# The serve command The `serve` command is useful when you want to preview your book. It also does hot reloading of the webpage whenever a file changes. It achieves this by serving the books content over `localhost:3000` (unless otherwise configured, see below) and runs a websocket server on `localhost:3001` which triggers the reloads. This preferred by many for writing books with mdbook because it allows for you to see the result of your work instantly after every file change. #### Specify a directory Like `watch`, `serve` can take a directory as argument to use instead of the current working directory. ```bash mdbook serve path/to/book ``` #### Server options `serve` has four options: the http port, the websocket port, the interface to serve on, and the public address of the server so that the browser may reach the websocket server. For example: suppose you had an nginx server for SSL termination which has a public address of on port 80 and proxied that to on port 8000. To run use the nginx proxy do: ```bash mdbook server path/to/book -p 8000 -i -a ``` If you were to want live reloading for this you would need to proxy the websocket calls through nginx as well from `` to ``. The `-w` flag allows for the websocket port to be configured. ----- ***note:*** *the `serve` command has not gotten a lot of testing yet, there could be some rough edges. If you discover a problem, please report it [on Github](https://github.com/azerupi/mdBook/issues)* ***note***: