#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable node/shebang */ import { GITHUB_ACTIONS, isCI } from "ci-info" import { error, info, success, warning } from "ci-log" import * as numerous from "numerous" import numerousLocale from "numerous/locales/en.js" import * as timeDelta from "time-delta" import timeDeltaLocale from "time-delta/locales/en.js" import { untildifyUser } from "untildify-user" import { checkUpdates } from "./check-updates" import { parseArgs, printHelp } from "./cli-options" import { installCompiler } from "./compilers" import { finalizeCpprc } from "./utils/env/addEnv" import { isArch } from "./utils/env/isArch" import { ubuntuVersion } from "./utils/env/ubuntu_version" import { setupPacmanPack } from "./utils/setup/setupPacmanPack" import { syncVersions } from "./versions/versions" import { installTool } from "./installTool" import { tools } from "./tool" /** The main entry function */ async function main(args: string[]): Promise { let checkUpdatePromise = Promise.resolve() if (!GITHUB_ACTIONS) { checkUpdatePromise = checkUpdates() process.env.ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS = "true" } // parse options using mri or github actions const opts = parseArgs(args) // print help if (opts.help) { printHelp() } // cpu architecture const arch = opts.architecture ?? process.arch // the installation dir for the tools that are downloaded directly const setupCppDir = process.env.SETUP_CPP_DIR ?? untildifyUser("") // report messages const successMessages: string[] = [] const errorMessages: string[] = [] const timeFormatter = timeDelta.create({ autoloadLocales: true }) timeDelta.addLocale(timeDeltaLocale as timeDelta.Locale) numerous.addLocale(numerousLocale as numerous.Locale) let time1: number let time2: number // installing the specified tools const osVersion = await ubuntuVersion() // sync the version for the llvm tools if (!syncVersions(opts, ["llvm", "clangtidy", "clangformat"])) { error("The same version must be used for llvm, clangformat and clangtidy") return 1 } if (isArch() && typeof opts.cppcheck === "string" && typeof opts.gcovr === "string") { info("installing python-pygments to avoid conflicts with cppcheck and gcovr on Arch linux") await setupPacmanPack("python-pygments") } /** Used to unset CPPFLAGS of LLVM when other compilers are used as the main compiler */ let hasLLVM = false // loop over the tools and run their setup function let failedFast = false for (const tool of tools) { // fail fast inside CI when any tool fails if (isCI) { if (errorMessages.length !== 0) { failedFast = true break } } // get the version or "true" or undefined for this tool from the options const version = opts[tool] // skip if undefined if (version !== undefined) { // running the setup function for this tool time1 = Date.now() // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop hasLLVM = await installTool( tool, version, osVersion, arch, setupCppDir, successMessages, errorMessages, parseFloat(opts.timeout ?? "20") * 60 * 1000, ) time2 = Date.now() info(`took ${timeFormatter.format(time1, time2) || "0 seconds"}`) } } if (!failedFast) { // installing the specified compiler const maybeCompiler = opts.compiler if (maybeCompiler !== undefined) { const time1Compiler = Date.now() await installCompiler(maybeCompiler, osVersion, setupCppDir, arch, successMessages, hasLLVM, errorMessages) const time2Compiler = Date.now() info(`took ${timeFormatter.format(time1Compiler, time2Compiler) || "0 seconds"}`) } } await finalizeCpprc() if (successMessages.length === 0 && errorMessages.length === 0) { warning("setup-cpp was called without any arguments. Nothing to do.") return 0 } // report the messages in the end successMessages.forEach((tool) => success(tool)) errorMessages.forEach((tool) => error(tool)) info("setup-cpp finished") if (!GITHUB_ACTIONS) { switch (process.platform) { case "win32": { warning("Run `RefreshEnv.cmd` or restart your shell to update the environment.") break } case "linux": case "darwin": { warning("Run `source ~/.cpprc` or restart your shell to update the environment.") break } default: { // nothing } } } await checkUpdatePromise return errorMessages.length === 0 ? 0 : 1 // exit with non-zero if any error message } // Run main main(process.argv) .then((ret) => { process.exitCode = ret }) .catch((err) => { error("main() panicked!") error(err as string | Error) process.exitCode = 1 })