#### Base Image FROM ubuntu:22.04 as setup-cpp-ubuntu-mingw COPY "./dist/legacy" "/usr/lib/setup-cpp/" RUN apt-get update -qq && \ # install nodejs apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends nodejs npm && \ # install the compiler and tools node /usr/lib/setup-cpp/setup-cpp.js \ --nala true \ --compiler mingw \ --cmake true \ --ninja true \ --task true \ --vcpkg true \ --python true \ --make true \ --cppcheck true \ --gcovr true \ --doxygen true \ --ccache true \ --powerchell true && \ # cleanup nala autoremove -y && \ nala autopurge -y && \ apt-get clean && \ nala clean --lists && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ rm -rf /tmp/* ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"] #### Cross Building (example) FROM setup-cpp-ubuntu-mingw AS builder COPY ./dev/cpp_vcpkg_project /home/app WORKDIR /home/app RUN bash -c 'source ~/.cpprc \ && task build_cross_mingw'