);\n request.headers.set(\n HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION,\n `SharedKey ${this.factory.accountName}:${signature}`\n );\n\n // console.log(`[URL]:${request.url}`);\n // console.log(`[HEADERS]:${request.headers.toString()}`);\n // console.log(`[STRING TO SIGN]:${JSON.stringify(stringToSign)}`);\n // console.log(`[KEY]: ${request.headers.get(HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION)}`);\n return request;\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieve header value according to shared key sign rules.\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authenticate-with-shared-key\n *\n * @param request -\n * @param headerName -\n */\n private getHeaderValueToSign(request: WebResource, headerName: string): string {\n const value = request.headers.get(headerName);\n\n if (!value) {\n return \"\";\n }\n\n // When using version 2015-02-21 or later, if Content-Length is zero, then\n // set the Content-Length part of the StringToSign to an empty string.\n // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authenticate-with-shared-key\n if (headerName === HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH && value === \"0\") {\n return \"\";\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n\n /**\n * To construct the CanonicalizedHeaders portion of the signature string, follow these steps:\n * 1. Retrieve all headers for the resource that begin with x-ms-, including the x-ms-date header.\n * 2. Convert each HTTP header name to lowercase.\n * 3. Sort the headers lexicographically by header name, in ascending order.\n * Each header may appear only once in the string.\n * 4. Replace any linear whitespace in the header value with a single space.\n * 5. Trim any whitespace around the colon in the header.\n * 6. Finally, append a new-line character to each canonicalized header in the resulting list.\n * Construct the CanonicalizedHeaders string by concatenating all headers in this list into a single string.\n *\n * @param request -\n */\n private getCanonicalizedHeadersString(request: WebResource): string {\n let headersArray = request.headers.headersArray().filter((value) => {\n return value.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(HeaderConstants.PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE);\n });\n\n headersArray.sort((a, b): number => {\n return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase());\n });\n\n // Remove duplicate headers\n headersArray = headersArray.filter((value, index, array) => {\n if (index > 0 && value.name.toLowerCase() === array[index - 1].name.toLowerCase()) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n });\n\n let canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign: string = \"\";\n headersArray.forEach((header) => {\n canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign += `${header.name\n .toLowerCase()\n .trimRight()}:${header.value.trimLeft()}\\n`;\n });\n\n return canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign;\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the webResource canonicalized resource string.\n *\n * @param request -\n */\n private getCanonicalizedResourceString(request: WebResource): string {\n const path = getURLPath(request.url) || \"/\";\n\n let canonicalizedResourceString: string = \"\";\n canonicalizedResourceString += `/${this.factory.accountName}${path}`;\n\n const queries = getURLQueries(request.url);\n const lowercaseQueries: { [key: string]: string } = {};\n if (queries) {\n const queryKeys: string[] = [];\n for (const key in queries) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(queries, key)) {\n const lowercaseKey = key.toLowerCase();\n lowercaseQueries[lowercaseKey] = queries[key];\n queryKeys.push(lowercaseKey);\n }\n }\n\n queryKeys.sort();\n for (const key of queryKeys) {\n canonicalizedResourceString += `\\n${key}:${decodeURIComponent(lowercaseQueries[key])}`;\n }\n }\n\n return canonicalizedResourceString;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nexport const SDK_VERSION: string = \"12.14.0\";\nexport const SERVICE_VERSION: string = \"2022-11-02\";\n\nexport const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES: number = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // 256MB\nexport const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES: number = 4000 * 1024 * 1024; // 4000MB\nexport const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS: number = 50000;\nexport const DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: number = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB\nexport const DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES: number = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB\nexport const DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS: number = 5;\n\nexport const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: number = 100 * 1000; // In ms\n/**\n * The OAuth scope to use with Azure Storage.\n */\nexport const StorageOAuthScopes: string | string[] = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\";\n\nexport const URLConstants = {\n Parameters: {\n FORCE_BROWSER_NO_CACHE: \"_\",\n SIGNATURE: \"sig\",\n SNAPSHOT: \"snapshot\",\n VERSIONID: \"versionid\",\n TIMEOUT: \"timeout\",\n },\n};\n\nexport const HTTPURLConnection = {\n HTTP_ACCEPTED: 202,\n HTTP_CONFLICT: 409,\n HTTP_NOT_FOUND: 404,\n HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: 412,\n HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: 416,\n};\n\nexport const HeaderConstants = {\n AUTHORIZATION: \"Authorization\",\n AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: \"Bearer\",\n CONTENT_ENCODING: \"Content-Encoding\",\n CONTENT_ID: \"Content-ID\",\n CONTENT_LANGUAGE: \"Content-Language\",\n CONTENT_LENGTH: \"Content-Length\",\n CONTENT_MD5: \"Content-Md5\",\n CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING: \"Content-Transfer-Encoding\",\n CONTENT_TYPE: \"Content-Type\",\n COOKIE: \"Cookie\",\n DATE: \"date\",\n IF_MATCH: \"if-match\",\n IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-modified-since\",\n IF_NONE_MATCH: \"if-none-match\",\n IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-unmodified-since\",\n PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE: \"x-ms-\",\n RANGE: \"Range\",\n USER_AGENT: \"User-Agent\",\n X_MS_CLIENT_REQUEST_ID: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n X_MS_COPY_SOURCE: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n X_MS_DATE: \"x-ms-date\",\n X_MS_ERROR_CODE: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n X_MS_VERSION: \"x-ms-version\",\n};\n\nexport const ETagNone = \"\";\nexport const ETagAny = \"*\";\n\nexport const SIZE_1_MB = 1 * 1024 * 1024;\nexport const BATCH_MAX_REQUEST = 256;\nexport const BATCH_MAX_PAYLOAD_IN_BYTES = 4 * SIZE_1_MB;\nexport const HTTP_LINE_ENDING = \"\\r\\n\";\nexport const HTTP_VERSION_1_1 = \"HTTP/1.1\";\n\nexport const EncryptionAlgorithmAES25 = \"AES256\";\n\nexport const DevelopmentConnectionString = `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=;`;\n\nexport const StorageBlobLoggingAllowedHeaderNames = [\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\n \"Cache-Control\",\n \"Content-Length\",\n \"Content-Type\",\n \"Date\",\n \"Request-Id\",\n \"traceparent\",\n \"Transfer-Encoding\",\n \"User-Agent\",\n \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-date\",\n \"x-ms-error-code\",\n \"x-ms-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-return-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-version\",\n \"Accept-Ranges\",\n \"Content-Disposition\",\n \"Content-Encoding\",\n \"Content-Language\",\n \"Content-MD5\",\n \"Content-Range\",\n \"ETag\",\n \"Last-Modified\",\n \"Server\",\n \"Vary\",\n \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n \"x-ms-copy-action\",\n \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n \"x-ms-has-immutability-policy\",\n \"x-ms-has-legal-hold\",\n \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n \"x-ms-range\",\n \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-snapshot\",\n \"x-ms-source-range\",\n \"If-Match\",\n \"If-Modified-Since\",\n \"If-None-Match\",\n \"If-Unmodified-Since\",\n \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n \"x-ms-access-tier-change-time\",\n \"x-ms-access-tier-inferred\",\n \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n \"x-ms-archive-status\",\n \"x-ms-blob-append-offset\",\n \"x-ms-blob-cache-control\",\n \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n \"x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos\",\n \"x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-disposition\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-encoding\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-language\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n \"x-ms-blob-content-type\",\n \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n \"x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot\",\n \"x-ms-creation-time\",\n \"x-ms-default-encryption-scope\",\n \"x-ms-delete-snapshots\",\n \"x-ms-delete-type-permanent\",\n \"x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override\",\n \"x-ms-encryption-algorithm\",\n \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq\",\n \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-le\",\n \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt\",\n \"x-ms-incremental-copy\",\n \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n \"x-ms-lease-break-period\",\n \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n \"x-ms-lease-time\",\n \"x-ms-page-write\",\n \"x-ms-proposed-lease-id\",\n \"x-ms-range-get-content-md5\",\n \"x-ms-rehydrate-priority\",\n \"x-ms-sequence-number-action\",\n \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n \"x-ms-source-content-md5\",\n \"x-ms-source-if-match\",\n \"x-ms-source-if-modified-since\",\n \"x-ms-source-if-none-match\",\n \"x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since\",\n \"x-ms-tag-count\",\n \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n \"x-ms-if-tags\",\n \"x-ms-source-if-tags\",\n];\n\nexport const StorageBlobLoggingAllowedQueryParameters = [\n \"comp\",\n \"maxresults\",\n \"rscc\",\n \"rscd\",\n \"rsce\",\n \"rscl\",\n \"rsct\",\n \"se\",\n \"si\",\n \"sip\",\n \"sp\",\n \"spr\",\n \"sr\",\n \"srt\",\n \"ss\",\n \"st\",\n \"sv\",\n \"include\",\n \"marker\",\n \"prefix\",\n \"copyid\",\n \"restype\",\n \"blockid\",\n \"blocklisttype\",\n \"delimiter\",\n \"prevsnapshot\",\n \"ske\",\n \"skoid\",\n \"sks\",\n \"skt\",\n \"sktid\",\n \"skv\",\n \"snapshot\",\n];\n\nexport const BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryptionMsg = \"BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption\";\nexport const BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption =\n \"BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption\";\n\n/// List of ports used for path style addressing.\n/// Path style addressing means that storage account is put in URI's Path segment in instead of in host.\nexport const PathStylePorts = [\n \"10000\",\n \"10001\",\n \"10002\",\n \"10003\",\n \"10004\",\n \"10100\",\n \"10101\",\n \"10102\",\n \"10103\",\n \"10104\",\n \"11000\",\n \"11001\",\n \"11002\",\n \"11003\",\n \"11004\",\n \"11100\",\n \"11101\",\n \"11102\",\n \"11103\",\n \"11104\",\n];\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { HttpHeaders, isNode, URLBuilder, TokenCredential } from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport {\n BlobQueryArrowConfiguration,\n BlobQueryCsvTextConfiguration,\n BlobQueryJsonTextConfiguration,\n BlobQueryParquetConfiguration,\n} from \"../Clients\";\nimport {\n QuerySerialization,\n BlobTags,\n BlobName,\n ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse,\n ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse,\n PageRange,\n ClearRange,\n} from \"../generated/src/models\";\nimport {\n DevelopmentConnectionString,\n HeaderConstants,\n PathStylePorts,\n URLConstants,\n} from \"./constants\";\nimport {\n Tags,\n ObjectReplicationPolicy,\n ObjectReplicationRule,\n ObjectReplicationStatus,\n HttpAuthorization,\n} from \"../models\";\nimport {\n ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponseModel,\n BlobItemInternal as BlobItemInternalModel,\n ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponseModel,\n BlobPrefix as BlobPrefixModel,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel,\n PageRangeInfo,\n} from \"../generatedModels\";\n\n/**\n * Reserved URL characters must be properly escaped for Storage services like Blob or File.\n *\n * ## URL encode and escape strategy for JS SDKs\n *\n * When customers pass a URL string into XxxClient classes constructor, the URL string may already be URL encoded or not.\n * But before sending to Azure Storage server, the URL must be encoded. However, it's hard for a SDK to guess whether the URL\n * string has been encoded or not. We have 2 potential strategies, and chose strategy two for the XxxClient constructors.\n *\n * ### Strategy One: Assume the customer URL string is not encoded, and always encode URL string in SDK.\n *\n * This is what legacy V2 SDK does, simple and works for most of the cases.\n * - When customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b:\",\n * SDK will encode it to \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A\" and send to server. A blob named \"b:\" will be created.\n * - When customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A\",\n * SDK will encode it to \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A\" and send to server. A blob named \"b%3A\" will be created.\n *\n * But this strategy will make it not possible to create a blob with \"?\" in it's name. Because when customer URL string is\n * \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/blob?name\", the \"?name\" will be treated as URL paramter instead of blob name.\n * If customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/blob%3Fname\", a blob named \"blob%3Fname\" will be created.\n * V2 SDK doesn't have this issue because it doesn't allow customer pass in a full URL, it accepts a separate blob name and encodeURIComponent for it.\n * We cannot accept a SDK cannot create a blob name with \"?\". So we implement strategy two:\n *\n * ### Strategy Two: SDK doesn't assume the URL has been encoded or not. It will just escape the special characters.\n *\n * This is what V10 Blob Go SDK does. It accepts a URL type in Go, and call url.EscapedPath() to escape the special chars unescaped.\n * - When customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b:\",\n * SDK will escape \":\" like \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A\" and send to server. A blob named \"b:\" will be created.\n * - When customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A\",\n * There is no special characters, so send \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A\" to server. A blob named \"b:\" will be created.\n * - When customer URL string is \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A\",\n * There is no special characters, so send \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A\" to server. A blob named \"b%3A\" will be created.\n *\n * This strategy gives us flexibility to create with any special characters. But \"%\" will be treated as a special characters, if the URL string\n * is not encoded, there shouldn't a \"%\" in the URL string, otherwise the URL is not a valid URL.\n * If customer needs to create a blob with \"%\" in it's blob name, use \"%25\" instead of \"%\". Just like above 3rd sample.\n * And following URL strings are invalid:\n * - \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%\"\n * - \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%2\"\n * - \"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%G\"\n *\n * Another special character is \"?\", use \"%2F\" to represent a blob name with \"?\" in a URL string.\n *\n * ### Strategy for containerName, blobName or other specific XXXName parameters in methods such as `containerClient.getBlobClient(blobName)`\n *\n * We will apply strategy one, and call encodeURIComponent for these parameters like blobName. Because what customers passes in is a plain name instead of a URL.\n *\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-containers--blobs--and-metadata\n * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-shares--directories--files--and-metadata\n *\n * @param url -\n */\nexport function escapeURLPath(url: string): string {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n\n let path = urlParsed.getPath();\n path = path || \"/\";\n\n path = escape(path);\n urlParsed.setPath(path);\n\n return urlParsed.toString();\n}\n\nexport interface ConnectionString {\n kind: \"AccountConnString\" | \"SASConnString\";\n url: string;\n accountName: string;\n accountKey?: any;\n accountSas?: string;\n proxyUri?: string; // Development Connection String may contain proxyUri\n}\n\nfunction getProxyUriFromDevConnString(connectionString: string): string {\n // Development Connection String\n // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-configure-connection-string#connect-to-the-emulator-account-using-the-well-known-account-name-and-key\n let proxyUri = \"\";\n if (connectionString.search(\"DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=\") !== -1) {\n // CONNECTION_STRING=UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=http://myProxyUri\n const matchCredentials = connectionString.split(\";\");\n for (const element of matchCredentials) {\n if (element.trim().startsWith(\"DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=\")) {\n proxyUri = element.trim().match(\"DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=(.*)\")![1];\n }\n }\n }\n return proxyUri;\n}\n\nexport function getValueInConnString(\n connectionString: string,\n argument:\n | \"BlobEndpoint\"\n | \"AccountName\"\n | \"AccountKey\"\n | \"DefaultEndpointsProtocol\"\n | \"EndpointSuffix\"\n | \"SharedAccessSignature\"\n): string {\n const elements = connectionString.split(\";\");\n for (const element of elements) {\n if (element.trim().startsWith(argument)) {\n return element.trim().match(argument + \"=(.*)\")![1];\n }\n }\n return \"\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Extracts the parts of an Azure Storage account connection string.\n *\n * @param connectionString - Connection string.\n * @returns String key value pairs of the storage account's url and credentials.\n */\nexport function extractConnectionStringParts(connectionString: string): ConnectionString {\n let proxyUri = \"\";\n\n if (connectionString.startsWith(\"UseDevelopmentStorage=true\")) {\n // Development connection string\n proxyUri = getProxyUriFromDevConnString(connectionString);\n connectionString = DevelopmentConnectionString;\n }\n\n // Matching BlobEndpoint in the Account connection string\n let blobEndpoint = getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"BlobEndpoint\");\n // Slicing off '/' at the end if exists\n // (The methods that use `extractConnectionStringParts` expect the url to not have `/` at the end)\n blobEndpoint = blobEndpoint.endsWith(\"/\") ? blobEndpoint.slice(0, -1) : blobEndpoint;\n\n if (\n connectionString.search(\"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=\") !== -1 &&\n connectionString.search(\"AccountKey=\") !== -1\n ) {\n // Account connection string\n\n let defaultEndpointsProtocol = \"\";\n let accountName = \"\";\n let accountKey = Buffer.from(\"accountKey\", \"base64\");\n let endpointSuffix = \"\";\n\n // Get account name and key\n accountName = getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"AccountName\");\n accountKey = Buffer.from(getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"AccountKey\"), \"base64\");\n\n if (!blobEndpoint) {\n // BlobEndpoint is not present in the Account connection string\n // Can be obtained from `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}`\n\n defaultEndpointsProtocol = getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"DefaultEndpointsProtocol\");\n const protocol = defaultEndpointsProtocol!.toLowerCase();\n if (protocol !== \"https\" && protocol !== \"http\") {\n throw new Error(\n \"Invalid DefaultEndpointsProtocol in the provided Connection String. Expecting 'https' or 'http'\"\n );\n }\n\n endpointSuffix = getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"EndpointSuffix\");\n if (!endpointSuffix) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid EndpointSuffix in the provided Connection String\");\n }\n blobEndpoint = `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}`;\n }\n\n if (!accountName) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid AccountName in the provided Connection String\");\n } else if (accountKey.length === 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid AccountKey in the provided Connection String\");\n }\n\n return {\n kind: \"AccountConnString\",\n url: blobEndpoint,\n accountName,\n accountKey,\n proxyUri,\n };\n } else {\n // SAS connection string\n\n const accountSas = getValueInConnString(connectionString, \"SharedAccessSignature\");\n const accountName = getAccountNameFromUrl(blobEndpoint);\n if (!blobEndpoint) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid BlobEndpoint in the provided SAS Connection String\");\n } else if (!accountSas) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid SharedAccessSignature in the provided SAS Connection String\");\n }\n\n return { kind: \"SASConnString\", url: blobEndpoint, accountName, accountSas };\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Internal escape method implemented Strategy Two mentioned in escapeURL() description.\n *\n * @param text -\n */\nfunction escape(text: string): string {\n return encodeURIComponent(text)\n .replace(/%2F/g, \"/\") // Don't escape for \"/\"\n .replace(/'/g, \"%27\") // Escape for \"'\"\n .replace(/\\+/g, \"%20\")\n .replace(/%25/g, \"%\"); // Revert encoded \"%\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Append a string to URL path. Will remove duplicated \"/\" in front of the string\n * when URL path ends with a \"/\".\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n * @param name - String to be appended to URL\n * @returns An updated URL string\n */\nexport function appendToURLPath(url: string, name: string): string {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n\n let path = urlParsed.getPath();\n path = path ? (path.endsWith(\"/\") ? `${path}${name}` : `${path}/${name}`) : name;\n urlParsed.setPath(path);\n\n const normalizedUrl = new URL(urlParsed.toString());\n\n return normalizedUrl.toString();\n}\n\n/**\n * Set URL parameter name and value. If name exists in URL parameters, old value\n * will be replaced by name key. If not provide value, the parameter will be deleted.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n * @param name - Parameter name\n * @param value - Parameter value\n * @returns An updated URL string\n */\nexport function setURLParameter(url: string, name: string, value?: string): string {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n urlParsed.setQueryParameter(name, value);\n return urlParsed.toString();\n}\n\n/**\n * Get URL parameter by name.\n *\n * @param url -\n * @param name -\n */\nexport function getURLParameter(url: string, name: string): string | string[] | undefined {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n return urlParsed.getQueryParameterValue(name);\n}\n\n/**\n * Set URL host.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n * @param host - New host string\n * @returns An updated URL string\n */\nexport function setURLHost(url: string, host: string): string {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n urlParsed.setHost(host);\n return urlParsed.toString();\n}\n\n/**\n * Get URL path from an URL string.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n */\nexport function getURLPath(url: string): string | undefined {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n return urlParsed.getPath();\n}\n\n/**\n * Get URL scheme from an URL string.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n */\nexport function getURLScheme(url: string): string | undefined {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n return urlParsed.getScheme();\n}\n\n/**\n * Get URL path and query from an URL string.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string\n */\nexport function getURLPathAndQuery(url: string): string | undefined {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n const pathString = urlParsed.getPath();\n if (!pathString) {\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid url without valid path.\");\n }\n\n let queryString = urlParsed.getQuery() || \"\";\n queryString = queryString.trim();\n if (queryString !== \"\") {\n queryString = queryString.startsWith(\"?\") ? queryString : `?${queryString}`; // Ensure query string start with '?'\n }\n\n return `${pathString}${queryString}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get URL query key value pairs from an URL string.\n *\n * @param url -\n */\nexport function getURLQueries(url: string): { [key: string]: string } {\n let queryString = URLBuilder.parse(url).getQuery();\n if (!queryString) {\n return {};\n }\n\n queryString = queryString.trim();\n queryString = queryString.startsWith(\"?\") ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString;\n\n let querySubStrings: string[] = queryString.split(\"&\");\n querySubStrings = querySubStrings.filter((value: string) => {\n const indexOfEqual = value.indexOf(\"=\");\n const lastIndexOfEqual = value.lastIndexOf(\"=\");\n return (\n indexOfEqual > 0 && indexOfEqual === lastIndexOfEqual && lastIndexOfEqual < value.length - 1\n );\n });\n\n const queries: { [key: string]: string } = {};\n for (const querySubString of querySubStrings) {\n const splitResults = querySubString.split(\"=\");\n const key: string = splitResults[0];\n const value: string = splitResults[1];\n queries[key] = value;\n }\n\n return queries;\n}\n\n/**\n * Append a string to URL query.\n *\n * @param url - Source URL string.\n * @param queryParts - String to be appended to the URL query.\n * @returns An updated URL string.\n */\nexport function appendToURLQuery(url: string, queryParts: string): string {\n const urlParsed = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n\n let query = urlParsed.getQuery();\n if (query) {\n query += \"&\" + queryParts;\n } else {\n query = queryParts;\n }\n\n urlParsed.setQuery(query);\n return urlParsed.toString();\n}\n\n/**\n * Rounds a date off to seconds.\n *\n * @param date -\n * @param withMilliseconds - If true, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffffffZ will be returned;\n * If false, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ will be returned.\n * @returns Date string in ISO8061 format, with or without 7 milliseconds component\n */\nexport function truncatedISO8061Date(date: Date, withMilliseconds: boolean = true): string {\n // Date.toISOString() will return like \"2018-10-29T06:34:36.139Z\"\n const dateString = date.toISOString();\n\n return withMilliseconds\n ? dateString.substring(0, dateString.length - 1) + \"0000\" + \"Z\"\n : dateString.substring(0, dateString.length - 5) + \"Z\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Base64 encode.\n *\n * @param content -\n */\nexport function base64encode(content: string): string {\n return !isNode ? btoa(content) : Buffer.from(content).toString(\"base64\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Base64 decode.\n *\n * @param encodedString -\n */\nexport function base64decode(encodedString: string): string {\n return !isNode ? atob(encodedString) : Buffer.from(encodedString, \"base64\").toString();\n}\n\n/**\n * Generate a 64 bytes base64 block ID string.\n *\n * @param blockIndex -\n */\nexport function generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix: string, blockIndex: number): string {\n // To generate a 64 bytes base64 string, source string should be 48\n const maxSourceStringLength = 48;\n\n // A blob can have a maximum of 100,000 uncommitted blocks at any given time\n const maxBlockIndexLength = 6;\n\n const maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength = maxSourceStringLength - maxBlockIndexLength;\n\n if (blockIDPrefix.length > maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength) {\n blockIDPrefix = blockIDPrefix.slice(0, maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength);\n }\n const res =\n blockIDPrefix +\n padStart(blockIndex.toString(), maxSourceStringLength - blockIDPrefix.length, \"0\");\n return base64encode(res);\n}\n\n/**\n * Delay specified time interval.\n *\n * @param timeInMs -\n * @param aborter -\n * @param abortError -\n */\nexport async function delay(\n timeInMs: number,\n aborter?: AbortSignalLike,\n abortError?: Error\n): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n /* eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const */\n let timeout: any;\n\n const abortHandler = () => {\n if (timeout !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n }\n reject(abortError);\n };\n\n const resolveHandler = () => {\n if (aborter !== undefined) {\n aborter.removeEventListener(\"abort\", abortHandler);\n }\n resolve();\n };\n\n timeout = setTimeout(resolveHandler, timeInMs);\n\n if (aborter !== undefined) {\n aborter.addEventListener(\"abort\", abortHandler);\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * String.prototype.padStart()\n *\n * @param currentString -\n * @param targetLength -\n * @param padString -\n */\nexport function padStart(\n currentString: string,\n targetLength: number,\n padString: string = \" \"\n): string {\n // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know this code needs to run downlevel sometimes\n if (String.prototype.padStart) {\n return currentString.padStart(targetLength, padString);\n }\n\n padString = padString || \" \";\n if (currentString.length > targetLength) {\n return currentString;\n } else {\n targetLength = targetLength - currentString.length;\n if (targetLength > padString.length) {\n padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length);\n }\n return padString.slice(0, targetLength) + currentString;\n }\n}\n\nexport function sanitizeURL(url: string): string {\n let safeURL: string = url;\n if (getURLParameter(safeURL, URLConstants.Parameters.SIGNATURE)) {\n safeURL = setURLParameter(safeURL, URLConstants.Parameters.SIGNATURE, \"*****\");\n }\n\n return safeURL;\n}\n\nexport function sanitizeHeaders(originalHeader: HttpHeaders): HttpHeaders {\n const headers: HttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n for (const header of originalHeader.headersArray()) {\n if (header.name.toLowerCase() === HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION.toLowerCase()) {\n headers.set(header.name, \"*****\");\n } else if (header.name.toLowerCase() === HeaderConstants.X_MS_COPY_SOURCE) {\n headers.set(header.name, sanitizeURL(header.value));\n } else {\n headers.set(header.name, header.value);\n }\n }\n\n return headers;\n}\n/**\n * If two strings are equal when compared case insensitive.\n *\n * @param str1 -\n * @param str2 -\n */\nexport function iEqual(str1: string, str2: string): boolean {\n return str1.toLocaleLowerCase() === str2.toLocaleLowerCase();\n}\n\n/**\n * Extracts account name from the url\n * @param url - url to extract the account name from\n * @returns with the account name\n */\nexport function getAccountNameFromUrl(url: string): string {\n const parsedUrl: URLBuilder = URLBuilder.parse(url);\n let accountName;\n try {\n if (parsedUrl.getHost()!.split(\".\")[1] === \"blob\") {\n // `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}`;\n accountName = parsedUrl.getHost()!.split(\".\")[0];\n } else if (isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl)) {\n // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts... Example -\n // Single word domain without a [dot] in the endpoint... Example - http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/\n // .getPath() -> /devstoreaccount1/\n accountName = parsedUrl.getPath()!.split(\"/\")[1];\n } else {\n // Custom domain case: \"https://customdomain.com/containername/blob\".\n accountName = \"\";\n }\n return accountName;\n } catch (error: any) {\n throw new Error(\"Unable to extract accountName with provided information.\");\n }\n}\n\nexport function isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl: URLBuilder): boolean {\n if (parsedUrl.getHost() === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const host =\n parsedUrl.getHost()! + (parsedUrl.getPort() === undefined ? \"\" : \":\" + parsedUrl.getPort());\n\n // Case 1: Ipv6, use a broad regex to find out candidates whose host contains two ':'.\n // Case 2: localhost(:port), use broad regex to match port part.\n // Case 3: Ipv4, use broad regex which just check if host contains Ipv4.\n // For valid host please refer to https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hostname.7.html.\n return (\n /^.*:.*:.*$|^localhost(:[0-9]+)?$|^(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(\\.(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(:[0-9]+)?$/.test(\n host\n ) ||\n (parsedUrl.getPort() !== undefined && PathStylePorts.includes(parsedUrl.getPort()!))\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert Tags to encoded string.\n *\n * @param tags -\n */\nexport function toBlobTagsString(tags?: Tags): string | undefined {\n if (tags === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const tagPairs = [];\n for (const key in tags) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, key)) {\n const value = tags[key];\n tagPairs.push(`${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`);\n }\n }\n\n return tagPairs.join(\"&\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert Tags type to BlobTags.\n *\n * @param tags -\n */\nexport function toBlobTags(tags?: Tags): BlobTags | undefined {\n if (tags === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const res: BlobTags = {\n blobTagSet: [],\n };\n\n for (const key in tags) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, key)) {\n const value = tags[key];\n res.blobTagSet.push({\n key,\n value,\n });\n }\n }\n return res;\n}\n\n/**\n * Covert BlobTags to Tags type.\n *\n * @param tags -\n */\nexport function toTags(tags?: BlobTags): Tags | undefined {\n if (tags === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const res: Tags = {};\n for (const blobTag of tags.blobTagSet) {\n res[blobTag.key] = blobTag.value;\n }\n return res;\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert BlobQueryTextConfiguration to QuerySerialization type.\n *\n * @param textConfiguration -\n */\nexport function toQuerySerialization(\n textConfiguration?:\n | BlobQueryJsonTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryCsvTextConfiguration\n | BlobQueryArrowConfiguration\n | BlobQueryParquetConfiguration\n): QuerySerialization | undefined {\n if (textConfiguration === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n switch (textConfiguration.kind) {\n case \"csv\":\n return {\n format: {\n type: \"delimited\",\n delimitedTextConfiguration: {\n columnSeparator: textConfiguration.columnSeparator || \",\",\n fieldQuote: textConfiguration.fieldQuote || \"\",\n recordSeparator: textConfiguration.recordSeparator,\n escapeChar: textConfiguration.escapeCharacter || \"\",\n headersPresent: textConfiguration.hasHeaders || false,\n },\n },\n };\n case \"json\":\n return {\n format: {\n type: \"json\",\n jsonTextConfiguration: {\n recordSeparator: textConfiguration.recordSeparator,\n },\n },\n };\n case \"arrow\":\n return {\n format: {\n type: \"arrow\",\n arrowConfiguration: {\n schema: textConfiguration.schema,\n },\n },\n };\n case \"parquet\":\n return {\n format: {\n type: \"parquet\",\n },\n };\n\n default:\n throw Error(\"Invalid BlobQueryTextConfiguration.\");\n }\n}\n\nexport function parseObjectReplicationRecord(\n objectReplicationRecord?: Record\n): ObjectReplicationPolicy[] | undefined {\n if (!objectReplicationRecord) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n if (\"policy-id\" in objectReplicationRecord) {\n // If the dictionary contains a key with policy id, we are not required to do any parsing since\n // the policy id should already be stored in the ObjectReplicationDestinationPolicyId.\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const orProperties: ObjectReplicationPolicy[] = [];\n for (const key in objectReplicationRecord) {\n const ids = key.split(\"_\");\n const policyPrefix = \"or-\";\n if (ids[0].startsWith(policyPrefix)) {\n ids[0] = ids[0].substring(policyPrefix.length);\n }\n const rule: ObjectReplicationRule = {\n ruleId: ids[1],\n replicationStatus: objectReplicationRecord[key] as ObjectReplicationStatus,\n };\n const policyIndex = orProperties.findIndex((policy) => policy.policyId === ids[0]);\n if (policyIndex > -1) {\n orProperties[policyIndex].rules.push(rule);\n } else {\n orProperties.push({\n policyId: ids[0],\n rules: [rule],\n });\n }\n }\n return orProperties;\n}\n\n/**\n * Attach a TokenCredential to an object.\n *\n * @param thing -\n * @param credential -\n */\nexport function attachCredential(thing: T, credential: TokenCredential): T {\n (thing as any).credential = credential;\n return thing;\n}\n\nexport function httpAuthorizationToString(\n httpAuthorization?: HttpAuthorization\n): string | undefined {\n return httpAuthorization ? httpAuthorization.scheme + \" \" + httpAuthorization.value : undefined;\n}\n\nexport function BlobNameToString(name: BlobName): string {\n if (name.encoded) {\n return decodeURIComponent(name.content!);\n } else {\n return name.content!;\n }\n}\n\nexport function ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobFlat(\n internalResponse: ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse\n): ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponseModel {\n return {\n ...internalResponse,\n segment: {\n blobItems: internalResponse.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => {\n const blobItem: BlobItemInternalModel = {\n ...blobItemInteral,\n name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name),\n };\n return blobItem;\n }),\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport function ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobHierarchy(\n internalResponse: ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse\n): ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponseModel {\n return {\n ...internalResponse,\n segment: {\n blobPrefixes: internalResponse.segment.blobPrefixes?.map((blobPrefixInternal) => {\n const blobPrefix: BlobPrefixModel = {\n name: BlobNameToString(blobPrefixInternal.name),\n };\n return blobPrefix;\n }),\n blobItems: internalResponse.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => {\n const blobItem: BlobItemInternalModel = {\n ...blobItemInteral,\n name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name),\n };\n return blobItem;\n }),\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport function* ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(\n getPageRangesSegment: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel\n): IterableIterator {\n let pageRange: PageRange[] = [];\n let clearRange: ClearRange[] = [];\n\n if (getPageRangesSegment.pageRange) pageRange = getPageRangesSegment.pageRange;\n if (getPageRangesSegment.clearRange) clearRange = getPageRangesSegment.clearRange;\n\n let pageRangeIndex = 0;\n let clearRangeIndex = 0;\n\n while (pageRangeIndex < pageRange.length && clearRangeIndex < clearRange.length) {\n if (pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start < clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start) {\n yield {\n start: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start,\n end: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].end,\n isClear: false,\n };\n ++pageRangeIndex;\n } else {\n yield {\n start: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start,\n end: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].end,\n isClear: true,\n };\n ++clearRangeIndex;\n }\n }\n\n for (; pageRangeIndex < pageRange.length; ++pageRangeIndex) {\n yield {\n start: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start,\n end: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].end,\n isClear: false,\n };\n }\n\n for (; clearRangeIndex < clearRange.length; ++clearRangeIndex) {\n yield {\n start: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start,\n end: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].end,\n isClear: true,\n };\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape the blobName but keep path separator ('/').\n */\nexport function EscapePath(blobName: string): string {\n const split = blobName.split(\"/\");\n for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {\n split[i] = encodeURIComponent(split[i]);\n }\n return split.join(\"/\");\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * A collection of HttpHeaders that can be sent with a HTTP request.\n */\nfunction getHeaderKey(headerName: string): string {\n return headerName.toLowerCase();\n}\n\n/**\n * An individual header within a HttpHeaders collection.\n */\nexport interface HttpHeader {\n /**\n * The name of the header.\n */\n name: string;\n\n /**\n * The value of the header.\n */\n value: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A HttpHeaders collection represented as a simple JSON object.\n */\nexport type RawHttpHeaders = { [headerName: string]: string };\n\n/**\n * A collection of HTTP header key/value pairs.\n */\nexport interface HttpHeadersLike {\n /**\n * Set a header in this collection with the provided name and value. The name is\n * case-insensitive.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header to set. This value is case-insensitive.\n * @param headerValue - The value of the header to set.\n */\n set(headerName: string, headerValue: string | number): void;\n /**\n * Get the header value for the provided header name, or undefined if no header exists in this\n * collection with the provided name.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header.\n */\n get(headerName: string): string | undefined;\n /**\n * Get whether or not this header collection contains a header entry for the provided header name.\n */\n contains(headerName: string): boolean;\n /**\n * Remove the header with the provided headerName. Return whether or not the header existed and\n * was removed.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header to remove.\n */\n remove(headerName: string): boolean;\n /**\n * Get the headers that are contained this collection as an object.\n */\n rawHeaders(): RawHttpHeaders;\n /**\n * Get the headers that are contained in this collection as an array.\n */\n headersArray(): HttpHeader[];\n /**\n * Get the header names that are contained in this collection.\n */\n headerNames(): string[];\n /**\n * Get the header values that are contained in this collection.\n */\n headerValues(): string[];\n /**\n * Create a deep clone/copy of this HttpHeaders collection.\n */\n clone(): HttpHeadersLike;\n /**\n * Get the JSON object representation of this HTTP header collection.\n * The result is the same as `rawHeaders()`.\n */\n toJson(options?: { preserveCase?: boolean }): RawHttpHeaders;\n}\n\nexport function isHttpHeadersLike(object?: unknown): object is HttpHeadersLike {\n if (object && typeof object === \"object\") {\n const castObject = object as {\n rawHeaders: unknown;\n clone: unknown;\n get: unknown;\n set: unknown;\n contains: unknown;\n remove: unknown;\n headersArray: unknown;\n headerValues: unknown;\n headerNames: unknown;\n toJson: unknown;\n };\n if (\n typeof castObject.rawHeaders === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.clone === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.get === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.set === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.contains === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.remove === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.headersArray === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.headerValues === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.headerNames === \"function\" &&\n typeof castObject.toJson === \"function\"\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * A collection of HTTP header key/value pairs.\n */\nexport class HttpHeaders implements HttpHeadersLike {\n private readonly _headersMap: { [headerKey: string]: HttpHeader };\n\n constructor(rawHeaders?: RawHttpHeaders) {\n this._headersMap = {};\n if (rawHeaders) {\n for (const headerName in rawHeaders) {\n this.set(headerName, rawHeaders[headerName]);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set a header in this collection with the provided name and value. The name is\n * case-insensitive.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header to set. This value is case-insensitive.\n * @param headerValue - The value of the header to set.\n */\n public set(headerName: string, headerValue: string | number): void {\n this._headersMap[getHeaderKey(headerName)] = {\n name: headerName,\n value: headerValue.toString(),\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the header value for the provided header name, or undefined if no header exists in this\n * collection with the provided name.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header.\n */\n public get(headerName: string): string | undefined {\n const header: HttpHeader = this._headersMap[getHeaderKey(headerName)];\n return !header ? undefined : header.value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get whether or not this header collection contains a header entry for the provided header name.\n */\n public contains(headerName: string): boolean {\n return !!this._headersMap[getHeaderKey(headerName)];\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove the header with the provided headerName. Return whether or not the header existed and\n * was removed.\n * @param headerName - The name of the header to remove.\n */\n public remove(headerName: string): boolean {\n const result: boolean = this.contains(headerName);\n delete this._headersMap[getHeaderKey(headerName)];\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the headers that are contained this collection as an object.\n */\n public rawHeaders(): RawHttpHeaders {\n return this.toJson({ preserveCase: true });\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the headers that are contained in this collection as an array.\n */\n public headersArray(): HttpHeader[] {\n const headers: HttpHeader[] = [];\n for (const headerKey in this._headersMap) {\n headers.push(this._headersMap[headerKey]);\n }\n return headers;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the header names that are contained in this collection.\n */\n public headerNames(): string[] {\n const headerNames: string[] = [];\n const headers: HttpHeader[] = this.headersArray();\n for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {\n headerNames.push(headers[i].name);\n }\n return headerNames;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the header values that are contained in this collection.\n */\n public headerValues(): string[] {\n const headerValues: string[] = [];\n const headers: HttpHeader[] = this.headersArray();\n for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {\n headerValues.push(headers[i].value);\n }\n return headerValues;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the JSON object representation of this HTTP header collection.\n */\n public toJson(options: { preserveCase?: boolean } = {}): RawHttpHeaders {\n const result: RawHttpHeaders = {};\n if (options.preserveCase) {\n for (const headerKey in this._headersMap) {\n const header: HttpHeader = this._headersMap[headerKey];\n result[header.name] = header.value;\n }\n } else {\n for (const headerKey in this._headersMap) {\n const header: HttpHeader = this._headersMap[headerKey];\n result[getHeaderKey(header.name)] = header.value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the string representation of this HTTP header collection.\n */\n public toString(): string {\n return JSON.stringify(this.toJson({ preserveCase: true }));\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a deep clone/copy of this HttpHeaders collection.\n */\n public clone(): HttpHeaders {\n const resultPreservingCasing: RawHttpHeaders = {};\n for (const headerKey in this._headersMap) {\n const header: HttpHeader = this._headersMap[headerKey];\n resultPreservingCasing[header.name] = header.value;\n }\n return new HttpHeaders(resultPreservingCasing);\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreHttp from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/mappers\";\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\nimport { StorageClientContext } from \"../storageClientContext\";\nimport {\n AppendBlobCreateOptionalParams,\n AppendBlobCreateResponse,\n AppendBlobAppendBlockOptionalParams,\n AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse,\n AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlOptionalParams,\n AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlResponse,\n AppendBlobSealOptionalParams,\n AppendBlobSealResponse\n} from \"../models\";\n\n/** Class representing a AppendBlob. */\nexport class AppendBlob {\n private readonly client: StorageClientContext;\n\n /**\n * Initialize a new instance of the class AppendBlob class.\n * @param client Reference to the service client\n */\n constructor(client: StorageClientContext) {\n this.client = client;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Create Append Blob operation creates a new append blob.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n create(\n contentLength: number,\n options?: AppendBlobCreateOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n createOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob. The\n * Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob was created with x-ms-blob-type set to\n * AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param body Initial data\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n appendBlock(\n contentLength: number,\n body: coreHttp.HttpRequestBody,\n options?: AppendBlobAppendBlockOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n body,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n appendBlockOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob where\n * the contents are read from a source url. The Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob\n * was created with x-ms-blob-type set to AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version\n * 2015-02-21 version or later.