/// Tests which exercise the overall application, in particular the `MDBook` /// initialization and build/rendering process. /// /// This will create an entire book in a temporary directory using some /// dummy content. extern crate mdbook; extern crate tempdir; extern crate env_logger; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use tempdir::TempDir; use mdbook::MDBook; const SUMMARY_MD: &'static str = "# Summary [Introduction](intro.md) - [First Chapter](./first/index.md) - [Nested Chapter](./first/nested.md) - [Second Chapter](./second.md) [Conclusion](./conclusion.md) "; const INTRO: &'static str = "# Introduction Here's some interesting text..."; const FIRST: &'static str = "# First Chapter more text."; const NESTED: &'static str = r#"# Nested Chapter This file has some testable code. ```rust assert!($TEST_STATUS); ```"#; const SECOND: &'static str = "# Second Chapter"; const CONCLUSION: &'static str = "# Conclusion"; #[test] fn build_the_dummy_book() { let temp = create_book(true); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.build().unwrap(); } #[test] fn mdbook_can_correctly_test_a_passing_book() { let temp = create_book(true); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); assert!(md.test().is_ok()); } #[test] fn mdbook_detects_book_with_failing_tests() { let temp = create_book(false); let mut md: MDBook = MDBook::new(temp.path()); assert!(md.test().is_err()); } #[test] fn by_default_mdbook_generates_rendered_content_in_the_book_directory() { let temp = create_book(false); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); assert!(!temp.path().join("book").exists()); md.build().unwrap(); assert!(temp.path().join("book").exists()); assert!(temp.path().join("book").join("index.html").exists()); } #[test] fn make_sure_bottom_level_files_contain_links_to_chapters() { let temp = create_book(false); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.build().unwrap(); let dest = temp.path().join("book"); let links = vec![ "intro.html", "first/index.html", "first/nested.html", "second.html", "conclusion.html", ]; let files_in_bottom_dir = vec!["index.html", "intro.html", "second.html", "conclusion.html"]; for filename in files_in_bottom_dir { assert_contains_strings(dest.join(filename), &links); } } #[test] fn check_correct_cross_links_in_nested_dir() { let temp = create_book(false); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.build().unwrap(); let first = temp.path().join("book").join("first"); let links = vec![ r#""#, "intro.html", "first/index.html", "first/nested.html", "second.html", "conclusion.html", ]; let files_in_nested_dir = vec!["index.html", "nested.html"]; for filename in files_in_nested_dir { assert_contains_strings(first.join(filename), &links); } } #[test] fn run_mdbook_init() { let created_files = vec!["book", "src", "src/SUMMARY.md", "src/chapter_1.md"]; let temp = TempDir::new("mdbook").unwrap(); for file in &created_files { assert!(!temp.path().join(file).exists()); } let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.init().unwrap(); for file in &created_files { assert!(temp.path().join(file).exists(), "{} doesn't exist", file); } } #[test] fn rendered_code_has_playpen_stuff() { let temp = create_book(true); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.build().unwrap(); let nested = temp.path().join("book/first/nested.html"); let playpen_class = vec![r#"class="playpen""#]; assert_contains_strings(nested, &playpen_class); let book_js = temp.path().join("book/book.js"); assert_contains_strings(book_js, &[".playpen"]); } #[test] fn chapter_content_appears_in_rendered_document() { let content = vec![ ("index.html", "Here's some interesting text"), ("second.html", "Second Chapter"), ("first/nested.html", "testable code"), ("first/index.html", "more text"), ("conclusion.html", "Conclusion"), ]; let temp = create_book(true); let mut md = MDBook::new(temp.path()); md.build().unwrap(); let destination = temp.path().join("book"); for (filename, text) in content { let path = destination.join(filename); assert_contains_strings(path, &[text]); } } /// Create a dummy book in a temporary directory, using the contents of /// `SUMMARY_MD` as a guide. /// /// The "Nested Chapter" file contains a code block with a single /// `assert!($TEST_STATUS)`. If you want to check MDBook's testing /// functionality, `$TEST_STATUS` can be substitute for either `true` or /// `false`. This is done using the `passing_test` parameter. fn create_book(passing_test: bool) -> TempDir { let temp = TempDir::new("dummy_book").unwrap(); let src = temp.path().join("src"); fs::create_dir_all(&src).unwrap(); File::create(src.join("SUMMARY.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(SUMMARY_MD.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); File::create(src.join("intro.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(INTRO.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); let first = src.join("first"); fs::create_dir_all(&first).unwrap(); File::create(first.join("index.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(FIRST.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); let to_substitute = if passing_test { "true" } else { "false" }; let nested_text = NESTED.replace("$TEST_STATUS", to_substitute); File::create(first.join("nested.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(nested_text.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); File::create(src.join("second.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(SECOND.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); File::create(src.join("conclusion.md")) .unwrap() .write_all(CONCLUSION.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); temp } /// Read the contents of the provided file into memory and then iterate through /// the list of strings asserting that the file contains all of them. fn assert_contains_strings>(filename: P, strings: &[&str]) { println!("Checking {}", filename.as_ref().display()); println!(); let mut content = String::new(); File::open(filename) .expect("Couldn't open the provided file") .read_to_string(&mut content) .unwrap(); println!("{}", content); println!(); println!(); for s in strings { println!("Checking for {:?}", s); assert!(content.contains(s)); } }