> Run a powershell command.
## Install
npm install --save exec-powershell
## Usage
### `execPowershell` (function)
Asynchronously execute a powershell command.
- command (`string`) - The powershell command to execute
- startupFlags (`string[]`) - The optional startup flags to be passed to powershell. Defaults to `["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", "-NonInteractive"]`. This means that the Powershell profile is not sourced first.
- execOptions (`Options`) - The options passed to `execa`. Defaults to `{ stdio: "inherit" }`
**returns:** ExecaChildProcess
### `execPowershellSync` (function)
Execute a powershell command.
- command (`string`) - The powershell command to execute
- startupFlags (`string[]`) - The optional startup flags to be passed to powershell. Defaults to `["-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", "-NonInteractive"]`. This means that the Powershell profile is not sourced first.
- execOptions (`SyncOptions`) - The options passed to `execa`. Defaults to `{ stdio: "inherit" }`
**returns:** ExecaReturnBase
### `getPowerShell` (function)
Get the path to the powershell executable.
**returns:** string
## 🤝 Contributing
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See the [Contributing guide](https://github.com/aminya/setup-cpp/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).