\n * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n appendBlockFromUrl(\n sourceUrl: string,\n contentLength: number,\n options?: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n sourceUrl,\n contentLength,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n appendBlockFromUrlOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Seal operation seals the Append Blob to make it read-only. Seal is supported only on version\n * 2019-12-12 version or later.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n seal(\n options?: AppendBlobSealOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n sealOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n}\n// Operation Specifications\nconst xmlSerializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true);\nconst serializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false);\n\nconst createOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobCreateHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.legalHold1,\n Parameters.blobType1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst appendBlockOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.body1,\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp22],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64,\n Parameters.contentType1,\n Parameters.accept2,\n Parameters.maxSize,\n Parameters.appendPosition\n ],\n mediaType: \"binary\",\n serializer\n};\nconst appendBlockFromUrlOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp22],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.sourceContentMD5,\n Parameters.copySourceAuthorization,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.sourceUrl,\n Parameters.sourceContentCrc64,\n Parameters.maxSize,\n Parameters.appendPosition,\n Parameters.sourceRange1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst sealOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobSealHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp23],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.appendPosition\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { RequestOptionsBase, TransferProgressEvent } from \"./webResource\";\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"./httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { OperationTracingOptions } from \"@azure/core-tracing\";\n\n/**\n * The base options type for all operations.\n */\nexport interface OperationOptions {\n /**\n * The signal which can be used to abort requests.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Options used when creating and sending HTTP requests for this operation.\n */\n requestOptions?: OperationRequestOptions;\n /**\n * Options used when tracing is enabled.\n */\n tracingOptions?: OperationTracingOptions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options that allow configuring the handling of HTTP requests made by an SDK operation.\n */\nexport interface OperationRequestOptions {\n /**\n * User defined custom request headers that will be applied before the request is sent.\n */\n customHeaders?: { [key: string]: string };\n\n /**\n * The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.\n */\n timeout?: number;\n\n /**\n * Callback which fires upon upload progress.\n */\n onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * Callback which fires upon download progress.\n */\n onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;\n /**\n * Whether or not the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized. If this is undefined, then the\n * HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized.\n */\n shouldDeserialize?: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts an OperationOptions to a RequestOptionsBase\n *\n * @param opts - OperationOptions object to convert to RequestOptionsBase\n */\nexport function operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(\n opts: T\n): RequestOptionsBase {\n const { requestOptions, tracingOptions, ...additionalOptions } = opts;\n\n let result: RequestOptionsBase = additionalOptions;\n\n if (requestOptions) {\n result = { ...result, ...requestOptions };\n }\n\n if (tracingOptions) {\n result.tracingContext = tracingOptions.tracingContext;\n // By passing spanOptions if they exist at runtime, we're backwards compatible with @azure/core-tracing@preview.13 and earlier.\n result.spanOptions = (tracingOptions as any)?.spanOptions;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n/* eslint-disable eqeqeq */\n\nimport * as base64 from \"./util/base64\";\nimport * as utils from \"./util/utils\";\nimport { SerializerOptions, XML_ATTRKEY, XML_CHARKEY } from \"./util/serializer.common\";\n\n// This file contains utility code to serialize and deserialize network operations according to `OperationSpec` objects generated by AutoRest.TypeScript from OpenAPI specifications.\n\n/**\n * Used to map raw response objects to final shapes.\n * Helps packing and unpacking Dates and other encoded types that are not intrinsic to JSON.\n * Also allows pulling values from headers, as well as inserting default values and constants.\n */\nexport class Serializer {\n constructor(\n /**\n * The provided model mapper.\n */\n public readonly modelMappers: { [key: string]: any } = {},\n /**\n * Whether the contents are XML or not.\n */\n public readonly isXML?: boolean\n ) {}\n\n /**\n * Validates constraints, if any. This function will throw if the provided value does not respect those constraints.\n * @param mapper - The definition of data models.\n * @param value - The value.\n * @param objectName - Name of the object. Used in the error messages.\n * @deprecated Removing the constraints validation on client side.\n */\n validateConstraints(mapper: Mapper, value: unknown, objectName: string): void {\n const failValidation = (\n constraintName: keyof MapperConstraints,\n constraintValue: any\n ): Error => {\n throw new Error(\n `\"${objectName}\" with value \"${value}\" should satisfy the constraint \"${constraintName}\": ${constraintValue}.`\n );\n };\n if (mapper.constraints && value != undefined) {\n const valueAsNumber = value as number;\n const {\n ExclusiveMaximum,\n ExclusiveMinimum,\n InclusiveMaximum,\n InclusiveMinimum,\n MaxItems,\n MaxLength,\n MinItems,\n MinLength,\n MultipleOf,\n Pattern,\n UniqueItems,\n } = mapper.constraints;\n if (ExclusiveMaximum != undefined && valueAsNumber >= ExclusiveMaximum) {\n failValidation(\"ExclusiveMaximum\", ExclusiveMaximum);\n }\n if (ExclusiveMinimum != undefined && valueAsNumber <= ExclusiveMinimum) {\n failValidation(\"ExclusiveMinimum\", ExclusiveMinimum);\n }\n if (InclusiveMaximum != undefined && valueAsNumber > InclusiveMaximum) {\n failValidation(\"InclusiveMaximum\", InclusiveMaximum);\n }\n if (InclusiveMinimum != undefined && valueAsNumber < InclusiveMinimum) {\n failValidation(\"InclusiveMinimum\", InclusiveMinimum);\n }\n const valueAsArray = value as any[];\n if (MaxItems != undefined && valueAsArray.length > MaxItems) {\n failValidation(\"MaxItems\", MaxItems);\n }\n if (MaxLength != undefined && valueAsArray.length > MaxLength) {\n failValidation(\"MaxLength\", MaxLength);\n }\n if (MinItems != undefined && valueAsArray.length < MinItems) {\n failValidation(\"MinItems\", MinItems);\n }\n if (MinLength != undefined && valueAsArray.length < MinLength) {\n failValidation(\"MinLength\", MinLength);\n }\n if (MultipleOf != undefined && valueAsNumber % MultipleOf !== 0) {\n failValidation(\"MultipleOf\", MultipleOf);\n }\n if (Pattern) {\n const pattern: RegExp = typeof Pattern === \"string\" ? new RegExp(Pattern) : Pattern;\n if (typeof value !== \"string\" || value.match(pattern) === null) {\n failValidation(\"Pattern\", Pattern);\n }\n }\n if (\n UniqueItems &&\n valueAsArray.some((item: any, i: number, ar: Array) => ar.indexOf(item) !== i)\n ) {\n failValidation(\"UniqueItems\", UniqueItems);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Serialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper.\n *\n * @param mapper - The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object.\n * @param object - A valid Javascript object to be serialized.\n * @param objectName - Name of the serialized object.\n * @param options - additional options to deserialization.\n * @returns A valid serialized Javascript object.\n */\n serialize(\n mapper: Mapper,\n object: unknown,\n objectName?: string,\n options: SerializerOptions = {}\n ): any {\n const updatedOptions: Required = {\n rootName: options.rootName ?? \"\",\n includeRoot: options.includeRoot ?? false,\n xmlCharKey: options.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY,\n };\n let payload: any = {};\n const mapperType = mapper.type.name as string;\n if (!objectName) {\n objectName = mapper.serializedName!;\n }\n if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {\n payload = [];\n }\n\n if (mapper.isConstant) {\n object = mapper.defaultValue;\n }\n\n // This table of allowed values should help explain\n // the mapper.required and mapper.nullable properties.\n // X means \"neither undefined or null are allowed\".\n // || required\n // || true | false\n // nullable || ==========================\n // true || null | undefined/null\n // false || X | undefined\n // undefined || X | undefined/null\n\n const { required, nullable } = mapper;\n\n if (required && nullable && object === undefined) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be undefined.`);\n }\n if (required && !nullable && object == undefined) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be null or undefined.`);\n }\n if (!required && nullable === false && object === null) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be null.`);\n }\n\n if (object == undefined) {\n payload = object;\n } else {\n if (mapperType.match(/^any$/i) !== null) {\n payload = object;\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^(Number|String|Boolean|Object|Stream|Uuid)$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeBasicTypes(mapperType, objectName, object);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Enum$/i) !== null) {\n const enumMapper: EnumMapper = mapper as EnumMapper;\n payload = serializeEnumType(objectName, enumMapper.type.allowedValues, object);\n } else if (\n mapperType.match(/^(Date|DateTime|TimeSpan|DateTimeRfc1123|UnixTime)$/i) !== null\n ) {\n payload = serializeDateTypes(mapperType, object, objectName);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^ByteArray$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeByteArrayType(objectName, object as Uint8Array);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Base64Url$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeBase64UrlType(objectName, object as Uint8Array);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeSequenceType(\n this,\n mapper as SequenceMapper,\n object,\n objectName,\n Boolean(this.isXML),\n updatedOptions\n );\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Dictionary$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeDictionaryType(\n this,\n mapper as DictionaryMapper,\n object,\n objectName,\n Boolean(this.isXML),\n updatedOptions\n );\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Composite$/i) !== null) {\n payload = serializeCompositeType(\n this,\n mapper as CompositeMapper,\n object,\n objectName,\n Boolean(this.isXML),\n updatedOptions\n );\n }\n }\n return payload;\n }\n\n /**\n * Deserialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper.\n *\n * @param mapper - The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object.\n * @param responseBody - A valid Javascript entity to be deserialized.\n * @param objectName - Name of the deserialized object.\n * @param options - Controls behavior of XML parser and builder.\n * @returns A valid deserialized Javascript object.\n */\n deserialize(\n mapper: Mapper,\n responseBody: unknown,\n objectName: string,\n options: SerializerOptions = {}\n ): any {\n const updatedOptions: Required = {\n rootName: options.rootName ?? \"\",\n includeRoot: options.includeRoot ?? false,\n xmlCharKey: options.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY,\n };\n if (responseBody == undefined) {\n if (this.isXML && mapper.type.name === \"Sequence\" && !mapper.xmlIsWrapped) {\n // Edge case for empty XML non-wrapped lists. xml2js can't distinguish\n // between the list being empty versus being missing,\n // so let's do the more user-friendly thing and return an empty list.\n responseBody = [];\n }\n // specifically check for undefined as default value can be a falsey value `0, \"\", false, null`\n if (mapper.defaultValue !== undefined) {\n responseBody = mapper.defaultValue;\n }\n return responseBody;\n }\n\n let payload: any;\n const mapperType = mapper.type.name;\n if (!objectName) {\n objectName = mapper.serializedName!;\n }\n\n if (mapperType.match(/^Composite$/i) !== null) {\n payload = deserializeCompositeType(\n this,\n mapper as CompositeMapper,\n responseBody,\n objectName,\n updatedOptions\n );\n } else {\n if (this.isXML) {\n const xmlCharKey = updatedOptions.xmlCharKey;\n const castResponseBody = responseBody as Record;\n /**\n * If the mapper specifies this as a non-composite type value but the responseBody contains\n * both header (\"$\" i.e., XML_ATTRKEY) and body (\"#\" i.e., XML_CHARKEY) properties,\n * then just reduce the responseBody value to the body (\"#\" i.e., XML_CHARKEY) property.\n */\n if (\n castResponseBody[XML_ATTRKEY] != undefined &&\n castResponseBody[xmlCharKey] != undefined\n ) {\n responseBody = castResponseBody[xmlCharKey];\n }\n }\n\n if (mapperType.match(/^Number$/i) !== null) {\n payload = parseFloat(responseBody as string);\n if (isNaN(payload)) {\n payload = responseBody;\n }\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Boolean$/i) !== null) {\n if (responseBody === \"true\") {\n payload = true;\n } else if (responseBody === \"false\") {\n payload = false;\n } else {\n payload = responseBody;\n }\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^(String|Enum|Object|Stream|Uuid|TimeSpan|any)$/i) !== null) {\n payload = responseBody;\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^(Date|DateTime|DateTimeRfc1123)$/i) !== null) {\n payload = new Date(responseBody as string);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^UnixTime$/i) !== null) {\n payload = unixTimeToDate(responseBody as number);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^ByteArray$/i) !== null) {\n payload = base64.decodeString(responseBody as string);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Base64Url$/i) !== null) {\n payload = base64UrlToByteArray(responseBody as string);\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {\n payload = deserializeSequenceType(\n this,\n mapper as SequenceMapper,\n responseBody,\n objectName,\n updatedOptions\n );\n } else if (mapperType.match(/^Dictionary$/i) !== null) {\n payload = deserializeDictionaryType(\n this,\n mapper as DictionaryMapper,\n responseBody,\n objectName,\n updatedOptions\n );\n }\n }\n\n if (mapper.isConstant) {\n payload = mapper.defaultValue;\n }\n\n return payload;\n }\n}\n\nfunction trimEnd(str: string, ch: string): string {\n let len = str.length;\n while (len - 1 >= 0 && str[len - 1] === ch) {\n --len;\n }\n return str.substr(0, len);\n}\n\nfunction bufferToBase64Url(buffer: any): string | undefined {\n if (!buffer) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (!(buffer instanceof Uint8Array)) {\n throw new Error(`Please provide an input of type Uint8Array for converting to Base64Url.`);\n }\n // Uint8Array to Base64.\n const str = base64.encodeByteArray(buffer);\n // Base64 to Base64Url.\n return trimEnd(str, \"=\").replace(/\\+/g, \"-\").replace(/\\//g, \"_\");\n}\n\nfunction base64UrlToByteArray(str: string): Uint8Array | undefined {\n if (!str) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (str && typeof str.valueOf() !== \"string\") {\n throw new Error(\"Please provide an input of type string for converting to Uint8Array\");\n }\n // Base64Url to Base64.\n str = str.replace(/-/g, \"+\").replace(/_/g, \"/\");\n // Base64 to Uint8Array.\n return base64.decodeString(str);\n}\n\nfunction splitSerializeName(prop: string | undefined): string[] {\n const classes: string[] = [];\n let partialclass = \"\";\n if (prop) {\n const subwords = prop.split(\".\");\n\n for (const item of subwords) {\n if (item.charAt(item.length - 1) === \"\\\\\") {\n partialclass += item.substr(0, item.length - 1) + \".\";\n } else {\n partialclass += item;\n classes.push(partialclass);\n partialclass = \"\";\n }\n }\n }\n\n return classes;\n}\n\nfunction dateToUnixTime(d: string | Date): number | undefined {\n if (!d) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n if (typeof d.valueOf() === \"string\") {\n d = new Date(d as string);\n }\n return Math.floor((d as Date).getTime() / 1000);\n}\n\nfunction unixTimeToDate(n: number): Date | undefined {\n if (!n) {\n return undefined;\n }\n return new Date(n * 1000);\n}\n\nfunction serializeBasicTypes(typeName: string, objectName: string, value: any): any {\n if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {\n if (typeName.match(/^Number$/i) !== null) {\n if (typeof value !== \"number\") {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} with value ${value} must be of type number.`);\n }\n } else if (typeName.match(/^String$/i) !== null) {\n if (typeof value.valueOf() !== \"string\") {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} with value \"${value}\" must be of type string.`);\n }\n } else if (typeName.match(/^Uuid$/i) !== null) {\n if (!(typeof value.valueOf() === \"string\" && utils.isValidUuid(value))) {\n throw new Error(\n `${objectName} with value \"${value}\" must be of type string and a valid uuid.`\n );\n }\n } else if (typeName.match(/^Boolean$/i) !== null) {\n if (typeof value !== \"boolean\") {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} with value ${value} must be of type boolean.`);\n }\n } else if (typeName.match(/^Stream$/i) !== null) {\n const objectType = typeof value;\n if (\n objectType !== \"string\" &&\n objectType !== \"function\" &&\n !(value instanceof ArrayBuffer) &&\n !ArrayBuffer.isView(value) &&\n !((typeof Blob === \"function\" || typeof Blob === \"object\") && value instanceof Blob)\n ) {\n throw new Error(\n `${objectName} must be a string, Blob, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, or a function returning NodeJS.ReadableStream.`\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction serializeEnumType(objectName: string, allowedValues: Array, value: any): any {\n if (!allowedValues) {\n throw new Error(\n `Please provide a set of allowedValues to validate ${objectName} as an Enum Type.`\n );\n }\n const isPresent = allowedValues.some((item) => {\n if (typeof item.valueOf() === \"string\") {\n return item.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase();\n }\n return item === value;\n });\n if (!isPresent) {\n throw new Error(\n `${value} is not a valid value for ${objectName}. The valid values are: ${JSON.stringify(\n allowedValues\n )}.`\n );\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction serializeByteArrayType(objectName: string, value: Uint8Array): string {\n let returnValue: string = \"\";\n if (value != undefined) {\n if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Uint8Array.`);\n }\n returnValue = base64.encodeByteArray(value);\n }\n return returnValue;\n}\n\nfunction serializeBase64UrlType(objectName: string, value: Uint8Array): string {\n let returnValue: string = \"\";\n if (value != undefined) {\n if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Uint8Array.`);\n }\n returnValue = bufferToBase64Url(value) || \"\";\n }\n return returnValue;\n}\n\nfunction serializeDateTypes(typeName: string, value: any, objectName: string): any {\n if (value != undefined) {\n if (typeName.match(/^Date$/i) !== null) {\n if (\n !(\n value instanceof Date ||\n (typeof value.valueOf() === \"string\" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value)))\n )\n ) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in ISO8601 format.`);\n }\n value =\n value instanceof Date\n ? value.toISOString().substring(0, 10)\n : new Date(value).toISOString().substring(0, 10);\n } else if (typeName.match(/^DateTime$/i) !== null) {\n if (\n !(\n value instanceof Date ||\n (typeof value.valueOf() === \"string\" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value)))\n )\n ) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in ISO8601 format.`);\n }\n value = value instanceof Date ? value.toISOString() : new Date(value).toISOString();\n } else if (typeName.match(/^DateTimeRfc1123$/i) !== null) {\n if (\n !(\n value instanceof Date ||\n (typeof value.valueOf() === \"string\" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value)))\n )\n ) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123 format.`);\n }\n value = value instanceof Date ? value.toUTCString() : new Date(value).toUTCString();\n } else if (typeName.match(/^UnixTime$/i) !== null) {\n if (\n !(\n value instanceof Date ||\n (typeof value.valueOf() === \"string\" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value)))\n )\n ) {\n throw new Error(\n `${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123/ISO8601 format ` +\n `for it to be serialized in UnixTime/Epoch format.`\n );\n }\n value = dateToUnixTime(value);\n } else if (typeName.match(/^TimeSpan$/i) !== null) {\n if (!utils.isDuration(value)) {\n throw new Error(\n `${objectName} must be a string in ISO 8601 format. Instead was \"${value}\".`\n );\n }\n }\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction serializeSequenceType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: SequenceMapper,\n object: any,\n objectName: string,\n isXml: boolean,\n options: Required\n): any[] {\n if (!Array.isArray(object)) {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Array.`);\n }\n const elementType = mapper.type.element;\n if (!elementType || typeof elementType !== \"object\") {\n throw new Error(\n `element\" metadata for an Array must be defined in the ` +\n `mapper and it must of type \"object\" in ${objectName}.`\n );\n }\n const tempArray = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {\n const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(elementType, object[i], objectName, options);\n\n if (isXml && elementType.xmlNamespace) {\n const xmlnsKey = elementType.xmlNamespacePrefix\n ? `xmlns:${elementType.xmlNamespacePrefix}`\n : \"xmlns\";\n if (elementType.type.name === \"Composite\") {\n tempArray[i] = { ...serializedValue };\n tempArray[i][XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: elementType.xmlNamespace };\n } else {\n tempArray[i] = {};\n tempArray[i][options.xmlCharKey] = serializedValue;\n tempArray[i][XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: elementType.xmlNamespace };\n }\n } else {\n tempArray[i] = serializedValue;\n }\n }\n return tempArray;\n}\n\nfunction serializeDictionaryType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: DictionaryMapper,\n object: any,\n objectName: string,\n isXml: boolean,\n options: Required\n): { [key: string]: any } {\n if (typeof object !== \"object\") {\n throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type object.`);\n }\n const valueType = mapper.type.value;\n if (!valueType || typeof valueType !== \"object\") {\n throw new Error(\n `\"value\" metadata for a Dictionary must be defined in the ` +\n `mapper and it must of type \"object\" in ${objectName}.`\n );\n }\n const tempDictionary: { [key: string]: any } = {};\n for (const key of Object.keys(object)) {\n const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(valueType, object[key], objectName, options);\n // If the element needs an XML namespace we need to add it within the $ property\n tempDictionary[key] = getXmlObjectValue(valueType, serializedValue, isXml, options);\n }\n\n // Add the namespace to the root element if needed\n if (isXml && mapper.xmlNamespace) {\n const xmlnsKey = mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix ? `xmlns:${mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}` : \"xmlns\";\n\n const result = tempDictionary;\n result[XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: mapper.xmlNamespace };\n return result;\n }\n\n return tempDictionary;\n}\n\n/**\n * Resolves the additionalProperties property from a referenced mapper.\n * @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers.\n * @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve.\n * @param objectName - Name of the object being serialized.\n */\nfunction resolveAdditionalProperties(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n objectName: string\n): SequenceMapper | BaseMapper | CompositeMapper | DictionaryMapper | EnumMapper | undefined {\n const additionalProperties = mapper.type.additionalProperties;\n\n if (!additionalProperties && mapper.type.className) {\n const modelMapper = resolveReferencedMapper(serializer, mapper, objectName);\n return modelMapper?.type.additionalProperties;\n }\n\n return additionalProperties;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the mapper referenced by `className`.\n * @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers\n * @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve\n * @param objectName - Name of the object being serialized\n */\nfunction resolveReferencedMapper(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n objectName: string\n): CompositeMapper | undefined {\n const className = mapper.type.className;\n if (!className) {\n throw new Error(\n `Class name for model \"${objectName}\" is not provided in the mapper \"${JSON.stringify(\n mapper,\n undefined,\n 2\n )}\".`\n );\n }\n\n return serializer.modelMappers[className];\n}\n\n/**\n * Resolves a composite mapper's modelProperties.\n * @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers\n * @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve\n */\nfunction resolveModelProperties(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n objectName: string\n): { [propertyName: string]: Mapper } {\n let modelProps = mapper.type.modelProperties;\n if (!modelProps) {\n const modelMapper = resolveReferencedMapper(serializer, mapper, objectName);\n if (!modelMapper) {\n throw new Error(`mapper() cannot be null or undefined for model \"${mapper.type.className}\".`);\n }\n modelProps = modelMapper?.type.modelProperties;\n if (!modelProps) {\n throw new Error(\n `modelProperties cannot be null or undefined in the ` +\n `mapper \"${JSON.stringify(modelMapper)}\" of type \"${\n mapper.type.className\n }\" for object \"${objectName}\".`\n );\n }\n }\n\n return modelProps;\n}\n\nfunction serializeCompositeType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n object: any,\n objectName: string,\n isXml: boolean,\n options: Required\n): any {\n if (getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper)) {\n mapper = getPolymorphicMapper(serializer, mapper, object, \"clientName\");\n }\n\n if (object != undefined) {\n const payload: any = {};\n const modelProps = resolveModelProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);\n for (const key of Object.keys(modelProps)) {\n const propertyMapper = modelProps[key];\n if (propertyMapper.readOnly) {\n continue;\n }\n\n let propName: string | undefined;\n let parentObject: any = payload;\n if (serializer.isXML) {\n if (propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {\n propName = propertyMapper.xmlName;\n } else {\n propName = propertyMapper.xmlElementName || propertyMapper.xmlName;\n }\n } else {\n const paths = splitSerializeName(propertyMapper.serializedName!);\n propName = paths.pop();\n\n for (const pathName of paths) {\n const childObject = parentObject[pathName];\n if (\n childObject == undefined &&\n (object[key] != undefined || propertyMapper.defaultValue !== undefined)\n ) {\n parentObject[pathName] = {};\n }\n parentObject = parentObject[pathName];\n }\n }\n\n if (parentObject != undefined) {\n if (isXml && mapper.xmlNamespace) {\n const xmlnsKey = mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix\n ? `xmlns:${mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}`\n : \"xmlns\";\n parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] = {\n ...parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY],\n [xmlnsKey]: mapper.xmlNamespace,\n };\n }\n const propertyObjectName =\n propertyMapper.serializedName !== \"\"\n ? objectName + \".\" + propertyMapper.serializedName\n : objectName;\n\n let toSerialize = object[key];\n const polymorphicDiscriminator = getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper);\n if (\n polymorphicDiscriminator &&\n polymorphicDiscriminator.clientName === key &&\n toSerialize == undefined\n ) {\n toSerialize = mapper.serializedName;\n }\n\n const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(\n propertyMapper,\n toSerialize,\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n\n if (serializedValue !== undefined && propName != undefined) {\n const value = getXmlObjectValue(propertyMapper, serializedValue, isXml, options);\n if (isXml && propertyMapper.xmlIsAttribute) {\n // XML_ATTRKEY, i.e., $ is the key attributes are kept under in xml2js.\n // This keeps things simple while preventing name collision\n // with names in user documents.\n parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] = parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] || {};\n parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY][propName] = serializedValue;\n } else if (isXml && propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {\n parentObject[propName] = { [propertyMapper.xmlElementName!]: value };\n } else {\n parentObject[propName] = value;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n const additionalPropertiesMapper = resolveAdditionalProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);\n if (additionalPropertiesMapper) {\n const propNames = Object.keys(modelProps);\n for (const clientPropName in object) {\n const isAdditionalProperty = propNames.every((pn) => pn !== clientPropName);\n if (isAdditionalProperty) {\n payload[clientPropName] = serializer.serialize(\n additionalPropertiesMapper,\n object[clientPropName],\n objectName + '[\"' + clientPropName + '\"]',\n options\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n return payload;\n }\n return object;\n}\n\nfunction getXmlObjectValue(\n propertyMapper: Mapper,\n serializedValue: any,\n isXml: boolean,\n options: Required\n): any {\n if (!isXml || !propertyMapper.xmlNamespace) {\n return serializedValue;\n }\n\n const xmlnsKey = propertyMapper.xmlNamespacePrefix\n ? `xmlns:${propertyMapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}`\n : \"xmlns\";\n const xmlNamespace = { [xmlnsKey]: propertyMapper.xmlNamespace };\n\n if ([\"Composite\"].includes(propertyMapper.type.name)) {\n if (serializedValue[XML_ATTRKEY]) {\n return serializedValue;\n } else {\n const result: any = { ...serializedValue };\n result[XML_ATTRKEY] = xmlNamespace;\n return result;\n }\n }\n const result: any = {};\n result[options.xmlCharKey] = serializedValue;\n result[XML_ATTRKEY] = xmlNamespace;\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction isSpecialXmlProperty(propertyName: string, options: Required): boolean {\n return [XML_ATTRKEY, options.xmlCharKey].includes(propertyName);\n}\n\nfunction deserializeCompositeType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n responseBody: any,\n objectName: string,\n options: Required\n): any {\n const xmlCharKey = options.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY;\n if (getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper)) {\n mapper = getPolymorphicMapper(serializer, mapper, responseBody, \"serializedName\");\n }\n\n const modelProps = resolveModelProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);\n let instance: { [key: string]: any } = {};\n const handledPropertyNames: string[] = [];\n\n for (const key of Object.keys(modelProps)) {\n const propertyMapper = modelProps[key];\n const paths = splitSerializeName(modelProps[key].serializedName!);\n handledPropertyNames.push(paths[0]);\n const { serializedName, xmlName, xmlElementName } = propertyMapper;\n let propertyObjectName = objectName;\n if (serializedName !== \"\" && serializedName !== undefined) {\n propertyObjectName = objectName + \".\" + serializedName;\n }\n\n const headerCollectionPrefix = (propertyMapper as DictionaryMapper).headerCollectionPrefix;\n if (headerCollectionPrefix) {\n const dictionary: any = {};\n for (const headerKey of Object.keys(responseBody)) {\n if (headerKey.startsWith(headerCollectionPrefix)) {\n dictionary[headerKey.substring(headerCollectionPrefix.length)] = serializer.deserialize(\n (propertyMapper as DictionaryMapper).type.value,\n responseBody[headerKey],\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n }\n\n handledPropertyNames.push(headerKey);\n }\n instance[key] = dictionary;\n } else if (serializer.isXML) {\n if (propertyMapper.xmlIsAttribute && responseBody[XML_ATTRKEY]) {\n instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(\n propertyMapper,\n responseBody[XML_ATTRKEY][xmlName!],\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n } else if (propertyMapper.xmlIsMsText) {\n if (responseBody[xmlCharKey] !== undefined) {\n instance[key] = responseBody[xmlCharKey];\n } else if (typeof responseBody === \"string\") {\n // The special case where xml parser parses \"content\" into JSON of\n // `{ name: \"content\"}` instead of `{ name: { \"_\": \"content\" }}`\n instance[key] = responseBody;\n }\n } else {\n const propertyName = xmlElementName || xmlName || serializedName;\n if (propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {\n /* a list of wrapped by \n For the xml example below\n \n ...\n ...\n \n the responseBody has\n {\n Cors: {\n CorsRule: [{...}, {...}]\n }\n }\n xmlName is \"Cors\" and xmlElementName is\"CorsRule\".\n */\n const wrapped = responseBody[xmlName!];\n const elementList = wrapped?.[xmlElementName!] ?? [];\n instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(\n propertyMapper,\n elementList,\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n handledPropertyNames.push(xmlName!);\n } else {\n const property = responseBody[propertyName!];\n instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(\n propertyMapper,\n property,\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n handledPropertyNames.push(propertyName!);\n }\n }\n } else {\n // deserialize the property if it is present in the provided responseBody instance\n let propertyInstance;\n let res = responseBody;\n // traversing the object step by step.\n for (const item of paths) {\n if (!res) break;\n res = res[item];\n }\n propertyInstance = res;\n const polymorphicDiscriminator = mapper.type.polymorphicDiscriminator;\n // checking that the model property name (key)(ex: \"fishtype\") and the\n // clientName of the polymorphicDiscriminator {metadata} (ex: \"fishtype\")\n // instead of the serializedName of the polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: \"fish.type\")\n // is a better approach. The generator is not consistent with escaping '\\.' in the\n // serializedName of the property (ex: \"fish\\.type\") that is marked as polymorphic discriminator\n // and the serializedName of the metadata polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: \"fish.type\"). However,\n // the clientName transformation of the polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: \"fishtype\") and\n // the transformation of model property name (ex: \"fishtype\") is done consistently.\n // Hence, it is a safer bet to rely on the clientName of the polymorphicDiscriminator.\n if (\n polymorphicDiscriminator &&\n key === polymorphicDiscriminator.clientName &&\n propertyInstance == undefined\n ) {\n propertyInstance = mapper.serializedName;\n }\n\n let serializedValue;\n // paging\n if (Array.isArray(responseBody[key]) && modelProps[key].serializedName === \"\") {\n propertyInstance = responseBody[key];\n const arrayInstance = serializer.deserialize(\n propertyMapper,\n propertyInstance,\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n // Copy over any properties that have already been added into the instance, where they do\n // not exist on the newly de-serialized array\n for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(instance)) {\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arrayInstance, k)) {\n arrayInstance[k] = v;\n }\n }\n instance = arrayInstance;\n } else if (propertyInstance !== undefined || propertyMapper.defaultValue !== undefined) {\n serializedValue = serializer.deserialize(\n propertyMapper,\n propertyInstance,\n propertyObjectName,\n options\n );\n instance[key] = serializedValue;\n }\n }\n }\n\n const additionalPropertiesMapper = mapper.type.additionalProperties;\n if (additionalPropertiesMapper) {\n const isAdditionalProperty = (responsePropName: string): boolean => {\n for (const clientPropName in modelProps) {\n const paths = splitSerializeName(modelProps[clientPropName].serializedName);\n if (paths[0] === responsePropName) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n for (const responsePropName in responseBody) {\n if (isAdditionalProperty(responsePropName)) {\n instance[responsePropName] = serializer.deserialize(\n additionalPropertiesMapper,\n responseBody[responsePropName],\n objectName + '[\"' + responsePropName + '\"]',\n options\n );\n }\n }\n } else if (responseBody) {\n for (const key of Object.keys(responseBody)) {\n if (\n instance[key] === undefined &&\n !handledPropertyNames.includes(key) &&\n !isSpecialXmlProperty(key, options)\n ) {\n instance[key] = responseBody[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return instance;\n}\n\nfunction deserializeDictionaryType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: DictionaryMapper,\n responseBody: any,\n objectName: string,\n options: Required\n): { [key: string]: any } {\n const value = mapper.type.value;\n if (!value || typeof value !== \"object\") {\n throw new Error(\n `\"value\" metadata for a Dictionary must be defined in the ` +\n `mapper and it must of type \"object\" in ${objectName}`\n );\n }\n if (responseBody) {\n const tempDictionary: { [key: string]: any } = {};\n for (const key of Object.keys(responseBody)) {\n tempDictionary[key] = serializer.deserialize(value, responseBody[key], objectName, options);\n }\n return tempDictionary;\n }\n return responseBody;\n}\n\nfunction deserializeSequenceType(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: SequenceMapper,\n responseBody: any,\n objectName: string,\n options: Required\n): any[] {\n const element = mapper.type.element;\n if (!element || typeof element !== \"object\") {\n throw new Error(\n `element\" metadata for an Array must be defined in the ` +\n `mapper and it must of type \"object\" in ${objectName}`\n );\n }\n if (responseBody) {\n if (!Array.isArray(responseBody)) {\n // xml2js will interpret a single element array as just the element, so force it to be an array\n responseBody = [responseBody];\n }\n\n const tempArray = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < responseBody.length; i++) {\n tempArray[i] = serializer.deserialize(\n element,\n responseBody[i],\n `${objectName}[${i}]`,\n options\n );\n }\n return tempArray;\n }\n return responseBody;\n}\n\nfunction getPolymorphicMapper(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper,\n object: any,\n polymorphicPropertyName: \"clientName\" | \"serializedName\"\n): CompositeMapper {\n const polymorphicDiscriminator = getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper);\n if (polymorphicDiscriminator) {\n const discriminatorName = polymorphicDiscriminator[polymorphicPropertyName];\n if (discriminatorName != undefined) {\n const discriminatorValue = object[discriminatorName];\n if (discriminatorValue != undefined) {\n const typeName = mapper.type.uberParent || mapper.type.className;\n const indexDiscriminator =\n discriminatorValue === typeName\n ? discriminatorValue\n : typeName + \".\" + discriminatorValue;\n const polymorphicMapper = serializer.modelMappers.discriminators[indexDiscriminator];\n if (polymorphicMapper) {\n mapper = polymorphicMapper;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return mapper;\n}\n\nfunction getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(\n serializer: Serializer,\n mapper: CompositeMapper\n): PolymorphicDiscriminator | undefined {\n return (\n mapper.type.polymorphicDiscriminator ||\n getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer, mapper.type.uberParent) ||\n getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer, mapper.type.className)\n );\n}\n\nfunction getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer: Serializer, typeName?: string): any {\n return (\n typeName &&\n serializer.modelMappers[typeName] &&\n serializer.modelMappers[typeName].type.polymorphicDiscriminator\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Description of various value constraints such as integer ranges and string regex.\n */\nexport interface MapperConstraints {\n /**\n * The value should be less than or equal to the `InclusiveMaximum` value.\n */\n InclusiveMaximum?: number;\n /**\n * The value should be less than the `ExclusiveMaximum` value.\n */\n ExclusiveMaximum?: number;\n /**\n * The value should be greater than or equal to the `InclusiveMinimum` value.\n */\n InclusiveMinimum?: number;\n /**\n * The value should be greater than the `InclusiveMinimum` value.\n */\n ExclusiveMinimum?: number;\n /**\n * The length should be smaller than the `MaxLength`.\n */\n MaxLength?: number;\n /**\n * The length should be bigger than the `MinLength`.\n */\n MinLength?: number;\n /**\n * The value must match the pattern.\n */\n Pattern?: RegExp;\n /**\n * The value must contain fewer items than the MaxItems value.\n */\n MaxItems?: number;\n /**\n * The value must contain more items than the `MinItems` value.\n */\n MinItems?: number;\n /**\n * The value must contain only unique items.\n */\n UniqueItems?: true;\n /**\n * The value should be exactly divisible by the `MultipleOf` value.\n */\n MultipleOf?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Type of the mapper. Includes known mappers.\n */\nexport type MapperType =\n | SimpleMapperType\n | CompositeMapperType\n | SequenceMapperType\n | DictionaryMapperType\n | EnumMapperType;\n\n/**\n * The type of a simple mapper.\n */\nexport interface SimpleMapperType {\n /**\n * Name of the type of the property.\n */\n name:\n | \"Base64Url\"\n | \"Boolean\"\n | \"ByteArray\"\n | \"Date\"\n | \"DateTime\"\n | \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n | \"Object\"\n | \"Stream\"\n | \"String\"\n | \"TimeSpan\"\n | \"UnixTime\"\n | \"Uuid\"\n | \"Number\"\n | \"any\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Helps build a mapper that describes how to map a set of properties of an object based on other mappers.\n *\n * Only one of the following properties should be present: `className`, `modelProperties` and `additionalProperties`.\n */\nexport interface CompositeMapperType {\n /**\n * Name of the composite mapper type.\n */\n name: \"Composite\";\n\n /**\n * Use `className` to reference another type definition.\n */\n className?: string;\n\n /**\n * Use `modelProperties` when the reference to the other type has been resolved.\n */\n modelProperties?: { [propertyName: string]: Mapper };\n\n /**\n * Used when a model has `additionalProperties: true`. Allows the generic processing of unnamed model properties on the response object.\n */\n additionalProperties?: Mapper;\n\n /**\n * The name of the top-most parent scheme, the one that has no parents.\n */\n uberParent?: string;\n\n /**\n * A polymorphic discriminator.\n */\n polymorphicDiscriminator?: PolymorphicDiscriminator;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helps build a mapper that describes how to parse a sequence of mapped values.\n */\nexport interface SequenceMapperType {\n /**\n * Name of the sequence type mapper.\n */\n name: \"Sequence\";\n /**\n * The mapper to use to map each one of the properties of the sequence.\n */\n element: Mapper;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helps build a mapper that describes how to parse a dictionary of mapped values.\n */\nexport interface DictionaryMapperType {\n /**\n * Name of the sequence type mapper.\n */\n name: \"Dictionary\";\n /**\n * The mapper to use to map the value of each property in the dictionary.\n */\n value: Mapper;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helps build a mapper that describes how to parse an enum value.\n */\nexport interface EnumMapperType {\n /**\n * Name of the enum type mapper.\n */\n name: \"Enum\";\n /**\n * Values allowed by this mapper.\n */\n allowedValues: any[];\n}\n\n/**\n * The base definition of a mapper. Can be used for XML and plain JavaScript objects.\n */\nexport interface BaseMapper {\n /**\n * Name for the xml element\n */\n xmlName?: string;\n /**\n * Xml element namespace\n */\n xmlNamespace?: string;\n /**\n * Xml element namespace prefix\n */\n xmlNamespacePrefix?: string;\n /**\n * Determines if the current property should be serialized as an attribute of the parent xml element\n */\n xmlIsAttribute?: boolean;\n /**\n * Determines if the current property should be serialized as the inner content of the xml element\n */\n xmlIsMsText?: boolean;\n /**\n * Name for the xml elements when serializing an array\n */\n xmlElementName?: string;\n /**\n * Whether or not the current property should have a wrapping XML element\n */\n xmlIsWrapped?: boolean;\n /**\n * Whether or not the current property is readonly\n */\n readOnly?: boolean;\n /**\n * Whether or not the current property is a constant\n */\n isConstant?: boolean;\n /**\n * Whether or not the current property is required\n */\n required?: boolean;\n /**\n * Whether or not the current property allows mull as a value\n */\n nullable?: boolean;\n /**\n * The name to use when serializing\n */\n serializedName?: string;\n /**\n * Type of the mapper\n */\n type: MapperType;\n /**\n * Default value when one is not explicitly provided\n */\n defaultValue?: any;\n /**\n * Constraints to test the current value against\n */\n constraints?: MapperConstraints;\n}\n\n/**\n * Mappers are definitions of the data models used in the library.\n * These data models are part of the Operation or Client definitions in the responses or parameters.\n */\nexport type Mapper = BaseMapper | CompositeMapper | SequenceMapper | DictionaryMapper | EnumMapper;\n\n/**\n * Used to disambiguate discriminated type unions.\n * For example, if response can have many shapes but also includes a 'kind' field (or similar),\n * that field can be used to determine how to deserialize the response to the correct type.\n */\nexport interface PolymorphicDiscriminator {\n /**\n * Name of the discriminant property in the original JSON payload, e.g. `@odata.kind`.\n */\n serializedName: string;\n /**\n * Name to use on the resulting object instead of the original property name.\n * Useful since the JSON property could be difficult to work with.\n * For example: For a field received as `@odata.kind`, the final object could instead include a property simply named `kind`.\n */\n clientName: string;\n /**\n * It may contain any other property.\n */\n [key: string]: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A mapper composed of other mappers.\n */\nexport interface CompositeMapper extends BaseMapper {\n /**\n * The type descriptor of the `CompositeMapper`.\n */\n type: CompositeMapperType;\n}\n\n/**\n * A mapper describing arrays.\n */\nexport interface SequenceMapper extends BaseMapper {\n /**\n * The type descriptor of the `SequenceMapper`.\n */\n type: SequenceMapperType;\n}\n\n/**\n * A mapper describing plain JavaScript objects used as key/value pairs.\n */\nexport interface DictionaryMapper extends BaseMapper {\n /**\n * The type descriptor of the `DictionaryMapper`.\n */\n type: DictionaryMapperType;\n /**\n * Optionally, a prefix to add to the header collection.\n */\n headerCollectionPrefix?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A mapper describing an enum value.\n */\nexport interface EnumMapper extends BaseMapper {\n /**\n * The type descriptor of the `EnumMapper`.\n */\n type: EnumMapperType;\n}\n\n/**\n * An interface representing an URL parameter value.\n */\nexport interface UrlParameterValue {\n /**\n * The URL value.\n */\n value: string;\n /**\n * Whether to keep or skip URL encoding.\n */\n skipUrlEncoding: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility function that serializes an object that might contain binary information into a plain object, array or a string.\n */\nexport function serializeObject(toSerialize: unknown): any {\n const castToSerialize = toSerialize as Record;\n if (toSerialize == undefined) return undefined;\n if (toSerialize instanceof Uint8Array) {\n toSerialize = base64.encodeByteArray(toSerialize);\n return toSerialize;\n } else if (toSerialize instanceof Date) {\n return toSerialize.toISOString();\n } else if (Array.isArray(toSerialize)) {\n const array = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < toSerialize.length; i++) {\n array.push(serializeObject(toSerialize[i]));\n }\n return array;\n } else if (typeof toSerialize === \"object\") {\n const dictionary: { [key: string]: any } = {};\n for (const property in toSerialize) {\n dictionary[property] = serializeObject(castToSerialize[property]);\n }\n return dictionary;\n }\n return toSerialize;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility function to create a K:V from a list of strings\n */\nfunction strEnum(o: Array): { [K in T]: K } {\n const result: any = {};\n for (const key of o) {\n result[key] = key;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * String enum containing the string types of property mappers.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare\nexport const MapperType = strEnum([\n \"Base64Url\",\n \"Boolean\",\n \"ByteArray\",\n \"Composite\",\n \"Date\",\n \"DateTime\",\n \"DateTimeRfc1123\",\n \"Dictionary\",\n \"Enum\",\n \"Number\",\n \"Object\",\n \"Sequence\",\n \"String\",\n \"Stream\",\n \"TimeSpan\",\n \"UnixTime\",\n]);\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * Encodes a string in base64 format.\n * @param value - The string to encode\n */\nexport function encodeString(value: string): string {\n return Buffer.from(value).toString(\"base64\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Encodes a byte array in base64 format.