> Setup brew and brew packages
## Install
npm install --save setup-brew
## Usage
### `InstallationInfo` (type)
The information about an installation result
### `SetupBrewOptions` (type)
### `setupBrew` (function)
- options (`SetupBrewOptions`)
**returns:** Promise
### `getBrewBinDir` (function)
Get the path where brew is installed
**returns:** "/opt/homebrew/bin/" | "/usr/local/bin/" | "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/"
### `BrewPackOptions` (type)
### `installBrewPack` (function)
A function that installs a package using brew
- name (`string`) - The name of the package
- version (`string`) - The version of the package (optional)
- options - The options for installing the package
- givenOptions (`BrewPackOptions`)
**returns:** Promise
## 🤝 Contributing
You can sponsor my work here:
Pull requests, issues and feature requests are welcome.
See the [Contributing guide](https://github.com/aminya/setup-cpp/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).