import { tmpdir } from "os" import { execRootSync } from "admina" import { error, info } from "ci-log" import { readFile, writeFile } from "fs/promises" import { DownloaderHelper } from "node-downloader-helper" import { dirname, join } from "patha" import { hasNala, installAptPack, qualifiedNeededAptPackage } from "setup-apt" import which from "which" import { isUbuntu } from "../utils/env/isUbuntu.js" let binDir: string | undefined // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars export async function setupNala(version: string, _setupDir: string, _arch: string) { if (!isUbuntu()) { return undefined } if (typeof binDir === "string") { return { binDir } } const maybeBinDir = which.sync("nala", { nothrow: true }) if (maybeBinDir !== null) { binDir = dirname(maybeBinDir) return { binDir } } await installAptPack([{ name: "python3-apt" }]) binDir = "/usr/bin" // eslint-disable-line require-atomic-updates // If nala is available in the default repositories, install it try { const nalaPack = await qualifiedNeededAptPackage({ name: "nala", version }) if (nalaPack !== undefined) { await installAptPack([{ name: nalaPack }]) return { binDir } } } catch (err) { // ignore info(`Failed to install nala: ${err}`) } // Nala is not available in the default repositories // Check if the legacy version is available try { const nalaLegacyPack = await qualifiedNeededAptPackage({ name: "nala-legacy" }) if (nalaLegacyPack !== undefined) { await installAptPack([{ name: nalaLegacyPack }], true) return { binDir } } } catch (err) { // ignore info(`Failed to install nala-legacy: ${err}`) } // Install via the installer script await setupNalaViaInstaller() return { binDir } } async function setupNalaViaInstaller() { const installer = new DownloaderHelper( "", tmpdir(), { fileName: "" }, ) installer.on("error", (err) => { throw new Error(`Failed to download ${err}`) }) await installer.start() const installerPath = join(tmpdir(), "") // Patch the installer script to not use sudo explicitly const script = await readFile(installerPath, "utf8") await writeFile(installerPath, script.replace(/sudo/g, "")) await installAptPack([{ name: "wget" }]) try { execRootSync("bash", [installerPath]) } catch (err) { error(`Failed to install nala via installer: ${err}`) execRootSync("apt", ["install", "-y", "-t", "nala", "nala"]) } } export function bashWithNala(script: string) { if (hasNala()) { return `apt-get() { nala $@; }; export -f apt-get; ${script}; unset -f apt-get` } return script }