\n * @param value - The Uint8Aray to encode\n */\nexport function encodeByteArray(value: Uint8Array): string {\n // Buffer.from accepts | -- the TypeScript definition is off here\n // https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_from_arraybuffer_byteoffset_length\n const bufferValue = value instanceof Buffer ? value : Buffer.from(value.buffer as ArrayBuffer);\n return bufferValue.toString(\"base64\");\n}\n\n/**\n * Decodes a base64 string into a byte array.\n * @param value - The base64 string to decode\n */\nexport function decodeString(value: string): Uint8Array {\n return Buffer.from(value, \"base64\");\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreHttp from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nexport const BlobServiceProperties: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobServiceProperties\",\n xmlName: \"StorageServiceProperties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobServiceProperties\",\n modelProperties: {\n blobAnalyticsLogging: {\n serializedName: \"Logging\",\n xmlName: \"Logging\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Logging\"\n }\n },\n hourMetrics: {\n serializedName: \"HourMetrics\",\n xmlName: \"HourMetrics\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Metrics\"\n }\n },\n minuteMetrics: {\n serializedName: \"MinuteMetrics\",\n xmlName: \"MinuteMetrics\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Metrics\"\n }\n },\n cors: {\n serializedName: \"Cors\",\n xmlName: \"Cors\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"CorsRule\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"CorsRule\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n defaultServiceVersion: {\n serializedName: \"DefaultServiceVersion\",\n xmlName: \"DefaultServiceVersion\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n deleteRetentionPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"DeleteRetentionPolicy\",\n xmlName: \"DeleteRetentionPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"RetentionPolicy\"\n }\n },\n staticWebsite: {\n serializedName: \"StaticWebsite\",\n xmlName: \"StaticWebsite\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"StaticWebsite\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const Logging: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Logging\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Logging\",\n modelProperties: {\n version: {\n serializedName: \"Version\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n deleteProperty: {\n serializedName: \"Delete\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Delete\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n read: {\n serializedName: \"Read\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Read\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n write: {\n serializedName: \"Write\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Write\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n retentionPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n xmlName: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"RetentionPolicy\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const RetentionPolicy: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n modelProperties: {\n enabled: {\n serializedName: \"Enabled\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Enabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n days: {\n constraints: {\n InclusiveMinimum: 1\n },\n serializedName: \"Days\",\n xmlName: \"Days\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const Metrics: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Metrics\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Metrics\",\n modelProperties: {\n version: {\n serializedName: \"Version\",\n xmlName: \"Version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n enabled: {\n serializedName: \"Enabled\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Enabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n includeAPIs: {\n serializedName: \"IncludeAPIs\",\n xmlName: \"IncludeAPIs\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n retentionPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n xmlName: \"RetentionPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"RetentionPolicy\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const CorsRule: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"CorsRule\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"CorsRule\",\n modelProperties: {\n allowedOrigins: {\n serializedName: \"AllowedOrigins\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"AllowedOrigins\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n allowedMethods: {\n serializedName: \"AllowedMethods\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"AllowedMethods\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n allowedHeaders: {\n serializedName: \"AllowedHeaders\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"AllowedHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n exposedHeaders: {\n serializedName: \"ExposedHeaders\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ExposedHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n maxAgeInSeconds: {\n constraints: {\n InclusiveMinimum: 0\n },\n serializedName: \"MaxAgeInSeconds\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"MaxAgeInSeconds\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const StaticWebsite: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"StaticWebsite\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"StaticWebsite\",\n modelProperties: {\n enabled: {\n serializedName: \"Enabled\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Enabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n indexDocument: {\n serializedName: \"IndexDocument\",\n xmlName: \"IndexDocument\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorDocument404Path: {\n serializedName: \"ErrorDocument404Path\",\n xmlName: \"ErrorDocument404Path\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n defaultIndexDocumentPath: {\n serializedName: \"DefaultIndexDocumentPath\",\n xmlName: \"DefaultIndexDocumentPath\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const StorageError: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"StorageError\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"StorageError\",\n modelProperties: {\n message: {\n serializedName: \"Message\",\n xmlName: \"Message\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n code: {\n serializedName: \"Code\",\n xmlName: \"Code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobServiceStatistics: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobServiceStatistics\",\n xmlName: \"StorageServiceStats\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobServiceStatistics\",\n modelProperties: {\n geoReplication: {\n serializedName: \"GeoReplication\",\n xmlName: \"GeoReplication\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"GeoReplication\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const GeoReplication: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"GeoReplication\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"GeoReplication\",\n modelProperties: {\n status: {\n serializedName: \"Status\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"live\", \"bootstrap\", \"unavailable\"]\n }\n },\n lastSyncOn: {\n serializedName: \"LastSyncTime\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"LastSyncTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ListContainersSegmentResponse: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ListContainersSegmentResponse\",\n xmlName: \"EnumerationResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ListContainersSegmentResponse\",\n modelProperties: {\n serviceEndpoint: {\n serializedName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n prefix: {\n serializedName: \"Prefix\",\n xmlName: \"Prefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n marker: {\n serializedName: \"Marker\",\n xmlName: \"Marker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n maxPageSize: {\n serializedName: \"MaxResults\",\n xmlName: \"MaxResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n containerItems: {\n serializedName: \"ContainerItems\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Containers\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Container\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerItem\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n continuationToken: {\n serializedName: \"NextMarker\",\n xmlName: \"NextMarker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerItem: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ContainerItem\",\n xmlName: \"Container\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerItem\",\n modelProperties: {\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n deleted: {\n serializedName: \"Deleted\",\n xmlName: \"Deleted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"Version\",\n xmlName: \"Version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n properties: {\n serializedName: \"Properties\",\n xmlName: \"Properties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerProperties\"\n }\n },\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"Metadata\",\n xmlName: \"Metadata\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerProperties: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ContainerProperties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerProperties\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"Last-Modified\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Last-Modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"Etag\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseStatus\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseStatus\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseState\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseState\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseDuration\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseDuration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n publicAccess: {\n serializedName: \"PublicAccess\",\n xmlName: \"PublicAccess\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"container\", \"blob\"]\n }\n },\n hasImmutabilityPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"HasImmutabilityPolicy\",\n xmlName: \"HasImmutabilityPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n hasLegalHold: {\n serializedName: \"HasLegalHold\",\n xmlName: \"HasLegalHold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n defaultEncryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"DefaultEncryptionScope\",\n xmlName: \"DefaultEncryptionScope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n preventEncryptionScopeOverride: {\n serializedName: \"DenyEncryptionScopeOverride\",\n xmlName: \"DenyEncryptionScopeOverride\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n deletedOn: {\n serializedName: \"DeletedTime\",\n xmlName: \"DeletedTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n remainingRetentionDays: {\n serializedName: \"RemainingRetentionDays\",\n xmlName: \"RemainingRetentionDays\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled: {\n serializedName: \"ImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled\",\n xmlName: \"ImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const KeyInfo: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"KeyInfo\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"KeyInfo\",\n modelProperties: {\n startsOn: {\n serializedName: \"Start\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Start\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n expiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"Expiry\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Expiry\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const UserDelegationKey: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"UserDelegationKey\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"UserDelegationKey\",\n modelProperties: {\n signedObjectId: {\n serializedName: \"SignedOid\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedOid\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n signedTenantId: {\n serializedName: \"SignedTid\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedTid\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n signedStartsOn: {\n serializedName: \"SignedStart\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedStart\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n signedExpiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"SignedExpiry\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedExpiry\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n signedService: {\n serializedName: \"SignedService\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedService\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n signedVersion: {\n serializedName: \"SignedVersion\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"SignedVersion\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n value: {\n serializedName: \"Value\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Value\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const FilterBlobSegment: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"FilterBlobSegment\",\n xmlName: \"EnumerationResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"FilterBlobSegment\",\n modelProperties: {\n serviceEndpoint: {\n serializedName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n where: {\n serializedName: \"Where\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Where\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobs: {\n serializedName: \"Blobs\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Blobs\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"FilterBlobItem\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n continuationToken: {\n serializedName: \"NextMarker\",\n xmlName: \"NextMarker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const FilterBlobItem: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"FilterBlobItem\",\n xmlName: \"Blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"FilterBlobItem\",\n modelProperties: {\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n containerName: {\n serializedName: \"ContainerName\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ContainerName\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n tags: {\n serializedName: \"Tags\",\n xmlName: \"Tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobTags\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobTags: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobTags\",\n xmlName: \"Tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobTags\",\n modelProperties: {\n blobTagSet: {\n serializedName: \"BlobTagSet\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"TagSet\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Tag\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobTag\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobTag: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobTag\",\n xmlName: \"Tag\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobTag\",\n modelProperties: {\n key: {\n serializedName: \"Key\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Key\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n value: {\n serializedName: \"Value\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Value\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const SignedIdentifier: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"SignedIdentifier\",\n xmlName: \"SignedIdentifier\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"SignedIdentifier\",\n modelProperties: {\n id: {\n serializedName: \"Id\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n accessPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"AccessPolicy\",\n xmlName: \"AccessPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AccessPolicy\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AccessPolicy: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AccessPolicy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AccessPolicy\",\n modelProperties: {\n startsOn: {\n serializedName: \"Start\",\n xmlName: \"Start\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n expiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"Expiry\",\n xmlName: \"Expiry\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n permissions: {\n serializedName: \"Permission\",\n xmlName: \"Permission\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse\",\n xmlName: \"EnumerationResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse\",\n modelProperties: {\n serviceEndpoint: {\n serializedName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n containerName: {\n serializedName: \"ContainerName\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ContainerName\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n prefix: {\n serializedName: \"Prefix\",\n xmlName: \"Prefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n marker: {\n serializedName: \"Marker\",\n xmlName: \"Marker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n maxPageSize: {\n serializedName: \"MaxResults\",\n xmlName: \"MaxResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n segment: {\n serializedName: \"Segment\",\n xmlName: \"Blobs\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobFlatListSegment\"\n }\n },\n continuationToken: {\n serializedName: \"NextMarker\",\n xmlName: \"NextMarker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobFlatListSegment: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobFlatListSegment\",\n xmlName: \"Blobs\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobFlatListSegment\",\n modelProperties: {\n blobItems: {\n serializedName: \"BlobItems\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"BlobItems\",\n xmlElementName: \"Blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobItemInternal\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobItemInternal: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobItemInternal\",\n xmlName: \"Blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobItemInternal\",\n modelProperties: {\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobName\"\n }\n },\n deleted: {\n serializedName: \"Deleted\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Deleted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n snapshot: {\n serializedName: \"Snapshot\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Snapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"VersionId\",\n xmlName: \"VersionId\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n isCurrentVersion: {\n serializedName: \"IsCurrentVersion\",\n xmlName: \"IsCurrentVersion\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n properties: {\n serializedName: \"Properties\",\n xmlName: \"Properties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobPropertiesInternal\"\n }\n },\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"Metadata\",\n xmlName: \"Metadata\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n }\n },\n blobTags: {\n serializedName: \"BlobTags\",\n xmlName: \"Tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobTags\"\n }\n },\n objectReplicationMetadata: {\n serializedName: \"ObjectReplicationMetadata\",\n xmlName: \"OrMetadata\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n }\n },\n hasVersionsOnly: {\n serializedName: \"HasVersionsOnly\",\n xmlName: \"HasVersionsOnly\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobName: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobName\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobName\",\n modelProperties: {\n encoded: {\n serializedName: \"Encoded\",\n xmlName: \"Encoded\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n content: {\n serializedName: \"content\",\n xmlName: \"content\",\n xmlIsMsText: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobPropertiesInternal: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobPropertiesInternal\",\n xmlName: \"Properties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobPropertiesInternal\",\n modelProperties: {\n createdOn: {\n serializedName: \"Creation-Time\",\n xmlName: \"Creation-Time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"Last-Modified\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Last-Modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"Etag\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentLength: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Length\",\n xmlName: \"Content-Length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Type\",\n xmlName: \"Content-Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentEncoding: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Encoding\",\n xmlName: \"Content-Encoding\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentLanguage: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Language\",\n xmlName: \"Content-Language\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"Content-MD5\",\n xmlName: \"Content-MD5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n contentDisposition: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Disposition\",\n xmlName: \"Content-Disposition\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n cacheControl: {\n serializedName: \"Cache-Control\",\n xmlName: \"Cache-Control\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n blobType: {\n serializedName: \"BlobType\",\n xmlName: \"BlobType\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"BlockBlob\", \"PageBlob\", \"AppendBlob\"]\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseStatus\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseStatus\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseState\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseState\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"LeaseDuration\",\n xmlName: \"LeaseDuration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"CopyId\",\n xmlName: \"CopyId\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"CopyStatus\",\n xmlName: \"CopyStatus\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n copySource: {\n serializedName: \"CopySource\",\n xmlName: \"CopySource\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyProgress: {\n serializedName: \"CopyProgress\",\n xmlName: \"CopyProgress\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyCompletedOn: {\n serializedName: \"CopyCompletionTime\",\n xmlName: \"CopyCompletionTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyStatusDescription: {\n serializedName: \"CopyStatusDescription\",\n xmlName: \"CopyStatusDescription\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n serverEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"ServerEncrypted\",\n xmlName: \"ServerEncrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n incrementalCopy: {\n serializedName: \"IncrementalCopy\",\n xmlName: \"IncrementalCopy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n destinationSnapshot: {\n serializedName: \"DestinationSnapshot\",\n xmlName: \"DestinationSnapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n deletedOn: {\n serializedName: \"DeletedTime\",\n xmlName: \"DeletedTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n remainingRetentionDays: {\n serializedName: \"RemainingRetentionDays\",\n xmlName: \"RemainingRetentionDays\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n accessTier: {\n serializedName: \"AccessTier\",\n xmlName: \"AccessTier\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"P4\",\n \"P6\",\n \"P10\",\n \"P15\",\n \"P20\",\n \"P30\",\n \"P40\",\n \"P50\",\n \"P60\",\n \"P70\",\n \"P80\",\n \"Hot\",\n \"Cool\",\n \"Archive\",\n \"Cold\"\n ]\n }\n },\n accessTierInferred: {\n serializedName: \"AccessTierInferred\",\n xmlName: \"AccessTierInferred\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n archiveStatus: {\n serializedName: \"ArchiveStatus\",\n xmlName: \"ArchiveStatus\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"rehydrate-pending-to-hot\",\n \"rehydrate-pending-to-cool\"\n ]\n }\n },\n customerProvidedKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"CustomerProvidedKeySha256\",\n xmlName: \"CustomerProvidedKeySha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"EncryptionScope\",\n xmlName: \"EncryptionScope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n accessTierChangedOn: {\n serializedName: \"AccessTierChangeTime\",\n xmlName: \"AccessTierChangeTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n tagCount: {\n serializedName: \"TagCount\",\n xmlName: \"TagCount\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n expiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"Expiry-Time\",\n xmlName: \"Expiry-Time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isSealed: {\n serializedName: \"Sealed\",\n xmlName: \"Sealed\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n rehydratePriority: {\n serializedName: \"RehydratePriority\",\n xmlName: \"RehydratePriority\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"High\", \"Standard\"]\n }\n },\n lastAccessedOn: {\n serializedName: \"LastAccessTime\",\n xmlName: \"LastAccessTime\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate\",\n xmlName: \"ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyMode: {\n serializedName: \"ImmutabilityPolicyMode\",\n xmlName: \"ImmutabilityPolicyMode\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"Mutable\", \"Unlocked\", \"Locked\"]\n }\n },\n legalHold: {\n serializedName: \"LegalHold\",\n xmlName: \"LegalHold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse\",\n xmlName: \"EnumerationResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse\",\n modelProperties: {\n serviceEndpoint: {\n serializedName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ServiceEndpoint\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n containerName: {\n serializedName: \"ContainerName\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"ContainerName\",\n xmlIsAttribute: true,\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n prefix: {\n serializedName: \"Prefix\",\n xmlName: \"Prefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n marker: {\n serializedName: \"Marker\",\n xmlName: \"Marker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n maxPageSize: {\n serializedName: \"MaxResults\",\n xmlName: \"MaxResults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n delimiter: {\n serializedName: \"Delimiter\",\n xmlName: \"Delimiter\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n segment: {\n serializedName: \"Segment\",\n xmlName: \"Blobs\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobHierarchyListSegment\"\n }\n },\n continuationToken: {\n serializedName: \"NextMarker\",\n xmlName: \"NextMarker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobHierarchyListSegment: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobHierarchyListSegment\",\n xmlName: \"Blobs\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobHierarchyListSegment\",\n modelProperties: {\n blobPrefixes: {\n serializedName: \"BlobPrefixes\",\n xmlName: \"BlobPrefixes\",\n xmlElementName: \"BlobPrefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobPrefix\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n blobItems: {\n serializedName: \"BlobItems\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"BlobItems\",\n xmlElementName: \"Blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobItemInternal\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobPrefix: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlobPrefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobPrefix\",\n modelProperties: {\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobName\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockLookupList: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockLookupList\",\n xmlName: \"BlockList\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockLookupList\",\n modelProperties: {\n committed: {\n serializedName: \"Committed\",\n xmlName: \"Committed\",\n xmlElementName: \"Committed\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n uncommitted: {\n serializedName: \"Uncommitted\",\n xmlName: \"Uncommitted\",\n xmlElementName: \"Uncommitted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n latest: {\n serializedName: \"Latest\",\n xmlName: \"Latest\",\n xmlElementName: \"Latest\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockList: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockList\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockList\",\n modelProperties: {\n committedBlocks: {\n serializedName: \"CommittedBlocks\",\n xmlName: \"CommittedBlocks\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Block\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Block\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n uncommittedBlocks: {\n serializedName: \"UncommittedBlocks\",\n xmlName: \"UncommittedBlocks\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Block\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Block\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const Block: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Block\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"Block\",\n modelProperties: {\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n size: {\n serializedName: \"Size\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Size\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageList: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageList\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageList\",\n modelProperties: {\n pageRange: {\n serializedName: \"PageRange\",\n xmlName: \"PageRange\",\n xmlElementName: \"PageRange\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageRange\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n clearRange: {\n serializedName: \"ClearRange\",\n xmlName: \"ClearRange\",\n xmlElementName: \"ClearRange\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ClearRange\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n continuationToken: {\n serializedName: \"NextMarker\",\n xmlName: \"NextMarker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageRange: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageRange\",\n xmlName: \"PageRange\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageRange\",\n modelProperties: {\n start: {\n serializedName: \"Start\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Start\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n end: {\n serializedName: \"End\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"End\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ClearRange: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ClearRange\",\n xmlName: \"ClearRange\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ClearRange\",\n modelProperties: {\n start: {\n serializedName: \"Start\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Start\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n end: {\n serializedName: \"End\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"End\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const QueryRequest: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"QueryRequest\",\n xmlName: \"QueryRequest\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QueryRequest\",\n modelProperties: {\n queryType: {\n serializedName: \"QueryType\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"QueryType\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n expression: {\n serializedName: \"Expression\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Expression\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n inputSerialization: {\n serializedName: \"InputSerialization\",\n xmlName: \"InputSerialization\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QuerySerialization\"\n }\n },\n outputSerialization: {\n serializedName: \"OutputSerialization\",\n xmlName: \"OutputSerialization\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QuerySerialization\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const QuerySerialization: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"QuerySerialization\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QuerySerialization\",\n modelProperties: {\n format: {\n serializedName: \"Format\",\n xmlName: \"Format\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QueryFormat\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const QueryFormat: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"QueryFormat\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"QueryFormat\",\n modelProperties: {\n type: {\n serializedName: \"Type\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"delimited\", \"json\", \"arrow\", \"parquet\"]\n }\n },\n delimitedTextConfiguration: {\n serializedName: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\"\n }\n },\n jsonTextConfiguration: {\n serializedName: \"JsonTextConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"JsonTextConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"JsonTextConfiguration\"\n }\n },\n arrowConfiguration: {\n serializedName: \"ArrowConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"ArrowConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ArrowConfiguration\"\n }\n },\n parquetTextConfiguration: {\n serializedName: \"ParquetTextConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"ParquetTextConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"any\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const DelimitedTextConfiguration: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"DelimitedTextConfiguration\",\n modelProperties: {\n columnSeparator: {\n serializedName: \"ColumnSeparator\",\n xmlName: \"ColumnSeparator\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n fieldQuote: {\n serializedName: \"FieldQuote\",\n xmlName: \"FieldQuote\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n recordSeparator: {\n serializedName: \"RecordSeparator\",\n xmlName: \"RecordSeparator\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n escapeChar: {\n serializedName: \"EscapeChar\",\n xmlName: \"EscapeChar\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n headersPresent: {\n serializedName: \"HeadersPresent\",\n xmlName: \"HasHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const JsonTextConfiguration: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"JsonTextConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"JsonTextConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"JsonTextConfiguration\",\n modelProperties: {\n recordSeparator: {\n serializedName: \"RecordSeparator\",\n xmlName: \"RecordSeparator\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ArrowConfiguration: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ArrowConfiguration\",\n xmlName: \"ArrowConfiguration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ArrowConfiguration\",\n modelProperties: {\n schema: {\n serializedName: \"Schema\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Schema\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"Field\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ArrowField\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ArrowField: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"ArrowField\",\n xmlName: \"Field\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ArrowField\",\n modelProperties: {\n type: {\n serializedName: \"Type\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n name: {\n serializedName: \"Name\",\n xmlName: \"Name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n precision: {\n serializedName: \"Precision\",\n xmlName: \"Precision\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n scale: {\n serializedName: \"Scale\",\n xmlName: \"Scale\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_setPropertiesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceSetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_setPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceSetPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getPropertiesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getStatisticsHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetStatisticsExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getStatisticsExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetStatisticsExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceListContainersSegmentHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_listContainersSegmentHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceListContainersSegmentHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceListContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_listContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceListContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getUserDelegationKeyHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetAccountInfoHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getAccountInfoHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetAccountInfoHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n skuName: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Standard_LRS\",\n \"Standard_GRS\",\n \"Standard_RAGRS\",\n \"Standard_ZRS\",\n \"Premium_LRS\"\n ]\n }\n },\n accountKind: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Storage\",\n \"BlobStorage\",\n \"StorageV2\",\n \"FileStorage\",\n \"BlockBlobStorage\"\n ]\n }\n },\n isHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-is-hns-enabled\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-is-hns-enabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_getAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_submitBatchHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_submitBatchExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceFilterBlobsHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_filterBlobsHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceFilterBlobsHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ServiceFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Service_filterBlobsExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ServiceFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerCreateHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_createHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerCreateHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerCreateExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_createExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerCreateExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetPropertiesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getPropertiesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetPropertiesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-meta-\"\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobPublicAccess: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"container\", \"blob\"]\n }\n },\n hasImmutabilityPolicy: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-has-immutability-policy\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-has-immutability-policy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n hasLegalHold: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-has-legal-hold\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-has-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n defaultEncryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-default-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-default-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n denyEncryptionScopeOverride: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutable-storage-with-versioning-enabled\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutable-storage-with-versioning-enabled\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerDeleteHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_deleteHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerDeleteHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerDeleteExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_deleteExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerDeleteExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSetMetadataHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_setMetadataHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSetMetadataHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSetMetadataExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_setMetadataExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSetMetadataExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetAccessPolicyHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getAccessPolicyHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetAccessPolicyHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n blobPublicAccess: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"container\", \"blob\"]\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSetAccessPolicyHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_setAccessPolicyHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSetAccessPolicyHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_setAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRestoreHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_restoreHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRestoreHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRestoreExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_restoreExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRestoreExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRenameHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_renameHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRenameHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRenameExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_renameExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRenameExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_submitBatchHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_submitBatchExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerFilterBlobsHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_filterBlobsHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerFilterBlobsHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_filterBlobsExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerAcquireLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_acquireLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerAcquireLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_acquireLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerReleaseLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_releaseLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerReleaseLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_releaseLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_renewLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_renewLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerBreakLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_breakLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerBreakLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseTime: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_breakLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_changeLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_changeLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_listBlobFlatSegmentHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_listBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_listBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_listBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getAccountInfoHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n skuName: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Standard_LRS\",\n \"Standard_GRS\",\n \"Standard_RAGRS\",\n \"Standard_ZRS\",\n \"Premium_LRS\"\n ]\n }\n },\n accountKind: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Storage\",\n \"BlobStorage\",\n \"StorageV2\",\n \"FileStorage\",\n \"BlockBlobStorage\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Container_getAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDownloadHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_downloadHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDownloadHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n createdOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-creation-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-creation-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-meta-\"\n },\n objectReplicationPolicyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-or-policy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-or-policy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n objectReplicationRules: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-or\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-or\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-or-\"\n },\n contentLength: {\n serializedName: \"content-length\",\n xmlName: \"content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentRange: {\n serializedName: \"content-range\",\n xmlName: \"content-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n contentEncoding: {\n serializedName: \"content-encoding\",\n xmlName: \"content-encoding\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n cacheControl: {\n serializedName: \"cache-control\",\n xmlName: \"cache-control\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentDisposition: {\n serializedName: \"content-disposition\",\n xmlName: \"content-disposition\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentLanguage: {\n serializedName: \"content-language\",\n xmlName: \"content-language\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n blobType: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"BlockBlob\", \"PageBlob\", \"AppendBlob\"]\n }\n },\n copyCompletedOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyStatusDescription: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyProgress: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copySource: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n isCurrentVersion: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-is-current-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-is-current-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n acceptRanges: {\n serializedName: \"accept-ranges\",\n xmlName: \"accept-ranges\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobCommittedBlockCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobContentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n tagCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-tag-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-tag-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isSealed: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n lastAccessed: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-last-access-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-last-access-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyMode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"Mutable\", \"Unlocked\", \"Locked\"]\n }\n },\n legalHold: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_downloadExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetPropertiesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getPropertiesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetPropertiesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n createdOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-creation-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-creation-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-meta-\"\n },\n objectReplicationPolicyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-or-policy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-or-policy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n objectReplicationRules: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-or\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-or\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-or-\"\n },\n blobType: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"BlockBlob\", \"PageBlob\", \"AppendBlob\"]\n }\n },\n copyCompletedOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyStatusDescription: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyProgress: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copySource: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n isIncrementalCopy: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-incremental-copy\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-incremental-copy\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n destinationSnapshot: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n contentLength: {\n serializedName: \"content-length\",\n xmlName: \"content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n contentEncoding: {\n serializedName: \"content-encoding\",\n xmlName: \"content-encoding\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentDisposition: {\n serializedName: \"content-disposition\",\n xmlName: \"content-disposition\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentLanguage: {\n serializedName: \"content-language\",\n xmlName: \"content-language\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n cacheControl: {\n serializedName: \"cache-control\",\n xmlName: \"cache-control\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n acceptRanges: {\n serializedName: \"accept-ranges\",\n xmlName: \"accept-ranges\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobCommittedBlockCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n accessTier: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n accessTierInferred: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-access-tier-inferred\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-access-tier-inferred\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n archiveStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-archive-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-archive-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n accessTierChangedOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-access-tier-change-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-access-tier-change-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n isCurrentVersion: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-is-current-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-is-current-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n tagCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-tag-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-tag-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n expiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-expiry-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-expiry-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isSealed: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n rehydratePriority: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-rehydrate-priority\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-rehydrate-priority\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"High\", \"Standard\"]\n }\n },\n lastAccessed: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-last-access-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-last-access-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyMode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"Mutable\", \"Unlocked\", \"Locked\"]\n }\n },\n legalHold: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDeleteHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_deleteHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDeleteHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_deleteExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobUndeleteHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_undeleteHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobUndeleteHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_undeleteExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetExpiryHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setExpiryHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetExpiryHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setExpiryExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setHttpHeadersHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyExpiry: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n immutabilityPolicyMode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"Mutable\", \"Unlocked\", \"Locked\"]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_deleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_deleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setLegalHoldHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n legalHold: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setLegalHoldExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetMetadataHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setMetadataHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetMetadataHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setMetadataExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_acquireLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_acquireLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_releaseLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_releaseLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobRenewLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_renewLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobRenewLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_renewLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobChangeLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_changeLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobChangeLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n leaseId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_changeLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobBreakLeaseHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_breakLeaseHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobBreakLeaseHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n leaseTime: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_breakLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_createSnapshotHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n snapshot: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-snapshot\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-snapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_createSnapshotExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_startCopyFromURLHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_startCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobCopyFromURLHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_copyFromURLHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobCopyFromURLHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n defaultValue: \"success\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_copyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_abortCopyFromURLHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_abortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetTierHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setTierHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetTierHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setTierExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getAccountInfoHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n skuName: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-sku-name\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Standard_LRS\",\n \"Standard_GRS\",\n \"Standard_RAGRS\",\n \"Standard_ZRS\",\n \"Premium_LRS\"\n ]\n }\n },\n accountKind: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-account-kind\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"Storage\",\n \"BlobStorage\",\n \"StorageV2\",\n \"FileStorage\",\n \"BlockBlobStorage\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobQueryHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_queryHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobQueryHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n metadata: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n }\n },\n contentLength: {\n serializedName: \"content-length\",\n xmlName: \"content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentRange: {\n serializedName: \"content-range\",\n xmlName: \"content-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n contentEncoding: {\n serializedName: \"content-encoding\",\n xmlName: \"content-encoding\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n cacheControl: {\n serializedName: \"cache-control\",\n xmlName: \"cache-control\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentDisposition: {\n serializedName: \"content-disposition\",\n xmlName: \"content-disposition\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentLanguage: {\n serializedName: \"content-language\",\n xmlName: \"content-language\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n blobType: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"BlockBlob\", \"PageBlob\", \"AppendBlob\"]\n }\n },\n copyCompletionTime: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyStatusDescription: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status-description\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyProgress: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copySource: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseDuration: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"infinite\", \"fixed\"]\n }\n },\n leaseState: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"available\",\n \"leased\",\n \"expired\",\n \"breaking\",\n \"broken\"\n ]\n }\n },\n leaseStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"locked\", \"unlocked\"]\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n acceptRanges: {\n serializedName: \"accept-ranges\",\n xmlName: \"accept-ranges\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobCommittedBlockCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobContentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobQueryExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_queryExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobQueryExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetTagsHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getTagsHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetTagsHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_getTagsExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetTagsHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setTagsHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetTagsHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"Blob_setTagsExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobCreateHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_createHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobCreateHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_createExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_uploadPagesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_uploadPagesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobClearPagesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_clearPagesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobClearPagesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_clearPagesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_uploadPagesFromURLHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_uploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_getPageRangesHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobContentLength: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_getPageRangesExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_getPageRangesDiffHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobContentLength: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_getPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobResizeHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_resizeHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobResizeHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_resizeExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_updateSequenceNumberHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobSequenceNumber: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_updateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_copyIncrementalHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n copyId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n copyStatus: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"pending\", \"success\", \"aborted\", \"failed\"]\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"PageBlob_copyIncrementalExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobCreateHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_createHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobCreateHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_createExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_appendBlockHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobAppendOffset: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-append-offset\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-append-offset\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobCommittedBlockCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_appendBlockExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_appendBlockFromUrlHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n blobAppendOffset: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-append-offset\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-append-offset\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobCommittedBlockCount: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-committed-block-count\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_appendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobSealHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_sealHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobSealHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isSealed: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sealed\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"AppendBlob_sealExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobUploadHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_uploadHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobUploadHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_uploadExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_putBlobFromUrlHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_putBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_stageBlockHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_stageBlockExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_stageBlockFromURLHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_stageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_commitBlockListHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n contentMD5: {\n serializedName: \"content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n xMsContentCrc64: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n versionId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n isServerEncrypted: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n },\n encryptionKeySha256: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n encryptionScope: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_commitBlockListExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_getBlockListHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n lastModified: {\n serializedName: \"last-modified\",\n xmlName: \"last-modified\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n etag: {\n serializedName: \"etag\",\n xmlName: \"etag\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n contentType: {\n serializedName: \"content-type\",\n xmlName: \"content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n blobContentLength: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n },\n clientRequestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n requestId: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n version: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n date: {\n serializedName: \"date\",\n xmlName: \"date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n },\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders: coreHttp.CompositeMapper = {\n serializedName: \"BlockBlob_getBlockListExceptionHeaders\",\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders\",\n modelProperties: {\n errorCode: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-error-code\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport {\n OperationParameter,\n OperationURLParameter,\n OperationQueryParameter,\n QueryCollectionFormat\n} from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport {\n BlobServiceProperties as BlobServicePropertiesMapper,\n KeyInfo as KeyInfoMapper,\n QueryRequest as QueryRequestMapper,\n BlobTags as BlobTagsMapper,\n BlockLookupList as BlockLookupListMapper\n} from \"../models/mappers\";\n\nexport const contentType: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"contentType\"],\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"application/xml\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"Content-Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobServiceProperties: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blobServiceProperties\",\n mapper: BlobServicePropertiesMapper\n};\n\nexport const accept: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"accept\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"application/xml\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"Accept\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const url: OperationURLParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"url\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"url\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"url\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n },\n skipEncoding: true\n};\n\nexport const restype: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"restype\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"service\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"restype\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"properties\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const timeoutInSeconds: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"timeoutInSeconds\"],\n mapper: {\n constraints: {\n InclusiveMinimum: 0\n },\n serializedName: \"timeout\",\n xmlName: \"timeout\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const version: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"version\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"2022-11-02\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const requestId: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"requestId\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const accept1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"accept\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"application/xml\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"Accept\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp1: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"stats\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp2: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"list\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const prefix: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"prefix\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"prefix\",\n xmlName: \"prefix\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const marker: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"marker\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"marker\",\n xmlName: \"marker\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const maxPageSize: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"maxPageSize\"],\n mapper: {\n constraints: {\n InclusiveMinimum: 1\n },\n serializedName: \"maxresults\",\n xmlName: \"maxresults\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const include: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"include\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"include\",\n xmlName: \"include\",\n xmlElementName: \"ListContainersIncludeType\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"metadata\", \"deleted\", \"system\"]\n }\n }\n }\n },\n collectionFormat: QueryCollectionFormat.Csv\n};\n\nexport const keyInfo: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"keyInfo\",\n mapper: KeyInfoMapper\n};\n\nexport const comp3: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"userdelegationkey\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const restype1: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"restype\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"account\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"restype\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const body: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"body\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"body\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"body\",\n type: {\n name: \"Stream\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp4: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"batch\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const contentLength: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"contentLength\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Length\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Content-Length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const multipartContentType: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"multipartContentType\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"Content-Type\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"Content-Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp5: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"blobs\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const where: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"where\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"where\",\n xmlName: \"where\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const restype2: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"restype\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"container\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"restype\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const metadata: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"metadata\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-meta\",\n type: {\n name: \"Dictionary\",\n value: { type: { name: \"String\" } }\n },\n headerCollectionPrefix: \"x-ms-meta-\"\n }\n};\n\nexport const access: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"access\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-public-access\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"container\", \"blob\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const defaultEncryptionScope: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"containerEncryptionScope\",\n \"defaultEncryptionScope\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-default-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-default-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const preventEncryptionScopeOverride: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"containerEncryptionScope\",\n \"preventEncryptionScopeOverride\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const leaseId: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"leaseAccessConditions\", \"leaseId\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifModifiedSince: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"modifiedAccessConditions\", \"ifModifiedSince\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"If-Modified-Since\",\n xmlName: \"If-Modified-Since\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifUnmodifiedSince: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"modifiedAccessConditions\", \"ifUnmodifiedSince\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"If-Unmodified-Since\",\n xmlName: \"If-Unmodified-Since\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp6: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"metadata\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp7: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"acl\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const containerAcl: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"containerAcl\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"containerAcl\",\n xmlName: \"SignedIdentifiers\",\n xmlIsWrapped: true,\n xmlElementName: \"SignedIdentifier\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Composite\",\n className: \"SignedIdentifier\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp8: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"undelete\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const deletedContainerName: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"deletedContainerName\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-deleted-container-name\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-deleted-container-name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const deletedContainerVersion: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"deletedContainerVersion\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-deleted-container-version\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-deleted-container-version\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp9: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"rename\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceContainerName: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"sourceContainerName\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-container-name\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-container-name\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceLeaseId: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceLeaseId\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp10: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"lease\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const action: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"action\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"acquire\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const duration: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"duration\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-duration\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const proposedLeaseId: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"proposedLeaseId\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-proposed-lease-id\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-proposed-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const action1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"action\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"release\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const leaseId1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"leaseId\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const action2: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"action\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"renew\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const action3: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"action\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"break\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const breakPeriod: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"breakPeriod\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-break-period\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-lease-break-period\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const action4: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"action\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"change\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-lease-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const proposedLeaseId1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"proposedLeaseId\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-proposed-lease-id\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-proposed-lease-id\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const include1: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"include\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"include\",\n xmlName: \"include\",\n xmlElementName: \"ListBlobsIncludeItem\",\n type: {\n name: \"Sequence\",\n element: {\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"copy\",\n \"deleted\",\n \"metadata\",\n \"snapshots\",\n \"uncommittedblobs\",\n \"versions\",\n \"tags\",\n \"immutabilitypolicy\",\n \"legalhold\",\n \"deletedwithversions\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n },\n collectionFormat: QueryCollectionFormat.Csv\n};\n\nexport const delimiter: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"delimiter\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"delimiter\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"delimiter\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const snapshot: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"snapshot\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"snapshot\",\n xmlName: \"snapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const versionId: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"versionId\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"versionid\",\n xmlName: \"versionid\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const range: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"range\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-range\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const rangeGetContentMD5: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"rangeGetContentMD5\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-range-get-content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-range-get-content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const rangeGetContentCRC64: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"rangeGetContentCRC64\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-range-get-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-range-get-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const encryptionKey: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"cpkInfo\", \"encryptionKey\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const encryptionKeySha256: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"cpkInfo\", \"encryptionKeySha256\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-key-sha256\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const encryptionAlgorithm: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"cpkInfo\", \"encryptionAlgorithm\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-algorithm\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-algorithm\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifMatch: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"modifiedAccessConditions\", \"ifMatch\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"If-Match\",\n xmlName: \"If-Match\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifNoneMatch: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"modifiedAccessConditions\", \"ifNoneMatch\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"If-None-Match\",\n xmlName: \"If-None-Match\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifTags: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"modifiedAccessConditions\", \"ifTags\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-if-tags\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-if-tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const deleteSnapshots: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"deleteSnapshots\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-delete-snapshots\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-delete-snapshots\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"include\", \"only\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobDeleteType: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobDeleteType\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"deletetype\",\n xmlName: \"deletetype\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp11: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"expiry\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const expiryOptions: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"expiryOptions\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-expiry-option\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-expiry-option\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const expiresOn: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"expiresOn\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-expiry-time\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-expiry-time\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobCacheControl: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobCacheControl\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-cache-control\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-cache-control\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentType: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobContentType\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-type\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentMD5: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobContentMD5\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentEncoding: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobContentEncoding\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-encoding\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-encoding\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentLanguage: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobContentLanguage\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-language\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-language\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentDisposition: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobHttpHeaders\", \"blobContentDisposition\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-disposition\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-disposition\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp12: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"immutabilityPolicies\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const immutabilityPolicyExpiry: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"immutabilityPolicyExpiry\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const immutabilityPolicyMode: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"immutabilityPolicyMode\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-immutability-policy-mode\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"Mutable\", \"Unlocked\", \"Locked\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp13: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"legalhold\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const legalHold: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"legalHold\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const encryptionScope: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"encryptionScope\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-encryption-scope\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp14: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"snapshot\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const tier: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"tier\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"P4\",\n \"P6\",\n \"P10\",\n \"P15\",\n \"P20\",\n \"P30\",\n \"P40\",\n \"P50\",\n \"P60\",\n \"P70\",\n \"P80\",\n \"Hot\",\n \"Cool\",\n \"Archive\",\n \"Cold\"\n ]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const rehydratePriority: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"rehydratePriority\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-rehydrate-priority\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-rehydrate-priority\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"High\", \"Standard\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceIfModifiedSince: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sourceModifiedAccessConditions\",\n \"sourceIfModifiedSince\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-if-modified-since\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-if-modified-since\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sourceModifiedAccessConditions\",\n \"sourceIfUnmodifiedSince\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since\",\n type: {\n name: \"DateTimeRfc1123\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceIfMatch: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceModifiedAccessConditions\", \"sourceIfMatch\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-if-match\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-if-match\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceIfNoneMatch: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sourceModifiedAccessConditions\",\n \"sourceIfNoneMatch\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-if-none-match\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-if-none-match\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceIfTags: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceModifiedAccessConditions\", \"sourceIfTags\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-if-tags\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-if-tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copySource: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"copySource\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobTagsString: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobTagsString\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-tags\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-tags\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sealBlob: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sealBlob\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-seal-blob\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-seal-blob\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const legalHold1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"legalHold\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-legal-hold\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const xMsRequiresSync: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"xMsRequiresSync\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"true\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-requires-sync\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceContentMD5: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceContentMD5\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-content-md5\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-content-md5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copySourceAuthorization: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"copySourceAuthorization\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source-authorization\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source-authorization\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copySourceTags: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"copySourceTags\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source-tag-option\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source-tag-option\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"REPLACE\", \"COPY\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp15: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"copy\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copyActionAbortConstant: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"copyActionAbortConstant\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"abort\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copyId: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"copyId\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"copyid\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"copyid\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp16: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"tier\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const tier1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"tier\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-access-tier\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\n \"P4\",\n \"P6\",\n \"P10\",\n \"P15\",\n \"P20\",\n \"P30\",\n \"P40\",\n \"P50\",\n \"P60\",\n \"P70\",\n \"P80\",\n \"Hot\",\n \"Cool\",\n \"Archive\",\n \"Cold\"\n ]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const queryRequest: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"queryRequest\"],\n mapper: QueryRequestMapper\n};\n\nexport const comp17: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"query\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp18: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"tags\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const tags: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"tags\"],\n mapper: BlobTagsMapper\n};\n\nexport const transactionalContentMD5: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"transactionalContentMD5\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"Content-MD5\",\n xmlName: \"Content-MD5\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const transactionalContentCrc64: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"transactionalContentCrc64\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobType: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blobType\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"PageBlob\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobContentLength: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blobContentLength\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-content-length\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobSequenceNumber: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"blobSequenceNumber\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-sequence-number\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const contentType1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"contentType\"],\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"application/octet-stream\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"Content-Type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const body1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"body\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"body\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"body\",\n type: {\n name: \"Stream\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const accept2: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"accept\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"application/xml\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"Accept\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp19: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"page\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const pageWrite: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"pageWrite\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"update\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-page-write\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sequenceNumberAccessConditions\",\n \"ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-le\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-le\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifSequenceNumberLessThan: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sequenceNumberAccessConditions\",\n \"ifSequenceNumberLessThan\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const ifSequenceNumberEqualTo: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"sequenceNumberAccessConditions\",\n \"ifSequenceNumberEqualTo\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const pageWrite1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"pageWrite\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"clear\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-page-write\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceUrl: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"sourceUrl\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceRange: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"sourceRange\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-range\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceContentCrc64: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceContentCrc64\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-content-crc64\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-content-crc64\",\n type: {\n name: \"ByteArray\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const range1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"range\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-range\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp20: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"pagelist\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const prevsnapshot: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"prevsnapshot\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"prevsnapshot\",\n xmlName: \"prevsnapshot\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const prevSnapshotUrl: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"prevSnapshotUrl\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-previous-snapshot-url\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-previous-snapshot-url\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sequenceNumberAction: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"sequenceNumberAction\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-sequence-number-action\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"x-ms-sequence-number-action\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"max\", \"update\", \"increment\"]\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp21: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"incrementalcopy\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobType1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blobType\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"AppendBlob\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp22: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"appendblock\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const maxSize: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"appendPositionAccessConditions\", \"maxSize\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const appendPosition: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\n \"options\",\n \"appendPositionAccessConditions\",\n \"appendPosition\"\n ],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos\",\n type: {\n name: \"Number\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const sourceRange1: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"sourceRange\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-source-range\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-source-range\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp23: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"seal\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blobType2: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blobType\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"BlockBlob\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"x-ms-blob-type\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const copySourceBlobProperties: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: [\"options\", \"copySourceBlobProperties\"],\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"x-ms-copy-source-blob-properties\",\n xmlName: \"x-ms-copy-source-blob-properties\",\n type: {\n name: \"Boolean\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const comp24: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"block\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blockId: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blockId\",\n mapper: {\n serializedName: \"blockid\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"blockid\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const blocks: OperationParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"blocks\",\n mapper: BlockLookupListMapper\n};\n\nexport const comp25: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"comp\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"blocklist\",\n isConstant: true,\n serializedName: \"comp\",\n type: {\n name: \"String\"\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport const listType: OperationQueryParameter = {\n parameterPath: \"listType\",\n mapper: {\n defaultValue: \"committed\",\n serializedName: \"blocklisttype\",\n required: true,\n xmlName: \"blocklisttype\",\n type: {\n name: \"Enum\",\n allowedValues: [\"committed\", \"uncommitted\", \"all\"]\n }\n }\n};\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * The format that will be used to join an array of values together for a query parameter value.\n */\nexport enum QueryCollectionFormat {\n /**\n * CSV: Each pair of segments joined by a single comma.\n */\n Csv = \",\",\n /**\n * SSV: Each pair of segments joined by a single space character.\n */\n Ssv = \" \",\n /**\n * TSV: Each pair of segments joined by a single tab character.\n */\n Tsv = \"\\t\",\n /**\n * Pipes: Each pair of segments joined by a single pipe character.\n */\n Pipes = \"|\",\n /**\n * Denotes this is an array of values that should be passed to the server in multiple key/value pairs, e.g. `?queryParam=value1&queryParam=value2`\n */\n Multi = \"Multi\",\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreHttp from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/mappers\";\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\nimport { StorageClientContext } from \"../storageClientContext\";\nimport {\n BlobDownloadOptionalParams,\n BlobDownloadResponse,\n BlobGetPropertiesOptionalParams,\n BlobGetPropertiesResponse,\n BlobDeleteOptionalParams,\n BlobDeleteResponse,\n BlobUndeleteOptionalParams,\n BlobUndeleteResponse,\n BlobExpiryOptions,\n BlobSetExpiryOptionalParams,\n BlobSetExpiryResponse,\n BlobSetHttpHeadersOptionalParams,\n BlobSetHttpHeadersResponse,\n BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyOptionalParams,\n BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyResponse,\n BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptionalParams,\n BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse,\n BlobSetLegalHoldOptionalParams,\n BlobSetLegalHoldResponse,\n BlobSetMetadataOptionalParams,\n BlobSetMetadataResponse,\n BlobAcquireLeaseOptionalParams,\n BlobAcquireLeaseResponse,\n BlobReleaseLeaseOptionalParams,\n BlobReleaseLeaseResponse,\n BlobRenewLeaseOptionalParams,\n BlobRenewLeaseResponse,\n BlobChangeLeaseOptionalParams,\n BlobChangeLeaseResponse,\n BlobBreakLeaseOptionalParams,\n BlobBreakLeaseResponse,\n BlobCreateSnapshotOptionalParams,\n BlobCreateSnapshotResponse,\n BlobStartCopyFromURLOptionalParams,\n BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse,\n BlobCopyFromURLOptionalParams,\n BlobCopyFromURLResponse,\n BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptionalParams,\n BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse,\n AccessTier,\n BlobSetTierOptionalParams,\n BlobSetTierResponse,\n BlobGetAccountInfoResponse,\n BlobQueryOptionalParams,\n BlobQueryResponse,\n BlobGetTagsOptionalParams,\n BlobGetTagsResponse,\n BlobSetTagsOptionalParams,\n BlobSetTagsResponse\n} from \"../models\";\n\n/** Class representing a Blob. */\nexport class Blob {\n private readonly client: StorageClientContext;\n\n /**\n * Initialize a new instance of the class Blob class.\n * @param client Reference to the service client\n */\n constructor(client: StorageClientContext) {\n this.client = client;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Download operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and\n * properties. You can also call Download to read a snapshot.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n download(\n options?: BlobDownloadOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n downloadOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Get Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system\n * properties for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getProperties(\n options?: BlobGetPropertiesOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getPropertiesOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * If the storage account's soft delete feature is disabled then, when a blob is deleted, it is\n * permanently removed from the storage account. If the storage account's soft delete feature is\n * enabled, then, when a blob is deleted, it is marked for deletion and becomes inaccessible\n * immediately. However, the blob service retains the blob or snapshot for the number of days specified\n * by the DeleteRetentionPolicy section of [Storage service properties]\n * (Set-Blob-Service-Properties.md). After the specified number of days has passed, the blob's data is\n * permanently removed from the storage account. Note that you continue to be charged for the\n * soft-deleted blob's storage until it is permanently removed. Use the List Blobs API and specify the\n * \"include=deleted\" query parameter to discover which blobs and snapshots have been soft deleted. You\n * can then use the Undelete Blob API to restore a soft-deleted blob. All other operations on a\n * soft-deleted blob or snapshot causes the service to return an HTTP status code of 404\n * (ResourceNotFound).