(Refactor) Move mdbook.rs to mod.rs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::process::Command;
use {BookConfig, BookItem, theme, parse, utils};
use book::BookItems;
use renderer::{Renderer, HtmlHandlebars};
pub struct MDBook {
root: PathBuf,
dest: PathBuf,
src: PathBuf,
pub title: String,
pub author: String,
pub description: String,
pub content: Vec<BookItem>,
renderer: Box<Renderer>,
#[cfg(feature = "serve")]
livereload: Option<String>,
impl MDBook {
/// Create a new `MDBook` struct with root directory `root`
/// - The default source directory is set to `root/src`
/// - The default output directory is set to `root/book`
/// They can both be changed by using [`set_src()`](#method.set_src) and [`set_dest()`](#method.set_dest)
pub fn new(root: &Path) -> MDBook {
if !root.exists() || !root.is_dir() {
output!("{:?} No directory with that name", root);
MDBook {
root: root.to_owned(),
dest: root.join("book"),
src: root.join("src"),
title: String::new(),
author: String::new(),
description: String::new(),
content: vec![],
renderer: Box::new(HtmlHandlebars::new()),
livereload: None,
/// Returns a flat depth-first iterator over the elements of the book, it returns an [BookItem enum](bookitem.html):
/// `(section: String, bookitem: &BookItem)`
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate mdbook;
/// # use mdbook::MDBook;
/// # use mdbook::BookItem;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("mybook"));
/// for item in book.iter() {
/// match item {
/// &BookItem::Chapter(ref section, ref chapter) => {},
/// &BookItem::Affix(ref chapter) => {},
/// &BookItem::Spacer => {},
/// }
/// }
/// // would print something like this:
/// // 1. Chapter 1
/// // 1.1 Sub Chapter
/// // 1.2 Sub Chapter
/// // 2. Chapter 2
/// //
/// // etc.
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn iter(&self) -> BookItems {
BookItems {
items: &self.content[..],
current_index: 0,
stack: Vec::new(),
/// `init()` creates some boilerplate files and directories to get you started with your book.
/// ```text
/// book-test/
/// ├── book
/// └── src
/// ├── chapter_1.md
/// └── SUMMARY.md
/// ```
/// It uses the paths given as source and output directories and adds a `SUMMARY.md` and a
/// `chapter_1.md` to the source directory.
pub fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: init");
if !self.root.exists() {
output!("{:?} created", &self.root);
if !self.dest.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", self.dest);
if !self.src.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", self.src);
let summary = self.src.join("SUMMARY.md");
if !summary.exists() {
// Summary does not exist, create it
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create SUMMARY.md", self.src.join("SUMMARY.md"));
let mut f = try!(File::create(&self.src.join("SUMMARY.md")));
debug!("[*]: Writing to SUMMARY.md");
try!(writeln!(f, "# Summary"));
try!(writeln!(f, ""));
try!(writeln!(f, "- [Chapter 1](./chapter_1.md)"));
// parse SUMMARY.md, and create the missing item related file
debug!("[*]: constructing paths for missing files");
for item in self.iter() {
debug!("[*]: item: {:?}", item);
match *item {
BookItem::Spacer => continue,
BookItem::Chapter(_, ref ch) |
BookItem::Affix(ref ch) => {
if ch.path != PathBuf::new() {
let path = self.src.join(&ch.path);
if !path.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create file", path);
let mut f = try!(File::create(path));
// debug!("[*]: Writing to {:?}", path);
try!(writeln!(f, "# {}", ch.name));
debug!("[*]: init done");
pub fn create_gitignore(&self) {
let gitignore = self.get_gitignore();
if !gitignore.exists() {
// Gitignore does not exist, create it
// Because of `src/book/mdbook.rs#L37-L39`, `dest` will always start with `root`. If it
// is not, `strip_prefix` will return an Error.
if !self.get_dest().starts_with(&self.root) {
let relative = self.get_dest()
.expect("Destination is not relative to root.");
let relative = relative.to_str()
.expect("Path could not be yielded into a string slice.");
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create .gitignore", gitignore);
let mut f = File::create(&gitignore).expect("Could not create file.");
debug!("[*]: Writing to .gitignore");
writeln!(f, "{}", relative).expect("Could not write to file.");
/// The `build()` method is the one where everything happens. First it parses `SUMMARY.md` to
/// construct the book's structure in the form of a `Vec<BookItem>` and then calls `render()`
/// method of the current renderer.
