import * as execa from "execa" import which from "which" /** The cached powershell path */ let powershell: string | undefined /** * Asynchronously execute a powershell command. * * @param command The powershell command to execute * @param startupFlags The optional startup flags to be passed to powershell. Defaults to `["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", * "-NonInteractive"]`. This means that the Powershell profile is not sourced first. * @param execOptions The options passed to `execa`. Defaults to `{ stdio: "inherit" }` * @returns A promise to the execution result * @note It prefers `pwsh` over `powershell` */ export function execPowershell( command: string, startupFlags: string[] = ["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", "-NonInteractive"], execOptions: execa.Options = { stdio: "inherit" } ): execa.ExecaChildProcess { return execa.execa(getPowerShell(), [...startupFlags, "-c", command], execOptions) } /** * Execute a powershell command. * * @param command The powershell command to execute * @param startupFlags The optional startup flags to be passed to powershell. Defaults to `["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", * "-NonInteractive"]`. This means that the Powershell profile is not sourced first. * @param execOptions The options passed to `execa`. Defaults to `{ stdio: "inherit" }` * @returns The execution result * @note It prefers `pwsh` over `powershell` */ export function execPowershellSync( command: string, startupFlags: string[] = ["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", "-NonInteractive"], execOptions: execa.SyncOptions = { stdio: "inherit" } ): execa.ExecaSyncReturnValue { return execa.execaSync(getPowerShell(), [...startupFlags, "-c", command], execOptions) } /** * Get the path to the powershell executable. * * @note It prefers `pwsh` over `powershell` * @note It caches the path for the subsequent calls to this function */ export function getPowerShell() { if (powershell === undefined) { const maybePwsh = which.sync("pwsh", { nothrow: true }) if (maybePwsh !== null) { powershell = maybePwsh } const maybePowerShell = which.sync("powershell", { nothrow: true }) if (maybePowerShell !== null) { powershell = maybePowerShell } } if (powershell === undefined) { throw new Error("Could not find powershell") } return powershell }