\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n delete(options?: BlobDeleteOptionalParams): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n deleteOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * Undelete a blob that was previously soft deleted\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n undelete(\n options?: BlobUndeleteOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n undeleteOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the time a blob will expire and be deleted.\n * @param expiryOptions Required. Indicates mode of the expiry time\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setExpiry(\n expiryOptions: BlobExpiryOptions,\n options?: BlobSetExpiryOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n expiryOptions,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setExpiryOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set HTTP Headers operation sets system properties on the blob\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setHttpHeaders(\n options?: BlobSetHttpHeadersOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setHttpHeadersOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set Immutability Policy operation sets the immutability policy on the blob\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setImmutabilityPolicy(\n options?: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Delete Immutability Policy operation deletes the immutability policy on the blob\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n deleteImmutabilityPolicy(\n options?: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n deleteImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set Legal Hold operation sets a legal hold on the blob.\n * @param legalHold Specified if a legal hold should be set on the blob.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setLegalHold(\n legalHold: boolean,\n options?: BlobSetLegalHoldOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n legalHold,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setLegalHoldOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more\n * name-value pairs\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setMetadata(\n options?: BlobSetMetadataOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setMetadataOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete\n * operations\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n acquireLease(\n options?: BlobAcquireLeaseOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n acquireLeaseOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete\n * operations\n * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n releaseLease(\n leaseId: string,\n options?: BlobReleaseLeaseOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n leaseId,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n releaseLeaseOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete\n * operations\n * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n renewLease(\n leaseId: string,\n options?: BlobRenewLeaseOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n leaseId,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n renewLeaseOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete\n * operations\n * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.\n * @param proposedLeaseId Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400\n * (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor\n * (String) for a list of valid GUID string formats.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n changeLease(\n leaseId: string,\n proposedLeaseId: string,\n options?: BlobChangeLeaseOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n leaseId,\n proposedLeaseId,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n changeLeaseOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete\n * operations\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n breakLease(\n options?: BlobBreakLeaseOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n breakLeaseOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Create Snapshot operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n createSnapshot(\n options?: BlobCreateSnapshotOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n createSnapshotOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Start Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob.\n * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to\n * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would\n * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared\n * access signature.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n startCopyFromURL(\n copySource: string,\n options?: BlobStartCopyFromURLOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n copySource,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n startCopyFromURLOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not return\n * a response until the copy is complete.\n * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to\n * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would\n * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared\n * access signature.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n copyFromURL(\n copySource: string,\n options?: BlobCopyFromURLOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n copySource,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n copyFromURLOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Abort Copy From URL operation aborts a pending Copy From URL operation, and leaves a destination\n * blob with zero length and full metadata.\n * @param copyId The copy identifier provided in the x-ms-copy-id header of the original Copy Blob\n * operation.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n abortCopyFromURL(\n copyId: string,\n options?: BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n copyId,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n abortCopyFromURLOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set Tier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page blob in a premium\n * storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally redundant storage only). A\n * premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and bandwidth of the blob. A block\n * blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation does not update the blob's\n * ETag.\n * @param tier Indicates the tier to be set on the blob.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setTier(\n tier: AccessTier,\n options?: BlobSetTierOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n tier,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setTierOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the sku name and account kind\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getAccountInfo(\n options?: coreHttp.OperationOptions\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getAccountInfoOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query\n * expressions.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n query(options?: BlobQueryOptionalParams): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n queryOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Get Tags operation enables users to get the tags associated with a blob.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getTags(options?: BlobGetTagsOptionalParams): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getTagsOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Set Tags operation enables users to set tags on a blob.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n setTags(options?: BlobSetTagsOptionalParams): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n setTagsOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n}\n// Operation Specifications\nconst xmlSerializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true);\n\nconst downloadOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: {\n type: { name: \"Stream\" },\n serializedName: \"parsedResponse\"\n },\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDownloadHeaders\n },\n 206: {\n bodyMapper: {\n type: { name: \"Stream\" },\n serializedName: \"parsedResponse\"\n },\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDownloadHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.versionId\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.range,\n Parameters.rangeGetContentMD5,\n Parameters.rangeGetContentCRC64,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getPropertiesOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"HEAD\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetPropertiesHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.versionId\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst deleteOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"DELETE\",\n responses: {\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDeleteHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.versionId,\n Parameters.blobDeleteType\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.deleteSnapshots\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst undeleteOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobUndeleteHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp8],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setExpiryOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetExpiryHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp11],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.expiryOptions,\n Parameters.expiresOn\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setHttpHeadersOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.comp, Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp12],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst deleteImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"DELETE\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp12],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setLegalHoldOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp13],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.legalHold\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setMetadataOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetMetadataHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp6],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst acquireLeaseOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp10],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.action,\n Parameters.duration,\n Parameters.proposedLeaseId,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst releaseLeaseOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp10],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.action1,\n Parameters.leaseId1,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst renewLeaseOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobRenewLeaseHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp10],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.leaseId1,\n Parameters.action2,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst changeLeaseOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobChangeLeaseHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp10],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.leaseId1,\n Parameters.action4,\n Parameters.proposedLeaseId1,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst breakLeaseOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobBreakLeaseHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp10],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.action3,\n Parameters.breakPeriod,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst createSnapshotOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp14],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst startCopyFromURLOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.rehydratePriority,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfTags,\n Parameters.copySource,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.sealBlob,\n Parameters.legalHold1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst copyFromURLOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobCopyFromURLHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.copySource,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.legalHold1,\n Parameters.xMsRequiresSync,\n Parameters.sourceContentMD5,\n Parameters.copySourceAuthorization,\n Parameters.copySourceTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst abortCopyFromURLOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 204: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.comp15,\n Parameters.copyId\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.copyActionAbortConstant\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setTierOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetTierHeaders\n },\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetTierHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.versionId,\n Parameters.comp16\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.rehydratePriority,\n Parameters.tier1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getAccountInfoOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.comp, Parameters.restype1],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [Parameters.version, Parameters.accept1],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst queryOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"POST\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: {\n type: { name: \"Stream\" },\n serializedName: \"parsedResponse\"\n },\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobQueryHeaders\n },\n 206: {\n bodyMapper: {\n type: { name: \"Stream\" },\n serializedName: \"parsedResponse\"\n },\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobQueryHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobQueryExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.queryRequest,\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.comp17\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.contentType,\n Parameters.accept,\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n contentType: \"application/xml; charset=utf-8\",\n mediaType: \"xml\",\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getTagsOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.BlobTags,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetTagsHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.versionId,\n Parameters.comp18\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst setTagsOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 204: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetTagsHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.tags,\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.versionId,\n Parameters.comp18\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.contentType,\n Parameters.accept,\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64\n ],\n isXML: true,\n contentType: \"application/xml; charset=utf-8\",\n mediaType: \"xml\",\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreHttp from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/mappers\";\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\nimport { StorageClientContext } from \"../storageClientContext\";\nimport {\n BlockBlobUploadOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobUploadResponse,\n BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlResponse,\n BlockBlobStageBlockOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobStageBlockResponse,\n BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse,\n BlockLookupList,\n BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse,\n BlockListType,\n BlockBlobGetBlockListOptionalParams,\n BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse\n} from \"../models\";\n\n/** Class representing a BlockBlob. */\nexport class BlockBlob {\n private readonly client: StorageClientContext;\n\n /**\n * Initialize a new instance of the class BlockBlob class.\n * @param client Reference to the service client\n */\n constructor(client: StorageClientContext) {\n this.client = client;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Upload Block Blob operation updates the content of an existing block blob. Updating an existing\n * block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. Partial updates are not supported with Put\n * Blob; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a\n * partial update of the content of a block blob, use the Put Block List operation.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param body Initial data\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n upload(\n contentLength: number,\n body: coreHttp.HttpRequestBody,\n options?: BlockBlobUploadOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n body,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n uploadOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Put Blob from URL operation creates a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read\n * from a given URL. This API is supported beginning with the 2020-04-08 version. Partial updates are\n * not supported with Put Blob from URL; the content of an existing blob is overwritten with the\n * content of the new blob. To perform partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a source URL,\n * use the Put Block from URL API in conjunction with Put Block List.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to\n * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would\n * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared\n * access signature.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n putBlobFromUrl(\n contentLength: number,\n copySource: string,\n options?: BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n copySource,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n putBlobFromUrlOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob\n * @param blockId A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string\n * must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified\n * for the blockid parameter must be the same size for each block.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param body Initial data\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n stageBlock(\n blockId: string,\n contentLength: number,\n body: coreHttp.HttpRequestBody,\n options?: BlockBlobStageBlockOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n blockId,\n contentLength,\n body,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n stageBlockOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob where the contents\n * are read from a URL.\n * @param blockId A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string\n * must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified\n * for the blockid parameter must be the same size for each block.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n stageBlockFromURL(\n blockId: string,\n contentLength: number,\n sourceUrl: string,\n options?: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n blockId,\n contentLength,\n sourceUrl,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n stageBlockFromURLOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Commit Block List operation writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the\n * blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the\n * server in a prior Put Block operation. You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading\n * only those blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks together. You can\n * do this by specifying whether to commit a block from the committed block list or from the\n * uncommitted block list, or to commit the most recently uploaded version of the block, whichever list\n * it may belong to.\n * @param blocks Blob Blocks.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n commitBlockList(\n blocks: BlockLookupList,\n options?: BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n blocks,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n commitBlockListOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Get Block List operation retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block\n * blob\n * @param listType Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of uncommitted\n * blocks, or both lists together.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getBlockList(\n listType: BlockListType,\n options?: BlockBlobGetBlockListOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n listType,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getBlockListOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n}\n// Operation Specifications\nconst xmlSerializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true);\nconst serializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false);\n\nconst uploadOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobUploadHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.body1,\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.legalHold1,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64,\n Parameters.contentType1,\n Parameters.accept2,\n Parameters.blobType2\n ],\n mediaType: \"binary\",\n serializer\n};\nconst putBlobFromUrlOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfTags,\n Parameters.copySource,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.sourceContentMD5,\n Parameters.copySourceAuthorization,\n Parameters.copySourceTags,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobType2,\n Parameters.copySourceBlobProperties\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst stageBlockOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.body1,\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.comp24,\n Parameters.blockId\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64,\n Parameters.contentType1,\n Parameters.accept2\n ],\n mediaType: \"binary\",\n serializer\n};\nconst stageBlockFromURLOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.comp24,\n Parameters.blockId\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.sourceContentMD5,\n Parameters.copySourceAuthorization,\n Parameters.sourceUrl,\n Parameters.sourceContentCrc64,\n Parameters.sourceRange1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst commitBlockListOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.blocks,\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp25],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.contentType,\n Parameters.accept,\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.legalHold1,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64\n ],\n isXML: true,\n contentType: \"application/xml; charset=utf-8\",\n mediaType: \"xml\",\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getBlockListOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.BlockList,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.comp25,\n Parameters.listType\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\n","/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreHttp from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/mappers\";\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\nimport { StorageClientContext } from \"../storageClientContext\";\nimport {\n PageBlobCreateOptionalParams,\n PageBlobCreateResponse,\n PageBlobUploadPagesOptionalParams,\n PageBlobUploadPagesResponse,\n PageBlobClearPagesOptionalParams,\n PageBlobClearPagesResponse,\n PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptionalParams,\n PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesOptionalParams,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptionalParams,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse,\n PageBlobResizeOptionalParams,\n PageBlobResizeResponse,\n SequenceNumberActionType,\n PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptionalParams,\n PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse,\n PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptionalParams,\n PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse\n} from \"../models\";\n\n/** Class representing a PageBlob. */\nexport class PageBlob {\n private readonly client: StorageClientContext;\n\n /**\n * Initialize a new instance of the class PageBlob class.\n * @param client Reference to the service client\n */\n constructor(client: StorageClientContext) {\n this.client = client;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Create operation creates a new page blob.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param blobContentLength This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The\n * page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n create(\n contentLength: number,\n blobContentLength: number,\n options?: PageBlobCreateOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n blobContentLength,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n createOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param body Initial data\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n uploadPages(\n contentLength: number,\n body: coreHttp.HttpRequestBody,\n options?: PageBlobUploadPagesOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n body,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n uploadPagesOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Clear Pages operation clears a set of pages from a page blob\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n clearPages(\n contentLength: number,\n options?: PageBlobClearPagesOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n contentLength,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n clearPagesOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the contents are read from a\n * URL\n * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source.\n * @param sourceRange Bytes of source data in the specified range. The length of this range should\n * match the ContentLength header and x-ms-range/Range destination range header.\n * @param contentLength The length of the request.\n * @param range The range of bytes to which the source range would be written. The range should be 512\n * aligned and range-end is required.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n uploadPagesFromURL(\n sourceUrl: string,\n sourceRange: string,\n contentLength: number,\n range: string,\n options?: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n sourceUrl,\n sourceRange,\n contentLength,\n range,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n uploadPagesFromURLOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Get Page Ranges operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a\n * page blob\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getPageRanges(\n options?: PageBlobGetPageRangesOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getPageRangesOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Get Page Ranges Diff operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob that were\n * changed between target blob and previous snapshot.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n getPageRangesDiff(\n options?: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n getPageRangesDiffOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * Resize the Blob\n * @param blobContentLength This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The\n * page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n resize(\n blobContentLength: number,\n options?: PageBlobResizeOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n blobContentLength,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n resizeOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the sequence number of the blob\n * @param sequenceNumberAction Required if the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header is set for the request.\n * This property applies to page blobs only. This property indicates how the service should modify the\n * blob's sequence number\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n updateSequenceNumber(\n sequenceNumberAction: SequenceNumberActionType,\n options?: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n sequenceNumberAction,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n updateSequenceNumberOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n\n /**\n * The Copy Incremental operation copies a snapshot of the source page blob to a destination page blob.\n * The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously copied\n * snapshot are transferred to the destination. The copied snapshots are complete copies of the\n * original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. This API is supported since REST version\n * 2016-05-31.\n * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to\n * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would\n * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared\n * access signature.\n * @param options The options parameters.\n */\n copyIncremental(\n copySource: string,\n options?: PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptionalParams\n ): Promise {\n const operationArguments: coreHttp.OperationArguments = {\n copySource,\n options: coreHttp.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {})\n };\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest(\n operationArguments,\n copyIncrementalOperationSpec\n ) as Promise;\n }\n}\n// Operation Specifications\nconst xmlSerializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true);\nconst serializer = new coreHttp.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false);\n\nconst createOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobCreateHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.metadata,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobCacheControl,\n Parameters.blobContentType,\n Parameters.blobContentMD5,\n Parameters.blobContentEncoding,\n Parameters.blobContentLanguage,\n Parameters.blobContentDisposition,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyExpiry,\n Parameters.immutabilityPolicyMode,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.tier,\n Parameters.blobTagsString,\n Parameters.legalHold1,\n Parameters.blobType,\n Parameters.blobContentLength,\n Parameters.blobSequenceNumber\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst uploadPagesOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n requestBody: Parameters.body1,\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp19],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.range,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.transactionalContentMD5,\n Parameters.transactionalContentCrc64,\n Parameters.contentType1,\n Parameters.accept2,\n Parameters.pageWrite,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThan,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberEqualTo\n ],\n mediaType: \"binary\",\n serializer\n};\nconst clearPagesOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobClearPagesHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp19],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.range,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThan,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberEqualTo,\n Parameters.pageWrite1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst uploadPagesFromURLOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 201: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp19],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.contentLength,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.sourceIfModifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.sourceIfMatch,\n Parameters.sourceIfNoneMatch,\n Parameters.sourceContentMD5,\n Parameters.copySourceAuthorization,\n Parameters.pageWrite,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberLessThan,\n Parameters.ifSequenceNumberEqualTo,\n Parameters.sourceUrl,\n Parameters.sourceRange,\n Parameters.sourceContentCrc64,\n Parameters.range1\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getPageRangesOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.PageList,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.marker,\n Parameters.maxPageSize,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.comp20\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.range,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst getPageRangesDiffOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.PageList,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [\n Parameters.timeoutInSeconds,\n Parameters.marker,\n Parameters.maxPageSize,\n Parameters.snapshot,\n Parameters.comp20,\n Parameters.prevsnapshot\n ],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.range,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.prevSnapshotUrl\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst resizeOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobResizeHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.comp, Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.encryptionKey,\n Parameters.encryptionKeySha256,\n Parameters.encryptionAlgorithm,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.encryptionScope,\n Parameters.blobContentLength\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst updateSequenceNumberOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 200: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.comp, Parameters.timeoutInSeconds],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.leaseId,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.blobSequenceNumber,\n Parameters.sequenceNumberAction\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\nconst copyIncrementalOperationSpec: coreHttp.OperationSpec = {\n path: \"/{containerName}/{blob}\",\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\n responses: {\n 202: {\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders\n },\n default: {\n bodyMapper: Mappers.StorageError,\n headersMapper: Mappers.PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders\n }\n },\n queryParameters: [Parameters.timeoutInSeconds, Parameters.comp21],\n urlParameters: [Parameters.url],\n headerParameters: [\n Parameters.version,\n Parameters.requestId,\n Parameters.accept1,\n Parameters.ifModifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifUnmodifiedSince,\n Parameters.ifMatch,\n Parameters.ifNoneMatch,\n Parameters.ifTags,\n Parameters.copySource\n ],\n isXML: true,\n serializer: xmlSerializer\n};\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { CancelOnProgress, PollOperationState } from \"@azure/core-lro\";\nimport { BlobImmutabilityPolicyMode } from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport {\n LeaseAccessConditions,\n SequenceNumberAccessConditions,\n AppendPositionAccessConditions,\n AccessTier,\n CpkInfo,\n BlobDownloadResponseModel,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport { EncryptionAlgorithmAES25 } from \"./utils/constants\";\n\n/**\n * Blob tags.\n */\nexport type Tags = Record;\n\n/**\n * A map of name-value pairs to associate with the resource.\n */\nexport interface Metadata {\n /**\n * A name-value pair.\n */\n [propertyName: string]: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * standard HTTP conditional headers and tags condition.\n */\nexport interface ModifiedAccessConditions\n extends MatchConditions,\n ModificationConditions,\n TagConditions {}\n\n/**\n * standard HTTP conditional headers, tags condition and lease condition\n */\nexport interface BlobRequestConditions extends ModifiedAccessConditions, LeaseAccessConditions {}\n\n/**\n * Conditions to add to the creation of this page blob.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobRequestConditions\n extends BlobRequestConditions,\n SequenceNumberAccessConditions {}\n\n/**\n * Conditions to add to the creation of this append blob.\n */\nexport interface AppendBlobRequestConditions\n extends BlobRequestConditions,\n AppendPositionAccessConditions {}\n\n/**\n * Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on modification time.\n */\nexport interface ModificationConditions {\n /**\n * Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the\n * specified date/time.\n */\n ifModifiedSince?: Date;\n /**\n * Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the\n * specified date/time.\n */\n ifUnmodifiedSince?: Date;\n}\n\n/**\n * Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on ETag matching.\n */\nexport interface MatchConditions {\n /**\n * Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching value.\n */\n ifMatch?: string;\n /**\n * Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value.\n */\n ifNoneMatch?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on blob tags.\n */\nexport interface TagConditions {\n /**\n * Optional SQL statement to apply to the tags of the blob.\n */\n tagConditions?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Conditions to meet for the container.\n */\nexport interface ContainerRequestConditions extends LeaseAccessConditions, ModificationConditions {}\n\n/**\n * Represents the access tier on a blob.\n * For detailed information about block blob level tiering see {@link https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers|Hot, cool and archive storage tiers.}\n */\nexport enum BlockBlobTier {\n /**\n * Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently.\n */\n Hot = \"Hot\",\n /**\n * Optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days.\n */\n Cool = \"Cool\",\n /**\n * Optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed.\n */\n Cold = \"Cold\",\n /**\n * Optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days\n * with flexible latency requirements (on the order of hours).\n */\n Archive = \"Archive\",\n}\n\n/**\n * Specifies the page blob tier to set the blob to. This is only applicable to page blobs on premium storage accounts.\n * Please see {@link https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/storage-premium-storage#scalability-and-performance-targets|here}\n * for detailed information on the corresponding IOPS and throughput per PageBlobTier.\n */\nexport enum PremiumPageBlobTier {\n /**\n * P4 Tier.\n */\n P4 = \"P4\",\n /**\n * P6 Tier.\n */\n P6 = \"P6\",\n /**\n * P10 Tier.\n */\n P10 = \"P10\",\n /**\n * P15 Tier.\n */\n P15 = \"P15\",\n /**\n * P20 Tier.\n */\n P20 = \"P20\",\n /**\n * P30 Tier.\n */\n P30 = \"P30\",\n /**\n * P40 Tier.\n */\n P40 = \"P40\",\n /**\n * P50 Tier.\n */\n P50 = \"P50\",\n /**\n * P60 Tier.\n */\n P60 = \"P60\",\n /**\n * P70 Tier.\n */\n P70 = \"P70\",\n /**\n * P80 Tier.\n */\n P80 = \"P80\",\n}\n\nexport function toAccessTier(\n tier: BlockBlobTier | PremiumPageBlobTier | string | undefined\n): AccessTier | undefined {\n if (tier === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n return tier as AccessTier; // No more check if string is a valid AccessTier, and left this to underlay logic to decide(service).\n}\n\nexport function ensureCpkIfSpecified(cpk: CpkInfo | undefined, isHttps: boolean): void {\n if (cpk && !isHttps) {\n throw new RangeError(\"Customer-provided encryption key must be used over HTTPS.\");\n }\n\n if (cpk && !cpk.encryptionAlgorithm) {\n cpk.encryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithmAES25;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Specifies the Replication Status of a blob. This is used when a storage account has\n * Object Replication Policy(s) applied. See {@link ObjectReplicationPolicy} and {@link ObjectReplicationRule}.\n */\nexport type ObjectReplicationStatus = \"complete\" | \"failed\";\n\n/**\n * Contains the Object Replication Rule ID and {@link ObjectReplicationStatus} of a blob.\n * There can be more than one {@link ObjectReplicationRule} under a {@link ObjectReplicationPolicy}.\n */\nexport interface ObjectReplicationRule {\n /**\n * The Object Replication Rule ID.\n */\n ruleId: string;\n\n /**\n * The Replication Status\n */\n replicationStatus: ObjectReplicationStatus;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains Object Replication Policy ID and the respective list of {@link ObjectReplicationRule}.\n * This is used when retrieving the Object Replication Properties on the source blob. The policy id for the\n * destination blob is set in ObjectReplicationDestinationPolicyId of the respective method responses\n * (e.g. {@link BlobProperties.ObjectReplicationDestinationPolicyId}.\n */\nexport interface ObjectReplicationPolicy {\n /**\n * The Object Replication Policy ID.\n */\n policyId: string;\n\n /**\n * The Rule ID(s) and respective Replication Status(s) that are under the Policy ID.\n */\n rules: ObjectReplicationRule[];\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.download} operation.\n */\nexport interface BlobDownloadResponseParsed extends BlobDownloadResponseModel {\n /**\n * Parsed Object Replication Policy Id, Rule Id(s) and status of the source blob.\n */\n objectReplicationSourceProperties?: ObjectReplicationPolicy[];\n\n /**\n * Object Replication Policy Id of the destination blob.\n */\n objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * The type of a {@link BlobQueryArrowField}.\n */\nexport type BlobQueryArrowFieldType =\n | \"int64\"\n | \"bool\"\n | \"timestamp[ms]\"\n | \"string\"\n | \"double\"\n | \"decimal\";\n\n/**\n * Describe a field in {@link BlobQueryArrowConfiguration}.\n */\nexport interface BlobQueryArrowField {\n /**\n * The type of the field.\n */\n type: BlobQueryArrowFieldType;\n\n /**\n * The name of the field.\n */\n name?: string;\n\n /**\n * The precision of the field. Required if type is \"decimal\".\n */\n precision?: number;\n\n /**\n * The scale of the field. Required if type is is \"decimal\".\n */\n scale?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Describe immutable policy for blob.\n */\nexport interface BlobImmutabilityPolicy {\n /**\n * Specifies the date time when the blobs immutability policy is set to expire.\n */\n expiriesOn?: Date;\n /**\n * Specifies the immutability policy mode to set on the blob.\n */\n policyMode?: BlobImmutabilityPolicyMode;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents authentication information in Authorization, ProxyAuthorization,\n * WWW-Authenticate, and Proxy-Authenticate header values.\n */\nexport interface HttpAuthorization {\n /**\n * The scheme to use for authorization.\n */\n scheme: string;\n\n /**\n * the credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the resource being requested.\n */\n value: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines the known cloud audiences for Storage.\n */\nexport enum StorageBlobAudience {\n /**\n * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Storage.\n */\n StorageOAuthScopes = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\",\n /**\n * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Disk.\n */\n DiskComputeOAuthScopes = \"https://disk.compute.azure.com/.default\",\n}\n\n/**\n * Abstract representation of a poller, intended to expose just the minimal API that the user needs to work with.\n */\nexport interface PollerLikeWithCancellation, TResult> {\n /**\n * Returns a promise that will resolve once a single polling request finishes.\n * It does this by calling the update method of the Poller's operation.\n */\n poll(options?: { abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike }): Promise;\n /**\n * Returns a promise that will resolve once the underlying operation is completed.\n */\n pollUntilDone(): Promise;\n /**\n * Invokes the provided callback after each polling is completed,\n * sending the current state of the poller's operation.\n *\n * It returns a method that can be used to stop receiving updates on the given callback function.\n */\n onProgress(callback: (state: TState) => void): CancelOnProgress;\n /**\n * Returns true if the poller has finished polling.\n */\n isDone(): boolean;\n /**\n * Stops the poller. After this, no manual or automated requests can be sent.\n */\n stopPolling(): void;\n /**\n * Returns true if the poller is stopped.\n */\n isStopped(): boolean;\n /**\n * Attempts to cancel the underlying operation.\n */\n cancelOperation(options?: { abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike }): Promise;\n /**\n * Returns the state of the operation.\n * The TState defined in PollerLike can be a subset of the TState defined in\n * the Poller implementation.\n */\n getOperationState(): TState;\n /**\n * Returns the result value of the operation,\n * regardless of the state of the poller.\n * It can return undefined or an incomplete form of the final TResult value\n * depending on the implementation.\n */\n getResult(): TResult | undefined;\n /**\n * Returns a serialized version of the poller's operation\n * by invoking the operation's toString method.\n */\n toString(): string;\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { HttpResponse } from \"@azure/core-http\";\nimport {\n PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesResponseModel,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel,\n} from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport { Range } from \"./Range\";\n\n/**\n * List of page ranges for a blob.\n */\nexport interface PageList {\n /**\n * Valid non-overlapping page ranges.\n */\n pageRange?: Range[];\n /**\n * Present if the prevSnapshot parameter was specified and there were cleared\n * pages between the previous snapshot and the target snapshot.\n */\n clearRange?: Range[];\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.getPageRanges} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse extends PageList, PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders {\n /**\n * The underlying HTTP response.\n */\n _response: HttpResponse & {\n /**\n * The parsed HTTP response headers.\n */\n parsedHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders;\n\n /**\n * The response body as text (string format)\n */\n bodyAsText: string;\n\n /**\n * The response body as parsed JSON or XML\n */\n parsedBody: PageList;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the {@link BlobClient.getPageRangesDiff} operation.\n */\nexport interface PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse\n extends PageList,\n PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders {\n /**\n * The underlying HTTP response.\n */\n _response: HttpResponse & {\n /**\n * The parsed HTTP response headers.\n */\n parsedHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders;\n\n /**\n * The response body as text (string format)\n */\n bodyAsText: string;\n\n /**\n * The response body as parsed JSON or XML\n */\n parsedBody: PageList;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Function that converts PageRange and ClearRange to a common Range object.\n * PageRange and ClearRange have start and end while Range offset and count\n * this function normalizes to Range.\n * @param response - Model PageBlob Range response\n */\nexport function rangeResponseFromModel(\n response: PageBlobGetPageRangesResponseModel | PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel\n): PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse | PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse {\n const pageRange = (response._response.parsedBody.pageRange || []).map((x) => ({\n offset: x.start,\n count: x.end - x.start,\n }));\n\n const clearRange = (response._response.parsedBody.clearRange || []).map((x) => ({\n offset: x.start,\n count: x.end - x.start,\n }));\n\n return {\n ...response,\n pageRange,\n clearRange,\n _response: {\n ...response._response,\n parsedBody: {\n pageRange,\n clearRange,\n },\n },\n };\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport {\n BaseRequestPolicy,\n deserializationPolicy,\n disableResponseDecompressionPolicy,\n HttpClient as IHttpClient,\n HttpHeaders,\n HttpOperationResponse,\n HttpRequestBody,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n ServiceClientOptions,\n WebResource,\n proxyPolicy,\n isNode,\n TokenCredential,\n isTokenCredential,\n tracingPolicy,\n logPolicy,\n ProxyOptions,\n keepAlivePolicy,\n KeepAliveOptions,\n generateClientRequestIdPolicy,\n UserAgentOptions,\n} from \"@azure/core-http\";\n\nimport { logger } from \"./log\";\nimport { StorageBrowserPolicyFactory } from \"./StorageBrowserPolicyFactory\";\nimport { StorageRetryOptions, StorageRetryPolicyFactory } from \"./StorageRetryPolicyFactory\";\nimport { StorageSharedKeyCredential } from \"./credentials/StorageSharedKeyCredential\";\nimport { AnonymousCredential } from \"./credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nimport {\n StorageOAuthScopes,\n StorageBlobLoggingAllowedHeaderNames,\n StorageBlobLoggingAllowedQueryParameters,\n} from \"./utils/constants\";\nimport { TelemetryPolicyFactory } from \"./TelemetryPolicyFactory\";\nimport { getCachedDefaultHttpClient } from \"./utils/cache\";\nimport { attachCredential } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nimport { storageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy } from \"./policies/StorageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy\";\n\n// Export following interfaces and types for customers who want to implement their\n// own RequestPolicy or HTTPClient\nexport {\n BaseRequestPolicy,\n StorageOAuthScopes,\n deserializationPolicy,\n IHttpClient,\n HttpHeaders,\n HttpRequestBody,\n HttpOperationResponse,\n WebResource,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n};\n\n/**\n * Option interface for Pipeline constructor.\n */\nexport interface PipelineOptions {\n /**\n * Optional. Configures the HTTP client to send requests and receive responses.\n */\n httpClient?: IHttpClient;\n}\n\n/**\n * An interface for the {@link Pipeline} class containing HTTP request policies.\n * You can create a default Pipeline by calling {@link newPipeline}.\n * Or you can create a Pipeline with your own policies by the constructor of Pipeline.\n *\n * Refer to {@link newPipeline} and provided policies before implementing your\n * customized Pipeline.\n */\nexport interface PipelineLike {\n /**\n * A list of chained request policy factories.\n */\n readonly factories: RequestPolicyFactory[];\n /**\n * Configures pipeline logger and HTTP client.