use crate::get_book_dir; use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand}; use mdbook::errors::Result; use mdbook::MDBook; // Create clap subcommand arguments pub fn make_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("test") .about("Tests that a book's Rust code samples compile") .arg_from_usage( "-d, --dest-dir=[dest-dir] 'Output directory for the book{n}\ Relative paths are interpreted relative to the book's root directory.{n}\ If omitted, mdBook uses from book.toml or defaults to `./book`.'", ) .arg_from_usage( "[dir] 'Root directory for the book{n}\ (Defaults to the Current Directory when omitted)'", ) .arg(Arg::with_name("library-path") .short("L") .long("library-path") .value_name("dir") .takes_value(true) .require_delimiter(true) .multiple(true) .empty_values(false) .help("A comma-separated list of directories to add to {n}the crate search path when building tests")) } // test command implementation pub fn execute(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let library_paths: Vec<&str> = args .values_of("library-path") .map(std::iter::Iterator::collect) .unwrap_or_default(); let book_dir = get_book_dir(args); let mut book = MDBook::load(&book_dir)?; if let Some(dest_dir) = args.value_of("dest-dir") { = dest_dir.into(); } book.test(library_paths)?; Ok(()) }