import { setupBazel } from "./bazel/bazel.js" import { setupBrew } from "./brew/brew.js" import { setupCcache } from "./ccache/ccache.js" import { setupChocolatey } from "./chocolatey/chocolatey.js" import { setupCmake } from "./cmake/cmake.js" import { setupConan } from "./conan/conan.js" import { setupCppcheck } from "./cppcheck/cppcheck.js" import { setupDoxygen } from "./doxygen/doxygen.js" import { setupGcc } from "./gcc/gcc.js" import { setupGcovr } from "./gcovr/gcovr.js" import { setupGraphviz } from "./graphviz/graphviz.js" import { setupKcov } from "./kcov/kcov.js" import { setupClangFormat, setupClangTools, setupLLVM } from "./llvm/llvm.js" import { setupMake } from "./make/make.js" import { setupMeson } from "./meson/meson.js" import { setupMSVC } from "./msvc/msvc.js" import { setupNala } from "./nala/nala.js" import { setupNinja } from "./ninja/ninja.js" import { setupOpencppcoverage } from "./opencppcoverage/opencppcoverage.js" import { setupPowershell } from "./powershell/powershell.js" import { setupPython } from "./python/python.js" import { setupSccache } from "./sccache/sccache.js" import { setupSevenZip } from "./sevenzip/sevenzip.js" import { setupTask } from "./task/task.js" import { setupVcpkg } from "./vcpkg/vcpkg.js" import { setupVCVarsall } from "./vcvarsall/vcvarsall.js" /** The setup functions */ export const setups = { nala: setupNala, cmake: setupCmake, ninja: setupNinja, python: setupPython, vcpkg: setupVcpkg, bazel: setupBazel, conan: setupConan, meson: setupMeson, gcovr: setupGcovr, opencppcoverage: setupOpencppcoverage, llvm: setupLLVM, gcc: setupGcc, choco: setupChocolatey, brew: setupBrew, powershell: setupPowershell, ccache: setupCcache, sccache: setupSccache, doxygen: setupDoxygen, graphviz: setupGraphviz, cppcheck: setupCppcheck, clangtidy: setupClangTools, clangformat: setupClangFormat, msvc: setupMSVC, vcvarsall: setupVCVarsall, kcov: setupKcov, make: setupMake, task: setupTask, sevenzip: setupSevenZip, } export type ToolName = keyof typeof setups /** The tools that can be installed */ export const tools = Object.keys(setups) as Array /** The possible inputs to the program */ export type Inputs = keyof typeof setups | "compiler" | "architecture" | "timeout" /** ‌ an array of possible inputs */ export const inputs: Array = ["compiler", "architecture", "timeout",]