\n */\n readonly options: PipelineOptions;\n /**\n * Transfer Pipeline object to ServiceClientOptions object which is required by\n * ServiceClient constructor.\n *\n * @returns The ServiceClientOptions object from this Pipeline.\n */\n toServiceClientOptions(): ServiceClientOptions;\n}\n\n/**\n * A helper to decide if a given argument satisfies the Pipeline contract\n * @param pipeline - An argument that may be a Pipeline\n * @returns true when the argument satisfies the Pipeline contract\n */\nexport function isPipelineLike(pipeline: unknown): pipeline is PipelineLike {\n if (!pipeline || typeof pipeline !== \"object\") {\n return false;\n }\n\n const castPipeline = pipeline as PipelineLike;\n\n return (\n Array.isArray(castPipeline.factories) &&\n typeof castPipeline.options === \"object\" &&\n typeof castPipeline.toServiceClientOptions === \"function\"\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * A Pipeline class containing HTTP request policies.\n * You can create a default Pipeline by calling {@link newPipeline}.\n * Or you can create a Pipeline with your own policies by the constructor of Pipeline.\n *\n * Refer to {@link newPipeline} and provided policies before implementing your\n * customized Pipeline.\n */\nexport class Pipeline implements PipelineLike {\n /**\n * A list of chained request policy factories.\n */\n public readonly factories: RequestPolicyFactory[];\n /**\n * Configures pipeline logger and HTTP client.\n */\n public readonly options: PipelineOptions;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of Pipeline. Customize HTTPClient by implementing IHttpClient interface.\n *\n * @param factories -\n * @param options -\n */\n constructor(factories: RequestPolicyFactory[], options: PipelineOptions = {}) {\n this.factories = factories;\n // when options.httpClient is not specified, passing in a DefaultHttpClient instance to\n // avoid each client creating its own http client.\n this.options = {\n ...options,\n httpClient: options.httpClient || getCachedDefaultHttpClient(),\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Transfer Pipeline object to ServiceClientOptions object which is required by\n * ServiceClient constructor.\n *\n * @returns The ServiceClientOptions object from this Pipeline.\n */\n public toServiceClientOptions(): ServiceClientOptions {\n return {\n httpClient: this.options.httpClient,\n requestPolicyFactories: this.factories,\n };\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Options interface for the {@link newPipeline} function.\n */\nexport interface StoragePipelineOptions {\n /**\n * Options to configure a proxy for outgoing requests.\n */\n proxyOptions?: ProxyOptions;\n /**\n * Options for adding user agent details to outgoing requests.\n */\n userAgentOptions?: UserAgentOptions;\n /**\n * Configures the built-in retry policy behavior.\n */\n retryOptions?: StorageRetryOptions;\n /**\n * Keep alive configurations. Default keep-alive is enabled.\n */\n keepAliveOptions?: KeepAliveOptions;\n /**\n * Configures the HTTP client to send requests and receive responses.\n */\n httpClient?: IHttpClient;\n /**\n * The audience used to retrieve an AAD token.\n */\n audience?: string | string[];\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a new Pipeline object with Credential provided.\n *\n * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.\n * @param pipelineOptions - Optional. Options.\n * @returns A new Pipeline object.\n */\nexport function newPipeline(\n credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential,\n pipelineOptions: StoragePipelineOptions = {}\n): Pipeline {\n if (credential === undefined) {\n credential = new AnonymousCredential();\n }\n\n // Order is important. Closer to the API at the top & closer to the network at the bottom.\n // The credential's policy factory must appear close to the wire so it can sign any\n // changes made by other factories (like UniqueRequestIDPolicyFactory)\n\n const telemetryPolicy = new TelemetryPolicyFactory(pipelineOptions.userAgentOptions);\n const factories: RequestPolicyFactory[] = [\n tracingPolicy({ userAgent: telemetryPolicy.telemetryString }),\n keepAlivePolicy(pipelineOptions.keepAliveOptions),\n telemetryPolicy,\n generateClientRequestIdPolicy(),\n new StorageBrowserPolicyFactory(),\n new StorageRetryPolicyFactory(pipelineOptions.retryOptions), // Retry policy should be above any policy that throws retryable errors\n // Default deserializationPolicy is provided by protocol layer\n // Use customized XML char key of \"#\" so we could deserialize metadata\n // with \"_\" key\n deserializationPolicy(undefined, { xmlCharKey: \"#\" }),\n logPolicy({\n logger: logger.info,\n allowedHeaderNames: StorageBlobLoggingAllowedHeaderNames,\n allowedQueryParameters: StorageBlobLoggingAllowedQueryParameters,\n }),\n ];\n\n if (isNode) {\n // policies only available in Node.js runtime, not in browsers\n factories.push(proxyPolicy(pipelineOptions.proxyOptions));\n factories.push(disableResponseDecompressionPolicy());\n }\n factories.push(\n isTokenCredential(credential)\n ? attachCredential(\n storageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy(\n credential,\n pipelineOptions.audience ?? StorageOAuthScopes\n ),\n credential\n )\n : credential\n );\n\n return new Pipeline(factories, pipelineOptions);\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport {\n BaseRequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n} from \"./requestPolicy\";\nimport { SerializerOptions, XML_CHARKEY } from \"../util/serializer.common\";\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"../httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { MapperType } from \"../serializer\";\nimport { OperationResponse } from \"../operationResponse\";\nimport { OperationSpec } from \"../operationSpec\";\nimport { RestError } from \"../restError\";\nimport { WebResourceLike } from \"../webResource\";\nimport { parseXML } from \"../util/xml\";\n\n/**\n * Options to configure API response deserialization.\n */\nexport interface DeserializationOptions {\n /**\n * Configures the expected content types for the deserialization of\n * JSON and XML response bodies.\n */\n expectedContentTypes: DeserializationContentTypes;\n}\n\n/**\n * The content-types that will indicate that an operation response should be deserialized in a\n * particular way.\n */\nexport interface DeserializationContentTypes {\n /**\n * The content-types that indicate that an operation response should be deserialized as JSON.\n * Defaults to [ \"application/json\", \"text/json\" ].\n */\n json?: string[];\n\n /**\n * The content-types that indicate that an operation response should be deserialized as XML.\n * Defaults to [ \"application/xml\", \"application/atom+xml\" ].\n */\n xml?: string[];\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a new serialization RequestPolicyCreator that will serialized HTTP request bodies as they\n * pass through the HTTP pipeline.\n */\nexport function deserializationPolicy(\n deserializationContentTypes?: DeserializationContentTypes,\n parsingOptions?: SerializerOptions\n): RequestPolicyFactory {\n return {\n create: (nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptions) => {\n return new DeserializationPolicy(\n nextPolicy,\n options,\n deserializationContentTypes,\n parsingOptions\n );\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport const defaultJsonContentTypes = [\"application/json\", \"text/json\"];\nexport const defaultXmlContentTypes = [\"application/xml\", \"application/atom+xml\"];\n\nexport const DefaultDeserializationOptions: DeserializationOptions = {\n expectedContentTypes: {\n json: defaultJsonContentTypes,\n xml: defaultXmlContentTypes,\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * A RequestPolicy that will deserialize HTTP response bodies and headers as they pass through the\n * HTTP pipeline.\n */\nexport class DeserializationPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {\n public readonly jsonContentTypes: string[];\n public readonly xmlContentTypes: string[];\n public readonly xmlCharKey: string;\n\n constructor(\n nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,\n requestPolicyOptions: RequestPolicyOptions,\n deserializationContentTypes?: DeserializationContentTypes,\n parsingOptions: SerializerOptions = {}\n ) {\n super(nextPolicy, requestPolicyOptions);\n\n this.jsonContentTypes =\n (deserializationContentTypes && deserializationContentTypes.json) || defaultJsonContentTypes;\n this.xmlContentTypes =\n (deserializationContentTypes && deserializationContentTypes.xml) || defaultXmlContentTypes;\n this.xmlCharKey = parsingOptions.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY;\n }\n\n public async sendRequest(request: WebResourceLike): Promise {\n return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request).then((response: HttpOperationResponse) =>\n deserializeResponseBody(this.jsonContentTypes, this.xmlContentTypes, response, {\n xmlCharKey: this.xmlCharKey,\n })\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction getOperationResponse(\n parsedResponse: HttpOperationResponse\n): undefined | OperationResponse {\n let result: OperationResponse | undefined;\n const request: WebResourceLike = parsedResponse.request;\n const operationSpec: OperationSpec | undefined = request.operationSpec;\n if (operationSpec) {\n const operationResponseGetter:\n | undefined\n | ((\n operationSpec: OperationSpec,\n response: HttpOperationResponse\n ) => undefined | OperationResponse) = request.operationResponseGetter;\n if (!operationResponseGetter) {\n result = operationSpec.responses[parsedResponse.status];\n } else {\n result = operationResponseGetter(operationSpec, parsedResponse);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction shouldDeserializeResponse(parsedResponse: HttpOperationResponse): boolean {\n const shouldDeserialize: undefined | boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean) =\n parsedResponse.request.shouldDeserialize;\n let result: boolean;\n if (shouldDeserialize === undefined) {\n result = true;\n } else if (typeof shouldDeserialize === \"boolean\") {\n result = shouldDeserialize;\n } else {\n result = shouldDeserialize(parsedResponse);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a particular set of content types to parse as either JSON or XML, consumes the HTTP response to produce the result object defined by the request's {@link OperationSpec}.\n * @param jsonContentTypes - Response content types to parse the body as JSON.\n * @param xmlContentTypes - Response content types to parse the body as XML.\n * @param response - HTTP Response from the pipeline.\n * @param options - Options to the serializer, mostly for configuring the XML parser if needed.\n * @returns A parsed {@link HttpOperationResponse} object that can be returned by the {@link ServiceClient}.\n */\nexport function deserializeResponseBody(\n jsonContentTypes: string[],\n xmlContentTypes: string[],\n response: HttpOperationResponse,\n options: SerializerOptions = {}\n): Promise {\n const updatedOptions: Required = {\n rootName: options.rootName ?? \"\",\n includeRoot: options.includeRoot ?? false,\n xmlCharKey: options.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY,\n };\n return parse(jsonContentTypes, xmlContentTypes, response, updatedOptions).then(\n (parsedResponse) => {\n if (!shouldDeserializeResponse(parsedResponse)) {\n return parsedResponse;\n }\n\n const operationSpec = parsedResponse.request.operationSpec;\n if (!operationSpec || !operationSpec.responses) {\n return parsedResponse;\n }\n\n const responseSpec = getOperationResponse(parsedResponse);\n\n const { error, shouldReturnResponse } = handleErrorResponse(\n parsedResponse,\n operationSpec,\n responseSpec\n );\n if (error) {\n throw error;\n } else if (shouldReturnResponse) {\n return parsedResponse;\n }\n\n // An operation response spec does exist for current status code, so\n // use it to deserialize the response.\n if (responseSpec) {\n if (responseSpec.bodyMapper) {\n let valueToDeserialize: any = parsedResponse.parsedBody;\n if (operationSpec.isXML && responseSpec.bodyMapper.type.name === MapperType.Sequence) {\n valueToDeserialize =\n typeof valueToDeserialize === \"object\"\n ? valueToDeserialize[responseSpec.bodyMapper.xmlElementName!]\n : [];\n }\n try {\n parsedResponse.parsedBody = operationSpec.serializer.deserialize(\n responseSpec.bodyMapper,\n valueToDeserialize,\n \"operationRes.parsedBody\",\n options\n );\n } catch (innerError: any) {\n const restError = new RestError(\n `Error ${innerError} occurred in deserializing the responseBody - ${parsedResponse.bodyAsText}`,\n undefined,\n parsedResponse.status,\n parsedResponse.request,\n parsedResponse\n );\n throw restError;\n }\n } else if (operationSpec.httpMethod === \"HEAD\") {\n // head methods never have a body, but we return a boolean to indicate presence/absence of the resource\n parsedResponse.parsedBody = response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300;\n }\n\n if (responseSpec.headersMapper) {\n parsedResponse.parsedHeaders = operationSpec.serializer.deserialize(\n responseSpec.headersMapper,\n parsedResponse.headers.toJson(),\n \"operationRes.parsedHeaders\",\n options\n );\n }\n }\n\n return parsedResponse;\n }\n );\n}\n\nfunction isOperationSpecEmpty(operationSpec: OperationSpec): boolean {\n const expectedStatusCodes = Object.keys(operationSpec.responses);\n return (\n expectedStatusCodes.length === 0 ||\n (expectedStatusCodes.length === 1 && expectedStatusCodes[0] === \"default\")\n );\n}\n\nfunction handleErrorResponse(\n parsedResponse: HttpOperationResponse,\n operationSpec: OperationSpec,\n responseSpec: OperationResponse | undefined\n): { error: RestError | null; shouldReturnResponse: boolean } {\n const isSuccessByStatus = 200 <= parsedResponse.status && parsedResponse.status < 300;\n const isExpectedStatusCode: boolean = isOperationSpecEmpty(operationSpec)\n ? isSuccessByStatus\n : !!responseSpec;\n\n if (isExpectedStatusCode) {\n if (responseSpec) {\n if (!responseSpec.isError) {\n return { error: null, shouldReturnResponse: false };\n }\n } else {\n return { error: null, shouldReturnResponse: false };\n }\n }\n\n const errorResponseSpec = responseSpec ?? operationSpec.responses.default;\n const streaming =\n parsedResponse.request.streamResponseStatusCodes?.has(parsedResponse.status) ||\n parsedResponse.request.streamResponseBody;\n const initialErrorMessage = streaming\n ? `Unexpected status code: ${parsedResponse.status}`\n : (parsedResponse.bodyAsText as string);\n\n const error = new RestError(\n initialErrorMessage,\n undefined,\n parsedResponse.status,\n parsedResponse.request,\n parsedResponse\n );\n\n // If the item failed but there's no error spec or default spec to deserialize the error,\n // we should fail so we just throw the parsed response\n if (!errorResponseSpec) {\n throw error;\n }\n\n const defaultBodyMapper = errorResponseSpec.bodyMapper;\n const defaultHeadersMapper = errorResponseSpec.headersMapper;\n\n try {\n // If error response has a body, try to deserialize it using default body mapper.\n // Then try to extract error code & message from it\n if (parsedResponse.parsedBody) {\n const parsedBody = parsedResponse.parsedBody;\n let parsedError;\n if (defaultBodyMapper) {\n let valueToDeserialize: any = parsedBody;\n if (operationSpec.isXML && defaultBodyMapper.type.name === MapperType.Sequence) {\n valueToDeserialize =\n typeof parsedBody === \"object\" ? parsedBody[defaultBodyMapper.xmlElementName!] : [];\n }\n parsedError = operationSpec.serializer.deserialize(\n defaultBodyMapper,\n valueToDeserialize,\n \"error.response.parsedBody\"\n );\n }\n\n const internalError: any = parsedBody.error || parsedError || parsedBody;\n error.code = internalError.code;\n if (internalError.message) {\n error.message = internalError.message;\n }\n\n if (defaultBodyMapper) {\n error.response!.parsedBody = parsedError;\n }\n }\n\n // If error response has headers, try to deserialize it using default header mapper\n if (parsedResponse.headers && defaultHeadersMapper) {\n error.response!.parsedHeaders = operationSpec.serializer.deserialize(\n defaultHeadersMapper,\n parsedResponse.headers.toJson(),\n \"operationRes.parsedHeaders\"\n );\n }\n } catch (defaultError: any) {\n error.message = `Error \"${defaultError.message}\" occurred in deserializing the responseBody - \"${parsedResponse.bodyAsText}\" for the default response.`;\n }\n\n return { error, shouldReturnResponse: false };\n}\n\nfunction parse(\n jsonContentTypes: string[],\n xmlContentTypes: string[],\n operationResponse: HttpOperationResponse,\n opts: Required\n): Promise {\n const errorHandler = (err: Error & { code: string }): Promise => {\n const msg = `Error \"${err}\" occurred while parsing the response body - ${operationResponse.bodyAsText}.`;\n const errCode = err.code || RestError.PARSE_ERROR;\n const e = new RestError(\n msg,\n errCode,\n operationResponse.status,\n operationResponse.request,\n operationResponse\n );\n return Promise.reject(e);\n };\n\n const streaming =\n operationResponse.request.streamResponseStatusCodes?.has(operationResponse.status) ||\n operationResponse.request.streamResponseBody;\n if (!streaming && operationResponse.bodyAsText) {\n const text = operationResponse.bodyAsText;\n const contentType: string = operationResponse.headers.get(\"Content-Type\") || \"\";\n const contentComponents: string[] = !contentType\n ? []\n : contentType.split(\";\").map((component) => component.toLowerCase());\n if (\n contentComponents.length === 0 ||\n contentComponents.some((component) => jsonContentTypes.indexOf(component) !== -1)\n ) {\n return new Promise((resolve) => {\n operationResponse.parsedBody = JSON.parse(text);\n resolve(operationResponse);\n }).catch(errorHandler);\n } else if (contentComponents.some((component) => xmlContentTypes.indexOf(component) !== -1)) {\n return parseXML(text, opts)\n .then((body) => {\n operationResponse.parsedBody = body;\n return operationResponse;\n })\n .catch(errorHandler);\n }\n }\n\n return Promise.resolve(operationResponse);\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { HttpOperationResponse } from \"./httpOperationResponse\";\nimport { Sanitizer } from \"./util/sanitizer\";\nimport { WebResourceLike } from \"./webResource\";\nimport { custom } from \"./util/inspect\";\n\nconst errorSanitizer = new Sanitizer();\n\n/**\n * An error resulting from an HTTP request to a service endpoint.\n */\nexport class RestError extends Error {\n /**\n * A constant string to identify errors that may arise when making an HTTP request that indicates an issue with the transport layer (e.g. the hostname of the URL cannot be resolved via DNS.)\n */\n static readonly REQUEST_SEND_ERROR: string = \"REQUEST_SEND_ERROR\";\n /**\n * A constant string to identify errors that may arise from parsing an incoming HTTP response. Usually indicates a malformed HTTP body, such as an encoded JSON payload that is incomplete.\n */\n static readonly PARSE_ERROR: string = \"PARSE_ERROR\";\n\n /**\n * The error code, if any. Can be one of the static error code properties (REQUEST_SEND_ERROR / PARSE_ERROR) or can be a string code from an underlying system call (E_NOENT).\n */\n code?: string;\n /**\n * The HTTP status code of the response, if one was returned.\n */\n statusCode?: number;\n /**\n * Outgoing request.\n */\n request?: WebResourceLike;\n /**\n * Incoming response.\n */\n response?: HttpOperationResponse;\n /**\n * Any additional details. In the case of deserialization errors, can be the processed response.\n */\n details?: unknown;\n constructor(\n message: string,\n code?: string,\n statusCode?: number,\n request?: WebResourceLike,\n response?: HttpOperationResponse\n ) {\n super(message);\n this.name = \"RestError\";\n this.code = code;\n this.statusCode = statusCode;\n this.request = request;\n this.response = response;\n\n Object.setPrototypeOf(this, RestError.prototype);\n }\n\n /**\n * Logging method for util.inspect in Node\n */\n [custom](): string {\n return `RestError: ${this.message} \\n ${errorSanitizer.sanitize(this)}`;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { URLBuilder, URLQuery } from \"../url\";\nimport { UnknownObject, isObject } from \"./utils\";\n\nexport interface SanitizerOptions {\n /**\n * Header names whose values will be logged when logging is enabled. Defaults to\n * Date, traceparent, x-ms-client-request-id, and x-ms-request id. Any headers\n * specified in this field will be added to that list. Any other values will\n * be written to logs as \"REDACTED\".\n */\n allowedHeaderNames?: string[];\n\n /**\n * Query string names whose values will be logged when logging is enabled. By default no\n * query string values are logged.\n */\n allowedQueryParameters?: string[];\n}\n\nconst RedactedString = \"REDACTED\";\n\nconst defaultAllowedHeaderNames = [\n \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-return-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-useragent\",\n \"x-ms-correlation-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-request-id\",\n \"client-request-id\",\n \"ms-cv\",\n \"return-client-request-id\",\n \"traceparent\",\n\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials\",\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Headers\",\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\",\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\n \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\",\n \"Access-Control-Max-Age\",\n \"Access-Control-Request-Headers\",\n \"Access-Control-Request-Method\",\n \"Origin\",\n\n \"Accept\",\n \"Accept-Encoding\",\n \"Cache-Control\",\n \"Connection\",\n \"Content-Length\",\n \"Content-Type\",\n \"Date\",\n \"ETag\",\n \"Expires\",\n \"If-Match\",\n \"If-Modified-Since\",\n \"If-None-Match\",\n \"If-Unmodified-Since\",\n \"Last-Modified\",\n \"Pragma\",\n \"Request-Id\",\n \"Retry-After\",\n \"Server\",\n \"Transfer-Encoding\",\n \"User-Agent\",\n \"WWW-Authenticate\",\n];\n\nconst defaultAllowedQueryParameters: string[] = [\"api-version\"];\n\nexport class Sanitizer {\n public allowedHeaderNames: Set;\n public allowedQueryParameters: Set;\n\n constructor({ allowedHeaderNames = [], allowedQueryParameters = [] }: SanitizerOptions = {}) {\n allowedHeaderNames = Array.isArray(allowedHeaderNames)\n ? defaultAllowedHeaderNames.concat(allowedHeaderNames)\n : defaultAllowedHeaderNames;\n\n allowedQueryParameters = Array.isArray(allowedQueryParameters)\n ? defaultAllowedQueryParameters.concat(allowedQueryParameters)\n : defaultAllowedQueryParameters;\n\n this.allowedHeaderNames = new Set(allowedHeaderNames.map((n) => n.toLowerCase()));\n this.allowedQueryParameters = new Set(allowedQueryParameters.map((p) => p.toLowerCase()));\n }\n\n public sanitize(obj: unknown): string {\n const seen = new Set();\n return JSON.stringify(\n obj,\n (key: string, value: unknown) => {\n // Ensure Errors include their interesting non-enumerable members\n if (value instanceof Error) {\n return {\n ...value,\n name: value.name,\n message: value.message,\n };\n }\n\n if (key === \"_headersMap\") {\n return this.sanitizeHeaders(value as UnknownObject);\n } else if (key === \"url\") {\n return this.sanitizeUrl(value as string);\n } else if (key === \"query\") {\n return this.sanitizeQuery(value as UnknownObject);\n } else if (key === \"body\") {\n // Don't log the request body\n return undefined;\n } else if (key === \"response\") {\n // Don't log response again\n return undefined;\n } else if (key === \"operationSpec\") {\n // When using sendOperationRequest, the request carries a massive\n // field with the autorest spec. No need to log it.\n return undefined;\n } else if (Array.isArray(value) || isObject(value)) {\n if (seen.has(value)) {\n return \"[Circular]\";\n }\n seen.add(value);\n }\n\n return value;\n },\n 2\n );\n }\n\n private sanitizeHeaders(value: UnknownObject): UnknownObject {\n return this.sanitizeObject(value, this.allowedHeaderNames, (v, k) => v[k].value);\n }\n\n private sanitizeQuery(value: UnknownObject): UnknownObject {\n return this.sanitizeObject(value, this.allowedQueryParameters, (v, k) => v[k]);\n }\n\n private sanitizeObject(\n value: UnknownObject,\n allowedKeys: Set,\n accessor: (value: any, key: string) => any\n ): UnknownObject {\n if (typeof value !== \"object\" || value === null) {\n return value;\n }\n\n const sanitized: UnknownObject = {};\n\n for (const k of Object.keys(value)) {\n if (allowedKeys.has(k.toLowerCase())) {\n sanitized[k] = accessor(value, k);\n } else {\n sanitized[k] = RedactedString;\n }\n }\n\n return sanitized;\n }\n\n private sanitizeUrl(value: string): string {\n if (typeof value !== \"string\" || value === null) {\n return value;\n }\n\n const urlBuilder = URLBuilder.parse(value);\n const queryString = urlBuilder.getQuery();\n\n if (!queryString) {\n return value;\n }\n\n const query = URLQuery.parse(queryString);\n for (const k of query.keys()) {\n if (!this.allowedQueryParameters.has(k.toLowerCase())) {\n query.set(k, RedactedString);\n }\n }\n\n urlBuilder.setQuery(query.toString());\n return urlBuilder.toString();\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { inspect } from \"util\";\n\nexport const custom = inspect.custom;\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport * as xml2js from \"xml2js\";\nimport { SerializerOptions, XML_ATTRKEY, XML_CHARKEY } from \"./serializer.common\";\n\n// Note: The reason we re-define all of the xml2js default settings (version 2.0) here is because the default settings object exposed\n// by the xm2js library is mutable. See https://github.com/Leonidas-from-XIV/node-xml2js/issues/536\n// By creating a new copy of the settings each time we instantiate the parser,\n// we are safeguarding against the possibility of the default settings being mutated elsewhere unintentionally.\nconst xml2jsDefaultOptionsV2: xml2js.OptionsV2 = {\n explicitCharkey: false,\n trim: false,\n normalize: false,\n normalizeTags: false,\n attrkey: XML_ATTRKEY,\n explicitArray: true,\n ignoreAttrs: false,\n mergeAttrs: false,\n explicitRoot: true,\n validator: undefined,\n xmlns: false,\n explicitChildren: false,\n preserveChildrenOrder: false,\n childkey: \"$$\",\n charsAsChildren: false,\n includeWhiteChars: false,\n async: false,\n strict: true,\n attrNameProcessors: undefined,\n attrValueProcessors: undefined,\n tagNameProcessors: undefined,\n valueProcessors: undefined,\n rootName: \"root\",\n xmldec: {\n version: \"1.0\",\n encoding: \"UTF-8\",\n standalone: true,\n },\n doctype: undefined,\n renderOpts: {\n pretty: true,\n indent: \" \",\n newline: \"\\n\",\n },\n headless: false,\n chunkSize: 10000,\n emptyTag: \"\",\n cdata: false,\n};\n\n// The xml2js settings for general XML parsing operations.\nconst xml2jsParserSettings: any = Object.assign({}, xml2jsDefaultOptionsV2);\nxml2jsParserSettings.explicitArray = false;\n\n// The xml2js settings for general XML building operations.\nconst xml2jsBuilderSettings: any = Object.assign({}, xml2jsDefaultOptionsV2);\nxml2jsBuilderSettings.explicitArray = false;\nxml2jsBuilderSettings.renderOpts = {\n pretty: false,\n};\n\n/**\n * Converts given JSON object to XML string\n * @param obj - JSON object to be converted into XML string\n * @param opts - Options that govern the parsing of given JSON object\n */\nexport function stringifyXML(obj: unknown, opts: SerializerOptions = {}): string {\n xml2jsBuilderSettings.rootName = opts.rootName;\n xml2jsBuilderSettings.charkey = opts.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY;\n const builder = new xml2js.Builder(xml2jsBuilderSettings);\n return builder.buildObject(obj);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts given XML string into JSON\n * @param str - String containing the XML content to be parsed into JSON\n * @param opts - Options that govern the parsing of given xml string\n */\nexport function parseXML(str: string, opts: SerializerOptions = {}): Promise {\n xml2jsParserSettings.explicitRoot = !!opts.includeRoot;\n xml2jsParserSettings.charkey = opts.xmlCharKey ?? XML_CHARKEY;\n const xmlParser = new xml2js.Parser(xml2jsParserSettings);\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (!str) {\n reject(new Error(\"Document is empty\"));\n } else {\n xmlParser.parseString(str, (err: any, res: any) => {\n if (err) {\n reject(err);\n } else {\n resolve(res);\n }\n });\n }\n });\n}\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n \"use strict\";\n var builder, defaults, parser, processors,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n defaults = require('./defaults');\n\n builder = require('./builder');\n\n parser = require('./parser');\n\n processors = require('./processors');\n\n exports.defaults = defaults.defaults;\n\n exports.processors = processors;\n\n exports.ValidationError = (function(superClass) {\n extend(ValidationError, superClass);\n\n function ValidationError(message) {\n this.message = message;\n }\n\n return ValidationError;\n\n })(Error);\n\n exports.Builder = builder.Builder;\n\n exports.Parser = parser.Parser;\n\n exports.parseString = parser.parseString;\n\n exports.parseStringPromise = parser.parseStringPromise;\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n exports.defaults = {\n \"0.1\": {\n explicitCharkey: false,\n trim: true,\n normalize: true,\n normalizeTags: false,\n attrkey: \"@\",\n charkey: \"#\",\n explicitArray: false,\n ignoreAttrs: false,\n mergeAttrs: false,\n explicitRoot: false,\n validator: null,\n xmlns: false,\n explicitChildren: false,\n childkey: '@@',\n charsAsChildren: false,\n includeWhiteChars: false,\n async: false,\n strict: true,\n attrNameProcessors: null,\n attrValueProcessors: null,\n tagNameProcessors: null,\n valueProcessors: null,\n emptyTag: ''\n },\n \"0.2\": {\n explicitCharkey: false,\n trim: false,\n normalize: false,\n normalizeTags: false,\n attrkey: \"$\",\n charkey: \"_\",\n explicitArray: true,\n ignoreAttrs: false,\n mergeAttrs: false,\n explicitRoot: true,\n validator: null,\n xmlns: false,\n explicitChildren: false,\n preserveChildrenOrder: false,\n childkey: '$$',\n charsAsChildren: false,\n includeWhiteChars: false,\n async: false,\n strict: true,\n attrNameProcessors: null,\n attrValueProcessors: null,\n tagNameProcessors: null,\n valueProcessors: null,\n rootName: 'root',\n xmldec: {\n 'version': '1.0',\n 'encoding': 'UTF-8',\n 'standalone': true\n },\n doctype: null,\n renderOpts: {\n 'pretty': true,\n 'indent': ' ',\n 'newline': '\\n'\n },\n headless: false,\n chunkSize: 10000,\n emptyTag: '',\n cdata: false\n }\n };\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n \"use strict\";\n var builder, defaults, escapeCDATA, requiresCDATA, wrapCDATA,\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n builder = require('xmlbuilder');\n\n defaults = require('./defaults').defaults;\n\n requiresCDATA = function(entry) {\n return typeof entry === \"string\" && (entry.indexOf('&') >= 0 || entry.indexOf('>') >= 0 || entry.indexOf('<') >= 0);\n };\n\n wrapCDATA = function(entry) {\n return \"\";\n };\n\n escapeCDATA = function(entry) {\n return entry.replace(']]>', ']]]]>');\n };\n\n exports.Builder = (function() {\n function Builder(opts) {\n var key, ref, value;\n this.options = {};\n ref = defaults[\"0.2\"];\n for (key in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, key)) continue;\n value = ref[key];\n this.options[key] = value;\n }\n for (key in opts) {\n if (!hasProp.call(opts, key)) continue;\n value = opts[key];\n this.options[key] = value;\n }\n }\n\n Builder.prototype.buildObject = function(rootObj) {\n var attrkey, charkey, render, rootElement, rootName;\n attrkey = this.options.attrkey;\n charkey = this.options.charkey;\n if ((Object.keys(rootObj).length === 1) && (this.options.rootName === defaults['0.2'].rootName)) {\n rootName = Object.keys(rootObj)[0];\n rootObj = rootObj[rootName];\n } else {\n rootName = this.options.rootName;\n }\n render = (function(_this) {\n return function(element, obj) {\n var attr, child, entry, index, key, value;\n if (typeof obj !== 'object') {\n if (_this.options.cdata && requiresCDATA(obj)) {\n element.raw(wrapCDATA(obj));\n } else {\n element.txt(obj);\n }\n } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n for (index in obj) {\n if (!hasProp.call(obj, index)) continue;\n child = obj[index];\n for (key in child) {\n entry = child[key];\n element = render(element.ele(key), entry).up();\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (key in obj) {\n if (!hasProp.call(obj, key)) continue;\n child = obj[key];\n if (key === attrkey) {\n if (typeof child === \"object\") {\n for (attr in child) {\n value = child[attr];\n element = element.att(attr, value);\n }\n }\n } else if (key === charkey) {\n if (_this.options.cdata && requiresCDATA(child)) {\n element = element.raw(wrapCDATA(child));\n } else {\n element = element.txt(child);\n }\n } else if (Array.isArray(child)) {\n for (index in child) {\n if (!hasProp.call(child, index)) continue;\n entry = child[index];\n if (typeof entry === 'string') {\n if (_this.options.cdata && requiresCDATA(entry)) {\n element = element.ele(key).raw(wrapCDATA(entry)).up();\n } else {\n element = element.ele(key, entry).up();\n }\n } else {\n element = render(element.ele(key), entry).up();\n }\n }\n } else if (typeof child === \"object\") {\n element = render(element.ele(key), child).up();\n } else {\n if (typeof child === 'string' && _this.options.cdata && requiresCDATA(child)) {\n element = element.ele(key).raw(wrapCDATA(child)).up();\n } else {\n if (child == null) {\n child = '';\n }\n element = element.ele(key, child.toString()).up();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return element;\n };\n })(this);\n rootElement = builder.create(rootName, this.options.xmldec, this.options.doctype, {\n headless: this.options.headless,\n allowSurrogateChars: this.options.allowSurrogateChars\n });\n return render(rootElement, rootObj).end(this.options.renderOpts);\n };\n\n return Builder;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, WriterState, XMLDOMImplementation, XMLDocument, XMLDocumentCB, XMLStreamWriter, XMLStringWriter, assign, isFunction, ref;\n\n ref = require('./Utility'), assign = ref.assign, isFunction = ref.isFunction;\n\n XMLDOMImplementation = require('./XMLDOMImplementation');\n\n XMLDocument = require('./XMLDocument');\n\n XMLDocumentCB = require('./XMLDocumentCB');\n\n XMLStringWriter = require('./XMLStringWriter');\n\n XMLStreamWriter = require('./XMLStreamWriter');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n WriterState = require('./WriterState');\n\n module.exports.create = function(name, xmldec, doctype, options) {\n var doc, root;\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Root element needs a name.\");\n }\n options = assign({}, xmldec, doctype, options);\n doc = new XMLDocument(options);\n root = doc.element(name);\n if (!options.headless) {\n doc.declaration(options);\n if ((options.pubID != null) || (options.sysID != null)) {\n doc.dtd(options);\n }\n }\n return root;\n };\n\n module.exports.begin = function(options, onData, onEnd) {\n var ref1;\n if (isFunction(options)) {\n ref1 = [options, onData], onData = ref1[0], onEnd = ref1[1];\n options = {};\n }\n if (onData) {\n return new XMLDocumentCB(options, onData, onEnd);\n } else {\n return new XMLDocument(options);\n }\n };\n\n module.exports.stringWriter = function(options) {\n return new XMLStringWriter(options);\n };\n\n module.exports.streamWriter = function(stream, options) {\n return new XMLStreamWriter(stream, options);\n };\n\n module.exports.implementation = new XMLDOMImplementation();\n\n module.exports.nodeType = NodeType;\n\n module.exports.writerState = WriterState;\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var assign, getValue, isArray, isEmpty, isFunction, isObject, isPlainObject,\n slice = [].slice,\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n assign = function() {\n var i, key, len, source, sources, target;\n target = arguments[0], sources = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];\n if (isFunction(Object.assign)) {\n Object.assign.apply(null, arguments);\n } else {\n for (i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) {\n source = sources[i];\n if (source != null) {\n for (key in source) {\n if (!hasProp.call(source, key)) continue;\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return target;\n };\n\n isFunction = function(val) {\n return !!val && Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Function]';\n };\n\n isObject = function(val) {\n var ref;\n return !!val && ((ref = typeof val) === 'function' || ref === 'object');\n };\n\n isArray = function(val) {\n if (isFunction(Array.isArray)) {\n return Array.isArray(val);\n } else {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Array]';\n }\n };\n\n isEmpty = function(val) {\n var key;\n if (isArray(val)) {\n return !val.length;\n } else {\n for (key in val) {\n if (!hasProp.call(val, key)) continue;\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n };\n\n isPlainObject = function(val) {\n var ctor, proto;\n return isObject(val) && (proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(val)) && (ctor = proto.constructor) && (typeof ctor === 'function') && (ctor instanceof ctor) && (Function.prototype.toString.call(ctor) === Function.prototype.toString.call(Object));\n };\n\n getValue = function(obj) {\n if (isFunction(obj.valueOf)) {\n return obj.valueOf();\n } else {\n return obj;\n }\n };\n\n module.exports.assign = assign;\n\n module.exports.isFunction = isFunction;\n\n module.exports.isObject = isObject;\n\n module.exports.isArray = isArray;\n\n module.exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;\n\n module.exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;\n\n module.exports.getValue = getValue;\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLDOMImplementation;\n\n module.exports = XMLDOMImplementation = (function() {\n function XMLDOMImplementation() {}\n\n XMLDOMImplementation.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature, version) {\n return true;\n };\n\n XMLDOMImplementation.prototype.createDocumentType = function(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n XMLDOMImplementation.prototype.createDocument = function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n XMLDOMImplementation.prototype.createHTMLDocument = function(title) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n XMLDOMImplementation.prototype.getFeature = function(feature, version) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n return XMLDOMImplementation;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDOMConfiguration, XMLDOMImplementation, XMLDocument, XMLNode, XMLStringWriter, XMLStringifier, isPlainObject,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n isPlainObject = require('./Utility').isPlainObject;\n\n XMLDOMImplementation = require('./XMLDOMImplementation');\n\n XMLDOMConfiguration = require('./XMLDOMConfiguration');\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLStringifier = require('./XMLStringifier');\n\n XMLStringWriter = require('./XMLStringWriter');\n\n module.exports = XMLDocument = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDocument, superClass);\n\n function XMLDocument(options) {\n XMLDocument.__super__.constructor.call(this, null);\n this.name = \"#document\";\n this.type = NodeType.Document;\n this.documentURI = null;\n this.domConfig = new XMLDOMConfiguration();\n options || (options = {});\n if (!options.writer) {\n options.writer = new XMLStringWriter();\n }\n this.options = options;\n this.stringify = new XMLStringifier(options);\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'implementation', {\n value: new XMLDOMImplementation()\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'doctype', {\n get: function() {\n var child, i, len, ref;\n ref = this.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref[i];\n if (child.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n return child;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'documentElement', {\n get: function() {\n return this.rootObject || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'inputEncoding', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'strictErrorChecking', {\n get: function() {\n return false;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'xmlEncoding', {\n get: function() {\n if (this.children.length !== 0 && this.children[0].type === NodeType.Declaration) {\n return this.children[0].encoding;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'xmlStandalone', {\n get: function() {\n if (this.children.length !== 0 && this.children[0].type === NodeType.Declaration) {\n return this.children[0].standalone === 'yes';\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'xmlVersion', {\n get: function() {\n if (this.children.length !== 0 && this.children[0].type === NodeType.Declaration) {\n return this.children[0].version;\n } else {\n return \"1.0\";\n }\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'URL', {\n get: function() {\n return this.documentURI;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'origin', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'compatMode', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'characterSet', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocument.prototype, 'contentType', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.end = function(writer) {\n var writerOptions;\n writerOptions = {};\n if (!writer) {\n writer = this.options.writer;\n } else if (isPlainObject(writer)) {\n writerOptions = writer;\n writer = this.options.writer;\n }\n return writer.document(this, writer.filterOptions(writerOptions));\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.document(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createElement = function(tagName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createTextNode = function(data) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createComment = function(data) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createCDATASection = function(data) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createProcessingInstruction = function(target, data) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createAttribute = function(name) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createEntityReference = function(name) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(tagname) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.importNode = function(importedNode, deep) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createElementNS = function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.getElementById = function(elementId) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.adoptNode = function(source) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.normalizeDocument = function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.renameNode = function(node, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function(classNames) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createEvent = function(eventInterface) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createRange = function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createNodeIterator = function(root, whatToShow, filter) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLDocument.prototype.createTreeWalker = function(root, whatToShow, filter) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n return XMLDocument;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLDOMConfiguration, XMLDOMErrorHandler, XMLDOMStringList;\n\n XMLDOMErrorHandler = require('./XMLDOMErrorHandler');\n\n XMLDOMStringList = require('./XMLDOMStringList');\n\n module.exports = XMLDOMConfiguration = (function() {\n function XMLDOMConfiguration() {\n var clonedSelf;\n this.defaultParams = {\n \"canonical-form\": false,\n \"cdata-sections\": false,\n \"comments\": false,\n \"datatype-normalization\": false,\n \"element-content-whitespace\": true,\n \"entities\": true,\n \"error-handler\": new XMLDOMErrorHandler(),\n \"infoset\": true,\n \"validate-if-schema\": false,\n \"namespaces\": true,\n \"namespace-declarations\": true,\n \"normalize-characters\": false,\n \"schema-location\": '',\n \"schema-type\": '',\n \"split-cdata-sections\": true,\n \"validate\": false,\n \"well-formed\": true\n };\n this.params = clonedSelf = Object.create(this.defaultParams);\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDOMConfiguration.prototype, 'parameterNames', {\n get: function() {\n return new XMLDOMStringList(Object.keys(this.defaultParams));\n }\n });\n\n XMLDOMConfiguration.prototype.getParameter = function(name) {\n if (this.params.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n return this.params[name];\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n\n XMLDOMConfiguration.prototype.canSetParameter = function(name, value) {\n return true;\n };\n\n XMLDOMConfiguration.prototype.setParameter = function(name, value) {\n if (value != null) {\n return this.params[name] = value;\n } else {\n return delete this.params[name];\n }\n };\n\n return XMLDOMConfiguration;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLDOMErrorHandler;\n\n module.exports = XMLDOMErrorHandler = (function() {\n function XMLDOMErrorHandler() {}\n\n XMLDOMErrorHandler.prototype.handleError = function(error) {\n throw new Error(error);\n };\n\n return XMLDOMErrorHandler;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLDOMStringList;\n\n module.exports = XMLDOMStringList = (function() {\n function XMLDOMStringList(arr) {\n this.arr = arr || [];\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDOMStringList.prototype, 'length', {\n get: function() {\n return this.arr.length;\n }\n });\n\n XMLDOMStringList.prototype.item = function(index) {\n return this.arr[index] || null;\n };\n\n XMLDOMStringList.prototype.contains = function(str) {\n return this.arr.indexOf(str) !== -1;\n };\n\n return XMLDOMStringList;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var DocumentPosition, NodeType, XMLCData, XMLComment, XMLDeclaration, XMLDocType, XMLDummy, XMLElement, XMLNamedNodeMap, XMLNode, XMLNodeList, XMLProcessingInstruction, XMLRaw, XMLText, getValue, isEmpty, isFunction, isObject, ref1,\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n ref1 = require('./Utility'), isObject = ref1.isObject, isFunction = ref1.isFunction, isEmpty = ref1.isEmpty, getValue = ref1.getValue;\n\n XMLElement = null;\n\n XMLCData = null;\n\n XMLComment = null;\n\n XMLDeclaration = null;\n\n XMLDocType = null;\n\n XMLRaw = null;\n\n XMLText = null;\n\n XMLProcessingInstruction = null;\n\n XMLDummy = null;\n\n NodeType = null;\n\n XMLNodeList = null;\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap = null;\n\n DocumentPosition = null;\n\n module.exports = XMLNode = (function() {\n function XMLNode(parent1) {\n this.parent = parent1;\n if (this.parent) {\n this.options = this.parent.options;\n this.stringify = this.parent.stringify;\n }\n this.value = null;\n this.children = [];\n this.baseURI = null;\n if (!XMLElement) {\n XMLElement = require('./XMLElement');\n XMLCData = require('./XMLCData');\n XMLComment = require('./XMLComment');\n XMLDeclaration = require('./XMLDeclaration');\n XMLDocType = require('./XMLDocType');\n XMLRaw = require('./XMLRaw');\n XMLText = require('./XMLText');\n XMLProcessingInstruction = require('./XMLProcessingInstruction');\n XMLDummy = require('./XMLDummy');\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n XMLNodeList = require('./XMLNodeList');\n XMLNamedNodeMap = require('./XMLNamedNodeMap');\n DocumentPosition = require('./DocumentPosition');\n }\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'nodeName', {\n get: function() {\n return this.name;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'nodeType', {\n get: function() {\n return this.type;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'nodeValue', {\n get: function() {\n return this.value;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'parentNode', {\n get: function() {\n return this.parent;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'childNodes', {\n get: function() {\n if (!this.childNodeList || !this.childNodeList.nodes) {\n this.childNodeList = new XMLNodeList(this.children);\n }\n return this.childNodeList;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'firstChild', {\n get: function() {\n return this.children[0] || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'lastChild', {\n get: function() {\n return this.children[this.children.length - 1] || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'previousSibling', {\n get: function() {\n var i;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n return this.parent.children[i - 1] || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'nextSibling', {\n get: function() {\n var i;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n return this.parent.children[i + 1] || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'ownerDocument', {\n get: function() {\n return this.document() || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNode.prototype, 'textContent', {\n get: function() {\n var child, j, len, ref2, str;\n if (this.nodeType === NodeType.Element || this.nodeType === NodeType.DocumentFragment) {\n str = '';\n ref2 = this.