/// It is the renderer who generates all the output files.
pub fn build(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: build");
// Clean output directory
pub fn get_gitignore(&self) -> PathBuf {
pub fn copy_theme(&self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: copy_theme");
let theme_dir = self.src.join("theme");
if !theme_dir.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", theme_dir);
// index.hbs
let mut index = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("index.hbs")));
// book.css
let mut css = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("book.css")));
// favicon.png
let mut favicon = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("favicon.png")));
// book.js
let mut js = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("book.js")));
// highlight.css
let mut highlight_css = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("highlight.css")));
// highlight.js
let mut highlight_js = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("highlight.js")));
/// Parses the `book.json` file (if it exists) to extract the configuration parameters.
/// The `book.json` file should be in the root directory of the book.
/// The root directory is the one specified when creating a new `MDBook`
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate mdbook;
/// # use mdbook::MDBook;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("root_dir"));
/// # }
/// ```
/// In this example, `root_dir` will be the root directory of our book and is specified in function
/// of the current working directory by using a relative path instead of an absolute path.
pub fn read_config(mut self) -> Self {
let config = BookConfig::new(&self.root)
self.title = config.title;
self.description = config.description;
self.author = config.author;
self.dest = config.dest;
self.src = config.src;
/// You can change the default renderer to another one by using this method. The only requirement
/// is for your renderer to implement the [Renderer trait](../../renderer/renderer/trait.Renderer.html)
/// ```no_run
/// extern crate mdbook;
/// use mdbook::MDBook;
/// use mdbook::renderer::HtmlHandlebars;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("mybook"))
/// .set_renderer(Box::new(HtmlHandlebars::new()));
/// // In this example we replace the default renderer by the default renderer...
/// // Don't forget to put your renderer in a Box
/// }
/// ```
/// **note:** Don't forget to put your renderer in a `Box` before passing it to `set_renderer()`
pub fn set_renderer(mut self, renderer: Box<Renderer>) -> Self {
self.renderer = renderer;
pub fn test(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// read in the chapters
for item in self.iter() {
match *item {
BookItem::Chapter(_, ref ch) => {
if ch.path != PathBuf::new() {
let path = self.get_src().join(&ch.path);
println!("[*]: Testing file: {:?}", path);
let output_result = Command::new("rustdoc")
let output = try!(output_result);
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(Box::new(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, format!(
String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)))) as Box<Error>);
_ => {},
pub fn get_root(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_dest(mut self, dest: &Path) -> Self {
// Handle absolute and relative paths
match dest.is_absolute() {
true => {
self.dest = dest.to_owned();
false => {
let dest = self.root.join(dest).to_owned();
self.dest = dest;
pub fn get_dest(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_src(mut self, src: &Path) -> Self {
// Handle absolute and relative paths
match src.is_absolute() {
true => {
self.src = src.to_owned();
false => {
let src = self.root.join(src).to_owned();
self.src = src;
pub fn get_src(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_title(mut self, title: &str) -> Self {
self.title = title.to_owned();
pub fn get_title(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_author(mut self, author: &str) -> Self {
self.author = author.to_owned();
pub fn get_author(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_description(mut self, description: &str) -> Self {
self.description = description.to_owned();
pub fn get_description(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_livereload(&mut self, livereload: String) -> &mut Self {
self.livereload = Some(livereload);
pub fn unset_livereload(&mut self) -> &Self {
self.livereload = None;
pub fn get_livereload(&self) -> Option<&String> {
match self.livereload {
Some(ref livereload) => Some(&livereload),
None => None,
// Construct book
fn parse_summary(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// When append becomes stable, use self.content.append() ...
