Override configuration using environment variables (#541)
* Added the ability to update config settings from env vars * Added tests * Documented that you can override configuration with environment variables * Refactored the config get() methods to use toml-query * Made the `Updateable` trait more generic
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ tempdir = "0.3.4"
itertools = "0.7.4"
tempfile = "2.2.0"
shlex = "0.1.1"
toml-query = "0.6"
# Watch feature
notify = { version = "4.0", optional = true }
@ -106,3 +106,43 @@ additional-js = ["custom.js"]
editor = "./path/to/editor"
editable = false
## Environment Variables
All configuration values van be overridden from the command line by setting the
corresponding environment variable. Because many operating systems restrict
environment variables to be alphanumeric characters or `_`, the configuration
key needs to be formatted slightly differently to the normal `foo.bar.baz` form.
Variables starting with `MDBOOK_` are used for configuration. The key is
created by removing the `MDBOOK_` prefix and turning the resulting
string into `kebab-case`. Double underscores (`__`) separate nested
keys, while a single underscore (`_`) is replaced with a dash (`-`).
For example:
- `MDBOOK_foo` -> `foo`
- `MDBOOK_FOO` -> `foo`
- `MDBOOK_FOO__BAR` -> `foo.bar`
- `MDBOOK_FOO_BAR` -> `foo-bar`
- `MDBOOK_FOO_bar__baz` -> `foo-bar.baz`
So by setting the `MDBOOK_BOOK__TITLE` environment variable you can
override the book's title without needing to touch your `book.toml`.
> **Note:** To facilitate setting more complex config items, the value
> of an environment variable is first parsed as JSON, falling back to a
> string if the parse fails.
> This means, if you so desired, you could override all book metadata
> when building the book with something like
> ```text
> $ export MDBOOK_BOOK="{'title': 'My Awesome Book', authors: ['Michael-F-Bryan']}"
> $ mdbook build
> ```
The latter case may be useful in situations where `mdbook` is invoked
from a script or CI, where it sometimes isn't possible to update the
`book.toml` before building.
@ -58,13 +58,15 @@ impl MDBook {
let config = if config_location.exists() {
let mut config = if config_location.exists() {
debug!("[*] Loading config from {}", config_location.display());
} else {
if log_enabled!(::log::Level::Trace) {
for line in format!("Config: {:#?}", config).lines() {
trace!("{}", line);
@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
//! Mdbook's configuration system.
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::env;
use toml::{self, Value};
use toml::value::Table;
use toml_query::read::TomlValueReadExt;
use toml_query::insert::TomlValueInsertExt;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use serde_json;
use errors::*;
/// The overall configuration object for MDBook.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Config {
/// Metadata about the book.
pub book: BookConfig,
pub build: BuildConfig,
rest: Table,
rest: Value,
impl Config {
@ -33,20 +39,74 @@ impl Config {
/// Updates the `Config` from the available environment variables.
/// Variables starting with `MDBOOK_` are used for configuration. The key is
/// created by removing the `MDBOOK_` prefix and turning the resulting
/// string into `kebab-case`. Double underscores (`__`) separate nested
/// keys, while a single underscore (`_`) is replaced with a dash (`-`).
/// For example:
/// - `MDBOOK_foo` -> `foo`
/// - `MDBOOK_FOO` -> `foo`
/// - `MDBOOK_FOO__BAR` -> `foo.bar`
/// - `MDBOOK_FOO_BAR` -> `foo-bar`
/// - `MDBOOK_FOO_bar__baz` -> `foo-bar.baz`
/// So by setting the `MDBOOK_BOOK__TITLE` environment variable you can
/// override the book's title without needing to touch your `book.toml`.
/// > **Note:** To facilitate setting more complex config items, the value
/// > of an environment variable is first parsed as JSON, falling back to a
/// > string if the parse fails.