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref2[j];\n if (child.textContent) {\n str += child.textContent;\n }\n }\n return str;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n },\n set: function(value) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n XMLNode.prototype.setParent = function(parent) {\n var child, j, len, ref2, results;\n this.parent = parent;\n if (parent) {\n this.options = parent.options;\n this.stringify = parent.stringify;\n }\n ref2 = this.children;\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref2[j];\n results.push(child.setParent(this));\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.element = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var childNode, item, j, k, key, lastChild, len, len1, ref2, ref3, val;\n lastChild = null;\n if (attributes === null && (text == null)) {\n ref2 = [{}, null], attributes = ref2[0], text = ref2[1];\n }\n if (attributes == null) {\n attributes = {};\n }\n attributes = getValue(attributes);\n if (!isObject(attributes)) {\n ref3 = [attributes, text], text = ref3[0], attributes = ref3[1];\n }\n if (name != null) {\n name = getValue(name);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(name)) {\n for (j = 0, len = name.length; j < len; j++) {\n item = name[j];\n lastChild = this.element(item);\n }\n } else if (isFunction(name)) {\n lastChild = this.element(name.apply());\n } else if (isObject(name)) {\n for (key in name) {\n if (!hasProp.call(name, key)) continue;\n val = name[key];\n if (isFunction(val)) {\n val = val.apply();\n }\n if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertAttKey && key.indexOf(this.stringify.convertAttKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.attribute(key.substr(this.stringify.convertAttKey.length), val);\n } else if (!this.options.separateArrayItems && Array.isArray(val) && isEmpty(val)) {\n lastChild = this.dummy();\n } else if (isObject(val) && isEmpty(val)) {\n lastChild = this.element(key);\n } else if (!this.options.keepNullNodes && (val == null)) {\n lastChild = this.dummy();\n } else if (!this.options.separateArrayItems && Array.isArray(val)) {\n for (k = 0, len1 = val.length; k < len1; k++) {\n item = val[k];\n childNode = {};\n childNode[key] = item;\n lastChild = this.element(childNode);\n }\n } else if (isObject(val)) {\n if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertTextKey && key.indexOf(this.stringify.convertTextKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.element(val);\n } else {\n lastChild = this.element(key);\n lastChild.element(val);\n }\n } else {\n lastChild = this.element(key, val);\n }\n }\n } else if (!this.options.keepNullNodes && text === null) {\n lastChild = this.dummy();\n } else {\n if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertTextKey && name.indexOf(this.stringify.convertTextKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.text(text);\n } else if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertCDataKey && name.indexOf(this.stringify.convertCDataKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.cdata(text);\n } else if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertCommentKey && name.indexOf(this.stringify.convertCommentKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.comment(text);\n } else if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertRawKey && name.indexOf(this.stringify.convertRawKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.raw(text);\n } else if (!this.options.ignoreDecorators && this.stringify.convertPIKey && name.indexOf(this.stringify.convertPIKey) === 0) {\n lastChild = this.instruction(name.substr(this.stringify.convertPIKey.length), text);\n } else {\n lastChild = this.node(name, attributes, text);\n }\n }\n if (lastChild == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Could not create any elements with: \" + name + \". \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n return lastChild;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.insertBefore = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var child, i, newChild, refChild, removed;\n if (name != null ? name.type : void 0) {\n newChild = name;\n refChild = attributes;\n newChild.setParent(this);\n if (refChild) {\n i = children.indexOf(refChild);\n removed = children.splice(i);\n children.push(newChild);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(children, removed);\n } else {\n children.push(newChild);\n }\n return newChild;\n } else {\n if (this.isRoot) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot insert elements at root level. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i);\n child = this.parent.element(name, attributes, text);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return child;\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.insertAfter = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var child, i, removed;\n if (this.isRoot) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot insert elements at root level. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i + 1);\n child = this.parent.element(name, attributes, text);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return child;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.remove = function() {\n var i, ref2;\n if (this.isRoot) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot remove the root element. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n [].splice.apply(this.parent.children, [i, i - i + 1].concat(ref2 = [])), ref2;\n return this.parent;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.node = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var child, ref2;\n if (name != null) {\n name = getValue(name);\n }\n attributes || (attributes = {});\n attributes = getValue(attributes);\n if (!isObject(attributes)) {\n ref2 = [attributes, text], text = ref2[0], attributes = ref2[1];\n }\n child = new XMLElement(this, name, attributes);\n if (text != null) {\n child.text(text);\n }\n this.children.push(child);\n return child;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.text = function(value) {\n var child;\n if (isObject(value)) {\n this.element(value);\n }\n child = new XMLText(this, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.cdata = function(value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLCData(this, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.comment = function(value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLComment(this, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.commentBefore = function(value) {\n var child, i, removed;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i);\n child = this.parent.comment(value);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.commentAfter = function(value) {\n var child, i, removed;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i + 1);\n child = this.parent.comment(value);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.raw = function(value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLRaw(this, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.dummy = function() {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDummy(this);\n return child;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.instruction = function(target, value) {\n var insTarget, insValue, instruction, j, len;\n if (target != null) {\n target = getValue(target);\n }\n if (value != null) {\n value = getValue(value);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(target)) {\n for (j = 0, len = target.length; j < len; j++) {\n insTarget = target[j];\n this.instruction(insTarget);\n }\n } else if (isObject(target)) {\n for (insTarget in target) {\n if (!hasProp.call(target, insTarget)) continue;\n insValue = target[insTarget];\n this.instruction(insTarget, insValue);\n }\n } else {\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n value = value.apply();\n }\n instruction = new XMLProcessingInstruction(this, target, value);\n this.children.push(instruction);\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.instructionBefore = function(target, value) {\n var child, i, removed;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i);\n child = this.parent.instruction(target, value);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.instructionAfter = function(target, value) {\n var child, i, removed;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n removed = this.parent.children.splice(i + 1);\n child = this.parent.instruction(target, value);\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this.parent.children, removed);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.declaration = function(version, encoding, standalone) {\n var doc, xmldec;\n doc = this.document();\n xmldec = new XMLDeclaration(doc, version, encoding, standalone);\n if (doc.children.length === 0) {\n doc.children.unshift(xmldec);\n } else if (doc.children[0].type === NodeType.Declaration) {\n doc.children[0] = xmldec;\n } else {\n doc.children.unshift(xmldec);\n }\n return doc.root() || doc;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.dtd = function(pubID, sysID) {\n var child, doc, doctype, i, j, k, len, len1, ref2, ref3;\n doc = this.document();\n doctype = new XMLDocType(doc, pubID, sysID);\n ref2 = doc.children;\n for (i = j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; i = ++j) {\n child = ref2[i];\n if (child.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n doc.children[i] = doctype;\n return doctype;\n }\n }\n ref3 = doc.children;\n for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref3.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {\n child = ref3[i];\n if (child.isRoot) {\n doc.children.splice(i, 0, doctype);\n return doctype;\n }\n }\n doc.children.push(doctype);\n return doctype;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.up = function() {\n if (this.isRoot) {\n throw new Error(\"The root node has no parent. Use doc() if you need to get the document object.\");\n }\n return this.parent;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.root = function() {\n var node;\n node = this;\n while (node) {\n if (node.type === NodeType.Document) {\n return node.rootObject;\n } else if (node.isRoot) {\n return node;\n } else {\n node = node.parent;\n }\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.document = function() {\n var node;\n node = this;\n while (node) {\n if (node.type === NodeType.Document) {\n return node;\n } else {\n node = node.parent;\n }\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.end = function(options) {\n return this.document().end(options);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.prev = function() {\n var i;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n if (i < 1) {\n throw new Error(\"Already at the first node. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n return this.parent.children[i - 1];\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.next = function() {\n var i;\n i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n if (i === -1 || i === this.parent.children.length - 1) {\n throw new Error(\"Already at the last node. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n return this.parent.children[i + 1];\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.importDocument = function(doc) {\n var clonedRoot;\n clonedRoot = doc.root().clone();\n clonedRoot.parent = this;\n clonedRoot.isRoot = false;\n this.children.push(clonedRoot);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.debugInfo = function(name) {\n var ref2, ref3;\n name = name || this.name;\n if ((name == null) && !((ref2 = this.parent) != null ? ref2.name : void 0)) {\n return \"\";\n } else if (name == null) {\n return \"parent: <\" + this.parent.name + \">\";\n } else if (!((ref3 = this.parent) != null ? ref3.name : void 0)) {\n return \"node: <\" + name + \">\";\n } else {\n return \"node: <\" + name + \">, parent: <\" + this.parent.name + \">\";\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.ele = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.element(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.nod = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.node(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.txt = function(value) {\n return this.text(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.dat = function(value) {\n return this.cdata(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.com = function(value) {\n return this.comment(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.ins = function(target, value) {\n return this.instruction(target, value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.doc = function() {\n return this.document();\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.dec = function(version, encoding, standalone) {\n return this.declaration(version, encoding, standalone);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.e = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.element(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.n = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.node(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.t = function(value) {\n return this.text(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.d = function(value) {\n return this.cdata(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.c = function(value) {\n return this.comment(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.r = function(value) {\n return this.raw(value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.i = function(target, value) {\n return this.instruction(target, value);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.u = function() {\n return this.up();\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.importXMLBuilder = function(doc) {\n return this.importDocument(doc);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.replaceChild = function(newChild, oldChild) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.removeChild = function(oldChild) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.appendChild = function(newChild) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.hasChildNodes = function() {\n return this.children.length !== 0;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.cloneNode = function(deep) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.normalize = function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isSupported = function(feature, version) {\n return true;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.hasAttributes = function() {\n return this.attribs.length !== 0;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.compareDocumentPosition = function(other) {\n var ref, res;\n ref = this;\n if (ref === other) {\n return 0;\n } else if (this.document() !== other.document()) {\n res = DocumentPosition.Disconnected | DocumentPosition.ImplementationSpecific;\n if (Math.random() < 0.5) {\n res |= DocumentPosition.Preceding;\n } else {\n res |= DocumentPosition.Following;\n }\n return res;\n } else if (ref.isAncestor(other)) {\n return DocumentPosition.Contains | DocumentPosition.Preceding;\n } else if (ref.isDescendant(other)) {\n return DocumentPosition.Contains | DocumentPosition.Following;\n } else if (ref.isPreceding(other)) {\n return DocumentPosition.Preceding;\n } else {\n return DocumentPosition.Following;\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isSameNode = function(other) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.lookupPrefix = function(namespaceURI) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isDefaultNamespace = function(namespaceURI) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.lookupNamespaceURI = function(prefix) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n var i, j, ref2;\n if (node.nodeType !== this.nodeType) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.children.length !== this.children.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (i = j = 0, ref2 = this.children.length - 1; 0 <= ref2 ? j <= ref2 : j >= ref2; i = 0 <= ref2 ? ++j : --j) {\n if (!this.children[i].isEqualNode(node.children[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.getFeature = function(feature, version) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.setUserData = function(key, data, handler) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.getUserData = function(key) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.contains = function(other) {\n if (!other) {\n return false;\n }\n return other === this || this.isDescendant(other);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isDescendant = function(node) {\n var child, isDescendantChild, j, len, ref2;\n ref2 = this.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref2[j];\n if (node === child) {\n return true;\n }\n isDescendantChild = child.isDescendant(node);\n if (isDescendantChild) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isAncestor = function(node) {\n return node.isDescendant(this);\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isPreceding = function(node) {\n var nodePos, thisPos;\n nodePos = this.treePosition(node);\n thisPos = this.treePosition(this);\n if (nodePos === -1 || thisPos === -1) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return nodePos < thisPos;\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.isFollowing = function(node) {\n var nodePos, thisPos;\n nodePos = this.treePosition(node);\n thisPos = this.treePosition(this);\n if (nodePos === -1 || thisPos === -1) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return nodePos > thisPos;\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.treePosition = function(node) {\n var found, pos;\n pos = 0;\n found = false;\n this.foreachTreeNode(this.document(), function(childNode) {\n pos++;\n if (!found && childNode === node) {\n return found = true;\n }\n });\n if (found) {\n return pos;\n } else {\n return -1;\n }\n };\n\n XMLNode.prototype.foreachTreeNode = function(node, func) {\n var child, j, len, ref2, res;\n node || (node = this.document());\n ref2 = node.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref2[j];\n if (res = func(child)) {\n return res;\n } else {\n res = this.foreachTreeNode(child, func);\n if (res) {\n return res;\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n return XMLNode;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLAttribute, XMLElement, XMLNamedNodeMap, XMLNode, getValue, isFunction, isObject, ref,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n ref = require('./Utility'), isObject = ref.isObject, isFunction = ref.isFunction, getValue = ref.getValue;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLAttribute = require('./XMLAttribute');\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap = require('./XMLNamedNodeMap');\n\n module.exports = XMLElement = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLElement, superClass);\n\n function XMLElement(parent, name, attributes) {\n var child, j, len, ref1;\n XMLElement.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing element name. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.name = this.stringify.name(name);\n this.type = NodeType.Element;\n this.attribs = {};\n this.schemaTypeInfo = null;\n if (attributes != null) {\n this.attribute(attributes);\n }\n if (parent.type === NodeType.Document) {\n this.isRoot = true;\n this.documentObject = parent;\n parent.rootObject = this;\n if (parent.children) {\n ref1 = parent.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref1[j];\n if (child.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n child.name = this.name;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'tagName', {\n get: function() {\n return this.name;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'namespaceURI', {\n get: function() {\n return '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'prefix', {\n get: function() {\n return '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'localName', {\n get: function() {\n return this.name;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'id', {\n get: function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'className', {\n get: function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'classList', {\n get: function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLElement.prototype, 'attributes', {\n get: function() {\n if (!this.attributeMap || !this.attributeMap.nodes) {\n this.attributeMap = new XMLNamedNodeMap(this.attribs);\n }\n return this.attributeMap;\n }\n });\n\n XMLElement.prototype.clone = function() {\n var att, attName, clonedSelf, ref1;\n clonedSelf = Object.create(this);\n if (clonedSelf.isRoot) {\n clonedSelf.documentObject = null;\n }\n clonedSelf.attribs = {};\n ref1 = this.attribs;\n for (attName in ref1) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref1, attName)) continue;\n att = ref1[attName];\n clonedSelf.attribs[attName] = att.clone();\n }\n clonedSelf.children = [];\n this.children.forEach(function(child) {\n var clonedChild;\n clonedChild = child.clone();\n clonedChild.parent = clonedSelf;\n return clonedSelf.children.push(clonedChild);\n });\n return clonedSelf;\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.attribute = function(name, value) {\n var attName, attValue;\n if (name != null) {\n name = getValue(name);\n }\n if (isObject(name)) {\n for (attName in name) {\n if (!hasProp.call(name, attName)) continue;\n attValue = name[attName];\n this.attribute(attName, attValue);\n }\n } else {\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n value = value.apply();\n }\n if (this.options.keepNullAttributes && (value == null)) {\n this.attribs[name] = new XMLAttribute(this, name, \"\");\n } else if (value != null) {\n this.attribs[name] = new XMLAttribute(this, name, value);\n }\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.removeAttribute = function(name) {\n var attName, j, len;\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing attribute name. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n name = getValue(name);\n if (Array.isArray(name)) {\n for (j = 0, len = name.length; j < len; j++) {\n attName = name[j];\n delete this.attribs[attName];\n }\n } else {\n delete this.attribs[name];\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.element(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.att = function(name, value) {\n return this.attribute(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.a = function(name, value) {\n return this.attribute(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getAttribute = function(name) {\n if (this.attribs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n return this.attribs[name].value;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getAttributeNode = function(name) {\n if (this.attribs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n return this.attribs[name];\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setAttributeNode = function(newAttr) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.removeAttributeNode = function(oldAttr) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(name) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS = function(newAttr) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.hasAttribute = function(name) {\n return this.attribs.hasOwnProperty(name);\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.hasAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setIdAttribute = function(name, isId) {\n if (this.attribs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n return this.attribs[name].isId;\n } else {\n return isId;\n }\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setIdAttributeNS = function(namespaceURI, localName, isId) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.setIdAttributeNode = function(idAttr, isId) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(tagname) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function(classNames) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLElement.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n var i, j, ref1;\n if (!XMLElement.__super__.isEqualNode.apply(this, arguments).isEqualNode(node)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.prefix !== this.prefix) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.localName !== this.localName) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.attribs.length !== this.attribs.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (i = j = 0, ref1 = this.attribs.length - 1; 0 <= ref1 ? j <= ref1 : j >= ref1; i = 0 <= ref1 ? ++j : --j) {\n if (!this.attribs[i].isEqualNode(node.attribs[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n return XMLElement;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n module.exports = {\n Element: 1,\n Attribute: 2,\n Text: 3,\n CData: 4,\n EntityReference: 5,\n EntityDeclaration: 6,\n ProcessingInstruction: 7,\n Comment: 8,\n Document: 9,\n DocType: 10,\n DocumentFragment: 11,\n NotationDeclaration: 12,\n Declaration: 201,\n Raw: 202,\n AttributeDeclaration: 203,\n ElementDeclaration: 204,\n Dummy: 205\n };\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLAttribute, XMLNode;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n module.exports = XMLAttribute = (function() {\n function XMLAttribute(parent, name, value) {\n this.parent = parent;\n if (this.parent) {\n this.options = this.parent.options;\n this.stringify = this.parent.stringify;\n }\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing attribute name. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n this.name = this.stringify.name(name);\n this.value = this.stringify.attValue(value);\n this.type = NodeType.Attribute;\n this.isId = false;\n this.schemaTypeInfo = null;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'nodeType', {\n get: function() {\n return this.type;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'ownerElement', {\n get: function() {\n return this.parent;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'textContent', {\n get: function() {\n return this.value;\n },\n set: function(value) {\n return this.value = value || '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'namespaceURI', {\n get: function() {\n return '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'prefix', {\n get: function() {\n return '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'localName', {\n get: function() {\n return this.name;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLAttribute.prototype, 'specified', {\n get: function() {\n return true;\n }\n });\n\n XMLAttribute.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLAttribute.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.attribute(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLAttribute.prototype.debugInfo = function(name) {\n name = name || this.name;\n if (name == null) {\n return \"parent: <\" + this.parent.name + \">\";\n } else {\n return \"attribute: {\" + name + \"}, parent: <\" + this.parent.name + \">\";\n }\n };\n\n XMLAttribute.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n if (node.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.prefix !== this.prefix) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.localName !== this.localName) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.value !== this.value) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n return XMLAttribute;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLNamedNodeMap;\n\n module.exports = XMLNamedNodeMap = (function() {\n function XMLNamedNodeMap(nodes) {\n this.nodes = nodes;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype, 'length', {\n get: function() {\n return Object.keys(this.nodes).length || 0;\n }\n });\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.clone = function() {\n return this.nodes = null;\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.getNamedItem = function(name) {\n return this.nodes[name];\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.setNamedItem = function(node) {\n var oldNode;\n oldNode = this.nodes[node.nodeName];\n this.nodes[node.nodeName] = node;\n return oldNode || null;\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.removeNamedItem = function(name) {\n var oldNode;\n oldNode = this.nodes[name];\n delete this.nodes[name];\n return oldNode || null;\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.item = function(index) {\n return this.nodes[Object.keys(this.nodes)[index]] || null;\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.getNamedItemNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.setNamedItemNS = function(node) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap.prototype.removeNamedItemNS = function(namespaceURI, localName) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\");\n };\n\n return XMLNamedNodeMap;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLCData, XMLCharacterData,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLCharacterData = require('./XMLCharacterData');\n\n module.exports = XMLCData = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLCData, superClass);\n\n function XMLCData(parent, text) {\n XMLCData.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (text == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing CDATA text. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.name = \"#cdata-section\";\n this.type = NodeType.CData;\n this.value = this.stringify.cdata(text);\n }\n\n XMLCData.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLCData.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.cdata(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLCData;\n\n })(XMLCharacterData);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLCharacterData, XMLNode,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n module.exports = XMLCharacterData = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLCharacterData, superClass);\n\n function XMLCharacterData(parent) {\n XMLCharacterData.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n this.value = '';\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLCharacterData.prototype, 'data', {\n get: function() {\n return this.value;\n },\n set: function(value) {\n return this.value = value || '';\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLCharacterData.prototype, 'length', {\n get: function() {\n return this.value.length;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLCharacterData.prototype, 'textContent', {\n get: function() {\n return this.value;\n },\n set: function(value) {\n return this.value = value || '';\n }\n });\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.substringData = function(offset, count) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.appendData = function(arg) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.insertData = function(offset, arg) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.deleteData = function(offset, count) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.replaceData = function(offset, count, arg) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLCharacterData.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n if (!XMLCharacterData.__super__.isEqualNode.apply(this, arguments).isEqualNode(node)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.data !== this.data) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n return XMLCharacterData;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLCharacterData, XMLComment,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLCharacterData = require('./XMLCharacterData');\n\n module.exports = XMLComment = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLComment, superClass);\n\n function XMLComment(parent, text) {\n XMLComment.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (text == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing comment text. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.name = \"#comment\";\n this.type = NodeType.Comment;\n this.value = this.stringify.comment(text);\n }\n\n XMLComment.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLComment.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.comment(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLComment;\n\n })(XMLCharacterData);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDeclaration, XMLNode, isObject,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n isObject = require('./Utility').isObject;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDeclaration = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDeclaration, superClass);\n\n function XMLDeclaration(parent, version, encoding, standalone) {\n var ref;\n XMLDeclaration.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (isObject(version)) {\n ref = version, version = ref.version, encoding = ref.encoding, standalone = ref.standalone;\n }\n if (!version) {\n version = '1.0';\n }\n this.type = NodeType.Declaration;\n this.version = this.stringify.xmlVersion(version);\n if (encoding != null) {\n this.encoding = this.stringify.xmlEncoding(encoding);\n }\n if (standalone != null) {\n this.standalone = this.stringify.xmlStandalone(standalone);\n }\n }\n\n XMLDeclaration.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.declaration(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLDeclaration;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDTDAttList, XMLDTDElement, XMLDTDEntity, XMLDTDNotation, XMLDocType, XMLNamedNodeMap, XMLNode, isObject,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n isObject = require('./Utility').isObject;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLDTDAttList = require('./XMLDTDAttList');\n\n XMLDTDEntity = require('./XMLDTDEntity');\n\n XMLDTDElement = require('./XMLDTDElement');\n\n XMLDTDNotation = require('./XMLDTDNotation');\n\n XMLNamedNodeMap = require('./XMLNamedNodeMap');\n\n module.exports = XMLDocType = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDocType, superClass);\n\n function XMLDocType(parent, pubID, sysID) {\n var child, i, len, ref, ref1, ref2;\n XMLDocType.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n this.type = NodeType.DocType;\n if (parent.children) {\n ref = parent.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref[i];\n if (child.type === NodeType.Element) {\n this.name = child.name;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n this.documentObject = parent;\n if (isObject(pubID)) {\n ref1 = pubID, pubID = ref1.pubID, sysID = ref1.sysID;\n }\n if (sysID == null) {\n ref2 = [pubID, sysID], sysID = ref2[0], pubID = ref2[1];\n }\n if (pubID != null) {\n this.pubID = this.stringify.dtdPubID(pubID);\n }\n if (sysID != null) {\n this.sysID = this.stringify.dtdSysID(sysID);\n }\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocType.prototype, 'entities', {\n get: function() {\n var child, i, len, nodes, ref;\n nodes = {};\n ref = this.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref[i];\n if ((child.type === NodeType.EntityDeclaration) && !child.pe) {\n nodes[child.name] = child;\n }\n }\n return new XMLNamedNodeMap(nodes);\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocType.prototype, 'notations', {\n get: function() {\n var child, i, len, nodes, ref;\n nodes = {};\n ref = this.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref[i];\n if (child.type === NodeType.NotationDeclaration) {\n nodes[child.name] = child;\n }\n }\n return new XMLNamedNodeMap(nodes);\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocType.prototype, 'publicId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.pubID;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocType.prototype, 'systemId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.sysID;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDocType.prototype, 'internalSubset', {\n get: function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.element = function(name, value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDTDElement(this, name, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.attList = function(elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDTDAttList(this, elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.entity = function(name, value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDTDEntity(this, false, name, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.pEntity = function(name, value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDTDEntity(this, true, name, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.notation = function(name, value) {\n var child;\n child = new XMLDTDNotation(this, name, value);\n this.children.push(child);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.docType(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.ele = function(name, value) {\n return this.element(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.att = function(elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue) {\n return this.attList(elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue);\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.ent = function(name, value) {\n return this.entity(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.pent = function(name, value) {\n return this.pEntity(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.not = function(name, value) {\n return this.notation(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.up = function() {\n return this.root() || this.documentObject;\n };\n\n XMLDocType.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n if (!XMLDocType.__super__.isEqualNode.apply(this, arguments).isEqualNode(node)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.name !== this.name) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.publicId !== this.publicId) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.systemId !== this.systemId) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n return XMLDocType;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDTDAttList, XMLNode,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDTDAttList = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDTDAttList, superClass);\n\n function XMLDTDAttList(parent, elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue) {\n XMLDTDAttList.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (elementName == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD element name. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n if (attributeName == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD attribute name. \" + this.debugInfo(elementName));\n }\n if (!attributeType) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD attribute type. \" + this.debugInfo(elementName));\n }\n if (!defaultValueType) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD attribute default. \" + this.debugInfo(elementName));\n }\n if (defaultValueType.indexOf('#') !== 0) {\n defaultValueType = '#' + defaultValueType;\n }\n if (!defaultValueType.match(/^(#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED|#FIXED|#DEFAULT)$/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid default value type; expected: #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED or #DEFAULT. \" + this.debugInfo(elementName));\n }\n if (defaultValue && !defaultValueType.match(/^(#FIXED|#DEFAULT)$/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Default value only applies to #FIXED or #DEFAULT. \" + this.debugInfo(elementName));\n }\n this.elementName = this.stringify.name(elementName);\n this.type = NodeType.AttributeDeclaration;\n this.attributeName = this.stringify.name(attributeName);\n this.attributeType = this.stringify.dtdAttType(attributeType);\n if (defaultValue) {\n this.defaultValue = this.stringify.dtdAttDefault(defaultValue);\n }\n this.defaultValueType = defaultValueType;\n }\n\n XMLDTDAttList.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.dtdAttList(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLDTDAttList;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDTDEntity, XMLNode, isObject,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n isObject = require('./Utility').isObject;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDTDEntity = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDTDEntity, superClass);\n\n function XMLDTDEntity(parent, pe, name, value) {\n XMLDTDEntity.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD entity name. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n if (value == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD entity value. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n this.pe = !!pe;\n this.name = this.stringify.name(name);\n this.type = NodeType.EntityDeclaration;\n if (!isObject(value)) {\n this.value = this.stringify.dtdEntityValue(value);\n this.internal = true;\n } else {\n if (!value.pubID && !value.sysID) {\n throw new Error(\"Public and/or system identifiers are required for an external entity. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n if (value.pubID && !value.sysID) {\n throw new Error(\"System identifier is required for a public external entity. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n this.internal = false;\n if (value.pubID != null) {\n this.pubID = this.stringify.dtdPubID(value.pubID);\n }\n if (value.sysID != null) {\n this.sysID = this.stringify.dtdSysID(value.sysID);\n }\n if (value.nData != null) {\n this.nData = this.stringify.dtdNData(value.nData);\n }\n if (this.pe && this.nData) {\n throw new Error(\"Notation declaration is not allowed in a parameter entity. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n }\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'publicId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.pubID;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'systemId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.sysID;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'notationName', {\n get: function() {\n return this.nData || null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'inputEncoding', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'xmlEncoding', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDEntity.prototype, 'xmlVersion', {\n get: function() {\n return null;\n }\n });\n\n XMLDTDEntity.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.dtdEntity(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLDTDEntity;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDTDElement, XMLNode,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDTDElement = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDTDElement, superClass);\n\n function XMLDTDElement(parent, name, value) {\n XMLDTDElement.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD element name. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n if (!value) {\n value = '(#PCDATA)';\n }\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n value = '(' + value.join(',') + ')';\n }\n this.name = this.stringify.name(name);\n this.type = NodeType.ElementDeclaration;\n this.value = this.stringify.dtdElementValue(value);\n }\n\n XMLDTDElement.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.dtdElement(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLDTDElement;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDTDNotation, XMLNode,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDTDNotation = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDTDNotation, superClass);\n\n function XMLDTDNotation(parent, name, value) {\n XMLDTDNotation.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing DTD notation name. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n if (!value.pubID && !value.sysID) {\n throw new Error(\"Public or system identifiers are required for an external entity. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n this.name = this.stringify.name(name);\n this.type = NodeType.NotationDeclaration;\n if (value.pubID != null) {\n this.pubID = this.stringify.dtdPubID(value.pubID);\n }\n if (value.sysID != null) {\n this.sysID = this.stringify.dtdSysID(value.sysID);\n }\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDNotation.prototype, 'publicId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.pubID;\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLDTDNotation.prototype, 'systemId', {\n get: function() {\n return this.sysID;\n }\n });\n\n XMLDTDNotation.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.dtdNotation(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLDTDNotation;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLNode, XMLRaw,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n module.exports = XMLRaw = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLRaw, superClass);\n\n function XMLRaw(parent, text) {\n XMLRaw.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (text == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing raw text. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.type = NodeType.Raw;\n this.value = this.stringify.raw(text);\n }\n\n XMLRaw.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLRaw.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.raw(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n return XMLRaw;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLCharacterData, XMLText,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLCharacterData = require('./XMLCharacterData');\n\n module.exports = XMLText = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLText, superClass);\n\n function XMLText(parent, text) {\n XMLText.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (text == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing element text. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.name = \"#text\";\n this.type = NodeType.Text;\n this.value = this.stringify.text(text);\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLText.prototype, 'isElementContentWhitespace', {\n get: function() {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLText.prototype, 'wholeText', {\n get: function() {\n var next, prev, str;\n str = '';\n prev = this.previousSibling;\n while (prev) {\n str = prev.data + str;\n prev = prev.previousSibling;\n }\n str += this.data;\n next = this.nextSibling;\n while (next) {\n str = str + next.data;\n next = next.nextSibling;\n }\n return str;\n }\n });\n\n XMLText.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLText.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.text(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLText.prototype.splitText = function(offset) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n XMLText.prototype.replaceWholeText = function(content) {\n throw new Error(\"This DOM method is not implemented.\" + this.debugInfo());\n };\n\n return XMLText;\n\n })(XMLCharacterData);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLCharacterData, XMLProcessingInstruction,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLCharacterData = require('./XMLCharacterData');\n\n module.exports = XMLProcessingInstruction = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLProcessingInstruction, superClass);\n\n function XMLProcessingInstruction(parent, target, value) {\n XMLProcessingInstruction.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n if (target == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing instruction target. \" + this.debugInfo());\n }\n this.type = NodeType.ProcessingInstruction;\n this.target = this.stringify.insTarget(target);\n this.name = this.target;\n if (value) {\n this.value = this.stringify.insValue(value);\n }\n }\n\n XMLProcessingInstruction.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLProcessingInstruction.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return this.options.writer.processingInstruction(this, this.options.writer.filterOptions(options));\n };\n\n XMLProcessingInstruction.prototype.isEqualNode = function(node) {\n if (!XMLProcessingInstruction.__super__.isEqualNode.apply(this, arguments).isEqualNode(node)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.target !== this.target) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n return XMLProcessingInstruction;\n\n })(XMLCharacterData);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, XMLDummy, XMLNode,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n XMLNode = require('./XMLNode');\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n module.exports = XMLDummy = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLDummy, superClass);\n\n function XMLDummy(parent) {\n XMLDummy.__super__.constructor.call(this, parent);\n this.type = NodeType.Dummy;\n }\n\n XMLDummy.prototype.clone = function() {\n return Object.create(this);\n };\n\n XMLDummy.prototype.toString = function(options) {\n return '';\n };\n\n return XMLDummy;\n\n })(XMLNode);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLNodeList;\n\n module.exports = XMLNodeList = (function() {\n function XMLNodeList(nodes) {\n this.nodes = nodes;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(XMLNodeList.prototype, 'length', {\n get: function() {\n return this.nodes.length || 0;\n }\n });\n\n XMLNodeList.prototype.clone = function() {\n return this.nodes = null;\n };\n\n XMLNodeList.prototype.item = function(index) {\n return this.nodes[index] || null;\n };\n\n return XMLNodeList;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n module.exports = {\n Disconnected: 1,\n Preceding: 2,\n Following: 4,\n Contains: 8,\n ContainedBy: 16,\n ImplementationSpecific: 32\n };\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var XMLStringifier,\n bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n module.exports = XMLStringifier = (function() {\n function XMLStringifier(options) {\n this.assertLegalName = bind(this.assertLegalName, this);\n this.assertLegalChar = bind(this.assertLegalChar, this);\n var key, ref, value;\n options || (options = {});\n this.options = options;\n if (!this.options.version) {\n this.options.version = '1.0';\n }\n ref = options.stringify || {};\n for (key in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, key)) continue;\n value = ref[key];\n this[key] = value;\n }\n }\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.name = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalName('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.text = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar(this.textEscape('' + val || ''));\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.cdata = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n val = '' + val || '';\n val = val.replace(']]>', ']]]]>');\n return this.assertLegalChar(val);\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.comment = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n val = '' + val || '';\n if (val.match(/--/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Comment text cannot contain double-hypen: \" + val);\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar(val);\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.raw = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return '' + val || '';\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.attValue = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar(this.attEscape(val = '' + val || ''));\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.insTarget = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.insValue = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n val = '' + val || '';\n if (val.match(/\\?>/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid processing instruction value: \" + val);\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar(val);\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.xmlVersion = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n val = '' + val || '';\n if (!val.match(/1\\.