import { defaultExecOptions, execRootSync } from "admina" import { info, warning } from "ci-log" import escapeRegex from "escape-string-regexp" import { type ExecaError, execa } from "execa" import which from "which" import { type AddAptKeyOptions, addAptKey } from "./apt-key.js" import { isAptPackInstalled } from "./is-installed.js" import { updateAptRepos } from "./update.js" /** * The information about an installation result */ export type InstallationInfo = { /** The install dir of the package (Defaults to `undefined`) */ installDir?: string /** The bin dir of the package (Defaults to `/usr/bin`) */ binDir: string /** The bin path of the package (Defaults to `undefined`) */ bin?: string } /* eslint-disable require-atomic-updates */ let didUpdate: boolean = false let didInit: boolean = false /** * The timeout to use for apt commands * Wait up to 300 seconds if the apt-get lock is held * @private Used internally */ export const aptTimeout = "Dpkg::Lock::Timeout=300" /** * The information about an apt package */ export type AptPackage = { /** The name of the package */ name: string /** The version of the package (optional) */ version?: string /** The repository to add before installing the package (optional) */ repository?: string /** The key to add before installing the package (optional) */ key?: AddAptKeyOptions } const retryErrors = [ "E: Could not get lock", "dpkg: error processing archive", "dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process", ] /** * Install a package using apt * * @param packages The packages to install (name, and optional info like version and repositories) * @param update Whether to update the package list before installing (Defaults to `false`) * * @returns The installation information * * @example * ```ts * await installAptPack([{ name: "ca-certificates" }, { name: "gnupg" }]) * ``` * * @example * ```ts await installAptPack([ { name: "gcc", version, repository: "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test", key: { key: "1E9377A2BA9EF27F", fileName: "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test.gpg" }, }, ]) * ``` */ export async function installAptPack(packages: AptPackage[], update = false): Promise { const apt: string = getApt() for (const { name, version } of packages) { info(`Installing ${name} ${version ?? ""} via ${apt}`) } // Update the repos if needed if (update) { updateAptRepos(apt) didUpdate = true } // Add the repos if needed await addRepositories(apt, packages) const needToInstall = await filterAndQualifyAptPackages(apt, packages) if (needToInstall.length === 0) { info("All packages are already installed") return { binDir: "/usr/bin/" } } // Initialize apt if needed if (!didInit) { await initApt(apt) didInit = true } try { // Add the keys if needed await addAptKeys(packages) // Install execRootSync(apt, ["install", "--fix-broken", "-y", ...needToInstall], { ...defaultExecOptions, env: getAptEnv(apt), }) } catch (err) { if (isExecaError(err)) { if (retryErrors.some((error) => err.stderr.includes(error))) { warning(`Failed to install packages ${needToInstall}. Retrying...`) execRootSync( apt, ["install", "--fix-broken", "-y", "-o", aptTimeout, ...needToInstall], { ...defaultExecOptions, env: getAptEnv(apt) }, ) } } else { throw err } } return { binDir: "/usr/bin/" } } async function addAptKeys(packages: AptPackage[]) { await Promise.all( (pack) => { if (pack.key !== undefined) { await addAptKey(pack.key) } })) } function isExecaError(err: unknown): err is ExecaError { return typeof (err as ExecaError).stderr === "string" } /** * Check if nala is installed */ export function hasNala() { return which.sync("nala", { nothrow: true }) !== null } /** * Get the apt command to use * If nala is installed, use that, otherwise use apt-get */ export function getApt() { let apt: string if (hasNala()) { apt = "nala" } else { apt = "apt-get" } return apt } /** * Get the environment variables to use for the apt command * @param apt The apt command to use * @private Used internally */ export function getAptEnv(apt: string) { const env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = { ...process.env, DEBIAN_FRONTEND: "noninteractive" } if (apt === "nala") { // if LANG/LC_ALL is not set, enable utf8 otherwise nala fails because of ASCII encoding if (env.LANG === undefined) { env.LANG = "C.UTF-8" } if (env.LC_ALL === undefined) { env.LC_ALL = "C.UTF-8" } } return env } /** * The type of apt package to install */ export enum AptPackageType { NameDashVersion = 0, NameEqualsVersion = 1, Name = 2, None = 3, } /** * Filter out the packages that are already installed and qualify the packages into a full package name/version */ async function filterAndQualifyAptPackages(apt: string, packages: AptPackage[]) { return (await Promise.all( => qualifiedNeededAptPackage(apt, pack)))) .filter((pack) => pack !== undefined) } async function qualifiedNeededAptPackage(apt: string, pack: AptPackage) { // Qualify the packages into full package name/version const qualified = await getAptArg(apt,, pack.version) // filter out the packages that are already installed return (await isAptPackInstalled(qualified)) ? undefined : qualified } async function addRepositories(apt: string, packages: AptPackage[]) { const allRepositories = [ Set(packages.flatMap((pack) => pack.repository ?? []))] if (allRepositories.length !== 0) { if (!didInit) { await initApt(apt) didInit = true } await installAddAptRepo(apt) for (const repo of allRepositories) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop execRootSync("add-apt-repository", ["-y", "--no-update", repo], { ...defaultExecOptions, env: getAptEnv(apt) }) } updateAptRepos(apt) didUpdate = true } } async function aptPackageType(apt: string, name: string, version: string | undefined): Promise { if (version !== undefined && version !== "") { const { stdout } = await execa("apt-cache", [ "search", "--names-only", `^${escapeRegex(name)}-${escapeRegex(version)}$`, ], { env: getAptEnv(apt), stdio: "pipe" }) if (stdout.trim() !== "") { return AptPackageType.NameDashVersion } try { // check if apt-get show can find the version // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow const { stdout } = await execa("apt-cache", ["show", `${name}=${version}`], { env: getAptEnv(apt) }) if (stdout.trim() === "") { return AptPackageType.NameEqualsVersion } } catch { // ignore } } try { const { stdout: showStdout } = await execa("apt-cache", ["show", name], { env: getAptEnv(apt), stdio: "pipe" }) if (showStdout.trim() !== "") { return AptPackageType.Name } } catch { // ignore } // If apt-cache fails, update the repos and try again if (!didUpdate) { updateAptRepos(getApt()) didUpdate = true return aptPackageType(apt, name, version) } return AptPackageType.None } async function getAptArg(apt: string, name: string, version: string | undefined) { const package_type = await aptPackageType(apt, name, version) switch (package_type) { case AptPackageType.NameDashVersion: return `${name}-${version}` case AptPackageType.NameEqualsVersion: return `${name}=${version}` case AptPackageType.Name: if (version !== undefined && version !== "") { warning(`Could not find package ${name} with version ${version}. Installing the latest version.`) } return name default: throw new Error(`Could not find package ${name} ${version ?? ""}`) } } async function installAddAptRepo(apt: string) { if (await isAptPackInstalled("software-properties-common")) { return } execRootSync( apt, ["install", "-y", "--fix-broken", "-o", aptTimeout, "software-properties-common"], { ...defaultExecOptions, env: getAptEnv(apt) }, ) } /** Install gnupg and certificates (usually missing from docker containers) */ async function initApt(apt: string) { // Update the repos if needed if (!didUpdate) { updateAptRepos(apt) didUpdate = true } const toInstall = await filterAndQualifyAptPackages(apt, [ { name: "ca-certificates" }, { name: "gnupg" }, { name: "apt-utils" }, ]) if (toInstall.length !== 0) { execRootSync(apt, ["install", "-y", "--fix-broken", "-o", aptTimeout, ...toInstall], { ...defaultExecOptions, env: getAptEnv(apt), }) } }