/// >
/// > This means, if you so desired, you could override all book metadata
/// > when building the book with something like
/// >
/// > ```text
/// > $ export MDBOOK_BOOK="{'title': 'My Awesome Book', authors: ['Michael-F-Bryan']}"
/// > $ mdbook build
/// > ```
/// The latter case may be useful in situations where `mdbook` is invoked
/// from a script or CI, where it sometimes isn't possible to update the
/// `book.toml` before building.
pub fn update_from_env(&mut self) {
debug!("Updating the config from environment variables");
let overrides = env::vars().filter_map(|(key, value)| match parse_env(&key) {
Some(index) => Some((index, value)),
None => None,
for (key, value) in overrides {
trace!("{} => {}", key, value);
let parsed_value = serde_json::from_str(&value)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| serde_json::Value::String(value.to_string()));
self.set(key, parsed_value).expect("unreachable");
/// Fetch an arbitrary item from the `Config` as a `toml::Value`.
/// You can use dotted indices to access nested items (e.g.
/// `output.html.playpen` will fetch the "playpen" out of the html output
/// table).
pub fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&Value> {
let pieces: Vec<_> = key.split(".").collect();
recursive_get(&pieces, &self.rest)
match self.rest.read(key) {
Ok(inner) => inner,
Err(_) => None,
/// Fetch a value from the `Config` so you can mutate it.
pub fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, key: &str) -> Option<&'a mut Value> {
let pieces: Vec<_> = key.split(".").collect();
recursive_get_mut(&pieces, &mut self.rest)
match self.rest.read_mut(key) {
Ok(inner) => inner,
Err(_) => None,
/// Convenience method for getting the html renderer's configuration.
@ -80,10 +140,18 @@ impl Config {
/// The only way this can fail is if we can't serialize `value` into a
/// `toml::Value`.
pub fn set<S: Serialize, I: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, index: I, value: S) -> Result<()> {
let pieces: Vec<_> = index.as_ref().split(".").collect();
let index = index.as_ref();
let value =
Value::try_from(value).chain_err(|| "Unable to represent the item as a JSON Value")?;
recursive_set(&pieces, &mut self.rest, value);
if index.starts_with("book.") {
self.book.update_value(&index[5..], value);
} else if index.starts_with("build.") {
self.build.update_value(&index[6..], value);
} else {
self.rest.insert(index, value)?;
@ -122,73 +190,20 @@ impl Config {
cfg.build.build_dir = dest;
cfg.rest = table;
cfg.rest = Value::Table(table);
/// Recursively walk down a table and try to set some `foo.bar.baz` value.
/// If at any table along the way doesn't exist (or isn't itself a `Table`!) an
/// empty `Table` will be inserted. e.g. if the `foo` table didn't contain a
/// nested table called `bar`, we'd insert one and then keep recursing.
fn recursive_set(key: &[&str], table: &mut Table, value: Value) {
if key.is_empty() {
} else if key.len() == 1 {
table.insert(key[0].to_string(), value);
} else {
let first = key[0];
let rest = &key[1..];
// if `table[first]` isn't a table, replace whatever is there with a
// new table.
if table.get(first).and_then(|t| t.as_table()).is_none() {
table.insert(first.to_string(), Value::Table(Table::new()));
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
book: BookConfig::default(),
build: BuildConfig::default(),
rest: Value::Table(Table::default()),
let nested = table.get_mut(first).and_then(|t| t.as_table_mut()).unwrap();
recursive_set(rest, nested, value);
/// The "getter" version of `recursive_set()`.
fn recursive_get<'a>(key: &[&str], table: &'a Table) -> Option<&'a Value> {
if key.is_empty() {
return None;
} else if key.len() == 1 {
return table.get(key[0]);
let first = key[0];
let rest = &key[1..];
if let Some(&Value::Table(ref nested)) = table.get(first) {
recursive_get(rest, nested)
} else {
/// The mutable version of `recursive_get()`.
