Rewrite of {{#}} links handling in preprocess module

- Replaced link parser with a Regex
- Implemented {{#include}} links
- Will display relatively nice error when cannot open {{#}} linked file
- Escaped links no longer render with escape char
- utils::fs::file_to_path no takes AsRef<Path>
- sorted export/mod in
This commit is contained in:
Michal Budzynski 2017-07-04 01:04:18 +02:00 committed by Michał Budzyński
parent f3f6b40ea9
commit d7ecb1a80c
5 changed files with 198 additions and 158 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ serde_derive = "1.0"
error-chain = "0.10.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
pulldown-cmark = "0.0.14"
lazy_static = "0.2"
log = "0.3"
env_logger = "0.4.0"
toml = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }

View File

@ -71,22 +71,23 @@
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate handlebars;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate log;
extern crate pulldown_cmark;
extern crate regex;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate handlebars;
extern crate pulldown_cmark;
extern crate regex;
extern crate log;
pub mod book;
pub mod config;
mod parse;
mod preprocess;
pub mod book;
pub mod config;
pub mod renderer;
pub mod theme;
pub mod utils;

View File

@ -1,202 +1,240 @@
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use regex::{CaptureMatches, Captures, Regex};
use utils::fs::file_to_string;
use errors::*;
const ESCAPE_CHAR: char = '\\';
pub fn render_playpen<P: AsRef<Path>>(s: &str, path: P) -> String {
pub fn replace_all<P: AsRef<Path>>(s: &str, path: P) -> Result<String> {
// When replacing one thing in a string by something with a different length,
// the indices after that will not correspond,
// we therefore have to store the difference to correct this
let mut previous_end_index = 0;
let mut replaced = String::new();
for playpen in find_playpens(s, path) {
if playpen.escaped {
replaced.push_str(&s[previous_end_index..playpen.start_index - 1]);
previous_end_index = playpen.end_index;
// Check if the file exists
if !playpen.rust_file.exists() || !playpen.rust_file.is_file() {
warn!("[-] No file exists for {{{{#playpen }}}}\n {}", playpen.rust_file.to_str().unwrap());
// Open file & read file
let mut file = if let Ok(f) = File::open(&playpen.rust_file) {
} else {
let mut file_content = String::new();
if file.read_to_string(&mut file_content).is_err() {
let editable = if playpen.editable { ",editable" } else { "" };
let replacement = String::new() + "``` rust" + editable + "\n" + &file_content + "\n```\n";
for playpen in find_links(s) {
previous_end_index = playpen.end_index;
// println!("Playpen{{ {}, {}, {:?}, {} }}", playpen.start_index,
// playpen.end_index, playpen.rust_file,
// playpen.editable);
#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Playpen {
enum LinkType<'a> {
Playpen(PathBuf, Vec<&'a str>),
#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Link<'a> {
start_index: usize,
end_index: usize,
rust_file: PathBuf,
editable: bool,
escaped: bool,
link: LinkType<'a>,
link_text: &'a str,
fn find_playpens<P: AsRef<Path>>(s: &str, base_path: P) -> Vec<Playpen> {
let base_path = base_path.as_ref();
let mut playpens = vec![];
for (i, _) in s.match_indices("{{#playpen") {
debug!("[*]: find_playpen");
impl<'a> Link<'a> {
fn from_capture(cap: Captures<'a>) -> Option<Link<'a>> {
let mut escaped = false;
let link_type = match (cap.get(0), cap.get(1), cap.get(2)) {
(_, Some(typ), Some(rest)) => {
let mut path_props = rest.as_str().split_whitespace();
let file_path =;
let props: Vec<&str> = path_props.collect();
if i > 0 {
if let Some(c) = s[i - 1..].chars().nth(0) {
if c == '\\' {
escaped = true
match (typ.as_str(), file_path) {
("include", Some(pth)) => Some(LinkType::Include(pth)),
("playpen", Some(pth)) => Some(LinkType::Playpen(pth, props)),
_ => None,
// DON'T forget the "+ i" else you have an index out of bounds error !!
let end_i = if let Some(n) = s[i..].find("}}") {
} else {
} + i + 2;
(Some(mat), None, None) if mat.as_str().starts_with(ESCAPE_CHAR) => Some(LinkType::Escaped),
_ => None,
debug!("s[{}..{}] = {}", i, end_i, s[i..end_i].to_string());
// If there is nothing between "{{#playpen" and "}}" skip
if end_i - 2 - (i + 10) < 1 {
if s[i + 10..end_i - 2].trim().is_empty() {
debug!("{}", s[i + 10..end_i - 2].to_string());
// Split on whitespaces
let params: Vec<&str> = s[i + 10..end_i - 2].split_whitespace().collect();
let editable = params
.map(|p| p.find("editable").is_some())
playpens.push(Playpen {
start_index: i,
end_index: end_i,
rust_file: base_path.join(PathBuf::from(params[0])),
editable: editable,
escaped: escaped,
link_type.and_then(|lnk| {
.map(|mat| {
Link {
start_index: mat.start(),
end_index: mat.end(),
link: lnk,
link_text: mat.as_str(),
fn render_with_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, base: P) -> Result<String> {
let base = base.as_ref();
match {
// omit the escape char
LinkType::Escaped => Ok((&self.link_text[1..]).to_owned()),
LinkType::Include(ref pat) => {
file_to_string(base.join(pat)).chain_err(|| format!("Could not read file for link {}", self.link_text))
LinkType::Playpen(ref pat, ref attrs) => {
let contents = file_to_string(base.join(pat))
.chain_err(|| format!("Could not read file for link {}", self.link_text))?;
let ftype = if !attrs.is_empty() { "rust," } else { "rust" };
Ok(format!("```{}{}\n{}\n```\n", ftype, attrs.join(","), contents))
struct LinkIter<'a>(CaptureMatches<'a, 'a>);
impl<'a> Iterator for LinkIter<'a> {
type Item = Link<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Link<'a>> {
for cap in &mut self.0 {
if let Some(inc) = Link::from_capture(cap) {
return Some(inc);
fn find_links(contents: &str) -> LinkIter {
// lazily compute following regex