self.content = try!(parse::construct_bookitems(&self.src.join("SUMMARY.md")));
@ -1,7 +1,453 @@
pub mod mdbook;
pub mod bookitem;
pub mod bookconfig;
pub use self::bookitem::{BookItem, BookItems};
pub use self::bookconfig::BookConfig;
pub use self::mdbook::MDBook;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::process::Command;
use {theme, parse, utils};
use renderer::{Renderer, HtmlHandlebars};
pub struct MDBook {
root: PathBuf,
dest: PathBuf,
src: PathBuf,
pub title: String,
pub author: String,
pub description: String,
pub content: Vec<BookItem>,
renderer: Box<Renderer>,
#[cfg(feature = "serve")]
livereload: Option<String>,
impl MDBook {
/// Create a new `MDBook` struct with root directory `root`
/// - The default source directory is set to `root/src`
/// - The default output directory is set to `root/book`
/// They can both be changed by using [`set_src()`](#method.set_src) and [`set_dest()`](#method.set_dest)
pub fn new(root: &Path) -> MDBook {
if !root.exists() || !root.is_dir() {
output!("{:?} No directory with that name", root);
MDBook {
root: root.to_owned(),
dest: root.join("book"),
src: root.join("src"),
title: String::new(),
author: String::new(),
description: String::new(),
content: vec![],
renderer: Box::new(HtmlHandlebars::new()),
livereload: None,
/// Returns a flat depth-first iterator over the elements of the book, it returns an [BookItem enum](bookitem.html):
/// `(section: String, bookitem: &BookItem)`
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate mdbook;
/// # use mdbook::MDBook;
/// # use mdbook::BookItem;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("mybook"));
/// for item in book.iter() {
/// match item {
/// &BookItem::Chapter(ref section, ref chapter) => {},
/// &BookItem::Affix(ref chapter) => {},
/// &BookItem::Spacer => {},
/// }
/// }
/// // would print something like this:
/// // 1. Chapter 1
/// // 1.1 Sub Chapter
/// // 1.2 Sub Chapter
/// // 2. Chapter 2
/// //
/// // etc.
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn iter(&self) -> BookItems {
BookItems {
items: &self.content[..],
current_index: 0,
stack: Vec::new(),
/// `init()` creates some boilerplate files and directories to get you started with your book.
/// ```text
/// book-test/
/// ├── book
/// └── src
/// ├── chapter_1.md
/// └── SUMMARY.md
/// ```
/// It uses the paths given as source and output directories and adds a `SUMMARY.md` and a
/// `chapter_1.md` to the source directory.
pub fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: init");
if !self.root.exists() {
output!("{:?} created", &self.root);
if !self.dest.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", self.dest);
if !self.src.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", self.src);
let summary = self.src.join("SUMMARY.md");
if !summary.exists() {
// Summary does not exist, create it
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create SUMMARY.md", self.src.join("SUMMARY.md"));
let mut f = try!(File::create(&self.src.join("SUMMARY.md")));
debug!("[*]: Writing to SUMMARY.md");
try!(writeln!(f, "# Summary"));
try!(writeln!(f, ""));
try!(writeln!(f, "- [Chapter 1](./chapter_1.md)"));
// parse SUMMARY.md, and create the missing item related file
debug!("[*]: constructing paths for missing files");
for item in self.iter() {
debug!("[*]: item: {:?}", item);
match *item {
BookItem::Spacer => continue,
BookItem::Chapter(_, ref ch) |
BookItem::Affix(ref ch) => {
if ch.path != PathBuf::new() {
let path = self.src.join(&ch.path);
if !path.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create file", path);
let mut f = try!(File::create(path));
// debug!("[*]: Writing to {:?}", path);
try!(writeln!(f, "# {}", ch.name));
debug!("[*]: init done");
pub fn create_gitignore(&self) {
let gitignore = self.get_gitignore();
if !gitignore.exists() {
// Gitignore does not exist, create it
// Because of `src/book/mdbook.rs#L37-L39`, `dest` will always start with `root`. If it
// is not, `strip_prefix` will return an Error.
if !self.get_dest().starts_with(&self.root) {
let relative = self.get_dest()
.expect("Destination is not relative to root.");
let relative = relative.to_str()
.expect("Path could not be yielded into a string slice.");
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create .gitignore", gitignore);
let mut f = File::create(&gitignore).expect("Could not create file.");
debug!("[*]: Writing to .gitignore");
writeln!(f, "{}", relative).expect("Could not write to file.");
/// The `build()` method is the one where everything happens. First it parses `SUMMARY.md` to
/// construct the book's structure in the form of a `Vec<BookItem>` and then calls `render()`
/// method of the current renderer.