[0-9]+/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid version number: \" + val);\n }\n return val;\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.xmlEncoding = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n val = '' + val || '';\n if (!val.match(/^[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9._-])*$/)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid encoding: \" + val);\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar(val);\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.xmlStandalone = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n if (val) {\n return \"yes\";\n } else {\n return \"no\";\n }\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdPubID = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdSysID = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdElementValue = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdAttType = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdAttDefault = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdEntityValue = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.dtdNData = function(val) {\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return val;\n }\n return this.assertLegalChar('' + val || '');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertAttKey = '@';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertPIKey = '?';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertTextKey = '#text';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertCDataKey = '#cdata';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertCommentKey = '#comment';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.convertRawKey = '#raw';\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.assertLegalChar = function(str) {\n var regex, res;\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return str;\n }\n regex = '';\n if (this.options.version === '1.0') {\n regex = /[\\0-\\x08\\x0B\\f\\x0E-\\x1F\\uFFFE\\uFFFF]|[\\uD800-\\uDBFF](?![\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])|(?:[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|^)[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/;\n if (res = str.match(regex)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid character in string: \" + str + \" at index \" + res.index);\n }\n } else if (this.options.version === '1.1') {\n regex = /[\\0\\uFFFE\\uFFFF]|[\\uD800-\\uDBFF](?![\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])|(?:[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|^)[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/;\n if (res = str.match(regex)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid character in string: \" + str + \" at index \" + res.index);\n }\n }\n return str;\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.assertLegalName = function(str) {\n var regex;\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return str;\n }\n this.assertLegalChar(str);\n regex = /^([:A-Z_a-z\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD]|[\\uD800-\\uDB7F][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])([\\x2D\\.0-:A-Z_a-z\\xB7\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C\\u200D\\u203F\\u2040\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD]|[\\uD800-\\uDB7F][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])*$/;\n if (!str.match(regex)) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid character in name\");\n }\n return str;\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.textEscape = function(str) {\n var ampregex;\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return str;\n }\n ampregex = this.options.noDoubleEncoding ? /(?!&\\S+;)&/g : /&/g;\n return str.replace(ampregex, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/\\r/g, ' ');\n };\n\n XMLStringifier.prototype.attEscape = function(str) {\n var ampregex;\n if (this.options.noValidation) {\n return str;\n }\n ampregex = this.options.noDoubleEncoding ? /(?!&\\S+;)&/g : /&/g;\n return str.replace(ampregex, '&').replace(/ 0) {\n return new Array(indentLevel).join(options.indent);\n }\n }\n return '';\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.endline = function(node, options, level) {\n if (!options.pretty || options.suppressPrettyCount) {\n return '';\n } else {\n return options.newline;\n }\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.attribute = function(att, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openAttribute(att, options, level);\n r = ' ' + att.name + '=\"' + att.value + '\"';\n this.closeAttribute(att, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.cdata = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.comment = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.declaration = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '';\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.docType = function(node, options, level) {\n var child, i, len, r, ref;\n level || (level = 0);\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level);\n r += ' 0) {\n r += ' [';\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n ref = node.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref[i];\n r += this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += ']';\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += options.spaceBeforeSlash + '>';\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.element = function(node, options, level) {\n var att, child, childNodeCount, firstChildNode, i, j, len, len1, name, prettySuppressed, r, ref, ref1, ref2;\n level || (level = 0);\n prettySuppressed = false;\n r = '';\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r += this.indent(node, options, level) + '<' + node.name;\n ref = node.attribs;\n for (name in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, name)) continue;\n att = ref[name];\n r += this.attribute(att, options, level);\n }\n childNodeCount = node.children.length;\n firstChildNode = childNodeCount === 0 ? null : node.children[0];\n if (childNodeCount === 0 || node.children.every(function(e) {\n return (e.type === NodeType.Text || e.type === NodeType.Raw) && e.value === '';\n })) {\n if (options.allowEmpty) {\n r += '>';\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n } else {\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += options.spaceBeforeSlash + '/>' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n }\n } else if (options.pretty && childNodeCount === 1 && (firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Text || firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Raw) && (firstChildNode.value != null)) {\n r += '>';\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n options.suppressPrettyCount++;\n prettySuppressed = true;\n r += this.writeChildNode(firstChildNode, options, level + 1);\n options.suppressPrettyCount--;\n prettySuppressed = false;\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n } else {\n if (options.dontPrettyTextNodes) {\n ref1 = node.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref1[i];\n if ((child.type === NodeType.Text || child.type === NodeType.Raw) && (child.value != null)) {\n options.suppressPrettyCount++;\n prettySuppressed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n r += '>' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n ref2 = node.children;\n for (j = 0, len1 = ref2.length; j < len1; j++) {\n child = ref2[j];\n r += this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += this.indent(node, options, level) + '';\n if (prettySuppressed) {\n options.suppressPrettyCount--;\n }\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n }\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.writeChildNode = function(node, options, level) {\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.CData:\n return this.cdata(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.Comment:\n return this.comment(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.Element:\n return this.element(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.Raw:\n return this.raw(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.Text:\n return this.text(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.ProcessingInstruction:\n return this.processingInstruction(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.Dummy:\n return '';\n case NodeType.Declaration:\n return this.declaration(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.DocType:\n return this.docType(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.AttributeDeclaration:\n return this.dtdAttList(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.ElementDeclaration:\n return this.dtdElement(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.EntityDeclaration:\n return this.dtdEntity(node, options, level);\n case NodeType.NotationDeclaration:\n return this.dtdNotation(node, options, level);\n default:\n throw new Error(\"Unknown XML node type: \" + node.constructor.name);\n }\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.processingInstruction = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '';\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.raw = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n r += node.value;\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.text = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n r += node.value;\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n r += this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.dtdAttList = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.dtdElement = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.dtdEntity = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.dtdNotation = function(node, options, level) {\n var r;\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '' + this.endline(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n return r;\n };\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.openNode = function(node, options, level) {};\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.closeNode = function(node, options, level) {};\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.openAttribute = function(att, options, level) {};\n\n XMLWriterBase.prototype.closeAttribute = function(att, options, level) {};\n\n return XMLWriterBase;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n module.exports = {\n None: 0,\n OpenTag: 1,\n InsideTag: 2,\n CloseTag: 3\n };\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, WriterState, XMLAttribute, XMLCData, XMLComment, XMLDTDAttList, XMLDTDElement, XMLDTDEntity, XMLDTDNotation, XMLDeclaration, XMLDocType, XMLDocument, XMLDocumentCB, XMLElement, XMLProcessingInstruction, XMLRaw, XMLStringWriter, XMLStringifier, XMLText, getValue, isFunction, isObject, isPlainObject, ref,\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n ref = require('./Utility'), isObject = ref.isObject, isFunction = ref.isFunction, isPlainObject = ref.isPlainObject, getValue = ref.getValue;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLDocument = require('./XMLDocument');\n\n XMLElement = require('./XMLElement');\n\n XMLCData = require('./XMLCData');\n\n XMLComment = require('./XMLComment');\n\n XMLRaw = require('./XMLRaw');\n\n XMLText = require('./XMLText');\n\n XMLProcessingInstruction = require('./XMLProcessingInstruction');\n\n XMLDeclaration = require('./XMLDeclaration');\n\n XMLDocType = require('./XMLDocType');\n\n XMLDTDAttList = require('./XMLDTDAttList');\n\n XMLDTDEntity = require('./XMLDTDEntity');\n\n XMLDTDElement = require('./XMLDTDElement');\n\n XMLDTDNotation = require('./XMLDTDNotation');\n\n XMLAttribute = require('./XMLAttribute');\n\n XMLStringifier = require('./XMLStringifier');\n\n XMLStringWriter = require('./XMLStringWriter');\n\n WriterState = require('./WriterState');\n\n module.exports = XMLDocumentCB = (function() {\n function XMLDocumentCB(options, onData, onEnd) {\n var writerOptions;\n this.name = \"?xml\";\n this.type = NodeType.Document;\n options || (options = {});\n writerOptions = {};\n if (!options.writer) {\n options.writer = new XMLStringWriter();\n } else if (isPlainObject(options.writer)) {\n writerOptions = options.writer;\n options.writer = new XMLStringWriter();\n }\n this.options = options;\n this.writer = options.writer;\n this.writerOptions = this.writer.filterOptions(writerOptions);\n this.stringify = new XMLStringifier(options);\n this.onDataCallback = onData || function() {};\n this.onEndCallback = onEnd || function() {};\n this.currentNode = null;\n this.currentLevel = -1;\n this.openTags = {};\n this.documentStarted = false;\n this.documentCompleted = false;\n this.root = null;\n }\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.createChildNode = function(node) {\n var att, attName, attributes, child, i, len, ref1, ref2;\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.CData:\n this.cdata(node.value);\n break;\n case NodeType.Comment:\n this.comment(node.value);\n break;\n case NodeType.Element:\n attributes = {};\n ref1 = node.attribs;\n for (attName in ref1) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref1, attName)) continue;\n att = ref1[attName];\n attributes[attName] = att.value;\n }\n this.node(node.name, attributes);\n break;\n case NodeType.Dummy:\n this.dummy();\n break;\n case NodeType.Raw:\n this.raw(node.value);\n break;\n case NodeType.Text:\n this.text(node.value);\n break;\n case NodeType.ProcessingInstruction:\n this.instruction(node.target, node.value);\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(\"This XML node type is not supported in a JS object: \" + node.constructor.name);\n }\n ref2 = node.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref2.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref2[i];\n this.createChildNode(child);\n if (child.type === NodeType.Element) {\n this.up();\n }\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.dummy = function() {\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.node = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var ref1;\n if (name == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing node name.\");\n }\n if (this.root && this.currentLevel === -1) {\n throw new Error(\"Document can only have one root node. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n this.openCurrent();\n name = getValue(name);\n if (attributes == null) {\n attributes = {};\n }\n attributes = getValue(attributes);\n if (!isObject(attributes)) {\n ref1 = [attributes, text], text = ref1[0], attributes = ref1[1];\n }\n this.currentNode = new XMLElement(this, name, attributes);\n this.currentNode.children = false;\n this.currentLevel++;\n this.openTags[this.currentLevel] = this.currentNode;\n if (text != null) {\n this.text(text);\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.element = function(name, attributes, text) {\n var child, i, len, oldValidationFlag, ref1, root;\n if (this.currentNode && this.currentNode.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n this.dtdElement.apply(this, arguments);\n } else {\n if (Array.isArray(name) || isObject(name) || isFunction(name)) {\n oldValidationFlag = this.options.noValidation;\n this.options.noValidation = true;\n root = new XMLDocument(this.options).element('TEMP_ROOT');\n root.element(name);\n this.options.noValidation = oldValidationFlag;\n ref1 = root.children;\n for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {\n child = ref1[i];\n this.createChildNode(child);\n if (child.type === NodeType.Element) {\n this.up();\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.node(name, attributes, text);\n }\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.attribute = function(name, value) {\n var attName, attValue;\n if (!this.currentNode || this.currentNode.children) {\n throw new Error(\"att() can only be used immediately after an ele() call in callback mode. \" + this.debugInfo(name));\n }\n if (name != null) {\n name = getValue(name);\n }\n if (isObject(name)) {\n for (attName in name) {\n if (!hasProp.call(name, attName)) continue;\n attValue = name[attName];\n this.attribute(attName, attValue);\n }\n } else {\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n value = value.apply();\n }\n if (this.options.keepNullAttributes && (value == null)) {\n this.currentNode.attribs[name] = new XMLAttribute(this, name, \"\");\n } else if (value != null) {\n this.currentNode.attribs[name] = new XMLAttribute(this, name, value);\n }\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.text = function(value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLText(this, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.text(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.cdata = function(value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLCData(this, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.cdata(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.comment = function(value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLComment(this, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.comment(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.raw = function(value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLRaw(this, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.raw(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.instruction = function(target, value) {\n var i, insTarget, insValue, len, node;\n this.openCurrent();\n if (target != null) {\n target = getValue(target);\n }\n if (value != null) {\n value = getValue(value);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(target)) {\n for (i = 0, len = target.length; i < len; i++) {\n insTarget = target[i];\n this.instruction(insTarget);\n }\n } else if (isObject(target)) {\n for (insTarget in target) {\n if (!hasProp.call(target, insTarget)) continue;\n insValue = target[insTarget];\n this.instruction(insTarget, insValue);\n }\n } else {\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n value = value.apply();\n }\n node = new XMLProcessingInstruction(this, target, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.processingInstruction(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n }\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.declaration = function(version, encoding, standalone) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n if (this.documentStarted) {\n throw new Error(\"declaration() must be the first node.\");\n }\n node = new XMLDeclaration(this, version, encoding, standalone);\n this.onData(this.writer.declaration(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.doctype = function(root, pubID, sysID) {\n this.openCurrent();\n if (root == null) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing root node name.\");\n }\n if (this.root) {\n throw new Error(\"dtd() must come before the root node.\");\n }\n this.currentNode = new XMLDocType(this, pubID, sysID);\n this.currentNode.rootNodeName = root;\n this.currentNode.children = false;\n this.currentLevel++;\n this.openTags[this.currentLevel] = this.currentNode;\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.dtdElement = function(name, value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLDTDElement(this, name, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.dtdElement(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.attList = function(elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLDTDAttList(this, elementName, attributeName, attributeType, defaultValueType, defaultValue);\n this.onData(this.writer.dtdAttList(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.entity = function(name, value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLDTDEntity(this, false, name, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.dtdEntity(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.pEntity = function(name, value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLDTDEntity(this, true, name, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.dtdEntity(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.notation = function(name, value) {\n var node;\n this.openCurrent();\n node = new XMLDTDNotation(this, name, value);\n this.onData(this.writer.dtdNotation(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel + 1), this.currentLevel + 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.up = function() {\n if (this.currentLevel < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"The document node has no parent.\");\n }\n if (this.currentNode) {\n if (this.currentNode.children) {\n this.closeNode(this.currentNode);\n } else {\n this.openNode(this.currentNode);\n }\n this.currentNode = null;\n } else {\n this.closeNode(this.openTags[this.currentLevel]);\n }\n delete this.openTags[this.currentLevel];\n this.currentLevel--;\n return this;\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.end = function() {\n while (this.currentLevel >= 0) {\n this.up();\n }\n return this.onEnd();\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.openCurrent = function() {\n if (this.currentNode) {\n this.currentNode.children = true;\n return this.openNode(this.currentNode);\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.openNode = function(node) {\n var att, chunk, name, ref1;\n if (!node.isOpen) {\n if (!this.root && this.currentLevel === 0 && node.type === NodeType.Element) {\n this.root = node;\n }\n chunk = '';\n if (node.type === NodeType.Element) {\n this.writerOptions.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n chunk = this.writer.indent(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel) + '<' + node.name;\n ref1 = node.attribs;\n for (name in ref1) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref1, name)) continue;\n att = ref1[name];\n chunk += this.writer.attribute(att, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel);\n }\n chunk += (node.children ? '>' : '/>') + this.writer.endline(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel);\n this.writerOptions.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n } else {\n this.writerOptions.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n chunk = this.writer.indent(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel) + '';\n }\n chunk += this.writer.endline(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel);\n }\n this.onData(chunk, this.currentLevel);\n return node.isOpen = true;\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.closeNode = function(node) {\n var chunk;\n if (!node.isClosed) {\n chunk = '';\n this.writerOptions.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n if (node.type === NodeType.Element) {\n chunk = this.writer.indent(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel) + '' + this.writer.endline(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel);\n } else {\n chunk = this.writer.indent(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel) + ']>' + this.writer.endline(node, this.writerOptions, this.currentLevel);\n }\n this.writerOptions.state = WriterState.None;\n this.onData(chunk, this.currentLevel);\n return node.isClosed = true;\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.onData = function(chunk, level) {\n this.documentStarted = true;\n return this.onDataCallback(chunk, level + 1);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.onEnd = function() {\n this.documentCompleted = true;\n return this.onEndCallback();\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.debugInfo = function(name) {\n if (name == null) {\n return \"\";\n } else {\n return \"node: <\" + name + \">\";\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.ele = function() {\n return this.element.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.nod = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.node(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.txt = function(value) {\n return this.text(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.dat = function(value) {\n return this.cdata(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.com = function(value) {\n return this.comment(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.ins = function(target, value) {\n return this.instruction(target, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.dec = function(version, encoding, standalone) {\n return this.declaration(version, encoding, standalone);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.dtd = function(root, pubID, sysID) {\n return this.doctype(root, pubID, sysID);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.e = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.element(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.n = function(name, attributes, text) {\n return this.node(name, attributes, text);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.t = function(value) {\n return this.text(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.d = function(value) {\n return this.cdata(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.c = function(value) {\n return this.comment(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.r = function(value) {\n return this.raw(value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.i = function(target, value) {\n return this.instruction(target, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.att = function() {\n if (this.currentNode && this.currentNode.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n return this.attList.apply(this, arguments);\n } else {\n return this.attribute.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.a = function() {\n if (this.currentNode && this.currentNode.type === NodeType.DocType) {\n return this.attList.apply(this, arguments);\n } else {\n return this.attribute.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.ent = function(name, value) {\n return this.entity(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.pent = function(name, value) {\n return this.pEntity(name, value);\n };\n\n XMLDocumentCB.prototype.not = function(name, value) {\n return this.notation(name, value);\n };\n\n return XMLDocumentCB;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n var NodeType, WriterState, XMLStreamWriter, XMLWriterBase,\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n NodeType = require('./NodeType');\n\n XMLWriterBase = require('./XMLWriterBase');\n\n WriterState = require('./WriterState');\n\n module.exports = XMLStreamWriter = (function(superClass) {\n extend(XMLStreamWriter, superClass);\n\n function XMLStreamWriter(stream, options) {\n this.stream = stream;\n XMLStreamWriter.__super__.constructor.call(this, options);\n }\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.endline = function(node, options, level) {\n if (node.isLastRootNode && options.state === WriterState.CloseTag) {\n return '';\n } else {\n return XMLStreamWriter.__super__.endline.call(this, node, options, level);\n }\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.document = function(doc, options) {\n var child, i, j, k, len, len1, ref, ref1, results;\n ref = doc.children;\n for (i = j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; i = ++j) {\n child = ref[i];\n child.isLastRootNode = i === doc.children.length - 1;\n }\n options = this.filterOptions(options);\n ref1 = doc.children;\n results = [];\n for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {\n child = ref1[k];\n results.push(this.writeChildNode(child, options, 0));\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.attribute = function(att, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.attribute.call(this, att, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.cdata = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.cdata.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.comment = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.comment.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.declaration = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.declaration.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.docType = function(node, options, level) {\n var child, j, len, ref;\n level || (level = 0);\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n this.stream.write(this.indent(node, options, level));\n this.stream.write(' 0) {\n this.stream.write(' [');\n this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n ref = node.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref[j];\n this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write(']');\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write(options.spaceBeforeSlash + '>');\n this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n return this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.element = function(node, options, level) {\n var att, child, childNodeCount, firstChildNode, j, len, name, prettySuppressed, ref, ref1;\n level || (level = 0);\n this.openNode(node, options, level);\n options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;\n this.stream.write(this.indent(node, options, level) + '<' + node.name);\n ref = node.attribs;\n for (name in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, name)) continue;\n att = ref[name];\n this.attribute(att, options, level);\n }\n childNodeCount = node.children.length;\n firstChildNode = childNodeCount === 0 ? null : node.children[0];\n if (childNodeCount === 0 || node.children.every(function(e) {\n return (e.type === NodeType.Text || e.type === NodeType.Raw) && e.value === '';\n })) {\n if (options.allowEmpty) {\n this.stream.write('>');\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write('');\n } else {\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write(options.spaceBeforeSlash + '/>');\n }\n } else if (options.pretty && childNodeCount === 1 && (firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Text || firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Raw) && (firstChildNode.value != null)) {\n this.stream.write('>');\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n options.suppressPrettyCount++;\n prettySuppressed = true;\n this.writeChildNode(firstChildNode, options, level + 1);\n options.suppressPrettyCount--;\n prettySuppressed = false;\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write('');\n } else {\n this.stream.write('>' + this.endline(node, options, level));\n options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;\n ref1 = node.children;\n for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) {\n child = ref1[j];\n this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);\n }\n options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;\n this.stream.write(this.indent(node, options, level) + '');\n }\n this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));\n options.state = WriterState.None;\n return this.closeNode(node, options, level);\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.processingInstruction = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.processingInstruction.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.raw = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.raw.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.text = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.text.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.dtdAttList = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.dtdAttList.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.dtdElement = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.dtdElement.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.dtdEntity = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.dtdEntity.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n XMLStreamWriter.prototype.dtdNotation = function(node, options, level) {\n return this.stream.write(XMLStreamWriter.__super__.dtdNotation.call(this, node, options, level));\n };\n\n return XMLStreamWriter;\n\n })(XMLWriterBase);\n\n}).call(this);\n","// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7\n(function() {\n \"use strict\";\n var bom, defaults, events, isEmpty, processItem, processors, sax, setImmediate,\n bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },\n extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },\n hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n sax = require('sax');\n\n events = require('events');\n\n bom = require('./bom');\n\n processors = require('./processors');\n\n setImmediate = require('timers').setImmediate;\n\n defaults = require('./defaults').defaults;\n\n isEmpty = function(thing) {\n return typeof thing === \"object\" && (thing != null) && Object.keys(thing).length === 0;\n };\n\n processItem = function(processors, item, key) {\n var i, len, process;\n for (i = 0, len = processors.length; i < len; i++) {\n process = processors[i];\n item = process(item, key);\n }\n return item;\n };\n\n exports.Parser = (function(superClass) {\n extend(Parser, superClass);\n\n function Parser(opts) {\n this.parseStringPromise = bind(this.parseStringPromise, this);\n this.parseString = bind(this.parseString, this);\n this.reset = bind(this.reset, this);\n this.assignOrPush = bind(this.assignOrPush, this);\n this.processAsync = bind(this.processAsync, this);\n var key, ref, value;\n if (!(this instanceof exports.Parser)) {\n return new exports.Parser(opts);\n }\n this.options = {};\n ref = defaults[\"0.2\"];\n for (key in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, key)) continue;\n value = ref[key];\n this.options[key] = value;\n }\n for (key in opts) {\n if (!hasProp.call(opts, key)) continue;\n value = opts[key];\n this.options[key] = value;\n }\n if (this.options.xmlns) {\n this.options.xmlnskey = this.options.attrkey + \"ns\";\n }\n if (this.options.normalizeTags) {\n if (!this.options.tagNameProcessors) {\n this.options.tagNameProcessors = [];\n }\n this.options.tagNameProcessors.unshift(processors.normalize);\n }\n this.reset();\n }\n\n Parser.prototype.processAsync = function() {\n var chunk, err;\n try {\n if (this.remaining.length <= this.options.chunkSize) {\n chunk = this.remaining;\n this.remaining = '';\n this.saxParser = this.saxParser.write(chunk);\n return this.saxParser.close();\n } else {\n chunk = this.remaining.substr(0, this.options.chunkSize);\n this.remaining = this.remaining.substr(this.options.chunkSize, this.remaining.length);\n this.saxParser = this.saxParser.write(chunk);\n return setImmediate(this.processAsync);\n }\n } catch (error1) {\n err = error1;\n if (!this.saxParser.errThrown) {\n this.saxParser.errThrown = true;\n return this.emit(err);\n }\n }\n };\n\n Parser.prototype.assignOrPush = function(obj, key, newValue) {\n if (!(key in obj)) {\n if (!this.options.explicitArray) {\n return obj[key] = newValue;\n } else {\n return obj[key] = [newValue];\n }\n } else {\n if (!(obj[key] instanceof Array)) {\n obj[key] = [obj[key]];\n }\n return obj[key].push(newValue);\n }\n };\n\n Parser.prototype.reset = function() {\n var attrkey, charkey, ontext, stack;\n this.removeAllListeners();\n this.saxParser = sax.parser(this.options.strict, {\n trim: false,\n normalize: false,\n xmlns: this.options.xmlns\n });\n this.saxParser.errThrown = false;\n this.saxParser.onerror = (function(_this) {\n return function(error) {\n _this.saxParser.resume();\n if (!_this.saxParser.errThrown) {\n _this.saxParser.errThrown = true;\n return _this.emit(\"error\", error);\n }\n };\n })(this);\n this.saxParser.onend = (function(_this) {\n return function() {\n if (!_this.saxParser.ended) {\n _this.saxParser.ended = true;\n return _this.emit(\"end\", _this.resultObject);\n }\n };\n })(this);\n this.saxParser.ended = false;\n this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY = this.options.explicitCharkey;\n this.resultObject = null;\n stack = [];\n attrkey = this.options.attrkey;\n charkey = this.options.charkey;\n this.saxParser.onopentag = (function(_this) {\n return function(node) {\n var key, newValue, obj, processedKey, ref;\n obj = Object.create(null);\n obj[charkey] = \"\";\n if (!_this.options.ignoreAttrs) {\n ref = node.attributes;\n for (key in ref) {\n if (!hasProp.call(ref, key)) continue;\n if (!(attrkey in obj) && !_this.options.mergeAttrs) {\n obj[attrkey] = Object.create(null);\n }\n newValue = _this.options.attrValueProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.attrValueProcessors, node.attributes[key], key) : node.attributes[key];\n processedKey = _this.options.attrNameProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.attrNameProcessors, key) : key;\n if (_this.options.mergeAttrs) {\n _this.assignOrPush(obj, processedKey, newValue);\n } else {\n obj[attrkey][processedKey] = newValue;\n }\n }\n }\n obj[\"#name\"] = _this.options.tagNameProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.tagNameProcessors, node.name) : node.name;\n if (_this.options.xmlns) {\n obj[_this.options.xmlnskey] = {\n uri: node.uri,\n local: node.local\n };\n }\n return stack.push(obj);\n };\n })(this);\n this.saxParser.onclosetag = (function(_this) {\n return function() {\n var cdata, emptyStr, key, node, nodeName, obj, objClone, old, s, xpath;\n obj = stack.pop();\n nodeName = obj[\"#name\"];\n if (!_this.options.explicitChildren || !_this.options.preserveChildrenOrder) {\n delete obj[\"#name\"];\n }\n if (obj.cdata === true) {\n cdata = obj.cdata;\n delete obj.cdata;\n }\n s = stack[stack.length - 1];\n if (obj[charkey].match(/^\\s*$/) && !cdata) {\n emptyStr = obj[charkey];\n delete obj[charkey];\n } else {\n if (_this.options.trim) {\n obj[charkey] = obj[charkey].trim();\n }\n if (_this.options.normalize) {\n obj[charkey] = obj[charkey].replace(/\\s{2,}/g, \" \").trim();\n }\n obj[charkey] = _this.options.valueProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.valueProcessors, obj[charkey], nodeName) : obj[charkey];\n if (Object.keys(obj).length === 1 && charkey in obj && !_this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY) {\n obj = obj[charkey];\n }\n }\n if (isEmpty(obj)) {\n if (typeof _this.options.emptyTag === 'function') {\n obj = _this.options.emptyTag();\n } else {\n obj = _this.options.emptyTag !== '' ? _this.options.emptyTag : emptyStr;\n }\n }\n if (_this.options.validator != null) {\n xpath = \"/\" + ((function() {\n var i, len, results;\n results = [];\n for (i = 0, len = stack.length; i < len; i++) {\n node = stack[i];\n results.push(node[\"#name\"]);\n }\n return results;\n })()).concat(nodeName).join(\"/\");\n (function() {\n var err;\n try {\n return obj = _this.options.validator(xpath, s && s[nodeName], obj);\n } catch (error1) {\n err = error1;\n return _this.emit(\"error\", err);\n }\n })();\n }\n if (_this.options.explicitChildren && !_this.options.mergeAttrs && typeof obj === 'object') {\n if (!_this.options.preserveChildrenOrder) {\n node = Object.create(null);\n if (_this.options.attrkey in obj) {\n node[_this.options.attrkey] = obj[_this.options.attrkey];\n delete obj[_this.options.attrkey];\n }\n if (!_this.options.charsAsChildren && _this.options.charkey in obj) {\n node[_this.options.charkey] = obj[_this.options.charkey];\n delete obj[_this.options.charkey];\n }\n if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length > 0) {\n node[_this.options.childkey] = obj;\n }\n obj = node;\n } else if (s) {\n s[_this.options.childkey] = s[_this.options.childkey] || [];\n objClone = Object.create(null);\n for (key in obj) {\n if (!hasProp.call(obj, key)) continue;\n objClone[key] = obj[key];\n }\n s[_this.options.childkey].push(objClone);\n delete obj[\"#name\"];\n if (Object.keys(obj).length === 1 && charkey in obj && !_this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY) {\n obj = obj[charkey];\n }\n }\n }\n if (stack.length > 0) {\n return _this.assignOrPush(s, nodeName, obj);\n } else {\n if (_this.options.explicitRoot) {\n old = obj;\n obj = Object.create(null);\n obj[nodeName] = old;\n }\n _this.resultObject = obj;\n _this.saxParser.ended = true;\n return _this.emit(\"end\", _this.resultObject);\n }\n };\n })(this);\n ontext = (function(_this) {\n return function(text) {\n var charChild, s;\n s = stack[stack.length - 1];\n if (s) {\n s[charkey] += text;\n if (_this.options.explicitChildren && _this.options.preserveChildrenOrder && _this.options.charsAsChildren && (_this.options.includeWhiteChars || text.replace(/\\\\n/g, '').trim() !== '')) {\n s[_this.options.childkey] = s[_this.options.childkey] || [];\n charChild = {\n '#name': '__text__'\n };\n charChild[charkey] = text;\n if (_this.options.normalize) {\n charChild[charkey] = charChild[charkey].replace(/\\s{2,}/g, \" \").trim();\n }\n s[_this.options.childkey].push(charChild);\n }\n return s;\n }\n };\n })(this);\n this.saxParser.ontext = ontext;\n return this.saxParser.oncdata = (function(_this) {\n return function(text) {\n var s;\n s = ontext(text);\n if (s) {\n return s.cdata = true;\n }\n };\n })(this);\n };\n\n Parser.prototype.parseString = function(str, cb) {\n var err;\n if ((cb != null) && typeof cb === \"function\") {\n this.on(\"end\", function(result) {\n this.reset();\n return cb(null, result);\n });\n this.on(\"error\", function(err) {\n this.reset();\n return cb(err);\n });\n }\n try {\n str = str.toString();\n if (str.trim() === '') {\n this.emit(\"end\", null);\n return true;\n }\n str = bom.stripBOM(str);\n if (this.options.async) {\n this.remaining = str;\n setImmediate(this.processAsync);\n return this.saxParser;\n }\n return this.saxParser.write(str).close();\n } catch (error1) {\n err = error1;\n if (!(this.saxParser.errThrown || this.saxParser.ended)) {\n this.emit('error', err);\n return this.saxParser.errThrown = true;\n } else if (this.saxParser.ended) {\n throw err;\n }\n }\n };\n\n Parser.prototype.parseStringPromise = function(str) {\n return new Promise((function(_this) {\n return function(resolve, reject) {\n return _this.parseString(str, function(err, value) {\n if (err) {\n return reject(err);\n } else {\n return resolve(value);\n }\n });\n };\n })(this));\n };\n\n return Parser;\n\n })(events);\n\n exports.parseString = function(str, a, b) {\n var cb, options, parser;\n if (b != null) {\n if (typeof b === 'function') {\n cb = b;\n }\n if (typeof a === 'object') {\n options = a;\n }\n } else {\n if (typeof a === 'function') {\n cb = a;\n }\n options = {};\n }\n parser = new exports.Parser(options);\n return parser.parseString(str, cb);\n };\n\n exports.parseStringPromise = function(str, a) {\n var options, parser;\n if (typeof a === 'object') {\n options = a;\n }\n parser = new exports.Parser(options);\n return parser.parseStringPromise(str);\n };\n\n}).call(this);\n",";(function (sax) { // wrapper for non-node envs\n sax.parser = function (strict, opt) { return new SAXParser(strict, opt) }\n sax.SAXParser = SAXParser\n sax.SAXStream = SAXStream\n sax.createStream = createStream\n\n // When we pass the MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH position, start checking for buffer overruns.\n // When we check, schedule the next check for MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - (max(buffer lengths)),\n // since that's the earliest that a buffer overrun could occur. This way, checks are\n // as rare as required, but as often as necessary to ensure never crossing this bound.\n // Furthermore, buffers are only tested at most once per write(), so passing a very\n // large string into write() might have undesirable effects, but this is manageable by\n // the caller, so it is assumed to be safe. Thus, a call to write() may, in the extreme\n // edge case, result in creating at most one complete copy of the string passed in.\n // Set to Infinity to have unlimited buffers.\n sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 64 * 1024\n\n var buffers = [\n 'comment', 'sgmlDecl', 'textNode', 'tagName', 'doctype',\n 'procInstName', 'procInstBody', 'entity', 'attribName',\n 'attribValue', 'cdata', 'script'\n ]\n\n sax.EVENTS = [\n 'text',\n 'processinginstruction',\n 'sgmldeclaration',\n 'doctype',\n 'comment',\n 'opentagstart',\n 'attribute',\n 'opentag',\n 'closetag',\n 'opencdata',\n 'cdata',\n 'closecdata',\n 'error',\n 'end',\n 'ready',\n 'script',\n 'opennamespace',\n 'closenamespace'\n ]\n\n function SAXParser (strict, opt) {\n if (!(this instanceof SAXParser)) {\n return new SAXParser(strict, opt)\n }\n\n var parser = this\n clearBuffers(parser)\n parser.q = parser.c = ''\n parser.bufferCheckPosition = sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH\n parser.opt = opt || {}\n parser.opt.lowercase = parser.opt.lowercase || parser.opt.lowercasetags\n parser.looseCase = parser.opt.lowercase ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase'\n parser.tags = []\n parser.closed = parser.closedRoot = parser.sawRoot = false\n parser.tag = parser.error = null\n parser.strict = !!strict\n parser.noscript = !!(strict || parser.opt.noscript)\n parser.state = S.BEGIN\n parser.strictEntities = parser.opt.strictEntities\n parser.ENTITIES = parser.strictEntities ? Object.create(sax.XML_ENTITIES) : Object.create(sax.ENTITIES)\n parser.attribList = []\n\n // namespaces form a prototype chain.\n // it always points at the current tag,\n // which protos to its parent tag.\n if (parser.opt.xmlns) {\n parser.ns = Object.create(rootNS)\n }\n\n // mostly just for error reporting\n parser.trackPosition = parser.opt.position !== false\n if (parser.trackPosition) {\n parser.position = parser.line = parser.column = 0\n }\n emit(parser, 'onready')\n }\n\n if (!Object.create) {\n Object.create = function (o) {\n function F () {}\n F.prototype = o\n var newf = new F()\n return newf\n }\n }\n\n if (!Object.keys) {\n Object.keys = function (o) {\n var a = []\n for (var i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) a.push(i)\n return a\n }\n }\n\n function checkBufferLength (parser) {\n var maxAllowed = Math.max(sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, 10)\n var maxActual = 0\n for (var i = 0, l = buffers.length; i < l; i++) {\n var len = parser[buffers[i]].length\n if (len > maxAllowed) {\n // Text/cdata nodes can get big, and since they're buffered,\n // we can get here under normal conditions.\n // Avoid issues by emitting the text node now,\n // so at least it won't get any bigger.\n switch (buffers[i]) {\n case 'textNode':\n closeText(parser)\n break\n\n case 'cdata':\n emitNode(parser, 'oncdata', parser.cdata)\n parser.cdata = ''\n break\n\n case 'script':\n emitNode(parser, 'onscript', parser.script)\n parser.script = ''\n break\n\n default:\n error(parser, 'Max buffer length exceeded: ' + buffers[i])\n }\n }\n maxActual = Math.max(maxActual, len)\n }\n // schedule the next check for the earliest possible buffer overrun.\n var m = sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - maxActual\n parser.bufferCheckPosition = m + parser.position\n }\n\n function clearBuffers (parser) {\n for (var i = 0, l = buffers.length; i < l; i++) {\n parser[buffers[i]] = ''\n }\n }\n\n function flushBuffers (parser) {\n closeText(parser)\n if (parser.cdata !== '') {\n emitNode(parser, 'oncdata', parser.cdata)\n parser.cdata = ''\n }\n if (parser.script !== '') {\n emitNode(parser, 'onscript', parser.script)\n parser.script = ''\n }\n }\n\n SAXParser.prototype = {\n end: function () { end(this) },\n write: write,\n resume: function () { this.error = null; return this },\n close: function () { return this.write(null) },\n flush: function () { flushBuffers(this) }\n }\n\n var Stream\n try {\n Stream = require('stream').Stream\n } catch (ex) {\n Stream = function () {}\n }\n\n var streamWraps = sax.EVENTS.filter(function (ev) {\n return ev !== 'error' && ev !== 'end'\n })\n\n function createStream (strict, opt) {\n return new SAXStream(strict, opt)\n }\n\n function SAXStream (strict, opt) {\n if (!(this instanceof SAXStream)) {\n return new SAXStream(strict, opt)\n }\n\n Stream.apply(this)\n\n this._parser = new SAXParser(strict, opt)\n this.writable = true\n this.readable = true\n\n var me = this\n\n this._parser.onend = function () {\n me.emit('end')\n }\n\n this._parser.onerror = function (er) {\n me.emit('error', er)\n\n // if didn't throw, then means error was handled.\n // go ahead and clear error, so we can write again.\n me._parser.error = null\n }\n\n this._decoder = null\n\n streamWraps.forEach(function (ev) {\n Object.defineProperty(me, 'on' + ev, {\n get: function () {\n return me._parser['on' + ev]\n },\n set: function (h) {\n if (!h) {\n me.removeAllListeners(ev)\n me._parser['on' + ev] = h\n return h\n }\n me.on(ev, h)\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false\n })\n })\n }\n\n SAXStream.prototype = Object.create(Stream.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: SAXStream\n }\n })\n\n SAXStream.prototype.write = function (data) {\n if (typeof Buffer === 'function' &&\n typeof Buffer.isBuffer === 'function' &&\n Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {\n if (!this._decoder) {\n var SD = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder\n this._decoder = new SD('utf8')\n }\n data = this._decoder.write(data)\n }\n\n this._parser.write(data.toString())\n this.emit('data', data)\n return true\n }\n\n SAXStream.prototype.end = function (chunk) {\n if (chunk && chunk.length) {\n this.write(chunk)\n }\n this._parser.end()\n return true\n }\n\n SAXStream.prototype.on = function (ev, handler) {\n var me = this\n if (!me._parser['on' + ev] && streamWraps.indexOf(ev) !== -1) {\n me._parser['on' + ev] = function () {\n var args = arguments.length === 1 ? [arguments[0]] : Array.apply(null, arguments)\n args.splice(0, 0, ev)\n me.emit.apply(me, args)\n }\n }\n\n return Stream.prototype.on.call(me, ev, handler)\n }\n\n // this really needs to be replaced with character classes.\n // XML allows all manner of ridiculous numbers and digits.\n var CDATA = '[CDATA['\n var DOCTYPE = 'DOCTYPE'\n var XML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'\n var XMLNS_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'\n var rootNS = { xml: XML_NAMESPACE, xmlns: XMLNS_NAMESPACE }\n\n // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-NameStartChar\n // This implementation works on strings, a single character at a time\n // as such, it cannot ever support astral-plane characters (10000-EFFFF)\n // without a significant breaking change to either this parser, or the\n // JavaScript language. Implementation of an emoji-capable xml parser\n // is left as an exercise for the reader.\n var nameStart = /[:_A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD]/\n\n var nameBody = /[:_A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040.\\d-]/\n\n var entityStart = /[#:_A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD]/\n var entityBody = /[#:_A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040.\\d-]/\n\n function isWhitespace (c) {\n return c === ' ' || c === '\\n' || c === '\\r' || c === '\\t'\n }\n\n function isQuote (c) {\n return c === '\"' || c === '\\''\n }\n\n function isAttribEnd (c) {\n return c === '>' || isWhitespace(c)\n }\n\n function isMatch (regex, c) {\n return regex.test(c)\n }\n\n function notMatch (regex, c) {\n return !isMatch(regex, c)\n }\n\n var S = 0\n sax.STATE = {\n BEGIN: S++, // leading byte order mark or whitespace\n BEGIN_WHITESPACE: S++, // leading whitespace\n TEXT: S++, // general stuff\n TEXT_ENTITY: S++, // & and such.\n OPEN_WAKA: S++, // <\n SGML_DECL: S++, // \n SCRIPT: S++, //