// r"\\\{\{#.*\}\}|\{\{#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.\-:/\\\s]+)\}\}")?;
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?x) # insignificant whitespace mode
\\\{\{\#.*\}\} # match escaped link
| # or
\{\{\s* # link opening parens and whitespace
\#([a-zA-Z0-9]+) # link type
\s* # separating whitespace
([a-zA-Z0-9\s_.\-:/\\]+) # link target path and space separated properties
\s*\}\} # whitespace and link closing parens
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests
fn test_find_playpens_no_playpen() {
let s = "Some random text without playpen...";
assert!(find_playpens(s, "") == vec![]);
fn test_find_links_no_link() {
let s = "Some random text without link...";
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
fn test_find_playpens_partial_playpen() {
fn test_find_links_partial_link() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpen...";
assert!(find_playpens(s, "") == vec![]);
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
let s = "Some random text with {{#include...";
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
let s = "Some random text with \\{{#include...";
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
fn test_find_playpens_empty_playpen() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpen}} and {{#playpen }}...";
assert!(find_playpens(s, "") == vec![]);
fn test_find_links_empty_link() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpen}} and {{#playpen }} {{}} {{#}}...";
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
fn test_find_playpens_simple_playpen() {
fn test_find_links_unknown_link_type() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpenz}} and {{#incn}} {{baz}} {{#bar}}...";
assert!(find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>() == vec![]);
fn test_find_links_simple_link() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpen}} and {{#playpen }}...";
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", find_playpens(s, ""));
let res = find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", res);
assert!(find_playpens(s, "") ==
vec![Playpen {
start_index: 22,
end_index: 42,
rust_file: PathBuf::from(""),
editable: false,
escaped: false,
Playpen {
start_index: 47,
end_index: 68,
rust_file: PathBuf::from(""),
editable: false,
escaped: false,
vec![Link {
start_index: 22,
end_index: 42,
link: LinkType::Playpen(PathBuf::from(""), vec![]),
link_text: "{{#playpen}}",
Link {
start_index: 47,
end_index: 68,
link: LinkType::Playpen(PathBuf::from(""), vec![]),
link_text: "{{#playpen }}",
fn test_find_playpens_complex_playpen() {
let s = "Some random text with {{#playpen editable}} and {{#playpen editable }}...";
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", find_playpens(s, "dir"));
assert!(find_playpens(s, "dir") ==
vec![Playpen {
start_index: 22,
end_index: 51,
rust_file: PathBuf::from("dir/"),
editable: true,
escaped: false,
Playpen {
start_index: 56,
end_index: 86,
rust_file: PathBuf::from("dir/"),
editable: true,
escaped: false,
fn test_find_playpens_escaped_playpen() {
fn test_find_links_escaped_link() {
let s = "Some random text with escaped playpen \\{{#playpen editable}} ...";
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", find_playpens(s, ""));
let res = find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", res);
assert!(find_playpens(s, "") ==
vec![Playpen {
start_index: 39,
end_index: 68,
rust_file: PathBuf::from(""),
editable: true,
escaped: true,
vec![Link {
start_index: 38,
end_index: 68,
link: LinkType::Escaped,
link_text: "\\{{#playpen editable}}",
fn test_find_playpens_with_properties() {
let s = "Some random text with escaped playpen {{#playpen editable }} and some more\n text {{#playpen editable no_run should_panic}} ...";
let res = find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", res);
vec![Link {
start_index: 38,
end_index: 68,
link: LinkType::Playpen(PathBuf::from(""), vec!["editable"]),
link_text: "{{#playpen editable }}",
Link {
start_index: 90,
end_index: 137,
link: LinkType::Playpen(PathBuf::from(""), vec!["editable", "no_run", "should_panic"]),
link_text: "{{#playpen editable no_run should_panic}}",
fn test_find_all_link_types() {
let s = "Some random text with escaped playpen {{#include}} and \\{{#contents are insignifficant in escaped link}} some more\n text {{#playpen editable no_run should_panic}} ...";
let res = find_links(s).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("\nOUTPUT: {:?}\n", res);
assert_eq!(res.len(), 3);
Link {
start_index: 38,
end_index: 58,
link: LinkType::Include(PathBuf::from("")),
link_text: "{{#include}}",
Link {
start_index: 63,
end_index: 112,
link: LinkType::Escaped,
link_text: "\\{{#contents are insignifficant in escaped link}}",
Link {
start_index: 130,
end_index: 177,
link: LinkType::Playpen(PathBuf::from(""), vec!["editable", "no_run", "should_panic"]),
link_text: "{{#playpen editable no_run should_panic}}",

View File

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ impl HtmlHandlebars {
debug!("[*]: Reading file");
f.read_to_string(&mut content)?;
// Parse for playpen links
// Parse and expand links
if let Some(p) = path.parent() {
content = preprocess::links::render_playpen(&content, p);
content = preprocess::links::replace_all(&content, p)?;
content = utils::render_markdown(&content,;

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use std::io::Read;
use std::fs::{self, File};
/// Takes a path to a file and try to read the file into a String
pub fn file_to_string(path: &Path) -> Result<String> {
pub fn file_to_string<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<String> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let mut file = match File::open(path) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => {