# Syntax Highlights ## apache ```apache # rewrite`s rules for wordpress pretty url LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . index.php [NC,L] ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 1 days" Order Deny,Allow Allow from All RewriteMap map txt:map.txt RewriteMap lower int:tolower RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([^/.]+)\.html$ [NC] RewriteCond ${map:${lower:%1}|NOT_FOUND} !NOT_FOUND RewriteRule .? /index.php?q=${map:${lower:%1}} [NC,L] - - [20/Aug/2015:22:20:18 -0400] "GET /mywebpage/index.php HTTP/1.1" 403 772 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.220 Safari/535.1" ``` ## armasm ```armasm .data /* Data segment: define our message string and calculate its length. */ msg: .ascii "Hello, ARM!\n" len = . - msg .text /* Our application's entry point. */ .globl _start _start: /* syscall write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) */ mov %r0, $1 /* fd := STDOUT_FILENO */ ldr %r1, =msg /* buf := msg */ ldr %r2, =len /* count := len */ mov %r7, $4 /* write is syscall #4 */ swi $0 /* invoke syscall */ /* syscall exit(int status) */ mov %r0, $0 /* status := 0 */ mov %r7, $1 /* exit is syscall #1 */ swi $0 /* invoke syscall */ ``` ## bash ``` #!/bin/bash ###### CONFIG ACCEPTED_HOSTS="/root/.hag_accepted.conf" BE_VERBOSE=false if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Superuser rights required" exit 2 fi genApacheConf(){ echo -e "# Host ${HOME_DIR}$1/$2 :" } echo '"quoted"' | tr -d \" > text.txt ``` ## c ```c #include void main(int argc,char ** argv){ printf("Hello World!"); } ``` ## coffeescript ```coffeescript grade = (student, period=(if b? then 7 else 6)) -> if student.excellentWork "A+" else if student.okayStuff if student.triedHard then "B" else "B-" else "C" class Animal extends Being constructor: (@name) -> move: (meters) -> alert @name + " moved #{meters}m." ``` ## cpp ```cpp #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World!" << endl; // This prints Hello, World! return 0; } ``` ## csharp ```csharp using System; class App { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); } } ``` ## css ```css @font-face { font-family: Chunkfive; src: url('Chunkfive.otf'); } body, .usertext { color: #f0f0f0; background: #600; font-family: Chunkfive, sans; --heading-1: 30px/32px Helvetica, sans-serif; } @import url(print.css); @media print { a[href^='http']::after { content: attr(href); } } ``` ## d ```d /* This program prints a hello world message to the console. */ import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, World!"); } ``` ## diff ```diff Index: languages/ini.js =================================================================== --- languages/ini.js (revision 199) +++ languages/ini.js (revision 200) @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ hljs.LANGUAGES.ini = { case_insensitive: true, - defaultMode: - { + defaultMode: { contains: ['comment', 'title', 'setting'], illegal: '[^\\s]' }, *** /path/to/original timestamp --- /path/to/new timestamp *************** *** 1,3 **** --- 1,9 ---- + This is an important + notice! It should + therefore be located at + the beginning of this + document! ! compress the size of the ! changes. It is important to spell ``` ## go ```go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World!") } ``` ## handlebars ```handlebars
{{! only show if author exists }} {{#if author}}

{{firstName}} {{lastName}}

``` ## haskell ```haskell main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello World!" ``` ## http ```http POST /task?id=1 HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 137 { "status": "ok", "extended": true, "results": [ {"value": 0, "type": "int64"}, {"value": 1.0e+3, "type": "decimal"} ] } ``` ## ini ```ini ; boilerplate [package] name = "some_name" authors = ["Author"] description = "This is \ a description" [[lib]] name = ${NAME} default = True auto = no counter = 1_000 ``` ## java ```java class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } ``` ## javascript ```javascript function $initHighlight(block, cls) { try { if (cls.search(/\bno\-highlight\b/) != -1) return process(block, true, 0x0F) + ` class="${cls}"`; } catch (e) { /* handle exception */ } for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) { if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined) console.log('undefined'); } return (
) } export $initHighlight; ``` ## json ```json [ { "title": "apples", "count": [12000, 20000], "description": { "text": "...", "sensitive": false } }, { "title": "oranges", "count": [17500, null], "description": { "text": "...", "sensitive": false } } ] ``` ## julia ```julia # function to calculate the volume of a sphere function sphere_vol(r) # julia allows Unicode names (in UTF-8 encoding) # so either "pi" or the symbol π can be used return 4/3*pi*r^3 end # functions can also be defined more succinctly quadratic(a, sqr_term, b) = (-b + sqr_term) / 2a # calculates x for 0 = a*x^2+b*x+c, arguments types can be defined in function definitions function quadratic2(a::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64) # unlike other languages 2a is equivalent to 2*a # a^2 is used instead of a**2 or pow(a,2) sqr_term = sqrt(b^2-4a*c) r1 = quadratic(a, sqr_term, b) r2 = quadratic(a, -sqr_term, b) # multiple values can be returned from a function using tuples # if the return keyword is omitted, the last term is returned r1, r2 end vol = sphere_vol(3) ``` ## kotlin ```kotlin package org.kotlinlang.play fun main() { println("Hello, World!") } ``` ## less ```less @import 'fruits'; @rhythm: 1.5em; @media screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) { body { font-size: 125%; } } section > .foo + #bar:hover [href*='less'] { margin: @rhythm 0 0 @rhythm; padding: calc(5% + 20px); background: #f00ba7 url(http://placehold.alpha-centauri/42.png) no-repeat; background-image: linear-gradient(-135deg, wheat, fuchsia) !important ; background-blend-mode: multiply; } @font-face { font-family: /* ? */ 'Omega'; src: url('../fonts/omega-webfont.woff?v=2.0.2'); } .icon-baz::before { display: inline-block; font-family: 'Omega', Alpha, sans-serif; content: '\f085'; color: rgba(98, 76 /* or 54 */, 231, 0.75); } ``` ## lua ```lua --[[ Simple signal/slot implementation ]] local signal_mt = { __index = { register = table.insert } } function signal_mt.__index:emit(... --[[ Comment in params ]]) for _, slot in ipairs(self) do slot(self, ...) end end local function create_signal() return setmetatable({}, signal_mt) end -- Signal test local signal = create_signal() signal:register(function(signal, ...) print(...) end) signal:emit('Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything:', 42) --[==[ [=[ [[ Nested ]] multi-line ]=] comment ]==] [==[ Nested [=[ multi-line [[ string ]] ]=] ]==] ``` ## makefile ```makefile # Makefile BUILDDIR = _build EXTRAS ?= $(BUILDDIR)/extras .PHONY: main clean main: @echo "Building main facility..." build_main $(BUILDDIR) clean: rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/* ``` ## markdown ```markdown # hello world you can write text [with links](http://example.com) inline or [link references][1]. - one _thing_ has *em*phasis - two **things** are **bold** [1]: http://example.com --- # hello world > markdown is so cool so are code segments 1. one thing (yeah!) 2. two thing `i can write code`, and `more` wipee! ``` ## nginx ```nginx user www www; worker_processes 2; pid /var/run/nginx.pid; error_log /var/log/nginx.error_log debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit; events { connections 2000; use kqueue | rtsig | epoll | /dev/poll | select | poll; } http { log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" ' '"$gzip_ratio"'; send_timeout 3m; client_header_buffer_size 1k; gzip on; gzip_min_length 1100; #lingering_time 30; server { server_name one.example.com www.one.example.com; access_log /var/log/nginx.access_log main; rewrite (.*) /index.php?page=$1 break; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; charset koi8-r; } location /api/ { fastcgi_pass; } location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|gif)$ { root /spool/www; } } } ``` ## objectivec ```objectivec #import int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @mylak { NSLog(@"Hello World!"); } return 0; } ``` ## perl ```perl print "Hello World!\n"; ``` ## php ```php ``` ## plaintext ```plaintext I think this is simply plain text? Hello World! ``` ## properties ```properties # .properties ! Exclamation mark = comments, too key1 = value1 key2 : value2 key3 value3 key\ spaces multiline\ value4 empty_key ! Key can contain escaped chars \:\= = value5 ``` ## python ```python @requires_authorization(roles=["ADMIN"]) def somefunc(param1='', param2=0): r'''A docstring''' if param1 > param2: # interesting print 'Gre\'ater' return (param2 - param1 + 1 + 0b10l) or None class SomeClass: pass >>> message = '''interpreter ... prompt''' ``` ## r ```r require(stats) #' Compute different averages #' #' @param x \code{numeric} vector of sample data #' @param type \code{character} vector of length 1 specifying the average type #' @return \code{centre} returns the sample average according to the chosen method. #' @examples #' centre(rcauchy(10), "mean") #' @export centre <- function(x, type) { switch(type, mean = mean(x), median = median(x), trimmed = mean(x, trim = .1)) } x <- rcauchy(10) centre(x, "mean") library(ggplot2) models <- tibble::tribble( ~model_name, ~ formula, "length-width", Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Petal.Length, "interaction", Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width * Petal.Length ) iris %>% nest_by(Species) %>% left_join(models, by = character()) %>% rowwise(Species, model_name) %>% mutate(model = list(lm(formula, data = data))) %>% summarise(broom::glance(model)) ``` ## ruby ```ruby # The Greeter class class Greeter def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def salute puts "Hello #{@name}!" end end g = Greeter.new("world") g.salute ``` ## rust ```rust fn main()->(){ println!("Hello World!"); } ``` ## scala ```scala /** * A person has a name and an age. */ case class Person(name: String, age: Int) abstract class Vertical extends CaseJeu case class Haut(a: Int) extends Vertical case class Bas(name: String, b: Double) extends Vertical sealed trait Ior[+A, +B] case class Left[A](a: A) extends Ior[A, Nothing] case class Right[B](b: B) extends Ior[Nothing, B] case class Both[A, B](a: A, b: B) extends Ior[A, B] trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] } // beware Int.MinValue def absoluteValue(n: Int): Int = if (n < 0) -n else n def interp(n: Int): String = s"there are $n ${color} balloons.\n" type ξ[A] = (A, A) trait Hist { lhs => def ⊕(rhs: Hist): Hist } def gsum[A: Ring](as: Seq[A]): A = as.foldLeft(Ring[A].zero)(_ + _) val actions: List[Symbol] = 'init :: 'read :: 'write :: 'close :: Nil ``` ## scss ```scss import "compass/reset"; // variables $colorGreen: #008000; $colorGreenDark: darken($colorGreen, 10); @mixin container { max-width: 980px; } // mixins with parameters @mixin button($color:green) { @if ($color == green) { background-color: #008000; } @else if ($color == red) { background-color: #B22222; } } button { @include button(red); } div, .navbar, #header, input[type="input"] { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; width: auto; margin: 0 auto; display: block; } .row-12 > [class*="spans"] { border-left: 1px solid #B5C583; } ``` ## shell ```shell $ echo $EDITOR vim $ git checkout main Switched to branch 'main' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'. $ git push Everything up-to-date $ echo 'All > done!' All done! ``` ## sql ```sql CREATE TABLE "topic" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "forum_id" integer NOT NULL, "subject" varchar(255) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE "topic" ADD CONSTRAINT forum_id FOREIGN KEY ("forum_id") REFERENCES "forum" ("id"); -- Initials insert into "topic" ("forum_id", "subject") values (2, 'D''artagnian'); ``` ## swift ```swift import Foundation @objc class Person: Entity { var name: String! var age: Int! init(name: String, age: Int) { /* /* ... */ */ } // Return a descriptive string for this person func description(offset: Int = 0) -> String { return "\(name) is \(age + offset) years old" } } ``` ## typescript ```typescript class MyClass { public static myValue: string; constructor(init: string) { this.myValue = init; } } import fs = require("fs"); module MyModule { export interface MyInterface extends Other { myProperty: any; } } declare magicNumber number; myArray.forEach(() => { }); // fat arrow syntax ``` ## x86asm ```x86asm section .text extern _MessageBoxA@16 %if __NASM_VERSION_ID__ >= 0x02030000 safeseh handler ; register handler as "safe handler" %endif handler: push dword 1 ; MB_OKCANCEL push dword caption push dword text push dword 0 call _MessageBoxA@16 sub eax,1 ; incidentally suits as return value ; for exception handler ret global _main _main: push dword handler push dword [fs:0] mov dword [fs:0], esp xor eax,eax mov eax, dword[eax] ; cause exception pop dword [fs:0] ; disengage exception handler add esp, 4 ret avx2: vzeroupper push rbx mov rbx, rsp sub rsp, 0h20 vmovdqa ymm0, [rcx] vpaddb ymm0, [rdx] leave ret text: db 'OK to rethrow, CANCEL to generate core dump',0 caption:db 'SEGV',0 section .drectve info db '/defaultlib:user32.lib /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib ' ``` ## xml ```xml Title


``` ## yaml ```yaml --- # comment string_1: "Bar" string_2: 'bar' string_3: bar inline_keys_ignored: sompath/name/file.jpg keywords_in_yaml: - true - false - TRUE - FALSE - 21 - 21.0 - !!str 123 "quoted_key": &foobar bar: foo foo: "foo": bar reference: *foobar multiline_1: | Multiline String multiline_2: > Multiline String multiline_3: " Multiline string " ansible_variables: "foo {{variable}}" array_nested: - a - b: 1 c: 2 - b - comment ```