import path, { join } from "path" import { fileURLToPath } from "url" import ciInfo from "ci-info" const { GITHUB_ACTIONS } = ciInfo import { info } from "ci-log" import { addEnv, addPath } from "envosman" import { pathExists } from "path-exists" import { addExeExt } from "patha" import semverCoerce from "semver/functions/coerce.js" import semverSatisfies from "semver/functions/satisfies.js" import { installAptPack } from "setup-apt" import { rcOptions } from "../cli-options.js" import { loadAssetList, matchAsset } from "../utils/asset/load-assets.js" import { hasDnf } from "../utils/env/hasDnf.js" import { isArch } from "../utils/env/isArch.js" import { isUbuntu } from "../utils/env/isUbuntu.js" import { extract7Zip } from "../utils/setup/extract.js" import { type InstallationInfo, type PackageInfo, setupBin } from "../utils/setup/setupBin.js" import { setupChocoPack } from "../utils/setup/setupChocoPack.js" import { setupDnfPack } from "../utils/setup/setupDnfPack.js" import { setupPacmanPack } from "../utils/setup/setupPacmanPack.js" import { addGccLoggingMatcher } from "./gccMatcher.js" const dirname = typeof __dirname === "string" ? __dirname : path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) export async function setupMingw(version: string, setupDir: string, arch: string) { let installationInfo: InstallationInfo | undefined switch (process.platform) { case "win32": { if (arch === "arm" || arch === "arm64") { installationInfo = await setupChocoPack("gcc-arm-embedded", version) } try { installationInfo = await setupBin("g++", version, getMinGWPackageInfo, setupDir, arch) } catch (err) { info(`Failed to download g++ binary. ${err}. Falling back to chocolatey.`) installationInfo = await setupChocoMingw(version, arch) } break } case "linux": { if (isArch()) { installationInfo = await setupPacmanPack("mingw-w64-gcc", version) } else if (hasDnf()) { installationInfo = await setupDnfPack([{ name: "mingw64-gcc", version }]) } else if (isUbuntu()) { installationInfo = await installAptPack([ { name: "mingw-w64", version, repository: "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test", key: { key: "1E9377A2BA9EF27F", fileName: "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test.gpg" }, }, ]) } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported Linux distro for ${arch}`) } break } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported platform for ${arch}`) } } if (installationInfo !== undefined) { await activateMinGW(installationInfo.binDir) } return installationInfo } async function setupChocoMingw(version: string, arch: string): Promise { await setupChocoPack("mingw", version) let binDir: string | undefined if (arch === "x64" && (await pathExists("C:/tools/mingw64/bin"))) { binDir = "C:/tools/mingw64/bin" await addPath(binDir, rcOptions) } else if (arch === "ia32" && (await pathExists("C:/tools/mingw32/bin"))) { binDir = "C:/tools/mingw32/bin" await addPath(binDir, rcOptions) } else if (await pathExists(`${process.env.ChocolateyInstall ?? "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey"}/bin/g++.exe`)) { binDir = `${process.env.ChocolateyInstall ?? "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey"}/bin` } if (binDir !== undefined) { return { binDir } } return undefined } export async function getMinGWPackageInfo( version: string, platform: NodeJS.Platform, arch: string, ): Promise { if (platform !== "win32") { throw new Error(`Unsupported platform '${platform}'`) } const mingwAssets = await loadAssetList( join(dirname, "github_brechtsanders_winlibs_mingw.json"), ) const mingwArchMap = { x64: "x86_64", ia32: "i386", } as Record const runtime = extractMinGWRuntime(version) const threadModel = extractMinGWThreadModel(version) const exceptionModel = extractMingwExceptionModel(version) const asset = matchAsset( mingwAssets, { version, keywords: [ mingwArchMap[arch] ?? arch, ], filterName: (assetName) => { return (runtime === undefined || runtime === extractMinGWRuntime(assetName)) && (threadModel === undefined || threadModel === extractMinGWThreadModel(assetName)) && (exceptionModel === undefined || exceptionModel === extractMingwExceptionModel(assetName)) }, versionSatisfies: (assetVersion, versionRange) => { // extract the base version by coercing the version const assetCoerce = semverCoerce(assetVersion) if (assetCoerce === null) { throw new Error(`Invalid MinGW asset version: '${assetVersion}'`) } // if the asset version is satisfied by the version // and the runtime and thread model match or not specified return semverSatisfies(assetCoerce, versionRange) && (runtime === undefined || runtime === extractMinGWRuntime(assetVersion)) && (threadModel === undefined || threadModel === extractMinGWThreadModel(assetVersion)) }, }, ) if (asset === undefined) { throw new Error(`No asset found for version ${version} and arch ${arch}`) } return { binRelativeDir: "bin/", binFileName: addExeExt("g++"), extractedFolderName: "mingw64", extractFunction: extract7Zip, url: `${asset.tag}/${}`, } } /** * Extract the runtime used by the MinGW asset/version * @param input The input to extract the runtime from * * @example * extractMinGWRuntime("14.2.0posix-18.1.8-12.0.0-ucrt-r1") // "ucrt" * extractMinGWRuntime("10.5.0-11.0.1-msvcrt-r2") // "msvcrt" * extractMinGWRuntime("11.1.0-12.0.0-9.0.0-r1") // undefined */ function extractMinGWRuntime(input: string) { const match = input.match(/(ucrt|msvcrt)/) return match !== null ? match[1] : undefined } /** * Extract the thread model used by the MinGW asset/version * @param input The input to extract the thread model from * * @example * extractMinGWThreadModel("14.2.0posix-18.1.8-12.0.0-ucrt-r1") // "posix" * extractMinGWThreadModel("14.2.0mcf-12.0.0-ucrt-r1") // "mcf" * extractMinGWThreadModel("10.5.0-11.0.1-msvcrt-r2") // undefined * extractMinGWThreadModel("11.1.0-12.0.0-9.0.0-r1") // undefined */ function extractMinGWThreadModel(input: string) { const match = input.match(/(posix|mcf)/) return match !== null ? match[1] : undefined } /** * Extract the exception model used by the MinGW asset/version * * @param input The input to extract the exception model from * * @example * extractMingwExceptionModel("14.2.0posix-18.1.8-12.0.0-ucrt-r1") // "seh" * extractMingwExceptionModel("14.2.0mcf-12.0.0-ucrt-r1") // undefined * extractMingwExceptionModel("10.5.0-11.0.1-msvcrt-r2") // "dwarf" */ function extractMingwExceptionModel(input: string) { const match = input.match(/(seh|dwarf)/) return match !== null ? match[1] : undefined } async function activateMinGW(binDir: string) { const promises: Promise[] = [] if (process.platform === "win32") { promises.push( addEnv("CC", addExeExt(`${binDir}/gcc`), rcOptions), addEnv("CXX", addExeExt(`${binDir}/g++`), rcOptions), ) } // TODO add update-alternatives for Ubuntu // Setting up g++-mingw-w64-i686-win32 (10.3.0-14ubuntu1+24.3) ... // update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++-win32 to provide /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++ (i686-w64-mingw32-g++) in auto mode // Setting up g++-mingw-w64-x86-64-win32 (10.3.0-14ubuntu1+24.3) ... // update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-win32 to provide /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ (x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++) in auto mode if (GITHUB_ACTIONS) { await addGccLoggingMatcher() } await Promise.all(promises) }