/// It is the renderer who generates all the output files.
pub fn build(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: build");
// Clean output directory
pub fn get_gitignore(&self) -> PathBuf {
pub fn copy_theme(&self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
debug!("[fn]: copy_theme");
let theme_dir = self.src.join("theme");
if !theme_dir.exists() {
debug!("[*]: {:?} does not exist, trying to create directory", theme_dir);
// index.hbs
let mut index = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("index.hbs")));
// book.css
let mut css = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("book.css")));
// favicon.png
let mut favicon = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("favicon.png")));
// book.js
let mut js = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("book.js")));
// highlight.css
let mut highlight_css = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("highlight.css")));
// highlight.js
let mut highlight_js = try!(File::create(&theme_dir.join("highlight.js")));
/// Parses the `book.json` file (if it exists) to extract the configuration parameters.
/// The `book.json` file should be in the root directory of the book.
/// The root directory is the one specified when creating a new `MDBook`
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate mdbook;
/// # use mdbook::MDBook;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("root_dir"));
/// # }
/// ```
/// In this example, `root_dir` will be the root directory of our book and is specified in function
/// of the current working directory by using a relative path instead of an absolute path.
pub fn read_config(mut self) -> Self {
let config = BookConfig::new(&self.root)
self.title = config.title;
self.description = config.description;
self.author = config.author;
self.dest = config.dest;
self.src = config.src;
/// You can change the default renderer to another one by using this method. The only requirement
/// is for your renderer to implement the [Renderer trait](../../renderer/renderer/trait.Renderer.html)
/// ```no_run
/// extern crate mdbook;
/// use mdbook::MDBook;
/// use mdbook::renderer::HtmlHandlebars;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut book = MDBook::new(Path::new("mybook"))
/// .set_renderer(Box::new(HtmlHandlebars::new()));
/// // In this example we replace the default renderer by the default renderer...
/// // Don't forget to put your renderer in a Box
/// }
/// ```
/// **note:** Don't forget to put your renderer in a `Box` before passing it to `set_renderer()`
pub fn set_renderer(mut self, renderer: Box<Renderer>) -> Self {
self.renderer = renderer;
pub fn test(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// read in the chapters
for item in self.iter() {
match *item {
BookItem::Chapter(_, ref ch) => {
if ch.path != PathBuf::new() {
let path = self.get_src().join(&ch.path);
println!("[*]: Testing file: {:?}", path);
let output_result = Command::new("rustdoc")
let output = try!(output_result);
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(Box::new(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, format!(
String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)))) as Box<Error>);
_ => {},
pub fn get_root(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_dest(mut self, dest: &Path) -> Self {
// Handle absolute and relative paths
match dest.is_absolute() {
true => {
self.dest = dest.to_owned();
false => {
let dest = self.root.join(dest).to_owned();
self.dest = dest;
pub fn get_dest(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_src(mut self, src: &Path) -> Self {
// Handle absolute and relative paths
match src.is_absolute() {
true => {
self.src = src.to_owned();
false => {
let src = self.root.join(src).to_owned();
self.src = src;
pub fn get_src(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_title(mut self, title: &str) -> Self {
self.title = title.to_owned();
pub fn get_title(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_author(mut self, author: &str) -> Self {
self.author = author.to_owned();
pub fn get_author(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_description(mut self, description: &str) -> Self {
self.description = description.to_owned();
pub fn get_description(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_livereload(&mut self, livereload: String) -> &mut Self {
self.livereload = Some(livereload);
pub fn unset_livereload(&mut self) -> &Self {
self.livereload = None;
pub fn get_livereload(&self) -> Option<&String> {
match self.livereload {
Some(ref livereload) => Some(&livereload),
None => None,
// Construct book
fn parse_summary(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// When append becomes stable, use self.content.append() ...
self.content = try!(parse::construct_bookitems(&self.src.join("SUMMARY.md")));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user