fn recursive_get_mut<'a>(key: &[&str], table: &'a mut Table) -> Option<&'a mut Value> {
// TODO: Figure out how to abstract over mutability to reduce copy-pasta
if key.is_empty() {
return None;
} else if key.len() == 1 {
return table.get_mut(key[0]);
let first = key[0];
let rest = &key[1..];
if let Some(&mut Value::Table(ref mut nested)) = table.get_mut(first) {
recursive_get_mut(rest, nested)
} else {
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Config {
fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(de: D) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, D::Error> {
let raw = Value::deserialize(de)?;
@ -228,26 +243,38 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Config {
Ok(Config {
book: book,
build: build,
rest: table,
rest: Value::Table(table),
impl Serialize for Config {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, s: S) -> ::std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
use serde::ser::Error;
let mut table = self.rest.clone();
let book_config = match Value::try_from(self.book.clone()) {
Ok(cfg) => cfg,
Err(_) => {
use serde::ser::Error;
return Err(S::Error::custom("Unable to serialize the BookConfig"));
table.insert("book".to_string(), book_config);
table.insert("book", book_config).expect("unreachable");
fn parse_env(key: &str) -> Option<String> {
const PREFIX: &str = "MDBOOK_";
if key.starts_with(PREFIX) {
let key = &key[PREFIX.len()..];
Some(key.to_lowercase().replace("__", ".").replace("_", "-"))
} else {
@ -346,6 +373,35 @@ impl Default for Playpen {
/// Allows you to "update" any arbitrary field in a struct by round-tripping via
/// a `toml::Value`.
/// This is definitely not the most performant way to do things, which means you
/// should probably keep it away from tight loops...
trait Updateable<'de>: Serialize + Deserialize<'de> {
fn update_value<S: Serialize>(&mut self, key: &str, value: S) {
let mut raw = Value::try_from(&self).expect("unreachable");
if let Ok(value) = Value::try_from(value) {
let _ = raw.insert(key, value);
} else {
if let Ok(updated) = raw.try_into() {
*self = updated;
impl<'de, T> Updateable<'de> for T
T: Serialize + Deserialize<'de>,
mod tests {
use super::*;
@ -518,4 +574,77 @@ mod tests {
let got: String = cfg.get_deserialized(key).unwrap();
assert_eq!(got, value);
fn parse_env_vars() {
let inputs = vec![
("FOO", None),
("MDBOOK_foo", Some("foo")),
("MDBOOK_FOO__bar__baz", Some("foo.bar.baz")),
("MDBOOK_FOO_bar__baz", Some("foo-bar.baz")),
for (src, should_be) in inputs {
let got = parse_env(src);
let should_be = should_be.map(|s| s.to_string());
assert_eq!(got, should_be);
fn encode_env_var(key: &str) -> String {
key.to_uppercase().replace('.', "__").replace("-", "_")
fn update_config_using_env_var() {
let mut cfg = Config::default();
let key = "foo.bar";
let value = "baz";
let encoded_key = encode_env_var(key);
env::set_var(encoded_key, value);
assert_eq!(cfg.get_deserialized::<String, _>(key).unwrap(), value);
fn update_config_using_env_var_and_complex_value() {
let mut cfg = Config::default();
let key = "foo-bar.baz";
let value = json!({"array": [1, 2, 3], "number": 3.14});
let value_str = serde_json::to_string(&value).unwrap();
let encoded_key = encode_env_var(key);
env::set_var(encoded_key, value_str);
cfg.get_deserialized::<serde_json::Value, _>(key).unwrap(),
fn update_book_title_via_env() {
let mut cfg = Config::default();
let should_be = "Something else".to_string();
assert_ne!(cfg.book.title, Some(should_be.clone()));
env::set_var("MDBOOK_BOOK__TITLE", &should_be);
assert_eq!(cfg.book.title, Some(should_be));
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ extern crate shlex;
extern crate tempdir;
extern crate tempfile;
extern crate toml;
extern crate toml_query;
@ -141,6 +142,10 @@ pub mod errors {
links {
TomlQuery(::toml_query::error::Error, ::toml_query::error::ErrorKind);
errors {
Subprocess(message: String, output: ::std::process::Output) {
description("A subprocess failed")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user